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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 616 KB, 1200x640, 5170211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7186311 No.7186311 [Reply] [Original]

Cosmic Break thread

Previous thread >>7165036

Nicole Malice this week
Coney Sheriff in CBJP
Aquila and Mighty Byne girls coming sometime in CBJP with art by Wakaba

>> No.7186349
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So many moebots, so little time to imagine raping and impregnating them all.

>> No.7186423
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Poor Crim. Getting left in the dust and forgotten about.

>> No.7186442
File: 262 KB, 640x480, ScreenShot_20110330_1658_36_375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Nicole in JPCB is 80RT with unlocked parts and two slots.

Think we will be getting the same?

>> No.7186726

Garapon only, all parts locked, 1 slot.

GMs said so last night.

>> No.7186783
File: 514 KB, 938x784, aquilaGirl + ByneGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every ounce of my want.

>> No.7186786

that makes me sad.

>> No.7186960

Where you listening to the same radio show I was?

They said she would be in the shop. That's all that was said about her. Nothing about slots or parts.

>> No.7187045

I bet they're going to have that abdomen ring that the current fangirls have that they rotate with.

>> No.7187048

I prefer to call it their power belt.

>> No.7187070

I prefer to call it an unsightly piece of shit that ruins them, and will make or break me spending money on these new ones.

>> No.7187086

She's not a premium bot, so I don't see why we wouldn't. The real question is whether she's 80 Rt or 40 Rt.

She obviusly is carrying the Aquila blaster but I hope she at least has the Aquila Mk2 stats. A stock Aquila is tricky to fly because of the low TGH.

>> No.7187090


>> No.7187120

You know what I want to see? Robot versions of the moebots. Crim, Lily, Ouka, Izuna, Windberry, that one girl with the sound I don't remember... all as actual bulky bots.

>> No.7187132

the fangirls all have pretty crappy stats and it looks like her leg boosters will be locked. aside from destructor girl they're pretty much novelty robots for fans who like moebots over regular ones.

>> No.7187145

Beezle girl, Frog Lander girl, Tarantulic girl. Oh god yes. Make it happen CB!

>> No.7187192

am i the only one who wants a regular sized Koko that can summon Gaap as a wonderbit?

>> No.7187195

>a regular sized Koko
Just leave it at that and I'm all for it.

>> No.7187218

No you're not. I don't understand why we've never been given Koko, Gaap, or whomever that harpy is.

Quit giving us cowgirls and more moe versions of bots and give us Koko, Gaap, and that harpy.

>> No.7187406
File: 316 KB, 1281x1027, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww man, does this mean I actually have to play this now?

>> No.7187822


>> No.7188557 [DELETED] 

I expected as much for Flandyrll to whine about DOS = orcs . Bitch keeps hounding me.

>> No.7188581

Fuck off, we dont give a shit and bring your shit back to commu.

>> No.7188672

>How much have you Charged ?

>about.... $38,000 I just have to get everything, and cosmic break sure knows how to squeeze it out of me D: no big deal though, i make about $20,000 a month anyway and got tons saved away.

If this actually is true... this game is never going to die.

>> No.7188694
File: 415 KB, 960x768, mistyhollow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why noone never told me about mitsy's overpowerness? GOD, she's the perfect anti-eve/art/mbair bot.

>> No.7188711
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>Thirty-eight thousand U.S. Dollars

>> No.7188718

I told everyone that mattered.
How you heard about it, I'll never know.

>> No.7188740
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How is this even possible?

>> No.7188742

go to bed vyolets

>> No.7188907

Nice trashcan Rynex.

>> No.7188909
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>> No.7189010
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i dont think its all on one account

>> No.7189216

I'm more interested in the multiple people who have already charged more than $1000. The game hasn't even been out six months yet!

>> No.7189245
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It's business, i ain't gonna explain shit!

>> No.7189272

There are people that spend that much monthly on Farmville. How can you possibly be surprised?

>> No.7189293




>> No.7189335

i've spent $20 and i'm doing ok against autists and other rt fags

>> No.7189364

>hotglue wins tourney
one of these is false

>> No.7189413

I've probably grinded at least $100 from surveys, installs, and free trials.

>> No.7189424
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we had a few payfags (EVE, patty lops, assraider) and put the autists to play on the payfags accounts.

I do pretty well without any RT stuff, but that's because I'm the princess and everyone else just sucks compared to me.

The only non-RT thing that's *competetive* are hoppers.

>> No.7189550

Most of your matches are filled with people without skill though.

>> No.7189677
File: 405 KB, 640x480, Miako dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah, im right there with you

>> No.7189893
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Maril tits ares underrated as fuck, soo feels fanarts that feels bad.

>> No.7189907
File: 112 KB, 400x300, 1300560860793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem tits be bitchin, swinsuit maril fucking when

>> No.7189912


Get the fuck out, go back to /commu/, idiots.

>> No.7190106
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Meanwhile at WIZ vs. DOS room...

