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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 59 KB, 563x531, 1302990497625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7244070 No.7244070 [Reply] [Original]

This image accurately describes every single regular male poster on this board who "appreciates" otaku culture.

>> No.7244075

>big boobs

>> No.7244079

>big boobs

>> No.7244080

that's fine because we're all little girls

>> No.7244082

>big boobs
>doesn't dominate me in everything

>> No.7244084

Seems you could identify

>> No.7244087

You couldn't be more wrong.
Save for maybe the last 2 lines of text.
Speaking both personally and for the most of /jp/.
Back to /v/a/b/ with you please.

>> No.7244089

Oh the butthurt

>> No.7244092

Butthurt, butthurt everywhere. Fine, take the big boobs away. Still ttrue.-

>> No.7244096 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 479x1000, 1302219808241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7244100
File: 12 KB, 209x99, jplogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Image macro gets posted on /a/'

QUICK, we must post it on /jp/!.

>> No.7244102

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. you're not? smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home

>> No.7244104
File: 38 KB, 576x576, lolmoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture, however, accurately adresses every single regular "male" poster on this board.

>> No.7244106

I'm so sorry your life isn't as good as sudo's.

>> No.7244108

Actually, I first posted it here, then on Anime and manga. fag, you're all the same bunch

>> No.7244115
File: 2 KB, 126x125, 1303154322358s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244117

Why is Sudo-sama so awesome?
~Support Sudo for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Jones ban~
~Support White Ren ban~
~Support tohoe ban from /jp/~

>> No.7244122

Why are you on 4chan? Why don't you get some friends? try to get laid, do something besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me.

>> No.7244126
File: 18 KB, 488x317, 1301425954005[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna say no OP, but your actually right about a few of those things

>> No.7244130

I va tons of friends, I'm a happy succesful man and I get laid, just dumped my gf (5'9'' long hair and thin) who was better than any girl you've ever had (If you've had them at all)

The only sin I'm willing to confess is getting kicks from mocking you socially retarded weeeaboos.

>> No.7244131

I don't understand why you are going through so much time and effort to make this image and then also waste the time of others by posting it. It's been done dozens of times and your image is just not funny or clever.

Also, it's very unlikely that anyone that does not frequent /jp/ has an understanding the board.

>> No.7244133

The image is not mine. I have free time now. You're a butthurt weeaboo. Aren't you?

>> No.7244134
File: 160 KB, 501x407, Mastertroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Get an answer from someone who doesn't even post on /jp/ reagularly'


Remember when trolling was a art?

>> No.7244136

>Big boobs
sorry but I worship waifus, not sluts.

>> No.7244139

We are glorious Coreans. Kimchi is lifeblood and only Corean could understand this. You cannot comprehend wonderful nation of Corea with Western eye. It ingrained in spirit and blood. In Corea we have many thing to be proud of, for instance: being colonised by other country, getting buttmangled at Japan for surpassing us, getting buttmangled at China for surporting North Corea, getting buttmangled at... well, I suppose most of our achievements involve getting buttmangled.

Many people will think maybe Coreans actually have nothing to be proud of and show excess patriotism (big word) and criticise other nation because we know deep down that we are inferior. Much like equivalent of closeted gay man who acts homophobic out of self-loathing. This is wrong!!! Corea is very proud nation of kimchi and internet cafe! We have invent many world famous inventions like fan-death! We have many famous pop music that is not rip off of Japan music but instead was born in Corea! MANSEI CHOSUN! MANSEIN CHOSUN!

>> No.7244146

This place is full of pretentious hipsters man, and oldfags. You just cant troll them. I know.

>> No.7244147

>Remember when trolling was a art?
>was a art
How about learning proper grammar before posting?

>> No.7244150

how about you make yourself taller?

>> No.7244153


>> No.7244155
File: 31 KB, 242x269, 1298439646306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves the vidya
>cook, clean, or does anything
>sex drive of a nympho
>football field post along with a shitty reaction image

>> No.7244157

That's the joke.

>> No.7244158

I hate neo-/jp/.

>> No.7244162

>implying women don't also have unrealistic expectations

At least I know I would never make a good boyfriend.

>> No.7244164

OP makes some decent points

>> No.7244168

Guess the VN time:

It's tricky to summarize this one in a way that doesn't make it sound much better or much worse than it is, but here goes: three stories about helping someone overcome their personal demons and learn to lead a happy life, with you of course.

