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File: 68 KB, 1024x768, efwef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7168838 No.7168838 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread

>> No.7168852

Oh right, should have this I guess

Patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?z0n3df4bd8n3d0z
apply first partial, then overwrite.

>> No.7168856

it would have been nice to have seen some mechs made out of g metals gundam style

would have been better to have banged Hayase

>> No.7168869

Same here.
Who give a fuck about Bakayuki.

>> No.7168873

So anyone got a save for all the letters? I don't feel like replaying for now.

Oh I will reread all from Unlimited and extra if I'm in the mood later, I still read through face marimo's death right now

>> No.7168874

I have a hard time believing anyone could take all the generic speeches seriously.

>> No.7168876

Inganock was better than ML:A. It can't be helped vOv

>> No.7168885

Some of them were pretty bad. 1 or 2 of Meiya's rubbed me the wrong way. But some of them, like when Tsukuyomi took you behind to the hill and had that "I trust you" talk, I really felt the emotion and weight in it, completely changing my view of her character.

>> No.7168904

it's going to take all week to finish this. I wish I could read more but the eye strain becomes hard to deal with after more than 5 hours.

>> No.7168914


Yuuko holding Marimo picture asking her to look at her kodomotachi almost make me teared up.
Can't be helped that Marimo death was such an unforgettable scene. And it is nice to see Yuuko true feelings after putting up her fake "I dont give a shit about anyone" infront of Takeru.
Everything after Marimo's death are probably the best eroge
that I have read in a while. I put it right up there with Coco's route.

>> No.7168920

also does anyone know why the translation randomly doesn't work? sometimes I have to restart the game a couple times until it shows up. did I install it wrong or is it just buggy because it's a leak?

>> No.7168926

I never had a single issue with it the entire time.

>> No.7168939

I posted this in the other thread, but I'll repost:

>Lazaford field

>> No.7168951

Muv Luv Alternative - Quantum physics and mechanics class

Got you covered. I already added it to my copypasta.

>> No.7168954


The part where Carry On played is basically the best thing ever, fuck you.

>> No.7169068

When was that? my memory is fuzzy.

>> No.7169075

Oh nevermind, I just had to listen to the song for a minute to remember,'


>> No.7169077

maybe I screwed up then. I think I remember this happening a couple times with the extra patch too.

>> No.7169123

I mad, and I'm not even up to that point yet.

>> No.7169131
File: 572 KB, 800x600, ohfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene.
Oh god this scene. Damn, a lot of planning went into this.
And here I was going "Huh, when did Yuuko write Takeru's name on his hand?"

>> No.7169144

I don't remember the exact context. Can you refresh me?

>> No.7169150

It's the beginning of the scene where Yuuko has Takeru print/copy the 50,000 sheets.

>> No.7169331

I think I talked him into changing it, but naturally we won't be getting an updated patch:

>> No.7169372

I don't get it

>> No.7169376

>It also doesn't sound very much like "Rutherford" to me but oh well.
I, what?
How are they not nearly the exact same thing?

>> No.7169385

Maybe he thought the name was pronounced "'rew'therford"? I have heard people pronounce it like that

>> No.7169508


Oh, that's what it was supposed to be. Lazaford confused the hell out of me.

>> No.7169784

shit the time looping is starting to get confusing. does everything get explained better later on or am I going to be confused forever? I'm at the part where takeru meets unit 00 for the first time.

from what I understand the world he went back to and fucked up branched off from the extra one and once he stops the looping it disappears and he can go back to the original? is the world with whatever is causing the looping the unlimited/alternative one?

>> No.7169800

They go out of their way to explain it so much you won't want them to explain it anymore.

>> No.7169809

Read the spoiler at your own risk.

Brain's Sumika is the person causing Takeru to repeat the timeloop. Sumika's possessiveness cause Takeru to be a causality conductor. She caused all the Takeru that went for the other girls to keep looping and the current Takeru is the combination of all the unfaithful Takeru.

>> No.7169827

I guess I'll keep reading then. I have to say that even after reading crunch and crunch part 2 the sumika romance stuff is my least favorite part. the diary scene really put her character in a good light, but I still hated her ending in extra.

>> No.7169843

This game is a pure awesome experience and the proof that execution is all that matter.
Honestly there are a lot of plot points that may seem far-fetched and developments that may seem generic at first glance but the way everything was put together in the game blew me away.
Now I understand why it's so highly regarded, others may call some speeches or deaths generic but who the fuck care, it left me on the edge of my seat for like 20 hours and gave me feelings very few fictions managed to gave me before.

>> No.7169848

how did you finish so quickly? I'm already 15 hours in and I don't think I'm even half way done yet. did you turn the voices off or something?

>> No.7169857

Why so slow?
Leaked came out like 4days ago.
I think most people finished it around Tuesday.
MLA is the kind of the game that once you started reading you cant stop.
I mean who the fuck can stop reading after seeingMarimo's getting a head from BETA and Sumika enjoying the tentacles rape.

>> No.7169878 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 806x644, unlimitedmeiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this or takeru getting meiya's takemikazuchi ever get mentioned or are they non-canon events?

I only started about 3 days ago and I can't really read more than 5-6 hours a day without feeling sick, probably from playing on a 15" crt.

>> No.7169879

>who the fuck can stop reading after Sumika enjoying the tentacles rape

I stopped to masturbate.

>> No.7169886

>15" crt
Playing a widescreen game on a 15inch.
Poor thing.

>> No.7169892

Yeah, the presentation is great. I had Marimo spoiled for me but it still has impact. Most of the deaths are predictable but how it occurs is still pretty engaging. I was expecting some really awful shit but most people went out the way they wanted to, and there really wasn't anything terribly gruesome or unnerving except Tama & Marimo.

Though the Sumika rape really irked me. I guess having the sex scene right after showing the rape was supposed to contrast love being better than utmost ecstasy, but the whole thing just seemed tragic and irritating to the point where I just wanted to get through it quickly.

>> No.7169929

I somehow finished it in 3 days. I didn't do anything except sleep.

>> No.7169963

I know right? I thought japan's home computer tech was stuck in 1995.

>> No.7170011

Wow. Apparently Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles Vol.1 is fully translated as well, but we can't get to the patch for obvious reasons. Altered Fable is also currently passed 60% done. I guess he was serious about striking a deal with age. Pretty good.

