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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 92 KB, 1280x720, [Splazm] Hana-Saku Iroha - 05 [522869ee].mkv_snapshot_11.16_[2011.05.01_23.12.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7294222 No.7294222 [Reply] [Original]

Falling in love with someone must be incredible... So, why don't you have girlfriends?

>> No.7294232

They have waifus.

>> No.7294231

To avoid sluts like you and your shitty selection for subs

>> No.7294236

Go back to /a/

>> No.7294238

but my gf is a toho xD

>> No.7294239

>Falling in love with someone must be incredible
>he still doesn't know that feel

>> No.7294233

For the same reason that you will never make a good post.

>> No.7294245
File: 309 KB, 493x2126, And that's why you are a virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are too complicated to me.
That pic pretty much explain everything.

>> No.7294247

Begone, riffraff.

>> No.7294248

Because I no longer feel enough to be able to interact satisfactorily for long periods of time with most people around me.
Such is the fate of one who tried to achieve something so impossible as I did, I guess.

>> No.7294250
File: 46 KB, 704x400, [Ayako]_Infinite_Stratos_-_IS_-_09_[XVID][400p].avi_snapshot_05.09_[2011.03.14_14.06.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'l get killed

>> No.7294275

need that aya-worshipping tripfag like right now.

>> No.7294285
File: 237 KB, 1041x1200, 1283798052361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not capable of loving humans and most other things due to alot of reasons.

I did like that old dog that i grew up with though.
I still miss that old dog..

>> No.7294345

B-but, but, I'm already in love with my waifu!

>> No.7294388

>must be incredible

Cool story bro. That must be why the majority of marriages fail within the first 10 years.

>> No.7294432

My true love is Knowledge. As such, I seek, inside my mind, everything that truly can be known by humans, spending all of my small intellect on my altruistic route to save this dying society and this deplorable dark world. My life is cold as ice. I am too broken to fall in love with people. However, I have no regrets, for my cause is a worthy one. I will not give up, and neither should you, fellow brethren. I know that you feel like me. Go on, you will be able to do it. Forever and ever.

>> No.7294450

I'd be an embarrassment to any girlfriend.

>> No.7294523

Don't say such hard and untrue words. In reality, any girlfriend would be an embarrassment to you!

>> No.7294534

Why don't you fuck off back to /a/?

>> No.7294540

Because people don't like it when I try to have a relationship with their 7 year old daughters, and they cause me lots of pain.

>> No.7294561
File: 85 KB, 898x1042, forever_alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the world hates me, pic related

>> No.7294573
File: 43 KB, 480x600, P759720_0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women honestly aren't that interesting.

Why are you so fascinated by them, OP?

Most of them are quite boring people. Unlike men, they've never had to grow a personality in order to have a social life.

>> No.7294596

If I had a girlfriend, you can be pretty damn sure that her social life would be smaller than mine.

>> No.7294604

Why don't I have girlfriends? One is enough for me.

>> No.7294608
File: 15 KB, 289x229, 1303280158218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smaller than zero

>> No.7294617
File: 13 KB, 270x194, 1293631535762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaww shit yo.

>> No.7294619

Pretty sure that OP was using "you" as the second person plural, which wouldn't mean that you have multiple girlfriends, but that of the group of /jp/edos, there would be multiple girlfriends attached to the group as a whole.

>> No.7294630

Too much of a hassle. I won't be able to take it easy.

>> No.7294629
File: 3 KB, 126x122, sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz they leech the HELL outa you, i should know as my sister leaches the HELL out of her boyfriend and she doesn't even put out

>> No.7294635

A woman can't have a social life smaller than a man's.

Everyone wants to breed with them, so they're in high demand.

>> No.7294642

Maybe that's why I don't have a girlfriend? I've never found a suitable woman.

>> No.7294646

I'm married. I'd post a troll-face image to go with this, except that ...

1 - I'm lazy
2 - It's true

>> No.7294648

That's probably why, yeah.

>> No.7294653
File: 76 KB, 446x407, troll_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*serious tone*

>> No.7294665

I bet that your wife is a whore.

>> No.7294679

I bet you they're a cuckold couple and he watches her getting fucked by other dudes.

>> No.7294697

No. She's a sex fiend, though -- I literally have arguments with her because I don't want to have sex nearly as often as she does. This is partially due to 3DPD, but mostly due to me never having had much sex drive to begin with.

>> No.7294705

Sounds like an eroge setup. I hope there are no young faceless men in the area.

>> No.7294717

>she enjoys sex

>> No.7294727

>I literally have arguments with her because I don't want to have sex nearly as often as she does.

What the fuck? We should trade, I'll take your wife and you can have my nothing.

>> No.7294732

OP here, what the fuck is this shit? Summer here already? I seriously didn't expect this many shitty replies.

>> No.7294763

Sounds like she's going to go look for that sex somewhere else soon. Prepare to get cheated on.

>> No.7294770

I don't have any girlfriends because I decided to go for a linear life.

Play > Study > Get a job > Get an apartment > Get a car > Get a girlfriend > Marry

Actually I'm at get a girlfriend right now... nothing left to procrastinate it with... except my ero.

>> No.7294771 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 218x251, 1231928693869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Splazm] Hana-Saku Iroha - 05 [522869ee](...).jpg)
>Falling in love with someone must be incredible... So, why don't you have girlfriends?

>OP here, what the fuck is this shit? Summer here already? I seriously didn't expect this many shitty replies.

>> No.7294776

Summer never left /jp/.

Endless summer is upon us.

>> No.7294798

>why don't you have girlfriends?
Because I don't feel the need to cling onto another person to make myself feel better?

>> No.7294805

Answering a question with a question?

>> No.7294875

Why not?

>> No.7294884

I don't want one and even if I did every woman I've met have been bland and boring as fuck.

>> No.7294888

Sounds like a fine life plan to me.

Are you still single, at this moment?

>> No.7294906
File: 5 KB, 139x55, best joke this season.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7294996

I love my girlfriend, it is a wonderful feeling.

>> No.7295088

It feels good to have a 2D waifu whom I can make love to all day every day

>> No.7295100

I do and she's great. She even plays jrpgs and vns with me.

>> No.7295117
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the drill.
