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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7325024 No.7325024 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time someone pat your head, /jp/?

Also, where can I find the visual novel of this.

>> No.7325036

When I was 14 an annoying bitch patted my head telling me that it was alright and that these guys were too mean but she would always protect me. She then promptly moved and no one even comes near my smelly hair anymore. Anyway, this thread sucks.

>> No.7325050

High school. It was annoying.

I pat my sister's head every chance I get.

It annoys her.

>Also, where can I find the visual novel of this.
It's called Utawarerumono

>> No.7325061

I know it likely isn't so, but I can't help but picture your sister as a tsundere and dying from having a moe overdose.

>> No.7325108

>I pat my sister's head every chance I get.
>It annoys her.
she just acts annoyed around you. later she goes to her room and masturbates thinking about you.

>> No.7325113

I don't think someone has done that in highschool. Which is good, since they patted my head in a mocking, condescending manner.

>> No.7325117

Aah... Onii-chan's... Hand... Touched... Here... His hand... Touched... My clitoris... AaAgadsFfaFAAGAAAHHHHHHH~ ONIIIII-CHAAAAAAN~~~~~~

>> No.7325125

I'm not a bishounen clad in darkness so I highly doubt that.

>> No.7325128

I went to a 75% black school, and the girls would touch my hair constantly. " OOOH HE HAS THAT GOOD HAIR "

>> No.7325136
File: 168 KB, 850x637, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you have a test tomorrow and you haven't studied a single bit the whole month, so the only choice left is to pull out an all nighter, but you realize that you forgot to watch the 6th episode of Dog Days.

What should i do /jp/...

>> No.7325139

...I don't think it ever happened.
Oh, it might've happened when I was a little kid, but I don't have in my conscious memory a single instance of anyone patting my head.
But then again, I also don't have any memory of being hugged out of affection rather than just to keep up appearances on social occasions, so it's hardly surprising.
My family wasn't really big on this whole "physical intimacy" thing, or maybe rather "treating children with affection" thing.

>> No.7325141

Now that I think about that, similar things happened with me back in middle school, although I don't think they were black... Eh, somehow it's really blurry. Maybe it's a childhood trauma that I locked out of my memories?

>> No.7325144

it's because you did something nice when you were young children and she fell in love with you forever because of that deed.

>> No.7325146

If you can, go study... I couldn't and now I have to drop out (sad face)

>> No.7325143

Study tomorrow, before the exam begins. Wish me luck, because that's probably what I'll do.

>> No.7325150

My mom keeps doing it. Wish she'd stop since I'm taller than her.

>> No.7325153

my cousin went to a mostly black school. the girls would throw themselves at him and the guys would throw their sisters at him.

>> No.7325155
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>be tall
>too tall for anyone to pat my head

>> No.7325161

Oh my, I'm not the guy you answered but that's exactly what happened between me and my cousin. Too bad I'm not into 3D, but I don't want to ruin her dreams.

>> No.7325164
File: 251 KB, 590x332, MADOKAGODDESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're never too tall for god to pat your head...

>> No.7325178

That hurts man. I wish we could have been children together but our ages are more like in Koi Kaze. (actually those two might be closer in age.)

This is exactly my circumstances in high school and why it annoyed me.

I've found that in those cases, you're going to spend at least a half hour dicking around and not studying, so you might as well use that half hour to put your gun, er- ears on.

>> No.7325184

A few nights ago, actually. I was out while crossdressed with my transgendered friend. I was nervous as hell, since it was my first night out like that (really shouldn't have been that nervous though, since it was an event for crossdressers and transgendered/transexual people) and she thought to pat my head to relieve some of my anxiety. Overall a fun night.

>> No.7325182
File: 207 KB, 726x800, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois - Shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well...A single episode will not hurt. - I think.

I still have 5 hours before the test.
I could probably waste half of the time i have left, and still manage to get a 90/100 in the test. - 40 / 100 is fine too.

>> No.7325183

I've got my linear algebra final tommorow, and I'm playing Kamidori.
I think you should watch that show.
It's only, what, less than half an hour out of your day?
Studying can wait at least that long.

>> No.7325188

a year ago, when im out playing MH with some of my cousin's friends. one of the ladies there tried to pat my head because apparently i am cute or something.. had to swat her hands away since we are obviously too old for that.. me being 22 and her being 10 years older then me..

>> No.7325189

My mom randomly patted my head while we were watching a movie a month ago. Not a word was exchanged between us and I blushed a little.

