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File: 103 KB, 801x600, Shuri3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7294291 No.7294291 [Reply] [Original]

New Koihime Musou thread.

Old thread :

>> No.7294325
File: 128 KB, 806x632, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why we all love Sei!

she said: If a hero is only capable of loving one woman, he won't have the capability to love all his people. Therefore, isn't loving a lot of women a hero's job?

>> No.7294333

> And this is why we all love Sei!

Because she wears thigh highs and sandals?

>> No.7294338

>Question abou harem ending from previous thread
What I know is you need to see the three normal endings (aisha, rinrin, shuri) first and then finish the game one more time to get a "Think about everyone" choice and see the Harem ending. I'm not sure whether you need to complete all the sub-heroine route as well as by the time I saw all the three endings I've completed all the sub-heroine story but I think it's unecessary.

>> No.7294350

Because she's so playful and funny. Not to mention her "open-mindedness" when it comes to Kazuto's relationship with the girls

>> No.7294358

Oh please. Butterfly Mask >>> Sei.

>> No.7294361

But buttterfly mask IS sei![/spiler]

>> No.7294363

Alright, thanks.

>> No.7294385

Don't even try to pull that crap on me. I bet you're the same person who insists that Kaleido Ruby is Rin, too!

>> No.7294405
File: 33 KB, 634x115, fullofserpents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really the correct translation?
Total boner killer.

>> No.7294415

What's the original japanese line?

>> No.7294442

It's not like we didn't see that kind of stuff before.

>> No.7294456


>> No.7294470
File: 157 KB, 864x1200, 1293033566891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the one that comes to mind most of the time.

I'm sure I've seen other lines like that in VNs before.

>> No.7294484

I guess, I probably had too high expectations of a "professional" translation.

>> No.7295168

Where are the links to these save files that have been mentioned?

>> No.7295229

Man, I wanna fuck that touhou. Can I fuck her if I play the game?

>> No.7295240

It's not touhou you silly, it's a koihime.
Also little brown girl is the best koihime.

>> No.7295247
File: 665 KB, 1126x1600, white dragon splendid butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7295428

So if I play the game can I stick it in her?

>> No.7296357
File: 42 KB, 400x620, koihime_sei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.7296432
File: 257 KB, 1466x1334, senhime-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spear wielders are always the hottest.

>> No.7297048
File: 513 KB, 694x860, ba30e40378a050fe667309510ee30111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.7297071
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>> No.7297088

Alright, I've been playing the game for a solid 10 hours or so, and I just want to know:

Is there any more decision making other than the "Home Base" visits?

Also, if I visit a certain person, will it lower my points with another person if she shows up during that scene? (ie. Visit Shuri, gain points wit her, but lose points with someone else) Is that how it works?

>> No.7297093

>Is there any more decision making other than the "Home Base" visits?
There's one right at the end. Otherwise, no.

>Also, if I visit a certain person, will it lower my points with another person if she shows up during that scene? (ie. Visit Shuri, gain points wit her, but lose points with someone else) Is that how it works?
Nope. No points are lost

>> No.7297382
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>> No.7297388

If by little brown girl you mean little brown girl's older sister, then you're correct.

>> No.7297432

Slowbro here but can anyone link to the most recent version of the voice patch? My pirating wings have been somewhat clipped since Kureha was taken down.

>> No.7297624
File: 78 KB, 594x1005, 1299213533676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never too early to start learning.

>> No.7297739


Ín the game shes studying those books to please Kazuto, But since he's not in the anime. It kind of makes that scene a bit odd.

>> No.7297835
File: 280 KB, 800x576, kanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the anime any good?

>> No.7297846

Everything's pretty much played for laughs compared to the anime. As long as you can deal with everyone being implied to being obsessed with sex then you'll be fine.

>> No.7297847 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 252x264, already_knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL yea, i watched all 3 season, one a day

>> No.7297893
File: 701 KB, 1600x1200, Konachan.com - 53873 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, she sounds like a toddler. That's so... amusing

>> No.7297925
File: 86 KB, 958x877, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anime is pretty good.

It isn't really focusing much on the story. And Hongou Kazuto isn't in the anime. It's pretty much just about Kan'u and her friends traveling and fightan.

It's quite funny.

>> No.7297958

Its kind of surprising that the third ova and the chibi flash shorts havnt been translated yet.

I hope that the third ova is at least included in the sentai filmworks dvd. Then at least i can watch it with subs.

>> No.7297972

You mean the Otome tairan OVA?
What other extras are there? I know about that Live revolution or what it were called. Is it subbed?

>> No.7297997

Also, each season is better than the previous one.

Season three manages to include some decent action and actual yuri.

>> No.7298011
File: 26 KB, 430x430, kurokofloormonster92525503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Relevant to my interests.

>> No.7298053


Yeah the ova for otome tairan.

Plus theres also three chibi shorts.

Heres one of them


>> No.7298104

The chibi shorts are cool cause Kousonsan and Kayuu get some screentime in them.

>> No.7298136

anyone wanna start working on the translation of them? too lazy to do this shit alone

>> No.7298163

If only I knew Japanese.

>> No.7298196

Wow, that's one of the funniest thing I've ever watched. I suppose the other shorts are also floating somewhere in the interwebs?

>> No.7298219


You can find all three chibi shorts here, plus other neat stuff.

>> No.7298225

Haha, the part where Pairen is bragging about her true name and made Kayuu jealous because she doesn't have one is soo funny.

>> No.7298237

Oh, wow, thank you very much. Downloading immediately

>> No.7298318
File: 135 KB, 850x680, sample-e12905a34a649a52d457588b23101691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here here

>> No.7298855
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>> No.7300010
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>> No.7300309
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>> No.7300317

Hopefully there'll be a PC port so we can try this out

>> No.7300325

There are too many entertaining characters. Rin Rin and Ryofu in particular are killing me.

I wish Kousonsan would get more screentime, though.

>> No.7300365


This the right game?

>> No.7300367


for this I mean.

