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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 300x300, Swr-portrait-remilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
728060 No.728060 [Reply] [Original]

SWR Netplay. Old one on autosage. Desperately need hosts.

>> No.728067

I was really hoping for Cirno...

>> No.728073

I was too, but I knew Cirno never gets put into anything, so my hopes weren't high.

>> No.728077
Noob US West, Just started yesterday
Not baiting either.

>> No.728082

>> No.728097
File: 258 KB, 500x700, 1212197420191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah screw raymoo and gay witches. I want cirno & wriggle's team ⑨ adventure.

>> No.728098

This whole day was unlimited rage works. ec

>> No.728100
File: 187 KB, 850x478, 1212197452019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Playing mostly Yukari/Yuyuko/Alice.

>> No.728104


oh you

>> No.728112
Canada West, Youmu

>> No.728125

what do you do for close combat with alice?

>> No.728154

graze atta- oh wait.

>> No.728155

GGs whoever joined.

>> No.728159


>> No.728174
File: 127 KB, 800x600, 1212198259332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kelrey, it's pretty hard to believe that you JUST picked up Sakuya. You made me WORK for every round. Did some pretty awesome things with Sakuya's World+Omni-Directional Binding Circle. I saved every replay. Sakuya users could learn a helluva lot from you.


Onee-sama~ matches were really fun, too.

Also, if there's one thing I'm thankful for, it's that Reimu is somehow really anti-Alice.

Hosting again.
Advanced Reimu/Chiquita/Youmu; Intermediate Komachi/Slut

>> No.728171

can anyone pull off fooli special sakuya bnb? that 2b's never airtight for me

>> No.728191

magi you have an image for everything...

also, is youmu's alt 236 (i'm guessing) grazable? actually, i'll just go get the frameviewer

>> No.728196

I -STILL- haven't played against him yet. I must play better players to become a better player. That and not fuck up 90% of the time.

>> No.728212


>> No.728232
US West - Intermediate Yuyucow

>> No.728253

I'm probably decent to play against, provided you're not someone who relies on turtling. Can't do anything against those kind of players.

Though, I need to fix my router if I ever want to host.

>> No.728257 - Uswest
King of Patchouli Spam

>> No.728279



>> No.728297

oh u

>> No.728303

fame saggot

>> No.728324

>provided you're not someone who relies on turtling
what's turtling?

>> No.728323

See, you do fine against turtlers

>> No.728326


1. If you only have one tactic, and it doesn't work, there won't be much to learn after a few matches.
2. Turtling means sitting in the corner blocking the entire match. We were more like 'birding' or something.
3. For those that do block, lern 2 guard crush

>> No.728328



>> No.728334
File: 92 KB, 690x581, 1212200415350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bell and Mauve would be default at playing a better Reimu than I could, but even Xenozip? ;_;
I didn't even think he USED Reimu in SWR.


GGs Rabbit-box. Unless I'm forgetting who connected already.


>> No.728335

Magister, play me

>> No.728338


>> No.728340

I leave the thread for 5 seconds... Maybe I should hop on irc.

>> No.728349

GGs rehostan

>> No.728356

Hosting, ON, Canada. Semi-noob.

>> No.728357
File: 7 KB, 150x180, 1212200643327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn to guard crush

>> No.728366

GGs. I need to quit being lazy and use the graze button instead of doubletap.

>> No.728383


>> No.728399

Why would I want someone to stand still?

Komachi has no good ways to guard crush, outside of a fully charged 6A, and if you get hit by that, you deserve it. Her bullets are all hideously slow, and any sort of combo you can make adding them in has enough downtime at the end to be easily punished by any character. Komachi is absolutely terrible against people who don't play offensively as well.

I enjoy playing against people like Magister, because he plays aggressively. Much more fun that way, instead of the tactic being 'Wait it out until they kill themselves out of boredom'.

