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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 115 KB, 511x379, mrtaxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7274947 No.7274947 [Reply] [Original]

Already the world's #1 girl group, here is SNSD's Japanese original new single 'Mr Taxi' and it is HHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT :


It is only the Dance version and the 'Regular' version will be released with the single drops on 4/27. Both of SNSD's singles that were translated to Japanese - "Genie" and "Gee" - went double-platinum (Sauce : RIAJ). How much higher will SNSD be in Japan with this original Japanese song?

>> No.7274959

Hold on.....................................................................

aren't they korean? Also this song is shitty no creativity at all sounds like a ripoff of an american pop singer

>> No.7274962

>no creativity

obviously you never listened to jpop

>> No.7274967

not >>7274959 but I have to agree with him that this song is shitty

>> No.7274975

korean groups (singing in japanese) are slowing taking over the jap music scene

>> No.7274978

I have, but jpop most of the time has a distinct sound, and some artist really do experiment and it can vary . . . you can call me a weeaboo, but i don't like this stuff, just doesn't seem very japanese to me; it feels forced. .

>> No.7274979

/jp/ - Coreans & Otaku Culture

>> No.7274985

Ehhh, kinda disappointing.

This song rips off Gaga bad, the dancing is pretty uninspired, and the video is one-dimensional.

I did like the middle-eight, though. That had a nice hook.

>> No.7274989
File: 88 KB, 620x319, mrtaxi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel the same with Japanese version of "Genie"?


Because it went double platinum in Japan

>> No.7274994

>Also this song is shitty no creativity at all sounds like a ripoff of an american pop singer
Sounds like a average Jap Pop band.

>> No.7274996
File: 62 KB, 635x362, mrtaxi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel the same with Japanese version of "Gee"?


Because it went double platinum in Japan also

>> No.7274997

get this shit off of /jp/

>> No.7275000

Yea, bro. I still feel the same.

Look at AKB, they don't need to rip off American style of pop: Catchy hook, word they will say over and over, oh look here's a random rap verse,e just throw that in.

Even the korean accent when they speak japanese bothers me, Maybe i'm more japanese than the the japanese, but this shit is nothing like my Jpop. It's just koreans rehashing their shit in another language because i guess their country got tied of them.

>> No.7275002

>get this shit off of /jp/

I see threads for AKB48, Berryz, etc. Why isnt a japanese song by a girl group in Japan relevant to /jp/?
If you dont like it, then just ignore it.

>> No.7275017

>but this shit is nothing like my Jpop

Explain the popularity of SNSD (and other Korean groups) in the Japanese music scene if it isnt like Jpop?

>> No.7275019

Because they suck.

>> No.7275023

Same reason people like music when it's translated to English. It was catchy when it was in its original form, but now you can relate to it more.

>> No.7275027

I'm >>7274967
I like this one better, not by much but better. Maybe they should just stick with singing in Korean, their accented japanese make it sound very awkward (or maybe that's because the tune was made for a korean lyric so it doesn't match, I dunno, but it's just awkward)

For the record I do like Gee (the korean version, never heard the jap version before) so it's not like I'm biased against SNSD/Koreans or anything

>> No.7275032

>Because they suck.

The Japanese music-buyer in Japan disagree with you.

>> No.7275037

What the fuck popularity or quantity has to do with anything? This shitty music is like Lady Gaga, both appeal to the masses with their diluted sounds.

>> No.7275039
File: 7 KB, 427x320, 1303656400063.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box faced gook trying to advertise his shit on /jp/ when the idol faggotry is already hated as it is.


>> No.7275042

and I would be stupid to deny the popularity of Lady Gaga even if I hate her music.
Why the fuck are some of you in /jp/ so butthurt that SNSD are popular in Japan and releasing original Japanese music?

>> No.7275047
File: 94 KB, 802x601, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lady Gaga
>Shitty music

>> No.7275049

who gives a shit, fuck off back to facebook, gook.

>> No.7275050

>releasing original Japanese music


>> No.7275052


oh oh oooh!

>> No.7275053 [DELETED] 

>Why the fuck are some of you in /jp/ so butthurt that SNSD are popular in Japan and releasing original Japanese music?
No one is butthurt here apart from the fact that you're pathetically trying to advertise something that is not even relevant to the board, nor does it interest its habitants.
Besides, I have idol threads filtered. The last fucking thing we need are another bunch of whiny idol retards like you.

>> No.7275057


go to the link in the OP, listen/watch the music video ... that is original Japanese music by SHoujo Jidai/SNSD

>> No.7275059

>Why the fuck are some of you in /jp/ so butthurt that SNSD are popular in Japan and releasing original Japanese music?
No one is butthurt here apart from the fact that you're pathetically trying to advertise something that is not even relevant to the board, nor does it interest its habitants.
Besides, I have idol threads filtered. The last fucking thing we need is another whiny idol retards like you who think we care about this shit.

