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7159967 No.7159967 [Reply] [Original]

Before playing Touhou, what should you drink?

>> No.7159969


>> No.7159968

Any type of alcohol.

>> No.7159970

beer XD

>> No.7159974

> XD
Get out of /jp/

>> No.7159976 [DELETED] 


>> No.7159979

Coffee, but not lots of it, otherwise you'll just get dizzy.

>> No.7159981


>> No.7159983 [DELETED] 

What ever that drink is it looks like it was made in china.

>> No.7159986


>> No.7159987


>> No.7159988

Whatever that drink is, I want it no matter how shitty it may be.

>> No.7159989
File: 57 KB, 320x427, 1247998960001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7159990

Morning Rescue

>> No.7159992 [DELETED] 

>Scaret Devil


>> No.7159994


>Scaret Devil


>> No.7159995

Tea or beer, but the most important thing is to watch warmly before it is ready.

>> No.7159998
File: 10 KB, 183x276, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a drink thread?

>> No.7160002

Every week

>> No.7160006

This...wait bro is that you?

>> No.7160012

Why yes, it is me. My dear brother.

>> No.7160015
File: 252 KB, 600x727, 206103446873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you bro.

>> No.7160016

I dislike how I've come to hate drinking water at almost all times. I drink lots of energy drinks, light juice, tea and coffee. I generally drink some of those when or before playing touhou.
Water is only okay to relieve panic attacks. Or during a very hot summer day.

>> No.7160020
File: 613 KB, 1121x900, Saten Brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7160030


The only water I like is restaurant water. For some reason it's very clean and crisp, I don't understand why water anywhere else isn't like it. As for what I drink, I don't drink anything before usually. I just play.

>> No.7160035

Cities and towns put all kinds of nasty shit in their water. At my old house there was so much calcium in the water it would actually visibly build-up on the sides and bottom. It was disgusting.

>> No.7160052

You should drink water anon. It's good for you.

>> No.7160059

He pretty much does seeing as he drinks coffee and tea, which are both just flavored water really.

>> No.7160062

Sickening! I hate restaurant water. But it's not because it tastes bad or anything, it's due to the fact that I know the kind of stuff they put in it. I am only satisfied with the water at my house, as I filter it 5 times.

>> No.7160064


Well I should be glad I don't know. Ignorance is bliss. But still, the water here tastes really nasty. It actually has a bitter taste to it.

>> No.7160071

Filters rule.

>> No.7160074

It's kind of to your benefit to drink water regularly so you can lower your chances of getting a kidneystone, which is, at least for me, the worst non-lethal health situation possible

>> No.7160081

Cheap estonian vodka guarantees better-than-usual runs.

>> No.7160094

Only drink water for a day or 3 and you won't look back.

>> No.7160102


>> No.7160118

What kind of water filter would you advice?

>> No.7160122

Lactic acid bacteria

>> No.7160138
File: 39 KB, 450x300, couch-potato-worker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see where on topic here people

>> No.7160144

Tea. I usually drink tea anyway, but it's especially good to drink a cup or two with Touhou since it helps you stay focused for a while but without getting jitters from a sugar rush.

>> No.7160170

Whatever shrinemaiden.org drinks.

>> No.7160171

What kind of tea is good for calming down?

>> No.7160189


>> No.7160190

Mint tea or green tea while I play, usually. I drink it a lot, so it's not specifically for Touhou

>> No.7160194


There's ... a lot, although mate green tea is especially good. Chamomile is another personal favorite. I'd hardly drink those for Touhou though, well maybe mate but usually I go with chai or earl grey.

I've also got a thing for the looseleaf version of Twining's Lady Grey tea, even though I don't like much else from them.

>> No.7160204
File: 38 KB, 450x249, 07073405372p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tea is what I drink for that.

>> No.7160212

All right.

>> No.7160213

Anyone knows who's the artist who made the picture in the can?

>> No.7160249

When I come home drunk I always try to play Touhou

I suck every single time, which is quite sad, I was always hoping alcohol would make me magically better

>> No.7160254
File: 76 KB, 960x540, ZUN_justasplanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't drunk enough then.

>> No.7160623

I honestly think I could beat zun in a drinking contest. Sure he may have the freedom to be drunk all day but I handle alcohol pretty well too. Too bad I will never know.

>> No.7160634

I bet that with the right amount of stalking you could find a bar he frequents, and then challange him to a drinking-contest.

That is if you ever go to _GLORIOUS_NIPPON_

>> No.7160647

You're implying I haven't. Went there two years ago in July for 17 days. Probably will go again, I would have to spend a while stalking zun, and improving my Japanese (spending more time on the latter of the two) before I start planning to go again.