>> No.7300732

I'm don't know what's in the torrent but according to the website the arcade game will only be out on July 2011 so it can't be it.

>> No.7300744

I wonder what the strategist slot is for... Is there any info about this game? Or is the website everything we have?

>> No.7301152

>I wonder what the strategist slot is for

I would guess it enables various specials. Possibly (likely) just supers selection, possibly massive changes a-la Arcana Heart.

>> No.7301447
File: 1.26 MB, 1600x1200, 2012-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touka is so cute

>> No.7301705

I just gotta ask this:
Did anyone else notice that the translation just kind of goes to hell the further you get in the game? I'm using version 1.00 (because the last time I updated a mangagamer game it told me my product code was invalid meaning I had to buy another copy) and it all the grammar errors, misspellings and misnamed characters seem to be coming every other screen.

Also is Sonken's true name Renfa or Reifa? In the common route it's Renfa but in her route it's Reifa. This inconsistency drives me nuts.

I'm not too excited by the arcade game, it looks to use the same cheap-out, 3D animation for 2D that MvC3 did and I wasn't impressed by that. Also I can't for the life of me remember any games that RCI developed, while I think that Neo standard is the publisher I can't think of anything they've done either.
I'd definitely feel more confident if there was even one gameplay vid. Although I did hear that that the strategists were supposed to play like Arcana heart, giving various special abilities that you can switch on the fly.

On the plus side: The 10 character roster is comprised of most of my favorites: Aisha, Rinrin, Sei, Shuuran, Shunran, Sonken, Shaoren, Kannei,and Ren.

Also even in the Screen shots it looks better than Tinkle Queen. Which fills me with hope for at least mediocrity.

>> No.7301724

Dang it! I forgot to mention Karin was in it too, curse my wandering mind!

Oh yea and there is supposed to be location tests this month so we might hear something by the end of May about this game.

>> No.7301850


Its Renfa.

>> No.7302000

Did you notice all alliances are called Anti Toutaku Alliance? Even way after Toutaku has been defeated and i wouldn't make any sense for anybody to form an Anti Toutaku Alliance? MG really needs a QCer that does his job right.

>> No.7302016

Yeah. I noticed that the first alliance, against Toutaku was called Anti-Toutaku alliance.

While the one against Sousou? was called Anti-Toutaku -something- alliance.

>> No.7302050


Version 1.00?

Does that mean there's an updated script version?

>> No.7302052

Thanks! That cleared it up! I just wish I didn't find her so darn adorable

YEA! Then there's the Anti-Toutaku Anti-Tontaku Alliance with Renfa against Gi. Then there's the 2nd to last time event with Shion where it repeats the dialog once with Hakuto then with Shion

Then there's the start of Renfa's route where there's a buffer overflow error that causes the last line to be placed above the rest of the text, outside the box.

Then there's the numerous misspellings and errors let alone the grammar error. Also in order for them to speak formally they should never EVER use contractions, that's like formal writing 101. In addition to the fact that they switch between Shakespearian English and Medieval English.

You can't save mid/pre-battle or even exit unless you Alt+F4, the battles are odd, sometimes you do less damage other times more.

This really didn't feel like a final product from a company, this felt more like a final product from some rogue translation group. I wouldn't mind as much if it were that way, although mainly because I wouldn't have had to spend any money.

>> No.7302079

I think so, I'm assuming because when I first booted it up it came up with version 1.00 on the header for a minute, then disappeared. I'm assuming there's updates out there somewhere.

>> No.7302217
File: 406 KB, 840x1220, 1304395643141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least it's an improvement from their earlier works.

Going from "OH GOD WHAT IS THIS KILL IT WITH FIRE" to "Who's doing QC? Lobotomized monkeys?" might not be much, but still...

>> No.7302256
File: 215 KB, 816x635, vvvvvvvvvvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one.
Maybe some new onomatopoeia that I haven't heard of?

>> No.7302346

Kazuto motorboating Sui, obviously

>> No.7302394

So that's what it is, I thought maybe it was the editor falling a sleep while holding ctrl+V

>> No.7302427

Does anyone know where to find all the sprites, CGs and so on?

>> No.7302434


I'd say just google Koihime musou cg and see what comes up. Thats how I go mine.

Just might take a bit of searching.

>> No.7302444

speaking of onomatopoeia anyone else find it weird that the kissing noise was *smack*?

I thought it was weird, the first time it happened was something like this:

>Kazuto is yelling at Aisha
>"And now this I do as a man *smack*"
... why is Aisha giving him bedroom eyes after being smacked? This game is weird.

>> No.7302450

>smack as kissing anomatoepia
Actually I've seen this several times in American comics and such (Archie comes to mind)

>> No.7302455

I can never spell onomatopoeia correctly

>> No.7302496

I agree that it is common, I just find it out of place since with comics if two characters are going to kiss they both lean in and *smack*. You can see the intention of the characters' bodies from the art and the onomatopoeia from the words. The marriage between the two is perfect.

With a VN you can't see the character's interaction, you can only see the mood of the character that is not the MC. Hence there needs to be a greater emphasis on the appropriate words to convey what's supposed to be happening. *smack* is an awkward choice since it has too many potential meanings. Although *smeck* would be perfectly acceptable if they were all monster-girls.

also I can't spell onomatopoeia correctly either, spell check helps me out though

>> No.7302514


I can't really think of any other words to use instead of smack.

>> No.7302515

I remember when I was like 7 year olds and smack was used for kiss in Dragon Warrior 3 and I thought she was smacking the guy

>> No.7302522

smooch, chuu (this one's japanese though), *kiss*

>> No.7302525


>> No.7302544

kiss (oddly enough it is one, just used so much that we forgot it was)
smak (Dropping the c changes the word but doesn't drastically change the implied sound)

>> No.7302870

I have encountered few things more unnerving than listening to Norio Wakamoto hit on me. It feels so wrong, and yet...

>> No.7304249
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 61DQS9YENmL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know what you mean, Another reason why I hope shin koihime musou gets translated one day.