>> No.7190170

There was talk about a RT item trading system in the radio show, but it was very brief.

Chances are CS wants to limit it to UC items so they can keep the caviar in stock and force players to blow next months food money on parts. UC parts can be gotten by anyone with the right amount of farming or grinding.

Now, CS makes no money in UC trading.

What about bringing RT trading into the game for a single day and charge players RT to trade RT items to each other.

Say Player A wants an arm from a garapon bot and Player B want's a leg from Player A. Player A pays an RT fee (or both pay, I don't care) to start the trade and they both get the parts they want for fee.

Everyone wins. CS gets money and players are happy.

Say trades are 100RT for the sake of easy math. I know that each and every player in this game wants something they can't easily get. I also know some will spent nearly anything to be guaranteed that thing gets in their inventory.

Say 100 players want to trade, that's 10,000RT in income.

And keep in mind that these players will more then likely be trading more then once, chances are they will want at least 3 items.

>> No.7190210

Or better yet, a bot trading system.

Same deal, costs RT to trade. It's not like high powered bots are going to be at risk because I don't know anyone who would want to trade an EVE for anything. Chances are it would just be for trading moebots with various hair color or different versions of bots.

>> No.7190405

I like how there's 12 WIZ there to kill one lonely Jikun and the WINBERRL is the one that's getting pwnd.

>> No.7190416

Only BoyTitan would trade out an EVE or Pattylop for something else, like a Genbura

>> No.7190462 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 1366x768, FUCK_YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky as HELL i am

>> No.7190467
File: 210 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100922_0051_57_796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ here. Miss the beta time when we had a blast killing with LOYALTY and you guys through the arena's.

>> No.7190468 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 627x362, Kamui_Staff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky as HELL i am
*don't massdefame me

>> No.7190471

dont lump me in there with those other two faggots i was only saying how i am getting rt and not paying a cent.

>> No.7190501

What is the point of paying rt if you are going to trade. its the same as just buying the fucking part with rt from the shop and there would be no difference. even if it is for a single day that is a stupid idea.

>> No.7190652

Garapon bots where some losers have dumped hundreds just to get certain bots, like BOOF's friend who wasted $500 trying to get Lily Rain EVE.

>> No.7190771
File: 229 KB, 920x770, 7b477dae7e09b09061ca9b01b45def84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe Mecha Action Bumpo!

>> No.7190804
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>> No.7190950

I miss using all my ammo trying to kill that faggot zombie

>> No.7191300

Sui you never talk with us anymore. So sad.

>> No.7191493 [DELETED] 
File: 432 KB, 994x446, loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Loy/a/lty...now gone but will never forgotten...

>> No.7191497
File: 432 KB, 994x446, loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Loy/a/lty...gone but never forgotten...

>> No.7191581

The whole point of no trading is to limit the arms race. If unwanted garapon items could be traded, UC players would be even more fucked than they are now.

>> No.7191697
File: 581 KB, 1280x1024, ScreenShot_20110405_2245_21_196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, got this thing out of a Lotto Cube, pretty adorable.

>> No.7191698

The hat, I mean

>> No.7191750

And that's the exact reason why Rt trading is never going to happen. For every 10 people willing to shell out 10 bucks for a "trading license" item or whatever, there's going to be at least one guy who would willingly roll thousands of dollars worth of Garapon for a single part that he wants, but will opt to trade for the part instead if trading is enabled.

>> No.7192648

I got the mini version of that hat.

>> No.7193148


>> No.7193159
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>> No.7193167
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With that much autism into the game, he deserves to have a bot modeled after him/his ideal waifu as a reward.

>> No.7193173

The BD comes with the ability "Infinite Motivation". It pretty much gives him unlimited boost gauge so he can keep on going, just like his autism.

>> No.7193183

hero dies.. eventually

>> No.7193198
File: 16 KB, 171x300, Ribbon-171x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7193228

It's pretty hilarious that everyone thinks seven people were playing Kanbara's account when it reality it was just Florette and Minamitsu occasionally logging in to make builds and not grinding at all.

>> No.7193269

I salute you Kanbara

>> No.7193327

Accusing Kanbara of account sharing and RT whoring. CB pubs prove how horrible they are by having to make up reasons why he's so much better than them.

>> No.7193793

last I checked that crown didn't make Kanbara "better" than any other butthurt hopping autist


>> No.7193993


>> No.7194008

You eventually had 1000S of pictures and some doujins of jakuri.

>> No.7194056


yeah let me think ... no. Eve is the faggiest of all faggiest bots. The fact that Kanbara did so good against one that's likely tuned to high heaven for fly and flits around like a bitch is pretty awesome.

>> No.7194101

because eve sure can fly in that closed map, right?

>> No.7194743

is today the last day for pattylop? I don't think I'm going to spend $30 like I originally intended but maybe $15 or so

>> No.7194793



>> No.7194798
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>> No.7194830

It's actually the other way around. Chances are good that Wahaha is controlling at least 7 different accounts.

