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File: 46 KB, 700x362, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7190585 No.7190585 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game going to be good? Illusion has been making a lot of mediocre titles lately.

>> No.7190587

you answered you're own question

>> No.7190604

It looks a lot like AG3. As long as they don't stray from the basic formula too much, I'm sure it'll be alright.

Also, you can actually make lolis in this game. That already gives it a step up over AG3.

>> No.7190611

I am heavily interested in this game.
Seems like AG3 will finally have a worthy successor. when does it come out anyways?

>> No.7190618

This, provide that it doesn't have LESS stuff than AG3, it should be fine.

On the other hand, I'm a bit concerned about the game's performance what with the number of simultaneous characters they are promising.

>> No.7190619

Interesting concept, but will probably be terrible given illusion's optimization record.

I'll probably try it for the hell of it though.

>> No.7190803

May 13 iirc

>> No.7190835

I am sort of curious on how easily one could possibly port over the old mods. Might be tougher than expected, but one could always hope.

AG3 did have some absolutely delicous mods in a class above most other mods made for porn games.

>> No.7190889

Has there been any updates to the site since the demo came out?

Kind of a pain in the ass having to dig out a fake proxy everytime just to check on the site.

>> No.7190918
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, r20xlj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last update I remember was the one that showed off the layout of the classroom screen.

>> No.7190928

Any bigger screenshots of the girls? I really hope they look like the girls in Home Mate and School Mate.

>> No.7190994

You can always get the demo and make one for yourself. The hairstyles and choices are limited, but it gives you a good feel for the art style.


>> No.7191972

The demo is pretty cool, but it pisses me off how the men have no chest hair.

Hopefully there will be mods to satiate my need for masculine characters. I fucking hate that bishi shit.

>> No.7191985

I hope we can have gangbang scenes.

>> No.7192002

Haha. I wouldn't even expect to see a threesome. Illusion gave up on that long ago. You only see those on bonus discs, and I doubt this game will have anything like that.

You do realize this is a japanese high school?

>> No.7192037

If they just add more personalities then I'll be happy.

>> No.7192054

It already has 25 though? It covers most of the typical anime stereotypes. All its really missing are things like childhood friend or sibling, but Illusion probably didn't want to mess with relationship stuff since there isn't a main character.

>> No.7192073


Aren't they using a third-party engine for this?

>> No.7192096

I meant more personalities than AG3. The new game should be good as long as they build upon AG3.

>> No.7192103

they have 21 voice actors, this is going to be great.

>> No.7192117

A shame that goes against everything Illusion attempts then. They always seem to start from scratch with new half assed ideas instead of building any of their mediocre works into something great.

I think it'll be enjoyable but its probably foolish to expect anything amazing.

>> No.7192138

I think it's around time that they are coming out with more quality releases though, since they've experimented which attempts failed
like how we will thankfully never see "real kanojo" style ever again.
this release seems pretty promising.

>> No.7192163

I liked that they attempted a first person camera in real kanojo at least. Even if it ended up being an awful wall mounted camera instead of an actual first person perspective.

>> No.7192204


I think that about sums things up.

Hint: Illusion makes terrible games!

>> No.7193266

I just hope they keep the free-roaming. I'd be disappointed if it was something like school mate 1 where you choose from a menu.

>> No.7195949

This is going to be the best game ever.

>> No.7195963
File: 202 KB, 1518x1325, 1299335659309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All illusion threads need this.

>> No.7195967

Has potential, by potential I mean that I get excited about it, drop it after the first day, a few months later I download every mod in existence and drop it again.

>> No.7195971

I've been thinking about this shit and there are a couple troubling things I've thought about:

1) 25 characters probably means limited or no free roam outside of the school. it seems highly unlikely that they're going to make a town with 25 different houses for everyone to live in, so there's probably going to be a "go home" and "go to school" type menu.

2) there didn't seem to be any options in the character creation to make teachers or non-student characters.

3) thematically everyone is going to be wearing the same clothes.

mainly though I'm worried about the sex mechanics. illusion pretty much always fucks up and makes it either too complicated or too mindless. everyone seems to like artificial girl 3 but I hated how difficult it was to get certain positions.

>> No.7195975

>Is this game going to be good?

I can't predict the future Anonymous


If they took out the freeroaming I doubt they'd call it an "Artificial" game since thats always been one of the games more notable features. Besides it'd be a waste of all those damn VA's they hired just to make a more customizable School Mate.

It'd also be a waste of the Male customization too. I don't want to be forced to look directly at another bro's face for 70% of the gameplay.

>> No.7195976

>3) thematically everyone is going to be wearing the same clothes.

Well, that's what mods are for.

>> No.7195978

Am I the only person who remains entirely satisfied with Schoolmate 2 and felt that it was the most ridiculously erotic thing since sliced bread?

