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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 1005x257, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7224457 No.7224457 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /jp/ so butthurt on small things?

>> No.7224462

I find that trying to raise my own stature by talking down to other people does fucking nothing on the internet. I just want to take it easy, so fuck ya'll and have a good night.

>> No.7224463

No, you're the one who's "butthurt" by that image, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered making this thread.

>> No.7224466
File: 33 KB, 640x480, are you frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224467

Because of asperger

>> No.7224469

obvious samefag

>> No.7224472

No you fucking idiot

>> No.7224473

thats an awesome post. I agree with him

>> No.7224480
File: 20 KB, 251x251, -----.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because /jp/ has nothing to talk about so the bored devolves into /a/random stuff like this

check'em faggots

>> No.7224501
File: 199 KB, 849x1202, proud chiruno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 0 = 27
>2 + 7 = 9
What is your name kid?
I believe you have some potential

>> No.7224504

That kind of normalfag elitism would be better off left at /v/. In fact, whoever wrote that probably came from /v/, since he says "babbies", which is currently a /v/ meme (yeah, I know it's from SA, but /v/ are the only ones on 4chan who use it).

I wonder if ZUN!bar wrote it. He used to write babby all the time, while pretending he himself was above the meme-spouting faggotry.

>> No.7224509

Considering that pasta came from /a/.
It is probably done by some faggots from /a/ to cause problem. Remember, they are the same people that come up with those stupid recommendation charts where else /jp/ only made nukige, wall of text and google charts.

>> No.7224515

It came from a drinking game thread.

It was fun up until this guy showed up.

>> No.7224517

I think the real question is, why do you care?
Sounds like a case of SuperTOLD.

>> No.7224519

but OP, it's true.

>> No.7224528

The digital root of his post is 9?

That means he can get out of /jp/!!!

>> No.7224535

Why not?

>> No.7224536

That was accurate 2 years ago. The user base right now overlaps to about 25% of /a/ population who go to /jp/ and a guessed 50% /jp/ population who visit /a/.

>> No.7224545

Where do you get these stats? I've seen plenty of posters here say they don't go on /a/ and aren't even interested in anime or manga. I'm also one of these people. I've also seen a lot of posters say they're not even interested in Touhou or VNs but they simply like the atmosphere of /jp/ and the posters.

>> No.7224563

Open up a thread in /a/ about "What boards beside /a/ do you visit?", count the answers.

Of course the same doesn't work on /jp/, so the latter is just a pure gut feeling. However, you have to consider, that those who post more than other people are not representative, so hearing a lot of people being elite about one board is probably no representative (considering the amount of /a/ visitors).

>> No.7224567

I think anyone who isn't a complete shitposter knows better than to reveal that they browse /a/, or engage in any posting habits or memes associated with /a/. In theory, everyone here could secretly be browsing /a/ once in a while. Or no one, beyond those who openly admit it. So it's impossible to tell, and any estimates will just be based on what you want to believe.

>> No.7224573

I jumbled my train of thought there. But basically you have to take into account, that people will act differently when on different boards.

>> No.7224587

This is pretty true. Though I like to tell /jp/-ers to install Gentoo once in a while.

>> No.7224626

That post was made with the deliberate intention to get people like you to go to visit /jp/.

It worked.

>> No.7224651


I've been here longer than you and /jp/ has pretty much always been a pile of shit with sprinkles of gold in it. We really need a hundred plus 'What would you /touhou waifu?' threads a day. Now it's even worse because retards come here begging for recs and trying to recruit people for their free MMOs

>> No.7224656


I don't know. Maybe it's because we're right, and everyone else is wrong.

>> No.7224662

That post was actually made on /jp/.
I'm pretty sure I was there when I saw it.

>> No.7224664

We used to have a lot less shit, and it didn't smell as bad as the shit we have today.

>> No.7224673

What's the point of this elitism? /jp/ is for Touhou and VNs. If you like those and don't behave like a retard, come in. If you don't, go to another board. Trying to make this more complicated than it is is stupid.

>> No.7224680

Yeah, all the overzealous board police really bring down the quality.

>> No.7224681

It's us trying to stop /jp/ from filling up with LOLCIRNOBAKAXD types of people.

>> No.7224684

But people who like Touhou are generally retarded.

>> No.7224717

I only come here for Touhou, and I'm a good poster.

>> No.7224730

You are an objectively shitty poster.

