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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 91 KB, 300x300, Lily Rain 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7135143 No.7135143 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>7117541

Suggestions for the April Events.
Bitchan about EVEs and Vangards.
Discovering the mysteries of timezone magic...

>> No.7135148

Go back to /v/

>> No.7135147 [DELETED] 


>> No.7135153

Fuck off back to /commu/.
Fucking tourney need to finish already so everyone in /jp/ can quit the games and the outsiders can fuck off.

>> No.7135158


Sadly I dont think the death of CB hotglue will herald an end to CB threads at this point. There's so many outsiders that it'll just become another ghetto, not unlike idolfags

>> No.7135167

Explanation of timezone/work issues because some people are too retarded to gleam it from the implication.

Applemecha has a fairly new job and works doubleshifts
Luvia works evenings(I believe)
Trolls are located in Hawaii, Alaska, the failipines, and Australia.

>> No.7135183

I don't feel sorry for flips trying to play at all. fuck their laggy asses. they can play on the jp servers.

>> No.7135195

How about Sunday?

>> No.7135216


Feel sorry or not, Hotglue is hemorrhaging players from this game and if the tournament isn't soon, there won't be a hotglue left to participate.

Minamitsu's already disappeared and Florette doesn't even play anymore. He just logs into someone's account and bitches about CB. Hell, nearly a fourth of the roster in the first place was just rich people's accounts who've quit the game, listed so as to provide rt to the remaining competent players.

>> No.7135247


Eurofag loyalty scum can't make it then.

Honestly you should just disregard rosters and host it this Friday. Those EF fags have plenty of extra players outside of their roster.

>> No.7135274
File: 29 KB, 617x667, PonyRain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, no.

I'm not from any of THOSE places....

>> No.7135292 [DELETED] 

I realize it's a mess in Japan right now but pick a date and stick to it; you can't keep repeating these delays. The rest of us have lives too!

Let EF change their roster if they must; the circumstances are exceptional. They'll get their turn to win the next tournament once things stabilize and if/when players in the other top clans start leaving as they say they will.

>> No.7135300


Addendum to this that loyalty scum pointed out to me.

Half of EF's roster is Chinese, as in Hong Kong. As in, that should be something like noon for them on a monday, and they aren't NEETs like half of us are.

You really should just go with this Friday, since the alternative is pretty much: Delay the tournament another month into may so snowfags and EFB can get their shit together. But as has been stated, there might not be a hotglue left in may because of new FOTMs and playerloss.

>> No.7135306

I realize it's a mess in Japan right now but pick a date and stick to it; you can't keep repeating these delays. The rest of us have lives too!

Let EF change their roster if they must; the circumstances are exceptional. They'll get to play with their full roster at the next tournament (and likely win, given the number of players in other top clans who are leaving).

>> No.7135328

BTW, I'm one of the players who wants to watch. And there are a lot more of us than there are people playing in the tournament.

>> No.7135402

>players who wants to watch.
there will be nothing TO watch if the players can't attend.
This really doesn't concern spectators. Or rather, spectators are not the main concern here.

>> No.7135421
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Oh sure. That's why they hold the Superbowl in secret in the middle of the night with no TV cameras allowed.

>> No.7135478 [DELETED] 



SAVE ALL LINK'S to new doc.txt before 404's AND DOWNLOAD AFTER TIME.....!a[psnmd[

>> No.7135503

Yes, because Cosmic Break is the new NFL.
I'm sure millions and millions of autists are going to turn out to see 2 and a half teams compete in a final four playoff.

>> No.7135511

Hey Tempura, if you're reading /jp/ instead of doing your job, it looks like you finally resolved your tournament date. Blackstreak, the leader of EF posted that he's fine with a roster swap.

>> No.7135527

considering Tempura's last post was all of 1 hour prior to BS's post, I'd suspect communicating with you rude and ungrateful fuckers here *IS* part of his job.

>> No.7135533

Okay, sounds good.

>implying that I should be doing my job at 2:47 in the morning

>> No.7135536


Go be a whiteknight for him on /commu/ you faggot. Sucking him off here isn't going to get you any RT.

>> No.7135573


am I a Snowflake yet?

>> No.7135669

>in March
>on Saturday

>> No.7135721

>In order to avoid any trouble, we'll probably set a rule that says replacements have to have been clan members when the tournament started (we have a list of all members of each clan as of the start of the tournament on hand, so this will not be hard to enforce).


Goodbye Snowglue (Snowflake + Hotglue merge)

>> No.7135731


We may have sucked up loyalty and crix's fags, but we atleast have the self respect to just have the clan die rather than accept true outsiders.

>> No.7135755


Merging with Snowflake will send you guys straight to the finals. You sure about that?

>> No.7135773

Hey Tempura, how reasonable is the suggestion about lotto cubes I recently made on the commu?

>> No.7135777

But they only have 2 players that would fit into our 10. Wouldn't make that big of a difference.

>> No.7135779


Do you want even more retards here to compliment all the ones Rynex brought?

>> No.7135838
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Are there any Brazilians, Pinoys, autistic/whiny Touhou fans and self-centered assholes in CosmicBreak compared to GetAmped2?

>> No.7135867

Yes, there are those foreign clans from around the world some of which maybe pinoy(I haven't really bothered asking what country some people are from directly, but you see a foreign language sometimes), you can hear chatter about touhou occasionally just standing around in the arena area as well as billboard bots skinned to have touhous on them, and there's Boytitan.

>> No.7135916

Okay. I only asked because the community on GA2 is dying because of that kind of bullshit, along with one of the major GMs getting a real job. Also, GA2 barely get any updates.

>> No.7135917

Boytitan does what he does best
Dieing in 1200 cost arts and costing the game for the rest

>> No.7136105

Congratulations Vyolets, you've killed the game like intended. You and your HK buddys are number 1 now!

>> No.7136149

>Our clan is made up of most HK students thats on their midterm this week and have exams on friday.