I want to see that side story dedicated to Chousen and freinds.

>> No.7304866

Have Norio Wakamoto done any other works in the eroge-genre?

>> No.7304870

Quite a lot. He was also the 'father' in Family Project.
Never done an ero-scene, as far as I know. Which is a shame, you just know that if he did one of those CDs that people would buy it.
Mainly girls.

>> No.7305118


Hes not only awesome in eroges by the way.

>> No.7305120

Is the commander in MLU/MLA him? They sound similar...

>> No.7305237


>> No.7305300


>> No.7305540
File: 108 KB, 800x600, chousen-kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I just found he voiced cell in the japanese version of dragonball z.

Now when I think of cell, Ill think of this.

>> No.7306043
File: 134 KB, 850x637, 13051253236433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow...that facial expression...

>> No.7306074

>Never done an ero-scene, as far as I know.
Someone said he did in a thread some weeks ago, though I don't remember the name of the game. It's probably in the archives.

>> No.7306086

I still wonder a way to either rip or find the sprites. CGs were a bit easier to find as mentioned.

Also. I found these videos on their home page.

What are they about?

>> No.7308298

Well mangagamer has just sold 800 copies, still a long way to get a official voice patch.

I really hope they can make 1000 or more before the year ends.

Maybe then they will release Shin koihime musou without voices.

>> No.7308388

What game is their best seller so far?

>> No.7308410

While more translations are nice, it would be nicer if they would release a translated product on par with what fan translators do for free.

>> No.7308979
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>> No.7309010 [DELETED] 

Screw that. They ought to do more, faster, crappier and leave important stuff like making sense to some autistic /jp/er who feels compelled to right all that is wrong for free.

>> No.7309024


Koihime, by a rather large margin. (Large by English VN standards.)

I do wonder about our chances tosee Shin in English though. KM sold well, but is it well enough to make up for the higher localization costs? And would Baseson be willing to release another voiceless game? - Chances are they have an emotional commitment to their works and they MIGHT not want to see it butchered up for financial reasons...

>> No.7309553

I recall seeing people talk how MG sold about 1200 of Shuffle.

>> No.7309633

Who's the girl next to Sei?

>> No.7309639

Liu Bei

>> No.7309843
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, Sengoku Otome Momoiro Paradox - 01 - Large 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else think of koihime musou when seeing this anime.

would be awesome to see a crossover withkoihime musou and Sengoku otome one day.

It worked for dynasty warriors and samurai warriors.

>> No.7309857

Well they had the same developers, etcetera.

Also. I'm still too bad at finding sprites. I am thinking on cutting out everyone from the invidiual wallpapers. But that's gonna take quite some time.

>> No.7309888

When genderbent historic figures are involved, everyone should think of koihime musou, but yeah, I do think about it while watching sengokuy otome. Not as good as koihime, but watchable.

>would be awesome to see a crossover withkoihime musou and Sengoku otome one day.

You would need to leave a lot of koihime girls out to balance the character roster, but yeah, it would be awesome. Just imagine Sengoku's Nobunaga fighting Ryofu, Enshou and co. together with Yoshimoto (the archer ojou-sama) or the moe resulting from having Rinrin and Hideyoshi in the same room.

>> No.7309897

It would be awesome... but Nobunaga isn't into guys, so that would not be as awesome... I hated that one route, it's like "Try to get your girlfriend into a threesome, even though she is clearly weirded out and not enjoying it."

Wait, are you talking about Sengoku Otome and Koihime Musou? Because they aren't made by the same company... In fact one of them is based on a Pachinko game while the other is based on a Visual Novel.

Unless you meant Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors, because they already did that, it's called Warriors Orochi

>> No.7309926

I'm saddened that there isn't a Shuuyu/Sonsaku threesome in Moeshoden. I'm also wondering why there's no new Kan'u scenes in it either just browsing the CG's..maybe the VA doesn't want to do ero anymore?

>> No.7309928

I meant Samurai and Dynasty warriors.
KOEI made them both. So it was nothing odd of them making a game with both in it.

I really doubt Baseson and whoever that made Sengoku otome would join together.

>> No.7309954


Thats kind of wierd if its true, Kan'u is in the intro, so you'd think there would be some new cg scenes with her.


>> No.7309970

I would play the hell out of a Koihime Basara game.
Double the Wakamoto
Double the fun

>> No.7309976

Where can I find an english patch for this game?

>> No.7309982


>> No.7309990

Because of you I'm lurking around the Sengoku Otome site, I find it funny that in Japan before the show even stops airing it's already got a DVD Blu-ray release date. Meanwhile in America it's a crap shoot.

Although I have to say those original designs are pretty... misshapen.

Mangagamer already released it in English so most downloads you find will be in English, it's another matter entirely whether or not they'll have voices though.

>> No.7310050

i remember about 2ch making a shitstorm about no kan'u eroscenes in moeshoden.

>> No.7310069


Well that sucks then, Shes like the best main character in my opinion.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to not include ero scenes for her in the final game.

>> No.7312110
File: 304 KB, 620x876, 050a647ef70aee991af732c712fcc6ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, some Ryofu and Chinkyuu goodness to keep this thread going.

>> No.7312267
File: 56 KB, 600x450, koihime_musou_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever played the ps2 version of koihime musou?

It has new endings and cgs like this one here for instance.

>> No.7312310
File: 125 KB, 396x351, WHY258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ps2 version of a nukige

>> No.7312913

Isn't the PS2 version just a VN not a eroge?

>> No.7313172


Yeah they removed all the sex scenes for the ps2 version.

Since sony is against sex and what not.

>> No.7313383

Well I guess it's pretty alright. I mean it's not uncommon that eroges have h-free versions. To appeal a broader playerbase.

>> No.7313552

I guess the psp games are also sex free then.

Kind of cool that theres three version, one for each kingdom.

>> No.7313664

Even if it's technically a nukige it's still a very pleasant read even without the h-scenes so why not?

