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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 1376x86, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7316501 No.7316501 [Reply] [Original]

From your friends over at /cgl/.

>> No.7316506

Wow, just fucking wow

that shit is pretty gaia

>> No.7316510

>I hope he was cute because he sounds like a nutcase

Nobody believes me when I tell them women are more superficial than men ;_;

>> No.7316512

pick neither. you should head back over to /cgl/ though.

>> No.7316516
File: 161 KB, 639x479, FACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure this post isn't ironic?
Wait, what the fuck am I saying, it's /cgl/, of course it's not.

>> No.7316518
File: 18 KB, 416x353, s_w24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7316529 [DELETED] 

That's what he gets for dating a woman.

>> No.7316537

That's what he gets for going 3D.

>> No.7316539

Yea man, true NEET for life!

>> No.7316549

Hell yeah, bro.

>> No.7316552


>> No.7316554

fuck off idol scum. that guy was right. he got what he deserved for going 3d. if you idolfags actually ever met a woman in your life then you'd agree. they're called idol for a reason, and it's not because you'll actual idols. enjoy fooling yourself into thinking your favorite idol isn't a nasty bitch, when in fact, she hates disgusting otaku like you.

>> No.7316561

So, I popped in for a look, and the guy really did have it coming.

>No, I really don't. I dumped my last boyfriend because he was way too rough (to the point he bruised my vagina) and degrading during sex, even when I told him to tone it down and made it very clear that I did not enjoy it. He claimed (despite having been a virgin prior to our sleeping together) that he was an "expert" because he watched shitty porn and played hentai games.

>I've found that men that learn how to treat a woman during sex through porn are terrible in bed.

>> No.7316562


EPIC RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually I really don't care.

>> No.7316564

People that aren't neet need to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.7316570

I'm glad we're all in agreement.

Truly /jp/ is a harmonious place.

>> No.7316571

shut the fuck up.

>> No.7316576

Really? And I thought they were educational games. ;_;

>> No.7316578

Your samefagging doesn't make an agreement of the rest of /jp/.

>> No.7316582

Why the hell do you normalfags feel the need to shit up every place you visit? Isn't it enough that your kind already infests the rest of the site? Why do you have to come here to brag about how you can somersault into your Ferrari and fuck bitches on the last refuge of us neets and hikkis?

>> No.7316586

Disregard that, I'm the embodiment of /jp/ and you're some fag.

I'm pretty sure some of them were being sarcastic anyway.

>> No.7316590

>implying he shouldn't have just raped her until she was mind broken like in black lilith games.

that was a softcore pussy. she's lucky he never saw real deal stuff, otherwise she'd be sucking cock in back alleyways.

>> No.7316591

because we just want our right to go where we want.

also, this board could benefit from more femanons, and if more of us /fit/izens, /fa/ggots and other 'cool' guys come here, the hotties will follow.

>> No.7316594

Only true NEETs are allowed here. Non-floorshitters need to get the fuck out.

>> No.7316598

Why are you so mad though? Insecure much? If you're "true" then you wouldn't really give a fuck about what someone posts.
Nobody actually bragged about something in this thread, but you're really begging for trolling with your retarded shit.

>> No.7316600

too many signals you're trolling, anonymous. cut that out. you're crossing the line and only making it worse for yourself.

>> No.7316604

being mildly fashionable is good, but thats easy
going overboard with it just means youre overcompensating

fit is ok because being fit has actual benefits besides just making you feel not ugly

>> No.7316605

Everybody in this thread were trolled.

Like, seriously.

>> No.7316607


Femanon here, guys on /fa/ are ffffffff level hot. I have to admit.

>> No.7316613
File: 112 KB, 600x600, Nevada-Tan Eating Puddi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Femanon here

>> No.7316615

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls...


>> No.7316616

Shooting the messenger is bad form.

>> No.7316619

The reason we don't want you here is because true NEETs have dispensed with the hypocrisy, superficiality, backbiting, and all of the other evil qualities associated with normalfaggotry. Without people like you, drooling fucking retards from /a/, /b/, and /v/ with social lives that come over here and post nukes, /jp/ is peaceful, harmonious, and on-topic.