>> No.728414


>> No.728417

GGs vvav. Sorry for all the playing with portals.

>> No.728420

Turtling is a natural response when you're completely outmatched and playing a game where you take no damage when you block.

>> No.728424

Let's not forget people who play defensively until they build up god cards and then play aggressively with their get out of jail free card.

>> No.728426

You do take damage when blocking. You just can't be chipped to death for obvious blockstring reasons.

>> No.728431

Neither of which work on competent players.

>> No.728433

Lol, I was Suika and my friend was the spam patchy you played before. GG we're still noobs.

>> No.728435


-.- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YUKARI'S BORDER SPIN BULLSHIT. Christ, it comes from any damn direction, hitting like 3 frames after she appears, so if she appears behind you, SURPRISE COCKFAG, YOU TAKE THE FUCKIN HIT.
Seriously, what the FUCK. How do you touch that? Get 1/20 of a second reflexes? I'll pay you in gold if you tell me there's a way to predict where she's gonna come from.


>> No.728437
File: 36 KB, 600x638, 1212201323841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
728437 EU
Which one of you pathetic winners dares to challenge me for the title of worst player on /jp/. You couldn't lose against me if your lives depended on it..

>> No.728441

I don't know why you're trying to troll when I was perfectly polite after our match, assuming you were the one I played just before the first time you tried to troll.

Shouldn't be. Maybe I'm crazy, but I go all out if I'm horribly outmatched. May as learn learn something from it.

>> No.728440

You only take chip damage from projectiles, specials, and SCs. Other than that, turtling works.

>> No.728442


Come back when you're ready to play the game.

>> No.728445

Behind? I thought it was close/far or above?

>> No.728447

There's not a way to predict it. In fact it is somewhat random even for the user. If you cross over during the move I lose control of it and it has ranged limits (especially the aerial.) There's something like 6 different locations per version (ground/air) from what I can tell, but it is incredibly unresponsive at times.
On the bright side almost every other move Yukari has except parasol twirl is absolute ass? The projectile eating boundary doesn't even cover her hitbox, it has to be the single worst move in the entire game.

>> No.728457


Same person here. Let me correct myself:

Turtling works... until you get Gaurd Crushed by a charged melee attack or a blockstring. Then you're fucked.

>> No.728450

GGs, I'm having problems remembering to see who connected.
Unfortunately in this game, a good turtler can make you run in circles all day if they felt like it. But aggressive is definitely more fun. Kelrey uses about the same level of "CHASEYOUDOWNFOO'" aggressiveness as I do, so battles get really heated.

>> No.728456
US west

>> No.728460

With enough practice (and I've been practicing Yukari) you can make it hit people behind. The hitbox has a huge oscillating range in the x plane and her hitbox is somewhere around her feet. If you pop up behind someone you will smash them as you spin around that way.

>> No.728469

gg's. Rehosting.

>> No.728470

lol border escape/fly/wrongblock

>> No.728481

I like to think of myself as aggressive, but I try to avoid the obvious set-ups and combos and then try and bash their face in. Seems to work, so I stick with it.

>> No.728486

These are the tactics that make it easy to run away all day, wait for some frame lag on the opponent's end, and toss a couple of projectiles their way. At the very least, they're not having any fun.

>> No.728487

I am ready to play the game, badly.


>> No.728492
Noob US West, Just started yesterday
Not baiting either.

>> No.728497 EC.
Beginner. Need a break from reading.

>> No.728501
File: 79 KB, 641x687, 1212202075227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
728501 West Coast US (California)

Shall we dance?

>> No.728503
US West. Hoping to play an aggressive player.

>> No.728504

Fly to the top of the screen - 2a - ad infinitum is aggressive?

>> No.728509


>> No.728517

As long as he's actually chasing after you as opposed to waiting for you to make a mistake, yes. And if you fall for it, you're an idiot.

Wait, I'm an idiot.


