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>> No.7231006

Still haven't beaten it. ;_;

>> No.7231010

Sanae has become quite stylish.

>> No.7231011
File: 55 KB, 800x1400, america fuck yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at those boots.

>> No.7231012
File: 2.35 MB, 2000x2000, 63593381e7f23fb3e337c5a627967b12[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a feeling that Patchouli is going to show up sometime in the actual game.

>> No.7231018

Already 1 life'd it with Reimu.
1CC'd it with Youmu.
But damn the loli zombie, still didn't find the way to kill her within the spellcard time.

>> No.7231021

May as well take the question here. What's the best way to use Youmu? I'm having a hard time utilizing her, I really wanted to use her but she seems more score oriented than survival oriented based on what I've played of her. I died to Yuyuko with her and haven't had that problem with any other characters.

>> No.7231022

You can barely see the pattern on Sanae's dress. Fix that, ZUN!

>> No.7231024

Unlike in SA and UFO, all skill levels start off real easy. And by real easy, I mean I'm more wasted than ZUN while creating this shit and I'm getting bored on Lunatic

>> No.7231028

god, it keeps crashing after I kill Miyako ;_;

>> No.7231034

Pick up the blue spirits before she swallows them.

>> No.7231037

Use focused for screen-cleaning the trash.

>> No.7231040

Just use unfocused shot till you have 3+ power, then you can slash all the screen without a problem.

>> No.7231043

Myon's melee attack was a fantastic idea on ZUN's part. It's so much fun to use.
Also Dog Broom bitch and Zombie bitch are... alright.
I don't think they'll be very popular.

>> No.7231047


Her first spell...just don't kill her options. Pretty easy if you just focus on her, and when you move to the side stop firing.

The last card is a bitch, and it will be tight even with full power. The way to get it is to zoom up as soon as she fires the lasers and hug one of her sides. Half of the soul will hit you as she gathers it, and while you can't out-and-out stop her regeneration, it cuts it down to a manageable amount and leaves you with enough time to score the capture.

On an unrelated note: I predict Miyako/Yuyuko rivalry to show up in the near future, considering they're both big eaters.

Also, Miyako/Kogasa will be a pairing. As for Kyouko...eh. I don't really like her that much and can't see her being too popular.

>> No.7231053

Trying this is exactly what stopped me from 1cc'ing hard. CURVY LASERS

>> No.7231054


My problem isn't the stages. It's the bosses. Her damage output just feels mediocre.

>> No.7231057

Same for Kyouko, but I fucking like her bullet patterns.

>> No.7231059

I actually think they will. Dog ears and ZOMBIE are bound to be popular topics. Also that seal on Miyako has infinite possibilities for gimmicks.

>> No.7231060

Why is "Welcome to Youkai Temple" the only good theme?

>> No.7231062

Reposting here:

Remember when Zun said that he wanted to ressurrect Byakuren's brother by the end of UFO and to make him the extra boss? Her temple is somewhat related to the events, so guess who is coming back to life?

>> No.7231063


Oh dear.

There must be a reason why the number one bane of Touhou players is the curvy laser. Normal lasers are fine, but curvy lasers have been and always will be a bitch. First with Merlin, then Shou, and now Miyako.


>> No.7231068

The hat ruins Miyako for me. Anyone else agrees?

>> No.7231069


That tag will inevitably read "SLUT" at some point.

I would probably like Myako more if she didn't remind me of Hsien-ko.

>> No.7231071

Oh please no male characters, men are so uninteresting.

>> No.7231072

Actually, I like that hat.

>> No.7231074
File: 31 KB, 156x194, 129912y9874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty damn easy, but the new divine spirit game dynamic looks promising. I'm thrilled that 13 is officially a continuation of 12, I was fearing ZUN might pull some kind of shitty discontinuity on us. Additionally, fuck yeah, Kogasa and Stage 1 Yuyuko

>> No.7231077
File: 671 KB, 600x1600, 4koma3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture related.

>> No.7231081

I'm not too sure what to think of the regenerating health on the stage three boss.

>> No.7231082

I really hope not. I'd rather see a brand new plot instead of UFO pt . Besides, the person in question seems like a malicious character, I don't think that was the way Myouren was described. Unless he somehow found about his sister's lesbian youkai harem from beyond the grave and is now raging about it or something.

>> No.7231083

Why don't you like Hsien-Ko?

>> No.7231084
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1600, 2232e835efc8c1b1848afe4588e9224e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Miyako in a Ten Desires thread.

>> No.7231086

I'll see what kind of score I can get. It's annoying having to restart every time I clear stage 3.

>> No.7231088

>UFO pt2
is what I meant to say.

>> No.7231089


Never said I didn't like Hsien-ko, but the character design is too familiar and it just comes off as lazy to me.

>> No.7231090

I'm really glad Yuyuko and Youmu have returned, it shows that ZUN hasn't forgotten the "old" Windows characters.

>> No.7231091
File: 687 KB, 1599x1279, ng7bpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All jiang shi remind you of Hsien-ko?

>> No.7231094

>related to the UFO cast
>not Byakuren's brother
You team up with Byakuren and beat her father! Fuck you for grounding her for 1000 years!

>> No.7231096

She looks nothing like Lie-lie apart from being based off the same ghoul.

>> No.7231101

Shouldn't you fags be calling her a kyonshi

Touhou is made in Japan, we don't need these Chinese vocabulary bullshite

>> No.7231102

She looks more like Kanako to me, bro. I don't see her looking anything like Hsien-ko aside from having basic jiang-shi features.