Each of the three troubled girls is unique and convincingly human. Hence the routes are very different from each other on the surface but share much of the same themes and overall structure. Also, the protagonist and heroines both grow immensely by the (true) end of the routes, leaving all of them with satisfying (true) endings.

Unfortunately, there is a persistent strain on suspension of disbelief for large parts of the game. While never impossible to ignore, it takes effort (or perhaps a really shitty adolescence) to not let it get in the way of empathizing with the characters and their problems. This is mitigated by the fact that a lot of time is spent effectively killing time with slice of life. But I felt that fit the game's relaxed atmosphere, and gave the characterization and (good) comedy plenty of time to do their things.

Score: 7/10

Polarization: High (+2/-3)

Some people will literally laugh at the implausibility of some parts of the stories, while some others will find at least one of the endings deeply moving. Personal experience may be a factor.

Routes/Endings Played: All 3 routes, good and bad endings.

>> No.7244170

So you're an emasculated basement dweller who has pretend relationships with drawn manga girls and likes to be humilliated? YOU'RE WORSE THAN THE B-TARDS.

>> No.7244173

Threads like these soak up the shit posters. Remember it isn't shitposting as long as you sage even if the thread is off-topic and the discussion is b/a/v level

>> No.7244174

I don't want anything to do with anyone 3D unless they want to give me money.

>> No.7244175

U mad bro>>7244102

~Support Sudo for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Jones ban~
~Support White Ren ban~
~Support tohoe ban from /jp/~

>> No.7244180

Awesome! I just found a new thread to post the next chapters!

>> No.7244183

OP is just butthurt and bored of anal sex with his dad

>> No.7244185


In the town of Savathi, every child knew the name of the exalted Buddha, and every house was prepared to fill
the alms−dish of Gotama's disciples, the silently begging ones. Near the town was Gotama's favourite place to
stay, the grove of Jetavana, which the rich merchant Anathapindika, an obedient worshipper of the exalted
one, had given him and his people for a gift.
All tales and answers, which the two young ascetics had received in their search for Gotama's abode, had
pointed them towards this area. And arriving at Savathi, in the very first house, before the door of which they
stopped to beg, food has been offered to them, and they accepted the food, and Siddhartha asked the woman,
who handed them the food:
"We would like to know, oh charitable one, where the Buddha dwells, the most venerable one, for we are two
Samanas from the forest and have come, to see him, the perfected one, and to hear the teachings from his
Quoth the woman: "Here, you have truly come to the right place, you Samanas from the forest. You should
know, in Jetavana, in the garden of Anathapindika is where the exalted one dwells. There you pilgrims shall
spent the night, for there is enough space for the innumerable, who flock here, to hear the teachings from his

>> No.7244187

This made Govinda happy, and full of joy he exclaimed: "Well so, thus we have reached our destination, and
our path has come to an end! But tell us, oh mother of the pilgrims, do you know him, the Buddha, have you
seen him with your own eyes?"
Quoth the woman: "Many times I have seen him, the exalted one. On many days, I have seen him, walking
through the alleys in silence, wearing his yellow cloak, presenting his alms−dish in silence at the doors of the
houses, leaving with a filled dish."
Delightedly, Govinda listened and wanted to ask and hear much more. But Siddhartha urged him to walk on.
They thanked and left and hardly had to ask for directions, for rather many pilgrims and monks as well from
Gotama's community were on their way to the Jetavana. And since they reached it at night, there were
constant arrivals, shouts, and talk of those who sought shelter and got it. The two Samanas, accustomed to life
in the forest, found quickly and without making any noise a place to stay and rested there until the morning.
At sunrise, they saw with astonishment what a large crowd of believers and curious people had spent the night
here. On all paths of the marvellous grove, monks walked in yellow robes, under the trees they sat here and
there, in deep contemplation−−or in a conversation about spiritual matters, the shady gardens looked like a
city, full of people, bustling like bees. The majority of the monks went out with their alms−dish, to collect
food in town for their lunch, the only meal of the day. The Buddha himself, the enlightened one, was also in
the habit of taking this walk to beg in the morning.
Siddhartha saw him, and he instantly recognised him, as if a god had pointed him out to him. He saw him, a
simple man in a yellow robe, bearing the alms−dish in his hand, walking silently.