>> No.7224738
File: 147 KB, 391x517, sneer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Generally, /a/ looks to each other for approval of things, while /jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality

>> No.7224739


People who like Touhou (etc) are generally pants-on-head retarded. Keeping a barrier up against such people is the only way to protect /jp/ as a safe haven away from them. Trust me, if you only had the alternatives at hand you'd appreciate this place a lot more. There really aren't many places - if any - where you can discuss this stuff in the way we do here.

Don't like it? There's a million other sites that offer the friendly emoticon-filled faggotry you're after. Go.

>> No.7224749

>>/jp/ is where the true oldfags reside
I wonder if that's true. Myself, I've been visiting regularly since late 2004.

>> No.7224753

Yet you still use two ">" to quote?

>> No.7224760

Nothing is actually worth discussing on /jp/ anymore except from the latest Touhou game or VN thread. Everything else should and will get saged and reported.

Like this idiot.

>> No.7224770

>People who like Touhou (etc) are generally pants-on-head retarded. Keeping a barrier up against such people is the only way to protect /jp/ as a safe haven away from them
Agreed, 2hu shitposters need to get out /jp/ and go back to pooshlmer or shrinemaiden.

>> No.7224774
File: 153 KB, 730x537, north-korea-is-best-korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obviously 100% true and we're obviously the best board in the world right. I mean all the other board suck and are full of shitposts and spam. We are devoid of it we visit the perfect board where everyone contributes and everyone is super friendly. We're so old that we know watched every single anime and read every manga, we don't need them translated we're /jp/ not only do we read otaku material in japanese we actually make it!

>> No.7224780


>> No.7224806

>Generally, /a/ looks to each other for approval of things, while /jp/ looks inward at itself instead of relies on a hivemind mentality
This is actually true.
Countless, "I am from /a/, please recommend me eroge/VN/music/manga/anime/touhou" threads.
It is like they cant decide for themselves if it is good and need approval from someone to tell them that the game is good and you get a medal for finally playing it.
It is fucking retarded.

While in /jp/, which I find pretty ironic and is the correct response in getting other faggots away from the addictive and destructive /jp/ hobbies insult and badmouth the eroge/touhous that they secretly love so much.

>> No.7224815

I even have a better idea. Permaban stupid stereotype pricks like you, and /jp will be off better. I dare to bet my fingers.

>> No.7224818

Who gives a shit, it's not like you sperglords arguing between each other about pointless shit will achieve anything except waste your time.
Reported for meta shit.

>> No.7224821

I'll match your bet and raise you my dick.

>> No.7224826

You seem visibly upset.
Did you step on /jp/ elitism landmines? Which landmines did you land on?
Recommendation threads?
Thinking /jp/ is a Japan loving land?

>> No.7224827

Your microscopic dick ain't worth a shit, kid. You fold.

>> No.7224829
File: 74 KB, 1020x759, 1299132368542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Reposts, Daily Doses, Frivolous Reports, and Aspergers

>> No.7224832


Wait, so you're saying you want to keep Touhou fans out of /jp/? Do you realize what you're saying? This board was practically made for Touhou.

>> No.7224839

You seem to trolling anon. How about getting reported ?

>> No.7224841

It is pretty obvious that they are implying that all secondaryfags need to get the fuck out.
You know the people that go BAKABAKABAKABAKA over cirno perfect math class and people that spam youtube with stale apple and go PAD PADPADPAD SLUT SLUT SLUT.

>> No.7224844

/jp/ is the best board on 4chan, however finding an interest in the subject matter is considered to be disgusting and shun worthy therefore it, and its users are hated thoroughly.

It also doesn't help that all the pedants of 4chan reside here.

>> No.7224852
File: 32 KB, 512x341, 1299091614666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ is the best board on 4chan

>> No.7224858

Don't forget those who participate in "Which Touhou" threads.

>> No.7224859

Those kinds aren't worse than those anon who easily frustrated like you. Therefore you should put yourself in the 'must be banned' category as well.

>> No.7224863
File: 49 KB, 720x480, 1293945154449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the worst boards on 4chan. Fact. This shitpile of a board has absolutely no meaning. All the subjects on this board can be discussed elsewhere and the people here are just so incredibly cynical, jaded, and completely autismal that they can't have any fun here.

Buncha faggots.

>> No.7224869
File: 65 KB, 424x358, 1302462127828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never understood what was so funny about cirno's perfect math class.

>> No.7224870


It is indisputable that if the current userbase on /jp/ was switched with the userbase of /v/ for example, /v/ would end up being a much better board thus turning /jp/ into a shitstorm of off-topic garbage with no order.

