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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 1329x557, beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7272877 No.7272877 [Reply] [Original]

So guys, what's up with you not drinking any beer yet? Too shy? Too scared?

I'm 21 and I haven't touched a sip of alcohol...Willingly, that is (not including accidentally drinking moms colorful drinks as a kid etc)

My dad is in the other room watching a basketball game. I'm thinking of walking in and going 'alright dad, let's have a damn beer' to start off my first drink ever. I don't think I've ever cussed in front of him before

>> No.7272885

Reported. Take this shit to /a/, /v/, or /b/.

>> No.7272887

thread touhou is what this.

>> No.7272891

Beer tastes like piss, that's why. I'd rather shoot just about anything than drink beer.

>> No.7272895


>> No.7272896

Please don't encourage people to make shitty threads in /a/ and /v/.

>> No.7272900

This meta is on /tv/ & /sp/ atm, doing quite well there too.

I like to picture people from Budweiser doing these subliminal message placements, it may or may not be true.

>> No.7272901

Reported for failing to shitpost.

>> No.7272902

have enough problems as is with my health, last thing I needed is to pick up drinking or smoking

>> No.7272912

beer is great but in all seriousness op you are a faggot and would not appreciate it

>> No.7272920

I've drank lots of beer and alcohol in general attempting to get drunk by myself.

The fact of the matter is that I always feel like I want to throw up because the taste of alcohol itself is like you're drinking your own vomit, with nasty stomach acids and all that shit going back down your throat.

I've bought light beers (ie: corona), some higher-class wheat-beers, dark beers like Guinness, a bottle of crown royal for mixing, various ciders and coolers. My favorite soda is rootbeer so I've even tried some alcoholic sarsaparilla which sort of had rootbeer flavour, but the alcohol made it taste like I had thrown up in some barq's rootbeer or some shit.

In the end, I always give it away to someone because I just get frustrated forcing it down because it's so disgusting, and I've never seen any effect from it. By the time I finish one bottle of beer, I'm so disgusted at the thought of popping open another one that I just don't bother, and one bottle makes me feel nothing.

>> No.7272923

It's gunna taste like ass at first, but if you stick with it you'll get used to it. The drunker you get, the better it tastes. Now man up and drink up

>> No.7272930

Because it tastes like piss. Seriously, it'd expect something that normalfags love that much to taste actually well. As in, I expect it to be at least drikable. But no.

>> No.7272936

I didn't drink any alchohol until I was 21 and some friends took me out to drink.

I don't drink very often, and I only ever buy any because my girlfriend wants some.

Also, beer sucks. Vodka+vinegar ftw.

>> No.7272939

Reported. Cross-board spam.

Besides, everyone knows /jp/ is full of hollow alcoholic wretches such as myself.

>> No.7272953
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Weed master race, booze can suck my penis.

- More fun to consume
- Better taste
- Better high
- Won't make you feel like shit afterwords
- Won't cause you to make horrible decisions and do retarded ass shit.
- Won't kill you if you have too much.

Inb4huurr duuur brain damage durp cancer

>> No.7272960

I'm practically a chain smoking alcoholic.

>> No.7272963

>More fun to consume

>implying that alcohol isnt funner to consume

>> No.7272970

I'm a straight edge. no beer, no drugs.

>> No.7272971


>> No.7272973

I'm a straight edge. no beer, no drugs and no smoke

>> No.7272988

The other day I almost died after downing about 3 Jager Bombs and a bottle of Hipnotiq. Good thing I got to fuck 2 bitches, one of them being this fucking slut (who was hot as shit) who followed me to the stall LOL.

>> No.7273004
File: 424 KB, 1024x768, BlackLagoon-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is no better than piss.

Bring out the rum

>> No.7273006

I've been drinking since 14. I binge for days at a time. It get's pretty old when your sick from it. I'm on a break because it's my panic disorder is hellish ith the hangovers.

>> No.7273007

I'm so fucking straight edge, I get high off of my mother's perfume.

>> No.7273020

beer? guinness and st. ambroise noir bitch.

>> No.7273025

Yeah, I've had pretty bad anxiety with a hangover today. It is really unpleasant. Yesterday was a massive day.

>> No.7273029

Yeah, I've had a big week drinking and yesterday was just crazy. I often get bad anxiety with a hangover too, I have today.