>> No.7244193

"Look here!" Siddhartha said quietly to Govinda. "This one is the Buddha."
Attentively, Govinda looked at the monk in the yellow robe, who seemed to be in no way different from the
hundreds of other monks. And soon, Govinda also realized: This is the one. And they followed him and
observed him.
The Buddha went on his way, modestly and deep in his thoughts, his calm face was neither happy nor sad, it
seemed to smile quietly and inwardly. With a hidden smile, quiet, calm, somewhat resembling a healthy child,
the Buddha walked, wore the robe and placed his feet just as all of his monks did, according to a precise rule.
But his face and his walk, his quietly lowered glance, his quietly dangling hand and even every finger of his
quietly dangling hand expressed peace, expressed perfection, did not search, did not imitate, breathed softly in
an unwhithering calm, in an unwhithering light, an untouchable peace.
Thus Gotama walked towards the town, to collect alms, and the two Samanas recognised him solely by the
perfection of his calm, by the quietness of his appearance, in which there was no searching, no desire, no
imitation, no effort to be seen, only light and peace.
"Today, we'll hear the teachings from his mouth." said Govinda.

>> No.7244196

Siddhartha did not answer. He felt little curiosity for the teachings, he did not believe that they would teach
him anything new, but he had, just as Govinda had, heard the contents of this Buddha's teachings again and
again, though these reports only represented second− or third−hand information. But attentively he looked at
Gotama's head, his shoulders, his feet, his quietly dangling hand, and it seemed to him as if every joint of
every finger of this hand was of these teachings, spoke of, breathed of, exhaled the fragrant of, glistened of
truth. This man, this Buddha was truthful down to the gesture of his last finger. This man was holy. Never
before, Siddhartha had venerated a person so much, never before he had loved a person as much as this one.
They both followed the Buddha until they reached the town and then returned in silence, for they themselves
intended to abstain from on this day. They saw Gotama returning−−what he ate could not even have satisfied
a bird's appetite, and they saw him retiring into the shade of the mango−trees.
But in the evening, when the heat cooled down and everyone in the camp started to bustle about and gathered
around, they heard the Buddha teaching. They heard his voice, and it was also perfected, was of perfect
calmness, was full of peace. Gotama taught the teachings of suffering, of the origin of suffering, of the way to
relieve suffering. Calmly and clearly his quiet speech flowed on. Suffering was life, full of suffering was the
world, but salvation from suffering had been found: salvation was obtained by him who would walk the path
of the Buddha. With a soft, yet firm voice the exalted one spoke, taught the four main doctrines, taught the
eightfold path, patiently he went the usual path of the teachings, of the examples, of the repetitions, brightly
and quietly his voice hovered over the listeners, like a light, like a starry sky.

>> No.7244198

I wonder how many people would take me as their waifu.

I'm under 100 lbs, submissive, and don't have my own thoughts or opinions. I'd like to consider myself rather intelligent, well-learned if not very wise in any respect.
I'm not asian, I'm extremely pale and redheaded.
I can't cook, clean, or do anything, and am physically extremely weak due to both being very small and never exercising, and a medical heart condition.
I'm a virgin but I masturbate several times a day (despite my heart condition).
I never leave the house and am not social at all, complete hikikomori. I do love video games, mostly RPGs and RTSes.

tl;dr meganekko flatchest hikikomori sick girl moe

>> No.7244199

Thats not just the problem with /jp/ but the problem with most american "otakus"

You say 50 cent -H.I.M

You say Britney Spears - I say Evanescence

You say lil wayne -The Rasmus

You say Jonas Brothers - I say Blink 182

You say Miley Cyrus - Nightwish

You say HSM - I say The Nightmare Before Christmas

You say rap - I say rock

You say pop - I say metal

You say hip hop - punk

92% of kids have turned to rap, pop, & hip hop. If your one of the 6% who like to head bang and disturb the peace copy and paste this into your signature

>> No.7244200

When the Buddha−−night had already fallen−−ended his speech, many a pilgrim stepped forward and asked
to accepted into the community, sought refuge in the teachings. And Gotama accepted them by speaking:
"You have heard the teachings well, it has come to you well. Thus join us and walk in holiness, to put an end
to all suffering."
Behold, then Govinda, the shy one, also stepped forward and spoke: "I also take my refuge in the exalted one
and his teachings," and he asked to accepted into the community of his disciples and was accepted.
Right afterwards, when the Buddha had retired for the night, Govinda turned to Siddhartha and spoke eagerly:
"Siddhartha, it is not my place to scold you. We have both heard the exalted one, be have both perceived the
teachings. Govinda has heard the teachings, he has taken refuge in it. But you, my honoured friend, don't you
also want to walk the path of salvation? Would you want to hesitate, do you want to wait any longer?"

>> No.7244202
File: 37 KB, 320x353, 1302816137956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7244204

I love how OP keeps replying to copypasta, such is the life of faggot.

