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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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716687 No.716687 [Reply] [Original]

There are more weeaboos than there are emos, scene girls, goths and sk8rs combined.

This is never more evident than at one of the ludicrously large USA weeaboo conventions, when millions of you fuckers descend to bask in each others smelly weeabooness.

That's why I never show my power level, or even let on to my closest friend that my interests lie remotely near the spectrum of Japanese.

I simply don't want to be pigeonholed as "one of them".

Isn't it funny how nobody hates weeaboos more than other weeaboos?

>> No.716689

We hate ourselves

>> No.716695

What happens on the internet stays on the internet, and it should stay that way.

Anime cons and the like are a bit no-go.

>> No.716699

Self-hating wJEWSeaboos are self-hating

>> No.716701

But we hate Mikan more.

And there's a difference, in my experience, between those fucking weaboos, and people who just happen to like anime and maybe japanese games.

when you like japanese stuff because you think it's pretty cool sometimes, you're fine.

when you like japanese stuff because it's japanese and start trying to pretend you are one, you're a fucking weaboo.

>> No.716706

It's because of Inuyasha, Naruto and shitty shounen that anime attracts such stupid people. And that's not even the worst part either; these people know next to nothing about anime.

It's such a shame that the fanbase is so awful. I just want some friends...

>> No.716711


Oh look, a hate post on 4chan

I wonder what the reactions will be

>> No.716713

I have met people who think they know everything about Anime

you don't want them as friends

no offence

>> No.716714

It's best for us higher-level weeaboos to suppress our power levels.

For some reason, almost all cultures are like this - the people that stand out the most are the ones who are the biggest morons.

>> No.716717

surprisingly rational, not even one sage

>> No.716720

On 4chan, I hate them, yeah.
I've begun to tolerate them elsewhere. Yeah they have bad taste, but whatever.

>> No.716730

Way to miss the point

Look at the replies so far. Posting how you hate weeabos is just another way of saying how desperate you are for attention. You're only going to get positive replies since anonymous is just as desperate to show how superior he is

>> No.716736


"nightshift" /jp/


>> No.716741

Weeabos online are a bad combination really. Anime panders to young kids now, young kids are far less monitored on the internet now, so they kind of combine in a clusterfuck of bad grammar, misinformation, and general asshattery.

Weeaboos in real life shut the fuck up when someone who knows wtf they're talking about starts speaking.

That being said I still agree with op about cons. Holy fuckshit they went downhill fast.

>> No.716746

My University has this "Japanese culture society"

basically they screen a Ghibli film every week and go out to a Japanese restaurant every semester, and spend the remaining time talking about Ghibli and sushi (well, the elitists talk about Lucky Star and Onigiri)

It's a giant youtube/crunchyroll circlejerk, and no fewer than six of them were FOB Japanese exchange students, also circlejerking.

I've never met such intolerable people in my life.

I only went once (my first week in my first year) and that was enough.

Nothing like Genshiken.

Not at all.

>> No.716755


My uni anime club is pretty much Genshiken in all but name.

The weaboos who like to pretend they're Japanese have their own club.

>> No.716770

What exactly is a weeaboo?

Am I a weeaboo?

>> No.716771

Weeaboo is someone who wants/thinks they are Japanese in manner and appearance.

Think "wigger" but asian.

>> No.716773

I am a weeaboo, you are a weeaboo.

>> No.716775

Get out DAN!

>> No.716777
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You all just hate weeaboos because they're newfags, much like you once were, and nothing's more embarrassing to oldfags than seeing part of their old self in newfags. They have Naruto and Bleach, you had Dragonball and Sailor Moon. And when you were stroking it to Bulma ancientfags were facepalming at your stupid simple animu and having nostalgia-circle-jerks about how 80s space operas and City Hunter were the shit.

The only difference is that back then all this animu shit was so obscure it was limited to university anime clubs and their VHS bootlegs.

>> No.716782


シティーハンター, Shitī Hantā

Yes I had to google it. Lol Shiti.

>> No.716789

Even as a newfag I didn't waltz around yelling kawii and bishi, didn't buy rice hats, didn't pretend I knew everything about Japan from anime, etc etc.

Weeaboos are a new type of fag.

>> No.716798

bawww, my culture is mainstream and is appreciated by people who don't care enough to dedicate their every waking moment to it and who wouldn't know a book if it bitch-slapped them

bawwwwwwwwwwwww i don't feel elite and uber anymore, i think i'll abandon all of the popular anime and only go for obscurity

bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww now narutards have found out about dennou coil what will i do? bawwwww

>> No.716804


I can't speak for others, but I actually feel MORE elite, since I'm not ass annoying or ignorant as fresh weeaboos.

