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7244097 No.7244097 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou gameplay thread.

What have you been playing, /jp/. What are your struggles and accomplishments.

Why aren't you playing Phantasm right now?

>> No.7244103

1. trying to 1CC th9
2. trying to beat extra mode

>> No.7244105

I'd play Phantasm if I could beat Chen. I can't. I unlocked the extra just to suck on it.

>> No.7244109

Trying to clear Scene 9-6 in Shoot the Bullet.

>> No.7244113

I successfully beat all the extra stages (besides GFW and PC-98 games) about a month ago, so I haven't had much motive to play more recently, other than the TD demo I tried a bit of.

>> No.7244118

I'm stuck in th10Extra.
I usually don't lose lives till jade of horrid rivers, which is either a couple of bombs or a life, then I survive well till seven stones, capture depends on how non-retarded I am and then froggy braves the rivers rapes me.
If I get past that, I don't have nearly enough experience to defeat the next one.

>> No.7244119

I can't 1CC GFW on easy, yet I can easily do PCB on hard.

Hardest game, by far.

>> No.7244125

Report back if you do clear, the number of shots taken.

1cc SA on Hard here with ReimuA. Stage 5 being the problematic one.

>> No.7244127

Waiting for 13 full version pretty much.

I've pretty much given up hope on 1ccing UFO on hard thanks to Shou and Byakuren pretty much tag-team ass raping me over the course of 2 months. I guess I've hit my skill limit, and I have no motivation left to go back and start 1ccing the easier games on lunatic.

>> No.7244137

If you have SA Hard, might as well go for Lunatic. They're practically the same in that game.

>> No.7244138


Really? That's a strange problem. Fairy Wars is much easier than you think once you understand it a bit more, I'd say you learn things and improve much quicker in Fairy Wars compared to the other games. I'm almost done 1ccing all the routes, although Route B2 still ends me.

>> No.7244140

I just 1cc'd MoF even tough I never play that game. It was luck I guess.

>Why aren't you playing Phantasm right now?
I haven't even beat the extra.

>> No.7244141

Trying to 1cc IN on Hard. Shitty progress considering the 2500 hours of gameplay.

>> No.7244149

Rainbow Light "Prism Flash"

is difficult for me, even on easy.

feels bad man

>> No.7244154

>2500 hours of gameplay
I don't believe you, screenshot of your IN status please.

>> No.7244160
File: 125 KB, 640x480, 1cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first 1cc, like two months ago. Pretty bad but I was happy. The same day, I 1cc'd the extra after a whole day trying.

>> No.7244165

Which team are you using? Pretty easy with Border. I've been starting Hard 1cc's following the Extra/Phantasms in all the games + DS/StB, and the only wall I've hit so far is SA.

>> No.7244171

Once I beat Ran...

Once I beat Ran, all my problems in this world will be vanquished.

>> No.7244177

Beating Ran makes Yukari quite easier, if you're playing the game for the sake of completing it, that is.

>> No.7244192

I just 1cc'd lotus land story on normal
The extra stage is pretty cool. Haven't beaten it yet, though.
annnddd shoot the bullet is being impossible again.

>> No.7244197
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1CCing Subterranean Animism on hard mode is my most recent accomplishment. My score sucked, I player Reimu A and abused her power whenever possible, I bombed on every one of Okuu's spellcards and the replay didn't save right so I can't even gloat about it but fuck it, I did it.

Beating Imperishable Night on Hard will probably what I aim for next, it doesn't seem too bad compared to some of the others. Either that or going back to working on the extra modes for 9 and 12.8, since they're the only Windows Extras I still have left to finish.

When all that's done, it'll be on to PC98 games, so I can say I've beaten all the extras without having to add the qualifier "Windows" each time.

>> No.7244211

LLS is the easiest Touhou, but the input lag makes extra quite annoying. I wouldn't bother.
I'm jelly. IN Hard is a joke compared to SA, you should get it down in less than 10 runs.

Good luck on PC-98 games. Never bothered with the extras, only 1cc'd them; reason stated above.

