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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7309100 No.7309100 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you so fat? It's not good for you. Losing weight is easier than masturbating. There are no valid excuses for being fat.

>> No.7309102


>> No.7309104 [DELETED] 

I've always wondered, does masturbating count as cardio? It gets your heart rate up, leaves you out of breath, makes you sweat, etc. Swimming and running are so boring.

>> No.7309107

I am not fat. Stop projecting.

I could name every food I have eaten this whole year and every single one of them would be healthy. I could also name all the quantities to an extent. You can use that to judge whether or not the one eating them is likely to be fat, fatty.

>> No.7309325

I'm currently dieting. I need to lose 10 kg to be as perfectly slim as I was before I became a hikki NEET.

>> No.7309327 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 2048x1536, toungue_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im healthy as HELL no matter what or how much i eat of it i'm still underweight

>> No.7309328

>I'm currently dieting.
Faggot. Everyone is on a diet. Their diet is what they eat.

So when you say "dieting" you sound like you're saying "I have modified my eating habits temporarily for some purpose" and imply that you will end your "diet" at some point and just revert back to whatever stupid shit you ate before. The result will be you'll have the same body you did before.

>> No.7309330

Calm down, my friend.

>> No.7309332

Oh, wow, my sister! I am the same.
Life is good, eh, wtH?

>> No.7309335

I'm skinny as fuck the doc said I should gain some weight or I would pass the physical exam needed for my job.

>> No.7309340

If you abuse that shit I hope you like diabetes.

>> No.7309360 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 850x1205, sanae_mean______________________ima_kick_her_there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trollin to HELL and back

>> No.7309367

I do my best to contain myself within limits.

>> No.7309373

Stop lying, you fat fuck. I can feel the presence of your overweight body.

>> No.7309375 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 399x501, head_tilt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are still mad as HELL from yesterday?! xD
you are j'HELLy too lol

>> No.7309383
File: 330 KB, 700x700, 32bdb8c5a8a14f2569b8b2d3a478142f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

59.1kg (few days ago) I was checking on medical weight.

I need to lose at least 5-10 kg to be like Japanese people and youkais of Gensokyo.

>> No.7309385

Thats pretty low I thinks. Dont you dare to lose more!

>> No.7309388

I hope you are a girl... wait, no I don't.

>> No.7309397
File: 474 KB, 906x1280, Yama - Pajamas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hai yoh /jp/!

Hey....Me too!

>> No.7309403

50 Kgs reporting in

Feels...uuh... normal.

>> No.7309405

You don't look good as a stick either, you know.

>> No.7309411

Landwhale cruising through this thread, 150kg.

I'm fat because why not. I'm too hairy to ever be a cute trap and I never go anywhere. All losing weight would do for me is give me more energy to waste in a day and extend my life. I do nothing important in a day, so there's no reason to want the first, and I'm already starting to go blind and will likely be completely blind by time I'm 50. No reason to need an extra 30 years beyond that.

Sure I could do a few situps each day and probably lose a ton of weight, but why bother when I can just fap to eroge?

>> No.7309413

I'm only 52kg though...

>> No.7309428 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 152x128, backing_away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the HELL is no one using LB? is everyone here not in the US? for the record i weight 108 lb

>> No.7309431


I try to be considerate for eurofags that don't learn both systems.

>> No.7309448

Because the imperial system is absolutely terrible. I'm not even going to bother converting your weight to kilograms so I may comprehend it, but it doesn't really matter as I know you're fat as HELL after all.

>> No.7309455

Hey, I stopped gaining weight when I became a NEET couple years ago, that counts for something.
I'm still 140 kg or so, since losing weight would take effort.

>> No.7309466 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 126x126, suwako_weird_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the HELL you still mad for

it's 48 kg btw

>> No.7309519

Nobody from America is giving their weight because FAT FAT FAT

>> No.7309526

Everyone from /jp/ is either ridiculously skinny or disgustingly fat. Is there nobody with a healthy weight?

>> No.7309529

I weigh 65kg, is that a healthy weight?

>> No.7309530

"Healthy weight" as in healthy weight range, maybe. But in reality they are fat fats with no body muscle.

>> No.7309536

You need both a weight and a height to determine that. For the sake of simplicity I'll even ignore muscle mass since it is /jp/.

No one has given both of those values in this thread. I could be 180lbs and it wouldn't be very bad if I was near 7ft tall(excuse the imperial system)

>> No.7309541

183 cm
that's as healthy as it gets

>> No.7309549

Joke's on you, I am skinny as fuck (just like almost everyone else on /jp/), chilling at 77kg.

>> No.7309555

Guess I'll contribute. 167cm and 90kg with some muscle (bench 60kg and squat 80kg). I hate being almost morbidly obese but I'm a NEET and I enjoy slowly finishing my massive backlog of games/VN/anime everyday.