I don't hate them either, though.

>> No.716806
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I was a newfag in the late 90s (granted, not the oldest, but old enough not to be one anymore) and while I never did that, I knew people who did. They did exist. They have always existed. They still exist. They are not nearly the prevalent majority that people make them out to be, and there are certainly none on 4chan. None. Anyone who pretends to be is just trolling.

All they are is a straw man for you to get angry at instead of getting angry at yourself for liking this shit in the first place.

Anyone who's decently comfortable with themself doesn't really have that problem.

>> No.716808

rice hats? there are hats made of rice?

>> No.716814

Some of them have the potential to be decent, given time.

But most are just stupid. It's not a weaboo thing, it's a generational thing.

>> No.716819


sage advice

>> No.716821

the sad truth is, most weeaboos are JUST LIKE YOU

that's right YOU

naruto and bleach don't attract wapanese, they attract azns and casuals

>> No.716827

>>But most are just stupid. It's not a weaboo thing, it's a generational thing.


>> No.716828

I can do all i want. Here people mistake china for japan or korea or taiwan. And have no idea what a weeaboo/otaku is.

>> No.716833

No, to people like me who grew up on Ranma and Knights of the Zodiac, you will forever be a newfag.

>> No.716848

Now thanks to weaboos people think that all people who watch anime are retarded faggots.

Just go on youtube and search anime con and you shall rage oh yes you shall.

>> No.716851

>Knights of the Zodiac


聖闘士星矢 - Saint Seiya

>> No.716875

The only option we have left is to become social hermits


>> No.716885
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>> No.716894

We need the immature and newfag weeaboos.
We need them to quelch our hunger for hate, and we need the hate for them to make sure we love ourselves.

>> No.716904

what will the normalfags think, oh noes

>> No.716908


I rage just as much reading 90% of the posts here on 4chan anyway

Actually, I'm usually to embarrassed to watch those videos but I end up reading all the stuff here anyway and rage my eyes out

>> No.716910

Who knows??

>> No.716912

Wait, so I indirectly hate myself by hating what I never was?


>> No.716937

Look, just think about this question for a second

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?"

newfags - I'm going to a convention about japanese cartoons

you - I'm posting all day on an internet board about japanese cartoons

equally pathetic and useless. i hate you both

>> No.716942

Am I the only one who started off HATING dragonball Z in the mid 90s because it was so popular? that's right, popular. I remember sailor moon and cardcaptors (Cardcaptor Sakura) and Sakura/Tomoyo lesbian erotica

>> No.716945
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>> No.716951

me: playing TF2 for 12 hours, masturbating and falling asleep in my own filth

I have only clicked on /a/ about 3 times in the 4 years I've trolled this website

>> No.716962

me: /jp/ 7 hours, learn math 5 hours, play games 4 hours, 1 hour of star trek, 1 hour of animu.

>> No.716992

I didn't hate it because it was popular, I hated it because it sucked.

What's wrong with anime conventions? As long as you avoid the kids and idiots who watch shows you don't like, they're pretty good. That and yaoi fangirls, it's a good idea to avoid them I hear.

>> No.716999

you can get things cheaper if you look, and occasionally you see good cosplay, not so bad.

>> No.717075

me: learn maths 8 hours, touhou 2 hours, internet 0 hours.
All according to my plan.

>> No.717080

Not directly. I started off hating it because all the fans I knew were tards, but that's a different reason in my book. Is it worth going back and watching it?

>> No.717102


Dude, I know, it's stupid to buy DVDs at conventions, but for stuff that very few import sites have, large conventions aren't bad.

Also, shipping from japan sucks.

>> No.717114

>There are more weeaboos than there are emos, scene girls, goths and sk8rs combined.
You say it as if it were something bad.

>> No.717120

also, living in japan rocks. our conventions are fuckwin, except for being completely packed like sardine cans

>> No.717139

Conventions in Japan: serious business.

>> No.717143

You know what I hate more than anything ? Guys like OP (assuming it's not a troll).

They can't even assume their hobby, not by wearing a naruto headband and shit, but just by saying "hey, I like anime". IT'S SO.FUCKING.SIMPLE. No one is going to look at you like a retard because you say that. No one is going to judge you based on that (and even if they do, it will only prove that they are retarded so why should you care ?).


>> No.717144

American anime importers are also partly (mostly) to blame. Because of their belief that cartoons are for kids, Naruto, etc have been marketed to kids, leading to our situation today, where most anime fans are cultured by the American industry, and anime fans in general deserve a sandbox-y death. Think about it...even if the typical narutard is a teenager, their maturity level matches the standards of the american version of the show.

