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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 230 KB, 300x255, 1301771713082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7181158 No.7181158 [Reply] [Original]

Why everyone here is always talking about Touhou?

I know the games are addicting and the characters are cute, but aren't you bored?

I don't think /jp/ is just Touhou + some VNs.

>> No.7181164

/jp/ is Touhou/VNs general.

There are a few types of thread that don't adhere to that rule, but there are sub-groups who make those threads and keep to it and don't bother anyone else. eg, the idolfags.

>> No.7181170

Spammers form Pooshlmer. Just set up a filter and you'll be good to go.

>> No.7181172
File: 253 KB, 500x553, mio-chan1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.7181176

Filter the names of all touhous in the comment and name field and suddently jp becomes good

>> No.7181209

That just cracks me up for some reason.
Worst thing is, I'm sure there are some people here actually autistic enough to come on this board while hating touhou.

>> No.7181213

/jp/ is a board where you can post pretty much anything if you know how to post it and don't be a raging faggot about it.

Also the mods are only around for like an hour a day.

>> No.7181229

Is this 2hu fuck literally trying to accuse others of being autistic?

>> No.7181234

It's not so much hating touhou, it's that /jp/'s touhou posters tend to act like Gaiafags.

>> No.7181236


>> No.7181237

So /jp/ will only ever be good once everybody stops posting here ? We are helpless.

>> No.7181246

I filter everything that's Touhou or VN related.

I only come here to post in metathreads.

>> No.7181257

OP gif is adorable

>> No.7181258

I rest my case

>> No.7181264
File: 923 KB, 400x225, 1301853539457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7181272

In what way ?
I don't see people unironically acting like 15 years olds with down syndrome anywhere in here.
What is it that anger you about a few random people on an anonymous imageboard ?

>> No.7181275

Post more Nichijou gifs

>> No.7181283

He is, and so am I. There are MUCH better places than /jp/ for whatever you want to discuss.

>> No.7181278
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1301827664064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have two. There is some fanservice.

>> No.7181277

I filter Anonymous I sometimes turn off the filter to look for metathreads filled with ignorant autistic butthurt toehoefags

>> No.7181285

Rejoice! Thanks to Eksopl-sama the meta discussions on /jp/ shall be even more common than before!

>> No.7181286
File: 34 KB, 494x278, 1301827710516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ is always full of rage

>> No.7181293

I don't filter anything, ever. And I generally don't like people who go out of their way to talk about their filters, with lines such as "I thought I filtered you. Oh well, there we go," and "Please get a tripcode so I can filter you."

You're just blinding yourself to the faggotry, it still exists, and you'll always see people replying to it.

>> No.7181294

Don't worry, I'll be here taking it easy even if I must be the only one who does so.

>> No.7181296

Here, I even found a few boards that you can browse.

>> No.7181297

Welcome to my filter

>> No.7181301

Please get a tripcode so I can filter you.

>> No.7181350

If you filter the shared trip he's using right now the board gets a lot better.

>> No.7181352


Looks I missed one. Thanks for reminding me. +filter

>> No.7181360

The rules are so vague you could post just about anything as long as it SEEMS to be /jp/ related. Unless it's something that /jp/ has already decided to hate.

>> No.7181364
File: 19 KB, 450x450, marisa_huge_sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - comedic genius

>> No.7181380

Please get a tripcode so I can filter you.

>> No.7181385

Go complain to moot for refusing to set rules for /jp/ and then let the mods/janitors be the law.

The only reason why /jp/ is such a wild west with meta faggotry threads like that is because of that fart commander moot. It's not the duty of other people to either try to come up with a set of rules or provide better outlets for this.

>> No.7181407
File: 470 KB, 571x800, SS_now_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure pal, just for you.

>> No.7181475

I fucked you're Touhou.

>> No.7181957