It's still nothing compared to ECO though, where he was pretty much half of the characters on the server.

>> No.7194837

Is OPs picture some kind of reference to the Magus Sisters?

>> No.7194927
File: 70 KB, 346x229, 1298940529626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanbara claims to quit after achieving crown.
>Kanbara still online playing addictively.
>Kanbara is a hypocrite/lie.

>> No.7194953

Nobody quits CB. CB has grown into an unstoppable parasitic force that has already claimed each and every one of us as it's host. It's a parasite with no cure and it knows no fear. It eats money and shits moe. Once you are infected the only way out is death.

Nobody quits it.

>> No.7194960

I'm led to believe that you are making a gross exaggeration, as I played it for around 4 hours before completely losing interest.

>> No.7194973

One of us.

>> No.7194998
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But I said I'd quit or go casual a week after Crown.

I'm also waiting for people to get home/online to play some loligolfan. If you want to play, do tell. I'm just too lazy right now to go grind idECO alone.

Anyway, I'm quite relieved. Now I can take it easy, enjoy the Marils I have and the one I got from the [Ro] Cube for Crown and maybe go back to my village, marry my childhood friend and start a family.

>> No.7195012
File: 251 KB, 500x563, atfirst (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to my village, marry my childhood friend and start a family

>> No.7195020


>> No.7195024

You propaganda-spreading liar. One does not "play" through loligolf, they suffer through it.

The only fun had in that simulation is had by the program itself, which feasts upon your anguish.

>> No.7195028
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110309_0711_02_911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated?

>> No.7195087


>> No.7195178

is there an easy survey I can do to get 5rt? I tried the bing thing but it said I need ie7 and I don't want to go through the trouble of updating.

>> No.7195402

Are you that Kanabara faggot everyone is talking about? What is so special about a crown? does it do anything? is it an actual hat or is it just some achivement thing?

>> No.7195423

Look for ones worth about 8-15 Rt, they're pretty easy. Ones that are worth more tend to disqualify you and you get laughingsluts.jpg

>> No.7195434 [DELETED] 

Which bit is better, the Sword Axe bit or the Dual Lancer bit. This is on a V.Fencer.

>> No.7195511

Usually on fencer I use dual spike bit to fight stun other melee attacking me, and no bits on everything else since I don't want toughness kicking in when hitting things with the main sword.

>> No.7195566

>tune up materials
>needle mole
>tune up materials
>phoenix rod
>maril march trill

welp I quit. it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.7195580

I am new to this what are you talking about

>> No.7195587

Suzaku BSx2 + BD + Pacifar Arms + arm guns = alpha rape

>> No.7195732

you just read a detailed transcript of CyberStep sucking rent money out of anonymous' wallet at maximum trolling speed

>> No.7195819 [DELETED] 

Lop Gara 2 x10:

Pheonix Rod
Slot protector
Patty Lop
Slot Protector

u mad?

>> No.7195824

>It eats money and shits moe

I am ok with this

>> No.7195857

Nicole malice tomorrow.

Is your wallet ready?

>> No.7195869 [DELETED] 

C21 is also tomorrow also isn't it?

>> No.7195895


>> No.7195912

A dull week in CB JP. No new releases but some bug with the Albatreos main weapon targeting was fixed.

>> No.7196113
File: 27 KB, 317x345, swordwing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in JPCB gara.

>> No.7196251
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Mean while at DOS....

>> No.7196257


Why does CB have to add my favorite boss in miniature form to garapon!?!??!?!!??!

I have no money to spend on this game goddamn it!

>> No.7196315

Bleh, a Sword Wing with a pretty booster. The fly stat is better but it's still just a crappy little Sword Wing.

>> No.7196373
File: 469 KB, 773x781, doingitwrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flaming wings can look nice on some bots. Unfortunately, this is not one of them.

>> No.7196386
File: 895 KB, 1230x686, 297-e382a2e382b8e382a71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, AJ won the skin contest for moebot category.

I wish they made weapons skinnable already.

>> No.7196400
File: 211 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101228_1855_27_139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a skinning contest? I should have entered my thongrose

>> No.7196408


That's just an old crim skin by reena tough.

>> No.7196442
File: 879 KB, 1000x900, img_cache_tc_499379_3_1299406029_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the JP server, yeah.


>> No.7196479

Is that something from Blame?

>> No.7196559
File: 107 KB, 720x540, 217778_153789101350657_100001587041361_351095_4807821_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that night, at DOS

>> No.7196751


where can one download awesome skins such as these?

>> No.7196772

Scour the CB fanforum, they have a few worth looking at, http://cosmicbreak.forumotion.com/f12-skins
The nice stuff is found here http://www.cosmicbreak.com/commu/?m=pc&a=page_c_home&target_c_commu_id=6

>> No.7196843
File: 120 KB, 656x377, ALL_MY_RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7196857

Holy fuck

Repair Bit

Probably better than all those shitty 30% HP recover items and shell regain

>> No.7196901

News about today's update:
Volca Sword Wing, Garuda and ANCIENTO ZOOKA at weekly gara; Lop garas are alive and well; Nicole Malice for 80 rt; NEW UC GARAPONS 1 AND 2: Nicole Malice at UC gara 1 and a shitload of new acc in both garas.

