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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 368x495, Newsweek_Apocalypse_Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7143184 No.7143184 [Reply] [Original]

Pray for Japan.

38% of Americans Believe Japan Disaster a Sign From God.


>> No.7143188

So 38% of americans are mentally stuck in the dark ages?

>> No.7143192

>38% of Americans Believe Japan Disaster a Sign From God.
So does the governor of Tokyo, you know.

>> No.7143196

I hate the media. They're far too good at trolling.

>> No.7143195

no wonder that everyone considers America to be full of idiots

>> No.7143204

If they were trolling it'd be all right.

But they aren't. They're serious.


>> No.7143212

No wonder? the rest of the world thinks we're idiots.

>> No.7143215

They were asking believers, I take it?
It would be pointless to ask atheists if they believed god did it.
If you take that into consideration, then 38% is not much at all.

>> No.7143217

More likely they asked people "Are natural disasters a sign of god?" and construed it to relate to Japan.

Or they looked at past survey data taken far before the Japan disaster.

>> No.7143218

> watching fox news

>> No.7143226

2011: Japan
2012: USA
2013: EU

>> No.7143227

Help me, I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7143230

>38% of those who were questioned believe the disaster was a sign from God

Don't abuse statistics.

>> No.7143233

^^^^ fucking this

>> No.7143235

You could watch the video OP linked to, which gives more detail on the poll. But it's Fox News so I don't blame you.

>> No.7143237

Why Japan?

>> No.7143238

Eh i guess this is a type of world wide depression or something...
1930s again?

it aint the apocolypse, sure about a million died in the last decade but we still have 7billion.

>> No.7143244

That got me too

>> No.7143248

It's a real shame George Carlin is dead.

>> No.7143260

so Katrina was a sign of god too ?
oh wait

>> No.7143262

Haha, good one.

>> No.7143273


Meanwhile in pakistan, all is well.

God has chosen. The answer is Islam.

>> No.7143274

Sounds similar to the tiny amount of support Bush always had.
That percent of the country is fucking retarded.

>> No.7143279

I bet my ass if anything happens in the USA, most of you americans will blame it on the other 62%.

>> No.7143289
File: 40 KB, 560x437, ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all is well

>> No.7143287

There's an 8.0+ on average once a year. Nothing new.

And how can there be a sign from god when THERE IS NO GOD?

>> No.7143296

It would actually only be 38%. Which can not be considered "most americans" since, you know, 62% is a little bit more.

>> No.7143298
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>> No.7143300

When God died he didn't depress the "kill humans" button on his control panel.

What does this mean?

It's a SIGN that GOD is LAZY.

>> No.7143302


>> No.7143306

>Fox News
>Research done by the Public Religion Research Inst.


>> No.7143309

>1008 Adults

Kinda makes you wonder why they needed 8 additional people.

>> No.7143312

>56 + 34 = 90%

Oh you, Fox, you.

>> No.7143322

Religions are a good thing because they give humanity something to believe in even in the most desperate situations. Without religion, the world would be a ball of chaos where society would not exist and raping, pillaging and stealing would not only be acceptable behavior but would be actually encourage.

>> No.7143327



>> No.7143334


I'm not saying god died. I'm saying that there never has been a god. There isn't a logical reason for one to exist.

>> No.7143328

More than 38%

>> No.7143335



>> No.7143338

>This is what religious people actually believe.jpg
Maybe for the dumbest bottom of the barrel people in absolute shitholes of the world, which is debatable because they sometime commit acts "modern" religious people committed in the dark ages.
For everyone else that is absolute horse shit, as the most moral people I've ever known have been atheist.
That's more about intelligence and whether or not you're a sociopath, not if you believe in some invisible person.

>> No.7143339


The Richter scale is exponential, not additive.
A 9.0 is much, much worse than an 8.0.

>> No.7143340


You can't prove God doesn't exist, see, perfect logic.

>> No.7143345

How about you prove me wrong and show me a real life example your typical atheist utopia.
Hint: no Western world examples, the moral principles underpinning Western society come from or have been co-opted from Christian teachings. Remember, for example, that before Christianity any family could sell their baby sons to the slave market for money if the wanted to.

>> No.7143346
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Actually, it is. You can't prove God DOES exist, either, so belief or non-belief in God is equally valid.

i.e. the entire debate is pointless, and the people who engage in it, frequently stupid.

>> No.7143353


One never needs to prove a negative. It's pointless and illogical to attribute something that for all intents and purposes, does not exist and has no reason to exist. There is nothing in the universe that even suggests that a god exists.

