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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7163109 No.7163109 [Reply] [Original]

In any thread tangentially related to sex on /jp/ there's always a ton of people talking about wanting to be the little girl, wanting to be fucked 'like a slut', wanting to be cuckolded and so on (we even had diaperfags here a year ago).

Why are you so submissive? Don't you find submissive femininity attractive? Don't you enjoy the idea of being dominant to a girl that obeys you dutifully and lovingly, cooks for you, obliges your every sexual wish and so on?

Were your Touhous real, most of their personalities and character indicate they would be the epitome of submissiveness towards a man.

>> No.7163113
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>> No.7163112

But... I'm not submissive and male submissives annoy me a lot. Their fetish is omnipresent whatever they talk about, it's irritating. By contrast I actually like the idea of degrading and humiliating girls sexually and that's what 99% of girls like so it works out.

>> No.7163121

I like loving consensual sex where the 2 involved see each other as equals.

>> No.7163118


Back to /b/ with you son.

>> No.7163124

i'm from /mu/ you fucking nerd.

>> No.7163126

I'm guessing /jp/ wants to serve someone and feel useful or something, I dunno. I'm not really dominant or submissive. I dislike taking charge of other people, but I don't like to be controlled. I want to be free, to help people because I felt like it and go where I want. If I wanted a woman, she'd be one that joined me of her own accord, as great friends and equals of some sort. As for being a little girl, I just want to be beautiful.

>> No.7163122

This thread is bad and you should feel bad for making it.

>> No.7163130

I can't help what I like sexually

>> No.7163132


Although it demonstrates it's counterproductive to step down to shitposters' level, even to prove the point.

>> No.7163133

I don't know why. How are you supposed to answer that?
I like a girl making me tell her I love her, I like a girl telling me how I'm wrong, I like a girl not letting me touch her. I like a girl knowing more than me, and I like letting a girl do whatever she wants with me.
Gentlemen, I love being submissive. Why should I have a reason for that?

>> No.7163134


Vulgarity is for /b/.

>> No.7163137

Because :3

>> No.7163141

>Were your Touhous real, most of their personalities and character indicate they would be the epitome of submissiveness towards a man.

Is that so?

>> No.7163147

You're a sick monster.

>> No.7163148

I'm not really submissive, it's just a fetish.
You know, kind of like roleplaying. Sometimes I'm in the mood to get raped, sometimes I want to do the raping myself. I fail to see the problem.

>> No.7163152

This, I was gonna say most Touhous would actually be much, much more aggressive and violent than normal people.

>> No.7163153
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>> No.7163156

I don't know, I think he has a point. Don't confuse female cattyness and aggression amongst each other to mean they'd be aggressive in the presence of a male, or sexually aggressive with a male. quite the opposite in fact.

>> No.7163160

Femanon here.

I prefer being submissive as do most girls (seriously like... I've only ever met one other girl who told me she liked to be dominant in the bedroom with her bf) but I think we can oblige in being dominant if we love the guy enough, my problem is I actually find it a real turn off. I can't help it but I do.

>> No.7163166


>> No.7163176

This is the worst thread ever

>> No.7163185

oops, forgot my sage xD

>> No.7163180

I don't know, the bring back currybutt ones give it a run for its money.

>> No.7163181
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>> No.7163187

I prefer being submissive,and being choked.
But I can be very sadistic towards people.
More like you have to prove superiority to me.

>> No.7163189
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>Since it's anonymous they won't find out I'm lying.

>> No.7163191

>being choked

Female detected.

>> No.7163194


>> No.7163195

But Marisa isn't very submissive around Rinnosuke.It's difficult to proof that statement if the only male in touhou canon stories is a nerdy shopkepper

>> No.7163197


Sadists make me feel sadistic. As if I need to make them feel pain so they'll stop hurting others, yet I get pleasure from it. I don't know why. I want it to go away though.

>> No.7163200

I can't believe we're actually keeping this abomination of an /r9k/-fallout thread.

>> No.7163201

In which game did that happen?

>> No.7163208

Because /r9k/ is anoninmous. /r9k/ is legiun.
We don't forge and we don't give.

>> No.7163207

of course, marisa wouldn't let just any man fuck her ass and then suck his dick straight afterwards.

>romantic elersit

>> No.7163209

Actually, I love violent and painful rape, especially involving innocent little girls, that will suffer, and not just some filthy sluts, so yeah.

>> No.7163214

But I do. Then again, I don't want to be the little girl.

>> No.7163217


as a former lu/r9k/er I'm aggrieved you'd lay the blame for off topic threads solely at our feet considering they've been going on for years here.

>> No.7163222
File: 2.92 MB, 4250x5000, FDom comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all a matter of culture, upbringing and what manga you've read

>> No.7163245

You fucked up, remake this thread with a touhou image in the OP.

>> No.7163248
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I think not.