>> No.7313933
File: 239 KB, 1024x685, b62b11eb7f61f7233bc78c1ca221de6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this scene from any of the games?

>> No.7313961

Is there anyone translating Shin Koihime Musou?

>> No.7314005

Yeah, I translated 85% of it, but I'm taking a break now so editing can catch up. Expect it translated in a month or so.

>> No.7314027

Funny anon!

>> No.7314643
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>> No.7316174
File: 288 KB, 894x1108, 6196f897962369a8b2a6b4173c561b11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People sure like making Gien fan art

>> No.7316687
File: 189 KB, 707x1000, previewd66aeacde970e3010816754e1830bc29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thought Id post this to go along with your picture.

>> No.7317623
File: 459 KB, 1264x1561, 1300560653237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7317989
File: 79 KB, 680x510, f1aecac734a18eb0d05963622090ce90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved seeing these two get it on together.

>> No.7318499
File: 601 KB, 604x636, Toka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7318506
File: 441 KB, 467x647, Aisha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7318822
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, 5101413491fed66ad8021308ea167fc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7320382

Didn't see this in Koihime so maybe shin or moeshoden?

>> No.7320680
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 403323475_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here bought any of the figures?

Cause I some on ebay and there quite pricey, so i was wandering if its worth it or not.

>> No.7320917

I haven't bought any. Some of them does not look that great and usually are a bit H. Which I am not interested in.

Looks good though.

>> No.7321684
File: 689 KB, 850x958, 1303572747799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7322033
File: 33 KB, 500x498, 95_516opYy4CpPp2BL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm actually selling this one, it's was put on display some time, but its in perfect condition, I'm selling her for $ 130 usd+shipping, I think it's a good price, since I saw her on ebay for $ 320 usd and it's also pretty big

>> No.7322576

Well thanks to koihime musou, Dynasty warriors will never be the same for me anymore.

Im currently playing number 7, and I hope they make an empires version of it.

Cause Im so going to make the koihime musou cast if it has a create a character function.

>> No.7322590

W8 so it is actually is playable game? I played it for 2-3h and give up cause it was boring and easy as hell for "strategy game".

>> No.7322608

The gameplay isn't exactly the appeal here.

>> No.7322618

Instead of the story or the gameplay, the main draw is the interaction with the characters. So if you like the cast of characters, it's more than worth it to read, but if you can't seem to get attached then there's no real point. Fortunately (at least to me) there was a diverse and entertaining list of girls to talk with.

>> No.7322671
File: 144 KB, 344x350, 1303250550926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The appeal is you exert your dominance over maidens who are clearly better than you by fucking them into submission. Except for Chouhi. She's a pig.

>> No.7322834

But Rin Rin was the best of the three heroines, so yeah.

>> No.7322936


I personally loved doing her route.

It became quite the emotional ride near the end. Those that have played the game will know what i mean.

>> No.7322995

Looks like Baseson is making a Koihime sengoku game in the future.

Plus I wonder what that sample picture with Minmei means?


>> No.7323285

Maybe a mixture game of romance of the three kingdoms and Sengoku jidai?

I doubt that.

But still. Would be fun. But I guess the only reason she's there is because she uses a Katana. Or atleast similiar weapon.

>> No.7323313

Will they get Wakamoto back to do the voice of Nohime or Oichi?

>> No.7323366

They are... auditioning? For VAs I assume?

>> No.7323390

Maybe Senhime. A cross-over between this game and Sengoku Basara would be pretty amusing.

>> No.7323413

inb4 cottage

>> No.7325534
File: 127 KB, 485x600, 16262526_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7326219
File: 49 KB, 468x286, koihime-musou (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7326669
File: 116 KB, 720x720, 1303702708155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7326685

I haven't played the "game" yet, but how are the routes?
Is it one per faction or different routes per girl?

>> No.7326705

There's only one main route in Koihime Musou but while playing through the main route you will get "Home Base Phase"s where you can choose 2 out of 3 main girls and 3 out of many sub-heroines to interact with and basically do teire "route". In one playthrough you can complete 2 main heroine stories and about ~5 sub-heroine stories

>> No.7326944
File: 104 KB, 806x632, kachou kamen intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Called by a pitiful flower, a beautiful butterfly has now descended! My name is Blooming Butterfly Mask! Bringing beauty and love to this chaotic world, I will become the personification of justice!

>> No.7327016


And thats why she's one of the best characters in the whole game.

It always cracked me up when she played super heroe.

>> No.7327081

Okay the game works on this principle, play through the story, home base phase, pick which girl you want to go out with and go through their event. There's no affection meter and girls don't get angry at you for dating other girls.

Although this causes some weird scenarios where you'll get accused of sleeping with another girl despite never even so much as hovering your mouse over her yet sometimes you'll never get accused of sleeping with a girl you're actually sleeping with. It's weird.

If you want to go the faction route the PSP versions have different factions based on the version you get and I think Moeshuuden has it so you pick which country you get dropped in. I'm not sure since I can't read Japanese.

Dang it, why won't this post, is 4chan going full retard?

>> No.7327477

Im seriously considering learning japanese just to be able to play these games sooner. But of course thats easier said than done.

Since it probably takes a couple of years to learn the whole language.

>> No.7327774

Shin has you decide what country you support.
Moeshouden is everybody is friendly with everybody lets have happy sex.

>> No.7327946
File: 194 KB, 1024x688, 1303572456678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Happy sex is the best kind of sex

>> No.7327996


>> No.7328007

>learned japanese for ~6 months
>is now playing shin with ITH+TA help
>understands 98% of what's written in the game

feels good man

No, I'm not using ATLAS or any other automatic translation bullshit, don't bother nagging me about them

>> No.7329767
File: 112 KB, 800x600, Shin_Koihime_Musou_All_Char_by_dodiandgajul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7329862
File: 426 KB, 1600x1200, 042157a62cd660b87192695ed1df2355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6 months sounds doable, thanks for the info.