>> No.7316639

You seem to be under the wrong impression that being mad will scare trolls away. Spoiler: it won't. It will attract even more trolls and even some /jp/ regulars that want to have some fun with you. Too bad you're too retarded to realize that.

>> No.7316644

Nobody posted Jackhammer.jpg?

>> No.7316648

Other femanon here.

This girl is a shallow bitch. I prefer /jp/edos myself, we can share hobbies like VNs and admittedly and I love how cute big, chunky framed glasses look on a guy :3

>> No.7316656

You had me until :3
You better have a good personality.

>> No.7316669

damn gurl. post your facebook and we can talk lol :)

why does /jp/ have such trolls? it's the only board that raids itself besides /b/...

>> No.7316671


>> No.7316673

Because we have the common courtesy to not shit on other people's floors.
Metaphorically or not, I'm not sure.

>> No.7316675

Every board in 4chan trolls itself, that's nothing special. /jp/ is just one of the few boards that is extremely good at successfully trolling itself.

>> No.7316689

I tend to prefer shy nerds as well but at this point I've just stopped caring about trying to convince anons that women that share their hobbies are actually attracted to them. You could make a list about why otaku are the best boyfriends ever and they would still complain about something nitpicky and call you a bitch/whore.

>> No.7316691

Brace for impact.

>> No.7316696

can you take dick all the way down your throat though?

>> No.7316697

I have no friends.

>> No.7316707

I'm your friend Anonymous.

>> No.7316713

You've got a whole circle of friends, Anon. A friend circle, if you will.

>> No.7316718

I never said I want friends.

>> No.7316723

Fool! Do not bring up that accursed name! You know not what you summon from the depths of hell!

>> No.7316724

There's no leaving the friend circle, Anon.

>> No.7316731
File: 37 KB, 387x376, 1304147154535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the worst that could happen, ese?

>> No.7316748

Glad to see I'm not the only one who browses between /cgl/ and /jp/.
You guys realize you're two sides of the same coin, right?

>> No.7316752

I would think that's the best possible reason to hate each other.

>> No.7316753

No, not really.

>> No.7316757

That guy was a true neutral. He didn't have any responsibility to tell them stuff like they'll become zombies. They should've asked what the ritual pertained of and he would've answered them honestly. It isn't his fault they're dumb as shit. No one ever even asked him how he has his magical powers, what the fuck.

The ending was okay, but kinda shitty. Why did she think he could actually grant that wish? It made it seem like she had resolve and wasn't just a fucking retard, but basically there was no guarantee he could do it based on the previous 11 episodes, or her entire experience with dealing with him.

I really wanted to see homura die too...

>> No.7316761

How would you even come to that conclusion?

>> No.7316770

Yep. 3d obsessed girls with drama mixing with 2d obsessed boys who want to take it easy. All we need is a laugh track.

>> No.7316773


People with severe, crippling social problems lashing out at others with the same hobbies and mentality.
Nobody hates your board more than your own users, and yet at the same time you claim it as the mecca between much shittier options.

>> No.7316776

Thanks for the spoilers, asshole. I was planning on watching it after finals, but no, someone is too lazy to do a simple spoiler tag.
Well, I didn't read that much, so it's not that bad. But you really should consider other people when you post things like that.

>> No.7316777

But I don't have the same hobbies and mentality.

>> No.7316779

Get out whore.

>> No.7316781


Anime has a terrible, needlessly soul-crushing ending without any regard for the previous plot or character development.

There, I just ruined every anime ever.

>> No.7316783

I think he (she) means /jp/ bitching about /jp/ and /cgl/ bitching about /cgl/ as opposed to cross-board bitching.

>> No.7316784

It is unfortunate that people think there is a need to find differences and faults in others when it is quite easy to get along if you share interests, and ignore when you don't.

>> No.7316787

Don't forget that our hobbies overlap more than either of us would like to admit.
I dream of the day /jp/ gets some brolitas and /cgl/ starts caring about con merchandise.