>> No.7244206

Siddhartha awakened as if he had been asleep, when he heard Govinda's words. For a long tome, he looked
into Govinda's face. Then he spoke quietly, in a voice without mockery: "Govinda, my friend, now you have
taken this step, now you have chosen this path. Always, oh Govinda, you've been my friend, you've always
walked one step behind me. Often I have thought: Won't Govinda for once also take a step by himself, without
me, out of his own soul? Behold, now you've turned into a man and are choosing your path for yourself. I
wish that you would go it up to its end, oh my friend, that you shall find salvation!"
Govinda, not completely understanding it yet, repeated his question in an impatient tone: "Speak up, I beg
you, my dear! Tell me, since it could not be any other way, that you also, my learned friend, will take your
refuge with the exalted Buddha!"
Siddhartha placed his hand on Govinda's shoulder: "You failed to hear my good wish for you, oh Govinda. I'm
repeating it: I wish that you would go this path up to its end, that you shall find salvation!"
In this moment, Govinda realized that his friend had left him, and he started to weep.
"Siddhartha!" he exclaimed lamentingly.
Siddhartha kindly spoke to him: "Don't forget, Govinda, that you are now one of the Samanas of the Buddha!
You have renounced your home and your parents, renounced your birth and possessions, renounced your free
will, renounced all friendship. This is what the teachings require, this is what the exalted one wants. This is
what you wanted for yourself. Tomorrow, oh Govinda, I'll leave you."

>> No.7244207

For a long time, the friends continued walking in the grove; for a long time, they lay there and found no sleep.
And over and over again, Govinda urged his friend, he should tell him why he would not want to seek refuge
in Gotama's teachings, what fault he would find in these teachings. But Siddhartha turned him away every
time and said: "Be content, Govinda! Very good are the teachings of the exalted one, how could I find a fault
in them?"
Very early in the morning, a follower of Buddha, one of his oldest monks, went through the garden and called
all those to him who had as novices taken their refuge in the teachings, to dress them up in the yellow robe
and to instruct them in the first teachings and duties of their position. Then Govinda broke loose, embraced
once again his childhood friend and left with the novices.
But Siddhartha walked through the grove, lost in thought.
Then he happened to meet Gotama, the exalted one, and when he greeted him with respect and the Buddha's
glance was so full of kindness and calm, the young man summoned his courage and asked the venerable one
for the permission to talk to him. Silently the exalted one nodded his approval.

>> No.7244214

Quoth Siddhartha: "Yesterday, oh exalted one, I had been privileged to hear your wondrous teachings.
Together with my friend, I had come from afar, to hear your teachings. And now my friend is going to stay
with your people, he has taken his refuge with you. But I will again start on my pilgrimage."
"As you please," the venerable one spoke politely.
"Too bold is my speech," Siddhartha continued, "but I do not want to leave the exalted one without having
honestly told him my thoughts. Does it please the venerable one to listen to me for one moment longer?"
Silently, the Buddha nodded his approval.
Quoth Siddhartha: "One thing, oh most venerable one, I have admired in your teachings most of all.

>> No.7244215

but sudo is fat so yeah

>> No.7244217

Everything in your teachings is perfectly clear, is proven; you are presenting the world as a perfect chain, a
chain which is never and nowhere broken, an eternal chain the links of which are causes and effects. Never
before, this has been seen so clearly; never before, this has been presented so irrefutably; truly, the heart of
every Brahman has to beat stronger with love, once he has seen the world through your teachings perfectly
connected, without gaps, clear as a crystal, not depending on chance, not depending on gods. Whether it may
be good or bad, whether living according to it would be suffering or joy, I do not wish to discuss, possibly this
is not essential−−but the uniformity of the world, that everything which happens is connected, that the great
and the small things are all encompassed by the same forces of time, by the same law of causes, of coming
into being and of dying, this is what shines brightly out of your exalted teachings, oh perfected one. But
according to your very own teachings, this unity and necessary sequence of all things is nevertheless broken in
one place, through a small gap, this world of unity is invaded by something alien, something new, something
which had not been there before, and which cannot be demonstrated and cannot be proven: these are your
teachings of overcoming the world, of salvation. But with this small gap, with this small breach, the entire
eternal and uniform law of the world is breaking apart again and becomes void. Please forgive me for
expressing this objection."

