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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 850x601, 1300870144448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7135746 No.7135746 [Reply] [Original]


As of today >03/23/11(Wed) it is your responsibility to get serious about becoming a trap. No excuses. You either start today or you will never progress.

It's time to accept change, /jp/.

>> No.7135747

I'll never progress even if I start today.

>> No.7135749

Go post more metathreads bitching about /jp/

>> No.7135754

But I don't want to be a trap.

>> No.7135758

I actually tried to get serious about 4 or 5 years ago, but I eventually gave up and ended up giving away all my cute clothes for free on the internet.

What got to me more than anything else was being tall. I can shave my legs and do my hair and all, but when your tall you just never look right. Maybe it'd be better if I liked tall girls, but I don't, and I want to look like a cute little loli, which is pretty much impossible with my height ;_;

>> No.7135760

God, shut up. You just made me feel like shit OP. I can never be a trap, I just feel shitty now. I'm going to bed. I have a friend who occasionally wears girls clothing and could pass, but my envy of him forbids me from giving him the tips he needs to fully pass.

>> No.7135762
File: 228 KB, 744x867, 1277415630916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7135765

I'm 26 years old and 6'3". it's not happening no matter how much I want it to.

>> No.7135768

Bah, how about having a masculine face?

No one could look like a cute girl with a jaw like moot's.

>> No.7135769

I like tall women, but not tall traps. Tall women mainly work because you know that even though she's tall and maybe even stronger than you, she's still a soft woman on the inside.

>> No.7135770

I get confused for a hambeast, since I'm short and fat. I'm an ugly androgynous fuck. I wish I could be adorable. I just want to be cute. I just want someone to smile down at me and praise me.

>> No.7135771
File: 82 KB, 381x346, 1283626157836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to start HRT to turn more manly.
I have had enough of being called a "miss" and "her"
Shit is realy not as cash as its made out to be.

>> No.7135778
File: 2.49 MB, 1135x1600, 1279568955087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like a girl from the neck down but I don't shave my beard. What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.7135781

Being fat isn't as bad as being tall, since the former is easy to change compared to the latter.

>> No.7135784

If you'd said a magnificient speech about how becoming a trap is fabulous, I might have listened to you.

>> No.7135785

Why should I? Tell me why I should be a trap.

>> No.7135786

As someone who started transitioning as a preteen, I can tell you it pretty much sucks. I'm too scared to get a vaginoplasty in case it goes wrong so I think I might be stuck as a virgin for life. I'm too shy to 'come out' to anyone.

>> No.7135787

No one wants to have sex with you anyway.
So at least you get to look cute.

You do look cute, right?

>> No.7135788

Yeah you're right, but neither of us will ever be cute. I envy tall people as a man, since short men have pretty much get no respect.

>> No.7135789

I only act like a trap at home. I like to wear pantyhose and thighhighs at home when no one is around. With keeping my legs all shaved, the smooth fabric rubbing upon my bare legs give me an instaboner.

>> No.7135793


Or just cut your hair.

>> No.7135794

Epilating is better.

Hair grows back within less than a day if I shave.

>> No.7135810

I can't be objective about it. I have really low self esteem, though, so there's probably something wrong with me.

>> No.7135820

I would still have looked like a chick with short hair and no beard.
Thankfully now a few years later i do have facial hair, but my overall body is still rather feminine due to the fact that i started with the HRT at the end of my overall growth.

Funny thing hormones and all that..

>> No.7135823

How long does epilating last? It seems bothersome to do regularly, but if it's just like once a week, it might be worth it.

>> No.7135835

Once a week, really.
Though I've heard some only have to do it once every other week.

>> No.7135839

Pure envy.

>> No.7135841

All you people saying you have low self-esteem should Take a hit of extacy. You'll feel like true trap then.

>> No.7135847

I've already started dieting and exercising to get to a more slim weight. I've lost 10 pounds already!

>> No.7135849

I'm already underweight and I couldn't pass as a girl with make-up.

>> No.7135854

I hope these hivemind threads actually don't make anyone do anything in real life.

"Hmm another trap thread, time to buy an epilator and pretend I'm a girl because /jp/ told me to."

