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File: 680 KB, 800x600, CG05340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7324729 No.7324729 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>7314756.

Japanese guide: http://brightbell.main.jp/kipima/game/daiteikoku/index.html

>> No.7324740

Why not play a better game, like Shaman's Sanctuary?

>> No.7325185

for true end 2 do you need to clear scarlet with maumau? i keep failing to activate the event and whats the max territories your suppose to have for almost empress route?

>> No.7325314


>> No.7325344

You can't even fuck the loli. Waste of time.

>> No.7325352

yes you can

>> No.7325366

Or Kamidori.

>> No.7325409

>Shaman's Sanctuary

Nope. You must have fucked up eyes to not mind that art.

>> No.7325420

I've just realized my shitty PC cannot play the opening and scene movies.
Directx10 latest update and have already uninstall Haali media splitter, which also causes issues on previous eroge (fuck that. I can watch anime without that piece of shit)
Anyone know why?

>> No.7325423

it's a codec problem

>> No.7325426

translation when?

>> No.7325428

install Combined Community Codec Pack

>> No.7325464

5 years, or never.

>> No.7325894

2059 Christmas

>> No.7325919
File: 152 KB, 800x600, chounipponteikoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, are you even trying?

>> No.7325932

Somebody could at least translate the menus...

>> No.7325938

Question: if you do the second warp gate experiment and then invade USJ directly, do you not trigger CORE?

>> No.7326026

Why the fuck? Those are really simple.
I hope you meant that someone would hopefully write a decent FAQ about the different ship properties.

>> No.7326057

you do, if you invade canada first than USJ than i think it will not as canada have the CORE facilities

>> No.7326069

>Nope. You must have fucked up eyes to not mind that art.
Same reason why I can't bring myself to even start eien no aselia even though I heard it's good

>> No.7326070

That's odd. I did the warp gate experiment, but then conquered USJ, Chicago X and Washington without CORE taking over the country like people have said. Didn't go through Canada. You have to kill the CORE king to unlock CORE mode, right?

>> No.7326078

People in a Daiteikoku thread saying its art is better than ANYTHING?
I must have stepped into the world where the gameplay doesn't suck too. How is this world's Daiteikoku? Nothing like the landmine that Sengoku Rance was, amirite?

>> No.7326079



>> No.7326082

Take your head out of your ass. Noone said Daiteikoku's art was better than anything.
At least the art is better than a lot of things.

>> No.7326088

I like how you claimed nobody was saying something in one line, and then said that exact phrase in the other. It must take some special zen to be that clueless. Teach me your ways, sensei. I wish to have my mind emptied so I can be one with the universe.

>> No.7326090

That is just stupid and sad. I ensure you, you can figure it out without reading. Just click around, and you'll know what's what.

Or a guide on what the buildings precisely do. Or explanation on certain skills; it took me a while to figure out how Ugaki's precisely works.

Take Canada before USJ to prevent CORE. That's strictly the requirement.

>> No.7326102

No, it's art isn't the best.

But we're comparing it to utter crap here. Eushully has poor standards when it comes to art. Even doujin games beat them art-wise.

>> No.7326111


It may not be best, but it's good.

>> No.7326325

Haven't the building properties been covered already at the english Alicesoft wiki? Or are you talking about hidden effects and properties?

>> No.7326410

It's funny how /jp/ apparently hates the art in Daiteikoku and Kamidori but doesn't mind Key art or Umineko art.

I personally thought the art in the former two was fine.

>> No.7326415

One or two retards isn't "/jp/", stop making it look like it's an established opinion

>> No.7326431
File: 89 KB, 300x400, 15487725 - さくらちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take Canada before USJ to prevent CORE.

Doesnt USJ always control Canada anyway?
What am I missing here?

>> No.7326438

If you take Canada, you will see the CORE facilities getting destroyed. And Neumann saved by the Canadians

>> No.7326445

I lol'd when Togo tried to feel his mustache when he's drunk. Yeah sure, game play maybe bad but the game is fucking hilarious!

>> No.7326454


Gameplay isn't really worse than in other Dai games or Sengoku. It's simply much harder.

Only weathers are really annoying.

>> No.7326458

>Gameplay isn't really worse than in other Dai games or Sengoku. It's simply much harder.
No, it's worse, any game that force you to savescum is badly designed.
Seriously stop whiteknighting it like this.