>> No.7196919
File: 356 KB, 1019x764, SCORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7196932



>> No.7196944


>> No.7197036

3slot Grandum BS, finally.

Time to make a Boytitan-esque monster.

>> No.7197049

The skins look nice but it looks like crap from a distance. It is too detailed.

Also is it possible to reskin hair color?

>> No.7197058

I love the captions for these, the sound like a 9-year-old ranting about their favorite superhero.

>> No.7197091
File: 77 KB, 375x376, 1277958885029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>650 rt into garapon and still no volca wings

>> No.7197187

Silence, infidel


I don't know if he has all of them on the Us account.

>> No.7197204

>We've added a rank limitation to Epoch mode. You must now be Steel Hero (rhombus rank) or higher in order to play Epoch.

CyberStep actually trying to improve the game?

>> No.7197259
File: 41 KB, 291x536, hang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1150 RT into garapon and still no volca.

>> No.7197273 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 800x600, blown_away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sky in WIZ has a brown nicole and he's wondering why no one is coming upclose to him when he's trying to show off.

>> No.7197288

Spent 80 rt for two rolls on weekly gara just to get an Ignition sword and fucking tune up set. It's pretty cool on blazed baron I guess, managed to get 73 damage off it when it's on fire.

It removes the burning status when you attack with it, giving only one special attack. It's range is pretty okay, but I'd rather have it doing multiple special attacks when I'm burning then having it to charge manually.

>> No.7197293

so ive seen a lot of Cosmic Break on /jp/ so i thaught i'd give it a try, while the cliant is downloading does anyone have any tips for a newbie? also does /jp/ play on a particular server?

>> No.7197354

In the ARENA, stay in the circle rank rooms at the bottom of the room list at first. If you go into the other rooms, you will be obliterated by experienced players with better equipment. Your primary goal in the arena is not to kill other players; your primary goal is to avoid dying because deaths cost your team points. Killing other players is a secondary goal.

In the QUEST area, do not join quests to Planet Bastagant that are greater than 1 star in difficulty until you have done them at 1 star difficulty beforehand.

Repeating the Gigandorff Busters MISSION and the Arcantus QUEST is a good way to get familiar with your bots.

Be aware that Cosmic Break is a very hard game with a steep learning curve but it can be rewarding.

>> No.7197393

thanks, am I likely to just fuck it up for everyone else? or is there a bit where I can quest on my own to just get used to it

>> No.7197457

>a very hard game with a steep learning curve but it can be rewarding.
It just occurred to be that this describes pretty much every game popular on /jp/, other than VNs.

>> No.7197502

The Arcantus quest can be done solo (there is even a solo button) or in groups and you can get past the first two level sets with a little skill even with basic bots and weapons. The Bastagant quests are difficult to do solo, even for experienced players.

>> No.7197626

Best weekly gara ever.

>> No.7197653

In the arena, at the very bottom of the room list, there is one training room where you can solo against bots. Though it does not give much money or XP, it is a good place to try out new bots and weapons. You will probably want to get your bots to level 1 and purchase some more powerful weapons before trying questsnd missions even on the easiest level. The wide beam gun and handy bazooka are inexpensive but excellent choices.

>> No.7197665
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>> No.7197688

Something tells me C21 is gonna flop hard.

>> No.7197777
File: 172 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110407_1042_58_060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choja: I want an Ancient Bazooka. I've bought 200Rt for this.

CyberStep: Here you go!
>Butterflea X
>Heavy Flechas
>Volca Sword Wing
>Bugsycait Boom
>red ball
>Hatigarm ASLT

And I don't have a Nicole Malice yet.

>> No.7197838

I just wanted the volca sword wing, spend 1150 RT and got EVERYTHING ELSE except the volca sword wing. Got 2 ancient bazooka, but still mad

>> No.7197850 [DELETED] 

why is everyone here avoiding this topic? is it because they spent to much RT to start fresh in a new game? that must be it.

>> No.7197927

I don't think we're avoiding it. It's just that we don't give a fuck about c21.

>> No.7197939


C21 doesn't really have much with /jp/ to do. CB does somewhat, because of moebots.

>> No.7198026

No people bitching about shop Nicole not being 50% off? Have you all gotten so used to CS's cock up your asses that you've stopped caring?

>> No.7198033

C21 will do fine

>> No.7198101

Hello Tempura.

1. C21 doesn't have lolibots, you'll have better luck advertising it to /m/ instead of /jp/.
2. CB is already eating our wallets, and having to maintain two MMO is a hassle
3. CB already have ridiculously small population, meaning C21 will probably have even smaller population. Playing a MMO with no people is pretty silly
4. DL to play. What, screw that.