>> No.7163252

Fuck off back to /soc/ normalfag.

>> No.7163262
File: 376 KB, 700x680, 1299642992731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because they are very vocal about it OP. Not sure if they fall under majority or minority, but I myself love dominant rape/guro.


Some of my favorites, go crazy.
Dom with Yandere characters is great too though.

>> No.7163263

Thanks. I will enjoy.

>> No.7163265

Oh God Oh God Oh God. I'll need sources. All of them.

>> No.7163268

Row 3, column 4
Row 3, column 6
Row 4, column 3
Row 7, column 4

What are they?

>> No.7163266

sup OP of said thread. Enjoying your false sense of satisfaction?

>> No.7163267
File: 259 KB, 1223x602, jp right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread must be replied to.

>> No.7163272


funny thing is if OP had done this the raging weeaboos in this thread would probably have been placated, that's how dim they are.

>> No.7163277

If any Anon can identify these, do speak up. It's a compilation of unknowns.

>> No.7163278

>Pick Up Genius Mystery

I fucking lol'ed.

Archive this shit!

>> No.7163282

>It's because they are very vocal about it OP
I think that this is true. I talk about my submissiveness and homosexuality every time all the time here, because I can't really do it anywhere else and it feels good to talk about it.

>> No.7163287

You do realize that "This thread is bad" does not constitute as "raging weeaboo" right?

>> No.7163294


You realize he doesn't even believe what he types, right?

>> No.7163296

Next time you feel like discussing that here. Not to be a jerk, but they have frequent discussion threads over there, and you could find a better crowd to talk with/post images. Downside is that it's brimming with normals and bitch/whores.

/h/ bans discussions, so don't try it there.

>> No.7163297


fuck off back to /b/ nerd

>> No.7163309

Thanks, but I really don't like /d/. I'm very vanilla when it comes to sex, and they just never post anything that I like. I do sometimes talk on /cm/ and /y/, but it's difficult to get a conversation started there.

>> No.7163314

I actually find it stranger when socially awkward people are dominant. When someone on /jp/ goes on about how sadistic they are, it gives me the impression that they're trying to force themselves into enjoying the position of power in order to make up for their lack of confidence. One of the reasons I can say this is because I used to be like that, trying to force myself into being dominant in order to feel better about myself, until I finally gave up and admitted that I'm a pathetic loser and that I thus shouldn't have any problems accepting my submissiveness.

>> No.7163319


I wouldn't advise him to post on /d/ or anyone else to post there for the very reasons you mentioned, over the past few years it has turned into this horrible synthesis of what we'd today call /adv/ and /soc/.

Way too many females there too, all of them slutty.

>> No.7163327

Not 300 times.

>> No.7163336

You do realize that in your fantasies you could be anything, right? That's the best part about living in /jp/ style. Otherwise you're just a pathetic person, that failed to become normal.

>> No.7163341
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Let's get intellectual


>> No.7163347

Speaking as a dominant individual, being dominant just comes naturally to me. I can't imagine enjoying being submissive because there's no imperative to be submissive on a basic biological level.

>> No.7163356
File: 84 KB, 800x600, 1300932744061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly lost in thought and daydreaming while awake, lost in my fantasies. Right before falling asleep is when it feels best, but sleeping or awake, i do not find myself very involved in the physical world, nor do I care. It feels as if I'm watching myself, from behind myself and going through a rut, just so I can sustain my biological shell in order to dream further. I'm only speaking for myself here, but I'm sure this applies to plenty of /jp/'ers.

>> No.7163361


I guess it is a bit strange. I don't know why though. To tell the truth I couldn't be dominant or submissive though. I don't like either side of the coin. What would that be called though?

>> No.7163366

Hi, me.

>> No.7163374

What's really sad is that hentai boards stay on topic unlike /jp/. About the worst thing they get is requests (usually they get banned), and some endless reposts of the same crap (fucking Nintendo).

>> No.7163375

You do have a point. Still, I tend to get the impression that they're almost bragging about being dominant, like it makes them special.

>> No.7163390

Well, it kinda does. And sometimes it can freak out some stray normalfag, so it could be funny. But in this thread we're just answering op's question.

>> No.7163391


The idea of just being submissive or just being dominant is fucking odd to me. I can't stand girls who are only submissive or only dominant.

>> No.7163392

Sure is inferiority complex around here.

>> No.7163399

Couldn't the opposite be said of you, since you're automatically assuming that other people are feeling inferior to you since they have a different fetish than you?

>> No.7163401

Google "westermarck effect". That article is completely dead wrong on damn near everything it postulates.

>> No.7163405

Google "criticisms of westermarck effect"

>> No.7163411
File: 2.91 MB, 5000x3600, m'llb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The modern woman archetype wants to be "in control of her own sexuality", ie to have sex when she want to have sex.