April fools. Take it easy.

>> No.7170033

Good one.

>> No.7170239

is the fubuki supposed to be better than the gekishin?

>> No.7170253

I thought the fubuki was a training TSF?

>> No.7170255

yes, the Gekishin was basically the first japanese senjutsuki adapted from the first-ever american Phantom. The ncame the Kagerou, and then the Fubuki.

>> No.7170261

It is a training machine, but still better than the most basic Gekishin.

>> No.7170262

I see I see.
The lore is really done.

>> No.7170308

Does anyone know where I can get the CG...there is one torrent I found but it dies at 99.8% with no seed.


>> No.7170323


>> No.7170336

Ah thanks. I want the 378 mb one from the torrent too, I wonder why it is so much bigger~

>> No.7170366 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 1088x1536, g088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7170569
File: 314 KB, 844x1200, [LEYMEI] Unlimited Road (Muv-Luv)002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7170573
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>> No.7170586

Doesn't work.

>> No.7170590


So what do you want me to do?

>> No.7170592

please tell me you don't mean the sad panda

>> No.7170596 [SPOILER] 
File: 884 KB, 1074x1600, LEYMEI_Unlimited_Road_Muv_Luv030[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the media fire.

I got around the sad panda by just going to g.e- instead.

>> No.7170599

The stuff I don't get is-

Why did Takeru remember everything that happened in Unlimited? Was it just that Takeru repeated Unlimited so many times, literally an infinte amount of times (hence the name?) improbable events like him remembering all non-specific details of his loops became possible?

>> No.7170603
File: 533 KB, 1024x768, 8550105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wakarimasen lol

>> No.7170751

The ending bugged the hell out of me.

Takeru forgets all the life lessons he learned in Alternative. I was fine with the deaths of A 01, Sumika's death, and Takeru being forgotten, but it feels like he gained fucking NOTHING at the end because EVERYTHING HE LEARNED WAS ERASED. All we got were emotional traces when he cried at people, he's forgotten the value of what he has and is back to square one. It feels so damn Pyrrhic I want to cry bitch tears, but can't because I only have manly tear ducts.

>> No.7170778

I'd like to imagine that since Takeru shows some latent emotions when he sees those who died again, that he still remembers the lessons deep down, he just isn't aware of it. Although that is probably just wishful thinking

>> No.7170797

After all he went though for Sumika, it now comes to nothing now that the moeblob anagram Kasumi entered the picture. He will obviously choose her in the end, who wouldn't.

>> No.7170810

He deserved a happy moemoe high school harem after what he went through.

Sumika chose the best route for him and gave Kasumi a normal life.

>> No.7170849

he gained partially saving another world and giving peace to Alt-Sumika by loving her. It makes sense, honestly, one of the themes in Alternative is how different worlds shape people. Once Alt-Sumika stops being a dimensional anchor and he goes back, he has no reason to be forged psychologically anymore, his world isn't at war with aliens, and knowing what's happening in other worlds while he's trapped there would probably destroy his mind.
Alt-Sumika is able to rearrange reality, so she doesn't make him remember, because that's the best thing for him. It's supposed to make you realize how blessed a "normal" lifestyle is and how shit could be much, much worse.

>> No.7171293

AF purposely ends with the status quo in place: a nine-way fair fight between the girls, as Takeru's peaceful and worry-free days will end once he chooses anyone (see Extra end), hence the title "Before the Shining Moment Fades". So nope, no advantage even to Kasumi.

And nope, the H-scenes there were all in his head.

>> No.7171437

Unlimited, suddenly so much sadder than I remember.
Fuck you, age.
Oh well, might as well ride the bad feelings curve all the way to the end.

>> No.7171442



That's Alternative Fable's Kasumi, it's not Alterantive's Kasumi. AF's Kasumi might have the memories of the original, but Kasumi is still alive and well in Alternative's world. She and Yuuko haven't forgotten Takeru, even if everyone else has.

That also kind of strikes me as herpy derpy, Everyone could remember him if they just wrote "Note to self: a guy named Shirogane Takeru existed and developed the XM3, also saved the world, but we're going to forget him due to quantum mechanical bullshit." There are literally TONS of records of his existence that can't be undone by space, voice recordings from TSF transmissions being one of them. There's no way he'll be forgotten in full by Alternative's world, just never recognized, just like the rest of his squad.

Given this, the only fucked up part is Takeru remembering nothing. So fucking what if it's deep down? He can't make use of any of that if he's not aware of it and thinks it over a million times. That's the kind of guy he is. It took three games to develop him, and one scene to undo all of that. God damn!

I know age claims AF isn't a sequel to Alt, but I've heard SOMETHING happens during the airsoft competition, so I want to see that bad.

>> No.7171449


I finally know why it's called Unlimited.

Unlimited Jealousy Works

>> No.7171459

More like
Unlimited Bad Feelings await you after this.

>> No.7171463

> just never recognized, just like the rest of his squad.
Didn't Yuuko said once everything ended, she'd make sure everyone knew about them and their role in the war?
I was kind of expecting they ended like that squad that was the first to infiltrate in a hive

>> No.7171500

> SOMETHING happens during the airsoft competition, so I want to see that bad.
After Walken's boot camp Takeru starts behaving like himself back in Alternative, even going so far as to call Marimo "Sergeant" and Walken "Major". Cue the rest of the team wondering what's wrong with him, except for Kasumi, who was staring hard at him.

And then Sumika just had to go and knock it all out of him with a dMP.

>> No.7171521



That's why I've said it so many times... this world was saved by a hero.

Crying and stumbling along the way, fighting for so long... an inexperienced hero.

Though, it's funny... everyone still went along with him... and when he found out, he also thought...

"Ah... I'm one of them as well."

Really... I can only say it's childish.

... Looks like talking to you normal people is a futile effort.

>> No.7171550

Thanks for the translation
Though I still think it's unfair for the rest, tthey basically saved the earth with their sacrifices and no one will remember them

>> No.7171559


damn it

>> No.7171579
File: 142 KB, 352x330, yashiro derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a few glitches like this one, the first time with Sumika.
The Sumika one creeped me out as I was focusing on the text and suddenly her whole face got distorted, which reminded me of the Marimo death scene from before.

