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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7318091 No.7318091 [Reply] [Original]

You know I'm curious /jp/

What type of computer do weeaboos most oftenly use

PC or Mac?

>> No.7318096

Nobody on /jp/ uses a Mac.
End of thread, please delete it now.

>> No.7318104

/jp/ - Rejected Facebook Polls/General

>> No.7318106
File: 77 KB, 453x435, chen_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wHELL i always use a PC
so +1 for PC

>> No.7318105

From visiting multiple other forms of communication with /jp/ users, i can confirm some of them use Mac laptops and a lot use iPhones.

Not sure about desktop Macs.

>> No.7318107

most people on /jp/ are not weeaboo.
OP asked about weeaboos.

I'd say the ratio follows the general ratio, most people probably use a PC.

>> No.7318108

Eksi-kun uses a Mac because he's "ironically" homosexual. I doubt anyone else does though.

>> No.7318112

I imagine there's a Mac user or two on here. One time someone was asking how to run Touhou on his Mac.

Now, go and install Gentoo.

>> No.7318113

Only a retard would pick a Mac if they could choose between a PC and a Mac.

>> No.7318114

iPhones don't really have anything to do with Mac or PC, though.
And it's a bit of a surprise to me that one would use a Mac. Aren't most /jp/ programs Windows-based?

>> No.7318124
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>> No.7318126

My that logic everyone uses a PC because the PC is 90% of the market and the Mac is like 10%

>> No.7318130


You wish.

>> No.7318131

Macs are PCs.

And weeaboos use mainframes.

>> No.7318132


well we all know how this will end

>> No.7318133

I like Linux, but nowadays I've been needing to run Windows. I've never used a mac because it's too expensive for my NEET wallet but I don't really care either way, I can get used to anything. What matters is the content, not the platform. Flexibility is the word.

>> No.7318135

New Ubuntu is pretty good.

If you don't need games and stuff...

>> No.7318144

Touhou works well under Wine. What more could you need?

Share, I guess.

>> No.7318149

Why do you guys hate mac? I mean I always hear shit about it but I don't know why

>> No.7318146
File: 55 KB, 197x197, An old woman sheds tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the sidebar thing introduced in 11.04.
I have half a mind to reinstall 10.10 so that the menus and everything work like older mac os, not like new mac os.

>> No.7318150

Visual Novels and stuff...

But really who doesn't double boot Windows if he uses Linux.

>> No.7318163

Most /jp/ related software runs well under wine, the stuff that doesn't can go into a VM, with the excception of Illusion's games and stuff, I guess.

>> No.7318164

Can't you just reconfigure everything? It is Linux, after all.

Though I suppose I'm not one to talk, since technically I have Ubuntu 10 on this computer but can't actually boot into it.

>> No.7318170

I use Linux (Gentoo). Plus Windows in a VM for the odd thing now and then.

>> No.7318171

Oh loled at the name of the picture.

I don't know I kind of like it, ubuntu is meant to be user friendly and this makes it just that.

>> No.7318173

Me, for starters.

Hell, who the fuck does? Even if you absolutely need to run something that won't run in Wine, we have virtual machines for that nowadays.

>> No.7318175

I'm laughing and I feel bad for laughing.

Depends. SWR/Hisoutensoku are generally iffy, and fail completely on NVIDIA's binary driver.

Actually question. Has anyone here managed to get Touhouvania 2 running under Wine? It just crashes at startup in my case.

Emulators tend to work well.

>> No.7318176

Macs aren't computers, they're overpriced toys.

>> No.7318181

Well... you can't really VM shit like Starcraft 2 or Bad Company 2.

And even HoI and Victoria and Anno etc...

>> No.7318189
File: 183 KB, 1024x576, Sion is kaichou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, but I don't know how and I'm afraid that if I find out, I will sprout a neck beard.

Thanks, I'm glad someone other than me reads filenames.
I disagree though, 10.10's interface was very user friendly to me (probably because I grew up with that kind of system) and 11.04's is a horrible piece of shit.

>> No.7318208

>probably because I grew up with that kind of system
Yeah I know that feeling. I still think one of the best MMOs is Ragnarok Online and I prefer the old windows interface because I used it for like 13 years...