>> No.7326464


That's funny, because in 90% of Sengoku threads new players are advised to savescum.

>> No.7326468

There is a difference between players that suck and a game that FORCE you to savescum.
Stop being stupid please

>> No.7326473


I'm not saying than Daiteikoku battle system is good, but it's not significantly worse than in other AS strategies.

>> No.7326474

Sengoku battles > Daiteikoku battles >>> Sengoku dungeons

And game force you to do dungeons.

>> No.7326475

It is worse.
There are a lot of unrefined elements that make it less enjoyable than the past Dai games.
The savescuming is just one part of it.
Go read the reviews in egs and you'll see most people think the same.

>> No.7326481
File: 1.03 MB, 750x1125, 8402259 - Day Takeoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to stop sucking shit and since you're at the accuser seat. How about you link us those reviews instead of making us go find them.

>> No.7326506


Half of the negative comments are about lack of Retia route.

>> No.7326513

Stop trolling


Even the reviews that are positive agree that the gameplay is deeply flawed

>> No.7326551

so,how do you dismiss a general?i wanna get rid of those generic starters since i've got many unique now

>> No.7326577

You can't, obviously the game is shit

>> No.7326687

I'm talking about that latter.

Also, everything on Alicesoft Wiki is either machine translated garbage, or incoherent babbling by retards who can't write English.

Besides what I already understand in Japanese, I don't get any of what it says on the page for buildings.

>> No.7326698

I've always found it funny that those brazilians and what not are the actual people who update that wiki most of the time.

>> No.7326711

I am going to edit it just because I am mad.

>> No.7326730
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We'll see you after you tear your eyes out.

>> No.7326743

Are there any positive weather effects?

So far, I've only had one right after Gamerica declared war.

>> No.7326749
File: 172 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110507_033343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't do it...

Here I will tell you briefly.

Eroge Company: seems to give you Hanny the Admiral if you build it 5 times. This fucker has 960 Command points.

Electric City: 2 are required to unlock Ozawa's event. Also nurse ships.

Curry Wolf:
10000 credits if you build it once
20000 credits if you build it twice
Unlocks an event and H-CG if 3 are built.

Pantsu Ruin
a CG and 'Pantsu' warship if you build it twice.

Breast Shrine:
+30 Command points for Raizo and 'Breast' warship if you build it 3 times.

>> No.7326759

Rest are pretty much self-explanatory.

>> No.7326796 [DELETED] 

>Electric City: 2 are required to unlock Ozawa's event.
Motherfuck. Why haven't I been building that?

>> No.7326819


Is the eroge company the one with the Hanny Icon?

>> No.7326823


>> No.7326907

Hope I'm not fucking myself for building only repair shops, resource/technology increase, and Curry Wolf.

>> No.7326981

To add to this:

The Hanny Admiral has -60% to its stats in all 4 slots, but it has so many command points that you could use all battleships/carriers. Furthermore, its attack power increases proportionally to the number of female admirals stationed on the same star, so you might want to at least try it out in one of your playthroughs.

In addition to giving you 2 CGs, the building the Panty shrine also unlocks Event mode on the title menu. Both the Breast ship and the Panty ship are excellent.

Curry Wolf restaurants are incredibly useful, because the resource gain you get isn't a one-time thing. It's a random, regular occurence once you have more than 1 or 2 built, which means you can sometimes get 40,000 resources over 5 turns.

>> No.7327799
File: 164 KB, 800x600, 1304312245622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would sex with a shiny idol feel like?

>> No.7327819 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 340x600, CG02090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels incredible.

>> No.7327834

Why don't German girls dress like that? Retia has magnificent fashion sense.

>> No.7327845
File: 210 KB, 340x600, CG02020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retia has magnificent fashion sense.
I hope that was joke.

This is before Grecia dresses her up.

>> No.7327881
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, K-ON!! - 24 - Large 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when she gets raped, and then stops sparkling.

>> No.7327898

>Recruiting all the important admirals.
>Invading gamerica from Canada.
>thinking I can get the True end in my first try, only to know that in niggerland I shouldn't have killed a bitch that was worth 30000 credits.

Felt bad, man.

>> No.7327900
File: 40 KB, 240x300, ssim0100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu.

>> No.7327948

Way to troll, Alicesoft.

Anyone would take 30,000 resources over a shitty admiral. And then later, we find out we need her for a certain route.