>> No.728518

Yeah, I really should work on Komachi's blockstrings and extremely long and drawn out combos.

..Shit, wait.

It's the best way to get close to people while avoiding being projectiled/kicked/stabbed in the face. Also, yes, it's aggressive. Why? It's constantly coming after the person and attacking them. That's basically the definition of the word, there. It works without being stupid, like running away constantly/crouching in a corner. You CAN block and punish it, you know. WITHOUT being in a corner. It's also very predictable.

>> No.728519

youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit
youmu is bullshit

>> No.728524

No fun to play with..spamming the same move and forcing me to play my main is annoying.

>> No.728525
File: 264 KB, 600x800, 1212202510529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ready to play the game, badly.

Rehosting you skilful cowards.

>> No.728526

marisa's laser is her bread and butter
raping is youmu's?

>> No.728528


If you're the guy I just played with, Aya and Remilia are MUCH more imbalanced than Youmu IMO. It's just not hard to beat down a Marisa beam spammer with a melee-oriented character.

>> No.728533

At least those characters are punishable.

>> No.728529
File: 259 KB, 640x480, 1212202644990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should post a tier list. That would be quite interesting.

>> No.728538

GG Youmu is too fast i have to resort to spamming methods :(

>> No.728540

My only contribution is

Bottom tier: Komachi

>> No.728543

play youmu against somebody who uses youmu on you, you might be surprised to find the results

>> No.728545

Tiers have not been determined yet

>> No.728548

GGs Biz, lol I hope I didn't turn you into a fireball spamming Patchy for good.

>> No.728552
US West

>> No.728553

Haha. Take this with a grain of salt, as this is only for fun and my experience playing with them... I'll take the bait. My personal opinion tier list:
Top: Aya
High: Reimu, Tenshi
Mid-High: Youmu, Sakuya, Alice, Yukari
Mid: Marisa, Remilia, Suika, Patchouli
Mid-Low: Iku, Yuyuko
Low: Komachi
Bottom: Reisen

>> No.728565

Seems accurate.
In before people claiming Remi is god tier.

>> No.728575

Yuyu should be higher. Probably Iku too. Reisen should at least be the same tier as Komachi, if not higher.

>> No.728578

gg's. Typhoon didn't show up too much to fag things up for once.

>> No.728586

GG's, though what happened to that last match?
Also, Typhoon and Royal Flare is a stupid combo, but I can't do anything to stop it. Actually, Typhoon and anything is a stupid combo.

>> No.728594

The only good thing about it is, it's the only time I can ever use Yukari's HIT YOU WITH A MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN card. I've never gotten it off otherwise.

But yeah, it needs to be removed. It just ruins matches.

>> No.728599

Yuyuko has a lot of really bad match ups. I could see maybe bumping her up one but I find the vulnerability she suffers during her 5C's startup that can't be dash canceled to be simply devastating to the character. Any character with a rapid reaching projectile can snuff her. If this is overcome she goes up.
Komachi beats Reisen because Komachi has a decent C and can lead and approach. Reisen loses a projectile war with almost anyone, and the whole "mindgame" shit didn't even last 2 days. She has shitty bullets and terrible melee range, her combos break in the middle too often.

>> No.728600


Good games.

>> No.728613

I'd say Komachi is better than Reisen overall, but Komachi has - by far - some of the shittiest supers in the game. I think her level 1 boat ride is decent, and maybe her level 3 spirit one, and that's quite about it.

>> No.728610
File: 46 KB, 539x742, 1212203585502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did your attacks always have priority over mine?

Rehosting, god damn this game is depressing.

>> No.728618
File: 51 KB, 400x400, 1212203697074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone!
Just got back from work and played a IaMP match, so I might be out of it on controls.
US east coast.
Really advanced beginner or intermediate. Not really sure what I am.

>> No.728619


Sorry I sucked, I have a lot on my mind right now and after playing Aya for a while I wasn't used to how slow Iku moves.