>> No.7244216

Trying to 1cc Mountain of Faith on normal. Sanae being a bitch sometimes.

I 1cc'd it last month, my first as well. My score is about half of yours, feels bad. ;_;

>> No.7244224

>the replay didn't save right so I can't even gloat about it but fuck it, I did it
There is a common replay glitch in SA with Stage 6. If you watch the replay starting at stage 5 or earlier and never use Ctrl/fast forward, your replay should play correctly.

>> No.7244227 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I'm just doing it for completion. I'm not good enough yet to flaunt my stuff like everyone else and go for score runs yet.

>> No.7244232

Yeah, I'm just doing it for completion. I'm not good enough to flaunt my stuff like everyone else and go for score runs yet.

>> No.7244255
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I beat my score last night, though. It's pretty easy once you 1cc another game (in my case, MoF) and this is the only Touhou where I don't lose 70% of my lives in Stage 5.

>> No.7244258

>I'm jelly. IN Hard is a joke compared to SA, you should get it down in less than 10 runs.

Agreed. The first time I tried a hard mode run I got to Curse of the Heavens:Apollo 13 no problem. As soon as exams are over and I have some time to do a few runs I should have another (albeit much less impressive) hard mode run complete.

>> No.7244265

I tried to 1cc UFO Normal a few days ago but lost to Byakuren's last card. I could have won if I didn't waste a bomb on Kogasa's second spellcard, and it makes me sad. I don't want to play too much anymore except for the Ten Desires demo.

>> No.7244266

Question: How the hell is IN lunatic possible? If I max out the starting lives, I can reach Kaguya consistently, but then it's just... ugh. And people are supposed to do this shit with 3 lives??

>> No.7244271

How many hours of practice does it take to be able to 1cc a Touhou game?

>> No.7244279


It really depends on how good you are. With on and off playing, it took around 50-60 hours until my first 1cc, which was MoF Normal. I only had 10 hours of MoF played, but I had played the other games while focusing more on MoF.

>> No.7244285

There's a certain approach for every spellcard. Lunatic makes the window of time in executing said approach just more difficult. If you can perfect the first 4 stages, you can bombspam the last two. Just choose a strong shottype so the last card doesn't become problematic. There's a reason why people don't use ReimuA in MoF Hard and upwards.

>> No.7244286

Go play UFO Lunatic, then ask that question again.

>> No.7244287
File: 179 KB, 589x564, 1303151931661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of controllers does everyone use? I tired both a keyboard and ps2 controller, I sucked either way
pic related.

>> No.7244289

i'm still trying to clear EOSD on normal. i'm so terrible at it.

>> No.7244290

Only keyboard. I haven't bothered buying a joystick or joypad.

>> No.7244296

That Hourai Barrage lunatic...

>> No.7244299

Keyboard all the way. I find tapping a lot more accurate in twitching than using a stick.

>> No.7244301


I've only played keyboard. It's all I have to play it with.

>> No.7244310

it really doesn't lag for me that much, so, i'll give it a go.

>> No.7244319

>it took around 50-60 hours until my first 1cc
Yeah, I should just give up on Touhou in total. I have around 700 hours of playing in IN, the "easiest" Touhou game, and I haven't 1cc'd it on any mode. ;_;

>> No.7244329

You must be doing something wrong. If possible, post a replay.

>> No.7244330

It's different for everyone. I know people who cleared hard mode (PCB) in their first ten games. Personally haven't cleared any hard modes after 3 years, but I guess I'm close enough (dying to 80% Deflowering because I don't even have any bombs left to nullify the whole card; dying to Eirin because I lose focus; losing focus in Kanako's last one; you get the idea), and I usually only play like 2 - 3 hours a week.

Currently trying to understand Nue's last card and somehow think of a strategy for Genesis so I don't enter Koishi's last one and die to a random clip.

Phantasm? Already cleared some time back.

>> No.7244331

The IN timer is bugged though from what I hear. You probably haven't played 700 hours.

>> No.7244332

The best tip I could give you is to move as little as possible for grazing. Most beginners tend to move around a bit too much and end up running into some stray bullet, when they could have sat still for the duration and dodged everything.