>> No.7135855

I don't care about passing in the face region, since this is just for me (I don't leave the house anyway). If I could look down and see a feminine body every day when I fap I'll be happy

>> No.7135857

I have a question, if any of you anons ever succeeded in becoming a passable trap, would you have buttsex/oral sex with another guy/fellow anon?

>> No.7135863

If he was clean sure

>> No.7135868

The reason anyone wants to look like a girl is because they like how girls look so much they want to look like one.

So no, unless the guy looked like a girl too.

>> No.7135873

I wanna look like a girl so I can be treated like one, and nothing would feel like that more than a guy spreading my legs and nailing me while sucking my nipples

>> No.7135882

I have an erection now ;_;

>> No.7135886


Not at all. I'd just want to look nice for myself, not for some other guy.

>> No.7135887

I'm doing the same and have lost roughly the same weight. Not sure what to do about strength training, though. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of weight loss potential without it, but when I try it, my muscles start swelling up really fast.

>> No.7135889

Some say they want to be a trap to look at themselves because they like girls

some say they want to be a trap because they want to feel like a girl

>> No.7135894

I think I can pull it off I'm 5'7 and weight 130 I need to buy myself a wig tho I'd think I pass but my voice needs work.

>> No.7135896

3D is gross.

>> No.7135898

I've just been doing squats, situps, and running.

>> No.7135906

My dream is to be a cute trap and be forced to service lots of muscular men in any way possible. I'd like to just be a cute REAL girl but that's never going to happen

>> No.7135912

Enjoy never being a full woman even if you do get the surgery you'll never be legit
At least the anons in this thread can have kids. I don't understand why you'd do that.

>> No.7135914

>At least the anons in this thread can have kids
I don't think so

>> No.7135915
File: 73 KB, 400x388, Feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already a girl
>wear full makeup, frilly dresses
>still look like obvious trap

>> No.7135920

>obvious trap
You use that word, I don't think you know what it means.

>> No.7135921

Where can I find good trap videos? All the shit I find they have ugly fake tits and totally non-feminine voices

>> No.7135924

>obvious trap
The word you are looking for is landwhale.

>> No.7135926

My dream is to have a cute trap as a maid, who will do domestic stuff such as making me food, cleaning the house, and etc, but also be a friend who'd play vidya with me and suck my cock--or better yet, suck my dick while i play vidya--it would be glorious.
I'd support them financially, of course.

>> No.7135936

dear god you have no idea how much you just exactly described my dream. though I'd be cool with something else besides VGs but other than that you were spot on

>> No.7135939

I hate how many shoe designers don't make women's shoes past size 8, I wear a size 9-10 women's shoe and it sucks because there's tons of cute shoes I'd like to buy, but I'm right on the cutoff.

>> No.7135944

Why would anyone want kids?

>> No.7135948

I just live out my trap fantasies in Second Life. the game is shit for the most part but sitting in a bathroom and having a guy slip his dick through a gloryhole for me to suck is always great

>> No.7135954
File: 51 KB, 272x252, 1282236822711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..:I dont even..

>> No.7135957

My dream is to have a cute daughter, and raise her to be a perfect, female version of one of us.

>> No.7135958

You can actually do that in Second Life? Is this game F2p?

>> No.7135961

"True" traps stop being cute after their teens, so any good videos will be illegal

>> No.7135963

>wanting to raise your daughter like one of us

Poor kid

>> No.7135966

A lot of things discussed and posted on /jp/ are illegal, you understand.

>> No.7135968



I'm a MAN


Why the hell would I want to be a trap?

>> No.7135972

It's not worth getting into. The game is more or less dead and most of the people left are normalfags or furries, neither of which are good for sex.

>> No.7135977

My dream is to be the cute trap maid for an ojousama who happens to be a dickgirl.

>> No.7135979

Why try to be something you'll never fully be and end up half-assing when you could just be what you are?

Be good at what you are, rather than bad at what you aren't.

>> No.7135980

Anima and animus - Carl Jung identified the anima as being the unconscious feminine component of men

>> No.7135986

That's disgusting.

If I knew where you lived i'd get a bunch of my redneck friends and tie you to the back of my truck and drag you down the highway untill you died.

Then we'd burn your corpse and never get in trouble for it :]

>> No.7135987

Jung and Freud both had a habit of speaking out of their asses, though.