>> No.7231103

Not zombie enough

>> No.7231104


No, but the colors and general shape are similar. That and I've been playing too much Marvel vs Capcom.

>> No.7231111


He never did. Patchouli shows up in every game at some point, and a few characters were written into SA. I think he's just focusing on actual world building now as opposed to completely unrelated incidents.

>> No.7231116

>lose one shot level on death
>power items add 0.01
>no full power on last life

Oh look, all my favourite points about UFO, back again.

>> No.7231119

I just hope we see Hakurei god at some point in this.

>> No.7231120

She looks more like Kanako to me, bro. I don't see her looking anything like Hsien-ko aside from having basic jiang-shi features.

She's on my main team, but I really feel like she needs some buffs. Nothing major, and I'm not a tourneyfag so don't care too much, but right now she seems lacking compared to the rest of the cast. Even a health buff would probably do her well. In any case, she's damn slower than how she used to play. And why can't she cancel her pendulum?

>> No.7231124
File: 218 KB, 916x990, 1278883643882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop dying so much you faggot.

>> No.7231129

Why are we calling the zombie Miyako and not Yoshika?

>> No.7231131

Can someone please post more screenshots of Yoshika?

>> No.7231133

Because Miyako is more cute.

>> No.7231139


I'm just calling her by her last name for no particular reason. Call her Yoshika if you want.

Zombieslut is fine too.

>> No.7231143

Because she's the new Murasa
No-one calls her by her given name ;_;

>> No.7231144

I've been calling her various curse words.

>> No.7231150
File: 109 KB, 850x678, 1285731370390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like it was made for scorefags, to the point where I feel like I haven't won unless I bossgraze the entire time.

>> No.7231154

You know what, now I want to play Phantom Fighter.(A Jiangshi game for the NES)

>> No.7231157

Miyako just makes me think 都 for some reason. I prefer Yoshika and I've been using at all along...

>> No.7231159
File: 18 KB, 282x425, 1270742966277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the sequel to....now screening?

>> No.7231160

Welcome to touhou I guess.

>> No.7231162
File: 9 KB, 113x127, youmutd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to use Youmu shot more and more to no avail. I keep dying once to Yuyuko and have to restart because there's no way I'll allow that. Guess I'll keep practicing.

>> No.7231170

So what exactly is Kyouko again? I know she is some weird monster who tricks people with loud echoes, but I completely forgot what they are called.

>> No.7231175
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x1465, d08550f9d62fcada9ba53d29ae82e2ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyako makes me think of 宮子, whom I love dearly.

>> No.7231176


>> No.7231182

All I wanted was infinite penetration , but instead I get lasers that shoot at angles with no penetration. There goes my whole reason for using Marisa, guess I'll try Reimu

>> No.7231183


>> No.7231184
File: 90 KB, 518x600, How sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Miyako for me. I guess I used her too much in MB.

>> No.7231192

57m, Sanae normal. Have only the barest idea of when to spirit. But I used my last extra life to grind Zombieko's final noncard, that seems like a possible strategy. It feels like you can only get 1 full spirit mode per stage, and only if you're pro on killing the fairies fast so they drop whites.

It's probably advantageous to burn your first one on Yuyuko's first spellcard.

>> No.7231196

ZUN is practically begging you to score with this game. Maybe you should.

>> No.7231197

let there be mima

>> No.7231200

Just played through for the first time. I picked Youmu. At first I was wondering why her unfocused movement was so slow, then I realized that you pretty much have to use unfocused movement all the time with her. The slashing gimmick seems useless. In the time it takes to charge it, things are left alive to shoot bullets and hamper movement. It would have been nice if ZUN let certain bullets get eliminated by the slash.

The stage 2 and 3 bosses are pretty cute. There was some zombie skin care joke in there that I missed because my weeaboo power is low.

>> No.7231204

>It would have been nice if ZUN let certain bullets get eliminated by the slash.
It would be too powerful if it did that.

>> No.7231206

Actually, I find that there are less bullets to deal with if you preemptively charge before a wave.

>> No.7231212

What's the actual range on the slash? Is it any larger than the animation you see on the screen for it?

>> No.7231220

No idea, but do you really need it to be bigger? It's huge enough as it is, at least horizontally.

>> No.7231222

Is it just me, or does the spirit gimmick leave you more with a disadvantage in the long run? Not being able to death bomb while it's full seems to ruin my perfect runs more often then anything else.

>> No.7231232 [DELETED] 

>post split up because moot is a faggot and his referral site catching script is banning me for some part of this post despite not having any links.

The characters keep getting happier as you go right in the selection screen, then you get to Youmu who's all depressed looking.

It seems Sanae's clothes don't change as much as the other characters' do.

>> No.7231234

Seems to be slightly bigger, judging by damage output, and the amount of space it clears out on the screen.
I adjusted to hitting C if I'm pretty sure a bullet will hit me.

>> No.7231236

Then trance (C key) every time it's full if you want to be able to death bomb at all times.

>> No.7231244 [DELETED] 

>pt 2, this part keeps banning me

Why the hell is this game using the FW engine or at least the same kind of boss rings? I thought the first mid-boss was like some spirit UFO.

What the fuck is that first new girl's head? It's like a furry set of ribbons. Zombie girl's skirt reminds me of Yamame's skirt. They both suck, but it is probably because of the art in the game.

>> No.7231241

Woah, the scoring system for this game is surprisingly pretty deep.

I've managed to get about 60 mil on Normal so far, and I'm pretty sure I could get even higher than that if I played around with it some more.