>> No.7318216

macs are for hipster rich kids. because normal hipsters cant afford macs. What is even the point of owning a mac when most people dont use it for what its made for?

>> No.7318222
File: 392 KB, 1280x800, Picture 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted from my Macbook

>> No.7318226

Nice mojibake dunkass

>> No.7318227

That Battler.

>> No.7318240
File: 395 KB, 1280x800, Picture 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh didn't even notice that, was moving the window at the time of the screencapture

>> No.7318243


>> No.7318244
File: 169 KB, 830x577, 1301172464216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Its really funny how a "powerful" mac costs like 2000e more than a pc with 3 times the power. Another thing I dont understand is why does everyone in entertaiment business use mac? Its a bother to conver the shitty mac files everytime you get something. What an abomination!

>> No.7318247

>Can't you just reconfigure everything? It is Linux, after all.

OS X is not Linux.

>> No.7318251

Yeah, but we were talking about Ubuntu.

Still mojibake though.

>> No.7318262

Most of the entertainment uses stuff like Adobe that has universal files over all platforms. I haven no idea why they use macs...

>> No.7318263

I always have and always will pick pc. I grew up using at and it just makes sense in so many ways. That being said, I was recently given a used macbook pro for free. I am still trying to figure out what to do with it. No, i will not throw it away and no I will not sell it.

>> No.7318273

So with crossover you can play VNs and shit on OSX? I was thinking of taking up my university's deal on a heavily subsidized Macbook Pro and running boot camp for my Windows only programs. However I only have one Vista key that is currently active on my desktop and I'm too cheap to buy Windows 7.

>> No.7318274

because hipsters, do you not understand?

>> No.7318280

you don't need bootcamp, touhou runs fine with 60 fps under crossover and most vns work (I couldn't get Sharin no Kuni to work for some reason)

>> No.7318278
File: 35 KB, 303x484, 1289466471232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear, Are you implying that entertaiment business revolves around Adobe? Ara ara~
I was mainly talking about all kinds of video/audio formats that are not exported into .mp3 .mkv ect. Ah that sounds very confusing! I'll just shut up and hide ;_;

>> No.7318281

You do know that you can pirate Windows 7 and install a "licence" that makes it look 100% legal via Daz Keyloader 2.0

>> No.7318286

Well that's fine..I didn't like Sharin no Kuni so I wouldn't install it on my secondary computer anyways.

What about language packs and whatnot? Are there issues with that on OSX?

>> No.7318291

No I mean big companies that develop entertainment type software, Adobe being the most prominent one. Use the same formats for the exported files and since they're big companies with a lot of money they 99% of the time make the programs for Windows and OSX.

>> No.7318302

Ah those. Yes, in that matter you are right.

>> No.7318307
File: 1.58 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN2665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hay guys, macfag reporting in.

you should know that blizzard games are natives to mac as well as pc. for other games, i'll just play on pc. except vn and games like 3dcg, 3d custom meido, illusion games and the like, i prefer them on mac just because it's monitor comes pre-calibrated. i dont have to see fucking color palettes on mac like we all do on uncalibrated displays on pc amarite?

>> No.7318313

Or you're just too retarded to use a real monitor? I don't know.

>> No.7318314

>except vn and games like 3dcg, 3d custom meido, illusion games and the like, i prefer them on mac just because it's monitor comes pre-calibrated. i dont have to see fucking color palettes on mac like we all do on uncalibrated displays on pc amarite?

I'll be honest here, I have no idea what you're talking about. Could you elaborate?

>> No.7318320

Windows user here, what are you talking about?
Color palettes?

Are you by any chance comparing your OSX with Windows 98?

>> No.7318328

try to spot choppy color transition in photos if you're in pc. honestly though, it's not too big a problem. but if your work depends on just that, it matters.

i use both monitors. i'm both queer and manly.

>> No.7318331

PC running Linux (debian)

>> No.7318341

glorious garbage picked self built PC master race.

This thing plays dragon age and I didn't pay a cent for it.

(though dealing with IDE hard drives sucks dick)

>> No.7318346

Sill not sure what you mean, could be because I never seen a Mac besides a PC monitor.

>> No.7318367

it's a very small issue, there's no need to care about it if you dont work with photos.