>> No.7198145

Facebook and Twitter being the only logins accepted for C21 really puts a damper on it too. I understand CS wants the free advertising, but still.

>> No.7198168

Confirmed for Tempura.

>> No.7198208

lol guys sign up now and you get 50 free bots to play with!

>> No.7198238

You can make an account without Facebook or Twitter, registration just isn't open yet.

>> No.7198319

No moe, no sale. Maybe /m/ will care.

>> No.7198346
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110329_0144_17_472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow I actually guessed it right.

Tempura, I hope you do realize if you advertise another game, you're only destroying your already small population of players in CB, right?

Considering how expensive each of your bots are, you're really going to exhaust your money-well fast. As much as I like to deny it, I did actually charge another 100 USD after I said I won't because of the lolitrollyouwithreniroppu crap, and, to much of my disappointment, did not get what I wanted from the weekly garapon. So, as far as "loyalty" goes, I'm pretty much pushing my limits with this game. After 10 months with CB and 150 USD down the drain, I think it's about time I shift from "annoyed" to "unwilling" towards future payments.

With love,

>> No.7198363

>>7197850 wasn't me. I don't advertise CB, start CB threads, bump CB threads, or spam anything CB related here, and even if I did, I wouldn't bother deleting my posts on a board where all posts are archived.

>> No.7198371

Serves you well.

>> No.7198380

We know, Tempura. We're just trolling with you. I know how you type. Although...
>advertise CB, start CB threads, bump CB threads, or spam anything CB related here
That is kind of questionable.

>> No.7198553

I've kinda forced myself to put the RT charging on a hold for a few weeks. I need to save up for the only bot I want as much as the sheriff.

Tempura, I swear to god keep that toybox with built in gatling guns out of the weekly gara. He's coming and I can feel it.

>> No.7198747
File: 19 KB, 202x276, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty, C21 looks interesting. Downloading it now.

Also, meet Johnny Fantasmo.

>> No.7198844
File: 181 KB, 806x628, SUPEROMEGABOYTITANULTRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7198932

We still play this game? Wow. Who's on JP and who's still here?

>> No.7198960

There were only 2 people logged in to Hotglue when I logged on to pick up my daily prize. Now that I logged off there is only 1 (I assume).

>> No.7199067

C21 is pretty interesting.

Just can't figure out how to get money or rank up.

>> No.7199208

You should check how recently most of the members were online.
There's about 10 or so active players.

>> No.7199340
File: 75 KB, 560x270, KOKOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind if I could penetrate their lolirobotic vaginas, but noooo.....

>> No.7199566

It got its peak compare to CB, but the interface system is horrible, and you don't even get to play it in window mode. Fucking fullscreen. Also, I don't want to run around miles just to go from garage to paint area, or from shop to garage. Uninstalled.

>> No.7200409
File: 17 KB, 446x131, WANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody actually have a Posiedon? That quad pulsemissile arm sounds fucking awesome

>> No.7200652
File: 304 KB, 816x931, boytitandreamcometrue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good thing in C21 is this
You can build Boytitan-esque bot without worrying about cost limit. Too bad you can't burst fire all of your weapons

>> No.7200733
File: 652 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110408_0026_02_515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy some text.

>> No.7200740
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>> No.7200743
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>> No.7200744
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>> No.7200753
File: 69 KB, 257x206, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, your average CB/C21 playerbase in a nutshell

>> No.7200992

It's pure shit. I tested them in arena and again against bots, it doesn't hit anything at all.

>> No.7201029

>>7200652 you can't burst fire all of your weapons
What. Then what's the point?

And since the accounts aren't linked in any way I doubt we will be getting anything for CB for participation.

>> No.7201579

C21 is like a huge arcantus mode

bots get faster and more powerful after you level them up. seems a little grindier and more complex than cosmic break. you also receive a crimrose among your bots in the garage.

i think its a good game, not as good as CB. i hope they get more people because its emptier than cosmic break

>> No.7201601

C21 the thing that turned it off for me was that superslow speeds god but that transforming tank robot is cool

>> No.7202383

Some of the C21 translations are hilarious.

>> No.7202763


>> No.7202776 [DELETED] 

oh gawd the UI is HELL and it looks like they used google translator or something

>> No.7202921

>>Game help and long-term discussion threads should be posted to the /games/ board.

This thread is about a game.


>> No.7202992

>roll x5 two times for a vanguard
>get patty and no vanguard

>> No.7202995
File: 30 KB, 600x480, 2jpgby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to /jp/ newfag

>> No.7203007

I hate you. I decided to spend $20 trying to get patty and I got needle mole and maril march. I don't even want to play the game anymore.

>> No.7203035 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 806x621, what is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7203038

C21 is actually somewhat fun.

It would have been awesome if this was the quest mode in CB.

>> No.7203049
File: 197 KB, 806x621, what is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this?

>> No.7203054

Put it on a supply circle chibi, equip burst fire bit.
Infinite air rape.

But why is it 0 slot?