>> No.7231242

Youmu's slash is awesome for stages. Everything in front of her dies, as do all of their friends.

Reimu is just overpowered, though. Don'tgiveafuck homing while unfocused, needles focused.

>> No.7231243

I think the problem with the slash is how slow it takes to move vertically. You have to launch it from 1/2 the screen for it to be effective.

>> No.7231245


How is a run perfect if you need to bomb?

>> No.7231249

But neither of those work consistently. You only need one ghost (and you start with one)to not be able to death bomb and need all three to trance. Anywhere in between (which is the vast majority of the time) you're completely vulnerable.

>> No.7231251

It's fairly good range-wise if you're at max power.

>> No.7231254


The characters keep getting happier as you go right in the selection screen, then you get to Youmu who's all depressed looking.

Sanae's clothes don't change as much as the other characters' do.

Why the hell is this game using the FW engine or at least the same kind of boss rings? I thought the first mid-boss was like some spirit UFO.

What the fuck is that first new girl's head? It's like a furry set of ribbons. Zombie girl's skirt reminds me of Yamame's skirt. They both suck, but it is probably because of the art in the game.

Speaking of the art, ZUN is in full modern moe mode. The art is way better than UFO but it lacks that weird watercolor looking shading he used to do. It's like the K-on of Touhou, but Sanae and Marisa are so cute I can't really complain. Sanae is the best because she has the least derpy face. Youmu's face is pig depressing. Also her charge shot sucks, but her bomb and hyper mode are awesome. Playing Marisa is like having thrust vectoring. Playing Reimu is same as always.

I don't normally like all that lesbian-faggotry, but there better be some art of the MCs making out with the bosses for huge score. It's like you're sucking the points right out of their teats.

>> No.7231257

I wake up and find this. Finally! Downloading right now. Sanae sure looks... interesting.

>> No.7231262
File: 423 KB, 1920x2715, 1299317361558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu is awesome. Slashing everything on the screen in seconds, hell yes.

>> No.7231265

It's annoying when it turns potential 1cc runs into uphill fights that grind to a halt. All on account of dicking up once.

Oh wait, I'm complaining about leniency in a genre known for requiring robotic levels of precision.

>> No.7231268

I hope Sanae gets her shot changed in the final version. Everyone else has awesome combinations of their most famous shot options, Sanae has some weird remix of Marisa's worst UFO shot.

>> No.7231273

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      ;':::::::イレ::i ヽ::;ハ、:::::::::::::::::゙ヽ.
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        レヘ.:;イ(ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ) |::、;j::i:::::|
      冫:::i'""  ,___,   "" |::::|):!::リ!  Fuck mobility.
      _ノ:::人   ヽ _ン    イ:::ノ::::::::::ヽ
       `¨´             `¨

>> No.7231276

65m with Marisa now. She looks like the worst scoring character again, because of her slow bomb.

The one thing that's negatively growing on me about this is the random boss movements kind of mess with the need to sit right under them for max points. It's like supergrazing Kogasa in UFO all over again, but for an entire game.

>> No.7231281

Sanae's shot is fine. I think it's a little weaker than the others, but that bomb is useful as fuck. Youmu's bomb might be better but Youmu is weird and Sanae can be played normally.

>> No.7231286

Is that supposed to be Miyako‎?

>> No.7231287
File: 44 KB, 305x315, IMG_1861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dicking up

I thought I was the only one who uses that term!

>> No.7231295

It's a yoshikkuri!

>> No.7231297
File: 57 KB, 568x650, 79826f453f26f114f2ad996145b8deda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a translation of the demo's dialogue somewhere?

>> No.7231299

>Sanae sure looks... interesting


If you look at her pictures, you'll notice that just like how Reimu's sleeves would get progressively further detached, Sanae's hair is gradually going from well kept to sexhair.

>> No.7231300
File: 195 KB, 1200x1200, 1302918400080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7231306

So . . Does that now make then "Touhoes"?

>> No.7231312

Well Sanae has gone from looking like a nice proper young lady to a slut I mean just look at her hair and those boots.

>> No.7231319

More semen in her hair made them quite unkempt.

>> No.7231320
File: 260 KB, 428x490, BugFound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is interesting...

>> No.7231323


Here we go agaaaaaaiin~

>> No.7231326 [DELETED] 


I'm not saying that Sanae's shot isn't strong enough, it just doesn't really feel connected to her character like the other three's are. Marisa gets her homing orbs and needles, Marisa gets lasers and Magic Missile, both their two most famous shots, Youmu gets her IN shot and an incredibly unique (and in-character) focus shot, Sanae gets... what the fuck is that even supposed to be?

>> No.7231328


I'm not saying that Sanae's shot isn't strong enough, it just doesn't really feel connected to her character like the other three's are. Reimu gets her homing orbs and needles, Marisa gets lasers and Magic Missile, both their two most famous shots, Youmu gets her IN shot and an incredibly unique (and in-character) focus shot, Sanae gets... what the fuck is that even supposed to be?

>> No.7231332

What is Sanae famous for that could be made into a shot?

>> No.7231333

I figured one would be Kanako-themed and the other would be Suwako-themed, but these are just random wackiness.

>> No.7231336

Don't know if somebody already said this but, if Kyouko's power is to manipulate sound waves then isn't she just a weaker Reisen? If I remember correctly Reisen can manipulate other waves as well and she can invoke lunacy.

