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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7299479 No.7299479 [Reply] [Original]

1. wake up
2. do nothing all day
3. feel indifferent about it

>> No.7299491

indifferent people doesn't make shit threads about themselves.

>> No.7299492

I know that feel.

>> No.7299493 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7299513

But right now is late night and now you go sleep instead waking up.

Create this thread at morning so we will be able to discuss portals, NEETing, and taking it easy!

>> No.7299519

I'm too depressed to fap

I wonder if this is what being dead feels like

>> No.7299522

1. wake up
2. do nothing all day
3. wallow in depression from self pity and meaninglessness, promising yourself that tomorrow will be the day that you fix your life
4. goto 1

>> No.7299525

Am I the only one that actually feels bad about procrastinating/wasting all day?

>> No.7299526

Go to hell NEET.

>> No.7299533

Why should you care? People enjoy spending their time in different ways.

Also, reported.

>> No.7299534

I feel bad for a variety of reasons but that is one of them

>> No.7299535

5. Profit

>> No.7299537

If you really didn't like it, you would stop doing it.

>> No.7299541
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sup /jp/, /adv/ here hi-jacking your thread cos,
why aren't you getting your depression checked?

>> No.7299547

Whats wrong with taking it easy? If anything neet's are living an ideal lifestyle if they have enough money to support themselves

>> No.7299548

I do it sometimes. I even spent a whole day studying like a normal person. However I just sink back again the next weekend. I swear it's the VN TL Status thread's fault.

>> No.7299551


>> No.7299556

1. Wake up.
2. Go back to sleep.
3. Wake up again.
4. Do nothing for what little is left of the day.
5. Reflect on what a good day it was while in the shower.
6. To to bed.

>> No.7299557

My social anxiety is too bad to deal with something stressful like visiting a psychiatrist(or any kind of doctor - I really need to go see a dentist).

>> No.7299561

My point is that if you really felt bad about it, i.e. hated procrastinating/wasting all day, you wouldn't do it. But if you find yourself doing so, you must find some enjoyment in it.

What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't feel bad about doing something you like. If you do, you just simply don't do it.

>> No.7299575

Goddamn, I hate armchair psychologists like you.
No, that's not like it works.
Mental problems don't have simple logical reasons nor solutions.

>> No.7299578
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We love to procrastinate, what we hate is the results.
We all have big dreams that we imagine go unfulfilled because we don't work at them. We need these dreams or we would lose hope.

>> No.7299580

I enjoy it. It's just that, deep in my heart, I feel that it's wrong, and that I shouldn't go on living such an hedonistic life anymore.

>> No.7299593
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It can't be helped.

>> No.7299595

1. wake up
2. go to school
3. learn nothing
4. post here
5. die slowly

>> No.7299605

i learn more while just researching things i think are interesting on the internet than i ever did in school

>> No.7299607
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1. wake up
2. don't do shit
3. mission accomplished

Even have it as my background.

>> No.7299627
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Welcome to life kid. On the bright side eventually everyone will be dead
I admire your dedication

>> No.7299641

1. wake up
2. go to word
3. i have money
4. go to sleep

>> No.7299655

1. word up
2. go to funeral wake
3. Lawyers, guns and money
4. peels ot og

>> No.7299660

I've been "doing nothing" for the past 5 months, and I'm getting sick of it. I was convinced that would be my motivator to finally start looking for a job more seriously. But just this morning I got a call to go to an interview for a job I applied for awhile ago, and all I felt was indifference towards it. It's like I am incapable of feeling happy or even content towards anything.

>> No.7299664

Goddamn, I need to finish that project.

I'm such an underachiever, without these longass sessions of procastination/4chan posting, I would be the best in my class, perhaps the best student in my generation, I swear.

With all the time I pour in here, I could have learnt LISP or read SICP in 6 months, maybe less, and I could have also done some side-project that is actually worth a damn.

But nooooo, I have to come here, don't I.

>> No.7299675

there is just nothing worth to do
nothing to really care about
thats why i feel indefferent

>> No.7299676

You know, I think I understand what you mean. I'm currently finally in my senior year of high school, because my parents said that they'd disown me if I didn't go back and finish it, and I leech off them so I didn't have much choice. Now the teachers are enthusiastic and say that I can easily get in any university that I want. I don't care. I could become rich, successful, whatever. It's just too much of a hassle, y'know. I'd rather read my depressing books and share my experiences with anonymous people on image boards. Whatever.

>> No.7299678

yes, we are an evil conspiracy to prevent you from attaining anything
did you ever consider that that is how you should feel?

>> No.7299681

>could have learnt LISP or read SICP in 6 months

>> No.7299689

>depression has no cure

>> No.7299693

He didn't said that. He just said that it isn't simple.