And how the fuck does that stop them from playing on Friday evening? Or fucking Saturday morning if they are in Hong Kong.

>> No.7136195

their moms won't let them play with the computer until they get the grades of the exam next week and see they've passed it

>> No.7136340
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>Even though I am a NEET, there are certain things I do on Sunday.

>> No.7136409
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>playing JPCB for the first time
Chibi telsadonna on the start page, this is looking good.

>> No.7136477
File: 308 KB, 801x604, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is new.

Is it asking for a player name?

>> No.7136577


You really should learn at least Katakana, BOOF. It makes things so much goddamned easier.

(Yes, it's asking for a player name.)

I don't know shit Kanji, but I can at least stumble through
and infer from there that yes, it is asking for a player name.

>> No.7136578

I've learned that there's actually no way to change your name into anything that wasn't already set before. So, I guess it's just asking you to confirm your name that you decided upon when you registered?

You're welcome to try changing it but I never got that to work.

>> No.7136597

Yes. 10 chars max.

>> No.7136711

Thanks, then there are two pages after as you can see on the top. Guessing it's the password?

>> No.7136712

Ahhn~ Team fights with BOOF. So fun~

>> No.7136948
File: 756 KB, 804x605, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh.

I clicked "logout" here and now I cannot log into CB. It gives me the "wrong password" error.

However, I CAN log onto the jp website with my info, what is happening and how do I fix it?

>> No.7136961

boof that says maintenance.

>> No.7136969


Oh, I guess it's midnight there.

Fuck, I just deleted my account info and unistalled the game to make a new account with fresh game data.

>> No.7136988
File: 170 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110324_1024_48_799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually surprised I was able to get so much WLK and TEC on a shop Renny Lop. If I hadn't broken 2 slots or had more slots on her booster I could actually get more (it was the 3rd booster I tried to upgrade, the first two broke all or most of their slots turning them into worthless junk). Garapon users are still luckier since they're not as constrained by number of slots. Still rather nice and I feel a great success. Now if only I had more capacity .....

>> No.7137029

April Event ideas?


April 10 is Arbor Day and we definitely need to have a return of LUMBERJACKING

April 23 - St. George's Day
How about it if we go around slaying those fire-breathing dragons and Lugasaurses from Arcantus?

April 24 is Easter Sunday :
>>Easter Egg hunt hosted by Lop Sisters
--------Let's have those garapon bunny bots as NPCs or killable enemies too.

April 30 is Walpurgis Night; Needs a big bonfire happening in resort area.


You can theme one event like this for every season. Walpurgisnacht for spring, Hyakki Yako for summer, Halloween for Autumn, Wild Hunt for winter. CB had Halloween-themed items released already, namely Halloween Ghost/Bat and Pumpkin Hat.

>> No.7137151

You actually have autism, don't you.

>> No.7137176
File: 247 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110323_2133_13_834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my LL railgun

>> No.7137196

Announce on April Fool's that the new moebot of the month, available only as a garapon gold ball, will be Nicole Malice. Hilarity ensues.

Oh wait, that might actually happen, like with Gywain. The fireworks would be spectacular.

>> No.7137237


Make Nicole Malice available only on Walpurgis Night itself. 24-hour window to roll gara for her.

>> No.7137754
File: 73 KB, 905x777, kaikai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For someone who supposedly has midterms this week, Kaikai sure is carefree. It's midafternoon in Hong Kong right now.

Of course since the tournament is something like 9 AM Saturday HK time, his story about EF members having midterms kinda smells like bullshit anyway.

>> No.7137987

This is actually not a hardware, but autism teSt.

>> No.7138040

Hey Tempura, what about those of us who used accel rolls/air loops for the tournament? We wasted the ones we had since we thought it would've been 2 weeks ago.

>> No.7138103

I am going to laugh so hard when ETF doesn't bother changing their roster and they all show up on Friday anyway because they were just trying to screw the other clans other.

>> No.7138137

where is my compensation for all the crap this March? Tempura!!

jpCB get 50rt, but we get nothing!!!!!!

>> No.7138145

You'll get something.
Just be patient.

>> No.7138174

50 [RO] or [WP] Lotto Cubes would be nice.

or 50 [RO] Lucky Cubes.

>> No.7138177


Be reasonable here, you should ask for 25

>> No.7138183

Who the hell from sdgo actually played past a week after release? Aegir? Not anyone who's actually from the SDGO community anyway, the irc channel is too busy either playing LoL, or being casual.

>> No.7138209


Ai, good to hear.

>> No.7138221


Ristelle, Lamia, Rathalos and some of the other CB only ones

>> No.7138233

Why do you gotta be such an elitist fag, Crix?

>> No.7138375

>where is my compensation for all the crap this March? Tempura!!
We're demanding compensation for playing a game during a natural disaster??


>> No.7138404

I want compensation for playing such a shit game

>> No.7138410

Tell your parents and you'll get a free lifetime of autism counselling.

>> No.7138419


Arena freeze up for 2 straight weekends, tournament delayed, lack of updates and any competent company should be back up and running within a week. Especially when said company office is in Tokyo, where the quake does the less damage.

>> No.7138445

Tournament only affects those in the tourney. Regular players shouldn't get shit for that. Lack of updates is to be expected. Only compensation should be for the Arena breaking twice.

Tempura tell someone to fix the fucking time already

>> No.7138449

and what's more, the servers aren't even in japan

>> No.7138498

The only thing that was genuinely inconvenient was the two arena lockups and the only one that was long was the two days right after the quake. Doesn't really deserve any compensation.

>> No.7138576

My compensation for the Arena downtime was Rainbow Chips and Lotto Cubes from farming Missions and Arcantus, and meeting new people to add to my friends list.


>> No.7138611

fuck friends I want a pattylop

>> No.7138617

Speaking of the arena lockups, does anyone know the exact time they happened?

Most likely there will be another one this week at the same time; seeing as how CyberStep's office apparently isn't running yet, the problem probably hasn't been fixed yet.