>> No.7231341

>Abilities: Lunacy-inducing eyes, telepathy with other moon rabbits, manipulation of wavelengths

>> No.7231348

I posted it in a previous thread but

Both the bomb and the shot are Sanae's own. They're not based on Kanako or Suwako, at least not directly as if she's drawing her powers from them. Aya comments in DS how Sanae keeps relying on the Goddesses' and not on her powers, so I think ZUN wants to hint that Sanae is starting to develop some kind if independency.

>> No.7231349

I think it's supposed to be wind shots.

>> No.7231353

Sanae is growing up! She doesn't need to rely on their power anymore.

>> No.7231355

She also said to Mystia in PoFV that she could manipulate sound waves to shut of her song.

>> No.7231361
File: 85 KB, 450x626, patchouli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, I was hoping one of you might know. When I first played, I could play it on Fullscreen without problems. I then tried playing it on a smaller size to rip the soundtrack and upload it to YouTube and now that I want to play in fullscreen again, the game won't let me. I've tried messing with the setup, but nothing happens.

>> No.7231363

Ah, that would make sense.

>> No.7231364

Quite so. It's wind.

>> No.7231365
File: 5 KB, 136x118, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I played a bit, and... I want ZUN to correct the portraits, dem fucking tongues...

And I agree that Reimu and Sanae are too powerful... poor Youmoe can't kill shit with her normal shot, and her "hyper mode" is too weak.

I'm glad he kept the new style for the life-bars. oh, and the music was kinda meh.

good night.

zombie girl > puppy-something-girl

>> No.7231369

That's why Youmu in focused mode has such a tiny hitbox, so you can get up close with her.

>> No.7231375
File: 98 KB, 450x450, 1300577583286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thought Kyouko's ears were horns when I first saw them?

>> No.7231377
File: 139 KB, 734x605, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7231383

She already has the ritual pentagrams as her motif, or failing that, it should either invoke her status as a wind caller or her power over miracles.

And really, it doesn't help that it looks uncannily like a green version of Marisa-B's horrible shot from UFO.

>> No.7231387

Maybe it's because I'm playing on normal, but there just doesn't seem to be a need for Youmu's slash. It can get rid of large groups of enemies, but there really aren't any that don't already just swoop into the same firing lane already.

Perhaps there will be better spots to use it in the later stages. As far as these first 3 stages go, though, you can get through them without focused movement anyway, so for now, it's not that big of a deal.

>> No.7231397
File: 222 KB, 563x530, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made another.

>> No.7231398
File: 820 KB, 1324x549, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happens.

>> No.7231403


I wouldn't mind being hit with Sanae's wind.

>> No.7231406

Youmu's charge slash is useful for taking out big faries with loads of health before they can get any shots off.

It doesn't matter on normal, but it's very helpful on hard and lunatic.

>> No.7231407

>Youmoe can't kill shit with her normal shot
I haven't tried any of the other girls other than Youmu, and I thought her shot was fine. Wow. Makes me want to try out the other girls now.

>> No.7231408

I thought she was yet another catgirl.

>> No.7231412


It seems like it'll be useful for scoring when you need to clear a large swathe of enemies to get to the point of collection or to grab souls.

>> No.7231416

This one seems to be encouraging hanging around the top of the screen for a few reasons, as opposed to just bouncing up there to auto-collect.

>> No.7231428

Zombie > Dog Broom girl

I'm really hoping that the other new touhous are a bit more interesting.

>> No.7231432
File: 402 KB, 510x509, marisa up this bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've 1CC'd the demo with Sanae on Normal, but I can't seem to do it with Marisa. I don't really know why, but I always play a lot more aggressive with Marisa resulting in random deaths. This happens to me in every game, it must be because Marisa is such a reckless badass.

>> No.7231436

hitting f10 makes it cycle through resolutions, run the game and hit it until it goes full screen

>> No.7231440

man, I was hoping there would be no hyper in touhou, but HERE WE GO. dodonpachi resource starving + hypers - difficulty = ten desires

>> No.7231441

The zombie girl's speech pattern seems moe.

>> No.7231446

Watching Glue-eating Touhou's sprite walking in place and moving her arms up and down is fucking hilarious.

>> No.7231451

Ah, I love you. That worked.

>> No.7231459

I don't think ZUN even remembers what he did in UFO. He's Ryukishi-levels of forgettableness.

You are free to assume things if they aren't talked about I guess.

>> No.7231460

That's making it so all my deaths are from coming back down and running my ass into a wall of fairies.

>> No.7231461

I'm really hoping that "boss gets souls to heal" mechanic doesn't show up on any other bosses.

>> No.7231462


That's happening with me and Youmu. I try to get in close and I'm moving like crazy but I'm dying to easy bosses while I can beat the demo with the other characters with varying results.

>> No.7231463

None of the new girls really interest me, maybe they;ll warm up to me in time but they just look so bland

On the other hand they have pretty awesome powers, and Kogasa and Yuyuko return

>> No.7231466

Oh good, I thought I was the only one.

>> No.7231468

Also, it's one of the only games where shooting backwards would actually be useful apart from one or two situations (as opposed to SA and UFO), but it doesn't have it.

>> No.7231475

More like her shot is so shitty that you have to move more to kill shit.

>> No.7231476

I prefer old lifebars.
But the game is pretty cool.

>> No.7231482

It's probably just her. Jiang Shi are supposed to live off qi/spiritpower/whatever.

>> No.7231497

>Chinese clothing
>Useless guard

Great, Miyako's a Meiling clone.

>> No.7231502
File: 6 KB, 89x120, aki2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You suck at the character so it means it's too awesome for you?

That level of thinking...