>> No.7299695

>yes, we are an evil conspiracy to prevent you from attaining anything

I'm not blaming anyone but myself.

>> No.7299702


I wish my dreams weren't impossible. Oh well, it can't be helped.

>> No.7299710
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>> No.7299711

I hemmorhage time. 4chan, /jp/-related material, other games, the works. If it's not one it's the other.

I bought a notebook to write in. 9.5x11, thin covers, bound (not spiral, spiral blows). Everything that comes to mind when I have it out goes in it, whether it's telling myself not to forget about what's important, or reflecting on what happened today, or planning out what I need to get done. But random other things as well. Short stories, notes to myself, imaginary letters to myself from people who are and aren't from this world.

I think it helps. At least when I don't forget about it or ignore it for days at a time.

>> No.7299718

Report everything.

Achieve godhood.

>> No.7299722
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>> No.7299728

Report everything

Reach report limit for the day.

>> No.7299742
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>> No.7299745

Feels bad, man.

>> No.7299774
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>> No.7299777

As hilarious and empowering for every kind of person this dude tries to put down that thing actually is, it's not really suited for /jp/ use.
It wasn't until after I became a NEET and borderline hikki that I have learned to dream. And, as hard as fulfilling some of my dreams might be, none of them are impossible, maybe because I knew better that aim too high already.
But I envy those whose childhoods were happy enough that they were allowed to have silly, unrealistic dreams, even for a fleeting moment.

>> No.7299781

>But I envy those whose childhoods were happy enough that they were allowed to have silly, unrealistic dreams, even for a fleeting moment.

Oh god what happened to you??!

>> No.7299788


I still have silly, unrealistic dreams. Perhaps I'm still a child on the inside.

>> No.7299791
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>> No.7299840

Nothing really happened.
The single incidents stopped mattering long ago.
You can say that life happened.
Just a combination of poverty, emotionally hostile environment, and being made painfully aware of human mortality much earlier than any child should.
You're not a child if you acknowledge your dreams as impossible. I, too, dream of impossible outcomes sometimes - but I know that no matter what, I can never hope to achieve them so they don't really affect me.
I focus on trying, to my very limited ability, on making the possible dreams come true. I'm a bit lucky, I guess, as the only thing that can make my biggest dream truly impossible is if I myself cease to believe in it.
But if you still hold dreams that others think impossible and hope to achieve them someday, then my greatest respect to you, for you hold the innocence that most of us lost.

>> No.7299852

2hu faggot thinks his opinion matters. That's a riot.

>> No.7299853
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>> No.7299858

Don't hate on Touhou. We are brothers (or if you prefer, sisters) here. Treat your fellow /jp/edos kindly, even if they don't reciprocate.

>> No.7299860 [DELETED] 


>> No.7299873


Thing is, none of my dreams are possible. Probably won't achieve them, or even get close to it. Maybe I'll try it if I actually get the willpower to do it though, it'd be better to go for it and fail than to do nothing and live like others want me to.

>> No.7299882

Why can’t you just kill yourselves
 already, fucking NEET.

>> No.7299890

Welcome to /jp/ newfriend. Feel free to stay, but you will probably be more at home on >>>/a/ or >>>/v/ really.

>> No.7299892
File: 143 KB, 421x409, 1296225890498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't /adv/ retard. If you're implying your opinions matter here as well, you're wrong.

>> No.7299895

I wanted to draw or write today, but I was too busy doing nothing.

>> No.7299896
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Yet you're the one getting trolled by copypasta.

>> No.7299897

Whatever keeps you up at night.

>> No.7299904

I can sleep pretty well. You on the other hand had to reply because you had to feed your insecurity.

>> No.7299908

If you say so.

>> No.7299913

Samefag giving the illusion /jp/ is angry.

>> No.7299920

1. Woke up today.
2. Went back to sleep.
3. Woke up today.
4. Farted around.
5. Drank a 5-hour energy shot.
6. Sat down in front of the computer.
7. Feel indifferent about it.
8. Feel jittery from the energy drink.
9. Feel indifferent about that, too.
10. See that 10 sticks out further than 1-9 in this post.
11. Feel OCD about that.
12. Considering deleting something.
13. Post anyway, triumphant.

>> No.7299926

this thread makes me wonder what gets /jp/ in high spirits

>> No.7299932

a dick up their asses

>> No.7299934



>> No.7299942

Reporting things
Portal threads
NEET general threads
shitposting about shitpost
not liking what you like
replying to every thread, no exceptions
Futuba Channel

>> No.7299946


Oh it's you AGAIN!

>> No.7299961



Still trying to make your thing happen, huh?

>> No.7299962

that guy and me are laughing at you.

>/jp/ - paranoid schizophrenia
>everyone who says something i don't like is the same person

>> No.7299963

Do you want attention that badly?