>> No.7244336

Keyboard forever. Everybody that I know that is any good uses the keyboard.

http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=13295 - OP replay
http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=10418 - Shenanigans

I couldn't imagine doing runs like this on anything else.

>> No.7244338
File: 10 KB, 320x320, logitech_precision_gamepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use one of these generic Logitech USB gamepads. The face buttons are kind of mushy, so it's awful for fighting games. The d-pad, however, is pretty decent, and since the d-pad is the only thing that really matters for most shmups (you're either going to be hold the shoot button down or just mashing it like crazy), it works well enough for me. They're really cheap too, only $10 or so.

I also have a PS3 controller but no PS3. If I'm emulating a PS1/2 game or something similar, it works pretty well. For 2D games, however, I hate the d-pad's guts. I've never been a huge fan of the PlayStation-style d-pad, but with the PS3, they made it even smaller to the point where you basically can't use it for anything other than COD BLOPS-style extra buttans.

>> No.7244346

Get a keyboard that registers shift z x c and each arrow key at the same time. Being able to move in all 8 directions is. . .very important (eg. the last fairy in IN extra for delicious graze).

>> No.7244351


Lotus Land Story is far easier, Perfect Cherry Blossom is potentially easier depending on which character you chose and which game's mechanics you are better at working with.

>> No.7244358
File: 535 KB, 646x505, thtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish the timer lied.

>> No.7244363

wtf means

>> No.7244365

It does.

>> No.7244378

It seems accurate. I know that I play a lot, else I wouldn't be hating myself for being so talentless at everything.

>> No.7244388

Playing time is accurate.

>> No.7244425

Over 3000 plays, christ.

Why are you playing as Marisa solo?

>> No.7244431

Forgot to ask, did you do stage 6A or 6B ?

I just tried again (6B) and I beat my highscore by 200M point without even clearing the game, died on kaguya.
I'll try again tomorrow, when I'm not dead tired.

>> No.7244440
File: 139 KB, 835x745, 3a36efee2661be4e89b4045a6a843a6d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finally FINALLY FINAAALY 1cc'd my first Normal game.
Sure, it was Imperishable Night, but dammit I've been trying to get any 1cc for months now.
Next, going back to PCB.

>> No.7244444

Because her shot type is easiest to coordinate, and since I played as her the most, I really don't want to waste more time trying to get used to a different character. Sucks being so shitty. ;_;

>> No.7244454

>I tried to 1cc IN for months
>Now PCB
You shouldn't be doing that. Try MoF or UFO instead.

>> No.7244466

From what I've heard that one's really hard, isn't it?

>> No.7244484


>> No.7244486
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was meant for:
Shitty scores are shitty too.

>> No.7244491

6B, just because I like Kaguya. I think I can beat 6A though, I've practiced Eirin's spell cards a lot.

>> No.7244499

>The running time displayed on the other status list in the game's results section tends to be greatly exaggerated. Every time the game is opened in Windowed mode, it adds the system's uptime to the game's running time.

Playing time is still accurate.

>> No.7244507

Depends on the player, IMO. I think it's pretty easy but the UFOs makes the game harder. Maybe if you just ignore them or learn how to really use them, you can easily 1cc it.

>> No.7244510

TIL: Touhou record how long you have played. Why did I never realize this before?

Apparently I wasted 40 hours 1CCing SA on Normal, good to know.

>> No.7244519

Imagine 1 play costs 100 yen

>> No.7244523

1CC'd SA on Normal finally with MarisaA, thank god for her 8 bombs. Rin can go suck it for all I care. I'm also pretty sure I bombed through all of Okuu's cards. With this though, I can say I've finally cleared all the (Windows) games on Normal.

A week or two after that, I felt really badass for some reason, having never beaten an Ex, so I decided to kick Ran in the face with SakuyaA. Easy modo, I know, but afterwords I made up for it by beating Ran with ReimuB. Then with SakuyaA, I made it half way through Yukari on my second try.