>> No.7171580

He doesn't need his development anymore, because the Alternative/Unlimited war is not his war anymore. Getting close with Sumika stopped his dimensional sliding, put yourself in Sumika's shoes, would you let your SO have memories of shit and tragedies he can't do anything about?

And it's kinda implied in Haruko Maniax that Sumika is the canon heroine, as Takeru is shown waiting for her at the park, and when Haruko talks to him she shows up all jealous and tsun tsun

>> No.7171583

Do I have to read Extra or can I simply go for Unlimited?

>> No.7171590

read at least Maiya and Sumika routes. Feel free to skip shit here and there if you think it's too boring, but you should get accustomed to the characters first before diving into the REAL DEAL.

>> No.7171594


>> No.7171609

Pretty much yes, it's necessary.
If you want to get it over and done with as quickly as possible, you'll pretty much want to read every single scene with Yuuko, the entire hotspring segment, and everything with Takahashi so you don't miss one of the best scenes in the game. But I recommend reading the entire thing.

>> No.7171610

Takeru's existence was probably almost as highly classified as Alternative mission plans. As for all the things left by him, they're left by a "dead" man so most people would believe that the name is just some fake name.

And Yuuko should of forgotten about Takeru after the games end too. The only one who should have memories of him is Yashiro unless she feeds those memories unto someone else.

Valkyrie member names did get released later on as shown in the chronicles fandisc.

>> No.7171612

>he doesn't need his development anymore

Pretty sure all those life lessons can be applied to a setting like Extra just as well as in Alternative. Just because there isn't a massive war where humanity's on the brink doesn't mean you can't know the significance of what you have and how important it is to actively try and protect it. Although according to what >>7171293 says, if he still had that attitude it might have caused a lot of problems in AF.

My impression of him at the end of Alternative was he'd grown up so much, he could accept putting everything behind him. But something still feels wrong about resetting all of that, it feels like Extra was just raped by Alternataive and got nothing in exchange for all the pain and suffering the causality leak did.

>> No.7171621

>Valkyrie member names did get released later on as shown in the chronicles fandisc.
That's what I needed to know, thanks. They did so much.

>> No.7171633


Actually, I recommend playing Ayamine's route at least after Sumika and Meiya. It's a better route as far as romance goes than either of them even though Ayamine isn't as engaging a heroine. It also introduces a character you should know before going into Alternative.

A few scenes of Tama's Route couldn't hurt, but you could probably predict everything about it just from the premise.

>> No.7171647

>And Yuuko should of forgotten about Takeru after the games end too.

Yuuko has an external system to "backup" her memory, so even if the information was pulled from her at the end of Alternative, she'd just have to regenerate her memories. I don't doubt she did, forgetting all of that important shit would have put her at a disadvantage.

>> No.7171669

Ayamine's route can be pretty damn frustrating to read.
I remember the part after it splitting off taking me nearly as long as Sumika's route from the beginning to read.

>> No.7171695

... Looks like talking to you normal people is a futile effort.
feels bad man

>> No.7171723

Our real target is... the Original Hive. Humanity shall bet everything on this battle!"
Can anyone identify who was that speaking at the end of the PV?

>> No.7171735

why aren't there any doujinshis of the new crew in alternative

>> No.7171758
File: 303 KB, 1000x562, 1288553121289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I herd you guys like dead people.



>> No.7171775

>And it's kinda implied in Haruko Maniax that Sumika is the canon heroine, as Takeru is shown waiting for her at the park, and when Haruko talks to him she shows up all jealous and tsun tsun

There is no canon heroine in a multiverse setting. There are infinite numbers of worlds, and one girl wins in each of them.

Sumika only feels like the canon heroine because Takeru went to EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL lengths to find her, far more than he ever did for any other girl. It also feels wrong that Sumika suffered so much in Alternative so much that you want to pity her by making her the canon heroine, but she put an innocent Shirogane Takeru through ten thousand hells because of her jealousy and that is not cool.

What happened to Takeru in the Extra Branch is the stuff of nightmares. Considering Sumika wasn't in pain during her tentacle rape torture, what happened to Takeru was far worse, especially since he didn't completely bring it upon himself, his trauma from the Soldier class BETA is a wayward memory of his dead self.

No matter how you look at it, Meiya built up a better relationship with Takeru in Alternative than she did in any other title, even where she won. The only reason Takeru ignored her despite understanding her so well is because he was already obsessed with Sumika.

>> No.7171778

Been quite awhile since i played Alternative but where was this mentioned?

>> No.7171784

I know right? The transition from this BGM
as Takeru's subconscious memories started resurfacing, to this
after Sumika dMP'd him was so jarring it made me rage.

>> No.7171805

What was that which Takeru called Meiya? His "toutoi sonzai", wasn't it?
Back when Yuuko revealed that Kasumi is a survivor of Alternative III.

>> No.7171829

more comprehensible list:

>> No.7171935
File: 167 KB, 1024x600, ML_Boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the lights in the sky are BETA

>> No.7171957

No those are the ones you can see. The whole damn sky is BETA.

>> No.7172006

>introduce the idea of a higher form of life, a species of "god", more powerful then 10^37 original beta
>never talk about it again
>go back to more moe moe rabu rabu school life.

>> No.7172018
File: 20 KB, 300x250, caution-the-floor-is-now-lava-300x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The floor is now BETA
how fucked are you?

>> No.7172021

âge is still milking the Alternative universe you know.
Only Takeru's story ended.

>> No.7172039


It's not necessarily God, it could be Buff Clan for all we know. Nothing suggests that the BETA's creators could use G Materials in the same way as humans.

>> No.7172044

They haven't really published anything past Alternative though, have they?

>> No.7172050

Well beta called them the "creator" We call our god's "creators" so yea, beta's god.

>> No.7172068


>> No.7172099

Altered Fable when?

>> No.7172149

When you are done learning Japanese.

>> No.7172156

Well the fact that they made the BETA's essentially means that they are the BETA's gods...
Not for a few years at leeeeeaaaast. And that's being optimistic.

>> No.7172165


It's a pity lxrec doesn't do fandiscs, the man is a beast, he could probably pump that out in a month.

I still can't believe Alternative came out before Demonbane.