>> No.7231514

Everytime I try to run the game it tells me that d3dx9_43.dll is missing.

How should I go about fixing this?

>> No.7231516

What does grazing do in this one?

>> No.7231517

I wonder which direction the fanon will go. They'll either be best-bud sisters or Meiling will be seeking revenge for being replaced.

>> No.7231523

Download it.
Put it in the folder.

They're going to get pissed at me for helping you with such an easy issue.

>> No.7231526

Hint: download the .dll if you dont have it

>> No.7231532

Meiling is usually depicted as too stupid to get in fights with people like that.

>> No.7231533
File: 60 KB, 200x200, Marisa hitchiking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7231536

Okay, thanks.
I've had virus scares recently so I'm not too trusting of google at the moment. I was hoping one of you guys had a download link or something.

>> No.7231539

Zombie girl's attack phase with the cyan kunai shots keeps killing me with kunai that just pop up on top of my character. I don't like attacks that encourage hanging around at the bottom like a coward!

>> No.7231540


I'm not even sure it does anything. If it does, I hope someone can clarify.

>> No.7231546
File: 2.66 MB, 3200x2580, 1263432837240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally 1cc'd it here (Youmu)
57 million points, on Normal

>> No.7231547

After checking it appears to increase the value of point items, but the actual amount is basically nothing compared to what you'll be getting from trance mode spirits.

>> No.7231548

adds to point item value, same as UFO. I think?

>> No.7231552

Grazing ten shots is the same as collecting one blue spirit.

>> No.7231555
File: 14 KB, 407x286, 1302105505123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a faggot and download it from the first fucking result

>> No.7231557
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>> No.7231559




>> No.7231561

Damn. My Youmu 1cc was only 36 million points. I definitely need to find the right places to trance.

>> No.7231564

It's fine, I got it now.

>> No.7231565

It's cool that they're slow-moving but still decent danmaku because of the sheer volume there are. It's a nice break from other boss shots that just confuse you with speed.

>> No.7231566

microsoft.com retard.

>> No.7231567
File: 42 KB, 600x340, th13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happens when you rip the talisman off a jiangshi?

>> No.7231568

Goes insane or turns back into a normal corpse depending on who you're reading.

>> No.7231570

She starts hopping around crazily like a paralyzed rabbit with sugar rush

>> No.7231571

Still, I wish there was a little "safety radius" on your character where bullets wouldn't spawn (well, so long as you're not trying to hang out right in front of her).
It has been done before.

>> No.7231572

The last game that had only 4 shot types was EoSD. Lazy ZUN! Maybe there's unlockable shot types or something.

>> No.7231577

In terms of how complex the shots are, he did way more work on these than in EoSD.

>> No.7231579

She becomes the EX-boss

>> No.7231580

Most games don't have completely different focused and unfocused shot types.

>> No.7231582


EoSD also had some of the best spellcards in the series. So hopefully the stage 6 boss in Ten Desires will be as fun as lunatic Remi.

>> No.7231584

Other than Youmu's the rest are basically just: unfocused = wide range, focused = concentrated range. They're not *that* imaginative.

>> No.7231587

I don't think TD has a rank system though, so I don't think so.

>> No.7231588

No, but they're essentially 2 different shot types. No need for a separate homing and needle Reimu when you can have both at once.

>> No.7231591

Unfocused being more spread out than focused is standard across all touhou games.

My point is that apart from Youmu, the focused shot in Ten Desires is a distinctly different shot type to the unfocused shot.

In most of the other games the focused shot is the same as unfocused, just concentrated in a smaller area.

>> No.7231604

glue eater > dog girl

>> No.7231605

1cc'd this game already, this game really is easier.

Is there a soundtrack rip yet? I'm rally digging zombie girls bgm

>> No.7231627

Just stop playing it on easy/normal.

>> No.7231630

Hard mode is way easier than UFO or FW too.

>> No.7231634

It's precisely because I could beat it on normal when I've yet to do that with any other that I call it easy, personally.

>> No.7231636


Do it yourself, more intuitive than ever.

>> No.7231644

It's not "both at once". It's either homing while unfocused or needles while focused. I don't see why ZUN couldn't have just separated the two like usual.

Really, I think ZUN was just too lazy to come up with 2 different shots for Sanae and Youmu.

Sanae's shots aren't as distinctly different as Reimu's and Marisa's. Sanae's really looks like one style that's wide when unfocused and concentrated when focused.

>> No.7231653

More like stop being a stupid baby and play for score like you're supposed to.

>> No.7231654

How the fuck do I get more heart pieces in this game?

What the fuck do those glowing blue/green lights do?

How the fuck do I kill that zombie touhou during her last spell? I keep timing out.

>> No.7231656

Why do we need 8 damn shot types? Yeah more dialog is fun, but it's better to have 4 distinct and useful shots.

>> No.7231662

Hot damn. After a few tries, I finally got the hang of Youmu's shot. That slash kicks more ass than I thought, it just destroys bosses. Except for Miyako, I ended up healing her to half health during her first spellcard because I kept spamming slashes. I'll probably try out Hard/Lunatic too since there's not too much else to do when it comes to improvement yet.

>> No.7231664

Youmu? Her focused shot is the most original and different so far. If all the characters had the same-ish shot type except with just a different color and bullet shape, it wouldn't be as remarkable and kill the whole point of switching characters.

>> No.7231665

I only ever really needed homing when I was unfocused and needles when focused, for the most part.

