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7272850 No.7272850 [Reply] [Original]

Mahōtsukai no Yoru discussion, anyone?

I feel like a massive slowpoke for just finding out they was a trailer from C78 available from a month ago. The art looks fantastic and the visual novel's progress looks polished. Aoko looks like she'll be the new Rin/Akiha/Azaka for Type-Moon, Alice looks HHNNNGGGG, and the new guy looks like another normalfag pushover. Other than that, everything looks fantastic and I'm anticipating it. Hopefully, the earthquake didn't push the release back too much.

The ending song in full in case anyone wants it:


>> No.7272907

No choices mean no fun.

how am I supposed to enjoy a type moon game without any bad ends?

>> No.7272928

Because of Aoko's rudeness and sugoi.

>> No.7272931


Make fun of Takeuchi's ar-
Enjoy the Aoko H sce-
Wanking to the fight sce-
Hope for cameos from oth-
Powerlevel discussions?

Yeah, I got nothing.

>> No.7272937



If you have read this, you would pretty much know that Nasu got conned into doing this by Takeuchi, the artist. Hopefully, as linear as this is, I'm looking into a good experience.

>> No.7272938

I'm more interested in Tsukihime remake. Nasu hasn't written anything good since FSN.

>> No.7272943
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Looking forward to the eventual remake with porn

>> No.7272950

Good thing he wrote MahoYo before Tsukihime then.

>> No.7272952
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I wish, but dang, was Aoko hot.

>> No.7272972
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Koyama Hirokazu isn't that bad at the art, with Takeuchi probably working on the Tsukihime remake CGs'. Still, there is a slight deviation in the style but nothing major so the art's still pretty good.

>> No.7272975
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>> No.7272989

Even if it's All Ages, I just know my dick will be sore when (if) this comes out because of dat Aoko.

>> No.7272994
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>Nasu: Sound is a very strong tool. The existence of voices can greatly affect a work's charm. However, each player has his or her own ideal voice for the characters that only exists in his or her own heard. I think this is one of the reasons characters from Tsukihime and Fate were so popular among gamers, because gamers can simply overlay their ideal voice over the characters. If the creators want a character to be loved by the players, they don't necessarily need to add in voices, forcefully impose their own vision onto the characters. In today's world, we feel very uncertain by not adding voices for characters, but still, we don't want to impose any specific impressions on the gamers, because human imagination is unmatched.

Excuses, excuses...

>> No.7273009
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>> No.7273010


>> No.7273018 [DELETED] 

I read FSN without the voices.

Rin's voice was a turnoff.

>> No.7273034
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She looked more delicious when she was younger. Forgive me.

>> No.7273042

If only someone were to invent some kind of "option menu" that allowed you to disable voices, so everyone could be happy.

I apologize, I know I am speaking madness, a man can dream, though.

>> No.7273052
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>However, Soujuurou saw some major changes. The original character used to be a "gloomy," "naïve," "expressionless, good-looking young man. Mr. Koyama suggested a new character for Soujuurou. After a long and troublesome discussion between me, Takeuchi-kun, and Mr. Koyama, and through Mr. Koyama's suggestion, Soujuurou became someone who is closer to a normal male student.

Why do they have to make their characters either emo or beta? They can't freaking make a male character cool for all it's worth?

>> No.7273053 [DELETED] 

There is.

>> No.7273070

>Rin's voice was a turnoff.
but kana ueda

I thought shirou was kind of cool

>> No.7273076
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Which is exactly why Type-Moon has no excuse to not include voices. Good voice actors can make stories all the better.

>> No.7273116

Type-Moon is entry-level shit that rehashes the same boring character archetypes and terrible cliches over and over again. Why haven't you fucks graduated to something better, like Saya, G-Senjou, Stein's gate or Muv-Luv?

>> No.7273119
File: 426 KB, 1280x1024, Konachan.com - 45049 book kuonji_alice mahoutsukai_no_yoru snow type-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nasu: If Aoko is the witch that blends in with today's world, then Alice is the elusive witch like those found in fairytales, matching most people's vision of a witch who lives in the middle of a forest, a girl who is trying to protect something from the outside. Although she distances herself from the rest of the world, but due to Aoko's outgoing personality, she can't help but feel some connection to others. Alice is also a prototype for a typical TYPE-MOON heroine, like Tsukihime's Hisui, someone who is just barely out of reach. Alice's design didn't change match either, to sum it up in Takeuchi-kun's words: "if you like it, then draw it as you like." In Tsukihime that would be Hisui, she's his favorite, and the design was finalized in the very beginning.

Yes, a clear favorite even by the devs. I am going to HHHHNNNNGGG all over her design and appearance. Screw everybody else.

>> No.7273120

The truth is that there's no voice sugoi, sexy and youthful enough to play young Aoko.
Older Aoko is a different matter as that's SUGOI SUGOI, sexy and some other traits.

>> No.7273147 [DELETED] 

>Saya, G-Senjou, Stein's gate or Muv-Luv?
it's not fun enough

>> No.7273177

More like not sexy enough.
None of those have characters as erotic as Archer, Lancer, Kotomine, and the like.

>> No.7273298

Because Aoko can only belong to Shiki and no one else.

>> No.7273371

>that rehashes the same boring character archetypes and terrible cliches over and over again
It wouldn't be so bad if they were, you know, making new games. Publishing your high-school chuuni stuff can only take you so far.