>> No.7244220

You say Battlefield -i say ALWAYS
You say Call of Duty - I say BET
You say Halo -i say ON
You say Medal of honor -i say DUKE

92% of kids have dropped Duke Nukem Forever, . If your one of the 6% who is waiting for his glorious return copy and paste this into your signature

>> No.7244222

Quietly, Gotama had listened to him, unmoved. Now he spoke, the perfected one, with his kind, with his
polite and clear voice: "You've heard the teachings, oh son of a Brahman, and good for you that you've
thought about it thus deeply. You've found a gap in it, an error. You should think about this further. But be
warned, oh seeker of knowledge, of the thicket of opinions and of arguing about words. There is nothing to
opinions, they may be beautiful or ugly, smart or foolish, everyone can support them or discard them. But the
teachings, you've heard from me, are no opinion, and their goal is not to explain the world to those who seek
knowledge. They have a different goal; their goal is salvation from suffering. This is what Gotama teaches, nothing else."

>> No.7244223

Thanks a lot /jp/, my boss came in just as I happened to click on this thread. Now I'm on disiplinary write-up for looking at pornographic images on a company computer.

>> No.7244229

"I wish that you, oh exalted one, would not be angry with me," said the young man. "I have not spoken to you
like this to argue with you, to argue about words. You are truly right, there is little to opinions. But let me say
this one more thing: I have not doubted in you for a single moment. I have not doubted for a single moment
that you are Buddha, that you have reached the goal, the highest goal towards which so many thousands of
Brahmans and sons of Brahmans are on their way. You have found salvation from death. It has come to you in
the course of your own search, on your own path, through thoughts, through meditation, through realizations,
through enlightenment. It has not come to you by means of teachings! And−−thus is my thought, oh exalted
one,−−nobody will obtain salvation by means of teachings! You will not be able to convey and say to
anybody, oh venerable one, in words and through teachings what has happened to you in the hour of
enlightenment! The teachings of the enlightened Buddha contain much, it teaches many to live righteously, to
avoid evil. But there is one thing which these so clear, these so venerable teachings do not contain: they do not
contain the mystery of what the exalted one has experienced for himself, he alone among hundreds of
thousands. This is what I have thought and realized, when I have heard the teachings. This is why I am
continuing my travels−−not to seek other, better teachings, for I know there are none, but to depart from all
teachings and all teachers and to reach my goal by myself or to die. But often, I'll think of this day, oh exalted
one, and of this hour, when my eyes beheld a holy man."

>> No.7244233





>> No.7244236

The Buddha's eyes quietly looked to the ground; quietly, in perfect equanimity his inscrutable face was
"I wish," the venerable one spoke slowly, "that your thoughts shall not be in error, that you shall reach the
goal! But tell me: Have you seen the multitude of my Samanas, my many brothers, who have taken refuge in
the teachings? And do you believe, oh stranger, oh Samana, do you believe that it would be better for them all
the abandon the teachings and to return into the life the world and of desires?"
"Far is such a thought from my mind," exclaimed Siddhartha. "I wish that they shall all stay with the
teachings, that they shall reach their goal! It is not my place to judge another person's life.

>> No.7244239

"Oh, our hands? Well, Kei-chan, we are actually all descended from a powerful clan of demons that had boxing-gloves for hands, and settled all of their disputes in the ring!" Mion explained, punching the air.

I felt sick to my stomach-how could my dad have moved us to a town with such sickening creatures.

"Do you think they're weird? Do you?" Rena asked, frowning.

I had no response.

>> No.7244241

Only for myself, for myself alone, I must decide, I must chose, I must refuse. Salvation from the self is what we Samanas search
for, oh exalted one. If I merely were one of your disciples, oh venerable one, I'd fear that it might happen to
me that only seemingly, only deceptively my self would be calm and be redeemed, but that in truth it would
live on and grow, for then I had replaced my self with the teachings, my duty to follow you, my love for you,
and the community of the monks!"
With half of a smile, with an unwavering openness and kindness, Gotama looked into the stranger's eyes and
bid him to leave with a hardly noticeable gesture.

>> No.7244243
File: 44 KB, 768x576, sabre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>55 posts and 8 image replies omitted.

>> No.7244244

What are you even doing here, Markov

>> No.7244248

Mion saw my disgust, and met it with disappointment.

"Hey Kei-chan, you really think our big hands are gross? Bet you woudln't think that if I wrapped my fat boxing glove around your fur seal!"

I saw Rena turn red, pretending to be confused.

"F-fur seal? M-mion, what are you saying? What are you saying?"

Mion put on her mischievous face, and turned towards me.

"Come on Kei-chan, bet you can't last 3 minutes in these big hands!"