>> No.7231680

hard/lunatic seems easy too if you play it only for the sake of survival

but once you start trying for a high score, it's actually somewhat suicidal

>> No.7231681

I hate the new art style and how everyone has their mouth wide open. OTOH, the way the music changes when you're in the spirit world makes it awesome.

>> No.7231684

You can get your point item value up to pretty ridiculous levels if you use trance during bosses spell cards.

Looks like this is going to be the new SA bombgrazing.

>> No.7231685

Oh gosh, this is a very helpful tool, maybe now I can finally get better sounding EoSD rips, thanks a bunch!

>> No.7231692

Get purple spirits

Green light is for bombs, blue's for points or the orin meter.

Eat IT before she does. (Get close to her)

>> No.7231702

>Eat IT before she does. (Get close to her)
surprised anyone even has to ask

looked pretty obvious that she was eating it and that you could eat it first

>> No.7231709


The TD demo is far easier on lunatic than the SA or UFO demos were.

>> No.7231723

This isn't even the actual demo like we'd used to get for the other games. That one is being sold later, so it might be much harder.

>> No.7231742

I see...one more question then...

What the fuck is that shit where I seem to go into some super mode when I die?

>> No.7231750


You go into a super mode when you die.

>> No.7231752

see the wiki link at the top of this thread?

click it already

>> No.7231755

Improved Death Rank 3

>> No.7231779

I wonder if the EX boss will go immune during a Trance, or not?

>> No.7231786

good point.
of course she will.

>> No.7231787
File: 49 KB, 365x348, thrilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, download finally finished.

Starting up the game was fine. The only thing I encountered was that Windows 7 changed the scheme to Basic, just like Fairy Wars. While the game was really easier than the previous games, it was still fun overall. Can't comment much on their shots except for Youmu's. With Touhou games, I just love going near enemies and shoot them down because I find it "thrilling", and having something like that while our hardworking gardener is focused is really fun for me.

For the music, I suppose it's "alright". On my first listen of the Stage 3 Boss' theme, I thought, "someone's DEFINITELY going to create some sort of Arabian arrange." After reading ZUN's note of it, my prediction is definitely going to come true, and I will love the "Arabian" arrange of this. I found Yuyuko's theme interesting as well.

Also, this spellcard is my new "thrill" while playing Touhou. It's really, really exciting for me as I stay inside that circle as it slowly gets smaller while dodging the bullets inside it . I just love that feeling.

>> No.7231788

Invulnerability while doing damage is what a bomb always did, so probably.

>> No.7231792

The more I play the demo the more I love this game. It's starting to hook me. I'm listening to the stage 1 and 2 themes while I take breaks.

>> No.7231796

Are there any parts in any stages where a trance will get you more point value than doing it during a boss? I can't find any so far.

>> No.7231805

Speaking of trance, I wanna listen to the trance remixes.

>> No.7231814

I don't think so, using trance during boss spell cards and sitting on them for the duration appears to be the best way to increase your point item value.

The drawback is pretty harsh though, you can't use trance to double up all of the live and bomb items you get during stages.

>> No.7231841

for the few that care, the game worked great on linux via Wine

>> No.7231848

Just got another kunai spawned on me, goddamnit zombiemoe.

>> No.7231855

I just noticed that bosses barely get scratched up when you beat them. They used to look like their clothes half exploded.

>> No.7231858

at first I was like: uh, this is too easy.. not a single death on first try (just normal though), and didn't even use bombs/trance

then I started trying to get a good score.. can't seem to stay alive anymore, fucking up everywhere

>> No.7231862

things are changing in Gensokyo. It is no longer socially acceptable to sexually assault your enemy after you've defeated them.

>> No.7231867

trying to boss graze is fun though, and all those crazy noises as the point items and the blue spirits come out only make it better.

>> No.7231869

It's just like UFO, you can either go complete the game and feel content or you can go for big scores with added challenge. I think it's great that ZUN managed to squeeze two different playstyles in one difficulty.

>> No.7231870

Why's the opening to this game some sort of Touhou hip hop instead of that normal piano thing that keeps getting remixed as the opening?

>> No.7231879

What? The piano melody is still there.

>> No.7231884

really cause all I hear is "phat beats"
does it start like 2 minutes in or something?

>> No.7231888

I'm really digging Yoshika's theme. It's pretty upbeat for a zombie's themesong.

>> No.7231891


I wouldn't say that. It takes a bit longer to get into the main theme than it usually does though. I actually like this mix after getting used to it.

>> No.7231916
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kore wa Zombie desu ka - 07v2 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.47_[2011.04.16_02.32.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zombie Magical girls

>> No.7231919

Yoshika is moe. Zombiemoe. "I'm not a movie. I'm a zombie!" after you beat her as Marisa.

>> No.7231921
File: 21 KB, 452x285, good girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll notice that just like how Reimu's sleeves would get progressively further detached, Sanae's hair is gradually going from well kept to sexhair

>> No.7231929 [SPOILER] 
File: 916 KB, 1002x1200, Haiyai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fast~

>> No.7231936

I think I can get 70m if I optimize better but I can't see myself getting 80. I don't know what the ceiling is for normal mode.

>> No.7231937

The portraits are super loli this time.

So much for the characters getting older each game.

>> No.7231939

Fuck yeah, Orin meter better catch on!

>> No.7231940

This system is weird, you can't really graze anything because you need to be up top shooting enemies as they appear. Some parts on higher modes do shoot a fuckload of bullets so they might work out better grazed. And I'm sure a Japanese man will figure out how to perfectly do both at once.

>> No.7231944

Should you force trance once per stage? And when are some of the best times to use it for scoring?