>> No.7195986
File: 45 KB, 350x330, 1297314210608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait to create a school with nothing but traps~

..Then again i doubt they will have any form of man on man action other then going "oiiiii!" at them to call them over.

Oh well i guess it will have to be 50/50 reverse traps/traps.

>> No.7195993

well if you look at
it definitely looks like a bedroom menu to me. you'll probably be able to walk around the school to some degree, but I doubt it's going to be completely open world like ag3 was.

school mate 2 was pretty much the second most disappointing game I've ever played. only one girl, 2 outfits, and shitty simplistic gameplay.

>> No.7196080


That could just be the starting Menu you know. Like in AG3 where you set up worlds. I can hardly imagine they'd just toss out the bedrooms and shit in a game where every character needs a place to sleep or so that like 15 Characters won't crowd the goddamn hallways,making your computer explode.

Speaking of that too,just restricting it to school would also create a privacy issue. If girls still push you off in the middle of sex...Well,a school alone just isn't gonna cut it to avoid getting discovered.

>> No.7196126

do you really think illusion is going to make a town with different 25 houses for everyone to live in? maybe there will be a student dormitory but I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.7196148


>do you really think illusion is going to make a town with different 25 houses for everyone to live in?

Fuck no

>maybe there will be a student dormitory

That is something I acutally count on.

>> No.7197512

Any speculation is bound to be met with disappointment, but I suspect it will all take place at the academy with "home" merely being a drop-down menu.

I'm probably going to do what this guy is doing. AA probably won't be very good until the mods fix it up.

>> No.7197521

To be honest, if we can just get something more or less on the level of @homemate I'd probably be happy.

>> No.7197558

I just want a sequel to Rapelay.

>> No.7197566
File: 152 KB, 353x483, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all do.
But it is not going to happen.

>> No.7197590

i should dump my digimate 2 creations but that would mean a ban off /jp/ for atleast a week

>> No.7197596


>I'm probably going to do what this guy is doing. AA probably won't be very good until the mods fix it up.

Same here unless its just that stupid good with awesome sex(lolfromillusion), NTR and great clothes customization(again lolfromillusion). And even if it was i'd still need Subs for what the girls and guys are saying.

>> No.7197599

>Illusion games

>Fap to it 2 times before I get sick of it

>> No.7197634

I AM wondering about the NTR aspect of the game since you can also have multiple male characters in the same school. Since in AG3 you could already have girls walk in on you with another girl with minor negative consequences.
Also wondering what would happen if you have a class with 24 guys and 1 girl.

Though it seems like after the Rapelay incident Illusion's been scared of doing anything except happy consensual sex.

>> No.7197659

If its anything like AG3, characters will have to build up friendship/love to have sex. I wouldn't be surprised if you can only build points on the character you're controlling. Illusion will surely be lazy with the AI. I really doubt you'll walk in on Fatty-kun fucking your waifu unless you deliberately built up the points between them.

The likes/dislikes tab will probably just determine how receptive they are to your advances.

>> No.7197667

As bad as the Teatime games are, it's still probably the only 3D eroge where you can walk up to a girl, beat her unconscious and proceed to rape her regardless of your "relationship points".

>> No.7197677
File: 26 KB, 422x77, one mighty fine achievement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also wondering what would happen if you have a class with 24 guys and 1 girl.

>> No.7197684

With 25 characters I'm hoping they just cut relationship points altogether and just have it based completely on character traits and how compatible they are.

>> No.7197690


If they manage to make cum look convincing for once.

>> No.7197697

As much as i would love to see it NTR in a illusion game its not going to happen. Ever.

That said i do hope they release more info on the game soon.
I want to know how the entire free roam(If any at all..) is going to work.

>> No.7197743


Some fag on Hongfire said that according to Illusions twitter,they'll be showing off a Video of the game involving sex or something else. Hopefully we all get to see what we're goddamn hoping on seeing. Maybe from that we'll see some shit we like.

...Or loathe because it requires two hands and active thinking.

>> No.7197757 [SPOILER] 
File: 516 KB, 1440x900, Yukaritan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

news tommorow
also basing on google translated tweets we MIGHT get a vid this time(of maybe some H screens

also most of the mods from earlier illusion games can be ported to sm2(and other illusion games at that)
japs are just being lazy and not friendly when it comes to sharing their mods

>> No.7197764
File: 73 KB, 350x375, 1287705363711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that some fag is watching you post lol
i bet that you will be one of those who ill non-stop post "torrent/dll link where?" on 13th of may

>> No.7197798

I played the hell out of @homemate without any mods
just hope the stock clothing will be good

>> No.7197829

While @homemate must be a favorite of mine as far as Illusion's stuff goes.
But AG3 was gold. That I can't forget.
Schoolmate had the best mods though.