>> No.7143358


I know, I was just kidding.

>> No.7143359

Buddhists did and do it pretty well.

>> No.7143364

You can't prove the invisible intangible dragon floating silently in my garage ISN'T real, so belief or nonbelief in it is equally valid.

See how retarded you sound?

>> No.7143361


>prove wrong

Do ho ho. Someone hasn't heard of burden of proof...

>> No.7143366
File: 187 KB, 429x232, fox-graphs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox never includes the percent of "No Opinion" people.

Though that's no excuse, because they only survey a small population of retards in order to make extremely biased polls which they try to pass off as a representation of the majority.

>> No.7143369

You mean the belligerent slave-owning hellhole that Tibet was before China gave them the beating of their lifetime?

>> No.7143372


Probably explains why all western societies had their framework taken from morality and not religion then.

Protip: Those moral rules in religion come from society, not the other way around. The bible actually endorses slavery. Worked out pretty damn well for Joseph.

>> No.7143384


Slaves shouldn't be an example, America had them until 1865.

Being civil doesn't equal to no slavery.

>> No.7143390

Arguing about religion, huh?
Even for /jp/ that's pretty low.

>> No.7143391
File: 63 KB, 550x339, jesus_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry guys, but this guy is right. Religion is traditionally the framework through which social mores of any sort have been established. Look at the Ten Commandments: thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal thy flatmate's beer, etc.

In fact this was such a well-known fact that nobody thought the nascent America could work without a state religion; since without a state religion, how could people agree on what was moral and just? The Founding Fathers opined that all men of all creeds could agree on some basic things, like "don't be an asshole." The Founding Fathers were right, which was the first real implementation of what you might call secular morality.

Of course atheists scream about the Inquisition and the Crusades until they're fucking hoarse, but never whisper a word about the quite secular Stalinist and Nazi regimes that engaged in slaughters ten times worse. The fact of the matter is that any institution of man can and will be turned to evil purposes. Religion is just another social construct that has been used and abused by Man, just like government (indeed, those social constructs have often been adjoined or even combined in many cultures.)

Atheistfags are too asspained to realize this, and hardcore Religionfags are too asspained to realize that their religion is perfectly safe and valid even IF dinosaurs were real or what-the-fuck-ever. So chill the fuck out.

>> No.7143393
File: 145 KB, 600x539, angryruby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That adds up to 120%

>> No.7143400

You nicely reworded what
>>7143372 said.

Do you even read the shit you type?

>> No.7143402
File: 111 KB, 759x1135, godget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is nothing in the universe that even suggests that a god exists.
this very site does

>> No.7143408

Apocalypse now bombs a World of Warcraft funeral

>> No.7143418

That was hilarious.

>> No.7143421
File: 64 KB, 280x396, my face when a real liberal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the quite secular Stalinist and Nazi regimes that engaged in slaughters ten times worse
Your first mistake was assuming that they were so destructive and oppressive because they weren't Christian, and not because they were, y'know, totalitarian.

As far as morals go:

High tier:
Liberalism (not the American political term; liberalism as in post-Enlightenment conceptions of democratic governance)

Low tier:
Authoritarianism (monarchy, mild dictatorships like Singapore, moderate dictatorships like China)

Shit tier:
Totalitarianism (Nazi Germany, Stalinist and post-Stalinist USSR, strong dictatorships like North Korea)

>> No.7143425
File: 86 KB, 200x242, 1287781449547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stunning rebuttal.

>> No.7143438
File: 37 KB, 360x450, alpaca out of fucking nowhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your first mistake was assuming that they were so destructive and oppressive because they weren't Christian

Your first mistake was assuming I was making that argument. I merely illustrated that authoritarian oppression is quite possible regardless of religion.

>Liberalism (not the American political term

Generally that's called "classical liberalism" to distinguish it from the current slang for left-wing politics.

>> No.7143444


>saying the Nazis were secular
>implying that the swastika isn't a religious symbol and the higher ups weren't predominantly churchgoers, including hitler who was a devout christian and exceptionally moral on top of that.

Sorry, no. Stalin is a good point, but the Nazi regime is a complete no-go.

And the whole "10 times worse" thing is complete hogwash. The holocaust is horribly blown out of proportion and there are plenty of equally horrible and more numerous religiously based atrocities committed in the past.

