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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.33 MB, 2048x1536, 1302037723746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7190494 No.7190494 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a joke photo
I mean this people look like they are straight from Chernobyl

Even if someone is social retarded , doesn't mean he shouldn't take a shower.

>> No.7190504

That Sion is one of the funniest looking people I've ever seen.

>> No.7190503

Classic /jp/ meetup

>> No.7190510

He's definitely in the back row for a reason

>> No.7190508

I can't believe someone saved that from the other thread.

>> No.7190512

that's funny because QC is wtH
where's necrobent?
and aya?

>> No.7190517



>> No.7190518
File: 16 KB, 544x475, trolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot your picture.

>> No.7190520

the one that always posts youtube links?

>> No.7190522

/jp/ tripfags -- Facebook Culture

>> No.7190523
File: 14 KB, 120x90, tp-19207017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all look funny
and this is why people think /jp/ looks ugly

>> No.7190524

currybutt is the guy in the background, walking away saying "I didn't wanna be a part of your stupid meetup anyway..."

>> No.7190527

fuck off

>> No.7190528

Get QC outta there and replace him with Curry. Then the circle will be complete.

>> No.7190530
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 1286747918406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why in the fuck would anyone want to have an internet meetup nevermind one with /jp/

oh wait we're all supercool hikis here until we get the chance to be IRL socialfags i guess

>> No.7190531
File: 359 KB, 981x1242, Kago_Ai_2975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or you guys too get depressed from watching this photo?

>> No.7190534

>Y10NRDY !kxh.1oTAkU

>> No.7190535
File: 16 KB, 275x400, Kago_Ai_1250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Sion
Its time for a haircut and face transplation

>> No.7190537

the user that should get a tripcode?

>> No.7190541



God damn it. You always do that.

>> No.7190560


>> No.7190563

Jones shouldn't even be in there. He abandoned us for /bun/ and Suigin posts without his trip now so everyone thinks he's a mod now. What a faggot.

>> No.7190576

Expect having funny expressions on their faces they rook rather "average" - nothing special, nothing terrible. I would tell that they look a lot better than most of western "celebrities" (probably Asian ones too, but don't want to start trolling). You really have to leave your room more often if you believe that people look like in anime/manga.

>> No.7190591


>> No.7190613

I don't know how to respond to this post.

>> No.7190607

Might want to put on your glasses, anon

>> No.7190620
File: 4 KB, 122x173, faggotexhibitA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they look a lot better than most of western "celebrities"

>> No.7190627

Mugen is beautiful. Reminds me of Rip Van Winkle.

>> No.7190632
File: 4 KB, 135x166, faggotexhibitB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably Asian ones too,

>> No.7190687

holy shit this has possibly been the worst day of /jp/ in 2011

if it's not the sudden insurge of normalfags we seem to have acquired for some reason it's tripfag bullshit

the only way is up, but down is looking far more likely


>> No.7190688

Do you realize that most of celebrities had a lot of plastic surgeries? Additionally without makeup + lighting they usually look terrible. Btw: feel free to post "good looking" (in your opinion) person.

>> No.7190698
File: 43 KB, 174x174, 22466245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you don't know the meaning of the word "average"

>> No.7190711


hi sion

>> No.7190714
File: 19 KB, 320x240, 29E3BF45A35FC975B3B2BC_Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are

1.)good looking people
2.)Average people
3.)between ugly and average people
4.)ugly people
5.) Chernobyl people

this is 5.) Chernobyl people

>> No.7190726

I'd hit Boof if she/he put on a Kigu suit.

>> No.7190737

I wonder what Sion is fucked up on

>> No.7190750

Since when did /jp/ give a damn about what anyone 3D looked like?

>> No.7190753
File: 36 KB, 225x349, 848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like he got hit by a 50 caliber machine gun straight to the face

>> No.7190756

I disagree, fake Meiling is between ugly and average. Would be average if he lost some weight and shaved that shit off.

So is fake Suigin. Fake Mugen is ugly and would be averageish if he got a haircut. Fake QC is between average and ugly. Other than his huge nose, fake White Ren is pretty damn average.

The only Chernobyl people in this are fake Sion and fake Jones.

>> No.7190764

White Ren reminds me of the janitor from Scrubs

>> No.7190769
File: 25 KB, 480x360, fgfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Fake Sion"

Hello Sion

>> No.7190774
File: 118 KB, 314x516, shitpost1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to tell anything rude, but Asians take loads of face surgeries to look like that (still effects are rebuttable) + photoshop/lighting/make up changes a lot. I guess you really haven't seen humans in long time.

>> No.7190793
File: 23 KB, 320x240, ThumbnailServer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with taking face surgeries ?
If you got the money do it.
People tend to overdue it.
If you keep it on a normal level plastic surgeries can do wonders.

You just mad Sion that you 1.) look like Chernobyl people,2.) You have no money for face surgeries

>> No.7190817
File: 96 KB, 853x1237, vip603732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uhh, most people I know don't look dishevelled and autistic, actually.

Don't know where you live.

>> No.7190851
File: 83 KB, 397x224, shitpost2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you keep it on a normal level plastic surgeries can do wonders.

Even surgeons who preform them are making fun of these (of course they don't do it openly, especially to their clients, because "clients = profit"). Surgeries look nice only with correct lighting + angle. Also most of them have to be redone often or you start to look terrible/have complications and when you get older you look like in horror films and there is no help to that. So if you want to look on "nice" photos of people why won't you just satisfy yourself with normal photoshopped pictures?

Btw. Are you Asian or just trolling?

>> No.7190867

eh. they look pretty normal. some of them need to lose weight and get normal haircuts. also a few of them are making retarded faces. Basically, theres not much hope for the 4 on the left, but the 2 guys in the middle just need to not be fat. boof and jones look 100% average, the other girl is pretty disgusting and the last guy on the right needs to get some sleep or something. thats about it.

for the record, average for 3d IS pig disgusting, it takes a lot of hard work, editing, makeup and lighting to make someone not disgusting.
