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File: 161 KB, 856x481, Rewrite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7169466 No.7169466 [Reply] [Original]

Couldn't find a thread about it so.


This is a April fools right?

>> No.7169472

That's the new girl, uh?
AT least got that right, she's the figure in the moon in the OP.

>> No.7169474

>Mar 30, 2011

>> No.7169484

Why would you animate an April Fools joke but not the real thing?

>> No.7169486

That looks a lot better than normal KEY shit.

>> No.7169495

Philosophyz sounds better.

>> No.7169496

I just saw this and I need new pants. Holy fucking shit this is going to be so awesome.


KEY traditionally makes actual announcements on April Fool's and not horribly cruel jokes. I think this is actually real.

>> No.7169497

I think I sort of remember them announcing this entire game on this day as well

>> No.7169499

Which girls did R07 and Romeo Tanaka write?

>> No.7169501

>all ages
I'm not going there again.

>> No.7169503

>swat guys
>lolis dual wielding
>random bullshit
I'm not sure about this

>> No.7169504

You can't have some of the VAs doing H scenes, by contract.

>> No.7169516

KEY's anniversary is April 1st, so it makes sense that they'd make serious announcements.

>> No.7169523

From what I can say from the trail version, Romeo writes Kotori and Akane and R07 writes Luchia's.

No clue who is going to write the route for the new girl, my guess is Romeo since he is the main writer.

>> No.7169545

This game is going to be gigantic if the trial had absolutely no scenes like this.

No wonder it's taken them four years.

>> No.7169551

KEY said it's roughly the same size as LBEX
So yeah, gigantic.

>> No.7169555


But LB is pretty short, judging by what's already been translated. Does EX add a lot of stuff or is Refrain just really really long?

>> No.7169559

Those four years were spent rewriting

>> No.7169578

Refrain is quite long, yeah.
And so is Saya's route, not to mention it adds a couple of routes more.

>> No.7169596

>Refrain is quite long, yeah.

Yaaay. Waiting warmly.

Speaking of which, does anyone else think that Rewrite has a better chance of being translated now that people know it's, uh, like this?

>> No.7169602

>does anyone else think that Rewrite has a better chance of being translated now that people know it's, uh, like this?

>> No.7169603

I'd still prefer if someone would translate AIR.
I mean, I've read it, but feels so bad that retards judge it by the anime.

>> No.7169622

My body was not ready.

>> No.7169654

I was writing this game off because every_single_character is a loli, but now it's giving me Angel Beats vibes...not looking good.

>> No.7169661

>every_single_character is a loli
Most of the characters have bust sizes over 80. Far from loli.

>> No.7169663


It's KEY, 90% of the LB cast were lolis too. Yes, even Komari.

And Maeda isn't even involved in this project outside of composing and QCing. The moon dinosaurs sound like something that would have been Ryukishi's idea.

I agree that it looks COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS, but that's a good thing and I'm sure they can justify moon dinosaurs somehow.

>> No.7169665


It's their facial structure and behaviour, not cup size.

>> No.7169684

>LB is pretty short
Are you trolling? LB is longer than Clannad.

>> No.7169729


The routes feel a lot shorter than the main routes in Clannad. It took me ages to slog through Nagisa's route but I can finish an LB heroine route in a single night.

I think the script is bigger because of how events change from playthrough to playthrough, but I don't think it takes longer to read than Clannad. Nothing is longer than Clannad.

But then Refrain still isn't translated so what do I know.

>> No.7169755

this shit looks awesome

>> No.7169813

For behavior, the characters are a lot more tolerable than the usual Key heroines you know.
You should play the trial

>> No.7169817


Not the guy who was complaining about the lolis, but yeah, I would, were it translated. It's not.

>> No.7169881

>Fucking WHITE FOX
>Fucking Action Scenes
Fuck you KEY, even though 2ch told me there would be tons of action, I didn't want to believe them. FUCK. YOU.

>> No.7169890


Wait, you find this to be a bad thing? I think it's fucking awesome.

>> No.7169897
File: 353 KB, 600x3049, 1301634312890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real deal™
Shizuru looks fucking awesome

>> No.7169898

I want my school days dramas ;_;
Also, moon dinos. Come on, I know you've used Key magic before, BUT HOW ARE YOU GONNA GET YOURSELVES OUT OF THIS ONE

>> No.7169903

I had the feelings that Rewrite kinda looked like Saihate no Ima, another Romeo work, after the trial but that opening proves it.
Genre shift games are the best and Romeo has the skill to do this well.