>> No.7330236

Can anyone upload that wallpaper pack on Mediafire or similiar?
The wallpaper pack you get with Shin Koihime that is.

>> No.7330336 [DELETED] 

estimated time remaining: 20 minutes

>> No.7330517


>> No.7330976
File: 365 KB, 1600x1200, 医者王&漢女登場記念_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7331306
File: 318 KB, 550x550, 000153864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Pick whichever kingdom you want
> Pick Wu
> Day 1 relationship with Renfa all day everyday

Suddenly, I'm ticked that my Japanese classes don't start till September.

>> No.7331368

> Pick whichever kingdom you want
> Pick Wu
> Fall in love with Sheren, get screwed over.

>> No.7331443
File: 1.76 MB, 1062x1505, 1299132774893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meirin is still the best.

And her ending hurt. A lot. Well, at least she's happy with Sheren.

>> No.7331494

I'll give you that, even though the game really wanted me to hate her

> Be a smug snake who is obviously going to betray your leader
> Constantly manipulate and harass your leader into making mistakes
> Take over the second your leader is too far away and too busy to fight back
> Possess the longest and toughest battle in the entirety of Koihime (Seriously, every other turn she either gains allies and does a high damage unblockable attack or she does a high damage semi-blockable attack, one of two fights I lost till I had enough guys to just steam roll)
> Why?
> She did it all to fulfill the dream of the person she loves the most.

I wanted to hate her so much at the end of all that but dang it all, then I just felt bad.

>> No.7331628

She's a total bro in Shin.

Sheren > Minmei > Sai/Meirin

>> No.7331633

I may not have any figures, Buy My Shin koihime musou guide book came in the mail today.

Itll be great help for if i decide to make some fan art. Cause we could always use some more fan art, and fanfiction for that matter.

I could like almost no fanfiction for this.

>> No.7331854


Oops, I meant find almost no fanfiction for this, that was any good at least.

>> No.7331949

Yea, i think that's because it's in this weird place where they are making enough actual content for it so most people don't feel pressured into making their own. I have seen a couple of doujins around but they seem to focus on making up for the lack of 3P than anything else.

>> No.7331952

>She's a total bro

>> No.7331988

Is it the shin koihime musou all generals' file book with touka/karin/sonken/an a couple other general in the cover? What's in it? Is there new artworks and stuff?

>> No.7332029


It has Ryuubi, Kan'u and Chouhi on the cover.

It has mostly game cg and stuff in it. But It has some art thats not in the game.

Plus lots of character info and story stuff, but since its in japanese I cant really read it. I bought it mostly for the artwork and sketches.

>> No.7332076

>Girls can't be bros
You just haven't met such a girl, they're really rare

>> No.7332159

For a lack of a better word yeah "bro".

>> No.7334263
File: 22 KB, 300x225, Koihime-Musou (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7334459
File: 413 KB, 600x450, 16807077_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta love crossovers

>> No.7334472

Darry is the only decent girl from ttgl, in that she has a dfc over cowtits.

>> No.7334473

Gotta love Izuna being M-sized.

>> No.7335332
File: 12 KB, 240x240, 28476303pq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I've got a question I finally unlocked Rikuson and started doing her route. Why is she so terrible? I mean does her route get better because it started off with "Oh no I fell asleep reading a book, better screw someone." That and she's still a virgin when you meet her, I couldn't have been the only guy who had ever been near her after reading a book, so it doesn't make any sense.

So what I'm asking is, does she get any better or is keeping a dick warm the only thing she can do?

>> No.7335333
File: 814 KB, 800x600, Enshou5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.7335363


I think thats pretty much it for her, simce her route is only one scene if im not mistaken.

>> No.7335373

big faggot here, i want to play this VN but where to start and where to find this?

>> No.7335375

Yeah, her route is only one scene

>> No.7335380


check the comments on that page too

>> No.7335383

Huh, well that sucks, most of the girls at least have definite personalities and are interesting all she seems to have is being a ditzy book reader. If she only has one scene then her whole character does nothing except make Renfa jealous at you. That's kind of a waste.

I wonder if she gets better in Shin.

Oh hey! Did anyone hear anything new about that fighting game?

>> No.7335403


She definatly has more scenes in shin koihime musou, it helps that each faction has there own storyline.

Thus allowing the minor characters to have more screentime.

>> No.7335464 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 806x632, shuri hinari practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I'm amazed at how dilligent these two strategists are at "studying"

>> No.7335472

More like Pang Tongue, am I right?

>> No.7335642
File: 201 KB, 600x450, 17286544_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol look what I found on pixiv

>> No.7335793
File: 80 KB, 801x601, iishe toshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7335803

Actually, something like that happened to you recently, although not with amiami. Oh God that's like realta nua malice worm shit right there man.

>> No.7336389


anyone know what they are saying here?

>> No.7336547
File: 96 KB, 806x632, gengan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wha... is this... gunblade??

>> No.7336576

...a blade inside a gun ontop of another blade.

>> No.7336672 [DELETED] 

The pic is a little hard to read so I might read some words wrongly and my japanese is not that fantastic but here goes:

Well, Let's begin the Kyube hunt!
Tonight's dinner is Kyube hot pot!

Know the hatred felt by pretty girls!
Hear our requiem for the dead people!
We should cut open a hole through this kind of bastard
Or should we just write his name in the Death Note?

ど。。どうして(can't read kanji)ばっかり?
Why is it only (can't read kanji)?
Sigh, I don't understand humans...

>> No.7336737 [DELETED] 

The pic is a little hard to read so I might read some words wrongly and my japanese is not that fantastic but here goes:

Well, Let's begin the Kyube hunt!
Tonight's dinner is Kyube hot pot!

Know the hatred felt by pretty girls!
I'll let you hear our requiem for the dead people!
We should just cut open a hole through this kind of bastard right here!
Or should we just write his name in the Death Note?

ど。。どうして(can't read kanji)ばっかり?
Why is it only (can't read kanji)?
Sigh, I don't understand humans...