>> No.7299966

I don't see anything inferior about spending your day absorbing art. Especially foreign culture.

>> No.7299967

you know, i think i understand why you say everyone else is the same person. it's because you sock-puppet a lot, don't you?

that's my first post in this thread, mr.puppeteer

>> No.7299969

>absorbing art

>> No.7299970

I wouldn't the act of masturbating to little girl "absorbing art"

>> No.7299975

Why not? As the proper aim of all things is pleasure, this is also the proper aim of art. I find masturbating to little girls a very fulfilling artistic experience.

>> No.7299976
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>I wouldn't the act of masturbating to little girl "absorbing art"

>> No.7299980

Someone had to draw it. If it was poorly drawn,would you enjoy it as much.

The romans considered the "high life" by spending the day on art, music, wine, fine food, & masturbation or sex. Only when christians took over were the last 2 considered "wasteful/sinful".

>> No.7300026

My parents will probably kick me out soon but I don't really care. I don't have any will to live but I'm too lazy to kill myself. Once it happens I'll go find a curb to starve to death on or something.

>> No.7300046

It's because you're a backpedaling faggot. We've been over this.

>> No.7300064


>> No.7300125

I love zoloft. You depressed/overly anxious people don't know what you're missing. My life wouldn't be worth living without it.

>> No.7300128


It'd probably give me a heart attack or something. Anti-depression medicine isn't good for my heart.

>> No.7300130

You're life isn't worth living anyway. You've just forgotten

>> No.7300134


You just owned yourself, you backpedaling meme-forcing faggot.

How can you even get so owned?

>> No.7300142

you don't even know what that word means, mongoloid. i made the similar reply to the same person which you probably didn't even see and i said so, but you're such a schizophrenic piece of shit you think everyone else who says that 2hu is the same person. i know /jp/ has some unusual people, but mentally ill like yourself should leave. if you didn't sock-puppet your own support your insanity wouldn't show so much.

>> No.7300147

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7300152


Don't you realize that responding in this fashion is only making my boner stronger?

Seriously. You have totally proved that it's you from the other thread. You are very easy to draw out in the open, reverse-bicyclist.

>> No.7300157


Cry harder, sissy boy.

>> No.7300158

We're dealing with an obstinate retard from another thread.

In that thread, it was demonstrated that he was, among other things, a backpedaling faggot and an all-around terrible poster.

>> No.7300169

whatever floats your boat, kid. /jp/ isn't filled with paranoid schizophrenics. it has lots of sexual deviants and other wonderful people which aren't completely fine in my book. you, on the other hand are seriously mentally ill. you accuse everyone else of being the same person and make multiple replies to the same post since no one shares your insanity.

>> No.7300179

You've used that term like fifty times now. Come up with some sort of better insult. You also got three replies within thirty seconds in the other thread. You are literally insane if you believe what you say.

>> No.7300180

yes, the child who is making sion level retorts is a quality poster. link a couple posts from easymode that are mine, piece of trash. you can't.

your argument is i'm the sole person saying 2hu. that's impossible and untrue, so how did i backpedal? see, this what i'm talking about. you're mentally ill.

i said i made a _TWO_ posts that were similar on purpose because i was addressing the _SAME_ person. that is completely unrelated to your insane accusation.

remember crazy, you're saying i'm every post who says 2hu on the board.

>> No.7300181
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Aaahh, another night on the shittiest board on 4chan.

This will be a easy night for sure.

>> No.7300183

>yes, the child who is making sion level retorts is a quality poster
It's wonderful to know that if Sion were here, he would also call you a delusional retard.

>your argument is i'm the sole person saying 2hu. that's impossible and untrue, so how did i backpedal?
See >>7299190 which you merrily ignored.

>remember crazy, you're saying i'm every post who says 2hu on the board.
I was the one who pointed out that there could be two distinct but similarly retarded posters going on about 2hus. Your response to that was to claim that I was accusing you of samefagging and that you weren't.

>> No.7300204

On a second, more detailed perusal of the thread, it does seem we were dealing with two horrible posters instead of one, mostly based on the fact that the "NEETs get out" shitposter has a tendency to use proper English and the "2hu retards everywhere" shitposter doesn't.

It's okay, you're still one of the worst posters around. You just have a friend, that's all.

>> No.7300210


you realize even random anonymous can see your poorly done samefagging?

>Cry harder, sissy boy.
>making my boner stronger?
>you even get so owned?
>backpedaling faggot

>I was the one who pointed out that there could be two distinct but similarly retarded posters going on about 2hus
i already know which "one" you are(hint: there is only one). you're poorly done samefagging is pathetically obvious. even random anonymous come in and point it out. your posting style is disgusting and you always resort to hopefully ironic insults, but they're probably the best you've got.

yes mr.crazy there is only two people who say 2hu.

you couldn't find the posts where i said 2hu on easymode if your life depended on it. you're a crazy piece of shit. i look forward to seeing you accuse another random anonymous in the future of being "2hu guy".