I thought for a moment-Mion was actually pretty sexy... even if she did have gigantic club hands. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a pretty girl stroking my fur seal in the middle of the day.

"Of course, if I win Kei-chan...." She explained "Then you have to fuck Rena while the whole club watches after school!"

Holy dicks! I wanted a handjob from Mion, but I couldn't just rape Rena!

"M-Mion!" I shouted

"It's okay, Keiichi...You can fuck me...fuck me..." Rena said, biting her lip, playing with the hem of her skirt nervously, her face red like a boiled octopus.

"Y-youre on Mion! No way will I cum with those big gross hands wrapped around my dick!"

>> No.7244249

"I LOVE SUSHI!" exclaimed the woman in the thick-rimmed glasses. "Ah, excellent," Kobayashi thought contentedly to himself, "they are enjoying themselves." "I love Japan period," said the middle-aged man in the blue shirt, slight southern drawl lending a down-home earthiness to his earnest proclamation. "Oh my, it is such a joy to have such enthusiastic customers!" Kobayashi said to himself, beaming with pride at the delight he had brought to his customers. It was an idyllic day in Kobayashi's small sushi shop. But, then things took a turn for the worst. "J-ROCK!" screeched a greasy-haired delinquent, quite obviously high on something. "Oh my, someone should be watching over that poor child," Kobayashi thought to himself. But, before he could finish that thought, a rotund man burst forth from the masses, the make-up on his face still smeared across his fleshy visage. "GIRUGAMESH!" the horrifying painted man exclaims, stabbing the air vehemtly with one massive, pudgy digit.

"What has begun here is something terrible," Kobayashi thinks to himself, rooted in place by equal parts fear, and morbid fascination. "I LOVE ANIMAY!" shrieks a curiously toupee'd customer, the disparity of voice and adornment calling into question the beast's gender. "AND MANGA" yells the man-lady's back-quatto, the horrifying extra upper torso protruding from the hermaphrodite's back, malign intent dancing across his/her eyes. Kobayashi is speechless at the spectacle unfolding before him. "AND GAYBMLABNGN" an infernal scarecrow man drunkenly spews forth, every diabolical syllable dripping from his tongue an affront to sanity and dignity.

"Or DDR," says a man quite plainly. "Finally, a respite from this madness," Kobayashi thought as he heaved a breathless sigh of relief. But what he had seen so far could never prepare him for what came next. "SMILE D.K." squealed the man's bloated pig-wife, her unduous bulk barely managing to stay balanced atop her chair.

>> No.7244251

"You are wise, oh Samana.", the venerable one spoke.
"You know how to talk wisely, my friend. Be aware of too much wisdom!"
The Buddha turned away, and his glance and half of a smile remained forever etched in Siddhartha's memory.
I have never before seen a person glance and smile, sit and walk this way, he thought; truly, I wish to be able
to glance and smile, sit and walk this way, too, thus free, thus venerable, thus concealed, thus open, thus
child−like and mysterious. Truly, only a person who has succeeded in reaching the innermost part of his self
would glance and walk this way. Well so, I also will seek to reach the innermost part of my self.
I saw a man, Siddhartha thought, a single man, before whom I would have to lower my glance. I do not want
to lower my glance before any other, not before any other. No teachings will entice me any more, since this
man's teachings have not enticed me.
I am deprived by the Buddha, thought Siddhartha, I am deprived, and even more he has given to me. He has
deprived me of my friend, the one who had believed in me and now believes in him, who had been my
shadow and is now Gotama's shadow. But he has given me Siddhartha, myself.

-----3rd CHAPTER END-----

>> No.7244256

I took of my pants and laid back on the grass beside the road boldly. I wouldn't be outdone by Mion!

"U-uncle Mion never backs away from a challenge, prepare your seal, Kei-chan!" She said, getting to her knees, her face almost as red as Rena's now.

Mion's hands were surprisingly soft-though her entire fat paw covered my dick with little trouble. She began pumping, tightening it around my seal-Mion was really doing it! I couldn't believe it!

"I-if I win, you have to...lick...my asshole everyday for a week!" I shouted, beginning to feel precum dribble down my cock between my foreskin and Mion's smooth palms.

"Like I'll lose!" Mion retorted, licking her lips, one hand tight between her legs. I looked over to Rena, who was looking around nervously to make sure no one would spot us. She had one hand under her skirt, too!

I couldn't believe it!

>> No.7244257

Holy fuck this thread is epic. Archive this shit

>> No.7244259
File: 674 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nichijou - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.22_[2011.04.17_02.48.03].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7244267

Why are you so fat and disabled?