>> No.7336743

The pic is a little hard to read so I might read some words wrongly and my japanese is not that fantastic but here goes:

Well, Let's begin the Kyube hunt!
Tonight's dinner is Kyube hot pot!

Know the hatred felt by pretty girls!
I'll let you hear our requiem for the dead people!
We should just cut open a hole through this kind of bastard right here!
Or should we just write his name in the Death Note?

ど。。どうして(can't read kanji)ばっかり?
Why is it only (can't read kanji)?
Sigh, I don't understand humans...

>> No.7338256


Wow thats like something straight out of final fantasy.

>> No.7338293

looks like a pile bunker sword

>> No.7339163
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, 1299947910510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7339191

Pretty sure it's 僕ばっかり (always me)

>> No.7339417
File: 230 KB, 1083x755, 1294636378183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect, /jp/?

>> No.7339453

It's just the way she is anon.

>> No.7339556


Damn shes fine in that bunny dress.

>> No.7339864
File: 231 KB, 985x710, [animepaper.net]picture-standard-anime-koihime-musou-sousou-and-three-friends-fight-139806-marcus91-preview-43964769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7340285
File: 452 KB, 1333x1000, preview7d2c50427af77acb7da4f241734413e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought Id join the Karin-sama worshipping as well

>> No.7340311
File: 434 KB, 1400x875, 1283790085018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7340375

just done Koihime musou, it was quite enjoyable
so, can anyone tell me what's the difference between KM, Shin KM and moeshouden ? (that's all of them right?) (aside of >>7327774)

>> No.7340451

> (aside of >>7327774)
but that's the answer. What more do you need?

>> No.7340539

well, extra CG/route(by that I mean is there more heroine for the main route or something like that for shu)/bigger resolution/battle system/blahblah ?
basically, anything that's different

>> No.7340549

and revised (H)CG or not, since many of them in KM look quite QUALITY

>> No.7340576

Shin Koihime Musou is pretty much the same gameplay wise.
You choose a country, Wu, wei or shu. Then it's a linear game/story with a few battles here and there. While between there are the home base phases just like in the first game.

The story is overall different. Even if you play as Shu in Shin Koihime Musou will you notice it is really different from the first game. It does follow the romance of the three kingdom story, i.e yellow turbans in the beginning and later on Anti-Dong zhou, etcetera.
But other than that is the story and all pretty new.

Shin Koihime also contains alot more new characters, there is new CGs and so on. Not sure if they re-used the old CGs? except for backgrounds and sprites.

There is also a new battle "overhaul". The graphics and overall battle game-play have been improved and are now much more fun. But it is still pretty much the rock-paper-scissors theme.

>> No.7340723

thanks, what about moeshouden ?

>> No.7343614
File: 179 KB, 703x1000, [animepaper.net]picture-standard-anime-koihime-musou-2008-fantasy-wind-119090-anubis007-preview-30c0b9f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7344297
File: 253 KB, 600x450, 12911463_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7344647
File: 93 KB, 806x632, kachou kamen born.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kachou Kamen Uppercut!

>> No.7344828
File: 150 KB, 406x480, 1298586873353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7344838

Also. This song:

>> No.7344910


>> No.7345384
File: 94 KB, 806x632, shuri hinari study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7346752
File: 50 KB, 400x266, karin2_re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7347574

Those two sure are diligent.

>> No.7347953

i wonder if anyone who has shin km ripped or could rip the sprites from it. i have all of them from the original km, but not the extra ones and new characters from shin, and don't really want to download the entire game for them.

they can be accessed with extractdata, at least in the first km btw.

>> No.7347966

I would want the sprites also but. I don't really know how to rip.
Nor how to use the program you just mentioned.

>> No.7347973

give me a link and I'll try to rip it for you

>> No.7348160


>> No.7348502

Tried opening the .arc files with it but nothing came out (even tried enabling simple decryption in the options but still nothing) so unless I need some plugins or something I don't think it can extract the images out of the files.

>> No.7349513

Do you mind sharing?

Also, shin Koihime is quite extraordinary. You should try it out.

>> No.7349565

Thats a fantastic picture of Sei

>> No.7350558

playing KM the second time, trying other girls route
is it just me, or almost every girl is quite lovable ?
tsk, this make me want to play Shin KM even more

>> No.7350835

so they changed the formats then, i guess. in 1 the images were all in the lcsebody file.

maybe this will help.
a tool from the westside cd tool sets.

>> No.7351350

Alright, this one works. I think it'll take sometime for it to extract everything so I'll let you know when it finished extracting and I start uploading the results somewhere.

>> No.7351662
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, woodencube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe Wakamoto voiced these wooden cubes this week on Nichijiou.

>> No.7351890

>is it just me, or almost every girl is quite lovable
it's not just you. Heck, KM even managed to make the likes of Reiha likable

>> No.7351909

Wait. So you don't think Reiha is the best?

>> No.7351921 [DELETED] 

Wow, Reiha was the only one I hated.
Although, her home base scenes as a whole were definitely my favorite since they focused on more than just moe and ero. Also, Bunshu's bow.

>> No.7351969

Reiha scenes were awesome, then they fagged it all up with futa. I raged so hard. ;_;

>> No.7352008

Is it just me or the MC is really pathetic?

I love the game, I actually like it much more than Sengoku, but main guy feels unnecessary and forced.

The only time he was useful so far was the very beginning when villagers made the army to fight the bandits. And that was only because of his shiny clothes.

I can understand why he was removed in the anime.

>> No.7352077

Well plot-wise you can understand why he's "bad" he isn't as strong as the ordinary people back in that time, he probably don't know much about warfare, economics and so on. Since it were very different back then.

He only exists for the story and harem

>> No.7352099

He's a figurehead, largely. He also has THE GLAND so the women want him to stay regardless of his usefulness.

>> No.7352126 [DELETED] 

I'm sure some of his accomplishments were mentioned in passing during the game.
Or at least, I vaguely remember thinking he was going to try and make a Great Society during one of the home bases.
I can't quite remember when or why, there was so little attention given to it.