>> No.7231945

I really like the sound-effect of Marisa's magic missile. Reminds me of a slow autocannon.


>> No.7231948

I think her missiles in SA also had that sound effect.

>> No.7231949


holy shit

>> No.7231953

Marisa just went from awesome tier to meh tier.
Bring back those penetrating lasers, ZUN!

>> No.7231960

As I've been playing this, I've noticed that I've been extremely aggressive when it comes to defeating enemies, usually I tend to stay back when I play.

>> No.7231962

Also, I'm torn on the circular lifebar. While it enables better visibility of the boss's position, It's not really intuitive to see with lots of shit on the screen.

>> No.7231966


Everyone seems to be agreed that it's best to use it to sit on top of the boss and grab souls.

>> No.7231968


As a side note, this aggressiveness is really killing me. Gotta learn when to play it safe, although it's not exactly easy with Youmu.

>> No.7231969


Try playing as Youmu. Her charge/slash function for Focus is really fun to use.

>> No.7231974

Do it during spellcards that you can't milk easily. Like Kyouko's shrinking box/circle reflecto cards, or Yuyuko's one with the aimed red bullets. Yoshika's spirit eating spellcards don't drop spirits, so capture those. Her slashing one does, and if trancing that gives more than the spellcard bonus, you should do it (I don't know). There are no more point items afterward so it's not as clear.

You should also bomb during noncards that are hard to milk. Or ones that are easy, if you really need a full trance quickly.

One thing you can do is save up for a full trance, blow it on a spellcard, then bomb the noncard to fill 1 gauge and then die to activate it on the next one.

During stages the only place that stands out for a trance is I think in stage 2 right after the midboss a bunch of blue fairies rush in midway down the screen. If you can shoot them as they come in it's worth a few thousand point value. The red spirits at the end of stage 3 might be worth it too.

>> No.7231977

I am enjoying Yoshika's theme very much.

This is not fair.

>> No.7231978

Level 3 stage and boss music is pretty good.

>> No.7231979

All the boss crushing bothers me, but the system is fun to figure out. Presumably it will be less worthwhile to expend those on bosses later in the game. But I wish you got something cumulative for capturing spellcards.

>> No.7231984

Kogasa will be a joke character and will appear in every single future game as a midboss somewhere. Search your feelings, you know it's true.

>> No.7231986

Perhaps the pink and green spirits are only awarded if you capture a spellcard?

>> No.7232001

What's this one about?

>> No.7232002

If anyone's interested, TD BGM

>> No.7232003

The return of Mima.

>> No.7232005

being in trance mode apparently makes you fail the spell, but I still got my spirits

>> No.7232024

Still not as good as Hellsinker.

>> No.7232027


>> No.7232034
File: 13 KB, 189x364, 80sMiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a drawfag.
Reimu was just a stand in, Zun has revived Michael Jackson for TD.

>> No.7232037

>non penetrating lasers

>master spark deals zero damage or something (is this a bug)

Oh come on...

>> No.7232047
File: 42 KB, 212x223, Kogasalol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7232050
File: 480 KB, 900x900, yoshisuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yanagi.

>> No.7232054

It looks like there's a bunch of bugs atm.

Which isn't a surprise considering that the game isn't anywhere near finished.

>> No.7232057 [SPOILER] 
File: 348 KB, 600x600, 8fec0564c8b65adc5cf614c9418e1717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7232060

So are we going to have Kogasa randomly popping in every game now?

>> No.7232064




I wager some troublesome individual will make a return.

I doubt there's any secrets or anything,
say, in the graveyard behind the temple...

>Mima confirmed

>> No.7232065

How about a less biased opinion?

>> No.7232067

I would like that. Every game from now on, she shows up in a random stage as the mid-boss asking if she scared you this time.

>> No.7232071
File: 440 KB, 800x700, I can feel it in my bones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year it'll happen for sure, my bones have never ached so much!

>> No.7232095


Master Spark is doing damage for me. It's nothing spectacular, could use some power increase but that's about it.

>> No.7232100

But it's Elly's turn, not that legless monster's.

But damn, it's definitely looking like Mima's return.

But I keep thinking that she's referring to Yoshika.

>> No.7232101

A lot of complaints in that thread about how the hyper 'doesn't look right'. Strange criticism.

>> No.7232104

shmupfags expect wild shmups with explosions and tits, while touhou is about taking it easy.

>> No.7232114

They're talking about how it doesn't rape the screen with lasers like in Crimzon Clover.

>> No.7232118
File: 347 KB, 1024x768, 7937259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Kogasa. She asks you for help and you beat her up. So cruel...
On the plus side, she finally surprised someone! Yay!

>> No.7232126

I decided to try Youmu on Lunatic, but she's really tough to utilize there. Bosses will keep you far away, and it's pretty tough to get around their stuff unfocused or get close enough to slash them.

>> No.7232136

A lot of their criticisms are completely fair.
>For one, explosions from Marisa's missiles obfuscate everything at point-blank, making it impossible to tell if you're going to be hit by a bullet you won't be able to see.

Some of the people there are just huge faggots though. Such as this guy:

>moozooh> to activate the pathetic excuse of hyper Ten Desires uses, press the "trance button" once the spirit bar is filled and says "MAX".

>> No.7232150


The emhasis on pointblanking everything seems a litle weird, I agree. It turns doggirl's first spellcard, the easiest spellcard in all of touhou, into a beast if you're within her bullet barrier.

>> No.7232156

>Some of the people there are just huge faggots though.