>> No.7135990

> implying you have redneck friends
or any friends

>> No.7135992


I guess it would be to be beautiful. I'd like to be beautiful like a woman, but that's as far as I'd take it. I just don't like how guys look.

>> No.7135993

>implying implications

>> No.7135995

Guys aren't for looks, they're for looking cool.

I think all guys, no matter how fat or ugly they are, can look cool.

>> No.7135996

Is /jp/ really this shitty now? Why the fuck are you people here?

>> No.7136002


Looking for faggots to beat up and kill.

You know, the usual.

I'm a sadist and I approve of this message.

>> No.7136004


That is true. But I don't think most guys look cool. I actually think I look decent even though I'm a guy, although this may be a bit of bias on my end.

>> No.7136007

4chan is shit, welcome to the present. Hopefully after moot launches canvas he shuts this shitpile down

>> No.7136011

It's not that you DO look cool, it's that you CAN look cool.

You just need to learn how.

>> No.7136017


I think I look somewhat cool, but could improve. My idea of cool is somewhat limited I'd say. I'd still rather be beautiful like a woman though.

>> No.7136026

I'm already a failure as a man. I'm too delicate and passive and I enjoy anal masturbation far too much.

>> No.7136064

My dream is to be that trap.

>> No.7136387

Recommended epilator?

>> No.7136411

That feel when Otaku Culture

>> No.7136438 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 800x1203, DSC_0170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to be that maid, this is one of my strongest fantasies to be supported like this. Plus, being a friend is even topping my fantasy. ; _ ;

Too bad you possibly live at the other end of the world and I'm not good enough trap to fully pass anymore.

>> No.7136441

It's like I'm really on /soc/!

>> No.7136450

I can't.

I'm over 6 feet tall and my frame is HUGE. I mean, so large that I used to put football players to shame. There is no possible way for me to be a trap. It's better for me to live in this husk I feel no attachment to than to live as an abomination of everything I wanted to be. Hormones can't fix bone structure.

I have, however, been motivated to begin e-trapping. I've been slowly trying to change my voice so that I can pass as a girl in online games. It's very fun to do, and makes me feel a lot better about myself, even if it's all a game of pretend.


>> No.7136451

>jaw that could kill
>Nordic in every way.

My best chance for happiness is to find a trap to nail every night. Becoming one myself isn't an option.

>> No.7136525

I'm split.

On the one hand, I'm small (1,66m) have long hair (slightly past my navel) and a androgynous face, so people often mistake my for a girl until they notice my 3-day beard.

On the other hand, since I'm half Spanish I have a lot of body hair with a growing rate similar to bamboo. Shaving or epilating takes a lot of time and it doesn't last a week.

>> No.7136696

I'm short, have a slender frame, naturally hairless, young (20) and submissive. Too bad I'm not gay. Oh and I have the voice of Barry White ;-;

>> No.7136716

I tried being a trap. I gave up. Too tall, and my face isn't exactly perfect for it.
Also, no mater how many fantasies I had, I could never get myself to go through with anything.

I would love to have a trap girlfriend though, that'd rule.

>> No.7137194

ok, which of you faggots is this?


>> No.7137252


>> No.7137284

I'm 14 so its all good. ;3

>> No.7137293
File: 225 KB, 486x562, azusa blazin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already am one.

>> No.7138540
File: 36 KB, 424x572, V305180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some yoga pants and panties en route today. I hate you /jp/ for making me a total faggot.

>> No.7138567

Ok then. Now to get some money...

>> No.7138568

Would never work. I'm too manly, hell I even have hair on my back. My facial hair grows back 5 hours after shaving. My shoulder are wide and I'm 2 meters tall. I would be the ugliest tranny. ;_;

>> No.7138631

Yes and all content (such as clothing, hair, skins, models) is created by users. Unfortunately they charge real money for most things that are of any quality.

And this man is right, the game is filled with middle aged normalfags that want to look like models and hang around virtual dancefloors. The more interesting places like Hentai High or even Space stations that are supposed to be filled with raping tentacle monsters are instead filled with furries.

Even worse is they banned ageplay.

>> No.7138634

If you feed me, I can shave your body everyday.

>> No.7139504
File: 145 KB, 1024x849, 8514847572db9ab57487f6607bccdfce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got stated a couple of days ago with a maid cosplay outfit, Mari cosplay, some stockings, panties, some bras and such. I wish my butt was more round is there anyway I can get that round butt that fills my panties well??