Those of you who hate them have discovered the true nature of anime, that is to say: anime tends to be self-aware, and also aware of the fact that its main audience is actually OK with fanservice and violence. Also, even if the dub of Naruto is stupid compared to the original, you have realized that Naruto and shounens in general are vapid in comparison to the good anime which is interestingly NOT imported by the american industry.

>> No.717166

>No one is going to judge you based on that
It's the same if your a woman and go to a job interview and say you plan on having kids. It's not like they are going to judge you because of that...

>> No.717177

Western World = Drawn Animation is for kids unless it's Simpsons,South Park or Family Guy.

>> No.717200

It's not exactly the same thing, since the company have something to loose if they give a job to a future pregnant woman. In this case, your "friends" have nothing to loose if you like anime.

I really hate this whole "hiding power level" shit. I don't stand around yelling "HAI GUIZE I LIKE ANIMOO SUGOI NE ? ^___^" and even if I say that I appreciate anime (hell, even /jp/ related stuff like figs) my relations at work or with friends are perfectly normal.

>> No.717204

>It's because of Inuyasha, Naruto and shitty shounen that anime attracts such stupid people
>It's because of Inuyasha, Naruto and shitty shounen that anime attracts such stupid people
>It's because of Inuyasha, Naruto and shitty shounen that anime attracts such stupid people

Thread was over right there.

>> No.717205
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>but just by saying "hey, I like anime"...No one is going to look at you like a retard because you say that. No one is going to judge you based on that

>> No.717209

Well, I admit that if you're a smelly fat guy, they might avoid you (I don't think it would be because of the anime-thing only, whatever). But if you're "normal", they won't reject you.

>> No.717213


>> No.717214

See, your theory is flawed. When you say, "hey, I like anime." you are no longer normal.

>> No.717219
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but they'll stereotype and associate you with a fat smelly Andou style otaku.

>> No.717224

right, you'll be "normal" so long as you keep them from ever finding out what "liking anime" entails.

might as well just keep that shit to yourself. the minute you have to explain why you're watching a show where 10 year old girls routinely get naked and battle each other in scantily clad uniforms, you're not going to be normal anymore.

>> No.717231

Most of us are moderate weaboos. Sure we love anime, video games and the like, but it's not like we are shameless enough to marry a pillow or something.

>> No.717238
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Then they are just stupid and not worthy of you. The age range has also something to do with that, I would never tell my grandma that I like anime because she would simply not understand (explaining what's a video game was a pain in the ass...), but I have plenty of colleagues who have absolutely no problem with that (I even made some of them watch Wolf's Rain and Chrno Crusade)

Of course, it depends. If the only type of anime you watch is moe fanservice@Potemayo, it would be the same thing as telling them "hey I like naked little girls !"

Btw, sorry for the engrish.

>> No.717240
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or buy figurines and put them on display


>> No.717241

Gotta ask whats the % of weebos who have actually been to japan?

I cant say that I have met many weebos but I did hate the few that I did meet. 1 fag told me "there no need for us to know our names since we will only meet each other on the bus ride home". Strange ass fucks.

>> No.717245
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>> No.717248


>> No.717250


In before Robotech RAGE

>> No.717251


Judging from the amount of replies in any japan related thread quite a high proportion of users on this board, including myself.

>> No.717313

I sure hope they don't discover Jojo or anything else that's awesome. My elitist career would be RUINED.

>> No.717319


I for one hope they never discover touhou to maintain my elitism.

oh shi

>> No.717327

3 times

though i don't consider myself a "weeaboo"

>> No.717338
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>1 fag told me "there no need for us to know our names since we will only meet each other on the bus ride home".

Deep man.

>> No.717414

"Weeaboo" tends to be thrown around as a measure of power level, when in fact as has been stated it's more like wigger but for japan. Or in a more general sense, weeaboo isn't related to your power level so much as how much of a faggot you are about it.

Someone who only watches what's on Cartoon Network but wears Naruto headbands in public (not just at anime cons) and thinks of Japan as some sort of Otaku holy land that's superior in every way to Amerikka is weeaboo, someone who has every square inch of wall and ceiling in their room covered with anime posters and shelves full of hundreds of anime figures, some of which cost them $100+, but acts like a normal person in public is not.

Weeabooism tends to be inversely proportional to power level because as your power level rises you learn that Japan actually sucks just as much as America, just in different ways. And just general jadedness about the whole thing.