>> No.728621

I agree totally. She's shit, but Reisen is worse. The only move I like from Reisen is her alternate 22B/C split and dodge.
Then again if we start adding alternate skill cards then some characters could move up. I think Yukari has potential to reach high tier with the tombstone fan and Iku moves up significantly as well. Youmu moves up near top with the slash&dash, and Marisa's spinbroom is a huge boost too.

>> No.728628

Her Death Sign "Sickle of Sorting the Dead"(4 cost super) is actually pretty good, and chainable to a good number of attacks, on top of doing large damage. Also good to use on unsuspecting people while they start projectiles.

>> No.728625


*shrug* I didn't notice anything different than normal in terms of priority. I just dodged all your high-priority attacks, like that freakin drill and your lightning. I only attack if I think I'll hit. It's just a skill you automatically get from playing lots of fighting games.

>> No.728638


I'd personally move Sakuya, Patchouli, and Reisen down a tier, and Iku, Remilia, and Suika up a tier.

>> No.728641

>Reisen down a tier
I lolled.

>> No.728656

GG's, and dont' apologize for sucking ;P
Reimu's the only character I know, so sorry for the lack of variety. I'm trying to learn Aya though.

>> No.728668
File: 150 KB, 577x500, 1212204338231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still hosting although I'm starting to wonder why I don't give up on this game altogether.

>> No.728677

>You play for fun.
>for fun.
what now?

>> No.728672

Now you're reaching the point of being an attention whore. You play for fun.

>> No.728678


There's only one reason to give up, and that's if you're not having fun. Otherwise you'll get better even if it's slow. There are only a very few people like me who don't get better no matter how much they play.

>> No.728682

Haha, you'd do better if you just attacked. Standing still and neither defending or attacking for half a minute at a time is a surefire way to lose.

>> No.728691


If you want to get better, go into practice and practice the combos for your character. Combos are listed at swr.mizuumi.net Then use them. Increasing your damage output is probably the quickest way to improve your winning rate.

>> No.728702

i like remilias playstyle but theres no way she even makes middle-tier. the fact that she cant properly control her movement makes her an absolute joke beyond novice play.

>> No.728707

Someone host.

>> No.728709

The most absolute basic things you need to practice in SWR:
#1. Movement. Pick a stage and start practicing your movement. Pick landmarks in the backdrop and try to dash/fly exact distances or jump right to a certain height and dash straight.
#2. Grazing. Grazing is a powerful tool, but sometimes it is a trap if you run into melee attacks while doing it. Learn when grazing is appropriate.
#3. Dash cancel. While you are shooting things push D and a direction to dash out. This is so unbelievably important. Learn when and where you can and should dash cancel. Follow your bullets.

>> No.728715
File: 169 KB, 500x375, 1212204710347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any beginner still hosting?
Started online yesterday

>> No.728719

ggs swedish

>> No.728720

Ah well, disconnected. GGs, and I never won a game.

>> No.728738

Still hosting.
I use Reimu exclusively because she's the only person I can even remotely play.

>> No.728734


GGs, I was trying my damned hardest to prevent you from butterfly spamming.

>> No.728741
File: 69 KB, 450x450, 1212204905074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time, let me pick a stage. ;_; West Coast US (California)


>> No.728744

In that last match, didn't realize the match was still going on, so I turned a head for a bit, and before I knew it I was getting pulverized.

But GGs Aya player.

>> No.728754

Damn, i'm really out of it today.
Rehosting, dumbing it down to advance beginner ;-;

>> No.728759


>> No.728760
Noob US West, Just started yesterday
Not baiting either.