>Girls Generation/SNSD
Here, have a filter.

>> No.7275063

>that is not even relevant to the board

Is AKB, Berryz,etc relevant to this board? I see tons of threads dedicated to them.
How is a Japanese song by a girl group not relevant to /jp?

>> No.7275070

Face it guy, otaku culture also includes idol worshipping. Just filter the thread if you don't like it.

>> No.7275075

I hear songs in English all the time, you don't see me claiming them to be from England.

Korean song by koreans

>> No.7275076

I constantly see only one idol general thread on /jp/. This thread reads like some advertisement to me. As if Koreans got on hold of something they can finally be proud of and they're telling to the world. How should I put it? Desperate?

>> No.7275084

He already posted this on /int/, and who knows how many other boards.

>> No.7275088
File: 81 KB, 500x750, SNSD-Sunny-Header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dem outfits

>> No.7275091

I went back just 5 pages in /jp/ and below are 3 threads dedicated to music/idols/etc


>> No.7275092


>> No.7275102

You just posted the idol general thread I mentioned and another one that I have no clue of. Do any of them look like some frenzy punky trying to shove down his crap in your throat like this thread?

Seems like arguing with you is kind of pointless since you don't even seem to regular this board. I'll just hide and report this thread and I suggest everyone else to do the same.

>> No.7275107

Oh wow, getting told even on /int/. Must be harsh being a fan of plastic surgery gook shit.

>> No.7275117

plastic surgery
100kg of makeup
and still ugly

>> No.7275126

It looks like the next few months of trolling will be done with "just ignore my thread you meanies"!!

>> No.7275131

>shove down his crap

shove down Shoujo Jidai to /jp? Trust me, SNSD doesnt need my help to make them popular in Japan, they seem to be doing fine.

>> No.7275132
File: 27 KB, 340x314, 1274626829672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As if Koreans got on hold of something they can finally be proud of and they're telling to the world.

>> No.7275136

>SNSD doesnt need my help to make them popular
And yet you feel the need to advertise this on /jp/, totally contradicting yourself.

>> No.7275141


Not OP, but talking about something isn't always advertising.

Plus 4chan doesn't exactly buy CDs.

I guess the topic should be : how does /jp/ feel about the Korean influence in Japanese culture ?

>> No.7275143

Why do japanese music companies always disable ratings and comments in their vids that they upload on Youtube? It seems kinda pointless.

>> No.7275145 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 252x264, already_knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i can't understand this so it's bad and ima rate it a 1 star or dislike it"

>> No.7275147

>Korean influence in Japanese culture

That is the biggest reason why /jp/ hates SNSD although the people in Japan themselves dont have a problem with it.

>> No.7275151

>how does /jp/ feel about the Korean influence in Japanese culture ?

Indifferent considering it's not /jp/ related, at all. Now excuse me while i continue to fap to my towhows

>> No.7275152

>Not OP, but talking about something isn't always advertising.
You're right. But this thread is advertising. If you can't see that then you're the OP. Look, no one wants you here. Not even /int/ wants you on their board. So take a clue and fuck off.

>> No.7275153

I think we should allow this. It seems like one of the loopholes that was created when the board changed names.

This is an idol group. Idol groups are otaku culture.

>> No.7275157


New converts are often overzealous, not that uncommon.

I find Asian culture interesting as a whole, shame /jp/ seems so sectarian.

>> No.7275174


I find it strange to use the concept of "being wanted" on an anonymous board.

Regardless, I'm still not OP, and I can only find that I these threads interesting.

I can't help you being asspained however, and recommend anti-pyretics to ease your suffering.

Also, you're probably stuck with these kinds of threads. /kr/ won't be created before 4chan dies.

>> No.7275182

Does Corea have a wota culture, or is it pretty much Japan-exclusive?

>> No.7275183

plastic surgery is not otaku culture

>> No.7275199

So in short, you encourage shitposting?

>I can only find that I these threads interesting.
Only Koreans themselves find these threads interesting.

>> No.7275203

They do. They have 'fan clubs' which have been known to do silent protests, hunger strikes etc. Mostly the female fans of male groups that do this shit mind you (i.e super junior and 2PM) but the male fans can be as crazy (guy that got on stage and dragged to drag taeyeon off)

I used to be pretty into all this when gee was still a big thing.

>> No.7275208


> stop liking what I don't like

>> No.7275217

I remember watching a video of Korean soldiers dancing and mimicking Momusu's Love Revolution 21's PV.

>> No.7275230
File: 50 KB, 954x402, Totally not platic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these wee/japs/taiwanese LOL

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.7275237
File: 7 KB, 332x261, plastic_surgery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About that plastic surgery...