>> No.7203057



>> No.7203088

Chloroform: Not quitting, still whining.

>> No.7203097

thanks :)

>> No.7203102

Did you know Ivis' natural eye color isn't red?

>> No.7203119

I like how many posts in these threads have emoticons and screenshots of clanchat that isn't hotglue

>> No.7203120

It's crimson.

>> No.7203134
File: 117 KB, 660x571, double crim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ready for the chibi battle event?

i've a koko gaap and 2 laz-chans

>> No.7203142
File: 135 KB, 728x1100, Toumasfist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this was you

>> No.7203169


>> No.7203177 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 225x225, 1297474495690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.7203194 [DELETED] 

>mfw this thread is 100% non-/jp/ers now

>> No.7203293 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7203349
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>> No.7203419

Hotglue =/= jp

>> No.7204006


>> No.7204406

Results of the chibi tournament?

>> No.7204461

It's true. A fair portion of Hotglue used to be /jp/ lurkers, but the non-shitposting ones left.

>> No.7204817

Most of the traditional MMO Hotgluers hate the CB Hotglue. But then again the MMO Hotglue imploded because they can't stand each other.

>> No.7204944

Outsiders from /commu/, /m/fags. rynex and vyolets and other faggotry from shitflakes and ETF need to fuck off.
I dont understand why you people want to use /jp/ instead of /commu/ or the fan forum.

>> No.7205073


CB's hotglue isn't #hotglue, not that it matters.

If you're claiming that /jp/ plays this game and posts these threads and it's just hotglue that's abandoned the game, then you're claiming all of these shitty posts are by /jp/.

The sad fact is that rynex and koi have linked these threads all over their shitty forums and /commu/ and faggots have flocked in because these are super sekret pro CB threads, gotta join the real pros!

>> No.7205230

>gotta join the real pros!
but all the "real pros" are from /co/

>> No.7205272

That is because the outsiders brought in their emotes and other gaiafaggotry.

>> No.7205558


You can stop throwing my name around in these threads already. I watch the thread because it's still around, but I don't post here. That's not even me posting earlier.

>> No.7205602

What's /commu/?

>> No.7205698

someplace where pedophiles go to discuss touhou

>> No.7205705

So how is it different from /jp/?

>> No.7205721

Think of a place with ten times more shit posters and emoticons everywhere

>> No.7205774

So how is it different from /jp/?

>> No.7205885

lol haters think /jp/ is some sort of secret club

it is not

these threads are not linked anywhere. we don't mention /jp/ in /commu/ or any other CB forum

>> No.7205888


Apr. 15, starting at 6:00 PM Server Time
Channel 3 Team Fight

>> No.7205908 [DELETED] 


Hi, Florette. U mad.

>> No.7205932

Emoticons everywhere.

>he thinks I'm florette

>> No.7206348

Looks like the princess is getting TOLD in that fan forum thread.

>> No.7206768

>>shit is happening
>>I know! Let's blame it on Rynex! It's so easy! Nobody will care!

>> No.7206775

that UC gara is rigd. i quit this pay to win game

>> No.7206778

Go back to your super secret forum Rynex.

>> No.7206802

Maybe you should stop pretending that you're on /v/. Less shitposting would be a refreshing change.

>> No.7209187
File: 332 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110410_0726_18_534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some team just can't be carried.

>> No.7209574
File: 191 KB, 749x548, 32545346547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate depiction of the state of DOS.
And I was using a BT class bot.

>> No.7210010

I'm new at this game how do I get Aquila-chan Ivis and Ouka?
Are all outdated events ?

>> No.7210041

Ouka, along with Lily Rain EVE were in temporary Garapons.
Aquilagirl hasnt been implemented yet.

>> No.7210232

And Ivis ? I want Ivis and Ouka...
also thanks.

>> No.7210383


Watch out for volume.

>> No.7210399
File: 265 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110410_1616_32_131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, genbura with 4 arms is pretty impressive.

Did some testing and found if each shot hits a target from under a PS it deals around 350 dmg.

>> No.7210416

do want

>> No.7210423

does his railgun fuck up burst fire?

>> No.7210493

Ouka is, sans Chibi-Ouka, not obtainable since her garapon was removed.
Ivis will be implemented in a later patch, god knows when.

>> No.7210494

No, it still works fine.

>> No.7210563

I tried burst firing arm weapons on a sturbanger and the railgun messed up the timing. does the genbu one shoot like a rifle or something?

>> No.7210566

durr I mean I put sturbanger arms on a saggitary

>> No.7210583

That is autistic as fuck.

>> No.7210672
File: 314 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110410_1645_49_744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This'll be an ... interesting fight on friday. I actually consistently did well with them which surprised me. A lot of that I think is people aren't expecting combat chibis because sometimes I was able to just walk behind someone and shoot them in the ass and a lot has to do with dual slayer bits.

Walking behind people will obviously be gone but those dual slayer bits man, they're murder.

