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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 708 KB, 1270x1800, look at this kero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7180284 No.7180284 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else having trouble posting on easymodo, or did I get banned? I can see it, but can't post.

>> No.7180290

No. They just make an exception for you.

>> No.7180293

I'm posting normally.

>> No.7180294
File: 523 KB, 1400x1348, 1300038776494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suwako is my favourite toho.

>> No.7180301

Same here. Can't see the post box.

>> No.7180310

The Ghost Mode button is gone. Fuck. Where am I going to talk about tripfag drama now?

>> No.7180312

Eksopl is late with his april fools joke.

>> No.7180314

Click Advanced, Show only internal, New posts first.

But if the post section is gone for everybody, that will be it.

>> No.7180317

> Why can't I make a post in /jp/?

> Posting was disabled for the /jp/ archive due to the low quality of posts; it was mainly being used for complaining about being banned, complaining about the state of /jp/ and the actions of 4chan's staff and vanity posts made by the worst trip users on /jp/ after being (rightfully) banned. If you have questions regarding 4chan bans, please email banned@4chan.org. If you have questions regarding 4chan moderation, please email moot@4chan.org. If you have questions regarding the archive itself, my contact is futther below on this FAQ. If you're mugen, go choke on an onion~

>> No.7180319

I can see why. Lately easymodo's been nothing but spam and retards acting like retards, and Eksopl was probably on his period again when he saw all of that.

>> No.7180323


>> No.7180330

Eksopl must be in a bad mood after getting dumped by his e-girlfriend

>> No.7180328

Wow. That's a really dick move from Eksopl.

>> No.7180327
File: 286 KB, 550x500, cryingsuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, sweet prince.

>> No.7180326

>complaining about the state of /jp/ and the actions of 4chan's staff and vanity posts made by the worst trip users on /jp/ after being (rightfully) banned.
90% of them were anonymous and not Jones, etc.

>> No.7180333

He got dumped?

>> No.7180334

Honestly, though, it's probably better that way.
What he wrote is pretty much true for the past few weeks.
Maybe he'll bring it back once the faggotry dies down or something.

>> No.7180335

>What's this 'ghost board' thing?
>If you click on the 'View in Ghost mode' button, you'll see the latest threads that got ghost replies.
Update your FAQ, asswipe!

>> No.7180336
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 2cacc22ae905973358e6c06333b87672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have good taste in Touhous.

>> No.7180337

This was way overdue, to be honest. There was nothing of value being posted on the ghost board for well over a year now.

>> No.7180341

Yeah, hosting that free archiving service, what a jerk.

>> No.7180344

>Easymodo was created for meta shit
>Removes posting.

Hypocrisy at its best.

>> No.7180347
File: 56 KB, 413x570, girl greatly amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7180350

So should we move to /tg/ or /m/ ghost side now?

>> No.7180351

Meta goes on /jp/ now, Eksopl agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.7180355

It's not like they're using it

>> No.7180352
File: 924 KB, 1150x1400, 0ee26865d5948bc1e998a5e103b6c061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7180354

>If you're mugen, go choke on an onion~
Pfft!... if only I know how to do that fancy programming stuff I could even host my own archive and still allow the liberty of posting for posting sake... off course, the archive will have ads to make it profitable... sage

>> No.7180358


Brilliant. Now all the shitty meta discussion will move right back to /jp/, making it even more unbearable than it already is. Good job.

>> No.7180359
File: 99 KB, 957x834, gimme the corndog tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ - Tenshi/Corndogs General

>> No.7180360

None of the /jp/ers would click on your stupid ads.

>> No.7180361

You're the faggot responsible for this. Take responsibility and consume bleach.

>> No.7180364

Ugh....I usually complained on easymodo because i was afraid of being banned...
But i just had the greatest idea ever guys!

Step 1: Shitpost
Step 2: Reset router before i am banned
Step 3: Walk away safely

Haha, i don't even need a proxy!

>> No.7180381

I had installed the Ouija board script exactly 1 minute before ghost posting was disable.
D-did i broke easymodo?

>> No.7180384

You are just overreacting it. That's just like deleting /jp/ during that 'puddi' crap.

Put back the button and stop caring, it's useless.

>> No.7180386
File: 15 KB, 783x110, jdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


JDownloader has a cool button that resets your IP for you. You just need to hook it up to your router login.

Download shit
"Spam" /jp/ (with perfectly acceptable material everyone finds interesting and discussion-worthy, aside from the mod)
Get banned/reach download limit
Hit that button
Sip your Kool-Aid nigga, cause haters gonna hate

>> No.7180392

So where do we go when /jp/ is down/being raided ?

>> No.7180394

I was just about to ask this myself. Easymodo was the place to go when /jp/ goes down.

>> No.7180395


>> No.7180398


This. It's a valid complaint that ezmodo's quality is low, but it's still a good backup board for when /jp/ is unavailable. Taking it away because you don't like it is selfish.

>> No.7180399

Why is Eksopl such a drama queen?

>> No.7180400

But the place doesn't have a namefield!... of all things missing... why the namefield!?...

>> No.7180401

bun devs wasting no time to advertise

>> No.7180404


>> No.7180408

Because he likes it.

>> No.7180413

I agree with mugen.
Now that i have adopted a name for myself ,there is no turning back.

>> No.7180412

Like dancing on a corpse.