>> No.7273032

I'm a journalist, and I once met Walter Cronkite. Little prick that I was, I asked if he had any secrets to success, and he said "Sure. You've got to start drinking cologne." And he pulled out a bottle of really strong smelling cologne and took a big drink and offered it to me. I got nervous and shook my head, and then he called me a pussy and walked away.

>> No.7273038

beer is the nectar of the gods.

>> No.7273039

Get the fuck out of /jp/

Thread reported

>> No.7273040
File: 91 KB, 652x592, 1303784513132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ explained ZUN

>> No.7273041

I drink beer all the damn time. In fact I am drinking right now.
Once you lose the ability to enjoy anything, there isn't anything else left to do.

I am not hardcore enough to drink liquor all day.

>> No.7273056

You know what else starts tasting better the more you drink it? Water.

And water doesn't make you a raging normalfaggot.

>> No.7273058

It tastes like a sin against my mouth, any kind. I had to eat a god damn feast to get the taste out of my mouth.

>> No.7273066

>You know what else starts tasting better the more you drink it? Water.

>And water doesn't make you a raging normalfaggot.

It doesn't make you normal, but you are still a raging faggot.

>> No.7273068

This. Why haven't you converted to drinking only water yet, /jp/? What's the matter? Not sugar coated enough? Baby wants more bitter? Pussies.

>> No.7273073

There are only pure little maidens here. Of course we haven't drank beer yet!

Silly OP you.

>> No.7273080

if it really tastes vile or has a piss flavor, you are drinking cheap or defective (skunked, expired, too warm) beer. I'm not saying any particular beer will taste *good* at first, but they all won't taste like piss.

>> No.7273082

I don't like beer, offer me a bottle of scotch and then we talk.
That being said, I do enjoy drowning myself in alcohol every now and then. I've realized I'm a coward, but being able to forget all the shit in my head even for 1 night is enought to get some peace of mind.

Fuck off, everyone deals with their problems their own way.

>> No.7273083

Goddamn faggots. The first thing I drank was Canadian whiskey.

Drink whatever you enjoy. I don't think beer is all that great, and I think guinness and stout taste like bitter garbage that people drink to imply they're tough. The only beer I actually enjoy is Heineken, whether it's piss water or not, I don't give a shit.

The only reason to drink is to become intoxicated. No one "likes" the taste of pure alcohol. Just buy some with a high ABV like rum or vodka and mix it with a drink you like.

I made some cherry limeade the other day with lime seltzer, limeade and cherry vodka, and it tasted pretty awesome. Oh, and I also like mike's hard cranberry lemonade, because IT TASTES GOOD AND IS REFRESHING.

People that try to act tough or cultured in accordance with what they drink are complete and utter faggots.

I drank two 40z of 8.1 abv (Shlitz ice bull HG and hurricane HG)the other night and let me tell you-nothing is nastier than shlitz. Just stick to things that are tasty, and mix it with something that will get you fucked up-like bacardi 151.

>> No.7273085

Get lost bitch, ya feel me r grill me?

>> No.7273088

Hey OP, don't be a faggot. Treat us some beer

>> No.7273098

Get snooty about how much hops were used in the brewing or if it's micro-brewed or whatever and it becomes shut-in nerdliness again.

I've had plenty of beer, but unfortunately it's been mostly your run-of-the-mill cheap beer labels. Just got a bottle of Belgian trappist beer, and it was so worth it. Would rather that than any soda, sugar-water, energy drink nonsense.
The stuff used to be easier to come by than clean water, and it was healthier to drink than most beverages because of its antibacterial properties. See how weak and otakuppoi that sounded? Get over yourselves and indulge in thousands of years of beverage history.

>> No.7273099

cool story bro

>> No.7273105



Drinking looks fun.

>> No.7273115

maybe if all you've had is cheap bud light at parties, there's beer out there that's actually good.

I'm not drinking beer because I ran out, thinking of what i should get at the store. Was thinking guinness, it's not really my thing but i've wanted something darker. maybe Shock Top or another case of Amber, although I was wondering what kind of flavor a summer ale has.

>> No.7273125

>It's gunna taste like ass at first, but if you stick with it you'll get used to it.

I don't understand this logic. There are plenty of other drinks I enjoy now. Why would I want to subject myself to something unenjoyable, repeatedly, so that eventually I'll enjoy something that's considerably more expensive than alternatives?

I've no interest in drinking alcohol at all, and I just don't understand it.