And before all of this, a few months ago, I just did a blind play of EoSD on Hard with MarisaA and made it all the way to the last spell.

>> No.7244566

Play Magic Team. Without the youkai partner, killing enemies with lots of familiars is much harder. Marisa and Alice have very similar straighforward shot types, so you shouldn't have to readjust too much while making several stages/bosses much easier.

>> No.7244594

Oh, and I'm currently trying to clear EoSD Ex which really should be no problem, but sooner or later I manage to die twice or more on a single card near the end, and my game goes to hell.

>> No.7244609

I 1cc'd MoF last night and after reading this thread, I checked the playing time
>Reimu B
>Play Count: 44
>Play Time: 2:25:12
>Clear Count: 1
Somehow, I feel powerful, considering I spent 3 hours trying to do something with Reimu A and IN took me 600 hours.

>> No.7244642


It's tough yeah, but partly because of the UFO thing. If you mess up getting a single UFO in your run in the way you need it you could potentially ruin your run. I almost 1cc'd it on Normal but I had 4/5 life and 2/3 bomb pieces left when I died. It sucked.

>> No.7244733

Don't get too obsessed with the UFOs. Some players do better when they're ignored in the critical points of the game.

>> No.7244749


I don't mean obsessively going after them, but missing one that could have given you an extra life or bomb you needed can be very discouraging. It made me not want to play UFO. And my defeat in SA against Utsuho made me want to not play SA because I rarely get past Orin. I have EoSD that I still need as well as Fairy Wars, but I don't feel compelled to play yet.

>> No.7244817

And I just cleared EoSD Ex, so my life is complete for the moment. So should I try another Ex, or actually clear something on Hard?

>> No.7244839

I just beat PCB on Easy after about 30 tries.

>> No.7244843
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I'd play some more extras if I were you. Extra difficulty is still far easier than hard, more practice is always a good thing.

Plus, pretty much every other extra boss is far more fun to fight than Flandre.

>> No.7244859

Whut? I completed EoSD hard mode before I ever beat Flandre. But yeah, I beat the other extras before ever doing hard. It's probably because I practiced them more though. Pretty sure that its only lunatic that is harder than extra.

>> No.7244886

1CC Normal all Windows Games (except PoFV i think)
1CC Hard PCB and IN
Almost all of the extra stages, missing SA and GFW.
PCB Phantasm done with ReimuB.

Trying to 1CC Hard another game, but i dont know what happens, I lose a lot of lifes in stupid ways, sometimes two or three times in a same run in the same bullet pattern.

>> No.7244901
File: 322 KB, 646x505, adsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is this even possible? I've never got through this without bombing.

>> No.7244910

If you think that's bad, then try Astronomical Entombing on Lunatic with Alice solo.

>> No.7244913


It takes a while to get used to. Just find a safe area and move as little as possible, since usually they'll pass around you. I used Scarlet Team though so usually I took her down pretty quickly.

>> No.7244917

No. I'm the shittiest Touhou player there is. There is no point in trying that for me. (see above posts if you care to)

>> No.7244930

There's plenty of space on hard mode. Just read the pattern and try not to move too much. Keine has harder patterns than that.

>> No.7244932

I dodged that the first time I saw it with adrenaline. I can't dodge both of them entirely with more than a 50% ratio anymore. If you are talking about how to logically dodge it, take into account all of the patterns and dodge pre-emptively and don't react.

>> No.7244935

This is what you're all so obsessed with? Just looks like a top down shooter to me.

>> No.7244944


Maybe it's just subjective. I've cleared almost all the extra modes and I'm still having a bitch of a time with hard mode.

>> No.7244946


I think Extra is harder for the most part, but Hard mode has more stages so it's more of an endurance test to me.

>> No.7244959

That's because it is. Welcome to /jp/!

I love shmups of all types, but I play Touhou for the catchy music and the slower-but-more-thoughtful bullet patterns.

...okay, fine, you got me, I also play it for the girls.

>> No.7244991

Thanks. Yeah that's what I heard before. People say it's the gameplay. Then they say it's for the music. Then they admit its for the girls as well lol.