The only issue here is what the denizens of /jp/ take interest in; typically manchild asperger weaboo shit.


>> No.7224872

Again, why do you sound so visibly upset from the tone of your post?
Are you a reformed secondary? Upset that my post reminded you of your shameful past?

>> No.7224873

>the people here are just so incredibly cynical, jaded, and completely autismal

Exact reason why I come here.

>> No.7224877

Which is exactly why I can sit back and enjoy watching all of you go off on each other.

>> No.7224878


See, this is why /jp/ is so damn good and the best board on 4chan. Usually, other boards are infested with this kind of faggot, the one that insists they accept his unrelated, meme-spewing kind, yet /jp/ stands against this and makes people like this mad, as you can see from that post. I'd be heartbroken if /jp/ were to ever change.

>> No.7224879

>sound so visibly upset from the tone of your post?
When a people spend 90% of their life in an internet board, you too can be as an expert like this user.

>> No.7224887


You sure told him, pal.

>> No.7224890

Cool your head, relax and take it easy my friend.
You are making so many grammatical errors.

>> No.7224894

>It is indisputable

How's that reverse trolling working out for you poser?

>> No.7224897

Is the mongoloid part supposed to be an insult? This confuses me.

>> No.7224898

Took it as compliment.

>> No.7224899


Sorry, I believe you have mistaken me for someone who frequents /jp/ often or perhaps has just started recently. I should inform you that you're wrong on both occasions, and to stop being such a daft faggot.

>> No.7224907


I don't think that's possible, with your posts you've shown you're much too retarded to be a frequent /jp/ user.

>> No.7224910

>65 posts
Just stop posting, all of you.

>> No.7224911
File: 2.36 MB, 3129x3084, 1297269195101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7224916

>mistaken me for someone who frequents /jp/ often
I dont think he is frequent lurker.
Judging from his post, he seems like a typical /v/ faggot that want to discuss vidya but /v/ is too retarded even for his standard. He is probably one of those faggot that participate in offtopic jrpg and mmo threads.

>> No.7224918

What's worse than having troll and spammer in a thread?

Having grammar nazi, elitist, troll, and spammer in a thread.

>> No.7224919
File: 669 KB, 800x800, 1301168343907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right I forgot.

>> No.7224921


Interesting opinion.

>> No.7224925


>I don't think

Oh, I can tell from the disdain and sarcasm in your post that you don't much to begin with.


I frequent /v/ however I don't ever find myself opening threads lately of any topic with great intent to enjoy discussing it with other people.

I find this solace on here from time to time and /mu/, and sometimes on /sp/ as well.

>> No.7224928
File: 98 KB, 1180x710, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224929


I'm seriously debating whether to actually reply to you, but it's really not necessary. You're kind of winning the argument against yourself.

>> No.7224932

What's the problem here?

>> No.7224933

I chuckled

>> No.7224934



How many /jp/sies go on /sp/?

>> No.7224937

Suigin's trolls always make me chuckle.

>> No.7224941

>much too retarded to be a frequent /jp/ user.

what a confusing statement.

>> No.7224944


>You're kind of winning the argument against yourself

Would you consider me insane if I told you I set out to do that? I didn't come into this thread looking for an argument. I just wanted to shed a bit of light on why people hate you guys so much.


I would assume not many, as most of the users on /sp/ are halfwits, however I stay because I enjoy sports greatly.

>> No.7224945
File: 44 KB, 768x576, sabre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>78 posts and 12 image replies omitted.

>> No.7224942 [DELETED] 

You are insinuating that grammar nazis and elitists are bad.
I for one do not have these undesirables >>7224911 to come here.

>> No.7224949

You are insinuating that grammar nazis and elitists are bad.
I for one do not want these undesirables >>7224911 to come here.

>why people hate you guys so much
Mission successful. Most people do not come to 4chan to find acceptance, friends or love.

>> No.7224951

every board is inherently shit because the human race is shit. you are all fucking dumb for thinking otherwise.

>> No.7224953

My god, just how autistic you need to be to make such charts.

>> No.7224956

Please stop.

>> No.7224967

>every board is inherently shit because the human race is shit
that's some highschool-level philosophy right there.

>> No.7224972

grammar nazis always derail a discussion with redundant and unproductive comments. And most of the time insinuating to fight even. You can find the proof everywhere in life.\
"See, I believe his son is the murderer because he forgets to..."
"Ah ah ah, use "was." Past tense. Gosh, sometimes your imperfect grammar driving me nuts."

and elitists... Well, sometimes they are good in providing information. But then, they are always the one to cast the first stone of bickering.