>> No.7172167

I meant setting wise.
As in nothing that's taken place past the event of Alternative.
Only before or during.
Though, I don't remember when exactly Rain Dancers takes place.

>> No.7172181

Still, it's like a intelligent computer you built called you creator; I don't think you can compare that to a God.

>> No.7172185

What is God?

>> No.7172202

Lifeforms made out of silicon apparently.

>> No.7172208

ballot: mass effect or muv-luv?

>> No.7172227


Find a hacker that wants to work on it first.

>> No.7172256

Absolutely nothing in mass effect is emotional.

>> No.7172281

>Lifeforms made out of silicon apparently.

My kind of God.

>> No.7172285

>As in nothing that's taken place past the event of Alternative.


>> No.7172292

Teh Reaper.

>> No.7172315

>Takahashi- Used his shuttle to shield the Susanowo Type 4 from lasers during reentry in Operation Cherry Blossom and got blown up.

How the fuck did I miss this?
Gonna replay this scene and see if I can spot any Initial D reference.

>> No.7172338


It's probably because Takeru was screaming Ichimonjiiii

I'm not quite sure what Koyasu's biggest role in Alternative was, Takahashi or Sagiri.

>> No.7172372
File: 62 KB, 805x643, ryosuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they have him voice 2 characters?

>> No.7172408

Because his voice, so good.

>> No.7172426


>> No.7172449


Sagiri was probably supposed to be his main role, but age couldn't resist using him for dat Initial D

>> No.7172567

did sagiri have a counterpart in extra? I didn't play any of the side character routes.

>> No.7172585


>> No.7172638

1. You didn't complete extra
2. During alternative you didn't even pay attention, I remember they did in fact reference his relation ship to Kei multiple times.

Really the only important extra side routes are Tama and Ayamine. They both have plot points that show up in alternative.

>> No.7173011


I skipped Chizuru's because people said it was full of stupid drama, was this smart? I figured given the pattern of characters in Unlimited mirroring their counterpart in Extra, Chizuru was rebelling against someone. Was this true?

>> No.7173039

Her mother.

>> No.7173045

God I hate you guys.

I waited for ages for Muv-Luv to be released, waited for more ages waiting for Alternative to come out. Got that shit the day it came out and played the fuck out of it. Hardly any discussion until fucking NOW, where it is getting a thread on front page 24/7. I fucking hate being so ahead of the curve sometimes.

>> No.7173109

I guess you conveniently missed the giant Muv-luv threads that used to be on /jp/ all the time. There were quite a few when Chronicles was released.

>> No.7173347

We're the reactions to Alternative comprised of "Why the fuck did you do that age?" as much as I've heard?

>> No.7173380

Essentially yes. Along with a fair dosage of NTR, rage, Q.Q, and other various negative emotions. Still pretty good though.

>> No.7173775
File: 10 KB, 400x300, festum..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Are you there?"

>> No.7173800

This game stripped everything that was good out of Takeru and put a joke of a man instead.
Mildly entertaining otherwise I suppose.

>> No.7173813


>> No.7173820

In the final battle against the Primary Objective, I got so angry at him. Meiya was sitting there in pain and all he could do was say "Mei...ya..." over and over.

>> No.7173824

Extra Takeru didn't hate himself because of his inherent weakness. He was far more honest and I suppose reasonable. Alt Takeru would never be able to say what he said to Meiya in her Extra route near the end. He just went on forever about honouring the dead and not running away and whatever. I liked Unlimited's Takeru too but Alt took it too far. There's just nothing good left in him.

>> No.7173855

>Alt Takeru would never be able to say what he said to Meiya in her Extra route near the end.
which scene are you talking about? in the cavern?

>> No.7173861

Before the ero. I think it was Meiya's. Not entirely sure but it's what comes to mind.

>> No.7173864

Mikoto's father feels way out of place with his how his character design is.

>> No.7173871

I'm still wondering why they made Mikoto a girl. That's weirder than his dad.

>> No.7173884

There's a decent bit of evidence to the idea that Extra Mikoto was a girl all along. From things like the scene in the hot springs, to the line Mikoto's father says in the scene he's introduced about wanting a son.
Doesn't make much of a difference either way though.

>> No.7173918


Browsing through my Muv Luv Memorial artbook, there were Extra-ish Mikoto h-scenes. Don't know how one gets those scenes.

>> No.7173929

Don't have mine on hand to check, and the photos I took of it were shitty, but it's Probably just unused resources.
Who knows, maybe the plan was to have Mikoto be a reverse trap in Extra, but they couldn't get the stuff finished in time.
Pointless speculation, so good.

>> No.7173977

the important question is whether unlimited/alternative tsukiyomi also a shotacon?

>> No.7173995

So besides for being unstable, and the images not being translated, is there any other reason not to use the leaked patch?

For example, is there like a major speech not translated or something? (I'm asking because the big speech at the end of unlimited was provided in a separate text file. We don't have a text file with this).

>> No.7174011

There are some untranslated parts here and there, most notably the last part of the epilogue. But they're not extremely important, and you should understand most of what is being said given rudimentary knowledge of Japanese which I assume most /jp/ posters have.

>> No.7174033


K, thanks.

So the untranslated stuff aren't too important? Not like in the middle of this important scene, and suddenly, Japanese all over the screen.

My "rudimentary knowledge of Japanese" is pretty damn fucking rudimentary, and I doubt I'll understand much at all without the translations.

>> No.7174062


It's not untranslated, it's voice only scenes. And they're pretty good scenes but not plot-important.

>> No.7174069

Nothing much.
From the top of my head there is only 3scenes

Summary of the 3scenes from my limited of knowledge from watching animu.

Graduation speech at chapter 7.
Long speech blah blah, counting on them to beat BETA, do it for humanity etcetc.

Launching scene before the final boss.
Just Yuuko talking to Marimo about her students and how proud she should be.

Last scene.
Takeru's harem complaining about more transfer students joining their harem and Yuuko suggesting another cooking contest like Extra.

Would be appreciated if someone make a full translation on them or steal Ixrec translated script.

>> No.7174080

Perhaps you should translate the games for us so that we can join you in talking about it.
I doubt I want to play eroge with a dictionary.
Imagine playing alternative with a dictionary. I would probably need 500hours just to finish it instead of 40.