>> No.7138628


I am participating in the semi-final and end up taking a day off of work for it.


Bullshit, hope you aren't running any company. The arena freeze fuck up a lot of people play time, it should have been fixed within a few hours. Not waiting a whole day and worse 3 days of wait for the first time it happen.

They are running a company, they should be more professional about it. You aspies only sit around and fap all day long.

>> No.7138858

>they should be more professional about it

On one hand, whenever this happens tempura pretty much has to call the US office, hope someone's there, and tell them to reset it. That's kind of silly for a company like cyberstep which is pretty big.

On the other hand the fact the unprofessionalism is kind of what keeps this shitty game afloat. The fact that tempura is pretty much the only one in charge of the US server is what allows us all to bitch at him and actually get suggestions implemented, since it's a simple process of Players -> Tempura -> Whoever his higherup is. If Tempura didn't actually make an effort to give us a fair shake all the time, I'd have dropped this shit in December instead of waiting on the next fotm.

So basically a cube or a handful of RT or something and we can call it even.

>> No.7138893

40 fly is not everything it's cracked up to be. I'm disappointed. I should've spend all those materials getting 40 tec instead... ;_; Now I'll never have enough Fudara Cosmos to achieve this.

>> No.7138935

>call the US office
What the fuck?
Are we living in the 80s, how the fuck can you not have VNC or remote desktop in 2011?

>> No.7138997

That guy isn't me. The US office doesn't really have that much to do with CB. I can reboot the server whenever I want via a VPN.

The only reason it took so long to fix the Arena bug before was because I had to confirm with other people before rebooting the server, and that was the weekend of the earthquake so everyone was running around frantically and it wasn't that easy to get ahold of people.

>> No.7139024
File: 151 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110325_0213_21_491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ... surprised. Why is this Victory 1 I got from a Lotto cube 3 slotted when the Lazflamme I got from another Lotto cube 0 slotted?

Well, if I had chosen the box to the left I'd have gotten a 2 slotted Kamui staff which would have been epic. Still not really complaining, I can have fun with a 3 slotted Victory.

>> No.7139029

From my experience, UC bots are slotted and RT bots are unslotted.
Lazflamme is supposed to be an RT bot, so she's unslotted.

On that note, has anyone seen any gara bots in the lotto cubes?

>> No.7139042

I suppose. From what I've seen all Lotto cube bots are 2 slotted though which is why the extra slots surprised me.

>> No.7139045
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harmony harmony oh love

>> No.7139048
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I got a Mechled from a lotto cube which came with a Handy Bazooka which isn't available on the UC version.

Not really what you're asking but it is pretty unusual.

>> No.7139061

The lotto cubes use the JP Shop people. That's why you can find Gwyains and Mechleds with handy zooks and the silver/brown/red seraph promotions and all kinds of other stuff different from USCB shop.

>> No.7139087

50 rt or a [Ro] Lucky Cube?

I'd be thrilled either way...

Pretty please, Tempura? Have I mentioned how awesome you are recently? hahahaha

>> No.7139112
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Personally I'd much rather a x2 exp/UC/drops weekend if we are to get any compensation at all.

Wouldn't object to an [RO] Lucky Cube either though.

>> No.7139131

I've gotten a misty hollow from lotto cubes, and I've seen domiclown. Friend recently got a Thoarla Nimbus and has seen Sturbanger. All of these are bots that can be bought in the shop. I was wondering if people have seen/gotten any garapon exclusive bots from lotto cubes.

>> No.7139139 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 760x700, 1300146901322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was an exciting day for me, a bit of a rollercoaster in CB.

>Roll multiple Rt Garas, get blue balls and lousy bots
Rage is fucking maximum, I just blew circa 20 bucks for a pile of fuck that I could have gotten in drops or bought with UC (pic oh so very much related but NSFW)
>Jump in arena to blow off some steam
Meh, okay
>Finally get the hang of my Renny Lop's kick
I like this.
>Kill crimroses in midair, kill haku sword melee bots, kill fencers
better than expected.jpg
>get too cocky- suddenly, stunlocks and negative scores everywhere
>One on one EVE vs my Renny
>This is it, let's do this!
>They're distracted for a split second by a far away airbot who immediately runs- I get the drop on them
>Shooting, kicking frantically
>Kill the EVE
Ultimate trollface grin, I'm going to be happy for the rest of today.

>> No.7139144


>> No.7139146

Toybox HEAT, Domiclown Jo, Sturbanger Standard, Lancerlot, Gara Byne, etc.

>> No.7139151

>>7139139 20 bucks

>> No.7139182


you just noticed we're talking about a video game?

>> No.7139428

>EF roster check
>No TaeTae
>No Black Steak
>No Kaikai
>No 4 HK fags
>Hotglue roster: 10 players
>EF roster: 3 players

Hikaru vs. EFB would be a very interesting match.

>> No.7139453

>I miss 2 lessons already because of the tournament
This guy sure has his priorities straight.

Maybe if they studied instead of playing CB they wouldn't have to retake their exams on Saturday

>> No.7139460

only one ro cube? that's fucking cheap, make it five or ten
I prefer the 50rt anyway

>> No.7139469

>Hotglue roster: 10 players

Dont count your chickens yet, half the people listed havent logged on in weeks.

>> No.7139524
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Very interesting match indeed.

>> No.7139530

In before 4 Clans, 40 players

all Zero Fighters.

Enjoy your top-level play tournament

>> No.7139531

Get out of here Hikaru.

>> No.7139532 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 800x800, EFB vs. EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very interesting match indeed.

>> No.7139534

I don't know what you changed but get out.

>> No.7139542

Stop trolling Kanbara

>> No.7139551

>half the people listed havent logged on in weeks.

Yeah right.

>> No.7139570


>> No.7139807

This. Please this.

I'm trying a Jikun Long for the first time. I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing. I never even used one in all the time I was on beta. Which kick am I supposed to use for best results? What are my tactics? What weapons should I use when not kicking? I have no lag, nor would I abuse it if I did so I'm not going that route.