>> No.7139577

Well I tried shaving a patch on my leg with my Phillips Sensotouch.

It looked cute and felt good. I think I'll see if I get any ingrown hairs before taking the rest off.

As far as girl's clothes, my sister's schoolwear from when she was 13 fits me well. I feel a bit sick for trying them on... but... hey... maybe I could be a trap!

After all. Flips make good traps right?

>> No.7139585

>Over 18
>Can fit sister's clothes from when she was 13.

First of all, how would you even obtain such a thing, unless you still live with family? Also, she must either be a land whale or you haven't eaten for months.

>> No.7139620

that was my thoughts too
that guy has to be tiny and his sister was huge

>> No.7139624


I have a WHR of 0.74 with a 26 inch waist.

I'm 18 and live on my own but visit my parents' house once in a while and my sister left some of her clothes there.

Sooo I tried them on.

But if I were to do a full transformation I'd need to get a razor and do a close shave of my face and pluck my eyebrows too. That'd be a bit too much for me.

>> No.7139692

nah it's feasible. remember men have narrower hips. when I was 22 (5'5" 150 lbs) I was wearing Ladies Size S stolen from the dorm laundry.

feels good man.

>> No.7139701

So, can I post my ass and ask if /jp/ would fuck it? Because I really want guys from /jp/ to fuck me.

>> No.7139700

>>7139504 round butt
Without tacky padding or long term HRT, no

> Mari
from which series or game?

>> No.7139727
File: 107 KB, 913x810, 1297788894364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.

>> No.7139728

Men have narrower hips but much WIDER waists.

That makes anything that fits above the hips really, really fucking tight.

WHR for women should be around ~0.7. For men it's 0.8 to 0.9.

>> No.7139758 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 640x480, Picture0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a terrible picture and I'm probably going to regret posting it. My balls are sagging way more than at usual, and I got some mysterious red spots on my ass (which also aren't usually there).

>> No.7139768


>> No.7139773

This is a trap thread.

Your image is not a trap.

>> No.7139779

Yeah, I'm not a trap. I'm just very gay and want to get fucked by someone from /jp/.

>> No.7139791

the way I'm built prevents me from being passable. my physique is far too masculine

>> No.7139796


Good luck with that, buddy.

>> No.7139800

Then make your own thread.

>> No.7139805

Is it really THAT ugly?
That would be even less appropriate.

>> No.7139806
File: 232 KB, 828x906, 69e9302040e350188fc8dd460809af024dcffec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not do such rude things as fuck, but certainly I would cuddle the shit out of you.

>> No.7139819

Well, that's also good.

>> No.7139825
File: 38 KB, 480x360, 1300828748963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Go on /soc/
> It is the gayest thing since gay came to gay town

Why is that board allowed to exist while /jp/ is considered the loser board? It's what I imagine hell will be like for internet users.

>> No.7139830

your butt does not arouse me at all and i am pretty lenient on things i would fuck

>> No.7139863

This saddens me.

>> No.7139872
File: 264 KB, 519x583, 1298260042627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been so happy about being a "loser" before.
Thanks for making me look, now i can feel good about myself.

>> No.7139910

> Go on /soc/
> Amazon.com wishlist whoring
> I didn't even know people did that

I was still innocent and naive...

>> No.7139929
File: 157 KB, 400x386, 1292518235982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female Vocaroo dirty talking thread! Post scripts, girls read them.
480 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

And they call us sad..

>> No.7139946

>Traps post ITT
>116 posts and 31 image replies omitted.

>> No.7139963

Go on /soc/.
See huge trap thread.
Why don't you trap bros just move over there?

>> No.7140020
File: 220 KB, 451x1023, MakinamiIllustriousMari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Rebuild of Eva.

>> No.7140259

holy fuck I was hoping it was that Mari... so many fetishes rolled into one... YOU BETTER MAKE IT LOOK GOOD

>> No.7140487

I hope I do! My costume doesn't come in till next week or the following one and I've only tried on my panties and bra so far.

>> No.7140487,1 [INTERNAL] 

That feel when I get banned for "NSFW image on a SFW board" because I posted my ass.

>> No.7140487,2 [INTERNAL] 

That image is horrifying.