>> No.7275239
File: 465 KB, 600x3000, shameless japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs are the Jews of Asia.

>> No.7275244
File: 23 KB, 424x320, Plastic woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring me something not made by Japs, taiwanese scum!

>> No.7275247

Modern China and Japan are totally the same thing as ancient China and Japan amirite chink?

>> No.7275252


>> No.7275254

Besides the fact that "modern Japanese culture" is just the same as the American?

Cry moar tai.

>> No.7275257

Besides the fact that every modern culture is just the same as the American going by your logic? Oh wait, there was that China and Korea imitating and carbon copying Japan.

>> No.7275259

>"modern Japanese culture" is just the same as the American?
back that up if you can

>> No.7275260

>You can easily know that how eagerly, systemetically Japanese are doing something 'Dirty works' to put down images of Korea on youtube when you see some threads related Korea on 2ch site of Japan. Even they were so glad of making a Kpop music clip of ten million views deleted. Surely they have a special team for youtube and I've even heard that they have supported some money from some right-wing companies
>They are doing anyting they can do with any sauces can make Korea depreciated. Korea's football,politics, plastic surgery, Kpop..etc..They've disorted everything. Koreans call this acting "HUMHAN"

>> No.7275276

>imitating and carbon copying Japan.
Not quite.
You are just blind by your weeabooness.
ok then, say one thing that Japs created to their "modern Japanese culture" besides "improving" and "giving them a Japanese feel" like mostly of you weeaboos say.

>> No.7275289

So you can't give your own example to back it up? okay

>> No.7275299

Oh you meant that?
Ok, Japanese pop music.

>> No.7275301

>Not quite.
>You are just blind by your weeabooness.
Labelling your music as "K-pop". Trying to ride on the popularity of manga by imitating the art style just to name a few. The only thing that I find unique in Korea is that they have a dedicated culture based on Starcraft.

Dude are you ignoring the fact that Japanese pop culture is the fucking reverse of any country's modern culture? Are you saying that you can find places like Akihabara from the US? If it's some country then it's Japan whose modern culture differs from the rest of the world. Either in good or bad way.

>> No.7275309

>"improving" and "giving them a Japanese feel"
look guys, I spew something that I have no clue of!

I find it funny that even though koreans imitate and copy, they've incapable of coming up with anything worthwhile.

>> No.7275310

uhuh...? just mentioning something does not equal justifying your claim with it. And your claim was

>"modern Japanese culture" is just the same as the American?

and with that I'll expect you to back up your claim from various parts of modern japanese culture, not just one tiny part of it.

>> No.7275312


Samsung is already the biggest high-tech conglomerate.

By 2020, Japan will be useless to Korea.

>> No.7275320


Tom Cruise, The Last Samuraï.


>> No.7275321

>say one thing that Japs created to their "modern Japanese culture" besides "improving" and "giving them a Japanese feel"

look at the title of this board, moron

>> No.7275328

Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't think any country has the luxury to ignore Japan as a potential source of income, if that's what you meant.

>> No.7275339


I'm speaking technology.

Japan will just be another market, like China or Germany.

>> No.7275359

The fact that you write off China and Germany as "just another market" shows you really know nothing about global economics.

>> No.7275385

>Labelling your music as "K-pop". Trying to ride on the popularity of manga by imitating the art style just to name a few.
Wtf are you talking about?
K-pop is just pop music made in Korean just like J-pop,
>Trying to ride on the popularity of manga by imitating the art style just to name a few.
Yes I agree that Manga is popular, but imitating the art style? That's just biased.
Look at the mad weeaboo with no argument.
Like I said every part of "Modern Japanese culture" is "improving" and "giving them a Japanese feel".
Manga, Anime, VNs, Games, Guitars, etc

>> No.7275386

I really like SNSD but op is kinda making the whole fanbase look rude and stupid.

SNSD is great but not great enough to take over the japanese music scene they should stay in korea.

>> No.7275387


GDPs tend to spread out. We'll never reach Walrassian "atomization" of the global markets, but still.

If I know nothing of economics, I guess my students are in deep shit. Exams are coming soon, too.

>> No.7275390

Your students done fucked.

>> No.7275397

Incompetent professors? Not news.

>> No.7275399

Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby

>> No.7275404


Sooo edgy.

>> No.7275412

Dirty Korean accent.

>> No.7275437

>but imitating the art style? That's just biased.
It's not biased at all. One look at Verita, Shin Angyo Onshi and the like should tell you what I mean.

>Like I said every part of "Modern Japanese culture" is "improving" and "giving them a Japanese feel".
The problem with this kind of thinking is that you're not willing to pass them as "original" just because they're based on something. With the same logic every modern gun should be attributed to ancient China right? Sorry, it does not work that way.