>> No.7180420

this. hopefully he gives us to greenoval in the future before deleting us in a tantrum. would be a shame to see it all go, as it inevitably will.

>> No.7180421


Check out our /photos/ board, it's all meta all the time there!

>> No.7180422

Damn, I was one post off from my "I wish I could learn C++ with Cirno." being the historical last post of the ghost board.

>> No.7180423


It's such a shame that you exist.

>> No.7180430

I would understand if someone was spamming the archive all the time, but I guess Eksopl just cares too much about quality of those three posts being made on his site every day.

>> No.7180432

I'm glad it's gone. Keep up the good work, Eksopl.

>> No.7180433

But it's there: http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/thread/S7180049

>> No.7180444

>That was the case when 4chan was down all the time and 1000+ reply threads would pop up there during down time

wasn't that on ghost /a/?

>> No.7180450

I don't know.

Didn't you said several times that you don't care? Or are you going to show us some good and old hypocrisy again?

>> No.7180449

>Because I'm a girl.

Uh... seriously?...

>> No.7180448

>but is it really worth the trouble?

Yes, please.

>> No.7180447

But the last post on the whole ghostboard was this

>> No.7180453


>> No.7180457

>but is it really worth the trouble?
Absolutely not, it happens what, twice a year for a couple of hours? Some people could do without /jp/ for a while.
And it's funny that people are calling him drama queen when all the drama is coming from the shitposters who can't shitpost anymore, while everyone else doesn't give a fuck or is actually glad Ban & Moderation Complaints/General is gone.

>> No.7180459

Actually, i believe that it was Suigin that got the honor of the last post.

>> No.7180461

Just ban whichever countries mugen yama and iran come from

>> No.7180463

Couldn't you just disable posting with a name?
Tripfags probably won't care enough about the ghost board if they can't attention whore there.

>> No.7180469

But then they would use proxies.
Proceed with >>7180463

>> No.7180471

knowing mugen's autism he'd end up signing his posts


>> No.7180473


>I *could* make it so posting enables itself if the board can't reach 4chan, but is it really worth the trouble?

This would placate me because that's all I really wanted from easymodo posting, an emergency /jp/ island.

If you choose not to, I don't really mind. I love easymodo, especially now that it includes /tg/.

>> No.7180479

Lol!... You really do know me well my friend...

>> No.7180474
File: 397 KB, 2048x638, testing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow!... Posting really has been disabled...

>> No.7180477

he wouldn't....even....need that....
since....he posts....like this....

>> No.7180478

But signs are not a problem at all. Everyone can do it and it will turn into a trollfest. Mugen will be unable to actually mark his own posts.

>> No.7180482

>it will turn into a trollfest
Tell me how this is a good thing.

>> No.7180483

That's kind of true.
Maybe put ellipses on autoban?

>> No.7180488

Things will go normally until mugen arrives for example.

He make sure to distinct his posts from the others, then people start to post exactly like him, he gets frustrated and give up.

>> No.7180490

Why not just ban Phillipine IPs? Whole problem solved.

>> No.7180495

You are so sweet you are disgusting.

>> No.7180498

How naive of you to think of that... very well, I'll leave you with that impression...

>> No.7180500


>> No.7180510

Oh well. It cuts down on the number of tabs I have open though. We do need a new place to meta/shitpost though. Preferably not /jp/.

>> No.7180507

Looking forward to whatever you guys have in store... it's getting late here... See you in a few days people...

(My God! Eksopl was a G... Girl!?... Does this mean I can now fap to "her" without being accused of being Homo-homo?... Lol!... Whatever)

>> No.7180512

Eksopl disabled posting because he wanted to fuck around with you again. Just like when he deleted /jp/ altogether.

>> No.7180516

Do you ever shut the fuck up?

>> No.7180520

Hong-dear leave me alone... I'm trying to sleep OK...

>> No.7180524

Take it easy, and just ignore him, Hong.

>> No.7180528

Don't you dare fap to my koibito, you digusting pinoy.

>> No.7180532

Hey now...That's rude...
It wasn't really mugen's fault that the ghost board went down..
I am more guilty than he is...Please don't blame him...He is a good guy

( Oh, btw mugen those epson printers are really the best! Thanks for the recommendations).

>> No.7180539

Oh wow, is this guy just a puppet tripfag of mugen's? Everything is beginning to make sense.

>> No.7180541

Cool now all the metashit will flood the main board. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.7180544

Ah... that's good... also, don't forget to have your printer installed an external waste tank once it hits a certain age 3 years at least... this should extend the life of your printer by making sure the insides stays clean of excess ink.

OK fine... no fapping to her...

Err... but it was Hong who is melding with me more... I don't recall messing with him or his threads since I moved here from /c/... OK maybe a few times but nothing to serious to warrant being stalked...

Can I go back to sleep now?...

>> No.7180548


Please, ignore the poster known as "mugenjohncel".
He is barely a minor smuggler and black market profiteer who labours under the delusion that he is a great tycoon.
His business is sneaking $200000 of vegetables past customs, deny responsibility and frame colleagues.
Truly, he is a laughable figure.
The state of his country is worrisome.
I would not desire him as a comrade, nor as my friend on the internet.
Please, you will help this board if you never acknowledge him, or reply to him.

>> No.7180553

lol no....Not really, mugen is just an old friend of mine (even though he may not remember me since always posted as anonymous).