>> No.7174081

It didn't crash for me even once.

>> No.7174086


The part where Carry On plays has text, it's the part at the end of the Coup d'etat arc that doesn't.


Chapter 6 speech: http://www.mediafire.com/?z8epyf8nbr86cee

Chapter 7 speech: http://www.mediafire.com/?vm2294fyycxtnc9

>> No.7174099

This, I don't understand why people keep saying it's unstable
Does it only crash on certain OSes? I played it for a significant amount of time on both XP and Vista with no problems whatsoever

>> No.7174114

W7 64bit reporting in.
Zero crash. The people having problems probably have shitty spyware and botnet infected computer.

>> No.7174116


Thanks a ton anon. You're my hero.

So is this all of the speeches that are untranslated?

Also, by "Carry On" you mean the epilogue >>7174069 talked about?

>> No.7174135

the Radhabinod speech after Yokohama battle, Carry On is the vocal insert that plays

>> No.7174355

even with my basic as fuck japanese I got the entire Yuuko talking to Marimo, and most of the epilogue.

The grad speech left me clueless though.

>> No.7174606


So I take it we got everything besides for the epilogue now?

>> No.7174630

Hey do you have the vid for the end of unlimited as well?
Thanks for the vids.

>> No.7174667


Unlimited's ending translation is included in the readme. Just read it from there.

>> No.7174787

do you have the graduation speech too?

>> No.7174821

>Chapter 7 speech: http://www.mediafire.com/?vm2294fyycxtnc9
Are you blind?

>> No.7175102


There was a lot of shit going through his head at the time, I don't blame him. I was still pretty focused on the idea of Takeru talking down the BETA Superior, so much that I wasn't paying attention to how badly Meiya was getting beaten until she was PINNED AGAINST THE SUSANOO.

>> No.7175138
File: 104 KB, 1021x596, 1301501153809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repostan from /m/

Patch with the r1 release with updated plugin hook fixing the Chapter 6 crash (and hopefully those of other chapters):

crc32 is aa24f71f; that of original leaked patch is 38259ced.

>> No.7175150

Did /m/ have MLA patch treads?

>> No.7175155

yeah, a couple, obviously a bit more focused on the senjutsuki

>> No.7175194

Yes, yes they do. Though not much has been discussed due to people really only getting to it this weekend.

>> No.7175215

So like did age released any new high profile eroge after MLA?
Or are they just another type-moon churning out side projects and just making rehashes for xbox and ps3?
Considering how they are 10^37 BETA walking around, I really like to meet the silicon boss.

>> No.7175224

no, mostly fandiscs and side stories on techgiant. Kimi ga Ita Kisetsu is going to be their first post-Alternative proper game

>> No.7175237

The game with Isumi?
Isnt it just another remake?

>> No.7175244

There's the sister company phi-age, but that focuses mostly on moege, not that high-profile compared to the main age titles.

I've heard someone say that Owarinaki Natsu is set in the world of UL/AL. Can someone verify?

>> No.7175246

It seems to be a full blown remake.
Like adding a ton of stuff into the game that wasn't originally there. Though, I've been unable to find a copy of the original on Share/PD so I don't really know.

>> No.7175254

Yes, but it's a pretty extensive remake, or so I've heard.

>> No.7175265

I've heard the same thing. From the archive.
>Game takes place in 1996, 2 years prior to the big invasion by the BETA in Japan.
>It's also at that time that the Japanese government lowered the age to the compulsive draft and made it obligatory for women too, that's an important plot point for this game.

Though there's also this in the same thread

"Wow, I play this but I didn't know that you can stretch things this as far to Muv-Luv Alternative. This game never tells us who is the enemies they're fighting to, and in Lizelotte epilogue where their village is nothing but wasteland is giving me big question marks..
I always wondering where did they get the reference that there is a war in 1996."

>> No.7175277

should I patch the game by r1 patch from that archive before copying new data.amy file -- I mean is that r1 file new one or only data.ami was modified?

>> No.7175290

Didn't a "Co-Prosperity Sphere" whatever get mentioned in Unlimited or Alt? If that's what I think it is, then maybe in UL/AL the Japanese Empire's got some overseas territories that got invaded before the mainland and pilots were sent to defend those possessions first.

>> No.7175296

data.ami is the same as leaked
mla-r1.exe is the newer one.

>> No.7175643

Is there a way to give some background to the text? It's killing my eyes, damn it. Changing the font size just makes it look worse.

>> No.7175650

Not in this build of rUGP.

>> No.7175668


As mentioned earlier (in previous threads) the epilogue voice only part is about them choosing who gets to sit where in relation to Takeru.


I don't think one was ever made of that, but the translation is included in the patch.

>> No.7175678

This sucks. And I can only change the colour of the dialogues.
I dare to say that this is worse than the DVD FORMAT issue. I don't want my eyes to get any worse than they already are.

>> No.7175688

>I dare to say that this is worse than the DVD FORMAT issue.
No, no it isn't. Alternative reads perfectly fine.

>> No.7175698

But my eyes are hurting.

>> No.7175699

Exactly, my only complain with the text is because of the pacth you can't change new character's color and defaults to 'others'.

>> No.7175712

What do you mean, you can't change new character's color ? I did it perfetly fine.

>> No.7175857

Why? I think it reads easy as fuck. It looks great too, much better then extra/unlimited did. I really like it.

Kira Kira hurt my eyes. This didn't.

>> No.7176063

The background changes from word to word and it strains my eyes when it tries to adapt the random patterns of curves and colours. Sometimes the words have the same colour as the background and sometimes characters like "I" are making weird parallels which needs extra attention to decode. It's hard to read, I often have to reread the sentences.
Admittedly my eyes are 10 dioptre bad and maybe they have a lower tolerance, but nothing like this happened so far. Kirakira and other Mangagamer releases were bad, but not as bad as this. Also, you could change the font or make them bold in those ones.

>> No.7176105

Let's say, Akane, by the game she's supposed to have light pink, yet my game couldn't do it.

>> No.7176158

meant her sister

>> No.7176160

My akane was black, I changed her to light green.

