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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7300020 No.7300020 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7300023


>> No.7300025


>> No.7300027


>> No.7300028


>> No.7300029

My most sincere apologies for not deleting that earlier. I am most ashamed.

>> No.7300033

Nice sage you dumb fuck.

I hope you're happy for bumping my shitty thread.

>> No.7300037
File: 405 KB, 975x600, 1266870729946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And /jp/ is good right now. Thank you warmly, guys.

>> No.7300038

What else do you expect from a toohoo fan?

>> No.7300041

The more people see it the quicker it gets deleted you stupid newfag weeaboo.

>> No.7300047
File: 9 KB, 95x108, 1293665964746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs

>> No.7300054

Yeah, we should constantly bump all the terrible threads instead of just letting them drop off the front page. Great idea.

>> No.7300061

The fuck did you just call me you fucking nerd?

>> No.7300062

What the fuck is wrong with the big gets? 4chan has always jizzed over them.

Fucking /jp/ needing to be different

>> No.7300065

Since when would this be a big get? Come back at 8 million.

>> No.7300067

Fuck off faggot, this is a GET thread not a dub thread.

Dubfags are the only thing I hate more than GETfags and people who add fag to the end of words. And /jp/. What a shitty imageboard.

>> No.7300071

7.3M is fairly big. That being said /jp/ still threw a fit at 7M when people went for the get.

>> No.7300079

Well, understandable, seeing no thread we made could stay in the board, let alone the frontpage.

>> No.7300081

I thought the 7M get was substantially less disruptive than expected. A lot of posters were expecting to all the pages but we only lost around three or five.

Or I have fabricated memories, either works.
