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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 181 KB, 621x956, Los Angeles (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7306428 No.7306428 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou fags , worst fags on /jp/?

YES or NP?

>> No.7306431

I'm pretty sure you are the worst.

>> No.7306430
File: 186 KB, 700x700, NO, NOT EVEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7306432




>> No.7306433

Those fags need to fuck off with their webo toohoo shit.

>> No.7306435

Tripfags who constantly use a trip even when not contributing are the worst.

>> No.7306440

Sorry every thread isn't a drama-ridden VN translation thread.

>> No.7306441
File: 50 KB, 244x363, pretty_gutsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL naw

0/666 for both the post i quoted and for the thread

>> No.7306445

we've been trying to get rid of those 2hu niggers for years. good luck.

>> No.7306446

Touhou fags are only here because Moot kicked Touhou out of /a/. There's no reason why people can't post Cosmic Break and similar shit somewhere else.

>> No.7306456

YES fuck touhou faggots. Touhou is the cancer killing /jp/

>> No.7306455
File: 427 KB, 1136x1600, e0fbff07e835208f_10627_Kago_Ai_Photobook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am asking a Touhou fag to give me 10 reasons that everyone can understand why he likes touhou

The game simple and retarded
The music is bad
The art is awful

Why people still like it ?
Well the only reason I can see of is, its not mainstream

>> No.7306461
File: 112 KB, 500x1220, yoshika - 18639937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute.

>> No.7306462

Masochistic /jp/ thread?

>> No.7306467

If it wasn't Touhou it would be FSN.

If I recall Saber threads still exist.

>> No.7306471

The sad thing is people are actually going to get trolled by your half assed trolling.

>> No.7306486
File: 29 KB, 252x400, supercargo ai kago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 more things please
Okey let me see, If I dislike something that you like , I am a troll?
If your brain works like this good luck in real life

I wont hide it, but I dont much about anime, but if I compare the story, art to other animes Touhou looks like its made by a 12 year old autistic fat fuck

>> No.7306500

Give everyone 10 reasons that everyone can understand why you are a king and not a princess.

>> No.7306509
File: 26 KB, 281x400, Tsuji_Nozomi_771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point is my trip-name doesn't effect the board with shitposting like Touhou fags do, posting everyday the same old thread and circle jerking who is the "best" touhou whore , brings /jp/ to a new level of shitposting

>> No.7306518

Sorry, no one understands what you just said. But whatever, list 9 more reasons.

>> No.7306522 [SPOILER] 
File: 638 KB, 744x994, 1298359845349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm your shitposting makes my penis hard, KING OF /jp/-san

>> No.7306526

Wow all this time I thought this tripfag is just pretending to be utterly annoying, but now I'm almost sure that he is serious about the stuf he says.

>> No.7306540
File: 16 KB, 160x120, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you see I am a individual , 1 being.
How much I post I cant effect the topic of the board or the level of posting on this board.

Touhou fags are a group of same the same type of fags.
There number of posts effect the board in a very negative direction.

Touhou fags should go and ask moot to give them a touhou fag board

>> No.7306546

But isn't this the touhou fag board?

>> No.7306567

That isn't a reason. 9 more please.

>> No.7306576
File: 6 KB, 184x274, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't always like this

Touhou has nothing to do with Otaku culture or anime/manga.....
Its just a collection of drawing made by 1 old guy who has no knowledge to draw nice anime girls.

Look at the first page of /jp/

1 thread"Who is the worst touhou"
2. thread" How can I live in Touhou land"
3.thread " What powers I would obtain if I would live in touhou world"

that's what I call shitposting the highest level

>> No.7306587
File: 38 KB, 200x341, 200px-CirnoPCB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I have friends who like touhou we talk about friendly touhou things.
2. I have /jp/ who like touhou we talk about /jp/ touhou things.
3. I have sister who like touhou we talk about sister touhou things.
4. I have mother who like touhou we talk about motherly touhou things.
5. I have touhou who like touhou we talk about touhou touhou things.
6. I have waifu who like touhou we talk about waifu touhou things.
7. I have shitposters who like touhou we talk about shitposting touhou things.
8. I have like touhou things I like about touhou things.
9. I have secondarier who like touhou we talk about secondary touhou things.
10. I have op who like touhou I talk about op touhou things.

10 they're you go op get the hell out before I am destroying my own bust

>> No.7306598

>it wasn't always like that
sorry to burst your bubble but it always has been like that.
And if you insist to annoy the fuck out of everyone by playing the police of this board without even knowing what the fuck this board is about then I suggest that you kindly fuck off

>> No.7306632

>implying /jp/ was always otaku culture

>> No.7306638
File: 36 KB, 225x349, 848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't "real otaku clulture"
But it was a long long time ago, something like that.
Before the migration of /a/ and befor the name change

>> No.7306645

why are you still here, you fucking retard.

>> No.7306648
File: 15 KB, 368x300, tojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am disappoint

>> No.7306650

You are not even wrong.
Get out.

>> No.7306658

Typical faggot with no idea what they are talking about.


Welcome to /jp/. The board for Touhou and VNs are welcome.

>> No.7306676
File: 616 KB, 740x740, 1298452246919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can't spell NO

>> No.7306681
File: 6 KB, 245x234, lookhoweasythatwas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7306695
File: 55 KB, 700x700, Not Even II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This didn't come out anywhere as nice as I had envisioned it.