>> No.7169905


I seriously have no idea what just happened. It obviously wasn't going to be standard KEY, but I don't think anyone was expecting this.

This is like, Alternative-level genre shift.

>I want my school days dramas ;_;

But there's like a billion other games for that.

Man, with both this and Dengeki Stryker, this is gonna be a great year for eroge.

>> No.7169912


...Saihate no Ima is like this? I thought it was an ambiguous mindfuck drama like Cross+Channel.

Gotta agree that genre shift games are great, though.

>> No.7169917

If KEY manages to pull this shit off...
Seriously though, dinosaurs? Come Key, I know you're trying but sometimes there is just a little _too_ much when you add dinosaurs into the picture.
But who knows, it might be great, but genre-shift can easily be the death of any company.
>Lolis everywhere
The hentai will be great

>White Fox

>> No.7169918

It's a mindfuck drama in the middle then at the end...
Well I won't spoil, play it.
It's pretty much the game where Romeo had the most freedom so he went a bit crazy in this.

>> No.7169919

Looks great, just like Angel Shits.
>genre shift

>> No.7169928

Angel Shit is an anime by Damae, Rewrite is a VN by Romeo.
Stop comparing them.

>> No.7169930

>Seriously though, dinosaurs?

I blame the Dragon Knight for this.

Also there seems to be other monsters than just dinosaurs, and there's probably a REASON for them, at least.


I'm going to have to wait years before Ixrec translates it.

Maybe I'll just start learning Japanese...

>> No.7169936
File: 19 KB, 366x274, 1294448395086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck could be a good reason for dinosaurs?

>> No.7169937

Oh boy, Angel Beats 2. Key has always been shit, but this doesn't give me much hope outside of Romeo and Ryu07.

>> No.7169939


Well, like, I can guess that the villains are summoning them or something.

Granted, dinosaurs are by nature silly, but as long as it's justified I don't care.

>> No.7169941

I take it you didn't read Lucia's trial scenes.

>> No.7169942

I don't understand, if you think Key is shit why the fuck do you post in this thread.
You are such faggots.

>> No.7169943


Angel Beats would have been a great VN. Just saying.

>> No.7169946

Romeo is the main writer faggot.
And play the trial already, oh wait you can't.

>> No.7169950

I'll be waiting for the 18+ version.

>> No.7169955

You'll wait forever then

>> No.7169957


>> No.7169958

I guess I'll pass.
At least until 18+ spin off is released.

>> No.7169960

Does she jump rope with ribbon?

>> No.7169979

I really wonder how it will work

>> No.7170015

Get the english patched version, soma bringer is one of your favorite ds games, and it was never released here. If your parachute doesn't work it means that you have jumped to a conclusion.

>> No.7170029
File: 57 KB, 495x345, superb lyrebird tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's for display purposes, like a pheasant's tail.

>> No.7170092

Well it was obvious Kotarou had some hidden power but I thought the battle setting would be a bit more "subtle"

>> No.7170118
File: 35 KB, 550x309, 1301649988232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cgs

>> No.7170122
File: 63 KB, 550x309, 1301649995012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170127
File: 48 KB, 550x309, 1301650001330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170128
File: 312 KB, 1280x1487, 1301650202846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god Shizuru is hot

>> No.7170143 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 296x450, ultimate warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I figured what the ribbons were for. She's this fellow.


>> No.7170145
File: 65 KB, 522x361, the ultimate warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I figured what the ribbons were for. She's this fellow.


>> No.7170151

what ryukishi07 writes for KEY?

the fuck?

>> No.7170167

How fucking slow can you be?

>> No.7170182

fuck if i know i don't pay attention to KEY VNs that much, so that's not some horrible idea of a joke then?

dropped umineko halfway through 6 as well due to shit shitting shit up

>> No.7170193

He has one route, and Lucia has some kind of potential.

>> No.7170194

It's his first foray into professional work, I personally think it's more of an advertising stunt from Key anyways. The scenes he wrote in the trial were pretty terrible, I hope he got better quickly under the guidance of the other two writers while working on the script.

