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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7252552 No.7252552 [Reply] [Original]

>In the first half of 20th century, Rokuhara Shogunate rules Japan with an iron fist of robotic suits of armor called Tsurugi, while the West wants to turn Japan into another military base. A policeman called Kageaki Minato arrives into a city of Kamakura to solve various different cases involving Tsurugi users (or Mushas), and when all other means are proven useless, defeats them with a skillful use of his own Tsurugi, the bloody red Muramasa. But he doesn't do that out of justice. He only wants to atone for his past sins and to defeat the most powerful Musha, one known as the Silver Star.

>“The devil I shall meet, the devil I shall cut. The saint I shall meet, the saint I shall cut.”

>This is the phrase that Kageaki says when fusing with Muramasa, and this is the phrase that tells both his past and his future…

source VNDB. this sounds so fucking awesome
translation when!?

>> No.7252554

>translation when!?
Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!

>> No.7252558

Being done, now delete this thread. Also

>> No.7252565

At least this one is in the hands of a competent translator like it deserves and not speedshitters

>> No.7252571

>Overall score: 8/10

>> No.7252577

Is that bad in your mind?

>> No.7252594

Where is my Sumaga?

>> No.7252597

After Demonbane and Jingyai Makyoku.

>> No.7252602

is this full of more nippon banzai crap? I hated the coup arc in mla because of that.

>> No.7252604

>translation when!?

Ahahaha, never.

>> No.7252611

>is this full of more nippon banzai crap
Ahahaha no.
There is absolutely no glorying in Muramasa

>> No.7252613

what about django?

>> No.7252616

Not picked up, I think.

>> No.7252622

Yet another overhyped shit like Muv-luv alternative. Calling it.

>> No.7252628

Oh anon, you say that about everything that gets translated. Find a new hobby.

>> No.7252632

Except most people thought Alternative delivered, hard.
The problem isn't the hype, it's your lack of taste

>> No.7252636

No. This actually have good story and good main heroines unlike-plain-annoying-good-for-nothing Sumika.

>> No.7252644

About 35% translated, now delete this thread before even more of the shitposters come here.

>> No.7252656

I played Alternative and was expecting something really good, what I got instead:

shitty protagonist
infodump dragging the whole script

Seriously this has happened before with G-senjou and the like. /jp/ hypes untranslated VNs like the second coming of jesus and yet they don't deliver as much as people expect. I fail to see what makes OP's game different especially considering that the game is full of wall of text according to /jp/ like that shitty hanachirasu.

>> No.7252661
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VN is translated and, suddenly, it's bad!

>> No.7252666

that just means you taste is shit, especially for not starting with extra/unlimited. If you had tried those out first, you would know what to expect.

>> No.7252671

Well, Demonbane still hasn't been released because "the master got lost." At this rate, expect Muramasa in English after another two decades.

>> No.7252675

Once again you just have shit taste, why is it so hard for you to understand that simple fact?

>> No.7252697
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>this sounds so fucking awesome
Because it is. Currently re-reading it due to boredom.


Muramasa is definitely not for everyone. If you found Alternative to be shit then you only have yourself to blame by setting your standards so high. also /jp/ is more than one person

>I fail to see what makes OP's game different
Finally got an excuse to post this. This scene alone makes this a 10/10 title

watch in full-screen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL0dTQKZBoU

>> No.7252701

I swear to god this is the same fucking troll who appeared in eroge general thread the other day with the same shit.

>> No.7252705
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>Implying I said a VN is bad when translated
>Not implying that when a game is translated more people get to read it.
>Making the tipical "if you don´t like what i like your opinion is shit or you´re just trolling" commentary.

/jp/ just got fucking shitty this week

>> No.7252719

gonna need a translation

>> No.7252722

>Implying and reaction face
You aren't helping, faggot

>> No.7252727


Are you mad, anon?

>> No.7252739

Using implying and reaction image?

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7252741

Not going to bother with my shitty English and youtube captions.

>> No.7252747

So you just wanted to show people who can and probably already have read Muramasa how awesome Muramasa is?

>> No.7252750

A actually meant the picture, who nuked who?

>> No.7252753

It's mostly all dialogue in this, most of you should be able to understand it.
Not like you should watch since it's a huge spoiler for one of the best scene in the game

>> No.7252760

I thought the video contained more than just text.

>> No.7252761


I can smell samefag here

Nah, just killing time until i finish downloading kamidori because my internet is shitty today

>> No.7252765

If you really want to see what a troll looks like, take a peek in the mirror, kid. Do you seriously think that there's only one person calling you fucking retards out on how you massively overhype every piece of shit that's getting a translation?

