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File: 107 KB, 302x372, inmyhandis1000glowingdicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7265750 No.7265750 [Reply] [Original]

What is worse? A filipino or korean?

>> No.7265756


>> No.7265754

I am.

>> No.7265761

Corean = pig same Mugen

>> No.7265760


>> No.7265764

Ask /new/, they might know.

>> No.7265765

An onion smuggler

>> No.7265768

Why that resulted funny for me?

>> No.7265769
File: 282 KB, 1000x1412, Yama - Ryuuguu Rena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you "implying" something OP?

>> No.7265773

It's funny because mugen is an onion smuggler.

>> No.7265777

tanungin mo ang mga taga /int/, gago.

>> No.7265782

Man, mugen really is ugly as hell.

>> No.7265784

a finn

>> No.7265793

Mugen-san is so kawaii ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃

>> No.7265795

In his hand are shining dicks

>> No.7265806


because they're weeaboo as fuck and are pig disgusting.

>> No.7265849

w00t! I'm 100% Filipino too! XD

>> No.7265859

I am worried about my sweet Uncle, has he returned from his business trip? I hope he is OK~

>> No.7265860

filipinos are pretty much dirty asian mexicans whereas koreans are just jealous weeaboos

>> No.7265877

They're both really high up there on my list but I'd have to say Flips.

>> No.7265925

If I recall correctly, he posted earlier today... probably yesterday for you. So im guessing hes still safe. It was in a patchy thread, mugen offering her coke and lays stacks.

>> No.7265926

Funny thing about Philippinos is they're incredibly self-hating because of massive inferiority complex, so they're easy to spot in a hate thread.




white race fag

>> No.7265933

Pinoys, definitely. They're the Mexicans of Asia. Korea is the second greatest Asian country.

>> No.7265934

I rather like Mugen.

>> No.7265940

Filipinos are usually more hardcore weeaboos.
Koreans are usually more uptight. ymmv?

>> No.7265949


>Korea is the second greatest Asian country.

I'd rather live in the Singapore city-state.

>> No.7265962

North Korea is best korea is the second greatest Asian country, only 2nd to South Korea.

>> No.7265966
File: 328 KB, 680x1024, Kirakira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7265967

>North Korea
>worship nukes and Kim Jong
>South Korea
>worship jellyfish and Hydralisks

>> No.7265976

i can't see the Type-56 along with a studded dildo

a must-have for mexicans

>> No.7266169
File: 281 KB, 600x450, FOOD FOR PATCHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it somewhat funny and saved the image mugen posted.

>> No.7266174

mexicans are the worst. I had a wonderful dream that a tsunami/earthquake destroyed mexico and it sunk under the ocean. I jumped for joy, I was so excited in that dream. I thought, "wow, so many mexicans died" and cried tears of joy."

flipinos are worse than coreas since they're the niggers/mexicans of the east.

>> No.7266181

Why are mexicans so hated? I live in Europe and I like mexicans. They're funny, they have a beautiful language and they make great food.

>> No.7266182

Mexican here

i jerked off to the description of your dream as i stole 100 jobs from you (doesn't matter because you're a NEET Shitshocked n assblasted xD

>> No.7266183

Pinoys are superior, simply because they're out of range of commie rockets and artillery. Anyone who says otherwise is a koreaboo or has yellow AIDS.

>> No.7266184

This picture makes me realize it would actually be kind of nice to have mugen as my actual uncle. He'd be that slightly weird and creepy uncle who your parents wouldn't let you play with when you were a kid, but when you get to know him, you find out he's actually a really kind-hearted guy with many interesting stories to tell, and he always has all kinds of snacks for you when you come to visit, sparing no expenses for his beloved nephew.

>> No.7266187

For our general douchebaggery and faggotry towards US citizens.

>> No.7266195

They smell bad, look ugly, and are dangerous in packs.

>> No.7266197

Yes, Filipino are the best uncles. I know as I have Filipino uncles and they are the best.

>> No.7266199

You have got to be joking. I have nothing against the Mexican people, but "beautiful language?"

Spanish has got to be the shittiest, most unpleasant sack of audible dogshit I have ever listened to. I'd rather kill myself then be forced to listen to even another second of that pig-speak.

>> No.7266201

Damn, now I wish I had Mugen as my uncle. All my uncles are either boring or on crack.

>> No.7266219

They're 3rd world citizens living in a collapsed country. Their first highest income is money sent from America, and the second is drug money, again, from Americans. They're the bane of north America. In case you didn't realize there has been an actual war on the US border with mexican drug dealers. There is regular car bombs being set off on border cities from the current drug war.

It's the least talked about, and worst thing that media completely ignores. 30,0000 death from the drug war... Well, any American stupid enough to go to Mexico deserves getting robbed and murdered.

>> No.7266221

I hate flips but, I'd have to say koreans are worse because of their god awful language.

>> No.7266235

oops, quoted my earlier post. I meant to quote this guy >>7266181

mexican language beautiful? it's a disgusting shit language. It's really the worst language I've ever had the disgust to hear. I think you're mexican, no one thinks their sounds good except for them and uncultured slobs who haven't heard other languages, but want to sound intelligent.