>> No.7170205

Well he could get better during the action/mindfuck scenes

>> No.7170214

Fucking awesome.

>> No.7170231

What the fuck is wrong with White Fox?

>> No.7170237

I want to play this so hard right now.
Fucking delays, but I seriously think tehy were going to delay it no matter what, giving the trial back in june was 1.00 and they hadn't released any new version.

>> No.7170251

Current ver is 2.00

>> No.7170260

Reason I said
>trial back in june was 1.00
I think they had the delay planned, if not, they would have released the actually complete trial a few months ago.

>> No.7170271

I hate first April, you never know if it's a troll or not.
Usually Key announce their stuff on this date but they did troll last year.

>> No.7170272

If it's true
>still no LB anime
All of my hate, KEY

>> No.7170275

They suck


>> No.7170277

LB anime would be too hard to make.
And it's pretty mediocre

>> No.7170279

>And it's pretty mediocre
I disagree with this statement, not as good as clannad but better than the rest.
Though I agree with the first one.

>> No.7170280

How was LB! mediocre? Did you and I read the same novel?

Also, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pumped for Rewrite now.

>> No.7170281

I found Katanagatari well animated and directed.

>> No.7170285

Katanagatari had a distinct style and wasn't uguu~
Could KyoAni do dinosaurs convincingly though?

>> No.7170299

The question is why do you care about which studio animated the OP at all (3 minutes out of a not animated 50+ hours game)?

>> No.7170305

It's not an april fool.
Uploaded on the 30 March and Key also updated the character pages with new cgs.

>> No.7170333

Honestly the only Key game I liked was Clannad, everything else range from plain bad (Kanon, ONE) to painfully average (LB) for me.

But this does look pretty different from the usual Key, I'm getting really interested now.

>> No.7170349

>From Moogy's twitter
moogy0 麦
Rewrite OP2 has me actually interested in the game now, funny how that works

Good, maybe he'll tl it now

>> No.7170356

>translate something
Good joke

>> No.7170367

Moogy will only translate if you give him jew golds. Try masato.

>> No.7170399

Get out masat01devs

>> No.7170402

Are we talking about the same guy? That faggot who thinks he's the epitome of trolling when even my grandmother could do better?

>> No.7170411

He doesn't troll anymore methinks. Isn't he in college for japanese anyway? He'll be better than moogy one day.

>> No.7170415

Poor Kotori is getting her place as the main heroine stolen by the new girl.

>> No.7170422

Maybe Kotaro will be fully voiced in the end, who knows.
Never understood why MCs with an actual defined personality you can't possibly self insert didn't have a voice.

>> No.7170423

Guns and dinosaurs? Is this even key anymore?

>> No.7170433

I'm not exactly sure how I should be feeling about this.

>> No.7170435

Yeah I wonder why it's called Rewrite and there's new writers and shit it's almost as if they're trying to give the company a new image but naw who am I kidding

>> No.7170437

I hope it will be real deal as fuck with every girl dying at least two times and pseudo philosophy everywhere.

>> No.7170441

if only

>> No.7170446

Lookin' pretty chuuni there Key.

>> No.7170450


I didn't think of it that way. Anyway, it looks fucking stupid.

>> No.7170461

This is what I thought when I saw that trex


>> No.7170481

Well at least now people can't criticize Key for doing the same old anymore

>> No.7170498

How can I play the new trial without having japanese windows? I have jp locale and I'm still getting the error message on start.

>> No.7170545

they posted a crack in a thread about the second trial release, it's probably in the archive or rs

>> No.7170661

Too little Akane in this opening, I hope nothing bad will happen to her

>> No.7170675


今回のRewriteでは新しいことに挑戦する! ということで、サイキ


「Rewrite」ってバトル物なのか! と判断されてしまった方。



>> No.7170690

Guess Shizuru, Lucia and Chihaya's routes will be the battle routes

>> No.7170913


Didn't they say something about how the route structure in this one will be way different from normal?

I remember something about one route leading into another, but without the use of time loops.

>> No.7170915

Oh shit, that animation!

>> No.7170940

Moe fags (Key) + chuuni fags + deep fags (Romeo) + Higurashi/Umineko fags
Key just created a monster

>> No.7170948

A truly abomination.

>> No.7170969

I've been wanting to post this for ages
Akane will probably have a fighting route, she's shown casting spells and summoning/controlling creatures..
So probably Kotori will be the only one with protect the princess route.