Tell me, does anime remind you of any other country's cartoons? As far as I'm concerned, they're really really unique as far as artistic freedom is concerned.
What about manga? Do they remind you of American or European comics?
VNs are totally a Japanese thing. There is nothing similar in the West.
And games.. did the 80-00s lapse from your memory as the golden age of Japanese games, when they actually had originality and influenced a lot of people? I'm really not sure what you're trying to achieve with this sort of thinking.

There's no such thing as "improving" or "giving them Japanese feeling". They're totally original works, for fuck sake. Despite Korea/China perpretating in the same kind of "copying", what original things have they spawned then? If these things are so easy to copy, where are their games? Where are their VNs? What about anime or manga?

>> No.7275453

If anybody is fluent in the Japanese language, can you tell me how good/bad is their Japanese pronunciation?

>> No.7275455

>Modern China and Japan are totally the same thing as ancient China and Japan amirite chink?
>cultural revolution
>not traditionally chinese


nothing new here.

cultural revolutions are the most defining things in chinese culture.

>> No.7275495
File: 1.75 MB, 300x301, 1301410669553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any downloadlink for the Japanese versions of Geenie and Gee?

>> No.7275505

>>7274989 for Genie
>>7274996 for Gee

>> No.7275509

>Like I said every part of "Modern Japanese culture" is "improving" and "giving them a Japanese feel".
>Manga, Anime, VNs, Games, Guitars, etc

Like I said, back that up. Mentioning things =/= justifying your claim. How are te things you mentioned just "improving" and "giving a japanese feel" to something that comes from America? by the way >>7275437 countered your petty excuse of an argument pretty well if you're interested

And again this is just a small part of modern japanese culture. Culture includes other things like food, ethics, clothing, etc and I'd like to see you convince me that all of those are the same with america's

>> No.7275514

I have to admit I enjoy seeing them dance. I mean, they're kinda sexy (nvm plastic surgery/whatever)

>> No.7275519
File: 618 KB, 800x1200, 1301406379270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not satisfied with Youtube quality

>> No.7275520

I don't care. I just wanna do them.
Right now.

Now is too late, before now. In fact I wanna already have done them, is that possible?

>> No.7275524

seconding this

>> No.7275525

>Already the world's #1 girl group

damn the competition must be fierce

>> No.7275530

awww look the gooks think they are nipponensei <3

>> No.7275552

>It's not biased at all. One look at Verita, Shin Angyo Onshi and the like should tell you what I mean.
Couln't it be coincidense?
Also I don't if you know DFO, but its official mahwa art-style is unique.
>With the same logic every modern gun should be attributed to ancient China right? Sorry, it does not work that way.
No, every country had its own style of guns etc.
>Tell me, does anime remind you of any other country's cartoons? As far as I'm concerned, they're really really unique as far as artistic freedom is concerned.
Yes, seinen anime remind me of American comics that existed much before seinen anime.
>What about manga? Do they remind you of American or European comics?
Same as above, but also I guess the "generic big eyed anime" style originated because it's far more easier than quality seinen.
>VNs are totally a Japanese thing. There is nothing similar in the West.
Not quite, American/European Visual Novels existed before the usual "colorful" virtual Japanese VNs that we know today.
>And games.. did the 80-00s lapse from your memory as the golden age of Japanese games, when they actually had originality and influenced a lot of people? I'm really not sure what you're trying to achieve with this sort of thinking.
It was not only the golden age for the Japanese, but because of economical fators, they produced video games that everyone could use and then influenced everyone.

>There's no such thing as "improving" or "giving them Japanese feeling". They're totally original works, for fuck sake.
They are not original works, they are stolen works that had better luck with the rest of the world.
Despite Korea/China perpretating in the same kind of "copying", what original things have they spawned then? If these things are so easy to copy, where are their games? Where are their VNs? What about anime or manga?
They are not as popular the as Japanese, but there are.

>> No.7275553

it still doesnt change that they #1. AKB48 is much bigger than SNSD in Japan, but nobody outside of Japan gives a shit about them.
SNSD popularity extends from China to the Phillipines to the US to France (where they just sold out an upcoming concert)

>> No.7275558
File: 51 KB, 437x600, snsd_nikkei_business_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7275561

>With the same logic every modern gun should be attributed to ancient China right? Sorry, it does not work that way.
>No, every country had its own style of guns etc
and so does anime is a different style of cartoons *yawn* (guns first originates from china's which were then improved by other countries and made to feel like it's their own creation. If that's original so is whatever japanese media you mentioned before)

>> No.7275569

Right spelling is nipponjin dirty tai.
>And again this is just a small part of modern japanese culture. Culture includes other things like food, ethics, clothing, etc and I'd like to see you convince me that all of those are the same with america's
Fish, because the nation is an island and besides that nothing else is tipycalli Japanese.
Just look at the Chinese and Korean clothes, they are very similar to the Japanese
Pretty much the same in urban areas. China I don't know, there are many ethinic groups there.