Did she want to fuck?

Nonsense, my nigga. When I was in high school, this girl who was only 5 feet tall used to make me bend over to pat my head on a daily basis. I felt like her bitch and I liked it.

>> No.7325190

Highschool, freshman year. I was in the computer program, so always in the lab. Was a senior girl who would stop by most days. She really liked to... touch people I guess? Always giving you a shoulder/back rub, patting your head, leaning back against you, putting her head on my shoulder, etc. etc.

Not normally a huge fan of being touched, but I knew her well enough it didn't bother me I guess. Also, her boobs were the perfect size for hugs. Told her that once, she hugged me every day after.

>> No.7325192

>40 / 100

You lucky dog, I need 65/100 to pass the course.

>> No.7325193
File: 390 KB, 987x504, Insta Boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jerk off to Emperor Leo Long Name's grandiose tits then sleep. I've been doing that for the past few days.

This scene made me pop the hugest boner to the point I realized that my love for Princess Leo was like a truck in that I wanted to plow the living fuck out of her until the only thing coming out of her mouth were weakened mewing much like that of a kitten.

>> No.7325203
File: 201 KB, 549x800, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois and Eclair Martinozzi - Breast press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well...Actually i need a 70/100 to pass, but there's still the finals and the reports - ( They count as 50% of my score ).
Sounds like a piece of cake, huh.
In the end everything will turn out fine. - I guess.

>> No.7325204
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Never. I can't even remember the last time I was hugged. Because of this I've become so sensitive. If someone just brushes up against me I become overrun with emotions.

>> No.7325212
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, Eclair2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being yuusha is suffering

>> No.7325216

You hit a nerve there, anon. My female cousin was so kind, and had this quirky style to her, and fuck was she cute. We were in a lot of the same classes, and would talk frequently. I was always a bit withdrawn and aloof, but i sometimes would partake in conversations with her. She was always so insecure about her physical appearance, so i would assure her she was cute and very attractive. I can still recall her cheeks turning red from the blood rushing to her face out of embarrassment. She'd even sit at the lunch table with me, since i liked being alone. I was introduced to my first girlfriend, much to my disagreement( I later broke up with her. ) by her.

I became a hiki three years ago, now i'm realizing how much i miss my cousin. Maybe i'm longing for human affection, or clinging to the past, but i'm having reoccurring dreams about her. I think i might be in love with her, or perhaps this feeling is lust? Maybe evolution is telling me it's time to procreate?
I went so far as to even checked her facebook--where is my apathy for everything 3D now? Well, apparently she's going to college, and has a boyfriend. I feel like her and I aren't even in the same world anymore.

Ah well,..... i'll probably just an hero, and she'll never know how i feel. God if she ever calls my house i'd probably shit bricks.

>> No.7325217

15 seconds to load that image.

Fucking 4chan.

>> No.7325221
File: 35 KB, 356x450, Winking-Cougar-Print-C10054490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swat her hands away
>me being 22 and her being 10 years older

>> No.7325227

This morning. My roommate pats my head frequently.

>> No.7325230

after blowjob head pat?

>> No.7325238

No. I'm ticklish on my neck/scalp, and my roommate finds this hilarious. She pats me on the head often so that I won't be able to tell when she's actually trying to tickle me.

>> No.7325242

Is your roommate gay, or are you living in some kind of amazing co-ed dorm?

>> No.7325255
File: 479 KB, 768x1024, eonmitchelli galette des rois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yesss... you must watch it...

>> No.7325259

My roommate is female. It is not amazing because she is 3D.

>> No.7325262

women only touch men they are interested in

>> No.7325268

That's a new level of delusions, even for /jp/.

>> No.7325274
File: 86 KB, 850x680, Kitty Titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot I want to touch Princess Leo's tits... Fuck that, I wanna suck on em till milk comes out of them.

>> No.7325278

It is very amazing. I mean, this isn't even a co-ed dorm. It's a co-ed ROOM! What nutjob school would have something like that?

>> No.7325306

Highschool, freshman year. I was in the computer program, so always in the lab. Was a senior girl who would stop by most days. She really liked to... touch people I guess? Always giving you a shoulder/back rub, patting your head, leaning back against you, putting her head on my shoulder, etc. etc.

Not normally a huge fan of being touched, but I knew her well enough it didn't bother me I guess. Also, her boobs were the perfect size for hugs. Told her that once, she hugged me every day after.>>7325024

>> No.7325313


You should've told her her boobs were the perfect size for sucking goddammit.