I don't even know if I'm doing damage to anyone with this thing unless I just give up and start shooting them.

>> No.7139988

The warp dash combos into her kicks so that is what you should start off with when kicking somebody. It's also what makes Jikuns so hard to hit and causes them to flit about teleporting.

If you have trouble seeing damage then scroll back your mousewheel for a better view. Your targets are anything on the ground. Preferably fat ARTs.

Jikun Long's kicking also knocks up the opponent into the air right at the end and if you jump up right after that and kick you knock it back down for another combo.

>> No.7139994

I seem to always pass through them though, am I still doing damage that way?

>> No.7139995

HELLo, which faction wins the most each week? ever since i started playing, i choose DOS and we only one once but now that i got a feel of the game i wanna choose the best one on a new account

>> No.7140033

DOS, DOS wins the most each week.

>> No.7140062
File: 13 KB, 122x125, hmm_cropped_revsered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm picking the yellow dude then just to mix things the HELL up

>> No.7140117

i'm glad you chose DOS, WIZ have to many people

>> No.7140135
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>> No.7140156

I picked him because he reminded me of the Old Brave mecha series.

>> No.7140182

The warp dash isn't really an attack, it just moves you forward really quickly. If you spam rightclicking then you combo into her kicks which do damage asuming you're actually hitting something.

>> No.7140211
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>> No.7140233
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>> No.7140254
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>> No.7140289
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>mini ivis
Let's rage together

>> No.7140739

Couldn't handle SDGO, quit early.
brb laughing at

>> No.7140850
File: 9 KB, 353x49, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilling in JPCB now, holy shit are there some cool things.

And then there is this. Please tell me this is what I think it is.

>> No.7140876

No seriously, if you can't join guilds outside of your faction and you can't change faction, what's the fucking point

>> No.7140950
File: 115 KB, 480x854, imgcached50461211293622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get this sent to you for buying RT
>only if you live in japan

My entire will to live is gone. This is fucking glorious.

>> No.7140956

I want to respond well to your entire concern. /jp/'s culture is so fucking intricate and complex.

>> No.7140981

I so hope to god that the tournament is tomorrow(today for you tempura). You better not be being a cocktease because EF is whining.

If this shit gets delayed until April 1st just because they bitched and us and EFB get fucked over so they can be accommodated, I will be extremely disappointed in you as you'll have cost us the match and given them an easy ride to the finals. Things get even worse after April 1st with Prius coming up.

I have prepared my body tempura, but not my heart. Don't break my heart

>> No.7140998
File: 48 KB, 297x292, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, nicole is adorable and for 80RT I can't say no.

However, how do I go about charging RT in JPCB?

Also, do you plan on having her in the shop only and not the garapon when she hits ENCB tempura?

Never mind, stupid question

>> No.7141082

Tempura, when are you gonna sell EVE dakimakuras/Ivis wallscrolls to us? I'm willing to spend hundreds of dollars, you know.

>> No.7141086

He's blown hundreds of dollars to make the faggiest builds possible, he uses silly bullshit like obscuring his health bar and painting his builds so that no one can see the parts he uses(as if the builds aren't know to everyone who can just go spectate a cbjp crown game), and he alt-f4's from a match if he should start losing.

>> No.7141100
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>> No.7141103
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>> No.7141109
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>> No.7141111

What is kaikai

>> No.7141112


Who is sibladeko?

>> No.7141122

Ironically, all these butthurt posts are praises.

If people were this worked up about me, I would be feeling mighty pleased with myself.

>> No.7141143

you guys still play this shit

fucking lol

>> No.7141168

Yes, it is, but it's limited to 50 Rt per month.

>However, how do I go about charging RT in JPCB?
Aside from that, 100 yen is $1.23 right now. That's right, it costs 23% more for Rt in CBJP because of the exchange rate.

>> No.7141233

A fourth Vanguarf Fencer but still no Patty Lop. My patience wears thin, Cyberstep.

>> No.7141254


Honestly, there has to be a way to buy root in JPCB.

>> No.7141274

Oh, there are plenty but nothing readily accessible outside of Japan.

>> No.7141303
File: 20 KB, 270x216, winshreek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this is bad. I just want 80RT. This is really bad.

We have people here who play JPCB, how do they satisfy their root addiction?

>> No.7141337
File: 158 KB, 900x675, 17321858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patience young one. You recieve RT by ranking up and you can get 50 RT a month from UC.

>> No.7141350
File: 452 KB, 811x737, 17262940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gahhhhhh I can't wait!

Man, this is going to dive me insane. I guess I can see how far I can grind tomorrow. I'd be willing to buy someone RT in ENCB if they can figure out a way to get me RT in JPCB.

>> No.7141366

I wanted to roll for one but now I feel like I'll never get her. not being able to get all the moebots I want is sapping my will to play. I haven't even gone past the login screen for the past 3 days.

>> No.7141479

You patiently grind 150,000 UC every month to get 50 Rt and save up for a store sale.

>> No.7141497
File: 380 KB, 1024x1280, gallery_image_1260425116_8052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like plain old Lily Rain more.

>> No.7141629
File: 345 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110325_0344_55_726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best friends forever <3

>> No.7141636

I can gift you a Nicole in jpCB if you get me some RT on enCB.

>> No.7141639

What is EverythingsFine

Where's my RT?

>> No.7141644

why is hikaru in a weaponless shaden?

>> No.7141679

That asshole Nodochii is talking....

>> No.7141680

That everything
I spot with my eyes purple hair ivis cosplay

>> No.7141700

But who is he talking about, that is the question.

>> No.7142214
File: 125 KB, 900x675, 17322482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ne ne, Tempura.

Ask the design team for a bot that can catapult team mate to high ground, or just suggest the idea to them.

Imagine the sky, raining lnd type.