>> No.7275575

I was talking about China/Korea relation with Japan.
Stop being pretentious you sound like a typical weeaboo retard.

>> No.7275577 [DELETED] 

You're entire post is totally void of any examples and sources and reeks of "I THINK" mentality. I don't even know where to begin with. Are you really that desperate that you come up with such diarrhea?

>It was not only the golden age for the Japanese, but because of economical fators, they produced video games that everyone could use and then influenced everyone.
What does this even mean.

>They are not original works, they are stolen works that had better luck with the rest of the world.
Okay. I'm done with you. You lack even the tiniest bit of critical thinking needed to comprehend what other people are write. I'm not going to waste more time with you, please read my post again with great scrutinity. Just be aware that whatever your country comes up with in the future is not something you should be proud of, because in the end, they're just lame copies that are based on something else. Have a nice day.

>> No.7275599

>Fish, because the nation is an island and besides that nothing else is tipycalli Japanese.
The way they cook is so different from americansso I can't see what you're talking about. Anyway, you found one thing different there so japan=/=america

>Just look at the Chinese and Korean clothes, they are very similar to the Japanese
and chinese/korean cloths are just like americans right?

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with nearby countries having similar style of clothing - they are still original (to all three countres)

>Pretty much the same in urban areas. China I don't know, there are many ethinic groups there.
>Pretty much the same in urban areas.
Uhuh... since when americans emphasises respecting your elders/superiors/seniors to the point you have to use different more polite vocabularies to talk to them? and that's just a small part of it

>> No.7275597 [DELETED] 

Your entire post is totally void of any examples and sources and reeks of "I THINK" mentality. I don't even know where to begin with. Are you really that desperate that you come up with such diarrhea?

>It was not only the golden age for the Japanese, but because of economical fators, they produced video games that everyone could use and then influenced everyone.
What does this even mean.

>They are not original works, they are stolen works that had better luck with the rest of the world.
Okay. I'm done with you. You lack even the tiniest bit of critical thinking needed to comprehend what other people write. I'm not going to waste more time with you, please read my post again with great scrutinity. Just be aware that whatever your country comes up with in the future is not something you should be proud of, because in the end, they're just lame copies that are based on something else. Just like this SNSD band you're so proud of. Have a nice day.

>> No.7275603

Long thread is long.

If you want a couple examples of "culture" unique to japan look at the old samarai movies. Any movie buff over 30 will tell you that all the old west movies made in hollywood were pretty much western interpretations of japanese samarai movies.

There are other examples like this. The lion king had a japanese predecessor as well, or more like the lion king is actually a carbon copy of a japanese anime.

Idols are also a japanese invention to a large extent. Justin Beiber and Selena Gomaz, as much as I hate to say it, are modeled after the japanese "aidoru" which has been around sense the 70s.

>> No.7275602 [DELETED] 

Your entire post is totally void of any examples and sources and reeks of "I THINK" mentality. I don't even know where to begin with. Are you really that desperate that you come up with such diarrhea?

>It was not only the golden age for the Japanese, but because of economical fators, they produced video games that everyone could use and then influenced everyone.
What does this even mean.

>They are not original works, they are stolen works that had better luck with the rest of the world.
Okay. I'm done with you. You lack even the tiniest bit of critical thinking needed to comprehend what other people write. I'm not going to waste more time with you, please read my post again with great scrutinity. Just be aware that whatever your country comes up with in the future is not something you should be proud of, because in the end, they're just lame copies that are based on something else. Just like this SNSD band and kimchi that you're so proud of. Have a nice day.

>> No.7275608

>You're entire post is totally void of any examples and sources and reeks of "I THINK" mentality
Lol I could say the same to your biased thinking.
>What does this even mean.
Think I little.
>Okay. I'm done with you.
Typical blind person with no arguments.

YOU read my post again.

>> No.7275611

Your entire post is totally void of any examples and sources and reeks of "I THINK" mentality. I don't even know where to begin with. Are you really that desperate that you come up with such diarrhea?

>It was not only the golden age for the Japanese, but because of economical fators, they produced video games that everyone could use and then influenced everyone.
What does this even mean.

>They are not original works, they are stolen works that had better luck with the rest of the world.
Okay. I'm done with you. You lack even the tiniest bit of critical thinking needed to comprehend what other people write. I'm not going to waste more time with you, please read my post again with great scrutinity. Just be aware that whatever your country comes up with in the future is not something you should be proud of because in the end, they're just lame copies that are based on something else. Just like this SNSD band and kimchi that you're so proud of.

Although, I do suspect that you're just projecting here now since your own country lacks originality. Have a nice day.