>> No.7197892



>> No.7198233

Cool. You wouldn't happen to have link to some Uppervolta mods would you?

>> No.7198824

A bit late to reply. But I didn't really get whether or not you were trying to add to my point with this, or refute it.
In either case, this place wasn't new to me, and my opinion is still firm.
Those are some nice mods though.

>> No.7199429

I really liked @homemate but the h gameplay almost ruined it for me. trying to waggle the mouse at the right speed was a real pain in the ass, especially if you were trying to activate ahegao mode.

>> No.7199649
File: 130 KB, 525x394, 15ClannadSunoharaFABULOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, homemate sex was obnoxious. Though, I really liked the atmosphere, even if it did suffer from the feeling of emptiness that most Illusion games share.

Seriously, they desperately needed a few NPCs around, just so it didn't feel so lifeless. Hopefully having 25 Characters will alleviate that problem in AA.

>> No.7199687

I think I can safely declare that this game will be the greatest release of all time.

>> No.7200294

Here's hoping

>> No.7200319
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1297957210134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No teachers

>> No.7200414

At least for my dick, it will.

>> No.7200452

I've always wished for an Artificial Girl game with cell-shading. I am really glad Illusion seem to be moving more and more towards cell shaded games - they allow more flexibility in the art style, avoid uncanny valley, and help paper over the general shittiness of their polygon count and lighting. That, and animation flubs are a little easier to overlook when the art style is abstracted from reality.

Really looking forward to modding this. Just a shame that it looks as if you won't be able to customise the school uniforms outside of colour, going by their recent wallpaper image.

Desperately hopign their update today is meaty. They've really been tight with information on this. Barely a month to go and still pretty much nothing besides body customisation's been revealed.

>> No.7200455

there needs to be less player-level customization in their new games
i'd rather see hand made things with some developer level quality than just generic shapes so they can put different eyes on them

>> No.7200492

I hate the black spot at the tip of the nose. it seems to be part of the face texture rather than an effect of the lighting or shading engine.

>> No.7201123
File: 199 KB, 872x476, img_01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the new screens I gotta say i'm more so seeing a fusion of @Homemate + Schoolmate than a new AG Game. Bit disappointed,but it can still be good I guess.

Also dem backgrounds

>> No.7201134

looks like The Sims with a graphical update

>> No.7201204 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 756x570, 1300924154175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seem to be cut down models, which change to full detail when conversation is initiated.

Also >mfw 24 interaction options with NPC

>> No.7201232
File: 86 KB, 881x165, img_01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The translation for this is gonna take forever isn't it?

>> No.7201310

Graphical symbols should be self-explanatory (haha, Illusion using a sensible interface, I crack myself up), but yeah, that dialogue's going to be completely crazy. Having textboxes and written dialogue will help significantly... but Hongfire took a long, long time to translate @Home Mate's pitiful amount of dialogue. 25 male voices + 25 female voices + variations for traits? Enough dialogue to make the game come on two nearly full DVDs? Yeah, this isn't going to get translated. At best we can hope someone hacks in some shitty machine translation and try to derive meaning from it.

>> No.7201370

All they had to do is update AG3; engine, map, interaction, animation. And that would be it, instant hit.
But no, not illusion.
Let me present you School Mate Artificial Academy.
It's amazing ! 25 characters and super boring !
Click and fuck the game !
See !? you click here once, and you fuck ! but you can do that 25 time ! IN THE SAME CLASSROOM !

fuck it.

>> No.7201404


I hope then that talking to the girls doesn't influence getting the to sex too much. Otherwise there will be alot of rage. Shit I already kind of miss the simplicity of just hugging a girl for 5 seconds then shoving your penis into her Virgin hole in the next 5.



There probably are other maps than the classroom to have sex in bro. But yeah,probably no more "You can have sex anywhere" thing. In AA i'm never going to walk in on 2 Characters fucking each other wildly or having a bunch of people do that to me.

>> No.7201405

I liked it. I thought it was great.

>> No.7201513
File: 259 KB, 667x938, illusion update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't understand... Free-roam yes or no?

>> No.7201529


The blue circle which is below a character(Who I assume is your chosen Avatar/MC) leads me to believe yes. They just seem to be taking a Final Fantasy 7-9 approach with the maps.

>> No.7201584

According to my poor google translation

>And watching the character that campus life, getting along, or send you a free campus life and to fight!
Please enjoy the unexpected action will change the interweaving of the characters will 過Shi.

The characters talk to each other and fight each other, apparently. Wonder if this confirms the relationship values or not.

>> No.7201623

wow, illusion has triumphed over itself. Instead of addressing performance problems they just dumb down the overall quality. Seriously, 2D background and 8bit characters? How shitty can it get? So much for free roaming in a world with 25 characters.