>> No.7327965

Is it generally a good idea to scrap ships that you won't be able to use in a battle in exchange for another? Say, scrapping cruisers and destroyers in favor of carriers to destroy laser blocking ships?

I know it seems rather explanatory, but I don't wanna screw myself over when the next planet I plan to conquer renders my carriers useless.

>> No.7327966

double points for normally having a system of "you kill it, you get it"

AFAIK she is the only one that doesn't join you if you beat her.

>> No.7327978

Unless the ships are too old, you should keep them for low tier admirals, they won't be able to win the important battles, but they will be useful defending areas, and in certain events.

>> No.7327981

>I know it seems rather explanatory, but I don't wanna screw myself over when the next planet I plan to conquer renders my carriers useless.
You answered yourself.

Only scrap ships you don't use in any situation. Like the shitty tier 1 ships, which be obsolete.

>> No.7327995

There are carrier blocking ships. And at least one region renders all carriers useless.

>> No.7328024

That fucking deserved a CG.

>> No.7328350

Now it makes so much sense now.

Really, screw that Wiki. There's broken English everywhere.

>> No.7328377

So, who is up to fix all those mangled words?
We, established elitists, should show that huehue crowd how it is need to be done.

>> No.7328489
File: 159 KB, 800x600, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the HELL am i supposed to do now? i want to rape these two girls. please help

>> No.7328498
File: 71 KB, 795x598, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the HELL? i can't attack/rape.

>> No.7328520

Please let this be a troll. Please let this be a troll.

>> No.7328523

How do they know if they are Brazilian?

>> No.7328537

You are only sending a man alone to fight, he's not going to win enough stars.
Also, that ship he is currently using only boosts the radar/speed stat.
Give him some battleships dude.

>> No.7328556

Please, don't take him seriously.
No really, he MUST be trolling... right?

>> No.7328561

It's a troll, goddamn it. There's a reason why he removed the one ship—that doesn't do damage—from Matsuri, and then attached it on a generic.

Also, well done. I laughed.

>> No.7328570

I mean this takes to whole new level. It's remotely obvious that which ship does damage and what not. Also
>i want to rape these two girls. please help


>> No.7328593


It's funny, but deserves less points. Try 7.

>> No.7328632
File: 135 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110509_184317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7328843

Waah, that's pretty mean, totally fell for that...
Not helping you anymore >>7328489 >>7328498
Have fun dying, hmph.

>> No.7328859

Tried Core route..

it's basically what you get if you take the demon army from Rance and turn them into cyborgs

rape and impregnation everywhere!

>> No.7328881

Pretty much. And you miss out a lot of admirals/events.

I don't like many of the routes in this game.

>> No.7328912

Feels bad to "use" the captured admirals...

>> No.7328951
File: 31 KB, 500x461, 34587902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no qualms about using Tanaka as decoy. But the raped admirals—I have no words to say.

And it feels worse you can even use them admirals after they've become meat toilets.

>> No.7328968

Shit sucks until you get Type 79 Destroyers, which work better than U-Boats.

Enjoy save scumming until enemies hit your decoys.

>> No.7329496
File: 625 KB, 800x439, CG00770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hannys are having fun!

>> No.7329503

Just started. Shu shot up her subordinates. I'm assuming this means I'm not going to get Rinfa/Ranfa/whoever?

>> No.7329507

No, you still get them.

And you should have had Rinfa by now.

>> No.7329572
File: 650 KB, 723x1023, 107137b263e3da8d6e25835f7ae625e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of fan art depresses me.

>> No.7329608

The lack of a good game should depress you more.

>> No.7329635

can't get retia even though i follow her recruitment steps
1.signed the ita tripact
2.doenitz came,did her events
3.left at some point
4.germany won the war against ussr so no event where adolf needs rescuing.meanwhile everyone says germany is supposed to fall.the hell am i doing wrong?

>> No.7329673

...You aren't supposed to take Suez before Eiris capturing North Africa to trigger the downfall.

>> No.7329683

And when Doenitz asked to leave, you should have agreed to let her go, the event where you AND Doenitz go to Berlin to rescue Adolf and Goebbel will play.

>> No.7329745

About that, whatever happened to Berlin? It just vanished in the sea of stars.

>> No.7329771

Adolf's expiremental atom bomb exploded, taking the whole star system with it.

>> No.7330047

Does anyone else hate the "hurp durp A instantly takes over B, no battles or anything" in alicesoft games?