>> No.7275625

>Lol I could say the same to your biased thinking.
It's not biased thinking. It's called logic, you dumbass.
>Think I little.
I gave a little bit of thought at the diarrhea you spew at me. Still doesn't make sense. Why was it the Japanese that produced most of the games? Why wasn't it Koreans? Or Germans? You're trying too hard with little thought put into your arguments.
>Typical blind person with no arguments.
That's nice. Just remember: Just be aware that whatever your country comes up with in the future is not something you should be proud of, because in the end, they're just lame copies that are based on something else. Just like this SNSD band and kimchi that you're so proud of.

>> No.7275627

Blind weeaboo is blind.

No sources, no logical argument...
A typical weeaboo.

>> No.7275632

>Stop being pretentious
Only because you are applying double standards in your argument and is basically contradicting yourself (so if western countries improve on things they're making original styles of things but when japanese does the same thy're copying?)

by the way, you already disprove your original claim that modern japanese culture are the same witth americans' yourself. Just read your own posts, how many different parts of japanese culture that is different from americans' have you mentioned so far? (hint: fish, clothes)

and see >>7275597
>Your entire post is totally void of any examples and sources and reeks of "I THINK"
>You lack even the tiniest bit of critical thinking

>> No.7275634

>you're just projecting here now since your own country lacks originality.
I couldn't have said it better

>> No.7275635

No fucking way.

AKB48 routinely does concerts around the world. They are way more popular than SNSD.

In Japan alone they've broken the 1 million mark more than a couple times. SNSD has a hard time making a couple hundred thousand, even when you include japan.

>> No.7275643
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>this whole thread

SNSD's japanese music is terrible. the korean songs sound very awkward in japanese and it's just bad. mr.taxi is alright, but those bitches need to go back to korea. the only group that has benefited from debuting in japan is KARA, who is more popular there then they ever were in korea.

also go back to /mu/, saged, reported, etc

>> No.7275646

Those examples are real. Just check google.

I'm not trying to argue anything nor am I sure what everyone else in this thread is arguing but someone, somewhere wanted examples of japan producing something not based on American exports and I provided at least two examples not only of this, but of America going back and copying the Japanese.

>> No.7275651

This thread makes me want to take a shit.

>> No.7275659

>No sources, no logical argument...
The whole Star Wars copies Akira Kurosawa's movies. I thought this was a common fact.

>> No.7275660

What kind of logic?Biased logic?
>Why was it the Japanese that produced most of the games?
Again with weeabooness.
The Japanese produced POPULAR games this don't mean western people didn't produce games on DOS.
And in the other post by video game I meant console.

>just lame copies that are based on something else.

>> No.7275663

>someone, somewhere wanted examples of japan producing something not based on American exports and I provided at least two examples not only of this, but of America going back and copying the Japanese
Yea, that's me. Some idiot claims that japanese culture is just a copy of american's and I'm getting him back that claim up, which he can't (but "tried" anyway), and that sort of resulted in the whole mess above. Thank you very much for the help.

>> No.7275674

so why were the games popular?

>> No.7275684

As far sa I rember the first console around was sega and nitendo and I'm sure they're japanese companies. This means consoles are japanese creations, original japanese creations. Now, I might be wrong as I wasn't born yet when consoles first arrives in the market but there you go.

>> No.7275685

Japan has actually had quite a large impact on hollywood -- talk to anyone who has been around for a while and they'll give you plenty of examples. A lot of this was common knowledge when I was growing up (I'm 22 now) but it seems on 4chan people are too racist to see any of this.

>> No.7275690
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I love how it's always the SNSD faggot strating these threads. At least you could've used KARA as an example of a Korean pop band (hint: it's quite different from idols) that found success in Japan, if nothing else at least you wouldn't have given away that you're the same insecure faggot who probably jumped on the bandwagon because you heard their song in between Starcraft matches.

>> No.7275698

More like some retarded Korean is so jealous that he has to label everything Japan makes as "copying". Speaking as a Korean myself, I find this quite sad.

>> No.7275706

Again with the weeabooness.

Just because some weeaboo retard on internet says "lion king is a copy of a glorious nippon movie!" and you believe doesn't make it logical.

Hint: Japanese are masters of changing dates, hiding artfacts, historical facts.

>> No.7275718

The Matrix was inspired by Ghost in the Shell (the movie).

Akira also had a huge impact not just on hollywood in America but American culture in general. It was the first time westerners were introduced to the idea that future might not be a utopia, something we dont think about much nowadays but has had a huge impact on America and American cultural exports.

>> No.7275720

well you sure got told. although you already got told like 6 times in this thread already

>> No.7275723


>> No.7275728

>Hint: Japanese are masters of changing dates, hiding artfacts, historical facts.