>> No.7143448


The founding fathers were deists and atheists. They even stated in an international treaty (the treaty of tripoli) that the United States is "not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion".
You are a samefag with >>7143391 and are sidestepping the argument of >>7143372 by simply throwing an insult as a fallacy of distraction. You walk a fine line that is close to ad hominem. Next time, counter the damn argument or accept that you have no argument.

>> No.7143454


haha had to re-watch the video

>> No.7143456


As if gets ever counted for anything.

>> No.7143460


Benito Mussolini shakes hands with Wal-Mart, or Fascism tier:


>> No.7143465
File: 126 KB, 480x640, Tenshi quake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we all agreed that Tenshi did it...

>> No.7143466

You guys are so boring, I thought we were mocking religion, not actually argue about it.

>> No.7143468


Actually he's saying the opposite. The first states that religion is used to enforce morality, the second states that morality came about because of religion. It's chicken and the egg.

>> No.7143467


Yeah. Like when Britain realized they could control China by making sure they stayed addicted to smack and then slaughtered millions of them when they tried to go to rehab.

>> No.7143475


That would make America and most of the democratic world mid tier. We are not close to what the enlightenment thinkers would have liked, but we're better than China.

>> No.7143478


Religion did invent ethics, but ethics in themselves are fabricated constructs to give people the power to tell others what to do and what not to do.

Rights don't exist. Humans made them up. Religion is a power tool. Ethics is an excuse.

>> No.7143483

Then why did you draw a false comparison between them and movements where religion was a primary motive for atrocities? Of course that was only one of many fallacies in your previous post.

>> No.7143500
File: 84 KB, 617x814, maid rookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The founding fathers were deists and atheists. They even stated in an international treaty (the treaty of tripoli) that the United States is "not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion".

Quite right, (hence their successful founding of a nation with no state religion.) Traditionally, religion has provided moral codes, but the founding of America is perhaps the most poignant example that secular humanism is an effective provider of moral frameworks especially since basic moral tenets are widely agreed upon across many religions.

>> No.7143520


>Religion invented philosophy

Socrates says hi.

By the time religion was really formalized and associated with morality society had already been established. Society cannot exist without some manner of general consensus on rules. Now whether or not those people believed that if they were evil they'd suddenly be struck down by lightning by the pagan gods they worshipped, well that's all conjecture. But the point to be made here is that society came first and people were getting along just fine before religion became something that was involved in people's personal lives IE: moral codes.

>> No.7143522
File: 24 KB, 366x466, 600 nitro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw a false comparison

Exactly what the fuck are you babbling about? I was CONTRASTING them to illustrate that religion is not a de-facto prerequisite to such atrocities, a social structure that can only bring misery (a common tack of more strident atheists, who are very butthurt over the Inquisition et al.) As you explicitly pointed out, the common element between atrocities is authoritarianism.

>Of course that was only one of many fallacies

I have an odd feeling you have no idea what I was arguing to begin with.

>> No.7143547
File: 22 KB, 268x382, sakuya headache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ - Religious Culture

>> No.7143551

>Fox News

Really? really... people still take them serious!?

>> No.7143574

Don't know what's sadder - that people seriously believe prayer makes a difference, or that people are praying to an old guy in the sky when it's clearly the tectonic plates at fault here.


Pfeifer Zeliska? Very nice.
There's just deliciously decadent about revolvers where a full cylinder costs a weekly salary.

>> No.7143583
File: 56 KB, 659x504, Warp_core_breach_flashpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7143597

Myself (the guy who wrote >7143421) and the guy you are quoting are different people.

>> No.7143602
File: 36 KB, 180x200, mspaintawesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fox News

>> No.7143604
File: 21 KB, 240x240, medium_trek-dream-team-geordi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>everyone out of this thread now

>> No.7143610
File: 211 KB, 496x369, i like you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag recognizes the Pfeifer Zeliska
>on /jp/

And not only does it cost a weeks salary, it was considered excessively powerful for ELEPHANTS, when fired out of rifles.

>> No.7143615
File: 54 KB, 341x500, 1267831774469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the smiley face Picard drew in the plasma plume

>> No.7143621

Americans and theists being dumb?

So what else is new in the world

>> No.7143638
File: 25 KB, 320x240, rgn_serbia_0507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Japanese fokes you ready to become serbian?.

>> No.7143659
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>> No.7143677
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>> No.7143698 [DELETED] 

[spolier]religion thread?[/spoiler]

>> No.7143728
File: 103 KB, 800x600, 1298883934681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion thread?

Religion thread!

>> No.7143748
File: 486 KB, 1920x1200, 1288877225308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of that old time religion