>> No.7176213 [SPOILER] 
File: 156 KB, 1280x800, ispyagreenheadedyandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Read not!Yuuhi's omake in Haruko Maniax
> this comes up

>> No.7176236

She appears in Alternative too.
Speaking of that omake, did we ever pin down who that person who says something to Takeru after getting the shit beat out of him and whose shadow we only see?

>> No.7176257

I think the general consensus was "it's some hook to a future game", and we do have the bodyswitching fandisc coming. We'll see if they mention Haruko Maniax characters at all.

>> No.7176260 [DELETED] 

Probably the Imperial Royal Guard commander accompanying Tsukuyomi at Sadogashima?

Anyway, what made me laugh is what happened to Takeru in the aftermath of her appearance (hint(?): Manami Bad End)

>> No.7176285

Probably the Imperial Royal Guard commander accompanying Tsukuyomi at Sadogashima?

Anyway, what made me laugh is what happened to Takeru in the aftermath of her appearance (hint(?): Manami BAD END)

>> No.7176286

I have a feeling that we won't be seeing much of the Haruko Maniax characters outside of things like Ayu Mayu Alternative and such like happened to Gohda. I mean, out of the characters that appeared really, Haruko wasn't in a relationship of any sort. I have a feeling Melphina Maniax might tie more into the possible next age title as that setting being a restaurant or whatever should allow them to put in more characters and leave them in a position similar to class 3-D was it? at the end of Akane Maniax.

>> No.7176485

Has anyone played the all ages version of MLA? I'm curious how it handles Sumika rejecting Takeru because of the rape. Despite how ridiculous it is, it seemed like a pretty major plot point.

>> No.7176592

>all ages version of MLA
Hope someone could upload a higher-quality version of this

>> No.7176695

wait you can change font colors? I've been killing my eyes trying to read the goddamn black text for akane.

>> No.7176707

Yes, it's under text settings. However with this patch, you'll have manually create new color settings for a handful of characters since the game is still set to call their Japanese names.

>> No.7176712

I started this bracing for epic straight away (after finishing Unlimited), and the first thing I saw was the most hillarious Engrish and miss-matched subtitles I've ever seen.

>> No.7176716
File: 61 KB, 366x389, textsettings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the first arc, the colors all defaulted to white for me. If you go to text settings and hit reset, it'll bring up all of the character options again and let you change the color.

>> No.7177018

I got to chapter 9 before I finally decided to go to bed yesterday. how much game do I have left? I was going to watch mlg this weekend but it's so shitty I might try to finish this instead.

>> No.7177093


Like 20 hours.

>> No.7177140

so I'm only a little over halfway done?

>> No.7177155


Maybe a bit more than half. I guess it depends on how fast you read.

>> No.7177253

Anyone want me to post the right colors for each character not already correctly covered by the patch?
Basing these on the colors from the side story from Haruko Maniax though.

>> No.7177266

Just go by hair color, for the most part.

>> No.7177277

I mean as in the specific values.

>> No.7177289

I started from Chapter7 and finished it in like 30+ hours.

Watching this again just make me think about how awesome would this look in 1080p if it is done by a good animation studio.

>> No.7177450
File: 71 KB, 640x480, [Anime-Legion]_Akane_Maniax_03_[754422AC].avi_snapshot_26.49_[2011.03.16_03.06.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should make an alien swarm type game with tsfs attacking a beta hive

fund it

>> No.7177648

Except no one would play it. Because it'd be something along the lines of. Get raped, get raped, get raped, get raped again. Get raped......
Get raped.

>> No.7177699

This. Even in the strategy games where you can easily redo all your moves, one mistake and you start a downward spiral of losing effectiveness.

>> No.7177719
File: 168 KB, 1024x1277, getrapedbybetasthegame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearest thing,

>> No.7177732

Plot accurate difficulty, so bad.
So so bad.

>> No.7177735

Please do.

>> No.7177750
File: 26 KB, 285x231, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you could send in the bears...

>> No.7177760

Name is what needs to be input for the setting. Values are Hue, Sat, Lum, R, G, B respectively.
1st Lt. Hayase - 145,240,177 121,170,255
1st Lt. Munakata - 230 202 174 244 126 155
2nd Lt. Suzumiya - 26 240 165 255 200 96
1st Lt. Suzumiya - 24 240 203 255 224 176
2nd Lt. Kazama - 80 26 152 152 172 152
2nd Lt. Kashiwagi - 134 139 155 112 180 217
Capt. Isumi - 3 240 172 255 122 110

>> No.7177784


Or I'm missing some very important details cause I can't read Jap. Though I highly, highly doubt that to be the case and more of just the game hates your guts.

>> No.7177834
File: 754 KB, 1024x600, 1294975068570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7177854

You need to make serious use of the undo function. As well as attack each with specific tactics. Such as maybe boost jumping over the tank class and killing them with the 36mm rather than swords or the 120mm, which needs to be saved for things like the Heavy Laser type.
Anyway, each type has it's own weakness/traits which can be exploited.

>> No.7177859

Well okay that thread has confirmed that anything above Hard is just fucking retarded.

>> No.7177937

>someone should make an alien swarm type game with tsfs attacking a beta hive

Shit, Muv-Luv Alternative mod for Valve's Alien Swarm.

Someone fucking FUND this. Or better yet, DO IT.

>> No.7177941

Well fuck the pictures don't work. There goes my translated menus.... D:

>> No.7177949

SRW fucking when already

>> No.7177969

When Midorikawa gets a role in something ML so he can bitch to Terada to put it in just like Demonbane.
Oh, wait.

>> No.7178047

Demonbane is long overdue too.

>> No.7178498

Is that real difficulty?

>> No.7178513

Yes. In free mission mode though I believe, so you can grind your pilots to a decent rank and have better units too.

>> No.7178536
File: 232 KB, 1005x728, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, not even close. That was hard. THIS is real.

>> No.7178566

Prolly should have edited out the anata 9 at the bottom as well.

>> No.7178589

how re you supposed to kill a jillion betas with 2 tanks and a robot?

>> No.7178592

Why? Hopefully people will realize that real mode is absolutely impossible by the fact that you get 9 units to hold off 102 betas.

>> No.7178597

There are 6 more units: >>7177719
Still completely impossible though.

>> No.7178629
File: 444 KB, 1024x600, icantevenimagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even begin to imagine what a quantum cannon would do.

>> No.7178669

dunno, maybe fire Bose-Einstein condensates?