I used to believe what you fags said, and I know I'm not the only one. But after having sat through the translation wait three times (for Swan Song, G-Senjou and MLA) only to discover that they're just as shit as FSN, Umineko and all of the other entry-level trash, I want forty-five hours of my life back.

And I know I'm not the only.

>> No.7252768

So what do you like then?

>> No.7252777

Cross Channel, Wanko to Kurasou, and Yume Miru Kusuri.

>> No.7252780

And you also probably know that the great majority loved these game even in the western fandom.
Just look at the Alt threads or the votes it's getting in vndb.
Not everything can be liked by everyone, you just have a peculiar taste but that's just your problem.
Don't blame others for your own shit, get over yourself.

>> No.7252781
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so autistic he couldn't hit alt-f4 as soon as he saw where it was going

>> No.7252786

>Wanko to Kurasou, and Yume Miru Kusuri.
Well at least you like Cross Channel, that's a start.

>> No.7252788

"You've really gone and done it now. Bombing Japan's soil.. you white pigs."

GHQ (or rather, AmeriKKKan nationalists), the occupying forces that's keeping Japan in check nuked Bakufu's HQ.

>> No.7252792

by the time it comes (3 years) out we've already forgotten. sigh.

>> No.7252796

Great just like every other nitro+ game more racism


>> No.7252804


I think it's time for you to realize that you have some horrible horrible taste.

>> No.7252806

There is no racism.
The Japaneses aren't put in a good light at all, nobody is.
And for the bomb, there is actually more to it but saying more would be spoiling, but believe me there is nothing about GLORIOUS JAPAN in this

>> No.7252807

There is much more racism toward the Japanese though.

>> No.7252812

>>7252765 here.

Please disregard >>7252777, as he's someone else.

Cross Channel didn't leave much of an impact on me, positive or negative, but the other two were shit. I picked up Wanko because some people were praising it to the sky, only to find out that it's retarded furry shit and the terribly artificial scripting of the footjob choice was the last nail in the coffin for me when it came to YMK.

As for the things I thought were decent? Steins;gate and 999 come to mind.

>> No.7252821

correction, just like every other japanese game ever made.

>> No.7252822

So you like shallow story with twists that can be seen from miles ahead, okay.
Oh and how did you read S;G if you don't moon? Another atlas fag who barely understood 10% of what he read yet claim to have "read" it?

>> No.7252844

ITT trolls trolling trolls

>> No.7252851

>>7252812 confirmed for illiterate hipster faggot with pretensions at maturity.

If you had ever read a time travel story in your life, you would know that Stein's gate brings nothing new to the table beyond how it mocks otaku. 999 is even worse. It's Ever17 with all of the tedious details and wooden chair characters, but without the last route to redeem it. The only people who like it are idiots who gravitate to works with a small fanbase so that they can feel like they're part of a secret clubhouse.

>> No.7252854


Ever17 is better than 999.

999 had some great symbolism though, I'll give you that.

>> No.7252862

You don't need to bring anything new to the table to be good, that's a retarded misconception.

>> No.7252869

Ever17 didn't have wooden chair characters.

>> No.7252871

I hate to be an elitist prick, but Muramasa is one of those eroge that should never receive a translation.

>> No.7252876


That may be true, but it certainly isn't nice to play the novel only to re-read the same plottwists from another novel.

I'm not even joking; 999's plottwists were exactly like Ever17's, only worse and far more predictable.

>> No.7252877

Sup Moogy

>> No.7252880

Holy fuck is Moogy translating this?

>> No.7252887

yeah moogy-dono muramasa is too good for the ungrateful english Vn community xD

>> No.7252893

Leave this place, moogy.

>> No.7252903

Sup Moogy.

>> No.7252910

Okay, how many rape scenes are we talking about here?

>> No.7252914


>> No.7252919

Only 5? That's kinda DISNEYish number. Are we sure it is the REAL DEAL title?

>> No.7252922
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>> No.7252949

I now have the mental image of the Muramasa: Hollywood edition parody on Janenhen, except for Demonbane and they can't finish filming because Master Therion and Ethelreda are hopelessly lost in Los Angeles.

Also Demonbane is a lot more boxy, Ruri is now 18 and Nero suddenly has tits.

Speaking of that, wasn't it suggested that the Forged Bomb is a tsurugi of sorts? That got me thinking about what other crap you can use the blacksmith ritual on. I imagine that in Muramasa universe particle accelerators work by inserting physicists' souls in them and LHC is secretly a giant robot.