>> No.7244992

>I play Touhou for the catchy music and the slower-but-more-thoughtful bullet patterns.
Yes. Slower and pretty lets me take it easy.

>...okay, fine, you got me, I also play it for the girls.
I'd like Touhou just as much if all the little girls were replaced by the usual airplanes and ships. Though I suppose it would be much harder to have meaningful atmospheric themes that way.

>> No.7245005

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I love airplanes and ships as much as the next guy, but there is space in my heart for flying girls beating each other up.

There's a lot of tension between Touhou fans and CAVE fans, but it doesn't need to be that way.

>> No.7245046

Okay fuck this stupid time wasting shit. I'll come back to it tomorrow and the day after, and after, etc until I kill myself out of frustration.

>> No.7245047

It's probably the fact that there are 7 Touhou games just for Windows + spinoffs, and plenty of lore from ZUN, including books and whatnot.

>> No.7245051

Just bomb it. Better than losing a life.

>> No.7245065

Plenty of meaningful atmospheric themes with the garden of our epigone in HELLSINKER.

>> No.7245082

Sure I can bomb it, but ingame by the time I get to this point, I'm always out of bombs or lives (whichever shits on my day first) because of fucking Reimu before this stage. And knowing Reisen comes at the end of this, I'm going to need a shit load of bombs for her. And that's only 70% of the game, that is, if I beat her. Still have Kaguya and Eirin on the final stage to go. Holy fuck.

>> No.7245087

Practice the other stages first before trying to figure out how to beat a nonspell in Stage 5, just saying.

>> No.7245112

I really want to play HELLSINKER, but the menus seem pretty confusing. And in Japanese.

>> No.7245113
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God, it's been a long time since I've seriously tried to 1CC any Touhou game. I've been too busy trying to beat DoDonPachi and Espgaluda.

>> No.7245137

Yes. They are. This might help.


>> No.7245142

I've pretty much "mastered" stages 1-4 and can get to Reimu without dying easily. Of course I do bomb once or twice but that's about it. I'm still trying to understand Reimu's non/spells as well. It's just that I've tried each stage around 1000 times now. I would expect to be able to beat the whole game without any problems by now... It gets frustrating. ;_;

>> No.7245153

Reisen is slightly harder than Mystia if you know how to deal with her. Which isn't hard to figure out, thanks to spell practice mode, even if you don't want to watch replays.

>> No.7245172

Yes I do spell practice quite a bit. She wasn't too bad from what I've seen, but the precision and timing it requires is annoying though. She's nowhere near as bad as Reimu, but that's judging from only a few of Reisen's spell cards.

>> No.7245182

I did my first 1cc ever last night. IN on Easy. Yeah I know. But I started playing seriously maybe a month ago and I have no earlier experience of shmups (or video games in general really..) so I'm pretty happy with it. I was literally shaking and crying. Felt goodman.

>> No.7245183

Good job. Are you going to try other difficulties now, or another game?

>> No.7245191


The 1cc is an amazing feeling. I remember my first legitimate one, I felt like a god, I was laughing like crazy, I couldn't even sleep. I think I watched the replay about 10 times over the next two days before my excitement finally died down. Sadly the 1ccs after that didn't feel as good.

>> No.7245192

Actually just unlocked Phantasm, whoever said it's easier than Ran is a liar. That fucking stage.

But now focusing on ten desires, and then maybe trying to get through UFO extra.

>> No.7245195

That feel when 1cc but can't.

>> No.7245205

I'm not much for grinding, I usually just play one round per game and day. I get to bored if I just play the same one over and over. At least I can move on to Normal on IN now. I'm pretty close to 1cc on MoF too.

It was the best feeling. I had no bombs and no lives when I got to Kaguya's last spell, I was almost holding my breath and my heart was beating so hard it hurt. I know that feeling will never come back but it's still enough to motivate me to keep playing.

Sorry I'm babbeling. I don't have anyone else I can tell this sort of stuff..

>> No.7245212

They meant less time consuming, not easier (you already know all of Yukari's spell cards except for 1 when you unlock Phantasm, or you know all of them if you play IN).