>> No.7316788

No need to actually put thought into some whores post. Just tell her to get out.

>> No.7316789

This thread is bad - if you reply to it (even when being ironic) you are shitsposter and you should go back >>>/a/

>> No.7316793


It goes way, way deeper than that broski.
Idol threads = Inspiration threads: Just one weirdo dumping images for no reason.
Waifu threads = Pixyteri threads: People just bitching over imaginary drama.
Masturbation sleeve threads = Cosplaying threads: Truly what the board is about, but it in the end it's just overpriced masturbation.

>> No.7316794

don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.7316800

See, that's better. Thank you.

Also, I'll probably be cast out for admitting this, but last year I did go to the /cgl/ meetup at Otakon. They really aren't that bad of people, and I hope that if we ever have an offline meetup and I hope we dont you guys would be just as chill.

>> No.7316801

trueNEET confirmed for taking it easy

>> No.7316804


Don't forget about /cgl/'s Kig threads. Same shit, different boards.

>> No.7316806

I'd be alright with moot merging /jp/ and /cgl/.
The guys who can't take it easy would fuck off back to /bun/ and the rest of us can get laid.

>> No.7316808

Hell, for every "Japan got nuked U MAD" we get, they get assholes from /fit/ and /fa/ trying to look cool and end up shitting up their board just as much.

You know, we may have lost /tg/, but we could really start anew with this relationship.

>> No.7316809

It absolutely would never work.


>> No.7316810

I don't get it. /cgl/ is cosplay, isn't it supposed to be full of semi-normalfags who are into all those "hentai games"? But it seems it's just full-on normalfag like /b/ or /soc/.

>> No.7316812

When's the last time we had a nuke raid, anyway?

>> No.7316816

Been a while, the earthquake gave them a new gimmick to latch on to.

>> No.7316818

They got it all out of their system with earthquake raids instead earlier this year.

>> No.7316819

I'm sure you could find vague parallels like that between any two boards.

>> No.7316820


They try their best to appear happy and perfectly co-mingled with their subculture. But to anyone who actually is normal, the "best" of them are actually look like absolute freaks.
cgl = jp

>> No.7316821

/cgl/ is just fat women pretending to be thin and the fags who pander to them.

>> No.7316824


As a master of the internet, I can tell you that /m/ is the only place with the same scale of stupid bullshit vs egotism as /jp/.

>> No.7316825

When I think cosplay, I think of girls who want to dress up and look pretty in a slightly nerdy way. The average /jp/er or anyone remotely similar doesn't really come to mind.

>> No.7316826

You had me until /cgi/=/jp/. You would just not get a post like that here, and I hope there never comes a time where you would.

/cgl/ would be one of the last boards I'd want to merge with, but pretty much every board would be a detriment anyway. Probably just choose some slow board to minimize the impact.

>> No.7316829
File: 166 KB, 1278x856, ITS RIGHT BEHIND US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7316830

Ask them if they wear their dresses/costumes in public. Half of them say yes, the other half would if they weren't embarrassed. They just have a hobby that's easier to conceal your power levels with, because it's semi-practical.

>> No.7316833

>goes to /cgl/ meetup at a con
>doesn't want a /jp/ meetup
>thinks he's actually a /jp/er and not just a immigrant scum invading /jp/ territory

my normalfag gypsy scum can't be this stupid.

the similarity between /cgl/ and /jp/ is the same as /jp/ and /soc/. ignore anyone who actual browses that board. go take a look it's a bunch of cosplay con whores who don't know shit about otaku culture by our boards definition.

>> No.7316834

so /jp/ and /c/. I would like this, dilute the kiddie neets with hnng.

>> No.7316835
File: 112 KB, 900x600, 1258267492997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone would look twice if this was jpmeetup.jpg

Also, trap thread.

>> No.7316836

>don't know shit about otaku culture by our boards definition.

Start a lolita thread in /cgl/
See if the shitflood of pointless bitching about semantics and the OP image doesn't perfectly mirror /jp/.