Confirmed for stormfag. Go back to /int/ please, the adults are trying to have a conversation.

>> No.7275735

Japanese economical stability and I guess luck.
Never heard of Atari, Amiga?

>> No.7275741

>Hint: Japanese are masters of changing dates, hiding artfacts, historical facts.

Sounds like the sort of criticism that the rest of Asia had leveled at you in all those years.
Coreans: not even good at thinking up of original criticism.

>> No.7275747

This is terrible, even for them.

There is nothing original about this song, and that fucking auto-tune...seriously?

>> No.7275751

This is terrible, even for them.

There is nothing original about this song, and that fucking auto-tune...seriously?

At least the black outfits were hot.

>> No.7275760

didn't alot of the gun formations in america's civil war date back to the sengoku era?

>> No.7275766

nope, I'm 20. I've heard of them but I don't think they made it to my country (never seen them at least, or maybe that's just because I was too young then)

>> No.7275772

Cool reliable links bro.
Matrix had nothing to do with Ghost and I say this because I watched both.
No argument, illogical thinking, superiority complex.

>> No.7275779
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>> No.7275788 [DELETED] 

>well you sure got told
Back to /b/ tai
Oh the weeaboos, they always amuse me with their blindness.

>> No.7275789
File: 186 KB, 700x700, NO&#44; NOT EVEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7275790

>Matrix had nothing to do with Ghost and I say this because I watched both.
yeah, this guy pretty much confirmed for being a troll. the makes of matrix themselves said that they drew inspiration from GITS

>> No.7275791

Taeyeon has such an awesome voice, i dont know they covered it up with so much autotune.

>> No.7275794

>Matrix had nothing to do with Ghost and I say this because I watched both.

It shocked me as well, I only read about it the other day.

Here's a really reliable link about it: google.com

>> No.7275795

>well you sure got told
Back to /b/ tai
Oh the weeaboos, they always amuse me with their blindness.

>> No.7275801

>yeah, this guy pretty much confirmed for being a troll.
Just because I am saying what I think? Stop being such a weeaboo.

>> No.7275803


>> No.7275813

1) Highest debt ratio among all countries of the world!
2) Fastest demographic change and one of the most overaged populations in the world!
3) Heavily export-dependent economy.
4) Messed up corporate governance due to overaged managers that cannot accept structural change and industry maturing. Read Jackson from RIETI.
5) Inefficient information systems. (Check their internet.) Read Aoki from RIETI.
6) No original or genuine philosophical and ethical discourse in the public.
YOU CANNOT DO ANY FUCKING SOCIAL REFORMS if your country is overaged and has learned for twenty generations to do nothing but looking up to the Western models and copy them. THAT's the fucking problem.
Also, political reforms? LOL The last chat I had with my colleague's Japanese flatmate was what she had voted last spring. She said JDP because her father would be a MOF official and Ozawa wants to break down the technocratic structure.
THAT's no fucking political common sense, that's short-sighted egocentric, political nonsense.
The best thing that could happen to Japan is another invasion that would reform the country - like every 50 years.

>> No.7275816

But you're doing everything but thinking "Koreaboo".

>> No.7275819

Technically most of Japan's debt is domestic and sustained because of high savings rates among private individuals, banks and corporations.

Also technically US debt per capita exceeds most of the world when you include government liabilities such as freddie may.

>> No.7275822

I think, therefore I am not blind.

>> No.7275830
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>Tries to astroturf his shitty Kimchi band on /jp/ just because they released a CD in Japan
>Nobody cares, someone kindly points out that they suck and their songs all sound the same (besides being filled with autotune and ripping off American pop)
>Nobody cares still
>Resorts to insult Japan to whore for attention and get a sense of false superiority
>He thinks /jp/ gives a shit about Japan

>> No.7275836

One of the most boring movies I ever watched.

>> No.7275843

What is this thread doing on /jp/?
Why are people responding?

Learn to ignore trolls.

>> No.7275853

>(besides being filled with autotune and ripping off American pop
Subtle weeaboo is subtle.


>> No.7275870
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>Ad hominem as an excuse to avoid tackling an argument face first
>"NO U" logical fallacy

STFU gook scum

>> No.7275904

GTFO dirty Tai.

>> No.7275915

Gook, Nip, Chink, who gives a fuck. You're all inferior to the west anyway.

>> No.7276032
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>> No.7276052

There is no reason to revive this god awful troll fest,
take the fight to /int/ if you really intend to have it out more.

>> No.7276068

>You're all inferior to the west anyway.

Did you get into a time machine and warp back to 100 years?

>> No.7276202
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>> No.7276304

Most Japanese are not interested in K-pop.

>> No.7276337

SNSD is crap!
You must not be deceived by Korean.