>> No.7140487,3 [INTERNAL] 

I know it isn't very nice, but horrifying?

>> No.7140487,4 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking disgusting is better in my opinion. Now if only someone could delete that image from here.

>> No.7140487,5 [INTERNAL] 

I... didn't think it was THAT bad. I feel like shit now.

>> No.7140487,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you want to be fucked so much, gay-kun.

>> No.7140487,7 [INTERNAL] 

I feel empty inside (no, this isn't an anal sex joke) and I feel the need to get approval from other males (fail) for a reason that I ignore.

>> No.7140487,8 [INTERNAL] 

If it makes you feel any better, I'd probably do you if you were dressed up as a trap. I'm just not quite gay enough otherwise.

>> No.7140487,9 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it makes me feel a bit better. At this point, I'd probably be desperate enough to do it, too, even though I'd prefer to stay myself.

>> No.7140487,10 [INTERNAL] 

Someone seriously needs professional help. Even then I'm not certain it'd accomplish much.

>> No.7140487,11 [INTERNAL] 

Now, let's not exaggerate. I may have a few problems, but you make it sound like I'm batshit insane, which I'm not.

>> No.7140487,12 [INTERNAL] 

Take your attention whoring blog shit somewhere else and please die.

>> No.7140487,13 [INTERNAL] 

You want to be fucked by strangers to feel like you're worth something.

Sounds messed up to me, bro.

>> No.7140487,14 [INTERNAL] 

But some people are curious. It's not nice to ignore them.
Yeah, as I said, I may have a few issues, but certainly not enough to say that a professional couldn't accomplish much. Right?

>> No.7140487,15 [INTERNAL] 

What's going on in this thread?

>> No.7142123

So guys who've shaved their legs.

When the hair on your upper thigh transitions into pubes, how do you know where to shaving?

I tried shaving up to the inguinal ligament and to the margins of the perineum but I started to get really really bad razor burn and bumps (immediately after shaving). I think I shaved into my pubic region but that would mean it's beyond the perineum and on my leg?

So uhm. Where do you stop shaving.

>> No.7142126

I haven't done anything for a few months, my sister is planning on letting me borrow some of her EGL soonish, so hopefully they fit me okay ;_;

>> No.7142138

you can stop at the top of your thighs. are you going to crossdress in a bikini?

I didn't think so.

>> No.7142148

I thought you fucks hate 3d women. Why do you want to become one?

>> No.7142154

because hypocrisy

>> No.7142175

Being a trap is closer to being a 2D girl than... say... being a fat hairy man.

But I have the body for it so why put that to waste?

>> No.7142184 [DELETED] 

True... true.

But it would feel weird to have the hair stop at a margin which is concurrent with the anatomy and muscular margins of the body.

To me it looks nicer at the margins I talked about earlier... but... god damn razor burn. The rest of my thigh is smooth though!

But on what board do I upload comparison pictures...

Is there a board for traps or traps to be?

>> No.7142188

True... true.

But it would feel weird to have the hair stop at a margin which isn't concurrent with the anatomy and muscular margins of the body.

To me it looks nicer at the margins I talked about earlier... but... god damn razor burn. The rest of my thigh is smooth though!

But on what board do I upload comparison pictures...

Is there a board for traps or traps to be?

>> No.7142193

>Is there a board for traps or traps to be?

You're on it buddy.

Also, I prefer being hairless down there, just in case, you know? Nothing's a mood killer like a layer of fine, gnarled hairs on your thighs. I hate leg hair.

>> No.7142223

What ? Are you gay or what?

>> No.7142224
File: 31 KB, 765x587, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I can post a picture here? SFW.

Anyway, here's an image I drew demonstrating the margin I'm talking about. On the left of the image is my 'true' pubic region... on the right is the margin I talked about and shaved up to.

Which do you prefer?

Right now I've only done one of my legs and saved the other for comparison.

>> No.7142234

ITT guys show the girls how clueless they are.

this is why nearly no closet traps succeed in landing a GF aka living the dream

>> No.7142238

What do you mean by clueless?

I think a closet trap is insecure and socially anxious anyway...
... that's the reason they're still in the closet.

I did show my friend the tights I was wearing but it felt really weird. Probably because I feel like a girl when I'm alone but feel like a man when I'm in front of other people.