>> No.728766


Excuse me, wtf r u doin? Remilia has some of the best movement skills in the game. She can't fly, but she has 236c, which will cover almost half the stage near instantly, and 22b has nearly infinite priority, and can be used to punish a missed spell card HARD. Like 1200 dmg free hard. She also has good projectiles, particularly her 2c, which makes it virtually impossible for an enemy to attack from above, and her 5b, simply because it's a quick 600 damage that can be used with virtually no cooldown. If nothing else, you could turtle endlessly and use her 5b in the blockstring's gaps to slowly wear away at them. But of course, you don't need to since she can get out of every blockstring I've seen with her 236c or 22b, the latter of which has its animation greatly reduced when you're right next to the wall, and it hits MUCH more often if you get it while being cornered.

>> No.728768
File: 127 KB, 665x607, 1212205103771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I alt tabbed in between rounds and when I tabbed back I had half health so I figured I'd concede the round.

Point taken but I'm only namefagging to stop people who have already beaten me from wasting their time. Any pointers from the people kicking my ass would be much appreciated.

>> No.728780

GGs, internet died for a minute there, sorry for the dropped game.
And here I thought I was a beginner. Maybe I should move up to intermediate?

>> No.728790

GGs, Biz.

>> No.728795

GG not much to say

>> No.728801


Right now, the game is in its infancy, so intermediate really doesn't require that much skill, since skill is relative and few other people are very good. You're probably intermediate.

>> No.728803
File: 337 KB, 800x875, 1212205406070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, the game closed for absolutely no reason at all. GGs, though.

Movement and strategy is far more important than combos. Yes, damage output increases are nice, but if you can't even attain the situation to do one, then you're screwed.
>Top: Aya

I am very angry that I have to agree with this, but Alice also belongs there. Move Reimu and Chiquita down a tier. Youmu moves one tier up, Yuyuko two. The rest are pretty much how they are in my head.

Reaper, I suggest that you learn to play with someone else if you have to fight someone who likes to play keep-away. I don't even use Reimu against someone who's going to fly away and try to pop me with a few little projectiles that I fail to graze, because Reimu's pretty slow, and her projectiles are actually pretty shit, so I'm not going to win any spamming battles. I'd either choose someone good with heavy danmaku or someone fast/has fast danmaku. I dislike the former, so I use Youmu for players that refuse to engage in close-quarters.


>> No.728806

Patchy spammer ^^

>> No.728822

I've been trying different things in my matches, and it's far more effective to just move smartly and get a lot of weak blows in instead of trying to get in close and pull off a combo.

>> No.728844 ec

>> No.728859

theres a Sakuya player I fought who fights far away. man, all his projectile hits precisely.

>> No.728879
Canada West, Beginner

>> No.728896
File: 66 KB, 418x436, 1212205996181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
728896 West Coast US (California)


On second note, don't you dare use mai waifu against me or you'll make me very, very angry.

>> No.728902

Check the chan clown!

>> No.728912

lol sorry bout that, wasn't my computer, i forgot to set deck
I looked down and saw completely crap cards.

>> No.728915

i'm scared to play over the internet

>> No.728916

Baka Survivor, why did you quit? ;_;

>> No.728918

oops, forgot to set my controls.

>> No.728928

personally i see marisa as top tier or just below. she can punish you in nearly any situation at any distance, has awesome cards, and her combos are pretty good. her 6A and 6C arent just good, theyre *fucking nuts* and make half the cast completely worthless.

>> No.728948

Good games man. Sorry about sticking with Reimu, I just don't know any of the other characters.

And that was horrible lag for the last couple games. It must have been frustrating, I know a couple of things hit you that definitely shouldn't have.

>> No.728950

They removed the graze from her broom attack.

That easily pushes her out of top tier.

>> No.728957
US West

>> No.728960

I'm scared too.

Tiers, 236A j.A j.B hjc j.6A, maths...

I feel like I'd be insulting anyone I'd play against.

>> No.728964
File: 76 KB, 809x552, 1212206713618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to be able to host but I have no idea how to forward ports. Can anyone send me in the right direction?

>> No.728966


Don't worry, there's still plenty of us that really suck.