>> No.7142245

ETF roster is up

>> No.7142556 [DELETED] 


>> No.7142562 [DELETED] 

3edfv 8j3edfcv nh893edcxi hjn3 dcu bn4e9dcx 3qwasdcx9 nj3qsapxo nniov jfdd

>> No.7142570


All that bitching and it barely changed at all

>> No.7142581

I would want a c.s chan launcher with exploding c.s chans

Or chibi catupult bot grab nearest chibi and launch at nearest vanguard killing them with hnnngh

>> No.7142690

ETF loses anyway

>> No.7142706

EF were just trolling us after all.

>> No.7142766
File: 55 KB, 553x472, 9213781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That would be great. I guess you can add me as a friend in JPCB and we can go from there.

>> No.7142900

Or the chinks are cutting their classes to play CB.

>> No.7142916


What's extra funny is that hotglue's roster is going to have more subs and people playing others accounts than this shit.

>> No.7142928

So, why is crimrose the only moebot for UC in JPCB?

Fuck. This is not good.

How do I get a lily without spending RT?

>> No.7142967

Kanbara has enough autism for the rest of hotglue.

>> No.7143008 [DELETED] 

Kanbara isnt even that great, he just alot.... it is like an addiction.

>> No.7143010 [DELETED] 

Kanbara isnt even that great, he just plays alot.... it is like an addiction.

>> No.7143142

>check EF's new roster
>nothing changed


>> No.7143168

Kanbara isnt even that great, he just plays alot.... it is like an addiction.

>> No.7143435

Looking at the original roster and the new one, it seems the players missing from the original one are Batista, Taetae, and Blackstreak who have all been moved to the subroster. The players replacing them in the new roster are Unlimit, Tenzan, and Peanut.

I wonder what this signifies for EF.

>> No.7143451

Though looking back, if you don't consider the differences between subroster and main roster then there were only two real player changes. Angelplayer and GhostXsO have been replaced by Unlimit and R_MaZinger.

>> No.7143473
File: 43 KB, 800x800, crimbitinghattransparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7143524

so is the tournament at 9 or 10 4chan time?

>> No.7143633

Nvm BOOF, I just realize it takes an extra 16 RT to gift you, and I don't have enough. Also, you should get into gaijin project.

With love,

>> No.7143639

Anyone tired of Rynex's shit about DOS?

I don't feel like getting too involved in Rynex's disdain for Lunatic_Kittens, which is a piece of shit as far as I'm concerned too. I'm kind of wondering about their intelligence. The whole clan there seems furry anyways.

>> No.7143703

You pick Lily as your first bot

>> No.7143840

Rynex is basically a dictator that refuses to acknowledge that he was a failed/horrible leader. And thus he needed a scapegoat to place all the blame upon. Reselath and his clan, Lunatic Kittens is basically the scapegoat. Doesn't help that most of the members for Lunatic Kittens consist of former MS-DOS members.

Although it is kind of ironic that Rynex, the guy that goes around stealing clanmates from other clans ended up getting his clanmates stolen by an ex-MS-DOS member.

>> No.7143930


Not a single fuck was given.

>> No.7143994

There's a massive hell in DOS and I blame Fuerza_Latina(Fucking_Losers) for it.

>> No.7144020

MoD and EFB are the only good DOS clans, about 80% of the rest of DOS is just mindless fodder

>> No.7144026

why? what happened?

>> No.7144063

Tempura get your ass on and get ready to host the tournament

>> No.7144424


streaming the clan tournament

>> No.7144432

any livestreams for the tourney!?
Please please! FvCK!
no boytitan quality

>> No.7144491

hotglue wins semi

>> No.7144494


I should dig out that hotglue balloon.

>> No.7144511

Hotglue wins WAHAHA

>> No.7144515
File: 372 KB, 800x600, 1293241324946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, Hotglue. I couldn't record the match because I fucking blue screen'd. I probably wont be able to record the next ones because I have to do something.

I'm in the military. Fuck my life. ;_;

>> No.7144567

finals next week?

>> No.7144572

Everything today. Tempura wants to get this shit over with.

>> No.7144576

no later today

>> No.7144581
File: 502 KB, 843x1200, 0221944584992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there ever any doubt that #hotglue wouldn't win?

>> No.7144603
File: 219 KB, 500x563, 1289206837713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanbaby go get me them prizes.

Work it.

>> No.7144610

Congrats. Also, that image nicely captures almost everything wrong with the channel.

>> No.7144618
File: 50 KB, 758x478, snail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a snail
>Legs are faster than Kenyans

What do CS staff and Blank staff do? Seen those both in cubes.

>> No.7144727 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 964x679, welcomehotglue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7144750

Thanks for the gold penpen hotglue.

>> No.7144772

CS is some projectile of some sort, I forgot. Had one in the beta and used it once. Blank staff though is just a generic melee weapon.

>> No.7144792



>> No.7144800

CS Staff shoots out homing balls. They look the same (and they might even have the same sound effect) as Maril March's soundballs but the homing isn't near as good.

>> No.7144803

Finals over?

>> No.7144807

Hhahahaha HKfaggots lost. Looks like spending 900 bucks in the game won't get you 1st place.

>> No.7144809


Yes, with a hotglue victory again. History repeats itself

>> No.7144811


It was close as FUCK.

Watch the video when it gets posted.

>> No.7144818
File: 742 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20110325_2327_00_459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who recorded it? I had to close fraps in the middle of the match.

>> No.7144820

I hate to admit it, but that was retardedly lucky of us. Any of the 4 teams had a good chance of winning 1st, with us and ETF at 30% chance or something, and EBF and snowflake 20%.

>> No.7144824
File: 1.44 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_4282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dusted off the old balloon again, congratulations guys.

Back it goes until next time.

>> No.7144838

does anyone know how much longer pattylop will be available for? watching one in the tournament made me want one even moree.

also is there any chance of some kind of earthquake charity for rt thing? we haven't had any official news in so long.