>> No.7273131

>The only reason to drink is to become intoxicated.
And the only reason to become intoxicated is to be a faggot.

>> No.7273133

ITT: normalfaggotry

The mods need to get the fuck off of their lazy asses and start taking actions against people that make blatantly antineet threads like this one.

>> No.7273137

It is like coffee. Stuff is awful till you get used to it. Then you love it. A decent inexpensive beer easy to find beer is Blue Moon. Try that.

>> No.7273141

If this has not already been said Touhou and beer go hand in hand. that said I expect all of /jp/ to have a taste for alcohol.

so when we are all drunk i can feel up your skirts and you would be too wasted to care :3c

>> No.7273146
File: 281 KB, 635x900, 15895822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get snooty about how much hops were used in the brewing or if it's micro-brewed or whatever and it becomes shut-in nerdliness again.

Oh god this. I turned 21 a couple months ago and had to stop myself from getting snooty and self-righteous about my choice of beer over other people's "weak peasant buddweiser"
I've come to believe that an arrogant, undeserved sense of self-worth is just a prerequisite of /jp/ culture.

Even decent alcohol really isn't expensive, you're just making shit up now.

>> No.7273151

>When I first get into a hot spring, the water feels unpleasantly hot. Why should I subject myself to seconds, perhaps minutes, of patiently waiting for my body to adjust to the temperature when I could just as easily sit in my own tiny bathtub for much cheaper?

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

>> No.7273152

>Why would I want to subject myself to something unenjoyable, repeatedly, so that eventually I'll enjoy something that's considerably more expensive than alternatives?

Because that is how real men learn to drink and learn how to appreciate the subtleties of hops and barley. If you aren't trying different micro brews once in a while then you aren't appreciating the art of brewing beer or drinking in general.

>> No.7273154

ITT: Nerd faggots

baba anyways, me and my clique r gonna be rollin out to the club to pop a few gray bottles, as usual.

>> No.7273156

You can be a neet and also a drunktard, no need to get pissy. Some NEETs escape reality through eroge/touhou/mmo's etc, others do so with alcohol.
You know, I could never get used to coffee, I don't hate it, but i don't see what's so hot about it. Doesn't help that it has the opposite effect on me, instead of waking me up it puts me to sleep.

>> No.7273157

Samefag. We get it, the hardest drink you can take is water and you hate anyone who's not quite as large a faggot as you are. You can stop posting now.

>> No.7273162

because beer is good, a nice amber ale almost tastes sweet to me. Beer has a nice, slightly bitter flavor with a large variety of variations.

>> No.7273164

Absinthe can be quite pricey, if you buy decent stuff.

>> No.7273166


Being intoxicated feels nice, and is enjoyable. Enjoy discussing the subtleties of hops and barley in your bitter ales, faggot.

>> No.7273168

>make blatantly antineet threads like this one.
There is nothing more NEET than drinking alone in your attic/basement.

Turn in your NEET membership, you're fired.

>> No.7273179

this is pretty true, the only non-NEET beers are the piss brands that everyone in this thread are condemning.

>> No.7273183

I'm not really sure. It could be because I don't want to get drunk alone (which I'm most likely forever going to be - not that I mind it though), or more probably because I do not see what's so great about getting drunk. I really like my (horrible) motor skills and being able to create coherent sentences, even though it might not seem like that.

>> No.7273190

You're no different than those 420chan kids who come here and try and force their shit about how TRU NEETs use drugs. Fuck off, retards; people who are actually neet and hikki don't need any stimulants besides the love of their waifu.

>> No.7273196


I've drank with friends/people once, and it was fun. Now, I'm more or less a shut-in (Not a hikki or a NEET-just a step above), and 21 years old, I drink alone on the weekends.

It's actually very enjoyable-for me, at least. My body becomes relaxed, I lose all my tension, and music sounds incredible. I become affectionate and enjoy exploring the internet in my drunken state, while listening to anime OPs and talking to random girls on the internet about stupid shit. Masturbating while intoxicated can also feel really awesome, assuming you're drinking hard liquor so you don't have to piss constantly.

Also, spending forever trying to type something is quite hilarious. Just watching stupid shit on youtube or terrible anime becomes fun. I played Umineko while drinking a 40 once, and it became funny as hell.

Really, just try it out. Fuck these assholes who say you're going to be an alcoholic for relaxing and drinking alone, where YOU get to decide what YOU want to do.