>> No.7316838
File: 315 KB, 533x800, 1288301947805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know very little about kigurumi, so I can't say too much about it, but my description is what comes to mind when I think of more standard cosplays.

Picture related, it's not /jp/.

>> No.7316840

Why does /jp/ hate them then? We're both boards of little girls that love shaving our legs and dressing up in frilly clothes, so we should be getting along and having tea parties.

>> No.7316841

This post is pure gold.

>> No.7316842

There is no camera.

>> No.7316843

Because oftentimes its little girls shaving their legs and dressing up in frilly clothes so a bunch of people can take pictures and say they love them even if its obviously only their looks.

Sounds awefully similar to camwhores, yes?

I don't mean it so harshely really, its just while our hobbies may align, our personalities don't

>> No.7316845

uh, some lolita whores don't know shit about otaku culture. since when is being a typica female and interested in fashion comparable to an otaku hobby? any hobby board will bitch about semantics and even non-lolita fashion boards/topic will mirror them. go look at /fa/ and go look at /cgl/ lolita, see something? yeah, they're both the same.

>> No.7316848

But I've been here for years. Even before /jp/, I read VNs. /jp/ is like a second home to me. That hurts.

I just like cons because I like shopping for figs and scrolls offline, good deals on manga and older merchandise and fashion shows

>> No.7316849

>so a bunch of people can take pictures and say they love them

Yeah, you don't know shit about cosplay.

>> No.7316852

I'm pretty sure at least a part of /jp/ would like to be the little girl playing dress-up being fawned over for her looks.

I'm pretty sure the meaning is, "both /jp/ and /cgl/ get into lengthly shitstorms about what their board is supposed to be like," not that the specific points of discussion have anything to do with each other. Form, not substance.

>> No.7316854

Sure I don't,but that's the initial motivation, and that's the end result.

>> No.7316855


Then you should know by now that the board is equal amounts of people like us (People who just enjoy otaku bullshit and touhou) and piss-bottling NEETS who just want to turn this place into a massive puddle of negative self-pity.

>> No.7316857

Yes, but there is one fatal flaw in that argument.

Otaku culture and Gothic Lolita, You can't really separate the two. We used to have that one tripfag who loved dolls. And what did those dolls wear?

>> No.7316859

are dolls people?

>> No.7316862

This is a horribly ridiculous and inaccurate description of /jp/. And no, not because it's actually all one way or the other.

>> No.7316867

If its so inaccurate, why do the posts so often reflect just that?

>> No.7316868


Go ahead and describe /jp/ for us, oh wise one.

>> No.7316872

You're right, its people who want to take it easy with VNs and doujin games and then there's the kids who think everything must match the same colour of shit that they cover their own lives with.

>> No.7316875
File: 594 KB, 600x1710, iLOVEJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is exactly why I don't want an offline meetup. The former probably wouldn't enjoy it, and the latter would turn it into a pity party

And the thing is, I love both.

>> No.7316878

The loudest people are not an accurate sampling of the board.

That's a rather tall order. For starters, it's not nearly so polarized as you make it out to be.

>> No.7316883

If you wish to spend that much time going through the entire spectrum, go ahead.

>> No.7316887

There have been severeal /jp/ meetups in the past, during Comiket or Reitaisai. People who went always had a good time.

>> No.7316888

Can't be bothered.

>> No.7316889

No, but the end result is the same. Pictures being taken to show off how good they look in a dress.
Are you saying it's fundamentally different for someone to take pictures of themselves and taking pictures of their things?

>> No.7316893

I'm sure some of these people would dress up even if they didn't have cameras.

>> No.7316894

I can understand how both boards might have similar threads complaining about stupid things. But that's a pretty weak comparison. Most of humanity complains about stupid things. That, and then there's the fact that /jp/ is about the most un-normal board there is, and /cgl/ is an unholy den of attentionwhores. /jp/ is pretty bad sometimes, but it still doesn't deserve to be compared to the abomination that is /cgl/.