>> No.7144842

That was better than this


>> No.7144853
File: 380 KB, 2048x1536, 1296301061436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7144864

ilu BOOF

>> No.7144870

>No Tae
>No BlackStreak
>No Batista

ETF losing to Hotglue was expected.

>> No.7144876

And now everyone is quitting and I am crying my eyes out ;_;

I find a fun game with some fun people to play and then they all abandon me after all the fun times we had. ;_;

>> No.7144877


But Batista and Taetae were there.

>> No.7144883

You're dumb. Just about all EverythingFaggots were there. They deserved that loss.

>> No.7144921

Required soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S_gLohI4XE

>> No.7145206
File: 353 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110325_2315_06_137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Pepeliong is always fun to play as.

>> No.7145232

Me punching you in the dick

>> No.7145242


>> No.7145253

       THE END

Thank you for playing...

>> No.7145306

I recorded kaikai getting raped by Winberrl.

>> No.7145324
File: 605 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100924_2106_39_375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when CB was good?

>> No.7145332

Crix, you realize only vandol likes you in SDGO right? everyone else fucking hates you, remeber when you offered to make hotglue accs, then the guy actually came but you had no idea what you were doing?

>> No.7145344

CB was always good.

>> No.7145350


Me either

>> No.7145376
File: 778 KB, 1280x960, 1278834518749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the future.

>> No.7145395

Today marks the point of no return for CB.

>> No.7145397
File: 819 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20100925_2141_50_162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145401

eat shit and die lamia, I made accounts fine

>> No.7145426

Grats to Hotglue

Love, Hawkspar

>> No.7145440

Hotglue, forever 1st place. ETF, forever bad.

>> No.7145464

Fuck yeah hotglue, I love you guys.

>> No.7145485

>autism, forever first place. cashfaggotry and padding your arena win/loss rato, forever bad

fixed that for you

>> No.7145487

Has anyone uploaded the replays yet?

>> No.7145493


>> No.7145495

>NEET, forever first place. Normalfag, forever bad.

NEET > Normalfag

>> No.7145510

it's the best news ever


And that's that.

It'll be really boring nowadays, but the game won't instantly collapse. It'll be like 4chan, you know?

>> No.7145536
File: 125 KB, 466x462, kaikai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the most fucking close win of all time. Also, I observed Kaikai, he was a massive faggot that did nothing but hover around the PS shooting guns on guns with the most faggot tier bot I have EVER seen then run away scared after he died and accomplish NOTHING but farm trees and hide the rest of the game.

No wonder people hate him.

>> No.7145554

Probably someone else playing his account.

>> No.7145568

100% sure you're ETF fag

>> No.7145578

I find it funny that taetae is whining about not being there when the person playing his account was actually a better player than he is.

>> No.7145592
File: 57 KB, 155x158, my_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% sure you're wrong.

>> No.7145593

If it was really Kaikai, he would have used EVE.

>implying ETF lied about midterms and exams

>> No.7145604

ETF defense force is here

>implying they didn't alt F4 their exams

>> No.7145619

Pretty sure that actually was GaeGae and he's just trying to deny being bad @ game.

>> No.7145620

Tae ditched us. ;_;

>> No.7145703
File: 88 KB, 315x284, ScreenShot_20110326_1742_47_665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kanji is this? I can't find it in Nelson's. The top radical is something similar to 105 but obviously too many strokes. The bottom is a mess of 39 and 42

>> No.7145708


>> No.7145711

The top radical means "pleasure" or "happiness", and the very bottom part means something like "within" or "inside". I can't make out the middle part that well, but I think the words "of" and "being" are in there somewhere.

>> No.7145720

Awaiting for video of the final.
From the chatlog, apparently you guys got lucky and killed the PS at the last second!
It is not like I will login again but thanks for the PENPEN hotglue!

>> No.7145728

You need to try harder. Just type it into google translate, and you immediately get "festival". Oh wait, you're just fucking trolling with us ain't you?

>> No.7145737
File: 265 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20101114_2055_23_660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the future of MoD. We're currently mass producing Lazflammes.

>> No.7145751
File: 127 KB, 577x326, abcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts y'know

>> No.7145767


>> No.7145770
File: 84 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2011-03-26 05-20-17-65.avi_snapshot_06.37_[2011.03.26_10.26.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7145777


Ristelle I think? manage to put a slow trap on their PS and effectively pushing out their airburst fagbuilds. From there on it was a rush with ETF missing most of the shots followed by PS and taetae getting killed.

taetae kill made the final difference as their bot was worth a shitload of BP, hotglue was still behind by a good amount when they killed the PS

>> No.7145787

Yea Ristelle laid a perfect fucking slow trap that Kanbara dropped earlier.

>> No.7145796

Well, that makes a ton of sense. It's just the bottom doesn't look like 示 it looks like 子 小 and 丁 mashed together so if you can forgive me for failing at it. If I were more familiar with Japanese I would know it naturally but as it is I still have a hard time looking up individual kanji.

>> No.7145829
File: 124 KB, 320x240, 1301133132614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left: Hotglue
Right: ETF

>> No.7146063

Semifinal fight Hotglue vs Snowflake.


>> No.7146089

Hotglue: The goddess of autism

>> No.7146123

It's worth nothing that hotglue won their fights on pretty much raw skill/autism. No vent like every other clan, No strategy like every other clan, and outcashed by every other clan.

>> No.7146149

Awaiting the final video and after this I can finally report and ask all the outsider faggots to fuck off with their CB threads.

>> No.7146269

why does this mean the death of cb threads again?

>> No.7146290
File: 848 KB, 500x702, NarutoGamakichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because drama faggortry and IVIS.

well, FUCK THAT SHIT, /jp/


>> No.7146304

finals Hotglue vs Everything's Fine:


>> No.7146324

That was so beautiful.

>> No.7146330
File: 5 KB, 392x29, 75474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to take this opportunity to laugh at whoever this was.