And yes, I've tried weed-I like being drunk more-I can think better drunk than high and am in a better mood when drinking. I once got so fucking high it took me literally 15 minutes to type in "youtube.com" into my friends browser window to watch super mario frustration.

>> No.7273206

if u don't do drugs and drink with ur buddies u ain't a TRU neet

>> No.7273210
File: 13 KB, 218x252, ramiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's up wid it ? You know the deal, it's that boy Ramiro,

So the other day while I was practicing my Capoeira, I was thinkin about this awesome party house in Jersey with tons of alcohol and hot sluts, that I used to drive up to when I was in highschool. It was actually a fraternity house, but the guys weren't skinny faggots that wear their shirts tucked in. Weid huh ? Any way, I said fuck the club and decided to go holla at some of my boyz from way back in the day.

I roll into the house with my posse, but something isn't right. I'm thinkin : where are the kegs, and more importantly, I can't see a single descent
girl. Just then, this little dweeb starts scopin me, then comes up and asks me who I am. My boy Roberto goes "Are u fucking serious ?! You're talking to Ramiro a.k.a the BO$$ of Jersey." Then the kid (who had a striking resemblance to Ferguson from Clarissa Explains It All) says something like ' Please don't take any personal offense to this, but this house belongs to the Touhou brotherhood, and so I must humbly ask that you please leave.'

I say "Listen Ferguson, you little faggot, I don't know about all that gibberish, but me and my niggas came here for some pussy, some jager bombs, and some yayo. Now since ya boy don't like having sex with blue whales, u better make the next two happen real quick." The kid mutters in a shaky voice, "My name isn't ferguson," and starts tearing up a little. My boyz just laughed, it was pretty pathetic. After that I gave Ferguson a nuclear wedgie and peaced the fuck out before ya boy got swarmed by all the fat girls.

So can someone please tell me what the fuck a "Touhou" is, and what happened to one of the sickest party houses in Jersey?

>> No.7273211

No one's enforcing anything except you, bro. You have your views of what constitutes true NEETdom and we respect that. But we also have our own views, like I've been saying, everyone has their own way to escape reality.

Can you show some respect?

>> No.7273212
File: 1.12 MB, 1400x1400, 1301964858195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never taken hallucinogens to have a date with their waifu
me and horo had a romantic evening rowing out on the pond yesterday

>> No.7273226

i'm alcoholic (recovered) and i don't touch alcohol even if it chases me and begs to be drank.

>> No.7273240

good to hear you got out of that problem. I worry about a lot of things because I have a very addictive personality.

>> No.7273254

The NEETs who drink aren't true NEETs, they're just normals between jobs. They probably fuck hot bitches all the time at parties while high as fuck bro.

>> No.7273255

I prefer water.

>> No.7273273

I am with the water guys. It takes some resolve to drink only water with all the shit they have nowadays. And it's better than all the other people circlejerking over the adverse effects of their respective vices.

>> No.7273286

I thought I told you to stop samefagging.

>> No.7273313
File: 54 KB, 425x273, radiation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuse other people of circlejerking
>circlejerk in the same sentence.

>> No.7273405


>> No.7273420
File: 328 KB, 842x595, 17981322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made my butt sad.

Not a single attempt at veiling anything, no images of touhou's drinking, no nothing just a big depressing meta thread.

That one Anon who really loves his Sapporo didn't even post.

>> No.7273422


Did you honestly expect any different? Where have you been the past few days?

>> No.7273435

I can understand not wanting to get drunk, I have no interested in such things myself. But it sounds sad when people haven't even tried beer, because for me, trying a good beer is one of the highest pleasures I experience. It's like people saying that they just never bothered trying out fapping.

Well, if ythe NEET lifestyle prevents you from enjoying such luxuries, it can't be helped. I'm a little lucky because my mom buys some occasionally.

>> No.7273437

I have tried drinking beer, bought two cans of cheapest brand and puked after drinking both.
Beer isnt simply suited for me.

>> No.7273444

videos of Touhous drinking are not good enough?

see >>7273105

>> No.7273451

The people saying those things don't know how to take it easy.

>> No.7273456

>cheapest brand
Did you really not think to yourself that this might have been the problem?

>> No.7273457

Random youtube links in a metathread bro, did you really expect anyone to follow them?

But thats not important the ones who did wrong know what they did.