>> No.7142253

I seriously thought about this, and was about to start HRT. I'm young and got a light build, and my face isn't very massculine so it should have gone decently.
But I pussied out in one of the councelling sessions. Mostly because doing this thing properly would be lots of cash, and I really don't want to put my relatives through this just because of fetish.

>> No.7142273


You're on /jp/, you've got nothing to loose.

>> No.7142293
File: 127 KB, 600x480, 1266972255064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7142304

I would advise against it. HRT should be considered when you have an emotional need to be female, not a sexual need. Most of the time, it seems to completely fuck up your sexuality. If you just consider it a fetish, you're better off limiting it to some extra fun you can have during fap sessions.

>> No.7142322

I would try it if I wasn't so tall... (6'5")

>> No.7142328

Buying girl clothing is difficult, so no.

>> No.7142348

chisame's blog does it still work?

>> No.7142355

I hope you don't really want to be a trap, I like you the way you are...

>> No.7142356

It is already Friday, according to OP it is too late for me. ;_;

>> No.7142361

Why can't you understand, THIS IS THE WAY HE IS!!!11

>> No.7142363

Noooooo, iluvOP is simply iluvOP, he is a finish sweetheart.

>> No.7142366

He probably just want to the appreciation and affection that females get without even asking for it. Actually, that probably goes for many anons here, completely abandoned by society and never having been taught have it feels like to be loved, they just want someone to hold them and tell them they're beautiful.

>> No.7142381

But I appreciate iluvOP right now, he just doesn't know it.

>> No.7142391
File: 83 KB, 450x600, g1009-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this and a black dress coming in the mail, and just today I received my shipment of makeup and fake lashes. What else do I need?

>> No.7142401

Leg shaving perhaps?

>> No.7142403

A silly hat.

>> No.7142427

Some sort of large weapon you can press your genitals on.

>> No.7142618

Loneliness is analogous to hunger or thirst.

Most have a need to feel wanted or appreciated. Studies have shown that people that do not feed this need are more likely to die than those who do (and we're not talking about suicide here).

>> No.7142650

It's easy to forget your hunger, but it sucks when you suddenly smell some delicious food.

>> No.7142654

I am worried about this too,

WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CHISAME is he still okay??

>> No.7142657

Would you guys look down on me if I "trapped" for money/clothes? Just saying that seekingarrangement.com has tempted me quite a bit.

>> No.7142676

A few people would envy you if you pulled it off, but it's kinda hard to deny that it would make you a whore.

>> No.7142688

I think of it less of being a whore, and more financial encouragement.

>> No.7142689

>Studies have shown that people that do not feed this need are more likely to die than those who do (and we're not talking about suicide here).

That's because children without dedicated caregivers and adults without partners just don't have as many people looking out for their health. It not because of some magical nutritional need for affection.

>> No.7142699

Yeah I agree with this explanation.

But what we're being taught or... rather... what they're trying to make us believe is that social isolation is a cause rather than an influence.

Which seems like Fruedian shit but there is at least some evidence suggesting a direct link between some illnesses... but... the link is very weak and is not a reliable predictor.

>> No.7142702

Oh really?
If I really need a partner to live a long life I'll rather have a short and happy life instead of having a long life with a other person

>> No.7142704

The joys of societies that put too much into correlational studies.

>> No.7142724


Media taking scientific data and putting an unscientific spin on it is a problem everywhere, natch.

>> No.7142767

It's not these although this plays an effect.

The problem is social psychologists are trying desperately hard to show biological links. The reason? If they can show a strong link then that means they get to play a role in 'treatment'. They get more money to do research and their social psychology research starts to gain practical usage... which means they get to take on more powerful jobs and move away from academia.

In short, they're trying to boost their egos from a need to feel more powerful.

>> No.7143214

I'm curious now.... After reading through this thread, I'm genuinely curious about the motivations of some posters here.

I've identified as trans for some time now, but I've been struggling with some feelings. I won't get into that here, if only because it's woefully inappropriate for 4chan. But I will ask, why do you guys wanna be traps? Is it for sexual gratification only? Are there any of you who genuinely want to be female, but are just making a 'compromise'?

And for that matter, what is the definition of "trap" in this context? Is it a crossdresser? A pre-/non-op transsexual? Do you still identify as male, or would you like to be seen as female?