Care to enlighten me how these types are pleasant to have around?

>> No.7224975

But I agree with you that this >>7224911 lowlife should be permanently banned though.

>> No.7224980

I never thought otherwise.

>> No.7224981

yes, i knew this concept you still don't know when i was in high school.

>> No.7224992

/jp/ sure doesn't know when to stfu.

>> No.7224997

ikr lol fml

>> No.7225005


"Grammar nazis" on 4chan never, ever make posts like the example you provided. You know why? Because the very term "grammar nazi" was invented by retards who can't type and get incredibly mad when their stupidity is called out. Making your foe look like the bad guy is the oldest trick in the goddamn book, but anyone with half a brain knows that people complaining about "grammar nazis" are actually at fault.

The case with "elitists" is very similar. The fact is that "elitists" do not exist; however, people who need to lurk more do. Idiots who know nothing about a certain subjects will bitch and moan when they're told to do so and paint those who called them out as "elitists".

>> No.7225014

See >>7224911
It is either elitism or >>7224911
And how often do you see grammar nazis anyway? Usually it is used to poke at people getting so mad that they forgot how to type like >>7224879 and >>7224859.

>> No.7225016 [DELETED] 

You know what's funny? When people actually try to contribute something of value, not to mention when people actually DO contribute something of value, it goes almost completely ignored relative to this thread.

Then you get utterly worthless trash like this - which is just an opportunity for people to bitch and whine about the board - and suddenly

>92 posts and 13 image replies omitted.

What's the chances that the people who piss and moan about /jp/ the most are the ones who never actually start any decent threads themselves? Pretty high I'd guess.

stupid, stupid thread jesus just don't shut up and don't post after this

>> No.7225024

You know what's funny? When people actually try to contribute something of value, not to mention when people actually DO contribute something of value, it goes almost completely ignored relative to this thread.

Then you get utterly worthless trash like this - which is just an opportunity for people to bitch and whine about the board - and suddenly

>92 posts and 13 image replies omitted.

And I mean literally, this thread contributes NOTHING at all but pointless bickering that you'll forget about tomorrow anyway. But you'd apparently rather spend your time with that than taking part in threads that are actually important.

What's the chances that the people who piss and moan about /jp/ the most are the ones who never actually start any decent threads themselves? Pretty high I'd guess.

stupid, stupid thread jesus just sshut up and don't post after this

>> No.7225025


>Idiots who know nothing about a certain subjects will bitch and moan when they're told to do so and paint those who called them out as "elitists".

This x1000.

>> No.7225026

Yeah... Someone tries to correct a person and all they do is get frustrated and insult back, even if the correction was made with good intent.

Not being natively English myself I like being corrected when I make a mistake, since I'll always learn something with it.

>> No.7225028
File: 141 KB, 850x637, lol u tk him 2 da bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>> No.7225034


Yes I can see your point, however it is rather infuriating when these pedants correct something that is technically a grammatically incorrect statement, which everyone already understood to begin with and is simply correcting it for the sake of being a pedant.

it is also quite annoying when they claim rather disingenuously that they corrected you for 'clarity'.

>> No.7225035


>contribute something of value
>goes almost completely ignored

If it was something people found valuable it wouldn't be ignored.

>> No.7225039

It's never productive to derail a whole discussion over a typo or because someone misspelled something. Or to put it simply: Learn when to speak, and when to hold your tongue.

>> No.7225042

>Why is /jp/ so butthurt on small things?
>100 posts and 13 image replies omitted.
You fucking faggots! Never change fucking retards.

>> No.7225047


More to the point; Learn to only correct something if it actually is simply impossible to read, and hold your tongue if someones uses a bit of wording that is very subtly grammatically incorrect, yet still completely understandable.

>> No.7225049

Only about 20% of the thread is about /jp/ fatboy.

>> No.7225065

I dont see the problem. If you make a mistake, prepare to get insulted/told for it. No need to be angry and try to counter insult someone that is correcting you.
For fuck sake, this is the internet and 4chan not carebear land where everyone is nice and the land is full of bubbles and sparkles.

I am sensing that a lot of the new peoples in 4chan now have zero tolerance and are too thin skinned to take insults when they are in the wrong.

>> No.7225066

You took the word out of my mind.

Continually, if I were the mod, my first amendment would be to ban those trolling grammar nazi.

>> No.7225069

It's common kopipe on /jp/.