>> No.7245219


That's fine. My 1cc was against Kanako. I was playing just for the hell of it, didn't expect to seriously win because I only had two lives at stage 6 and the last time I played Kanako destroyed all five of them with her last spellcard. I make it to her last card with one life and two power, and I manage to deathbomb perfectly every single time until I didn't have any power or lives left. I was pretty surprised when I heard her starting to explode. I actually did 1cc it before with Marisa B to see all the hype but it was an empty victory so I didn't count it. So yeah, if you use Marisa B in MoF, don't abuse the bug because it's the most hollow victory ever.

>> No.7245221

It's fine. That's what this thread is for. Anyways, Congrats. Hopefully I will get that feel of 1cc soon too.

>> No.7245229

You shouldn't need to grind on one game specifically unless you're playing on lunatic or for score. Build your skill in all sorts of danmaku, come back after getting better at reading bullets without staring at your hitbox, training your reflexes, finding new methods of streaming...

>> No.7245240

Some of Yukari's are completely different from Ran's.

>> No.7245247

It's actually almost exactly the same, only with slightly more bullets. But then again I play homing reimu and homing sakuya.

>> No.7245296

With the exception of about 3 spellcards, yeah. Not 1.

>> No.7245381

Fuck yeah touhou thread.

>> No.7245410

Fuck, needlessly wasted a life during Utsuho's last spellcard. There goes another almost 1cc on Hard.

>> No.7245417
File: 418 KB, 640x480, charmingshit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually just unlocked Phantasm, whoever said it's easier than Ran is a liar.
She might not be easier to survive, but fuck me if it isn't easier to do a perfect run on Phantasm. This motherfucker ruined all of my Extra pacifist runs.

>> No.7245422

Along with Blue Oni Red Oni, of course.

>> No.7245423

So far I've only gotten to 2 spellcards in, so I guess the faster speed and the larger number of bullets are throwing me off..

man i've only cleared that card maybe twice, but it's one of my favorites.

>> No.7245430

Ten Desires trial.

Got perfect on hard up to stage 3, then got careless and died twice in a row. ;_:

I think I'll try to beat PoFV extra again. Any tips?

>> No.7245432

My accomplishments huh?
i have beaten every single extra including pc98 ones and phantasm.. i've 1CC'd EoSD and IN on Lunatic..
i struggled about two months ago trying to play pcb on Lunatic but Youmu keeps raping me ;_;

>> No.7245435
File: 419 KB, 640x480, charmingshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phantasm version is faster but gives you much more room, making retarded inescapable situations much less frequent. This and previous picture extremely related.

>> No.7245444

I haven't played in over a month. I feel like my skills have atrophied.

>> No.7245565

My capture percentage on Yukari's version is about the same as my miss percentage on Ran's.

>> No.7245571

The only thrown version is the one he uses in ubw in the battle against Archer outside the Church.

>> No.7245641

Working on getting my miss count on PCB Hard down to the lower-teens. The difficulty for PCB seems really weird. Comparing Normal to Hard, the Prismrivers scale more than Youmu, difficulty-wise. Yuyuko's an absolute joke.

>> No.7245650
File: 121 KB, 384x448, FFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screwing around with PCB Normal (haven't 1cc'd) and some low-level StB.
Fuck this spellcard by the way, haven't captured it once.

>> No.7245653

By the way, get the fuck out.

>> No.7245655

The main difference in the Prismrivers is in the first 3 spellcards, some of which are easier than others. I suggest fighting the youngest sister, and definitely try to avoid the second half of solo Merlin.

>> No.7245663

The only real different between the two is that /b/ is mainstream and a fast-moving board and /jp/ is niche and a slow-moving board.

>> No.7245665

This is not /jp/

>> No.7245669

Who else will know that this was not /jp/? Whatever, Let's just remind /jp/ again that This thread is actually another ks advertising / attentionwhoring thread.

>> No.7245671

I don't play anyone other than Reimu. And I pretty much hate all the solo Prismriver spell cards.