Nearly all of them are. The overwhelming majority of the criticism is about there not being enough eyerape in trance mode, and I think maybe one of them mentioned the music.

>> No.7232158

If you diss the music, you're not a faggot, just mentally handicapped as well as tone deaf. Those people should be pitied not despised.

>> No.7232159

Touhou music sucks.

>> No.7232162


didn't ZUN make touhou because he disliked the kind of games the people there typically enjoy?

>> No.7232164
File: 270 KB, 600x562, 1302921886944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7232165

No, he made touhou as a place to shove his bland music.

>> No.7232166

doesn't look stupid enough.

>> No.7232168

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.7232172

I nearly squealed. Why is that pallor so moe?

>> No.7232174

So did anyone get how to not lose your power gauge when you enter Trance?

>> No.7232175

No. He made Touhou because he wanted to make games he personally enjoys.

Thus their success.

>> No.7232179

I like that part a lot. But I don't like how it rewards bombing and trancing bosses. A little bit of that is ok. But in this game it seems like you want to be doing that as much as possible.

I hope he tweaks something that shifts the rewards around. Like just lowering the spirit gen rate when point blanking a boss, and letting you activate at 1 full gauge.

>> No.7232181

don't you think that >implies he doesn't enjoy the other titles then?

>> No.7232187


>> No.7232188 [SPOILER] 
File: 379 KB, 800x1012, a78fc6e6b9693c17352c6882b886399c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZOMBIE-SEXY!!!!!!!! fapfapfap

>> No.7232190

>However, to narrow the scope to only danmaku shmups, I'm feeling a bit dissatisfied with the direction that it's currently headed. The main issues are the rapid inflation of difficulty, games that have only a lot of bullets, effects that are fancy and beautiful, but are not easy on the eyes; and games with new systems that don't require dodging bullets. That is my opinion.

Hm oops on that last one.

>> No.7232192

Of course, he wrote that 10 years ago..

>> No.7232194

they work quick

>> No.7232196

I thought ZUN liked Psikyo Shmups, which are pretty much the opposite of Touhou.

>> No.7232197
File: 81 KB, 550x441, windowsmode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isnt window mode working?
I cannot take it easy like this.
Also did ZUN just make the new game super easy?
This is the first time I CC a demo in my first time.
I used to get owned in SA and UFO demo in stage3 during my virgin run.
I am liking Marisa new shot with 4bent laser.

>> No.7232198

Not corpse-colored enough.

>> No.7232199
File: 1.00 MB, 512x512, Œˆ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now like alphes' art more than ZUN art.

>> No.7232203
File: 65 KB, 238x480, Th13Yoshika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her theme is the best theme in the new game now!

>> No.7232206

>easiest spellcard in all of touhou
The first time, I thought I would die if I touched the outside of the barriers. It was an interesting battle.

>> No.7232210

Since when can ZUN draw hands?

>> No.7232213

Holy shit, you're right.

Although really, it's just because the hands are an important part for her, so he wasn't lazy with them like he is every other time.

>> No.7232216

Still no elbows, though.

>> No.7232220
File: 603 KB, 1742x961, goof2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, Reimu only has 4 fingers

>> No.7232224


She's a war veteran, you don't want to know where she lost that pinky.

>> No.7232232

I think this is the only STG in history that's easier the more you try to score high

>> No.7232236

Play lunatic mode and say that again.

>> No.7232239
File: 685 KB, 640x479, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems really weird seeing how much effort he put into their shoes this time.

They aren't just wearing socks or formless blobs this time.

>> No.7232241

You'll still be bombing through 2/3 of the boss attacks.

>> No.7232247

No shit, Touhou is easy when you use all of your bombs.

>> No.7232261

Stage 6 boss is a necromancer touhou. Yuyuko is more like a lich and her powers are natural, this will be an actual necromancer. Calling now.

>> No.7232263

the star on the zombies hat.

what does it mean?

>> No.7232287

And that's how you get a high score in TD.

Of course you need to be up on the stages too. But here's my point: if you do the stages perfectly but don't bomb/trance the bosses into dust, your score will be shit compared with if you do.

>> No.7232292

And if stage 6 is a mega scoring stage like usual, that will probably only stop being more valuable than spellcard bonuses on the final boss.

>> No.7232329

Orin is a necromancer Touhou

>> No.7232334

TD Reimu kinda looks like a dude
you can't unsee it

>> No.7232339


Marisa is cute as ever.

>> No.7232345

Are my ears wrong or is the title theme not a remix of Theme of Eastern Story?

>> No.7232347

Listen longer

>> No.7232348

Shit, I didn't bother listening to it more than 30 seconds ... Theme of Eastern Story starts just after.

>> No.7232349

Sanae is lackluster because she has neither frills nor bows.

>> No.7232356

You gotta admit though, it's kinda jarring to hear dem beats instead of dat piano, especially when you're in such a hurry to play, you select your characters before it goes into the main theme.

>> No.7232378

Also, I absofuckinglutely love how Reimu looks on main menu.

And I'm VERY dissapointed whenever I see her In-game portrait

>> No.7232545

Someone make a new thread, please.
This one is sinking fast.

>> No.7233329

Reimu just looks awful.

>> No.7233390

Is it just me or does "Welcome to Youkai Temple" have absolutely no rhythm whatsoever? The rest of the songs seem decent so far but that stage 2 theme is just awful.

>> No.7233482

You gotta admit though that CC's hypers are infinitely infinitely more awesome than trances.

>> No.7233965

>he's never heard of a syncopated rhythm