However if the modern man interferes with this, pleading off having sex "I don't feel like it tonight", then modern woman archetype immediately blasts his masculinity and complains about not getting what she wants.

>> No.7163416

>Femanon here
Strike one.
>seriously like...
Strike two.
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7163469

Even as a submissive, that kind of emotional abuse really scares me. It basically means she doesn't appreciate you, just what you bring to the table, because as soon as you stop doing what she wants you to do, she'll withhold any signs of affection from you.

Therefore, I fantasize a girl who can be proactive and sexually aggressive, but still makes me feel loved for who I am, not for what use I have to her. Basically, how a gentleman is expected to treat a princess. Just that I'm not a princess, nor attracted to gentlemen.

>> No.7163481

>Basically, how a gentleman is expected to treat a princess.
Ah, this~
A man can dream...

>> No.7163494

That did not bring up anything substantial. In fact it mainly brought up articles glorifying Westermarck's achievements.

If you are studying sociology or psychology, you seriously need to find a better school.

>> No.7163504
File: 2.92 MB, 5000x4250, Toshiue no Hito 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sort of girl/woman?

>> No.7163515

I've fantasies of being Satori's pet a lot. Nothing lewd or outlandish, but just her regarding me with that unconditional love she shows her other pets, and me trying my best to make her happy, to get praise.

I've always hated this. You read the pages left to right, but the text itself right to left? That's just annoying.

>> No.7163554

I can recognize some of the authors

Amazume Ryuta, Lahkairam?, Yuzuki N Dash, some ichigo100% doujin, tsukuyomi? doujin, dancing anime doujin,
can't remember, Youshu Ohepe?, Yamatogawa
Aoyama Kei, ?, Otonashi Kyousuke
, ?, Betten Court, honey - I shrunk the neechan, ?, ?
?, ?, ?, Sameda Koban, ?, ?, ?, magic-the-transferring doujin, ?
they look happy ahaha (don't know), ?, ?, ?, Shinobu Tanei, ?, ?, ?
Fourth one is by Maybe
Colored page is by Onda Chiro

I can vaguely remember reading some of those I couldn't name.
Maybe it will work on e-hentai's file search after cropping them out.

>> No.7163677

A girl I knew pretty well once (not that way, and a long time ago in any case) told me I wasn't much of a man, really more of a girl, by which I guess she meant the way I acted and how passive I was.
It really pissed me off. I should have responded by telling her she didn't seem like much of a girl to me, but l'esprit de l'escalier, what can you do. Just walking away was probably more effective anyway.

Have any of you heard similar comments about yourselves? I don't really mind if people think I'm weird or a recluse or whatever (especially since they'd be right) but implying I'm effeminate because of it just really pisses me off. Because I'm not some goddamn worthless drunk alpha dog piece of shit, I guess.

>> No.7163710

I think it's popular for girls to use when they have some complaint about your behavior, without wanting to provide a reasonable argument for why said behavior is wrong. Most men can't stand the idea that a girl perceives them as unmanly, and will jump through hoops in order to prove that they're actually manly, regardless of whether the girl actually had any good reason to consider them unmanly. Women treat your manliness like doggy biscuits, and they'll only let you have some if you're a good boy and manage to satisfy them properly.

>> No.7163733

Ha, that seems most likely. Maybe she secretly wanted me to make a move on her and got upset that I never did. I don't care about that, but I will admit what she said genuinely upset me.

>> No.7163745

I'm one of the few /jp/ers that is dominant. I enjoy the idea of ANALizing submissive crossdressers of /jp/. Even though they're most likely pig disgusting, I like to pretend they're all like that Chisame fellow.

>> No.7163747

I'm uncomfortable being aggressive with girls because I was raised to treat women like they were fragile and told that being to aggressive was rape.

now it's just easier to be submissive, because it'll only go as far as the girl is willing to push things. not that I've been with a girl since high school.

>> No.7163819

I think that many men have been fucked over by this. We're taught that we're supposed to treat women gently and that they will respond well to this, but when we encounter the real world, it turns out that nearly all women want to be treated somewhat aggressively.

But on the other hand, even if I could undo that and train myself to be more aggressive, I don't want to. The idea of me being aggressive disgusts me. I acknowledge that it would the right thing to do, but I just don't want to at all.

>> No.7163822

If I shaved off all my body hair and put on thighhighs and a bag over my head, I bet I'd fit the bill.

I'm not interested in receiving, though. I'd definitely go for some of the more feminine types here, assuming the right amount of alcohol was involved.

>> No.7163834

well in the past I cared about women, but after lurking /r9k/ for 8 months before it got shut down I've become something of a misogynist. at least for 3DPD.

maybe the next time a girl shows interest I'll treat her bad just to see what happens.

>> No.7163838

no, you're from the '80s dumbass.

>> No.7163852

Blog Culture.

>> No.7164862

Why do women always say they're women even over the internet?