>> No.7330058

yes not even a cool battle scene or anything

>> No.7330124

after I beat the game once what are the bonuses in the next game?

>> No.7330190

A hug.

>> No.7330198

Do not have a territory adjacent to Germany until they fall. Otherwise, you will be on her route which is a bitch.

>> No.7330266

Is there a way to make Goebbels an admiral?

>> No.7330274

Hapsburg Lady

>> No.7330298

You don't fuck hapsburg lady though.

>> No.7330327

Which characters are raped/impregnated?

>> No.7330389

just to name a few.

>> No.7330452

excuse me for a simple question,
what does radar points do?

>> No.7330459

Divide it by damage inflicted then multiply by 1d20 to get THAC0
Speed, you moron.

>> No.7330462

Eagle Douglass or Devil Dwight? Which one's do I get for non-CORE route and who is the better admiral?

>> No.7330465

It's your unit's speed, basically. If you and an opponent are attacking with the same kind of weapon, the one with higher radar points will strike first.

>> No.7330468
File: 34 KB, 126x134, sanae01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, that helps.

>> No.7330470

If CORE activates, you get Devil Dwight. If you invade through Canada, you get Douglas. Both are good, although Douglas is definitely funnier.

>> No.7330624


Eagle is overall better. You get him in the president's route.

Personality wise

Eagle: movie star turn admiral turn insurgent
Dwight: veteran admiral who loves customizing machines a bit too much

>> No.7330633 [SPOILER] 
File: 495 KB, 1354x1447, img931_up65683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least half of them

the princess of England in particular was impregnated 40+ times

>> No.7330660

That..was awesome I guess?
Mikado has the most record of being cummed so far?
The CORE must have learned about her body which unable to pregnant..

>> No.7330739

Can you translate the description?

>> No.7330758

what do they say

>> No.7330765


>> No.7330777

It's all a bunch of "Soldier/leader of ____ was taken during some mission and raped ___ times. Status at the time of capture: virgin/non virgin"

>> No.7330779
File: 29 KB, 227x400, Daiteikoku-Ozawa-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu

>> No.7330787

Alicesoft trying to avoid legal issues by not stating the ages of the obvious lolis lol.

>> No.7330796

Sorry to tell you but
The Shuu Empress is actually a little boy.

>> No.7330798

when did that ever stop people?

>> No.7330802

brb playing CORE

>> No.7330833

yeah, maybe I should beat them already and unlock their mode, sounds like fun.

Can you actually beat their mode? I heard Core admirals don't regain health.

>> No.7330839

You know the world is messed up when something fictional gets you in trouble.

>> No.7330842

Oh god Katherin-chan...

>> No.7330848

It's not that bad, they just raped her until breaking down her mind. Happens usually in Japan.

>> No.7330880

Last time I checked Alicesoft hardly does shota.

I always thought Shuu Emperor was a girl until he wanted to kidnap Mikado.

Then I realized he wasnt voiced. Should have been a hint that he was a male.

>> No.7330881

Raping someone doesn't "mindbreak" them...

>> No.7330886

I'll take your word for it. I've never raped anyone

>> No.7330923

you're right, normally they like it, so it don't count.

>> No.7330946

saved game where?

>> No.7330993


What is this? Some kind of progress report?

>> No.7331013

so I read somewhere that if you finish the game and take over the world,you can keep on playing for events and stuff...Is that possible?and if yes,do you have to be on a specific route?

>> No.7331050

Yes its possible. You trigger the end game/end scene through the event phase.

>> No.7331085

Anybody know how to use the capture ship in order to capture generics?

>> No.7331146

Mikado can't become pregnant? Does who will run the country after she dies get addressed in her endings?

>> No.7331207

Shibagami is the only who truly rules japan, he doesn't like politics, but it's the true leader of the country.

he can just put another person as emperor when mikado dies.

>> No.7331210


Think I found it
1 相手が拘束できる相手であること(名前つきのやつ)。
The enemy is capturable (s/he has a name)

2 相手と同じ戦域に拘束艦を参戦させること。
The enemy is in the same battlefield as the capture ship.

3 相手のHPを0にすること。
Enemy's HP is 0.

4 拘束艦のHPが0になってないこと。
Capture ship's HP is not 0.

I'm going to try this out.

>> No.7331312

Whoooooooooaaaa. Are you a magician?

I'm saving this right away. I love used goods.