Just so you know no capitalization doesn't prove it's me. It depends on my mood if I bother capitalizing letters or not. Enjoy your paranoia.

>> No.7300222

Yeah, everybody who calls you a faggot is the same person now. You're onto us.

>even random anonymous come in and point it out.
One person who was unaware of the previous conversation, and hence the context, suspected it. That's ironclad proof right there.

>i look forward to seeing you accuse another random anonymous in the future of being "2hu guy".
It's fine, he'll probably be as much of an astoundingly shitty posters as you so it's no loss. Worst case scenario you'll become an infamously shitty poster like yRan who every third-rate troll gets pegged as. You will have achieved board immortality.

>> No.7300227

Please use trips so we can filter everyone here properly

>> No.7300232

You can hide the thread. It's not like it's on the first page or anything anyway OH WAIT.

>> No.7300242

Why do 2hu faggots get so angry when they're called out on being 2hu faggots?

>> No.7300243


>> No.7300245

i haven't achieved anything mr.crazy. i'm not the first or last to say 2hu. you're just insane and your retorts prove what kind of poster you are. there isn't even 2 unique replies agreeing with the shit you've been spitting out.

i really find it funny you think you aren't worthless shit yourself. it's nearly unimaginable that someone as detestable as you think you're a quality poster.

i'll admit, i like how you added the immortality bit to make it seem like anyone else shares your point of view. sadly, no one does. such is the life for delusional anonymous.

>> No.7300254

>i really find it funny you think you aren't worthless shit yourself. it's nearly unimaginable that someone as detestable as you think you're a quality poster.
I couldn't have put it better.

>i'll admit, i like how you added the immortality bit to make it seem like anyone else shares your point of view. sadly, no one does. such is the life for delusional anonymous.
Yes. All of /jp/ besides me shares your point of view that everybody who posts about Touhou in /jp/ is a horrible shitposter. You figured it out.

>> No.7300328

forced to make up stuff now, eh? my point of view is there is more low quality touhou posts than any other kind of post imaginable on /jp/.

i think the majority of the worthless trash like yourself come to /jp/ solely for those low quality 2hu threads. afterwards you like to go into non-2hu posts and complain about the quality of the threads.

like all the whiny normals who complain about neets and memes, but use every unbearable 2hu meme they can shit out.

all of /jp/ doesn't share my point of view. you're the only one who is making broad generalizations about all of /jp/ posters. like your insane bit about how i'll be immortal and everyone will recognize the 2hu guy.

>I couldn't have put it better.
obviously. someone with your intelligence couldn't.

last post in this thread and in the future i won't waste time addressing you using similar words so it's easily identifiable. like i said earlier, you couldn't find my posts posts on easymodo if your life depended on it. i hope the "2hu guy(s?)" doesn't haunt your dreams

>> No.7300340

The person who has been consistently and repeatedly bitching about thread quality has been you, both in and out of Touhou threads.

My broad generalization is that you, and people who endlessly bitch about Touhou in /jp/ like you, are terrible posters. Like I said, if you think I'm alone in this regard, you're crazy.

If the next 2hu guy isn't you, it'll be a retard indistinguishable from you, so it's no loss. Although I'm glad you've decided you'll change your posting style so I'll never have to see you around again.

>> No.7300377


Whoa! Look at all that.

Five walls of text and you still can't make a coherent statement. The art of argument is not strong with you.

>you couldn't find the posts where i said 2hu on easymode

There! That's from the other thread, bro! Whoa. Why are you doing?

You're the 2hu guy. There can be only one.

>> No.7300383


The difference is your meme sucked, faggot. Deal with it.

>> No.7300394
File: 181 KB, 900x614, shitrshocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bumping so someone on the front page can enjoy your unlimited ownage.

>> No.7300409

2hu guy here. I'm not that other 2hu guy.

>> No.7300419


>> No.7300459

I'm pretty sure it's that QUALITY CONTROL guy. Such severe cases of аutism and aggressiveness are rare even for /jp/.

>> No.7300462

QUALITY CONTROL isn't aggressive, he's just really defensive.

>> No.7301365

so, bmp

>> No.7301369

Is there something you want to add?

>> No.7301376

>wake up
Why would you do this?

>> No.7301379

Is it true that QC and wtH are the same person?

>> No.7301397

QC = wth = Scandaroon = iluvOP = Sudo.

>> No.7301408


All retards.

>> No.7301598

So people weren't lying when they said that there are no more than five people at any time on /jp/.