Also, this thread is filled to the brim with buttmad and hrut feling.

>> No.7225071

Like your apathy post, retard?

>> No.7225073

Exhibit A.
A short post with a low level insult reply with no argument or counter points to my post.

Thanks for making me look right.

>> No.7225074


awesome, someone actually screencaping my wall of texts on the right.

>> No.7225081

And thank you for proving my point by ignoring the "apathy" part, and completely unable to decipher relations between the context of the word and your post.


>> No.7225083


What exactly is wrong with apathy? We can't all be raging emotional drama queens like you and get mad over every little thing on the internet, you know.

>> No.7225084

Emotional and social activity in /jp/?
I really dont like to throw insult but are you really stupid?

>> No.7225088

Are you two in the same wavelength with people having a discussion, or do you have metal disability so you can only follow your own agenda?

>> No.7225090

Again. It's not that someone didn't make a mistake. It's whether it's worth starting a potential flamewar just to correct it. A typo or misspelt word? Not really. An emoticon? Maybe. lol me a leat haxxor? Yes.

>> No.7225094


>I don't see the problem

It isn't really a problem as it is a 'why are you being such a pedantic fuck instead of tickling people with your language just for the sake of it?'...thing.

For example, if you find it okay to correct someone on the internet for using the term 'infer' when they should have used the term 'imply' in order for their sentence to be grammatically correct, you are a massive faggot and should be burned alive.

The point is, save your grievance for people who deserve it; mainly for people hu typ lik dis nigga.

>> No.7225096

We should all learn to be cheery like "iluvOP, wtH, Hong, etc.

/jp/ is a place of taking it easy, and yayifications.

>> No.7225097


Are you so mad and stupid that you can do nothing but insult anyone that dares say anything back to you? Are you even old enough to be browsing 4chan?

>> No.7225109

hurt feelings report forms for everyone

>> No.7225117

>metal disability
Are you so mad that you cant spell?
You are the one that is spewing insults in every posts that you made. Perhaps you need to go outside take a smoke, sip a tea and cool your head.

>For example, if you find it okay to correct someone on the internet for using the term 'infer' when they should have used the term 'imply' in order for their sentence to be grammatically correct, you are a massive faggot and should be burned alive.
Your example is not something that you will see in 4chan.
Go to easymodo and find me post with these kind of scenario if you can.

>> No.7225120

See>>7225090 >>7225094
Can't take correction even though you are in the wrong? What's with the zero tolerance, hmm?

>> No.7225122

See>>7225090 >>7225094
Can't take correction even though you are in the wrong? What's with the zero tolerance, hmm?

>> No.7225128


I'm not in the wrong. I said there are no people on 4chan that will start a flame war if you make a single spelling mistake. You said that it's right for people to call out on someone who types like a retard, so you're agreeing with me. The argument is over.

>> No.7225129


Is this that wtH fellow with some kind of new posting gimmick or what? He seemed pretty mad when that mod banned him yesterday.

>> No.7225132


I think you missed my point a bit. I wasn't giving an example that happens often here on 4chan, I was just merely stating that if you find it okay to make little corrections like that for the sake of clarity, you need to be killed.

>> No.7225133

Probably the ryan dude.

>> No.7225136

>make little corrections like that for the sake of clarity
And my point is this never and rarely happened in 4chan.
Go read through the 7million posts in easymodo, I bet you cant even find 1.

>> No.7225139

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>> No.7225148

Typical. No one would ever admit they are wrong in /jp. And
>You said that it's right for people to call out on someone who types like a retard, so you're agreeing with me.
Are you on drugs? I disagree with you. In fact, I am disgusted to know people like you.

Not them anon. I am me.

>> No.7225155


Just go to bed, Ryan.

>> No.7225160

Not until you finish your homework, Jerry.

>> No.7225167


>this never and rarely happened
>never and rarely


How annoying is that? I understood what you said, yet I still corrected you; however that mistake isn't a grammatical one as much as it is a paradox.

Anyway, people on here correct others for using the wrong usage of 'your' and 'you're' CONSTANTLY despite knowing exactly what they mean always; so the thought that little corrections don't occur on 4chan doesn't hold water.

Also, please do not complain that 'your' and 'you're' is a much bigger mistake that misusing 'infer' and 'imply' as that is simply an opinion derived differently from person to person depending on their own personal intelligence level.

>> No.7225179
File: 111 KB, 503x700, 1265413500578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we all stop posting in this stupid thread?

>> No.7225232

Amazing, you got your wish.