>captcha: binding energy

>> No.7178726


Damn, Takeru's story might be over, but I want to see the rest of the damn fight against the BETA.

>> No.7178728

what are the 2 units on the left and right of the top group? are they robots or some kind of vehicle?

>> No.7178729

I would assume it would involve weaponizing quantum singularities.

>> No.7178749

The only player units are TSFs, Tanks, and Ammo and Fuel restore points.

>> No.7178793

How does the fuel and ammo points even work? Do you just move units beside it?

And does anyone have translated menus? Like the stats, moves, etc.

>> No.7178803

It's been a while, but you either move it adjacent or onto it and select a command.
And yeah translations have been posted. Don't have them though.

>> No.7179027

A lot of it is in katakana, and the rest can mostly be figured out through trial and error. The game mechanics aren't very hard, just the enemy difficulty.

>> No.7179201

About how many hours are left after Sadogashima?
Wondering if I should pull an all nighter to finish it off with in tomorrow. (Today?)

>> No.7179212

Sadogashima just ended? You've got quite a ways to go. Although once Yokohama starts up, you wont want to stop.

>> No.7179219

Would it be doable to finish from this point in ~14 hours?

>> No.7179229


>> No.7179245


Probably if you didn't stop.

Just kidding, you won't be able to stop.

>> No.7179249

The part between Sadogashima and Yokohama arcs was just painful. Nothing but Takeru spilling out his guts and feelings.

>> No.7179279

So If I install alterd fable I'll be able to play this beta strat game? Downloading now.

>> No.7179300

Be prepared to beat your head against the keyboard in frustration

>> No.7179302

No. You'll be able to lose.

>> No.7179317
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, MuvLuv Alternative 488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking ready.

Also hopefully this will help my japanese, I'm in 200 level courses, but have never attempted a VN before.

Lets do this....tomorrow, since it's 4:15am and torrent is going to take 2 hours at least.

>> No.7179327

Would shoot grey 6 which has negative mass causing anything it touches to be adversely affected by gravity and explode...or something.

>> No.7179330

It's pretty light in the way of story.

Well, I'll be back in about 4 or so hours or sleep to finish Alternative.

>> No.7179333

Night, the ending is worth it, so enjoy.

>> No.7179336

>Also hopefully this will help my japanese,
yes, you'll learn death cries and useful sentences like "OH FUCK OH FUCK THEY'RE EATING ME" "DIE DIE DIEEEEEEEEEE" "GET THEM OFF ME" "FUCKING BETA" "I DON'T WANT TO DIE"

>> No.7179342

Every time grunts died in MLA I felt horrible because of their screaming.

>> No.7179357

Ah, thats good then, last time in Japan I remember I was at a soccer game and I really wanted to make small talk about how it would feel to have my organs being digested but just couldn't find the right words....finally, i'll be able to fit in.

>> No.7179864

Yeah, that did get pretty brutal at time.

>> No.7179938

I felt bad for the poor yokohama guy getting swarmed by the red ones and the rest of his squad was ignoring him

>> No.7180005

Sequel is with Haruko Maniax, btw
And Real Mode there is reportedly harder than that of the first.

>> No.7180077

You can take out that "reportedly", my sore butt can testify first hand

>> No.7180100
File: 125 KB, 1280x800, saluting the dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was re-watching the 10th anniversary PV and now that I've come to think about it, this girl does look familiar...

>> No.7180706 [SPOILER] 
File: 818 KB, 1024x600, doublewhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene. Goddamn.

>> No.7180770


Because Takeru's damn awesome, they came back just to admire him.

It would be the last time they ever saw him, in this world or any other. Even the dead can't talk to people who don't exist anymore.

>> No.7180833

Yep, it's Oogami Ritsuko from Owari naki natsu towa naru shirabe.

>> No.7180854
File: 568 KB, 1024x600, all of my hate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what to think of her at this point.
She's fearsome.

>> No.7180873


She's wonderful.

>> No.7180965


I loved Yuuko, then hated Yuuko, then RAGED at Yuuko, then olev'd Yuuko, then respected/admired her. Then tearfully said goodbye.

She doesn't change at all throughout the story, but that doesn't make her any less a complex and involving character.

You are now remembering Yuuko trying not to blush after Takeru embarassed her at the end of Alternative.

>> No.7181015

How much do you want to bet that the P8 that she kept giving to Takeru was unloaded? Well, since he would be able to tell from the weight, it probably had dummies in it at least.

>> No.7181040

I don't think she ever actually handed it to him. Just placed it in front of him.

>> No.7181095


I doubt it was empty. Yuuko herself was prepared to take responsibility for all the sins she comitted during Alternative, she wouldn't back down from something like that.

>> No.7181548

See, that's the thing. I know that she's a good guy on the inside, but she's so goddamn devious that I find it hard to trust her completely. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.7181644
File: 54 KB, 704x528, [RG Genshiken] Gintama - 001-002 [DVDRip 704x528 x264 AAC].mkv_snapshot_01.47_[2011.04.03_14.24.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7181691

Takahashi ;_;
His last words were even nearly the same as in the last scene he's in Extra.

>> No.7181814

I hate you

>> No.7181898


Now that you mention it, she is the only character that receive no development whatsoever, yet she still manage to stay awesome the whole game.

>> No.7181899 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 512x512, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out Marimo's chef's hat.

>> No.7181953

Ugh hate Sumika now. GOD DAMNIT WHY'D YOU PUNCH HIM.

>> No.7182012

you mean you didn't hate her before?

>> No.7182042


It's hard to hate her even in Extra. She's full retarded but it's an act she deliberately puts on. Actually a pretty good character all things considered, it's just other characters are more interesting. Her Extra path is probably the most touching from her POV because she literally had nothing going for her except her love for Takeru, and he picked her anyway. You couldn't help but feel a bit touched at how overjoyed she was. Takeru gave some shitty rational for doing it but the effect was still enormous.

I did get angry after Kashgar, but you can hardly blame her and she felt horrible about it too.

>> No.7182066

Fuck year, altered fable is done torrenting, time to get Sumika'd in the ass by some Beta

>> No.7182082

I hated her extra route because it meant an explicit bad end for meiya. I still have to read through operation cherry blossom and the ending, but so far aside from one scene I've been getting annoyed every time she shows up.