>> No.7276357
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>> No.7276479
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>> No.7276491
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No, thank you.

>> No.7276510
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Go to here for the amazing music we get. ok? go

>> No.7276522 [DELETED] 


WTF is this shit?

>> No.7276541


>> No.7276562


Then why does Japan eat this shit up?

>> No.7276652

Why is this thread on /sp/?

Get it out of there.

>> No.7276678

>>RIAA certification
>>based off of numbers shipped, not numbers sold

>> No.7276689

correction, RIAJ certification. their platinum is 250,000 so a double is 500,000 shipped. you could throw them into the ocean after shipping and they'd still count.

>> No.7276723

so what?
whatever numbers you want to use, just admit that SNSD is popular in Japan and will continue to grow as they release new music (as opposed to old korean songs translated to japanese).

>> No.7276737
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>> No.7276793
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>> No.7276803

why is /jp/ so terrible?

>> No.7276853

because newfriends seem to think they are janitors or admin

instead of filtering the thread and move on they decide to shitpost instead

>> No.7276864

>How much higher will SNSD be in Japan with this original Japanese song?

They will definitely hit #1 on the Oricon Weekly charts. Maybe 50-70k sold in the first week?

>> No.7276890

Because the idolfags haven't been purged by the cleansing flame. What I wouldn't give for a mod that actually knew what is /jp/-related and what isn't.

>> No.7276906

I hope the next moderator we get bans your entire IP range.

>> No.7276933

... b/c idols or idol groups arent part of otaku culture. okay.

>> No.7276971

Keep shitting up the board with unrelated 3DPD.

True NEETs like 2D exclusively, and they absolutely hate superficial whores that put on fake public personas.

>> No.7277027
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>> No.7277037

Anon Of course; it's because the idolfags haven't been purged by the cleansing flame. What you wouldn't give for a mod that actually knew what is /jp/-related and what isn't? It's apparent that all choices have consequences. And a new mod.

>> No.7277040

Jp/ is always bitching about people from /A/, /B/, and /V/ shitting up the board with metathreads and blog posts.

>> No.7277075 [DELETED] 

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

it is in plain sight when you refresh /jp/ - read it and weep. stop telling anon what is and what isnt otaku culture when idols are.

>> No.7277082

Jp/'s culture is so fucking intricate and complex.

>> No.7277084

"/jp/ - Otaku Culture"

the above is in plain sight at the top of the webpage whenever you refresh /jp/ - read it and weep. stop telling anon what is and what isnt otaku culture when idols are.

>> No.7277093

It is in plain sight when I refresh /jp/-read it and weep. >/jp/ is 3rd result on google for ';otaku culture'.

>> No.7277098


>> No.7277100

I'm telling you because your kind is oblivious as to what Otaku culture entails. If you and the rest of the idolshits actually belonged here, nobody would have to say anything.

>> No.7277108


>> No.7277111

Why isn't this on /mu/?

>> No.7277122

Why isnt the numerous Berryz, AKB, or other idol threads in /jp/ in /mu/?

>> No.7277127

Absolute crap. Shouldn't even be called music, because it isn't...

>> No.7277128

Of course; it's because my kind is oblivious as to what otaku culture entails anon; there's the answer. Also /jp/ is one of the most intelligent boards here by default of having on average an older userbase than the rest of 4chan (23-24), being basically impossible to troll and having janitors that actually work.

>> No.7277143


Because lip syncing and autotune isn't music.

>> No.7277171

That's how it happens? Anon The reason is, lip syncing and autotune isn't music; there's the answer. And nothing of value was lost, it only remind all these video about the sdm cast crying over a tomb, ';baaaw sakuya is human so she died faster'; with an instrumental music to fit to the scene.

>> No.7277172

Alls music videos are lipsung unless it's live, you moron.

>> No.7277182

>iosys's Flash music videos suck.

>> No.7277285 [DELETED] 

WTF is this shit?

>> No.7277290

But mugen is shit.

>> No.7277971


WTF is this shit?

>> No.7277980

The samefagging in this thread is so obvious it isn't even funny. Can you stop bumping your shitty thread now please?

>> No.7277993

Stinky kimchi?
No, thank you.

>> No.7278004

snsd is miles better than "berryz" and "morning musume" lol. Butthurt itt.

>> No.7278008


All 3 are shit.

>> No.7278017

SNSD is not Moe.
Get out of here, Gook!

>> No.7278018

FYI : In terms of sales, SNSD outsells all girl groups in Japan except for AKB48 and their assorted sub-units/sub-groups

>> No.7278044

Korean culture in Japan Expo?
No way!


>> No.7278327
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>> No.7278394

>Maybe 50-70k sold in the first week?

LOL, I guess I underestimated.
Mr Taxi did 40+K in sales in its first day of release. They might go over 100k sold in its first week.