>> No.7352127


Other than reinforcements after the lost battles this is my only complain about this game.

It can be really annoying how girls fall for the MC when he's just being useless.

>> No.7352203

So why exactly did/does MG need to pay the VAs in order to use their voices? They've already been paid for their work, and since they're just paid workers and not the original creators they shouldn't get any royalties.

>> No.7352214 [DELETED] 

>Voice actors are not the creators of their own voice.

>> No.7352225

It's just a voice, nothing more. The scriptwriters and scenario designers should get royalties, but the VAs did nothing more than read lines that someone else wrote for them.

>> No.7352240

Go and read it unvoiced then.

>> No.7352244

i cant tell if youre trolling or just fucking stupid

>> No.7352306

Royalties are something paid to a creative artist when something they created is used in a commercial fashion. Are you really calling voice actors creative artists? They're just hired workers. Sure there's skill involved, but no creativity.

>> No.7352311 [DELETED] 

>Royalties (sometimes, running royalties, or private sector taxes) are usage-based payments made by one party (the "licensee") and another (the "licensor") for ongoing use of an asset, sometimes an intellectual property (IP).

>> No.7352319

That still doesn't make the situation any more reasonable. The VAs came in to the studio, did their job, and were paid for it. They should have no further entitlement.

>> No.7352415

From what I know they signed a contract with the VAs (or their agents) which does not include permission to use the voice for international distribution. When Baseson struck a deal with MG they went to the VAs/their agents to get permission for international distribution but the VAs/agents asked paymen for it which Baseson does not think justiied unless KH sells above 2000 copies

>> No.7352443 [DELETED] 

Four things:
1. Answering >>7352203. Reason isn't the issue here. In voicing the game, MangaGamer is making use of an asset. This is an asset they need to pay for. Whether or not the actors should get royalties is irrelevant. That's just how it's done.

2. Elaborating on >>7352311. Mineral rights. Fucking DNA patents. Royalties are not paid for making commercial use of another's assets. Creativity is a limiting case of this. Creativity is an asset, but so is property. So is skill. Wikipedia states (and this is corroborated by other, more reputable internet sources as well) that royalties MAY BE paid for intellectual properties. What is your reasoning for wanting to limit it SOLELY to intellectual property?

3. I want to say that voice acting does involve quite a bit of creativity, but having no experience in the area, I can only make it an aside.

4. "They've already been paid for their work." You demonstrate an extraordinary amount of knowledge on the inner workings of eroge companies. You could be right, but I find it hard to believe you aren't just assuming or basing this on hearsay.

>> No.7352468

Alright, finally done extracting and I'm going to start uploading them to MF very soon (as soon as I finish compressing them). comnArc_ contains a couple of effects image, h_ contains character sprites, image_ contains images used in the title/battles/character select screens and stuff, p_ contains event cgs.

The whole thing is about 2gigs (uncompressed) so it might take my connection one or two days to upload everything. You will be able to find the files at http://www.mediafire.com/?93c2hr5wb015d when they finish uploading.


>> No.7352502

Oh, and if anybody's interested, the tool also extracts sound effects and voices (but not background music it seems) which are in ogg format. I'm not going to upload those though.

>> No.7352734

Does the images have a transparent background or?

But anyhow. I await your glorious upload.

>> No.7352770

if they're like in original km, they don't, but there's an extra alpha layer image that's applied on them to make them transparent.

>> No.7352998
File: 371 KB, 800x600, tcg_ryo52aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a sample. I... think it's transparent?

>> No.7353016

That it is. Glorious.

>> No.7353025


Holy crap Kachou Ryofu, Is Chou Shiryuu puuting together her own sentai team?

>> No.7353047

Aslong you don't convert it to .jpeg that is. you should keep it as .png.

>> No.7353084 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 806x632, kachou kamen troupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it (pic related). Btw here's what they're called:

Sei (星) is Hoshi Kachou (星華蝶)/Star Butterfly
Ren (恋) is Koi Kachou (恋華蝶)/Love Butterfly
Shuri (朱里) is Ake Kachou (朱華蝶)/Scarlet Butterfly


according to text Sei's mask color is yellow, Ren red and shuri blue.

>> No.7353092

don't worry I didn't do that

>> No.7353094
File: 163 KB, 650x600, lcsebody_001821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then what about chousen whose mask is red?

>> No.7353102

He... hasn't appeared yet, not even in the main story.

>> No.7353103


In the first game they did sort of a kamen rider thing where Sei was Ichigo and Chousen was Nigo.

>> No.7353424

He only appears in the Omake route, there is a kachou kamen event though!

>> No.7354518

Anyone here has a working link for the soundtrack or single for the first game? All torrent links I found are dead.

>> No.7356287

I'm interested in this too. OSTs for shin/moeshoden is also welcome

>> No.7356912

I'm uploading the bgm folders from Shin and Moeshouden. Shin has most if not all tunes from original game except for op/ed. The files are in ogg format though so you'll have to change it yourself if you cant play that since I'm to lazy to do that.

>> No.7356949



>> No.7356961

Right so I beat Koihime a little while ago and now I'm doing an All-loli-and-Enshou run through in order to get the Harem ending. Dear lord do I feel like a pedophile, especially with Chouhi's route. I did Shuri's route before hand since I had two visits and I couldn't see Aisha twice but, I did not feel as much of a pedophile as I do with Chouhi. Heck even Yue and Ei didn't make me feel this bad, because I could just play it off as oh you're having sex with a short shy girl and her tsundere friend. With Chouhi, it's like nope not even going to pretend with that.
Now I'm about 2 Home bases away from unlocking the Go twins. This will not end well.

Actually he's an able leader, decent administrator and he does something that's incredibly rare in Chinese History: he gets a group of talented people together and lets them do what their best at without interference. Heck thanks to his policies and kindness he avoids rebellions by simply not trying to tax the people of conquered lands through the nose in addition to his cursory knowledge of History he's able to implement bureaucratic reforms hundreds of years before they'd normally be available. He's not a great leader but being average with tested ideas and great subordinates helps.