>> No.7182125

I didn't like Sumika at first because of all the retarded violent overreactions. Awful character trait that needs to stop being used. Though she won me over pretty quickly. Unlimited & Alternative just make that even stronger, even if Alternative did make me pretty upset.

Best girl, though I have a soft spot for childhood friends. Meiya & Yuuhi are great too.

And Meiya's end isn't bad for Sumika? Sumika had been with him for all of her life until Meiya takes him away because of a childish fantasy she held onto. Sumika doesn't even have any real friends, everyone gravitates towards Takeru.

>> No.7182144


I feel most anons can sympathize with meiya more because you met her only a day after Sumika. You don't have the years of experience with Sumika that is part of Takeru's backstory to really understand their relationship, even if you pick exclusively pro-Sumika decisions in Extra.

I liked Meiya more in Extra, but I felt Sumika had the most development. The unifying theme in Muv-Luv is to recognize what's important to you and protect it. Meiya knew this going into Extra, Sumika didn't, but she had to mature quickly to even have a chance at saving Takeru despite not knowing of the promise. That's why she was devastated when she heard about it - to her, she had absolutely no chance and her weakness at protecting her love hurt her so badly.

No matter who you pick in Extra, though, the love is pretty shallow and superficial because Takeru doesn't know the value of it or how important it is. The girls do in every world, but he just doesn't get it until the end of Unlimited and the start of Alternative.

Takeru and Sumika's love in Alternative is about as pure as you can find, since it builds on everything before it. Mutual understanding, consideration for one another and a willingness to sacrifice to protect each other. It's really the culmination of growth for both characters.

>> No.7182149

it's bad but not as explicitly bad. you have to think about the consequences instead of having them shoved in your face.

>> No.7182195


It's not really love either way.

I liked Meiya, but I pitied her and the promise really just gave Takeru a "responsibility" excuse to just ignore Sumika's feelings. It's not a far cry from running away. But picking Sumika is picking her for the wrong reasons, so it's also pitying her.

This is why while I loved Meiya as a character more than Sumika, I felt Sumika was more believable a person once she dropped the genki act and her raw emotion was a lot more touching. Takeru was terrible in either case, but you can't blame him because he's lived a worry-free life until that point, but circumstances and miscommunication had to go and shit on everything. Really, it's not much different from what happened in Alternative - a lot of Alternative's problems could have been averted if people were more honest, earlier.

>> No.7182239 [DELETED] 

NEW WORKING LINKS! Jalibait!!! CPP!!! CCPP!!! 10-17Yrs Old!!! Only Pretty Girls! New VIdeos!!! No pass No SMS! Free for ALL!


THIS LINKS WORKING ONLY 24 HOURS IN PUBLICATION!!!!! save all links before 404'S!.....! aponsdpaosndpo

>> No.7182258


>> No.7182321

I cried a lot.
Many sad tears, many happy tears.
Off to Altered Fable I go, I guess to recieve some more good feelings.

>> No.7182401

I think meiya and sumika were more similar than they seemed at first. sumika's life revolved around takeru, but at the same time meiya's attachment to him was the only amount of normalcy she allowed herself. I actually went for sumika's ending first in extra since I always feel bad for the childhood friend character in harem animus, but the plot twist pretty much reversed my opinions.

also her reaction to takeru getting rough with her in alternative was adorable. "it's not like I want you to try to rape me."

>> No.7182443

Anyone find the age's translation of the Valkyrie's oath in the 10th Anniversary PV and such to be better than Ixrec's? Sure his may be more accurate to the Japanese or whatever, but age's feel much more like an oath, and the weight of it is far heavier than his.

>> No.7182461

what was it?

>> No.7182493

age's from the 10th Anniversary PV is
Achieve your mission with all your might.
Despair not till your last breath.
Make your death count.

>> No.7182502
File: 871 KB, 2000x2014, 1301644809052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10th anniversary pv:
Achieve your mission with all might.
Despair not till your last breath.
Make your death count!

There's an older version:
Be desperate and carry out a duty.
Do your best as long as there is a life.
Never die in vain.

>> No.7182529

Bakayuki charging in even when he was told to evacuate.

You can't really hate her for what she did. She did everything possible just to gain an extra 30years. That is how fearsome BETA is. If she was like Takeru, humanity would have been wiped.

>> No.7182564

I'd have to agree. No one can really fault her for her actions. Despite the sacrifices, those 20 years she bought is a huge amount of time. Potentially enough to bolster the population by a very large amount.
I mean without her Alternative V would happen, and like was brought up in Alternative, no one could guarantee they'd manage to get there. And after seeing the world in TDA, I'd say all those sacrifices were extremely worth it.
Though I can't help but wonder if they'll attempt to make more 00 Units and Susano-ohs. Considering they should have a decent stock pile of the various G elements now.

>> No.7182593


Without Takeru, though, Yuuko would have forever failed. The two pair up like Suzaku-Lelouch, together they're practically unstoppable and can overcome ridiculous odds.

I mean consider, Alternative IV wasn't even completed by 12/15/2001, the day of the coup, but by January 1st the Original Hive and Sadogashima had been destroyed. Two damn weeks. In Unlimited, it took two years just for Alternative V to roll out.

You can bet there will be more 00 Units and XG-70s. They're needed for Mars and the Moon, at the very least.

>> No.7182595

wait how old was she?

>> No.7182606


Yuuko was in college in 1991, so it's safe to say early 30's.

>> No.7182607

Yuuko is Late 20's, early 30's I believe. She graduated college in '91 was it? Or it could have been '87ish I don't recall.

>> No.7182635

Well you can probably just g-bomb the moon and mars...who really gives a shit

>> No.7182642

G bombing the moon might not really be an option, I mean altering gravity on the moon could fuck up Earth's already fucked up ecosystem.

>> No.7182657

I highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt G-bombs are powerful enough to alter the gravity of the moon.... Not to mention fighting on the moon would be impossible as well as on Mars. So there only option would really be just to G-Bomb their BETA asses.

Seriously though, BETA's are fucking unstoppable. No lie.

>> No.7182661


>> No.7182668

New thread here. >>7182666

>> No.7182673

New Thread

>> No.7182677

I admit my defeat.