>> No.7244268
File: 88 KB, 1434x796, 1302400354945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244269
File: 56 KB, 600x440, normalfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244270

why dont you people sage this cancer

>> No.7244273

fuck off

~Support Sudo for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Jones ban~
~Support White Ren ban~
~Support tohoe ban from /jp/~

>> No.7244275

got a problem kid?

>> No.7244277
File: 196 KB, 704x396, [UTW]_Nichijou_-_00_[LQ][5E9D0BF4].mkv_snapshot_03.04_[2011.03.17_05.06.56].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244281

I think this is pretty accurately describes all the regulars of this board. Lets keep doing these threads. They need to be kicked until they understand how Fucked up they are. it's for their own good.

>> No.7244282

forgot your second trip sudo

>> No.7244288
File: 473 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Kimi_ni_Todoke_2nd_Season_-_08_[61B1E116].mkv_snapshot_02.52_[2011.03.02_22.17.10].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have this one.

>> No.7244293

even though youre fat, I like your choice of the animes

would you rub rub with denpa futon's legs?

>> No.7244306

I'd rather have an Aspie loner chick who enjoys staying at home and having quiet evenings where we sit in the living room and browse the web on our respective laptops. I wouldn't really care about having sex or not, as long as she wasn't cheating on me. Maybe a few times, but I'd really rather just have the companionship first.

Sadly, there are very few numbers of Aspie females out there due to the fact that the y-chromosome is smaller than the x-chromosome, so it is a near impossibility.

>> No.7244308

>thread is going smooth and on topic
>sudo comes in

>> No.7244311
File: 732 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Kaiji_S2_-_01_[D721C8A7].mkv_snapshot_21.21_[2011.04.06_03.56.04].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just might.

>> No.7244315

>implying it wasn't a troll thread full of copypasta

>> No.7244318
File: 7 KB, 134x161, 1302487291365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is going smooth and on topic
The fuck?

>> No.7244328
File: 139 KB, 1024x768, true story every day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flawless victory, girls.

>> No.7244337

/jp/ is adorable.

>> No.7244373

I like how you say you don't spam, then go and spam. Reported in hopes you're banned again.

>> No.7244375

>big boobs

>> No.7244390
File: 752 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Gosick_-_12_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[62E83274].mkv_snapshot_19.51_[2011.04.09_12.53.33].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting images on an imageboard is spam
The only times I've ever been banned were for criticizing moderation, which I'm not going to do again. Enjoy having your reports fall on deaf ears.

>> No.7244401

Posting unrelated images with no accompaning post is indeed spamming. Also reported for incorrect use of greentext in /jp/, arguably a meme outside of /b/.

>> No.7244404
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report him for shitposting, thread derailment, and spamming anime image macros.
Do you think if he gets banned repeatedly he'll take a hint, or is that too subtle for an autist to understand?

>> No.7244414
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge_05_[45a6817b].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2010.05.04_04.03.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for backseat moderation.

>> No.7244417


One thing I'm going to miss from that awful ghost board is seeing Sudo getting owned time and time again.

>> No.7244448
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - Special 2 [Blu-ray&#44; 720p&#44; AAC][EA6412DA].mkv_snapshot_00.56_[2010.08.31_09.03.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw

>> No.7244457

>not literally autistic

>> No.7244471

Why would you report someone for reporting rule-breaking content?

>> No.7244479


Colombia's an idiot but that's Jones. Or it might be Sion masquerading as Jones trying to pass off as Colombia.

Either way, Sudo's an awful poster with absolutely no redeeming qualities. Hell, even that disgusting piece of shit, mugen, has his mediocre drawings.

>> No.7244480
File: 163 KB, 548x717, 1301120005805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like something that a fat whale of a woman would write. Hilarious.

>> No.7244487

Incorrect use of the quote function and a 752 KB .png anime screencap. Did you accidentally post this on /jp/ instead of /a/?

>> No.7244494
File: 50 KB, 1024x576, [Nutbladder]_Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge_×2_-_02_[bd47f565].mkv_snapshot_23.17_[2010.10.14_06.18.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcing that you are reporting someone is considered trolling, which is against the rules outside of /b/. I didn't do anything against the rules to begin with. I didn't actually report them, by the way.

>> No.7244500

>Colombia's an idiot but that's Jones. Or it might be Sion masquerading as Jones trying to pass off as Colombia.
We need to go deeper.

>> No.7244502

Report me then. I've never been banned even after years of announcing when I'm reporting. The same can't be said for you, however. Enjoy your ban and reported.