>> No.7201647

Wow, this game looks like utter shit. What a fucking stupid idea.

Talk about overreaching, they don't even know what the fuck they're doing anymore.

>> No.7201659

you just saw 1 screenshot and you didnt notice the other 3 ? you see that in the other ones you have your standard sm2 graphic
also for those who dont know, the release date is a month later

>> No.7201675

I saw all of them, and they all look like shit. The game is also hyped to hell because retards think illusion will actually live up to their school life fantasies. There are also WAY too many personalities for them to do much with each of them. The game will be nothing but AG3 with more girls and set in a school.

>> No.7201681

If this were the truth i would come buckets, but it's more like Schoolmate 2

>> No.7201683

post from hongfire

Thanks to a friend of mine, I have a rough translation of the table at the bottom of the page.

The darkening blue colored arrow stands for 'from morning to night time'

And from the top line of the table.....
Your Room : Set your Player Character and settings
Roam The School : It's free time
Teaching (pre-noon) : Learning ability improves or deteriorates
Break time : It's free time
Teaching (afternoon) : same as above
After school (before club activities) : Yet again, free time
Club Activities : Physical ability improves or deteriorates
After school (after activities) : free time again
Your Room : Save or Load the game


>AG3 with more girls and set in a school.

pretty much bueno for me

>> No.7201687

it's all menubased according to the screenshots

>> No.7201693

You know your life is shit when you're speculating about a hentai game that's not even out for another month and is bound to under deliver.

You remind me of the kids on /v/ who hype their precious new Bioware games to hell then cry when they're the same shit but worse.

>> No.7201704

This, sort of. While I'm not exactly of the opinion that the dumbing down of the graphics during the transitory(?) scenes like in >>7201123 is a good thing, if they're going to use the bullet physics engine I'm not sure what they'd do about it. Based on my experience with games using it, if you're going to put 15-25 students in the room at the same time then the bullet physics engine would take quite a bit to run, I think, especially for models with certain types of hair or a lot of models wearing skirts.

So long as that isn't the predominant style used by the game, I'm not too opposed, but I do think dampening the graphics for certain scenes will generate a different feel from AG3. It's harder to immerse yourself in a role when the graphics change during gameplay.

>> No.7201700

>life is shit

News at 11, stay tuned with Cirno News Network.

>> No.7201713 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 1440x900, 2011_0320_0205_46565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under deliver as in..3d h-game standard little to no customisation
like look at custom maid 3d and the other 3dcg game

vanilla version of both are worth..shit and there is not much one could do about it UNTILL mods came in.
looking at the models in sb3uAA shows that they are similiary made as in @home mate thus..it MIGHT be easier to make clothes mods and the like(we are yet to see if we will only see school uniforms too)
anyway not gonna defend not gonna hype, i still enjoy schoolmate 2 very much

>> No.7201727

if ti get close to @homemate in terms of quality then it will be good. HM was the only illusion game that i played more than one day and actually finish it, it had a pretty nice everyday love story and you were actually playing the game you were trying to make the girl cum in various positions etc and not just scrolling a wheel and fap to a 3D animation that they named a game

>> No.7201739

i think you are exaggerating and overreacting a little, and perhaps not realizing that some people here actually liked ag3. you'd probably just scorn anyone who did anyways, though.

i'm almost undoubtedly not going to play this game but i imagine most people will be satisfied even if they only end up playing it for a few weeks. we take getting the games for free for granted, after all.

>> No.7201758

>So long as that isn't the predominant style used by the game

Oho it will be. I mean like,it might change to a 3D background during sex so you can move the Camera around,but till you get to that point you will be seeing lots of these flat backgrounds i'm betting. My advice is to just do what I did and deal with it. It really blows what happened to the maps...


It can still be a decent game. There is still the customization and some "hnngh mai waifu" moments to look forward to.

>> No.7202682

I don't get this.
The chargen demo still looked like AG3.
What happened? Does toggle on or off in options?
Is it really menu based? Heck, what was the reason for the demo if nothing is the same?

>> No.7202699

Eh, this new info is making me anxious

>> No.7202770


>Does toggle on or off in options?
The backgrounds? I uh,doubt it.
>Is it really menu based? Heck, what was the reason for the demo if nothing is the same?
Pretty much and it was to show off the customization.

>> No.7202777


Oh wait,if you mean can you turn shit like the Avatar,penis AND Backgrounds off... Idunnolol

>> No.7205381

I'm still going to make a ton of waifus, I just want it to be more like AG3.

And if I have to know moon to play it, I am gonna be pissed

>> No.7205469

>And if I have to know moon to play it, I am gonna be pissed

Heres hoping that the path to getting laid is a treacherous one filled with many choices and cryptic fetch quests.


>> No.7205663

That'd be one way to get the Americans to stop pirating their games.