>> No.728971

I do pretty well against most people, and only know most of those fancy terms because I've seen them used for years.

Though, I seem to do equally well against all people, regardless of their skill.

>> No.728968

6a is incredibly punishable if you don't cancel it on block or if you whiff. 6c is PLEASE GRAZE THIS AND RAPE MY FACE, especially in air.

>> No.728973

GGs Truth. My first time connecting to someone. I'm usually the guy hosting from Atlanta.

>> No.728977


Once you get past the whole OMG I'M PLAYING ONLINE and calm down, you can only improve.

>> No.728978

Hey, we have the same router.
I, too, would like help using this mysterious tab.

>> No.728985

Application: Netplay, SWR, whatever.
Start/End: 7500 or 10800 in both fields
Protocol: UDP

IP Address: Go to Start > Run
Type cmd, and enter.
In the new window, type "ipconfig", without quotes.
Copy the last digits into the IP Address field of the router, so it matches up with what was in ipconfig.

Check enable.

Save settings.

>> No.728981



>> No.728983

Might require a name, put one in for good measure. In the start and end columns, put 10800. Choose UDP under the Protocol column. If you happen to know your particular IP, put it in the IP Address column. If not, go to Start->Run and type in cmd. Type in "ipconfig" without the quotes and get the IP from that. Check Enable. Click Save Settings and it should be fine.

>> No.728988


Start > Run > cmd

command prompt should come up

type ipconfig, it should tell you your internal ip address

put your internal ip into the ip box

put th105 in the application box

put 10800 in both the start and end boxes

for protocol put both, or just UDP... I don't know what the game uses. Just use both.

>> No.728997
File: 104 KB, 820x628, 1212207041070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it look like the second one since the default port is 10800.

>> No.728998
File: 175 KB, 500x500, 1212207052601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; ... I usually do good, what's wrong with me today.
RAGING butthurt advanced beginner..

>> No.729005

Well if it makes you feel any better I've been told to start advertising intermediate or higher to "stop luring newbies in."

>> No.729027

*sigh* I'm probably gonna get the flamed to death but I just now downloaded it and none of the keys work except the arrow keys, I can't go anywhere on the menu.

>> No.729033


Thanks, I got it.

>> No.729035

Save all your replays and watch them. It helps you calm down a bit if you can see your mistakes and see how you can improve.

>> No.729039

z is the default accept, x is the default cancel.

>> No.729043


>> No.729049

ggs patch spammer, rehosting.

>> No.729061


Patchy trying my best not to spam. Beginner/Intermediate

>> No.729120

GG fode, but too much lag.

>> No.729128

+ rehosting, US east.

>> No.729132

ggs patchu

>> No.729136

i thought i was good with alice but yours dominated mine

>> No.729152


Haha, good games, you're definitely above my skill level, but at least I didn't lose too horrible in the last two matches.

>> No.729153

gg, rabbit box, just experimenting with other characters there. lost mostly though.

>> No.729145

GGs Limiter

>> No.729159

Same here, you could probably guess my mains when I pulled them out. As much as I really want Reisen to be half decent, she really really sucks.

>> No.729165

jesus, just because i said i wouldn't spam doesn't mean you get to use fucking one move over and over Karl

>> No.729172

They really need to add a lobby to multiplayer, let a handful of people connect, and let people take turns fighting. They have spec function already.

>> No.729178
File: 191 KB, 600x600, 1212208652522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to say i'm rehosting Patchy, Canada, ON

>> No.729180

I was thinking we should hop on the Team Speak boat so we can comment during matches.

>> No.729183

I appreciate the netplay function, but there's improvement to be made.

>> No.729186

Why are you so frumpy-looking, Alice?

>> No.729191

Her best Patchy impression.

>> No.729213

GGs, vvav. I'm spacing out quite a bit during these recent matches...