>> No.7143224
File: 204 KB, 588x442, 1255310634097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been told I look like a girl. Too bad I'm not gay enough to crossdress

>> No.7143249

I know a trap
Looks, & sounds like a girl

now we need to get him to wear girl outfit...

>> No.7143255

do it! Then go to a bar, see how many people hit on you.

>> No.7143261

I would want to be a girl because of the difference in how females and males are treated in society.

As a girl, I could enjoy all my hobbies of art, dolls, and music, without any disdain. I could behave in a compassionate and gentle manner without seeming like a creep... because I'd be a girl and that's all right. I mean... the humanitarians and welfare work I'm involved in is filled with females. I'm the only male and they think I'm a pervert or have the wrong motives for wanting to support vulnerable groups.

Also because of how girls are appreciated by men. As a female I wouldn't need to work to find companionship, a man would present himself to me. That's the way society rolls... the men have to find the girls.

Also because I have the dimensions and contours of a girl, but the genitals of a male. I see no point in wasting a body such as mine by keeping it to myself... so... in becoming a trap... I can preserve my form. I strongly believe that data should be acquired to preserve the truly beautiful and pure people out there because... one day... they will be gone or ugly from old age.

My other reason is a bad one; sexual gratification. Being a trap would be highly arousing from me and the feeling of lingerie is especially attractive. This last reason is (obviously) the wrong reason because it means I still identify as a male in terms of my sex drive... but it is only my libido that tells me I'm a male. All my other behaviours are female.

>> No.7143264
File: 316 KB, 1053x1510, waritode_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mostly a sexual thing for me, but I've also noticed there's an aspect of wanting to be admired in a way only girls can be. As a male, you tend to be defined by what you do, relationships and sex are just a set of skills, how good you're at picking up women, how good you're at pleasing them, etc. So it's a very attractive concept to just be a cute little shota trap who simply gets admired and loved for being, rather than having all kinds of expectations to fulfill in order to be acknowledged.

I might add that this only works in fantasy, since the concept of me making a good enough trap to earn any admiration is ridiculous. But it's nice to escape to a fantasy world were I'm not expected to be manly, and I don't have to be ashamed of being passive.

>> No.7143267

Browse trap threads and go find some trap boards on other chans. They'll turn you gay enough to trap in a few months.

>> No.7143272

It would be 'gay' not to cross dress.

If you look like a girl and aren't turned on or attracted to this possibility... then one must conclude that you are interested in men.

To dress as a girl for sexual gratification is very much the thing to do. Unless you come from /v/.

You shouldn't go through gender reassignment for sexual gratification as the consequent change of hormones will alter your sexual desires.

>> No.7143285

I thought /jp/ hated 3D

>> No.7143286

This explains my situation almost entirely.

Except I've deluded myself (or possibly not) into believing I have the figure.

Since I was 10 I've wanted to stay a shota. People used to say I looked like a girl... especially when my sideburns were cut very short. They used to exclaim "awww isn't she cute!" when I was 12 or 13... and then be majorly surprised when I spoke in a boy's voice.

>> No.7143337

I wasn't attracted to the concept when I was that young. Kinda wish I was, so I could have experimented with crossdressing while I could still have pulled it off. I just realized one day in my teenage years, after having read Boy Soprano, that I really wish I was that boy, but that it was already way too late for me. I remember that sudden realization so very well, even down to where I was when I made it, because it's the kind of realization that makes you curse your life, as it comes to light that you have such a deep desire for something that is physically impossible.

>> No.7143348

What is it about anime, I wonder, that provokes some people to have cross-gender desires? Anime has been one of (if not THE) strongest motivators for me to want to be female. The problem is that I can't decide if it is the best course of action for me, since I don't truly identify as female, and I don't 100% loathe being male.

Ever since Sailor Moon came on TV years ago (I'm 29 now), I've wanted to be like anime girls. 3D girls don't affect me nearly at all, but the abundance of porn and just general cute shit all over 4chan makes me want to be female. I don't get it.

And it's not even really for sexual reasons. Sure there are some, but I'd be gleefully happy if those desires went away, and I still wanted to be female.

I'm waiting to start HRT, but my fucking therapist is dragging her feet.