>> No.7331369


Wish I found this shit earlier. Now I can plan what to build.

>> No.7331387

Is Raizo basically Heita in space? That's the impression I'm getting from him.

>> No.7331415

Question - if you choose to stay faithful to Scarlet and one of those end of turn H events pop up, does it count as cheating on her?

>> No.7331448

It must suck not being Rance and not being able to be faithful to every woman in the universe.

>> No.7331458


Goddammit Alice-Soft...

I guess most of their female staff left. I find it hard to believe that girls wrote those rape scenes.

>> No.7331475

Because it's not like women can be perverts, amirite?

>> No.7331524

Shhh, don't let the feminazis hear you. Everyone knows that women are pure creatures made of spice and sugar, and incapable of having sexual fantasies.

And if you believe that, you sir are a sexist, a fascist, Rance, or maybe berlusconi.

>> No.7331553


Actually...isn't it the opposite? Men want women to be pure but women defend their right to be sluts.

>> No.7331560

They want to be sluts only when it benefits them, if you don't believe me look for campaigns against porn made by feminists.

They want sexual freedom only for what they want (their shitty novels mostly) but anything that may interest both sexes is evil and should be destroyed.

>> No.7331562


Don't derail the thread, please.

>> No.7331609

It's actually pretty simple. They want full sexual freedom for themselves so they don't have to depend on us for sexual fulfillment the same way they expect us to depend on them for it, and they want to be seen as pure so it will seem like they're doing as a favor by even letting us have sex with them. Both have in common that they let women control men through sex.

Also, don't listen to >>7331562, he's probably a woman trying to suppress the grim truth under the guise of wanting to remain on topic.

>> No.7331629


>> No.7331637

from a thread about fictional retelling of world war 2 in space opera format to a thread regarding present day sexism issues.

only in /jp/. this is also why i love you, /jp/.

>> No.7331669

It's the parent's fault, for dressing them like whores

>> No.7331680

What does the 1.01 patch change?

>> No.7331702

Typical Alicesoft thead: trolling, unrelated shit, translation where?, reverse trolling, /a/, what do buttons do, how do I read moon, Alicesoft trolling is sooo COOL!, how do i win game, play it for me, /jp/ can't appreciate masterbeaces because they're popular, Rance is cool, few posts about the actual games.

>> No.7331703

Stops Himmler from raping Adolf and lets Togo take her virginity.

>> No.7331786

The only way to take Retia's virginity is being CORE.

Togo will only get her as used tools.

>> No.7331874

Are there any CGs with CORE raping her or is it just "You've captured X and she's been raped X times."?

>> No.7331883


>> No.7331885

There are scenes, tentacles, dogs, monsters, electricity, or gangbangs are the usual stuff in them.

>> No.7331906

Poor Retia!

>> No.7331915

Letia got a nice live session with a micro

>> No.7331991

remember when bioware was taken over by fat landwhale writers and now you can only romance guys and the only females are gigantic sluts

>> No.7332038

I recall that lead whale writer for Dragon Age saying in the interview she hates gameplay and stuff like tinkering with your stats or inventory, so games should have almighty skip button: Intro movie - press skip button - some deep insight into homosexuality - skip button - "I want to be a dragon" - skip button - final battle - press skip button to auto-win.
Can't bring myself to play the series now.

>> No.7332042

Let's hope they stay away from ME3.

>> No.7332046
File: 157 KB, 1001x746, 1302072067030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are just sexually insecure etc.

>> No.7332048

It's like I'm really on /v/
Also the witcher is clearly superior

>> No.7332054

According to the CG set, there seems to be a way to turn Saffron Veda into an adult during one of the scenes, but I cleared her events and never saw it. Anyone know how to do it?

>> No.7332055

For a moment I really felt in /v/ it was so confusing it was awesome

>> No.7332058

I didn't like it and the girls weren't cute either so it wasn't fun collecting those slut cards.

>> No.7332061


It's already over.


>> No.7332071

>shit mainstream games

>bitches and whores XD

>> No.7332095


Touhou is shit and mainstream. Does it belong on /v/?

>> No.7332114

I saw that on /v/ a couple days ago. I'm still keeping the faith until I see the final product. I think the disaster that was DA2 has people overreacting more than they should. Bioware has been relatively good aside from that though, and every studio has a terrible game every once and a while. I'm going to pirate it first just to be sure but I'm not too worried about the gameplay. I'm more concerned about how they handle the story and whether or not they make the decisions in the previous two games actually hold some weight throughout the game.