>> No.729220
File: 86 KB, 600x840, 1212209016277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchy's bored and condescending expression makes me furious when I fight against her on network.

>> No.729225


Good games, lots of fun, even though I lost every match. Learned a heck of a lot more than I do from most people.

>> No.729232
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1212209115906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.729254


2nd game did you notice the red shit bleeding from the left of the screen?

>> No.729264
File: 126 KB, 700x402, 1212209444788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never had any successful attempt in hosting.
so i did the ipconfig and took the 3 last numbers with this router. just like that?

>> No.729270

I'm only going to try this once, I can't seem to be able to host.

>> No.729282


>> No.729288
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1212209670568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting problems. Need help.

>> No.729292
File: 160 KB, 777x1000, 1212209693659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Baka. Fighting your Komachi was a good challenge for my Iku. West Coast US (California)


>> No.729293


GG whoever that was, I was just testing.

>> No.729297

As long as it matches with what ipconfig says exactly.
Also, in the drop-down box that says "Computer Name", what else is there? It might actually be trying to search for your computer name on the network instead of an IP. Also, for yours, you can just put 10800 for the port. You don't have to put 10800-10800.

>> No.729298


..it's seriously ruining the fun

>> No.729306


aya is too good, lol

>> No.729309

>..it's seriously ruining the fun

No it doesn't.

>> No.729310

I think there is a hacked exe to disable weather on shrinemaiden forums. Both players have to use it.

>> No.729315

hosting again.
playing reimu exclusively.
yes, i suck.

>> No.729322

You shouldn't forward that many ports. Keep it to a single port.
I believe SWR uses UDP so use that protocol, and for source ports, leave to any. change the destination ports to the actual port you want to use.

>> No.729323

Most of them aren't that bad.

>> No.729327

Any Ausfags or anyone who wants to play an Ausfag?

>> No.729331


No, but superarmor is the worst. It would be nice to have a gentlemen's agreement not to attack each other until it was over, but some fags would probably complain that weather is just part of the game.

>> No.729338
File: 36 KB, 279x350, 1212210066232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I go from winning 80% of my matches yesterday to losing every single match today? ;_;

>> No.729339

ill play u

>> No.729340

God fucking damn superarmor. It's even worse than no-melee.

>> No.729343

People got better?

>> No.729350

Alternatively, take a break for a bit.

>> No.729345

thanks for the feedback. yea theres a drop down listing all the machines connected to the router, but everytime I switch it, it refuses to change. well im using this computer right now to play swr, with the ip that shows.

>> No.729355

Did you save your replays? Watch them.

>> No.729356

Lets change this to that I am now having problems connecting to anyone.

>> No.729357

i wanna try again see if it works.

>> No.729358

Actually, now that I know that, it probably is just so you don't have to go search for your IP. If you know your computer name, you should be able to select it and click the "<<" box to put the IP in the IP Address field.
You might want to try the same thing with the Application drop-down box in case it needs something specific in the name section (unlikely).

>> No.729363

I recall one of the guys here just ran to the other side and waited if there was no melee or superarmor. It was actually a nice break from the mindless AAAAAAA that usually occurs during superarmor, or the BBBCCBCBBC during the no melee.

>> No.729373


Wait to quit as I'm winning for the 1st time. :I

>> No.729374

thanks. i got it working now. sweet.

>> No.729454
File: 69 KB, 450x450, 1212108067740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
729454 West Coast US (California)

I am in need of a dancing partner

>> No.729523

GG. I've had enough of an arse kicking for one day.

>> No.729531

GGs! thanks for playing

>> No.729548

any ausfags? :10800

>> No.729601

GG. It was little too laggy><

>> No.729602


GG. Getting my ass handed to you was fun, but tons of people are bothering me right now.

>> No.729609


>> No.729637

GG. laggy...

>> No.729795

GG who ever played me.
Cant catch patchouli with youmu><

>> No.730631