>> No.7210747

why are you even bothering with that shit? whoever has 3 crimchans with cross shooters is going to win

>> No.7210756

I know that we have gone beyond the time for talk. Because 99% of people don't realize that lcds are shit and just assume that the theme is ugly instead.

>> No.7210776

So bad i want her...

>> No.7210790
File: 203 KB, 380x1200, 18080147_big_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those girls.

>> No.7210793



IN 1080p

>> No.7210799

Sometimes you wish the good anime like fate and seacats and the tsukihime would get visual novels, but it seems the only things that get visual novels are those dumb generic ones that are about getting girls to like me, why would me even want a 2D girlfriend.

>> No.7210812


>> No.7211021
File: 137 KB, 832x600, 1301613348993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212471

Is the BR fixed so it only changes in BR rooms yet?

>> No.7213354

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

>> No.7215618

Radio was fun tonight, efforts to keep everyone from screaming shit all at once worked out pretty well.

Basically here's a recap.
-Tempura 30min late again
-No trading or gifting system, ever. ;_;
-C.S. mission "soon"
-Possible BP fixes
-Rynex's birthday
-More people begging for EVE, RT and RO cubes
-Accessory cubes sent out
-Garapon animations (superman, car crash) effect probability of prizes
-Misty x Nicole are cannon lesbian lovers (confirmed
by tempura)
-C.S. chan given to a suicidal player
-New RT charge items coming this week
-No limitations on chibi battles friday
-DOS still mad about WIZ
-Winberrl confirmed for tempura's waifu
-WIZ still mad about WIZ
-Pictures of buttholes squirting cum in the mumble
-Silly transformations
-Nobody knows how arena backup works
-Possible beard, sideburn and mustache accessory on the way
-C21 is still terrible

>> No.7215690

>Garapon animations (superman, car crash) effect probability of prizes
Tempura explicitly said prizes were already determined before the animation even plays.

>> No.7215709

Yeah, the animation just shows you what the highest color of ball you may get is.

>> No.7215937
File: 321 KB, 840x700, winhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Winberrl confirmed for tempura's waifu

>> No.7216064

>>C.S. chan given to a suicidal player

please elaborate...

>> No.7216447

>-C21 is still terrible
Then why the fuck are they bringing it here

>> No.7216455 [DELETED] 

>Misty x Nicole are cannon lesbian lovers (confirmed
by tempura)
ahaha oh wow

>> No.7216576
File: 452 KB, 811x737, nicol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misty x Nicole are cannon lesbian lovers

>> No.7216632
File: 194 KB, 592x600, 1c50fcc29ff8f49500d791444ea75ea8..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game got boring, I just go online for the lotto cubes now.

>> No.7216676

Thats cool. I dont know why you feel the need to announce that. I am still enjoying it.

>> No.7216776

No real reason, just felt like posting it. I also enjoy the game as well so I might play it again, probably when they add Ivis.

>> No.7217090

Ivis isn't coming until cyberstep goes bankrupt, a golden parachute for when they run out of caviar and truffles. Now's a good time to buy stock.

Also, chibi winberrl will have the same bind as the regular one.

>> No.7217117

BOOF confirmed for robot

should i buy photon saber instead of grinding for a kamui staff or are they not alike in anyway? where can i find a photon saber in action video

>> No.7217125

Grind for the staff

>> No.7217150

Chibi Winberrl has a bigger circle that binds enemies who walk into it.

Spoiler: It's useless.

>> No.7217341

use Maril's guitar weapon. It hits as hard as kamui staff, has knockback as far as Patty's hammer, and even if the attack whiffs, there are follow-up soundballs that home in on the enemy.

>> No.7217371

i have a march trill from the code, i never knew it was a guitar.

>> No.7217404

You and me both though I don't know why I even bother with the lotto cubes, guess I want more 3s fizvalians.

>> No.7217468

Did anyone get a cube from last nights event yet?

>> No.7217633

not me

>> No.7217650

Same here, all that time wasted.

>> No.7217664

>Rynex's birthday
Who cares?

>> No.7217678

Rynex and Himself, obviously.

>> No.7217683
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>> No.7217689

I have no idea of what you might be trying to say with that image.

>> No.7217720
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>> No.7217822


>> No.7217958
File: 90 KB, 590x500, 1301322359830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frog lander lg?
No arms?

>> No.7218110


>> No.7218262
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1301051365621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laggy Seraph Tackler

>> No.7218328

only maril from special garapon has the guitar

>> No.7218473

Pay to win as always Tempura.

>> No.7218498

am2 or am3? both looks like guitars when firing

>> No.7218788

Misu and "U" both GM in a the chaos room
so retarded i never have a chance to get in

for that you fire miso

>> No.7219160


That was me, actually, and no, I wasn't given a CS, I just got a GM transformation.

It lasted all of 7 seconds before I self destructed her and didn't think to cancel out in my panic.

Imagine a kid being thrilled to get a balloon, and hugging it too hard and it pops- then cries hysterically.
Yeah, that's sort of what it was like.