In fact about a year ago I think the developers said they wanted to make it a little more complex. Let's hope this is just EA off on their own doing whatever the fuck it is they do. As much as people blame them for everything I doubt they have much controller on the direction of their games, aside from maybe forcing them to make DA2.

>> No.7332471

an alice soft game without new game + really?

>> No.7332484

you get a new game+,but in the form of playing the robot

seriously though,what alicesoft game had an actual new game+ mode?rance only gave points,and other games just kept some stats.

alicesoft should be clever to add a mode where you can use anyone you can FROM THE START in their games.

>> No.7332485

isn't that only if you do the CORE route though?
As I just did one full game and I didn't unlock the core mode.

>> No.7332570

I am bad at games what is the easiest route.

>> No.7332594

probably emperor route.

>> No.7332597

The easiest route is not to play at all.

>> No.7332603


>> No.7332646
File: 167 KB, 500x500, atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't help you setting up your Atlas then, meanie.

>> No.7332666

I prefer Madcats.

>> No.7332672

atlas is so bad.

>> No.7332676
File: 340 KB, 644x447, untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot the trap.

>> No.7332679

The one on the right!

>> No.7332684

Easy, check the one who don't receive a -50% in a WAO affected region.

I was really surprised then it happened to me

>> No.7332685

The one with the penis.

>> No.7332688

Such a genious

>> No.7332693


>> No.7332696


Trap had the best sex scenes in the game.

>> No.7332705

That fucking pizza. What a bitch.

>> No.7332857

You will never fuck your own sister-in-law.

>> No.7332868

It will quite am achievement. First, you will have to get married and then able to fuck your wife's sister.
>get married

>> No.7332909 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1200x327, living_the_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get married
Pretty much. Forever alone.

>> No.7332919
File: 96 KB, 1200x327, living_the_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get married
Pretty much. Forever alone.

>> No.7332930

>dat Sakura
>dat Raizo

>> No.7332947


Too many blondes. I hate blondes.

>> No.7332950

>CORE had the best sex scenes in the game


>> No.7332955 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 340x600, CG02030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to be the cyborg who did this, and made all her fans jealous.

Not so shiny any more, are you?

>> No.7332973

That's American/British and German for ya.

>> No.7332976

> the cyborg who did this
> the
which one of the many?

>> No.7332979

You are an incredibly hateful person and a waste of carbon.

>> No.7332981
File: 101 KB, 346x589, 1304390239268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that her?

>> No.7332984

I don't know.. I really like those ribbons.

>> No.7332986


>> No.7333000
File: 38 KB, 497x501, 1303518386001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So dark.
Kinda want, but kinda feel bad about it happening to her.

How is her character like?
is she personality cloned from bba or sengoku?

If she's a main, then i have to say that alicesoft always has 1 or 2 popular heroines raped/broken to piss people off and jerk of ntr fags.

>> No.7333006

Retia is kinda boring IMO

She's just a normal girl underneath.

>> No.7333008

It doesn't happen in the main game but in CORE mode, and you rape pretty much everyone there, see the status pictures posts above

>> No.7333019
File: 14 KB, 160x260, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i really want to get this now. but no english....

is it voiced like BBA?
how does it compare to rance/bba?

>> No.7333020
File: 184 KB, 340x600, CG02090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take her virginity, and it shouldn't be too hard.

First, I'll hospitalize Grecia who keeps getting in my way. If anyone asks, I'll lie Japan tried to kill her. And afterward, I'll have consensual sex with Retia.

>> No.7333028

She's talented, earnest, and hardworking. Something funny about her, though, is that she has basically no sense of fashion despite being the universe's #1 idol.

>> No.7333031

King Core == Xavier == Kayblis

They make good villains because they're so brutal

>> No.7333034

FUCK. OFF. Himmler.
This is 4th time he came to this thread.

>> No.7333037
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110502_222756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Core has his past story in this game though. Not just generic evil villian.

>> No.7333041

And Kayblis had his moe side with his crush on that gigantic bitch.

>> No.7333047
File: 243 KB, 640x480, 0139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad, Kayblis?

>> No.7333051

the new main looks like he's a softcore guy like rouga, but even more girly(almost girl targeted lvl).
i'm guessing he's not like rance?

