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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7318667 No.7318667 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7318670

Because the only girls I'm interested in aren't interested in me.

>> No.7318673

Because I don't want one

>> No.7318676

/jp/ has each other.


Take your shit elsewhere.

>> No.7318677

Because I haven't gotten to Gensokyo yet.

>> No.7318678

Go away parents.

>> No.7318685
File: 60 KB, 436x312, Miyako Healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they have an extra dimention.

>> No.7318694

Because I like guys and I don't know where to look for other fags.

>> No.7318696

no exceptions

>> No.7318697

I have my waifu.

>> No.7318698

Read that huge thread on /cgl/ about vaginas, OP. You'll understand.

>> No.7318715

the last girl I did shit with claims I tried to rape her.....earlier this week.

>> No.7318724

Too much goddamn work.

>> No.7318730

Getting a girlfriend doesn't suddenly mean it's okay to fuck her, anon.

>> No.7318733
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I'm waiting till she gets out.

>> No.7318737

Did you?

>> No.7318748

What else are girlfriends for?

>> No.7318750

I do but she's not interested in me. How do I get her to talk to me?

>> No.7318753

Get her into Touhou.

>> No.7318754
File: 550 KB, 1000x890, 1274497110858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish /jp/ could be my boyfriend

>> No.7318756

because she broke up with me a couple weeks ago for being a shut-in.

>> No.7318761

You already found it

>> No.7318779

1.) Most women are uninteresting bores that only talk about shit they saw on TV last night

2.) It's all about ME ME ME ME

3.) Too much work, too much bullshit, not enough rewards.

4.) Constant bitching

5.) "Why didn't you call me last night?"
"I was sleepy so I went to be instead."

6.) Like OMG like OMG like OMG like OMG THAT IS like SOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO cuuuuuuuute!!~♥♥♥♥♥

Shut your goddamn mouth please.

Not all girls are like that
Stop dating 13 year old girls
ur gay bro
etc etc

I've heard 25+ year old women talking like valley girls so spare me.

>> No.7318783

no I did not. She apparently considers cuddling after i got her off twice as "trying to rape her"

yes yes...

>> No.7318786

Are you gay?

>> No.7318789

/r/ link to it.

I need something more to read to curb me of my want for 3D pigs.

>> No.7318792
File: 45 KB, 146x194, Fuck this man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you ask? You looking for some friends?

>> No.7318808

Because I'm not a lesbian.

>> No.7318810

>Read that huge thread on /cgl/ about vaginas, OP. You'll understand.

Goddamn it was gross. Period threads? Grown women NOT EVEN KNOWING HOW THEY'RE VAGINAS WORK.

And you expect us to get anywhere near something that smells like bloated roadkill?

Women need to take their disgusting fucking problems somewhere else.

>> No.7318809

I want a cute /jp/ girlfriend (´・ω・)

>> No.7318819

1) I'll dig it if you own dakimakura, though I may be weirded out if the count is >4 (since they're expensive investments, I'd think it would've been better if you put the money in the bank or whittled off more of your college loan)

2) Personally I don't drink, but I don't mind if you do, as long as you don't drink to excess. I'd gladly pick you up beer on the way home

3) Be kind, respectful, and loyal; have common sense

4) If I work full-time I will contribute equally toward the house and expenses. If I work part-time or stay-at-home due to offspring caretaking, I will cook your meals, wash your clothes, and keep the house in good condition.

>> No.7318848


>> No.7318856

I wish I was physically capable of being a lesbian.

>> No.7318869
File: 246 KB, 424x598, 1304562266247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go


>> No.7318870

uh...they dont stink lol

>> No.7318933

I wish I was born with a dick. Nature's so unfair.