Anyway OP, Muramasa is about a dude in a red armor with horns (that goes three times as fast as other armors) and his struggle to free humanity from the shackles of gravity. He obtains a (not-so-little) little brown girl in the process.

As you know, the principal antagonist is nicknamed Ginseigou/Silver Star, and is frequently compared to a shooting star or comet. In a fandisc scenario, the protagonist fucks up real bad and goes genocidal, effectively becoming the second Ginseigou. Except his armor is red, not silver, so you could say that he becomes the Red Comet.

>> No.7252953

>You don't need to bring anything new to the table to be good

That's true when it comes to things that are well-written, but VNs are never well-written. The plots usually meander all over the place and have more holes than weevil-infested bread and/or the dialogue is painful to read, because it was authored by someone who's obviously not had much experience in talking with other people.

The only clear merit they have is in the possibility of presenting ideas and themes that would normally never make it past the censoring process that is publication. In other words, a VN without new and refreshing ideas is like an RTS with no strategy or an RPG with no gameplay.

It's shit.

>> No.7252955

Actually 2 of them are willing so 3 would be a better number.

>> No.7252962

I wholeheartedly disagree with this, but I respect your opinion.

>> No.7252972
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>VNs are never well-written

>> No.7252979

>he thinks VN writing is good!

Is this the part where you're going to link me some autistic as hell passage from Swan Song and praise how DEEP it is?

>> No.7252997

VNs as a whole may not have good writing since most of them contain a lot of dialogue and infodumps that are not considered as "good writing" when used excessively, but you'd be pretty retarded to think that every bit of text is shittily written. Comic books can be well written within their own realm, for example. Since these aren't even trying to be books, VNs too can be well written in their own aspect.

Also do you even know Japanese or are you basing your opinion on that shitty translation of Swan's song?

>> No.7252999

Oh boy, sure showed him with those forced memes in your effort to rile people up, Anon.

>> No.7253005

God, this thread is a fucking abomination. OP just delete it already.

>> No.7253008

>Comic books can be well written

You just lost all credibility there, bro.

>> No.7253011

I'd like to see what you people think is good writing. Go on.

>> No.7253019

So you're saying comic books like Watchmen, a comic book that is praised by many critics, can't be well written? You're the one who lost all credibility here.

For the reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmen

>> No.7253032

>willing rape
my dick is ready

>> No.7253038
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It took me a while.

>> No.7253058

I know what Watchmen is. I'll summarize it for you:


What I'm asking you to do is to provide a passage you personally consider well-written, not the opinions of shills and pseudo-intellectual circlejerks.

>> No.7253069

You know what it is, but you haven't even read it judging from your word of mouth reaction. Stop grasping at straws you moron. You never asked me to link any "well-written" passages, but I'll be kind and paste this:


It's funny because this text is actually relevant to OP.

>> No.7253152

someone said it's at 30%, but fuck it since it'll take 3-4 years anyway. see: demonbane

>> No.7253248

Watchmen was whiny and preachy when it came out. The only redeeming character is Rorschach, and the guy who made it didn't want people to agree with him, even though anyone with a brain realizes that Rorschach is the only one that makes sense in the whole damn graphic novel, and is the only interesting character in it.

>> No.7253273

eat shit and go play your dead space fagget

>> No.7253290

Why would I play Dead Space? I've already beaten it, silly anon-kun. You're frustrated for no reason.

>> No.7253305

I thought the movie was pretty boring and poorly made. Then again I watched it while I was on a flight to Japan and I pretty tired and lightheaded.

>> No.7254526


I loved Watchmen, but agree that Alan Moore is a pretentious faggot.

Watchmen was the only good thing he ever wrote.

>> No.7254824

You like how some of me fags think I can judge loose-boy or romeo when all I did was read shitty translations by highschoolers and uncultured neet.

>> No.7254826

>the ability to eat anything and everything Well, the only thing pd really eats is hd space, but it has its purpose and is the price to pay for relatively high anonymity.

>> No.7254837

It's always the same shit with Nitro anyway. You only need to read one and you read them all.

>> No.7254841

Otaku are scum of the earth, just like me.

>> No.7254844

It's mindblowing thinking that someone is filling captchas all day just to spam /jp/ with a bot

>> No.7254999

I liked Hanachirasu and infodumping, fuck you guys, I'm excited about this.
Then again, Muv Luv, Swan Song, G-senjou, Ever17/999, Demonbane and Cross Channel were absolutely terrible.

>> No.7255045

Get out troll

>> No.7255686

>Cross Channel
>objectively bad in every possible way


I can see how you would hate it, but it's the only translated VN so far that comes anywhere close to actual literature.