>> No.7356987

Actually he's an able leader, decent administrator and he does something that's incredibly rare in Chinese History: he gets a group of talented people together and lets them do what their best at without interference. Heck thanks to his policies and kindness he avoids rebellions by simply not trying to tax the people of conquered lands through the nose in addition to his cursory knowledge of History he's able to implement bureaucratic reforms hundreds of years before they'd normally be available. He's not a great leader but being average with tested ideas and great subordinates helps.

oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh harder.

>> No.7357022

You're inability to properly quote aside, yea I am. I mean I took a couple of classes on Chinese History (here's a hint: Regardless of how cute and nerdy the TA is and how attractive the teacher is, nothing will ever come of taking a class in something you're only mildly interested in) and about a third of all of Chinese History reads: Someone had a really good idea, but because the guy in charge didn't like it, no one did anything with it and it was quickly forgotten. That's why China, despite being one of the leading users/manufacturers of Gunpowder did not actually think to use it for guns till the Europeans showed up.

>> No.7357068
File: 33 KB, 450x361, 128966902993424245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just finished Koihime for the first time and I have a question, What the heck was up with that ending? I mean it's either brilliant or a massive cop out. On the plus side it pretty much explains why the girls will get angry at you for sleeping around with another girl even when you haven't tried out that girl's route because

It pretty much states that you were never in control of Hongou Kazuto since he was simply the character in an alternative time-line free to do whatever the time-line said he did, hence since sleeping with all the girls was pre-determined he slept with all the girls regardless of how many girls you saw him sleep with.

I took me a while to figure out if this was either genius or a massive cop-out since they couldn't figure out a way to properly balance the story

Anyone else have any thoughts on this or is everyone else simply doing the "It's only a game" mantra?

>> No.7357178

It's magic, it doesn't have to explain shit.

Also, Sei is totally a female Lancer.

>> No.7358335
File: 177 KB, 806x628, enshou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best route in the game. You'll never have wacky adventures with your two lesbian lovers and have threesome sex every night. ;_;

>> No.7358395

Thanks. So where can I find the OP/ED for the first game?

>> No.7358517

Here you go, even found the 2 songs that were cut out from Shin.

>> No.7358980

Full soundtrack:


>> No.7360128

Tell when you're finished uploading everything so I don't miss a part or so.

>> No.7360139

Is Shin connected to the first game story-wise?

>> No.7360179


Isn't it also the longest route?

Anyways, how does it make sense that supposedly women can't inherit land in KM when all important rulers are female?

>> No.7360204

Have you beated the first game?

Shin Koihime Musou is an alternative universe. No one in Shin Koihime, including the main character knows about the first game/world except for Chousen he knows.
Overall aren't the games connected except for that

>> No.7360347


But isn't MC the same guy in both games?

>> No.7360489

Yeah. But I am not certain but he have overall no memory of the first game, or more like he is another version of him in another world.
AKA excuses to not bother doing connections

>> No.7360499


Their story was much better than everything with the main guy.

I wish they made a Koihime game without the male lead, just like in anime.

>> No.7361186
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The long answer is:

Yes and no, since It's teh same Kazuto just from an alternate timeline where he hadn't gone to the world of Koihime hence he would have no memory of it.

Also since the world of Koihime had to form without his presence it created a new alternative history so no one else remembers him. Except for Chousen because he exists outside of timeline

Or to put it simply it's pic related

>> No.7363572

So far I've uploaded all the sprites and system images (h_ and image_ files). All that's left are the event CGs (p_ files).

There are four p_ files (p_000-p003). The first three files will be split into four parts and the fourth file will be split into two.

Since yesterday my ISP has been having trouble with DNS server, however, and I've been having trouble accessing a few sites including mediafire (and reCaptcha, which made me unable to post here until today). The problem is *somewhat* fixed right now so I should be able to continue uploading but you know what happened if I suddenly stop for a while.

>> No.7364403
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>> No.7364936
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>> No.7365562

since doing a little reseach, i see that there is still no available translation for Shin Koihime unless they plan to get license for it, so i wonder will they?
and what is the difference between Shin and the original one?

>> No.7365590

>and what is the difference between Shin and the original one?
this must be the hundreth time this question got asked

>> No.7365597

We'll see if Mangagamer takes up Shin Koihime. Their sales so far are quite great(Compared to their other sales) But Baseson or whatever, Maybe aren't interesting seeing the low sales.

Shin Koihime Musou is very much similiar to the first game.
Shin have 4 main plots you can choose at the beginning of the game. i.e what faction you choose.
There is a route for Shu, Wu, Wei and a fourth unlockable route.

The game itself plays very much like the first one. You pretty much just follow a linear plot while there are home-base phases inbetween.

Shin Koihime also have a improved combat system, new characters, CG and overall story.
If you play as Shu(The faction you played in the original game) will you notice that the story is very different. Except for the obvious Romance of the three kingdoms things, i.e Yellow Turban rebellion, Anti-Dong Zhou and so on.

>> No.7365603

thanks and yeah noticed that it's number one in there so i'm hoping that they will

>> No.7365618

if they ever pick Shin Koihime, another voice patch will have to be made.

>> No.7365747

I just wonder if they will. I mean. Mangagamer haven't even reached the amount of sales Baseson wanted them to reach to unlock the voices.
If they then suddenly comes asking to translate&sell Shin Koihime when they haven't even reached that old cap..

I just wonder how Baseson will react.
Or the publishers that is.

>> No.7365788

I liked this game 10 times more than Sengoku.

Are any other lighthearted eroges like this one translated?

>> No.7365914

Sadly I am not certain what would fit.

Probably what I liked the most about Koihime Musou were my interests in Romance of the three kingdoms. But ended up liking pretty much all characters and even the story were quite good.

>> No.7365927
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>> No.7365941

New thread since this one seems to be auto saging