>> No.7146365
File: 29 KB, 315x277, chlorororo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, he's laughing too

>> No.7146368

Hey, we were down 2-3000 score the whole time and I made that comment at 30 seconds left. How could I possibly see a last second victory? What can I say, I'm a realist.

As my friend would say, pessimists are 50% correct and 50% pleasantly surprised.

>> No.7146381

Don't like Chlo, you just hate us.

>> No.7146385

I certainly hate myself but I do like you guys.

>> No.7146405

Yes, Hotglue did win by of sheer autism. They did put a little money into the game, yeah, but not nearly as much as other clans. They didn't seem to have any kind of strategy either. Seeing them communicate via in-game chat as opposed to some external software or voice chat during the Finals was amusing.

It sure will be lonely without them around if they all decide to quit.

>> No.7146434

ETF sure choked hard.
HAHAHAHA at taetae dying at the last second.
Anyone got a recording from Ristelle POV?

>> No.7146439

I'm still waiting on those recordings of Snowflake's vent while we beat them. They said they'd record it

>> No.7146440

That was glorious.

>> No.7146442
File: 74 KB, 331x319, lasthit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ristelle ===> Taetae

>> No.7146528

Mina motherfucking gataling the ps and Ristelle <3

>> No.7146555


>> No.7146563

>They did put a little money into the game, yeah, but not nearly as much as other clans

did i saw an eve?
oh poor guys, u did put a LITTLE money

>> No.7146613

Salty ETF, get some grammar.

>> No.7146623


There's a reason that eve's former name was FIRST ROLL

>> No.7146624


As a whole. Some people obviously paid more.

>> No.7146631
File: 290 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110326_1141_23_569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two bits are in JPCB, what do they do?

>> No.7146635
File: 284 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110326_1146_07_536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7146636

How much different is jpCB and is it worth playing there?

>> No.7146644


Undead bit, as long as you stay near it and get its effect you wont die with 0 hp


Long Range bit, gives you long range

>> No.7146647
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, plugin-container 2011-03-26 17-59-16-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, poor, autistic Hotglue.

>> No.7146648

The first thing I noticed was that all UC prices are higher than their US counterparts. Couple that with UC->RT and you'll always be short on cash. However, they have plenty of stuff we don't get over here. Also, the free 50RT can get you a pretty bot from Garapon if you're lucky, very unlike US CB.

>> No.7146650

no, it's not a long range bit.

It just points a radar dish thing at you where ever you go.

>> No.7146655


Meanwhile in Snowflake: 4 eves fielded at once
Meanwhile in EFB: Every bot has a set of dark wings or abstract wings
Meanwhile in ETF: Every goddamn build is a 400 dollar assraider

>> No.7146657


Probably a teleport bit then

>> No.7146665

>>7146655 Meanwhile in EFB: Every bot has a set of dark wings or abstract wings
Yeah. No.
How about you post some pictures or shut the fuck up.

Also I don't give a fuck HOW you got Rt.

>> No.7146669


how about you wait until the replay when it gets uploaded and see for yourself? The only one I remember without wings is kampfer and fuck. I KNOW he has a pair.

>> No.7146697

1. Little to no idiots, you won't see any would-be Boytitans with 7000 cost.
2. 50Rt virtually every month, since GMs cannot hope to match CBJP players.
3. Better rank up prizes (ENCB's prizes are based on this list, but with some Rt prizes removed.)
4. Everybody plays hoppers/airburst/Ivis/40TEC ART and the like, even on the lower rank rooms. Prepare your anus.
5. You generally gain more UC, especially during weekends. Not sure if that's an event going on, I'll check if you want.
6. UC Garapon, I have about 300 UC/EXP/Drop/All +30% tickets each from it. It also gives out Rt and 3s Tentalions (used to give out 3s Helingars, of which I have about 20.) UC Garapon 2 is more expensive there though, and is currently removed.
7. Much better Garapons, at the very least they have 3s weapons (the exception is weapons that have come out recently, which are 2s) No crap like 2s Stardust Cannons and Cheer Pompons on Garapons (well, 3s Cheer Pompon is from the UC Garapon)
8. Early access to new weapons and bots.
9. Daily login prizes include Slot Protector Omega and [All] Lucky Cube.
10. You get 6 Cosmic Star Coins immediately, with which you can buy 2 Slot Protector Omegas right off the bat.
11. Bazaar, meaning that you can raise money quickly by selling chips (I used to get about 150k per bazaar, though last one only yielded 50k) and buy 3s Volcano Grenades, Misside Arms for 5k-10k UC. You can also get rarer items like 3s Stardust Cannons, Bucklers, Mini Bazookas and Ballistic Launchers, but they're obviously a bit more expensive (3s Stardust goes for about 150k, 3s Ballistic Launcher is about 1mil UC.)

>> No.7146707 [DELETED] 


Oh good a replay is uploaded

Let's take stock of what poor EFB was rolling.

One fully loaded assraider on melon, patty on syaton with a crotchguard(which no one in hotglue even has), another patty with a cape, adhom with abstract wing, more kshields than hotglue probably has among the entire clan, a garula assraider... Fuck I'm not even 5 minutes in and I'm already suffering from intense jealousy. Jioo has even whipped out his complete darkwing set yet!

>> No.7146714


Oh good a replay is uploaded

Let's take stock of what poor EFB was rolling.

One fully loaded assraider on melon, patty on syaton with a crotchguard(which no one in hotglue even has), another patty with a cape, adhom with abstract wing, more kshields than hotglue probably has among the entire clan, a garula assraider... Fuck I'm not even 5 minutes in and I'm already suffering from intense jealousy. Jioo hasnt even whipped out his complete darkwing set yet!

>> No.7146725


cool story bro

>> No.7146728


Are you frustrated?

>> No.7146730

Lost all respect for EFB after I saw that shit.

