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7238680 No.7238680 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I was wondering:

Why does Nobunaga have such a mixed reputation in Japan? I mean, yeah, he was ambitious and wanted to rule over all of Japan, but that didn't make him any different than any of the other daiymos at the time. And from what I understand, he was immensely more progressive, generous, and merciful than the other daiymos.

So what gives? Why do some people demonize him, while others praise him? I would think it would universally be the latter.

>> No.7238683

Unlike the other daimyos, he tried to change the status quo. This is not appreciated.

>> No.7238689

Unless you want to talk about the little loli Nobunaga, go away.

>> No.7238694

they praise him, he's only a bad guy in vidyagaems and cartoons for rule of cool

>> No.7238695

He lost the war

>> No.7238691



>Can't talk about Japanese history.


>> No.7238699

Takeda wants to fight me with his cavalry, the best cavalry Japan ever seen? Fuck this, I didn't buy all these guns for nothing.

His reputation is not mixed, it's just that it's too hard to deem him as either good or bad person. If anything, I'd call his SW depiction the most accurate, as it shows you that he has good intentions, but morally ambiguous methods.

>> No.7238704

also, nobunaga, while progressive for his time, was said to be rude as fucking hell towards others

>> No.7238705

"They outnumber us 10 to 1? Fuck that shit, let's go waste them."

Too awesome for Japanese men, makes them feel threatened and insecure so they demonize him.

>> No.7238708


>> No.7238710

He used forbidden magics to ascend to power according to the material I've seen.

>> No.7238714

He didn't respect people who didn't deserve respecting, but he was courteous and generous to people he respected.

>> No.7238716

Because he was a giant asshole that would raze entire villages out of spite and fuck with religious ceremonies because he thought they were stupid.

>> No.7238718

Long story short he was a badass with some serious Napoleonic-esque ambition.

>> No.7238724

Because they were.

>> No.7238725

He didn't lose so much as get betrayed by his own subordinates.

>> No.7238726

>fuck with religious ceremonies because he thought they were stupid.
There were actually grounded political and economic reasons for his destruction of buddhist temples, you're grossly misunderstanding if you really believe he did it because he thought worshipping a smiling indian fatass was stupid.

>> No.7238730

History is written by the victors, that's why.

>> No.7238733

His side fucking won though. He just wasn't around to see it.

>> No.7238750
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>> No.7238752

He was a westerner born into a Japanese body.

>> No.7238757

And good reasons for fucking with his dad's funeral too, right?

>> No.7238767

Ieyasu was awesome in this regard. I imagine him sitting nonchalantly drinking tea until everyone else kills each other. And then he assumes command when no one's left to challenge his rule.

Not to mention his life philosophy was pretty much "Don't give much of a shit about anything and you'll be a content man." Truly a master of taking it easy.

>> No.7238791
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>> No.7238794

He had Tadaktasu Honda, would you mess with him?

>> No.7238813

Fuck no. First Lu Bu and then him, never fuck around with warriors with silly hats.

>> No.7238826
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>> No.7238834
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I'd pursue that Lu Bu

>> No.7238840

Wait, do we count Masamune Date in the silly hat team or the AWESOME hat team?

>> No.7238883

He's a Gundam, so definitely silly hat team. The silly hat team has awesome warriors anyway.

While you're at it, add Sargon the Great in there too. Gilgamesh gets a lot of flak for his solid gold armor, but Sargon actually did have a solid gold helmet, which also featured a seperate compartment for his hair.

>> No.7239741

Japan's just unoriginal. he was called the demon king, and then in modern times people just made him into a devil or gave him powers from an evil source and people just went with it. People couldn't think of anything else for him because he was a rather unique guy, so they just kept up that depiction of him.

>> No.7239765

The dude fucking drank the blood of the people he killed, from their own skulls.

Shit's loco man

>> No.7239789

Probably doesn't help that he was rather tolerant of the Jesuits and other nanban. Getting muskets for allowing some whiteys to build their little temples and preach their little religion was a pretty decent deal for him, though it pissed off a lot of traditionalists and purists.
"Letting the dirty foreigners corrupt the pure Japanese spirit = He's the devil, let's paint him as a horrible demon"

>> No.7239800

Yeah Nobunaga allowed alot of nanbans teachings and there is also a theory about that Nobunaga was christian.
Question is just if Nobunaga abused the nanbans to get guns, overall knowledge, trade and other equipment and accessories.
Or if he really were christian.

>> No.7239809

No, he was not a Christian. The real Christian Japanese were in Kyushu. Masamune Date was similar in Nobunaga in his approach to Christians, they both just wanted their knowledge, which included Christian teachings.

>> No.7239822

since this looks like an appropriate thread to ask in what are some good or essential books on Japanese history? Specifically the Sengoku period and the Meiji Restoration.

>> No.7239841

Sengoku Rance, Sengoku Basara, Samurai Warriors 2, Rurouni Kenshin are all good history books.

>> No.7239842


Anything by Stephen Turnbull goes.

>> No.7239873


Also, Clive Sinclaire is good for specific information about military history and technology. Although he tends to write in a "may be disputed by further research"-disclaimer on every other page.

>> No.7239882
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