>> No.7316895

i thought this thread couldn't get worse. now all the whiny shit normalfags are appearing. let's see who is involved in more otaku culture. the true NEETS who spend all day on /jp/ and actually enjoying otaku culture, or the whiny shit normalfags who complain about work, school, their shitty non-existent love lives, and constantly trying to prove something since their lives are so hallow.

complaining about NEETs only proves you're a fucking retard. any NEET spends x5 times the amount of time you do on this board and pursuing otaku culture.

>> No.7316896


The people who actually live in Japan or can speak Japanese aren't anywhere close to a standard /jp/ user.

>> No.7316898

ZUN isn't a NEET and he certainly contributes more to otaku culture than you.

>> No.7316900

The difference is that /jp/ isn't about contributing to the otaku culture, it's about consuming it.

>> No.7316901

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.7316902

>self pity

You don't know shit about what it means to be a true NEET if you think that.

>> No.7316903

I'd say I'm jealous, but I think I'm more jealous of going to Reitaisai than meeting /jp/sies. And I definitely wasn't saying it couldn't work out. Just I don't know what I'd do, so I'm imagining it turning out boring. I'm probably projecting.

>> No.7316904

Persuing and contributing are different things, sir

>> No.7316906


My job pays for my figs and other bullshit. By signing up my girlfriend on the weeaboo train, I essentially doubled my efficiency. By your definition I am at least twice as /jp/ as you.

>> No.7316908

some fucking homo tripfag who shit up for the board for 2 nearly 3 years and was pretty much filtered by the entire board except for his cesspool followers? he didn't contribute shit to "otaku culture" you fucking retard. also, i said pursuing otaku culture, not "contributing" whatever the fuck that means.

you're probably zun yourself you piece of shit. go die. yeah, he contributed to shitposting all day, until he got kicked out of his place and forced into the military.

>> No.7316910
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, jpmeetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to /cgl/.
What is wrong with you fatty dressing up in frilly girls clothes? Do you really think it is cool or something? I never understood how you guys can go walking around shouting meme and singing cirno perfect math class.
Eye cancer at its finest. I have nothing against meetup but faggots like those found in sakuracon disgust me.

>> No.7316911


>> No.7316912


That's a dangerous amount of mad you've got there. You should get that checked out.

>> No.7316913
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7316914

7/10, You're getting more subtly with your True NEET rhetoric. Good job.

>> No.7316918

So let me get this straight.
Someone said ZUN.
The first person you thought of was a tripfag I haven't seen in forever.
Not the creater of half this board's reason for existing.
You're either the best troll I've seen this year, or I'm calling you out as the shittiest person to ever claim he's a native /jp/ browser.

>> No.7316919

my mistake. i forgot about that zun. either way i said pursuing otaku culture, not contributing. and the average normalfag on /jp/ doesn't do shit, so why you mentioning zun.

>> No.7316924

no, it was something i'd expect a normalfag to say for some reason. i said pursuing otaku culture, so i assumed he had some kind of twisted idea and mentioned zun!bar as zun, since i didn't see a reason for someone to mention zun the creator of touhou when i was talking about users who browse /jp/.

>> No.7316925

My point was that not all normalfags (ZUN, who has friends and likes beer and holds down a job, essentially qualifies as) are the laughable one-dimensional sad people that you perceive them as.

>> No.7316927 [DELETED] 

>average normalfag on /jp/
>doesn't do shit
I don't know, you're doing quite a bit of trolling their.
Maybe you should get some ice for those intense anal injuries you got there. Your career as a fart commander is a risk, you know.

>> No.7316929 [DELETED] 

>average normalfag on /jp/
>doesn't do shit
I don't know, you're doing quite a bit of trolling their.
Maybe you should get some ice for those intense anal injuries you got there. Your career as a fart commander is a risk, you know.

>> No.7316930

>average normalfag on /jp/
>doesn't do shit
I don't know, you're doing quite a bit of trolling there.
Maybe you should get some ice for those intense anal injuries you got there. Your career as a fart commander is at risk, you know.