>> No.7273375

It's taken him pretty damn far so far

>> No.7273438

So his inspiration to start writing again was eva, and the first thing he writes has a normal Japanese boy a strong willed girl that will later become a red head and a anti social quite girl? alright then

>> No.7273443

shirou and shiki both were pretty cool, I was actually surprised how much character they gave shirou. While shiki is bad ass we don't really get much on him Shiki however, we pretty much get an entire route about him.

>> No.7273445

But what he's saying is true.

>> No.7273492 [DELETED] 

Nasu loves no, WORSHIPS Evangelion.

>> No.7273502

I hope Yoru bombs, just enough to make nasu desperate.

Once he's desperate he'll make he'll remake everything with everyone routes.

He just has to taste that cold wind of poverty.

>> No.7274427

That's like hoping the next title by Key fails. (I don't necessarily mean Rewrite here, just a general "next title")
It won't happen.
Japan currently loves the two enough that it just won't happen.

>> No.7274446

This post is fucking gold
"Fucking Nasu sitting on his money and only rehashing shit, I hope he gets poor so he won't have any other choice than to rehash shit"

>> No.7274447


>Wanking to the fight sce-

What? Are there gonna be none? There seemed to be CGs of Aoko doing magic, so there still could be magi battles.

>Hope for cameos from oth-

I bet Zelretch will pop up.


>Excuses, excuses...

Actually that's the exact same reason I turn off voices in every VN I can.

>> No.7274482

>Nasu: Sound is a very strong tool. The existence of voices can greatly affect a work's charm. However, each player has his or her own ideal voice for the characters that only exists in his or her own heard. I think this is one of the reasons characters from Tsukihime and Fate were so popular among gamers, because gamers can simply overlay their ideal voice over the characters. If the creators want a character to be loved by the players, they don't necessarily need to add in voices, forcefully impose their own vision onto the characters. In today's world, we feel very uncertain by not adding voices for characters, but still, we don't want to impose any specific impressions on the gamers, because human imagination is unmatched.
What a fucking tool. Remove the images next time then or go write a proper book if you're not going to add sounds.

>> No.7274487


There will be sounds and music, but voices are another thing entirely. Like he said, when reading without voices, you can have a "perfect mental voice" for a character. If they're voiced and the voice actor sounds nothing like the mental voice you created in your mind, it can detract from your enjoyment.

>> No.7274490

I'm sorry, I don't buy into this "no sound is better" when it comes to visual novels. These are not books, christ.

>> No.7274492

music is going to be included, it's just voices
go watch anime if hearing people talking is so important to you

>> No.7274495

Well I meant character voices when I said sounds.

>you can have a "perfect mental voice" for a character.
With the same logic he ought to write a book instead. Why add sprites/CGs when you could just leave it up to the reader's imagination how the characters look like?

>> No.7274499

Right, because it's not like 95% of all eroge today are voiced or anything.

>> No.7274502

You're dealing with Type-moon fans. It's futile to argue with them because hey're coming up with shitty ass excuses.

>> No.7274504


>With the same logic he ought to write a book instead. Why add sprites/CGs when you could just leave it up to the reader's imagination how the characters look like?

Imagination is much easier for voice than it is imagery. Different senses, broseph.

>> No.7274509

That doesn't detract from the fact that not giving the reader an option whether or not to keep voices on is an extremely poor decision.

>> No.7274515

How does that have to do with anything? Sure, it's standard practice to have voiced characters. Does that automatically mean not having voice characters is a dealbreaker? Only if you're extremely an extremely shallow reader.

>> No.7274517


Admittedly so, but I don't think it's a very big deal to get upset over.

>> No.7274524

There are at least going to be h scenes to make up for the lack of interactivity and voices, right?

>> No.7274527

>Does that automatically mean not having voice characters is a dealbreaker?
The game will be about 15 hours long. It will have no voices and no H-scenes, yet it costs the same as a fully-fledged VN. How the fuck do they justify the price?

>> No.7274529

We've already gone over this and it sounds like you're just trying to stir up further trouble.

>> No.7274534

They don't need to. Type-moon fans in Japan and the West alike will scoop up the shit nasu has shat on their plate.

>> No.7274544
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ITT: pic related.

Fuck you all. I will believe in Nasu's judgement and follow him through the end.

>> No.7274549

Well, the price is another matter. I was just talking about people saying no voices is like releasing an incomplete game.
Are you telling me you are (were) going to buy it? Sounds to me you're just attacking the game with unfounded complaints to smear shit on the company. Which is fine, I guess, if extremely petty.
Type-Moon is not the only company that released a short game at full price, and if you ask me the art and the little music samples we got do deserve that money. Your mileage may vary.

>> No.7274553

>Type-Moon is not the only company that released a short game at full price,
But said companies have to pay VAs, which actually justify paying full price. The only companies that don't voice are because they can't afford it.

>> No.7274566

I am sad that we are not getting mollusk.
I mean I always wanted to tap that redhead since I saw her in Tsukihie.
I wonder if the Tsukihime remake will have an Aoko route?
Onee-chan type girls are always the best.

>> No.7274577

It is my personal hope that the finale of Mahoyoru will be Aoko dying her brown hair into a vivid blood-red.

>> No.7274582
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>> No.7274592

>But said companies have to pay VAs, which actually justify paying full price.
There's lots of costs involved in a game, not just VAs. As I said, it looks like it will have a lot more unique CGs than normal, and just look at the detail. It doesn't mean he spent less than a normal full price game just by cutting VAs.

>> No.7274608

Has there been any mention of the resolution?

>> No.7274644


>> No.7274676


>> No.7277513

any other song up in the net? OP perhaps?

>> No.7278024

Only the ED has been announced.

>> No.7278062

There is the song on the website of the game too

>> No.7280156
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