>> No.7333056

I swear Orion should have done all the artworks in Daiteikoku. Fuck Alicesoft and their legion of artist.

>> No.7333057

Important scenes and H scenes are voiced.

Game-play quality is about the same as Sengoku Rance and Big Bang Age. (Some people are pissed because it's not better.)

>> No.7333061

>Game-play quality is about the same as Sengoku Rance and Big Bang Age
It boggles my mind that people keep saying this. Luckly, by all counts, they're the vast minority. The noisy retarded minority.

>> No.7333064

Try playing Sengoku Rance or BBA without patches.

>> No.7333066

>Game-play quality is about the same as Sengoku Rance and Big Bang Age
Good joke, you actually made me laugh.

>> No.7333070

I played both without patches, even Daiakuji and Kichikuou.
They didn't have the HUGE problems as Daiteikoku has.

>> No.7333071

He has a goatee at least. That should amount to something.

Was he some sort of crimelord before he got cyborgified? I'd say so since the CORE group was made up of ex-cons.

>> No.7333073

No please.. not this shit again.

>> No.7333090

I do love how the Atlas/Rance kiddies who hyped themselves to fuckall have gone into complete denial. It used to be "Every single person thinks Sengoku Rance is a better game. See? It's 5 whole points better on EGS." Now we're on to "20 points difference doesn't matter. Most people think Daiteikoku is just as good. Only people who don't understand it think otherwise."

>> No.7333094

His real name is Lincoln and apparently he was part of mafia and got framed. I skimmed through the story; I can't be fucked to read.

>> No.7333098

I don't see why anyone feels the need to use ratings as arguments. Whether it's for or against the game. Ratings means jack, guys.

>> No.7333104
File: 157 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110505_192324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I am playing this game while I have linear calc exam tomorrow.

>> No.7333108

because numerical ratings are probably the only thing they can read on egs
I still can't wrap my head around people who want so hard to play games they don't understand

>> No.7333112

It's an argument via popularity, but also a way to prove other claims of popularity are complete bullshit, like the one people keep stating here that only people who don't understand the game don't like it.

>> No.7333115

De gustibus non est disputandum

>> No.7333116

Since when do we have to agree with the Japanese and that ratings are the way to know if something is good?

>> No.7333119

That's what I'm trying to say.

>> No.7333121

Verum est.

>> No.7333124

is that rance?
y he dress so funny?
is going to fight a fucking pony?

>> No.7333127 [DELETED] 

They're screwed up Sill's unfreezing spell.

>> No.7333128

You don't. It's just a simple way to show that a claim is in the minority. The small minority. Such as Daiteikoku being as good as Sengoku Rance or BBA, the claim that started this.

>> No.7333131

They screwed up Sill's unfreezing spell.

>> No.7333136

no hes going to fuck a fucking pony

>> No.7333138

suum cuique.

>> No.7333144

Deal with it. This is why I love /jp/.

>> No.7333149
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110510_185125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of bestiality.

>> No.7333153

This is strangely arousing.

>> No.7333156

I think it's arousing for everyone unless you are new to this.

>> No.7333159

Those dogs must have been happy.

>> No.7333165
File: 701 KB, 800x600, CG08210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am never forgiving Catherine for this.

>> No.7333166 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110510_185603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7333167 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 800x600, 大帝国_20110510_185642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7333172

inb4 thread deletion

>> No.7333177

Well, she kinda asked for it since she insulted them.

>> No.7333182


Is that another generic tentacle monster with important sounding name and poorly defined plot significance, or is it a graboid?

>> No.7333189

Did not deserve to become a fuck toy.

>> No.7333217


>> No.7333229

Alicesoft. Always classy.

>> No.7333456

CORE doesn't lay their hands on Kuu?
what a shame

>> No.7333613

Keep guessing.

>> No.7333632

Why didn't I see a dick in Hannah's H-Scenes?

And why does Hannah always be the one that becomes the fuck doll whether you go Insaneovelt or CORE route?

>> No.7333654

Keep guessing.

>> No.7333668

Because she's a bitch! If you read the story, she's the one who keeps manipulating the president. And I wasn't surprised when she gets raped in both route.

>> No.7333679

how do I unlock core route

>> No.7333709

ITT: sick fucks

>> No.7333713

Because she's a nigger.

>> No.7333736


>> No.7333744

Check older threads in the archive.