>> No.7316951

you're right, but those kinda people aren't posting on /jp/ and complaining about true NEETS either any chance they get. my point was i'm bored of seeing retarded normals act like NEETS don't actually participate in otaku culture. a NEET by definition spends more time on /jp/ and more time enjoying it than any normalfag posting on /jp/.

if you're a normalfag complaining about NEETs, then you haven't realized they spend more time here than 5 of you combined and still see more get more otaku material.

uh, what does the average normalfag who doesn't regularly even browse /jp/ do? working at whatever shitty job you got doesn't count as contributing at otaku culture, by the way.
>fart commander
yeah. get a trip so i can filter you already.

>> No.7316952

I'm not really social person, and I'm not from Anglo-sphere country (like probably many of /jp/ are), but really, I never meet normals acting so retarded like these on 4chan. Even those lowest of lowest normals who drink beer all day, go on parties, listen to disco and such were a lot more polite and more cultured than these idiots from /adv/, /soc/, /r9k/ or other "normal" boards. Posters of "normal" are just ill-mannered, even people with real mental problems could give better conversation. So what's wrong with "normals" there?

>> No.7316960


What if it wasn't whether people had a job, or went to school that determined whether they were "normal"? For instance, take two people who attend the same class. When the weekend comes around, person #1 goes out to a big party, gets wasted, sleeps with a random woman, and then updates his facebook. While person #2 stays home and plays visual novels/touhou or whatever. Knowing that the goals/desires of the two are completely different, could you really say that both people should fall into the same category?

>> No.7316961

>uh, what does the average normalfag who doesn't regularly even browse /jp/ do?
Make posts like >>7316951

>> No.7316972

Nobody can be certain on an anonymous imageboard, but the vast majority of non-NEETs here (assuming for the moment that there are a bunch) don't bitch about NEETs or even mention that they're non-NEETs. Most of them come to /jp/ to post about Touhou or VNs and it never comes up.

Presumably the average normalfag, during the day, goes and does his EET things, and then comes home and does /jp/-related things. He may not have as many hours in the day to do it, but so what?

>> No.7316985

you quoted the post. i'll forgive you since your normal brain is underdeveloped from all the tv you watch.

>> No.7316992

Yes, but if you think of it like that, we loose the only thing we can consider status. Without that feeling of elitism, how can we truly fall sleep in our waifu's arms comfortably?
I bet you're one of those normalfags trying to sneak in here, aren't you? WELL I'M ON TO YOU! GET OUT OF /jp/ YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!

But seriously, I would totally welcome those kinds of people here. The only thing stoping them is that asshole who keeps rating about being a true /jp/ NEET.

>> No.7316996

i don't really care? obviously normals will browse the site. i only mentioned what i said because of the idiotic normal who implied NEETS don't even participate in otaku culture, and only want to turn this board into some "self pity party".

>> No.7317010

I agree that the statement that you're criticizing was retarded, but then you went and made a number of very general statements about how all non-NEETs are terrible posters. (Or, rather, the people who were complaining about some of the NEETs, but you don't need to be a massive faggot to criticize statements like "everybody who's non-NEET needs to get the fuck out of /jp/." Which have been made before by other people.)

>> No.7317014

>because of the idiotic normal who implied NEETS don't even participate in otaku culture
>implied NEETS don't even participate in otaku culture
>implied NEETS
Oh shit, look what you've done.

>the board is equal amounts of people like us (People who just enjoy otaku bullshit and touhou) and piss-bottling NEETS who just want to turn this place into a massive puddle of negative self-pity
He didn't imply that all NEETs on /jp/ were shitting up the place. He implied that there were a bunch that were. In fact, I daresay that the NEET part was just incidental, and you're grasping at straws.

>> No.7317028

>He didn't imply that all NEETs on /jp/ were shitting up the place.
He totally did. "/jp/ is made out of people who are either 1. regular people like you and me, or 2. NEETs shitting up the board." You'd have to be pretty dumb not to see the obvious implication there.

>> No.7317034

And in retropect, his point was pretty bad. I don't think it's a equal number, but they are rather annoying when they start.

>> No.7317048
File: 70 KB, 360x200, Yukkuri shiteitte ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem was with the "all" part of the statement. At this point, we're just arguing over how we interpreted his statement, so let's stop.