>> No.7255693

And yet its translation is shit.

>> No.7255705

I loathe the character designs and mecha in general. Is it worth trying?

>> No.7255712

Maybe if you're some kind of masochist.

>> No.7255713


I never noticed this. When I get around to playing Swan Song I probably won't notice that either.

You people take this shit too seriously.

>> No.7255722
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They're not really mechas in the general sense. You won't really hate it even if you hate mecha genre. Think of them as armors that can talk instead.

>> No.7255726


What are you smoking?

>> No.7255738

You don't notice it because you have no way to compare the translated text to the original.

>> No.7255743

>I have no knowledge of what good writing entails

It's not surprising, considering everyone on this board brags about how lazy and uneducated they are.

>> No.7255747

Why don't you tell us what good writing is, then?

>> No.7255751


No, and why would I do that other than to show off what a faggot I am?

I highly doubt you know enough Japanese to tell that the translations are 'bad' either, and are just parroting the shit that Moogy constantly spouts out.


Look, I'm not going to try to defend myself since you'll call me a liar, but from what I read of Swan Song I couldn't really call the writing 'bad'. What was the supposed problem with it? Do you know, or are you to just being a parrot?

>> No.7255773

>I highly doubt you know enough Japanese to tell that the translations are 'bad' either
What makes you think I don't? Cross Channel was probably Ixrec's first translated eroge. He basically attempted translating with his 1-2 year of Japanese knowledge, committing elementary level mistakes on the way. Heck, he's even committing those mistakes now only having Makoto glancing over his stupid mistakes. Having compared his translation of CC and the original one, I can't say I'm impressed. The guy isn't just fit for translating even though he likes to talk big. But hey, at least you get to read it.

>> No.7255789

>He basically attempted translating with his 1-2 year of Japanese knowledge, committing elementary level mistakes on the way.


>> No.7255794

I love when people go, oh i hate that Japanese banzai shit, when it was written by a Japanese person in fucking japan, not meant to be read by any person outside of japan in the first place, the Japanese can fucking write anything they fucking want, so can we. If you don't like it, fuck off. Also with the amount of racist shit we do with fucking everybody, the Japanese can afford to have some nationalism in there entertainment.

>> No.7255796


I think MOON. was his first.

>> No.7255804 [DELETED] 

I did the comparisons when the patch was released about a year and a half back. I'm not going re-install the game again just because you don't believe me.
He's not entirely bad though. Most of his mistakes stem from his retarded "the faster I translate the better I am" mentality. He could translate much better if he didn't rush things.

>> No.7255810

But then people wouldn't suck his cock nearly as much!

>> No.7255815

I did the comparisons when the patch was released about one year and a half back. I'm not going re-install the game just because you don't believe me.
He's not entirely bad though. Most of his mistakes stem from his retarded "the faster I translate the better I am" mentality. He could translate much better if he didn't rush things.

>> No.7255821


I'm not asking you to do a full comparison, I'm asking for specific examples that you remember off the top of your head. I'm actually curious now.

>> No.7255828
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Muramasa isn't even all that nationalistic.

Every side is portrayed as being full of bastards. In fact the Japanese side has some of the worst ones.

>> No.7255833

Most of the problems were related to pronouns. And that isn't really the only reason why I consider CC's translation sub-par. It's the overall composition that leaves much to be desired. Even fucking moogy could word the text better.

>> No.7255840

The GHQ had some cool guys, most of them were Americans too.

>> No.7255841


Eh. Again, I think I just overlooked a lot of that because I enjoyed how Taichi was written.

>> No.7255902

The translation for cross channel was weird as fuck, it took some time to get use to it. Cross channel wasn't even that good, those repeating weeks killed me and I didn't really like the mc or the characters but for Touko Kirihara, and when he was fucking her and didn't really love her at all, i raged quit for about 2 weeks. The mc didn't really feel real, he didn't act human or like he should of in that situation.

>> No.7256168


>> No.7256283

>didn't really love her at all, i raged quit
>he didn't act human
>or like he should of
did you just, you know, miss the entire main theme of Cross Channel?

>> No.7256325

Come on now, his rape scene was the best. Truly a rape connoisseur, Kageaki has nothing on him.

And you can't insert Taira government puns and be done with it without also adding a corrupt monk.

>> No.7256323 [DELETED] 

Come on now, his rape scene was the best. Truly a rape connoisseur, Kageaki has nothing on him.

And you can't insert Taira government puns and be done with it without also adding a corrupt monk.