>> No.7170986

A monster that will probably get translated because of those things.

>> No.7171015

What does that say about White Fox?

>> No.7171027

They thank it for the OP animation.

>> No.7171033

Don't worry you guys, moogy will translate this!

>> No.7171037

Moogy is troll tier.
Memes are not funny.

>> No.7171050

Don't worry you guys, Moogy will say he'll translate it and then say "Haha I lied. It's so good that if I translated it I would ruin it."

>> No.7171059

Ixrec should have said that for a couple of his translations.

>> No.7171063

But Ixrec actually turns out.
Moogy doesn't.

>> No.7171077

I prefer no translation to mistranslation.

>> No.7171080

I wonder how the Key fags react in Japan, I doubt they are into chuuni

>> No.7171092

>implying there won't be tons and tons of drama to make you cry your eyes out
That's all they want, though for once I'd prefer a bittersweet end, like AIR.

>> No.7171181

chuuni is not a synonim for action/fighting, just for your interest

>> No.7171182
File: 56 KB, 854x480, 【Key】Rewriteオープニングアニメ(480p_H.264-AAC).flv_snapshot_01.44_[2011.04.01_22.10.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akane sure knows her stuff

>> No.7171186

i chuckled

>> No.7171188

>probably an audiophile
She keeps getting better

>> No.7171189

she doesn't know her stuff at all if she buys alienware

>> No.7171194

Chuuni is now commonly used to describe stories with settings that are impossibly big, overcomplicated and full of powerlevel.
It's used like this in Japan too.

>> No.7171200
File: 61 KB, 854x480, 【Key】Rewriteオープニングアニメ(480p_H.264-AAC).flv_snapshot_01.45_[2011.04.01_22.10.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm liking Lucia more and more

>> No.7171205
File: 67 KB, 854x480, 【Key】Rewriteオープニングアニメ(480p_H.264-AAC).flv_snapshot_01.44_[2011.04.01_22.10.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7171207


Moon dinos are pretty chuuni.

>> No.7171210
File: 77 KB, 854x480, 【Key】Rewriteオープニングアニメ(480p_H.264-AAC).flv_snapshot_01.44_[2011.04.01_22.11.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7171221

She keeps reminding me of Mai, in a good sense.
Unlike Chihaya, which reminds me of Makoto in a really bad sense.

>> No.7171231


And while most stories that end up like that do so unintentionally (Index comes to mind), they can also be deliberate like Rewrite appears to be.

>> No.7171242

only ones who try to be needlessy kool and edgy, I don't see anyone calling Alternative or Muramasa chuuni and they're some of the most developed settings in eroge.
Only if you don't know what chuuni means, I guess.

>> No.7171261


No, Alternative doesn't have the right kind of setting to be chuuni, nor does it rely on powerlevel bullshit.

>> No.7171273

The latest blog post of Key that refered to Rewrite as a 超展開 game made me remember ItsuSora.
Can't wait for this

>> No.7171286

Alt is "realistic" mecha setting, no powerlevel there.
And Muramasa is far too morally ambiguous and unconventional to be considered chuuni as well.

>> No.7171319

That's what I'm saying, you can't call a setting "chuuni" just because it uses fantasy fighting or detailed background. I don't see how Rewrite can be called chuuni so far since all we've seen are swords, guns and a magic creature.
The fistfight in the trial actually made fan of the chuuni tropes, I don't think they'll fall into something they went as far as to make fun of.

>> No.7171323

whats "chuuni" mean

>> No.7171339

Flying orange haired dude throwing bucket-fulls of flames everywhere

>> No.7171341

My guess is that something will happen to Kotori and Kotarou will find a way to "rewrite" reality to save her, and then shit will hit the fan with moon dinos and shit.

>> No.7171349

Is there anything wrong with fantasy?

>> No.7171352

I just want to know what the fuck is that compass thing.

>> No.7171357
File: 265 KB, 638x358, QC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who worked with Maeda.

>> No.7171366

/jp/ Quality Control IS Maeda

>> No.7171367


It's the dinosaurs, the SWAT team, and some of the character designs that make it look chuuni.

Oh, and the heterochromia chick dual-wielding guns. ...And pretty much everything else in that opening, really.

The fire columns really do it for me.