>> No.7266242

Least of us actually get money by working in cheap assed jobs or as engineers (which everyone studies because is easy as balls). Too bad we don't have jobs and the ''drug war'' mainly affected eastern border cities, which have been pretty fucked since 1910.

>> No.7266246

and i wish i had you as my niece.

it's funny, because the opposite thing happened. she used to at least act like she loved me, then one day she came over and suddenly it seems she found out what it means in our society to be a NEET with no social life. guess my family talked to her about me behind my back; i knew it would happen someday so it didn't really matter.

>> No.7266259

Damn, I know /jp/ doesn't really care about fashion or looking good in any way, but Mugen really puts effort into looking creepy and weird, huh?

>> No.7266262


Filipino are horrible backstabbers, they go on with their chismiss all day since they have nothing else to do.

>> No.7266273

no, it's hardly backstabbing. i'm just hated by my family, that's all. they sure liked me when i kept her busy when she was a kid, though. funny, right? i enjoyed it while it lasted, i guess, although i knew she was using me for an entertainment tool(well, that's generally how i think humans work, so i don't mean that spitefully).

>> No.7266276

I mean money sent back from the US. As in mexicans come to America for work and send their money back to their family in mexico. Only pure 3rd world citizens do that shit. Your country is so bad you can't even survive without leeching money out of America.

If mexico fell into the 50 years ago, then America would have cities on the moon. Stop dragging us down, scum.

>> No.7266279

Confirmed for autism as if was not obvious since it's /jp/ anyway!
I understand you now nothing about life or politics, but you're showing the argumentative skills of a 12 y old. Can you make a single sentence that doesn't include insults or silly stereotypes?
And guess why it's the least talked about conflict? To cover up USA failed interventionism and to keep the war away from their shitty country. I'm guessing you're american, if that is so, you better pray for the drug war to continue in Mexico, because if we didn't fight the drug cartels here, they'd be all over your place killing each other on the streets. After all, USA is their target market. Drug is worth 10 times more once it crosses the border.

>> No.7266292

You can't be mugen, where are all the dots?

>> No.7266306

You didn't prove anything I said wrong and only whined about my choice of words instead of challenging the content.

Simply put no. America has no reason to clean up mexican filth. The number of Americans killed because the drug war is small and they deserve it for living in those areas in my view. Most of them are involved in some way too. Like some dumb white bitch who wanted to be coyote and ended up getting chopped up.

Your drug cartels will never be in America on the streets killing Americans. You say I'm clueless, but look how delusional you are. In case you haven't realized America has the biggest army in the world, but you think drug cartels can rampage in our country? There is a reason why they do their shit on the border and not in our country.

If there wasn't politic reasons we would have the army on the border already stopping your kind from getting into America period. If the drug war actually does spill into America, then get ready because the public out cry will cause our military to go take shit inside your country to stop it.

>> No.7266317

>you can't even survive without leeching money
Hmp! You know what external debt is?
Know what brain drain is?
Do you even know what country forcible placed dictators in every south american government in XX century?
Your all mighty country was and is scared of every single so called third world country because if they develop, mighty USA wouldn't have anywhere else to leech from, since Asia is taken by Japan and Africa by Europe. USA actively tries to force every country into political inestability,
And you still complain about other country's situation?
Still, whole thread should be on /int/ so everyone here reported.

>> No.7266329

You obviously haven't heard about gangs in oakland/idontrememberwhere (Mara18 etc.)

US has more important shit to do than retailate the rampage of cartels and the reason to why they do their shit on our country is because we are the only ones stopping their shit

and i'd like to mention that you're not the public and that you ignored the whole post.

>> No.7266331

Oh, and you should read other than the news because the conflict crossed the border long ago, you silly brat!

>> No.7266340


i think the opinion of a self-proclaiming NEET isn't worth anything but that would be guilt by association, shit only pulled by fags like you.

then again >>>/int/

>> No.7266356


lol. You silly Mexicants. Every time we do try to help your silly country you all get up in arms and start protesting because "We can do it all ourselves!" and hows that working out for you? Not to mention all the political red tape since everyone is so politically correct culturally sensitive bullshit because people like you flip shit over everything.


Do you know what grammar is?

>> No.7266362

Oh, look at you two jokers. What is happening in mexico is not equal to gang fights. Seriously are you trying to be this stupid? In your country they have paramilitary fighting the fucking army on the streets in daylight using assault rifles. They set off car bombs and murder entire groups of people at parties.

You mention gangs fighting? Black American gangs have been doing that shit for the last how long before you wetbacks even thought about getting into the business of gangs in America. Your actual cartels will not cross the border and do their shit in America. They will literally have taken over your government before something like that could happen. Do you think they'll set off car bombs in an American city? Sadly, they're not stupid like you. They realize if they do shit like that then it'll force our military into the fight. You know the worlds largest military with the budget of the entire world?

There is political reason why our military isn't parked on the border already to stop illegal immigrants.