>> No.717451

I generally agree with this. There is also another misuse of the word besides simply using it to refer to power level and that is when people just use it as a general negative label so that it just becomes a way to say "I do not agree with you, so you suck"

I would like the term to keep its negative meaning but to be specific to its original meaning of a person who is infatuated with Japan but has no real understanding. It has been a very common thing throughout history and we finally have a word for it lets not screw it up.

I absolutely will not accept it becoming a badge of honor like the word "geek" and "nerd" have become.

>> No.717460

Also the we already have a word that is used by insiders as a "positive" label meaning "one of us" -- otaku.

>> No.717493


Yeah...that would be kinda....uh..

>> No.717507


True, but there's a difference between displaying your power level in the privacy of your own home and displaying your power level out in public.

>> No.717511

I watch some anime, dont really buy Jap merchandise. I listen Jpop music...mostly despite not understanding a word. The language is soft sounding. maybe thats why.

>> No.717513

>>717460 are you >>71451?

If so:
"Otaku" is no real badge of honor either... Those who think it is, have been misinformed of it's meaning in much the same way.

>> No.717521

"Weeaboo" is a shibboleth.

>> No.717526

Kind of like nigger. If used by a nigger it's postive. If used by a whitey they are suddenly reminded of all the shit that happened to their ancestors and a deeply offended.

>> No.717546


Of course, just bringing it up unannounced, no matter what kind of anime you watch, would make one seem like an obsessive nerd. But once I had a roommate who loved jazz and played the saxophone, and it turned out that while he hated the great majority of anime (thought it was all moe shit and ridiculous action-type stuff) he loved Cowboy Bebop, and that came up on its own. So there are other ways.

>> No.717548

Yeah. Before weaboo was made up, we called them niggers.

>> No.717570

Weaboo is also a term that is only familiar to 4chan. Newfags tend to think that the term came from 2chan or the Japanese in general. (remember the faggots in gikopoi?)

>> No.717576

Does anyone still hang around Giko?

>> No.717582

>Weaboo is also a term that is only familiar to 4chan.
That's what I was saying.
It's a shibboleth.

>> No.717592

I understand that otaku has a negative meaning in Japan but even there they have been labeling themselves as otaku. It is one of those words, like nigger, that are used differently inside and outside the group that it describes.

Words like weeaboo, geek, nerd, hacker, and otaku are all basically negative. I do not think I misunderstand the word otaku. People used it as far back as I remember being an anime fan (1995). The only thing odd about it is that for american anime fans it was never really negative but in Japan it is mixed.

(hacker is a bit different because it started as a positive in group word, and became negative in common use.)

If people who think want to be ex-patriots and are generally faggots about Japan and are self-aware about it want to label themselves weeaboo more power too them. I just do not like the word being used in anyway that applies to me though. I suppress my power level for the most part.

>> No.717613
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"Hello there!"

>> No.717694

After years of bullying at school weeaboos have internalized their self-loathing. Normal fags still hate you, but they're just "grown up" about and prefer to screw you over in the workplace in more subtle ways.

>> No.717740

I love a lot of japanese stuff but I hate myself for doing so. It's pathetic, and not something I'd openly talk about.

>> No.717940
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>>as your power level rises you learn that Japan actually sucks just as much as America, just in different ways.

>> No.717956

I noticed that but the ways it sucks is awesome.

>> No.717980


Fuck you. If you seriously think the ways the Japan sucks are "awesome" then your level is way out of proportion.

Is it good that the school system is short of slavery? Is it GOOD that some public toilets make you lie down? Is it good that all waifus look the same?

Fuck you, Anon. FUCK. YOU.

>> No.717997

Weeaboo came about because faggots like me without foresight complained about all the retards on /b/ throwing around the word wapanese endlessly, and demanded a wordfilter on it. We got weeaboo which I still don't know what the fuck it means.

You can blame me for all your problems

>> No.718006


>Is it GOOD that some public toilets make you lie down?

You lie down on squat toilets what the fuck.

>> No.718012

I take "Fuck you" as a compliment

>> No.718035

>short of slavery

YEs it's good; keep young people working hard so they're less prone to bitch when they hit the real world. Help take away some of that holier-than-thou attitude that every teenager here in the US develops.

>> No.718037

"Waifu" doesn't apply to 3d.

>> No.718044

>>that holier-than-thou attitude that every teenager here in the US develops.

Can't disagree with this.

>> No.718046

> school system is short of slavery
yeah, this edumacation thing is really holding them back
They should make it optional at a certain age or something, so that they can opt-in to be slaves to the dreadful knowledge overlords