>> No.7273499

I don't like alcohol and coffee, I drink occasionally but it still doesn't stop them from tasting like ass

>> No.7273505

wow you're taking this really seriously

>> No.7273509

I've only had vodka (Barton, Povlav(sp?)) and whatever was in that 7-up can I drank from when I was at a bonfire when I was 8.

>> No.7273520
File: 59 KB, 300x300, fangbitch laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of Amerifats. Just because your country's drink "tastes like piss" doesn't mean all beer does. This is (one of the reasons) why the world laughs at you retards.

>> No.7273523

We live in a globalized world and you're telling me that any beer you can obtain in America is an entirely different drink to what everyone else calls beer?

>> No.7273530

Yes. Some of us have a rich cultural history involving beer and don't drink your Budweiser/PBR, you fat retarded Amerifat fuck.

>> No.7273532

whats your countries drink of choice then?

>> No.7273534


Don't mind him. He's just grumpy because he hasn't had his daily semen rations.

>> No.7273537

Now you're just trolling, The states kick your ass in brewing competitions and your countries butthurt runs deep.

>> No.7273539

why so buttplundered?

>> No.7273543

America has a number of good breweries but most people are too stupid to find out about them.

In Australia we only have a few good breweries. Murray's, Little Creatures, Mountain Goat etc. We have a few but nothing compared to other parts of the world.

And yes, it is hard to get good imported beer here. A huge amount of "imported" beer is brewed under license and is mass produced trash from other parts of the world.

>> No.7273544

We have over 400 beers. It's kind of hard to say.

You've watched too many Sam Adams Light commercials.

>> No.7273545

Because otaku culture

>> No.7273549

I'm surprised to see that this thread is still around, of all the things /jp/ claims to not tolerate...

>> No.7273551

This is a thread for beer otaku. It sure as hell beats Touhou_thread_X too.

>> No.7273557

>beer otaku
Now you're just poorly trolling.

>> No.7273558

Technically, you can always import, but I have a feeling most people who say that beer tastes like piss just tried the cheapest mass-produced American brand they could find, which is like swearing off pastry because you once ate a really dry donut and didn't like it.

>> No.7273559

I got bored of beer within months of turning 21. Now I just drink O'Douls erryday.

Anyway, this thread belongs in either /soc/ or /int/, I can't tell which.

>> No.7273560

the problem is that when people here think beer, the first they think of is bud or coors light, but even over here other brands are readily available at the supermarket. If we want, we can get Amber Ales, Pilsner, IPA's, Guinness, Hefeweizen... it's just that culturally people consider cheap, light piss to be the default.

>> No.7273561


Does that mean we can have other otaku threads? Trains?

>> No.7273562

I don't drink beer, i Just don't particularly like it. I've tried just about every imported beer they have at my lcbo and while some taste better then others all and all I'm just not impressed with beer.

I do however drink Scotch and Absinthe quite a bit. Though most of the time its just easier -and cheaper- to drink tea or water.

>> No.7273563

it bleangs in /jp/ as HELL because beer otaku :)

>> No.7273567

you can be an otaku about anything, although no one in here is talking about any japanese breweries. I've enjoyed most of the japanese brands I've tried with my sushi, but nothing stood out to me.

>> No.7273573

I'd love to see something like that to break up the monotony of this place. The promise that this board once provided has long been held back by a vocal minority of autists who have discouraged any interesting discussion from taking place.

>> No.7273575

To be honest I wouldn't actually care if people had train threads here if it turned out that there was a big following for it except for that it sets a precedent for stuff that explicitly belongs in other boards being here.

>> No.7273576

This thread was started hours ago and was a cross-board post.

Beer doesn't equal normalfaggotry and frat parties. It doesn't belong here but eh. We've had tea threads before too. For some odd reason tea seems to be more /jp/ related, some reason I don't fully understand but it seems so right~

>> No.7273581

Yeah, Japanese beer rivals America in terms of being bland and week, but it compliments their food well, just like a cheap beer can work well with pizza or something.

>> No.7273583

>For some odd reason tea seems to be more /jp/ related, some reason I don't fully understand but it seems so right~

>> No.7273585

>Beer doesn't equal normalfaggotry and frat parties.
I don't understand how people here can associate beer with normalfaggotry when one of /jp/'s great heroes is known for being a beer otaku.

>> No.7273587
File: 184 KB, 200x200, moyashimon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that, like, the entire point of Moyashimon?