>> No.7219268


>> No.7219287

little kids are such pieces of shit

>> No.7220308

Any news about union transfers?

>> No.7220440 [DELETED] 

just got my challenge cube for accessory
what the fuck guys, i have to play even more to get it? why can't that fucker just give me one ready to open

>> No.7220645
File: 447 KB, 1100x1100, 16558151_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7220694

So Kanbara beat Minamitsu's inherited RT account to 10 BR

When is Prius's beta again?

>> No.7220956

dat ass

>> No.7221366

Rina's autism is spilling all over commu.

>> No.7221789 [DELETED] 


>> No.7221858 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 750x630, 87e4356e86141571aa2c2a84a414d27b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd blast her tits, if you know what i mean

>> No.7221891

Never, I'm going to go play Granado Espada on IAH servers while I wait.

>> No.7222665
File: 20 KB, 270x216, 1298045919465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...will be turning on x1.5 UC, Exp, and Drop Rate multipliers from 4/13 5:00 Server Time until the weekly maintenance starts at 4/14 0:00 Server Time...


>> No.7223709 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 468x500, 12060141_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello boner.

Jesus, is it just me or are jikuns suddenly twice as laggy then they usually are lately? I've seen them glitch though the goddamn map, kill me and then teleport to the other side of the map in a few seconds.

So, anyone willing to bet the toybox BAZ is showing up in this weeks gara? I swear to god tempura keep that shit out of my reach until I can afford to blow every dime I have on it.

>> No.7223719 [SPOILER] 
File: 403 KB, 748x1100, aquila.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything are laggier than they used to be. Almost everything is teleporting or going underground.

>> No.7223728 [SPOILER] 
File: 464 KB, 918x1177, byne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7223737

A bleh update from the land of the rising yen. Stage editor gets drum objects and something else. Connie Sheriff gets buffs to both her main and sub weapons. No sign of the new fangirls.

>> No.7223743
File: 72 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110413_2232_58_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this new? I haven't kept track of jpcb.

>> No.7223752
File: 690 KB, 1280x545, energy_gatling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gywain BG? No, that came out sometime early last Decenber.

Speaking of which, I'd be more than delighted to see it show up in the weekly garapon (hint, hint).

>> No.7223761
File: 43 KB, 668x650, shin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Connie Sheriff gets buffs to both her main and sub weapons
Called it

>> No.7223928

Is there a full picture somewhere?

>> No.7223934

Are people in CBJP using Connie? Her melee looks awesome.

>> No.7223948

Coming from a guy who has a Connie, it's hard to pull off her melee.

>> No.7224027
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x768, ffffffffffffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224029

CTF tourney is team vs team, not clan vs clan. I expect to see multiple teams consisting of people from the same clan.

>> No.7224060

Why has their been such a massive increase of butthurt on /commu/ recently? It's like a bunch of people just now finally realized that people who pay money have an advantage over people who don't.

>> No.7224180


1. Trina's an attention whore/slut and riled them up

2. A bunch of CB literally just woke up to the fact that CS is a bunch of jews. Tempura must have admitted on GM radio that trading/gifting/bazaar will never be added or something

3. Eirin's shady new drug

>> No.7224220

The updates are what keep me going, but the last few ones have been pretty underwhelming. Nicole and the silly hats are the only thing I can remember liking since Patty gara.

>> No.7224238

Most updates have been underwhelming really. Then again, I guess that's how they keep their business going by reserving their good stuff and drag on and on and on... Still, it's not very good for the morale of the player base.

Tempura, in my opinion, you should suggest to add in RO/Weapon challenge cubes (note: not lucky cubes and please stop giving us HD accessory cubes) for trade from Crimrose in ground area with points or for sale in the shop with UC to keep players motivated to grind, thus increasing a general number of players online and directly increasing the value of the game. I understand the garapon approach, but it's just too much of a gamble and too frustrating and time consuming. I've probably dumped 1-2 million in the UC garapon and still haven't gotten a single RO cube.

Of course there is. It's in my photoshop file. Dohoho

>> No.7224247
File: 99 KB, 640x478, my money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224372
File: 227 KB, 451x450, PU_00801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes Toybox girl. And it's a loli.

There's only one option for her name!

>> No.7224374
File: 120 KB, 794x603, toybox13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew twintails.

>> No.7224385
File: 734 KB, 816x638, squid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7224388



>> No.7224396


It can't be helped

>> No.7224437

>please stop giving us HD accessory cubes
Speak for yourself. I want the accessory cubes; we don't have half the accessories that CBJP does.

>> No.7224445

Can't. With the number of events there are then there would be too many rare robots or weapons running around even with low tier ones kept inside. If you want to have a better advantage you should look into buying the RT robots or giving Garapon a chance.

>> No.7224499

New thread


>> No.7224503
File: 157 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110309_0711_20_057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SilverLynn, please don't use my drawing as a billboard, it just doesn't have enough pixels to be semi-acceptable quality. If you really want to do something like that, find a few friends and connect the billboards together.