>> No.7333917

how do i shot web

>> No.7333956

Do the warp event in Micronesia. Conquer Hawaii before Turn 30. Do the warp event in Hawaii. Conquer Canada. You'll be on CORE route several turns later.

>> No.7333978
File: 731 KB, 800x600, 0378952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, oh wow. What is this?

>> No.7333989

Here comes another "wat do?" question.

Are there any ships that negate the -50% damage for females/males weather effect? Shit like this is keeping me from taking over Chicago X.

>> No.7334003

Koizumi in action.

>> No.7334034

Not that I know of. Just use twice your usual firepower, or something.

I agree it sucks; just deal with it. That shits happens in Vietnam too due to an admiral's skill. I don't know how I got past that.

>> No.7334041

I don't like how this artist draws old men. Yamamoto isn't well-drawn either. He should stick drawing more bubbly eyed Mikado.

>> No.7334046

shields and steel bullets.

>> No.7334057

Grab those -600 Laser, -600 Missile, etc. ships. At least you won't take damage now.

And yeah. Slap cannons on everyone, and hope you do enough damage to earn those stars.

>> No.7334079

Is building a dojo worth it from anyone's experience? Does it stacks with Keiko and Kuchiki's skill?

>> No.7334198
File: 108 KB, 406x595, youcannottakebathinspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this thing is?

>> No.7334224

balls of steel

>> No.7334279

armpit defender only in Japan.

>> No.7334373

That can't be too comfortable.

>> No.7334430

The more I hear you guys talking about this, the more I'm convinced it's one huge NTR fest.

Seriously, even Daiakuji didn't mess up your favorite heroines this badly, right?

>> No.7334432

is there a summary or some sort on all routes including CORE?

>> No.7334442

for the fucking last time, there's no NTR.

>> No.7334466

You have to have a protagonist for there to be NTR.

>> No.7334471

I heard comments directly suggesting hard to avoid rape scenes if you don't manage to get to some of the heroines in time. Downright lies, or did I misinterpret it?

Now that I think about it, there are some people on this board who lie about games having NTR in order to create fear in their players, so I should stop taking such rumors at face value.

>> No.7334475

Moot has probably told them to not touch /jp/.

>> No.7334503

/jp/ will be complete the day moot turns the background yellow.

>> No.7334506

Depends on your definition of NTR. The strict Japanese version that nobody on /jp/ actually uses? No. The definition of NTR where sex with any character besides the MC counts as NTR? Yes, boatloads of it.

>> No.7334507

>girl gets raped

>> No.7334517

I don't care about strict definition, I just care about whether it's enraging.

>> No.7334531

How do you feel about bestiality?

>> No.7334532

Enraging because you didn't get the girl? Maybe. I didn't give a damn about it though. I mean I only care about recruiting.

>> No.7334541

More arousing than it should be.

>> No.7334570


There are maybe 2-3 girls that always get raped, that's all.

Most of those hardcore rape scenes are from a bonus mini campaign where you play as a bunch of crazy rapebots.

They probably added this because the main campaign has really little rape and hard sex for an Alice-Soft's game.

>> No.7334587

I love it when the Rance kiddies come out to issue sweeping statements on the general contents of Alicesoft games. Next comes "Alicesoft hates loli."

>> No.7334601

Alicesoft embraces every fetish there is! Except they are weak on anal fucking.

>> No.7334604


Yeah, it's not like almost all AS games have lots of rape.

>> No.7334605

I love how everything you don't approve of in Alicesoft threads can be blamed on people who have only played Sengoku Rance.

>> No.7334640

Probably because the claims they keep making are true of only Rance and the times they mention anything besides 7 can be counted on one hand.

>> No.7334660

No interface translation yet?

Is there a link to the English guide? I'm sure there was a link to it on the last thread's op, but not on this one.

>> No.7334667

You naivete is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.7334671

Using the archive, you can easily find previous threads so you can check out the links in them.

>> No.7334914

So i made a rush to go save Germany only to have them stab me in the back and the now own half the world wtf!!!!! i shoulda just let them di

>> No.7335124


That's why people were raging about german route.

>> No.7335166
File: 164 KB, 800x600, Wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this girl, and why is she controlling a greater space monster?

>> No.7335284

you should just focus on saving Retia-sama,the rest of Berlin can easily go explode in a sea of stars

>> No.7335313

I would always retreat. I can't be fucked to kill it.

>> No.7335418

new thread >>7335416