>> No.7325332
File: 14 KB, 176x278, oh baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this show any good or should I just head to Gelbooru?
Doggirls are the best.

>> No.7325348
File: 11 KB, 388x288, Hanyuu not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well why don't you just watch it and decide for yourself?

>> No.7325355
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>> No.7325368
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako-Himatsubushi]_Dog_Days_-_05_[720p][4BDD03AD].mkv_snapshot_10.23_[2011.05.09_00.59.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is this show any good
Depends on your opinion of good.

It's not horrible, but it goes through the cliches in a way that you can't tell if they're being serious or parodying them.

It's sort of like if Zero Louise was combined with Sengoku Basara and set in Nanoha-verse. The protag is a pretty cool guy though.

Also you can fap while watching the show too.

>> No.7325373
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>> No.7325374

Who is this guy anyway? He looks like some CNBC contributor.

>> No.7325376

ugh.. middle school some cute girl used to hug me and pat my head/play with my hair. Worst feeling in the world when you are an autist and hate being touched. Can't believe its been over a decade, I don't think I've touched a girl since.

>> No.7325383

/jp/ is consistently the saddest forum.

I wonder what is it that draws social failures like us to Japanese nerd culture.

>> No.7325396


I don't even know. It's somewhat strange, isn't it?

>> No.7325398

There's no visual novel for dog days, it's anime-only.

>> No.7325401


Tony Kornheiser, host of "Pardon the Interruption" on ESPN.

>> No.7325411

Zero no Tsukaima + Utawarerumono + Nanoha + League of Legends + Dynasty Warriors

>> No.7325413

Why just Leo's tits? Why not blonde ninja's tits?

>> No.7325416

+ American Gladiators.

>> No.7325460

>being serious or parodying them


Parodying implies a certain amount of mockery that Dog Days lack. But being serious implies, well, being serious, which the show isn't. (Unless it pulls Zero no Tsukaima later on, but I doubt it, they were too conscious about what they're doing so far.) Personally, I think they just don't care about any kind of plot and run through every staple of fantasy anime solely for the viewer's fapping pleasure. And as bad as it is as a work of fiction, I can appreciate that.

Also, >>>/a/.

>> No.7325515


I'm too old to remember.

>> No.7326154
File: 482 KB, 960x960, YukikazeTITS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In terms of suckablilty she's definitely up there, but there's something about Princess Leo that make my pelvic region throb quite hard...

>> No.7326181
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>> No.7326183
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>> No.7326187
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>> No.7326196

Got one of when the princess was shaking her tail off after washing?

>> No.7326202
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>> No.7326207

i cry every day and night because i feel so much pain inside of me. i'm sorry for the earthquake on japan my little anonymous. i'm here, just for you, always no matter what happens. honestly, hug me and feel how much i LOVE you.

>> No.7326210
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>> No.7326217
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>> No.7326225

inadvertent combo?

>> No.7326273
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>> No.7326319

why do all the major characters have ahoges?

>> No.7326351

Because it's KAWAII UGUU~.

>> No.7326453


I don't think anyone has ever pat my head.

>> No.7326476
File: 267 KB, 850x1240, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois and Sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Yama here posting from college. -

Haha, it turns out my tests were scheduled for the next monday, not this one.
I haven't studied a single bit the whole night since i started to watch one anime and then moved on to another and another...Then played a little bit of S.T.A.L.K.E.R... And when i noticed it was already 6:00.

Everything turned out well in the end.

I guess that's Karma rewarding me for being such a good person. - Lol...

>> No.7326486
File: 156 KB, 875x802, 18279614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight sweet princess.

>> No.7326489
File: 329 KB, 700x957, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois - Axe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dang...

Lunch break is almost over.
I have to return to my classes /jp/.

See you guys later~❤

>> No.7326574

2 days ago! My friend always pats my head randomly, i love it so much, i wish we would meet again already..

>> No.7326645

"I am a HUUUUUUGE slut."

>> No.7326650

One of my former classmates used to randomly touch my hair or shuffle trough it.
I hate it when people touch my hair

>> No.7326904
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako-Himatsubushi]_Dog_Days_-_06_[720p][F92E3424].mkv_snapshot_13.09_[2011.05.09_12.31.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blonde floppy ears = best maid.

>> No.7326956

Why are dog eared maids so perfect?