>> No.7146788
File: 241 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110326_0010_42_046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever nerd

>> No.7146805

>pick the richest account on hotglue given to their best player
>ignore the fact that Kampfer's account alone has more shit than that

sure thing bro

>> No.7146806

>make a screenshot to prove a point
>he has an EVE too

>> No.7146877

I don't care what kampfer has I want them bunnies

I got my eve in 9 rolls. are you telling me this nerd got lucky not one but 3 times?

>> No.7146886


He got the patty within a single fiveroll too. I think he had to farm a few hundred rt off surveys for the renny though.

Are you jealous?

>> No.7146890
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7146898

>One fully loaded assraider on melon
>fully loaded
One air raider and Adone arms. Holy fuck, so much Rt.
>a garula assraider.
Same as above. They were even in the same fucking garapon.

It's like you're trying to sound as retarded as possible.

>> No.7146903

>It's like you're trying to sound as retarded as possible.

Sounds about par for the course in these threads.

>> No.7146912

so jealous

>> No.7146913


Alright, now how about denying the rest?

Oh wait you cant

>> No.7146982
File: 190 KB, 791x593, koromo flag will never return ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I put my waifu on any of the tournament reward items this time? CB just hasn't been worth playing since I lost my flag.

>> No.7146996

Yes you can. 2 flags actually.

>> No.7147103

I'm not denying that Adhom and syaton are the only people who spent a lot of money.
I don't know if Kampfer even spent 50 buck total, most of is from surveys.
Jioo hasn't spent much either.'

>more kshields than hotglue probably has among the entire clan
Yeah, keep pulling shit out of your ass. But guess what? I'm not the one who has to prove shit here.

>> No.7147109


The funny thing is, even though katagewa let me play with all his rt stuff, it was actually worse than playing my car bots. His bunny/eve had some pointless carts on them, some that don't fit my play style. But worse of all he has some good bots like air raider/hatigarm that he hasn't even leveled... I would have done better with my UC builds but Kanbara didn't put my account on the roster. Cant blame him though, my internet is unpredictable and I didn't even think I would be able to stay connected with all the spectators lagging my shit.

Only useful thing I recall doing is shooting the PS as everything else was warping around for me.

>> No.7147150

>Psycho head, pacifar arms and dual cross shooters
Fucking poor alright.

>> No.7147285

Actually Sylpheia is or whatever his name was, was the only one with K Shields in EFB. Hotglue actually had two. Amaranthea and Etou_Fujiko. I am kinda surprised how useless those K Shields were because of how much turtle style gameplay was going on in the finals.

>> No.7147435


Someone else played Kai's, Tae's and other 3 HK accounts.

Blackstreak had a presentation at school during the tourney.

Tae had exams.

The real TaeTae logged in 2 hours after the tourney.

Thanks for taking advantage of our bad schedule.

Nope. :3

>> No.7147497

>Someone else played Kai's, Tae's and other 3 HK accounts.

Tempura, is there anyway you could prove this?
Do you have something like player IP logs?

>> No.7147645

Of course, of course.

Thanks for taking advantage of EFB because syaton couldn't play.

And cry me a fucking river.

>> No.7147653


But Taetae is shit and whoever played his account was actually good

how the hell do you reconcile this?

>> No.7147773

I know for a fact I've seen EFB running around with dark wings weeks before the tournament. At least 4 people.

>> No.7147775

> ETF here

You know ETF is eternally upset when they're compelled to come and defend their Internet honor on /jp/.

The fact that you even posted here is enough evidence of being "mad." So yes, you definitely mad.

>> No.7147781

Yea the TaeTae scored a game warrior so I am not sure why the fuck you guys are so fucking butthurt.

>> No.7147789

>BS: I am the leader of ETF =). Because of the time is close to mid-term of the semester, about seven of the members (Alternate Members and Regular Members) are busy on it, So we hope the final clan tournament can held on Saturday.
>Implying we wanted to play on Friday

I know you're still in trauma EFBfags. Don't worry it will pass. If you guys want a rematch, just tell us. :3

>> No.7147803
File: 145 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110326_1714_36_641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just logged in to my original WIZ account now and I got the tourney prizes :3

>> No.7147821
File: 44 KB, 446x400, laughinggirls.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But Taetae is shit and whoever played his account was actually good

>> No.7147848

Why don't we just stop this retardation? And discuss the 4 incredibly great matches we had? Most memorable things for me were Adhominems great fight in EF match, come back victory of final, Alphas binds, and Snowflake blowing their strong lead because they healed like retads.

>> No.7147856


Sorry but that's just the truth.

In a real autists match, taetae never ranks above 12th. Somehow this one actually broke the top ten.

Also, this thread is finally autosaging. Goodbye CB thread, I hope I never see another one of you again.

>> No.7147882

ITT: lolitrollu.jpg

>> No.7147903
File: 35 KB, 209x243, imgwinberl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7147911


Get the fuck out.

>> No.7147952

Adhom couldn't play then.

Maybe you should have studied instead of playing CB, then you wouldn't have to retake your exams on a fucking Saturday.

But in the end, faggots will remain faggots.

>> No.7148035



>> No.7148049

I knew I forgot to kick someone. Oh well

>> No.7148065

Both EFB and ETF are missing some players.

It was a fair match. Idiots.

>> No.7148376

Finally made BoyTitan ragequit.

He even went and torrented shit for his lagkuns.

>> No.7148436

I pity him a little. Because of his fame everyone jumps on him like vultures. I suppose it's hard for him to play better when he's always the first one to die.

>> No.7148441
File: 487 KB, 1024x768, ScreenShot_20110326_1350_47_045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotglue, I am proud. That win was close, impressive, and very unexpected. Now I can enjoy my skinnable parts~ :3

>> No.7148579


He plays art, like the biggest art as well- king gigaton? They're also slow and have gigantic costs so his bots are always bonus balloons for people who wants to get easy score.

He's like a surviving relic of the pre-release pre-ivis age with 1400 cost toyboxes everywhere who always cost the game for their team.

>> No.7148666

new thread for the 3 people that still care

>> No.7148672


new thread