>> No.7245680

Yeah, Raimu B is great, but Merlin's spellcard is curvy laser rape and Lyrica's nonspells are easy streaming.

>> No.7245682

Aya rape is worst rape.

>> No.7245955
File: 99 KB, 640x960, newandoldrecords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Imperishable Night Route B world record:

New: 6,124,981,730
Old: 6,109,702,850

>> No.7245968 [DELETED] 

Er, that Youmu screencap is actually old.

>> No.7246102

Completed EoSD on normal 1cc

Tired PCB a few times but get frustrated when I get to the last 2 level bosses. I say to myself 'look at all this shit, fuck this!"

I'll get in the mood one day like I did for EoSD

>> No.7246112

Trying to beat Koishi all day everyday.
I can't get past Youkai Polygraph.
I'm too afraid of going trough the gaps and the diagonal movements are a pain in the ass with a keyboard.

>> No.7246120
File: 116 KB, 640x480, MUST KILL THE YOUKAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost perfected (no trance no bomb) Reimu hard on TD

>> No.7246128

>the diagonal movements are a pain in the ass with a keyboard
Maybe I'm just too used to it, but I can't relate to this at all.

>> No.7247903
File: 224 KB, 640x480, th002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1cc'd IN for the second time just now, score is still shitty, though I'm kinda happy because I reached everyone's last spell. Picture related.

Also today I passed Sanae for the first time, yay. Tried a few continues on Kanako afterwards, she raped me.

>> No.7247920

Youkai Polygraph is like her second or third easiest card, for me, and I always play with a keyboard. You don't really need to move diagonally, even.

>> No.7247939

Trying to beat Suwako. I'm in that phase where I die in the last 1/10 bar of the last spell. Rage ensured.

>> No.7247945

I cleared Phantasm months ago, that's why.

>> No.7247953

Attempting to finish my 1CC of EoSD so I can move on to the newer games so I can listen to arranges of music from the subsequent games.

Killing time on non-integer games when I get disillusioned with being a failure.

>> No.7247955

But I bet you didn't scorerun it !

>> No.7247979

Well I have to clear Th11, 12 and 13 yet, so scoreruns must wait.

>> No.7247985

I play with a ps2 controller. Square for bomb, L1 for focus, R1 for fire, circle for "trance", start for pause.

>> No.7248023

I 1CC'd MoF today on Normal for the first time.

Feels good man.

>> No.7248091

The gaps are huge. You basically go slowslowslowslowdash to one side (usually the outer side) then fit in through the gap, then slowslowslowslowdash fit etc. If you think Youkai Polygraph is hard, wait until you see Genesis of Subconsciousness. . .

>> No.7248290


Genesis of Subconscious and Rorschach in Danmaku are two cards that I can never capture when playing against Koishi. I've got them both once with Reimu A but never again.

I seriously hate Rorschach in Danmaku because I feel it is should be easier than it is and I keep fucking up in places where I feel I shouldn't on it.

>> No.7248402

Already mastered these games so I deleted them all the other day

>> No.7248414

Really !? Where are your world record scores then ?

>> No.7248431

The thing about Rorschach is that you KNOW you can do it, but sometimes you're just one pixel off and you get chipped. I generally just bomb when I don't feel highly confident (the 3rd waves onwards). Funnily enough, I tend to do the homing heart-shaped trailing one better when I have 0 power than when I have full power; most of the times I captured it was with 0 power. The power of desperation, it is amazing.

>> No.7248661

Because I already cleared it with no deaths
Seriously, it got kind of boring

>> No.7248818

Trying to beat th12 on lunatic.

I've cleared everything else.

>> No.7249107

Quit being a dicksucking scorefag. Thanks.

>> No.7249228

Nothing wrong with being a scorefag for a game with a nice scoring system that adds a ton of depth to the game.

So yeah, I agree with you.

>> No.7250841

it's easier than Ran to beat it for the first time, because the difficulty jump from main-game to extra is bigger than the jump from extra to phantasm, plus you can use a bunch of the tricks you know for extra against her.