>> No.7273589

No, what prevents discussion taking place is people posting shit that belongs in other boards.

>> No.7273590
File: 48 KB, 331x498, xcudyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to bed and I didn't really think this thread would even be posted in nor that it should of but thats this board for you. Anyway you guys should try making your own, the basic kit for a mr.beer is like 20 bucks at any gift store or brewer's store. As far as complete novice brewing goes it can make some decent stuff. Just don't drink the pack in pale ale, their recipe is disgusting.


Anyway goodnight shit thread.

>> No.7273593

Are you retarded?

>> No.7273594

Except he's a normalfag.

>> No.7273596
File: 13 KB, 480x360, cucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tea is touhou related
>but beer isn't

>> No.7273598

Imagedumps of cute 2D girls belong in >>>/c/
Stop making Touhou threads unless you actually want to discuss game mechanics, the nature of the setting, or fanworks.

>> No.7273601

ZUN makes independent retro loli shootan gaems for us, he is not just a normalfag

>> No.7273602

I don't really see how people discussing their own thing in their own separate threads keeps anyone else from having their discussions. I do, however, see how overzealous fags, who see it as their duty to control whether any thread is /jp/ related enough to not deserve getting reported, can easily hinder discussion that people enjoyed participating in.

>> No.7273605

Better removes images from any board that isn't an imagedump board them!

>> No.7273609


So you'd be okay with the front page full of off-topic threads?

>> No.7273613

Everything is /jp/ related as long as you call yourself an otaku. By the way I'm a sports otaku so I should make some football and baseball threads ALL OTHER SPORTS CAN SUCK IT I'm also an otaku which means I'm going to make some anime threads and some gun otaku threads after the news otaku threads.

>> No.7273617

Some off topic threads are fine every now and then, but an entire page is too far.

>> No.7273618

Have had a beer or two everyday now for the past two years. I can't go a day without one.

>> No.7273619

So you're saying /jp/ should become /a/ and /v/ where everyone is accepted because who gives a shit?

>> No.7273621


>football and baseball

Is that you Aya tripfag?

>> No.7273626

This would be the worst thing to happen to /jp/. We already have enough stupid fucking metathreads already.

>> No.7273628

/b/ tried to maintain a decent average userbase back in the day by being unaccepting of anyone who didn't fit in perfectly. Look at how much good that did them.

>> No.7273629

No, he wasn't.

>> No.7273637

What matters is not only that you drive away people who don't fit certain criteria, but what your criteria actually are. /b/ is overrun with what? Normals. If we keep normals out of /jp/, it simply does not follow that we would end up like /b/.

What you are implying you support is far worse - we just forget about it and let them exist here unhindered. Terrible idea, before normals are by far the majority everywhere. They will swarm in and infest the place in seconds.

>> No.7273640

there are japanese sports leagues, japanese specific sprots, all those things are /jp/ related. Doujin games are treated as /jp/ related, and some video game discussions can be /jp/ related. Some anime threads can belong here if it's related to other /jp/ material. Almost no one on /a/ has played a VN, so why would you make a thread there asking how the Umineko anime compares?

>> No.7273639

You're equating two things that aren't the same. Not everything off-topic here is normal. Not everything on-topic here is not normal.

>> No.7273643

You are ridiculously wrong. /jp/ hasn't been Japan / General in a long time, and what you said wasn't true even when it was still called that.

>> No.7273648

>no one on /a/ has played a VN
You are so wrong.
/a/ has epic VN threads about LELOUCH MAOU SO COOL, KILLER WITCHES XD, furry wanko, drug fucking and etc daily.

>> No.7273649

no, I definitely remember /jp/ having threads about doujin games, I definitely remember /jp/ having threads about the umineko anime.

>> No.7273656

If I tell you that the sky is blue and that Japan is a Russian province bordering Turkey, the fact that the sky is blue does not mean that I'm not ridiculously wrong.

>> No.7273679

/jp/ is VNs, Touhou, doujin games, shmups, tea, anal masturbation, onahole, traps, NEET/Hiki general and such. That's it really. Some of that stuff could go on other boards but when it is talked about here it is rather uniquely /jp/.

We don't really need a whole bunch of other stuff do we?

>> No.7273686

i think the population of /jp/ is relatively static. If someone starts a thread on /jp/, it's a regular starting a thread and regulars will be the only ones who read it.
