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7252657 No.7252657 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the shit on floor smell?

>> No.7252674
File: 63 KB, 412x293, here_we_go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't do that...am i still NEET?

>> No.7252679

tru neet as HELL wth-kun

>> No.7252680

Oranges. Taking off the peel and throwing it on the floor counteracts the smell a lot, as does eating a high fiber diet so that your fecal matter is drier and has less of an odor.

>> No.7252681

Get out of /jp/

>> No.7252682

You seriously don't shit on the floor?

>> No.7252691
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small basement, whenever someone in the house takes a dump, everyone can hear it since it's located in the middle (living room)

>> No.7252700

That smell usually stays on my chair since I never bathe, but it's not related with floor shitting at all.

>> No.7252706


That's why you do it late at night and blame it on the dog.

>> No.7252714

How big is your dog?

>> No.7252718
File: 49 KB, 583x498, elipses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7252737

I usually just blame it on /jp/. My mom should be fronting you guys the steam cleaning bill soon enough.

>> No.7252740

I have managed to end up with a smell worse than shit-on-floor ;_;

okay I live in dorms, and at the start of the year I got drunk a lot to forget how scared I felt living with other people

the problem is that one of those nights (it must've been September-October time) I threw up into the wastebin in my room... and never cleaned it

so over time the vomit solidified, but the only way I could think to clean it was with boiling water but that would involve going to the kitchen which is out of the question because there's people there

now, 8 months later, I am scared when I change the bag in my bin, because there is a thick layer of mouldy vomit lurking at the bottom and it smells so bad ;_; also I have to move out in a month and they inspect all rooms before you leave I don't know what to do


>> No.7252771
File: 338 KB, 1600x1200, disposable1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't use diapers

>> No.7252773

>I live in dorms

Don't you have a frat party to be attending, you piece of shit normalfag? Go die.

>> No.7252789

Shitting and pissing and puking in the fucking TOILET solves all of these problems.

I'm sure some sort of joke went right over my head, but fuck it. Don't care.

>> No.7252890

Are you a normal or something? Have you never thought how much time people waste in the bathroom in the course of their lives, all for the sake of keeping up appearances?

The point of shitting on the floor isn't just to show that you're "edgy" and wallow in your own filth, it's a gesture that symbolizes that you have completely rejected the chains of hypocrisy and social conditioning that once bound you in unthinking obedience to power holders and monied interests.

If you can't understand that much, there's no hope for you.

>> No.7252915

This just made my day and I completely agree.

>> No.7252920

I shit in plastic bags and freeze them for future use.

>> No.7252923

If that isn't copypasta, it is now.

>> No.7252983

Or you know, maybe they shit in toilets to limit the spread of disease or something. Just a theory.

>> No.7252991


Except we're talking about shitting on the floor in our rooms.

Presuming no one else enters said rooms, who are we spreading disease to?

/normalfags/ -- Dumbass Culture

>> No.7253004

Anyone who thinks that shitting on the floor of your bedroom contributes to the spread of disease is fucking retarded. What normalfags call "poor sanitation" only affects you when it gets into your drinking water and manifests as Cholera, Dysentary, E Coli etc. Leaving it out on the floor has no adverse effects that can't be remedied with some fabreeze or insecticide (if it becomes too distracting).

>> No.7253012

Still, the smell must be very annoying. Plus it can attract flies, which have the magical power of crossing closed windows.

>> No.7253029

and carrying diseases.

>> No.7253037

Something you're conveniently forgetting is that the shit isn't just on the floor; it's everywhere around us. The rat race, 3DPD, the hollow and specious culture of superficiality that is the modern world: all of it is shit, and nobody on /jp/ has any problems ignoring it, which is why it makes no sense for someone who's unaffected by the giant steaming pile that ignorant normalfags call "life" to be bothered very much by a few turds.

>> No.7253039

It's like everyone here dropped out of school before they learned about epidemiology.

Oh wait...

>> No.7253050

We've got no problems ignoring it because it's not in our own living place. I wouldn't like shit in my bedroom just like I wouldn't like 3DPD in it. like.

>> No.7253051

Wake up, sheeple. 3DPD is not our friend, not by a longshot

>> No.7253056

You new guys suck at this.