I don't doubt that it's going to be more of a parody than anything, but that doesn't mean it still can't be a part of that genre.


It literally means 'eighth grader' or something like that. When applied to people, it basically means 'delusional goth' and when applied to literary works it means what

>> No.7171368

>from moogy's twitter
moogy0 麦
lol @ people who wanted Rewrite to be a school game

>> No.7171372

Please die. Back to the chuuni discussion

>> No.7171376

That's just a honorary title, he doesn't do shit on Rewrite.
He is busy with his Angel Shit VN anyways now.

>> No.7171385

It probably won't be a parody but it will definitely be pretty meta.

>> No.7171389

Why is moogy such a faggot?

>> No.7171393

Sorry but I laughed hard at the dinosaurs out of nowhere part.

>> No.7171394

>It's the dinosaurs, the SWAT team, and some of the character designs that make it look chuuni.
Maybe we just have different notions of the word, then, nevermind.

>> No.7171395

>from Ixrec's twitter
Ixrec Eric Hitchcock
Holy shit I didn't know Romeo was working on Rewrite. I now plan on translating it after Sharnoth.

>> No.7171419

What a faggot.
There is nothing wrong with school game if they are well done, and the trial of Rewrite was pretty well done.

He is probably the type of fag who is into REAL DEAL eroge only because they are so REAL DEAL, he will probably grow out of this along with puberty.

>> No.7171428


Dude, there's a guy in a fucking hoodie trenchcoat flying around making exploding pillars of fire.

There's nothing more chuuni than that.


I actually checked, damn you.


I'd like to claim that it will be a deconstruction, but the chuuni genre is a little young for something like that

>> No.7171447

His favourite VN is oretsuba, but because 'it's so untranslatable it's awesome'
he'll probably hate it after the anime.

>> No.7171456


He'll hate the anime but not the game.

The anime is guaranteed to be shit anyway.

>> No.7171458

Wait, I thought his favorite vn was Subahibi. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7171461

get out moogydevs

>> No.7171468

He also hates 'mainstream' things, once everyone knows about its existence, he'll start hating it
It got too popular or some shit.

>> No.7171476

It's not a matter of aesthetics, but how it's presented as the coolest shit ever and takes itself seriously.
I doubt someone who writes people fighting dinosaurs on the moon and is all-around humorous like Romeo was in the trial is thinking his setting is the edgiest shit ever since sliced bread.

>> No.7171495


Hey, it's one cour for a game that needs at least two. That never ends well.


Hey, don't forget that Ryukishi is involved.


Moogy really is a huge hipster. His favorite anime is Futakoi Alternative.

>> No.7171498

No, but moogy sure thinks it will be

>> No.7171503

Who the fuck care about that fag, stop talking about him.

>> No.7171511

moogys gonna moog

>> No.7171513

>Hey, don't forget that Ryukishi is involved.
HIs battles were NEVER taken seriously, last episode, as bad as it was, had a pirate Erika doing an assault to the capital of books.
He knows it's retarded, he should realize the rest of it is too, but it's something.

>> No.7171524

Since when does moogy know Japanese?

>> No.7171529

He doesn't.
He says you need JLPT1 for oretsuba.

>> No.7171544

>Hey, don't forget that Ryukishi is involved.
Well, shit, you got me.

>> No.7171566

bullshit, that is complete and utter bullshit. I'm reading through it right now. It requires at LEAST level 3.

>> No.7171573

I just hope the battles will be written and exciting.

>> No.7171578

But not level 1.

>> No.7171581

Am I the only one who think they shouldn't have shown this opening?
Genre shift are especially great when the shift is a surprise.

>> No.7171584

Lvl 3 -> Lvl 2 -> Lvl 1
Easy -> Hard -> Fluent

>> No.7171593

You forgot lvl 4 and 5 there.

>> No.7171600

Or they cause the fans who didn't expect it to go into fits of rage and demand their money back.

>> No.7171606

I did say -at least- level 3.

>> No.7171607

If it's KEY; I kinda can imagine that.
I would have done it if I had bough Tomoyo After

>> No.7171611

Moogy said lvl1 was conditio sine quanon, which is obviously wrong, was my point.
There are harder games if only for text walls and awful vocabulary.

>> No.7171654

imagine how well this would sell on the American VN market

>> No.7171664

That latin is wrong, btw