>> No.7244522


Trolling hasn't been artistic since Usenet.

>> No.7244524
File: 964 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Fractale_-_06_[h264-720p][F8DA9F24].mkv_snapshot_02.39_[2011.02.24_21.41.52].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee I won't be banned. Enjoy seeing my quality posts in the weeks and months to come.

>> No.7244534

If wtH could eventually be banned maybe there's hope that Sudo will too.

>> No.7244550

Reported once again.

>> No.7244561
File: 665 KB, 1280x720, [UTW]_Hidan_no_Aria_-_01_[h264-720p][C0289EFA].mkv_snapshot_24.01_[2011.04.15_10.12.24].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with that, chief.

>> No.7244579

I don't think it's possible for Sudo-sama to get any more epic.
~Support Sudo for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Jones ban~
~Support White Ren ban~
~Support tohoe ban from /jp/~

>> No.7244581

Why would you ever save screencaps as incredibly bloated .pngs? Are you deliberately being an idiot?

>> No.7244582

>Enjoy seeing my quality posts
Good luck with that, considering I'll filter you right after I make this post.

>> No.7244584


>> No.7244596
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Soredemo_Machi_wa_Mawatteiru_-_03_[90E5C811].mkv_snapshot_08.23_[2010.10.23_03.38.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing less than the best for me. Filthy .jpgs don't do the screencaps justice.
Your loss.

>> No.7244602

http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/7019691 was a great thread

>> No.7244604


You're pathetic enough as it is, Sudo. The sockpuppet really wasn't necessary.

>> No.7244614

Fuck she makes me so hard but her voice is like sandpaper on my dick.

わたし わ にぴんじん です しつもん が あります か です?
I am Japanese, any questions?

>> No.7244618
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge_11_[35270775].mkv_snapshot_10.55_[2010.06.16_19.31.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for you if you think that person is actually me.

>> No.7244627


Real mature. That's right, spam like a child instead of actually replying like an adult when you have no argument. I'm glad you've finally accepted what you are.

>> No.7244645
File: 738 KB, 1280x720, [Victorique]_Gosick_-_11_[h264-720p][5615059C].mkv_snapshot_06.44_[2011.04.04_09.29.55].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What argument is there to make? That person isn't me, I couldn't care less what people on an anonymous imageboard think of me. This is all for entertainment, after all.

>> No.7244648


So tru OP

>> No.7244656

epic trolololololo XD

>> No.7244665

It's not shitposting if you're being ironic.bmp

>> No.7244673
File: 15 KB, 1060x83, whyissudosofat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7244683

To anybody who thinks a girl with a nympho sex drive sounds appealing, you have a fucking lot to learn.

>> No.7244691
File: 142 KB, 400x400, 1281679307743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're capable of using the archive, how crafty.

>> No.7244696

nigga u dumb

>> No.7244718

>I actually contribute to figure threads
Hahahaha what a good joke.
I think he meant to type "I actually ruin figure threads with my shitposting".

>> No.7244739


Figure threads are always awful. Is it just because of Sudo or is it because they're like idolfags?

>> No.7244748

Without Sudo they used to be tolerable.

>> No.7244764

It's fun to laugh at those less fortunate, isn't it?

No, the idea is appealing regardless of reality. It's a fantasy. You just don't have an imagination or your conscious is too hammered into line by society to use it(or you're the trolling OP).

Part of the fantasy is the idea that you have a sex drive/stamina to match. I can only imagine what it would be like to actually be able to fuck for hours on end. Couple that with a fantasy world in which you have no responsibilities and you have the fantasy to immerse yourself in to increase arousal.

Unfortunately, my sex drive/stamina only lasts for about one orgasm(masturbation).

>> No.7244775



>> No.7244822

The only shitposting in figure threads is done by that guy with broken English who always repeats the same shit over and over and samefags. No one else ever complains, and I haven't even been posting in them very much lately.

>> No.7244845

I've never seen that guy. Did you just make him up?

>> No.7244857

Sudo is a very troubled individual that believes he is being harassed by "stalkers" please don't try to engage him.

>> No.7244867

Look through some of the past figure threads. It's always the same guy who starts shit with me in an attempt to derail the thread and starts spouting memes like "u mad?" and "autism," etc. I only post in figure threads when I've recently bought something or have something to contribute, which is why I haven't been posting in them as much lately.

>> No.7245144


...and you are missed, sir.

It's true. Sudo has a stalker. It's fucking creepy as shit.