>> No.7309564

77kg is thin? You better be damn tall or muscular. I'm 60kg and I'm just about normal, not "skinny as fuck."

>> No.7309597

I don't even know how much I weigh.

>> No.7309643

>bench 60
>some muscle

>> No.7309664
File: 72 KB, 850x637, 1298013063161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Losing weight is easier than masturbating.

>leaves you out of breath
Time to lose some weight there, buddy.

>> No.7309670

BMI-wise I'm supposed to be 60kg, so I'm roughly packing on an extra 30kg of fat. If I was 60kg, I would be benching my bodyweight for 5 reps each set; if that isn't muscle then I don't know what to believe in anymore.

>> No.7309682

Lifting fat isn't impressive.

>> No.7309692

I'll concede to that. Anyone can get strong by eating a lot and going to the gym.

>> No.7309988
File: 149 KB, 500x464, cute-cat-hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry. Take life as it is, it does not matter what other people are thinking.
Will they die instead of you when the time of your death come?

>> No.7310005
File: 908 KB, 960x720, 1302579477100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

105 Kg here.

Losing weight is too complicated and it's not like my life will be better if I lose some weight.

>> No.7310008

170 cm tall
62 kgs

I lost 13 fucking kgs this summer, i felt myself like a new man, too bad i dont have muscles so i look fat even if im not (PS: my doctor said that 65 kgs should be my ideal weight)

>> No.7310024

/jp/ - Health & Fitness

>> No.7310046



Lost 15kg from 85kg to 70kg (171cm) but just by eating almost nothing instead of doing any sports. The result was that I was looking almost exactly like before but felt like shit.

Maybe I'll try again..

>> No.7310162

Jesus christ, are you a fucking gnome? If you're a man you should be AT LEAST 180cm.

No wonder you're all 60kg and below, if you're all midget-sized.

>> No.7310187


>AT LEAST 180cm.

Are you european?

>> No.7310199

was at 85 for a while but now i'm down to 68kg

>> No.7310201

Fucking gnome reporting in. 167 cm, 57 kg as of today.

>> No.7310244

184cm, 125kg

I like unhealthy food and I don't see a point in trying to lose weight. People say that I look quite built I know I am fat, just don't care. I can lift my own weight though, maybe a bit more, so at the very least there is some strength there. Also my legs are oddly toned from having to carry myself around all the time.

>> No.7310255

270 lbs

203 cm

>> No.7310271

193cm, 75kg here.
I'll count the average /jp/sie size after this thread.

>> No.7310348

I have no idea how tall I am or how much I weigh.

but I don't think I'm fat, I go out for a 2 hour long walk every single night!

>> No.7310408
File: 4 KB, 160x163, 127885549247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 yo
174 cm
79 kg
185 kg deadlift
120 kg squat
97,5 kg bench

>> No.7310413


>> No.7310452

Fat, uneducated cunt who tries to feel superior by posting results of lifting heavy things online. Only idiots lift weights.

>> No.7310460

I've gained 5 kilos this spring. Studying makes me lust after sweets.

>> No.7310473

>There are no valid excuses for being fat.

I'm from /fit/ originally, and I whole-heartedly agree with this.

Be a shut-in. Be a social recluse. But don't be fat. Even shut-ins can be in great shape. I would know--I am one.

>> No.7310482
File: 20 KB, 293x440, dolph-lundgren-shirtless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common stereotype. Some people believe that training the mind is as important as training the body. Take Dolph Lundgren as an example:
>He graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology. He has a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney (1982). He was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983, but he quit after two weeks to pursue acting.[8] He speaks Swedish, English, Spanish, some German, some French, some Japanese, and some Italian.

>> No.7310483
File: 12 KB, 281x236, weird_face_saying_ok_after_C++_programmer_fucked_a_Java_Programmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7310492

Agreed I hate fat people man, they just disgust me that they care so little for themselves.
Also seeing a fat person also is disgusting they look like hippos walking on two legs.

>> No.7310493

way to to stereotyping us..
dude i weight about 48kg so i am a bit underweighty

>> No.7310505

>my face when
>no face
>I want to fuck
>fuck fuck fuck

>> No.7310672

How can you hate people who have done nothing to you?

>> No.7310687

Ok maybe not hate but dislike. I don't like being around them or associated with them. I find them gross.

>> No.7310688

I don't eat anything, how can I be fat?

>> No.7310714

I just ate half a pizza and feel like shit.

Is this what Sudo goes through every day?

>> No.7310740

Oh wow! That's that russian guy who beat the HELL out of Rocky in that one Rocky movie! Had a punch of like 5000 horsepower or some shit. You know who I mean.