>> No.7143386

I think that for the most part, anime attracts people who don't fit that well into the male role, and people who don't fit too well into the male role are more likely to want to be female. That would also explain the high amounts of virgins, NEETs and sexually submissive people here. Seriously, all those are somewhat uncommon traits, but on here, everyone are expected to be virgin NEET masochists who want to be the little girl, even though the topic of this board has no direct relation to any of those traits. I can't accept that as a coincidence.

>> No.7143437

It's a troubling thing to want and desire so much something which you can never have.

I will likely experience this if my transformation into a trap doesn't go well. Although I do have the WHR of an ideal female so I'm pretty happy about my chances.

Just need to buy the clothes and complete the shaving. Not sure whether I'm ready to pluck my eyebrows yet though... I'll have to do some experimenting in Photoshop.

But your desire... one day you will be able to fulfil it. Just you gotta make sure you live long enough for the technology to happen.

Android or cyborg bodies could be a reality in 40 to 50 years time.

Likewise, human computer interfaces that communicate directly with our brains may come about too... hopefully graphics technology and AI simulations will be good enough for you to live a convincing virtual life.

It's possible, if the restraints on stem cell research are alleviated, that you could grow your own biological shell and have your brain transplanted into it. And the growing of the shell can be altered to be male or female.

But stupid laws on cell research prevent us from doing this.

>> No.7143462

I want to be a girl, but I can't. It's a simple truth; I can face it. However, that doesn't change the fact that I want to change my situation to be as agreeable as possible, and that means (Trying) to be a trap. I've only started my physical transformation in earnest recently, beginning with losing weight, a process slowed greatly by trying to not gain muscle in the process.

Sexually, I won't lie; I get a little excited wearing cute clothes, or when guys flirt with me online when I'm e-trapping on an online game, but if that went away I'd still want to do it. Being cute is the ultimate desire though.

>> No.7143501

>in 40 to 50 years time
I like the idea, but I have a feeling that most of those estimations are created by the following formula:
Life expectancy of the person making the estimation - a few years - the age of the person making the estimation = how many years it will take until death of old age is no longer a concern

>> No.7143523

Oh wow, it's like I'm really in /tg/!

Legit /jp/-goers can't become traps. Traps expire at the 18-year age mark. After that, they're just spoiled goods.

>> No.7143549

We still have to try.

>> No.7143578

Nah, he's right. There are no hope for us. We were never meant to be happy. The quicker we accept this, the less the disappointment we will experience as we cling to a dream that can never be realized.

>> No.7143586

I identify as female. I'm just fixing my body to fit how I feel. Some could see it as a compromise as right now medical science can't really fix the anatomical issues, but really, parts don't matter all that much.
It's definitely not for sexual gratification for me. While some cute clothes can be arousing, you get used to it while living fulltime.

>> No.7143596

But it can be realized, to some extent. You could be a grown-up trap if you really wanted it that badly... Looks may very well be an issue, but again, if you're serious enough, hormones and hair removal may do wonders to help.

This is, of course, only if you truly want to change your perceived gender for life.. not just for passing sexual thrills.

>> No.7143612
File: 184 KB, 640x512, 30a1a16ff3f8e9f5976dc5ce74da0b3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really sure I exist on the internet, but..

I like wearing shota-like clothing. It makes me feel cute in a tomboyish way, and I can move freely in them. They're more comfortable than female clothing, and I like how they look. I feel like a girl in them, very much a girl, just a handsome one who doesn't have to conform to societies gender roles.

>> No.7143650

That's definitely a concern. I don't know what future there can be, but I can't just pretend I want to live as a male like this.

I kinda want to tell someone about it (besides 4chan) but I dunno what I'd say or why I would even.

>> No.7143660

Well.. there are plenty of support groups online you can visit, one being whatisgender.net. And I know that therapy is expensive, but depending on where you live, you may have access to a doctor that will freely give you access to hormones (without having to get "permission" from a shrink) that you can use to see how they make you feel. I'm told that one in particular in LA doesn't care about permission letters.

As much as I have a hard time to accept it myself, there are plenty of "in between" ways you can live and still be happy. Maybe you'll be happy to just take hormones and live life as you do now. You can never know. Nobody is the same, and certainly not everybody wants to be binary male/female

>> No.7143675

Actually, wasn't there some Nazi experiment with kids with two groups of children, one of which were given the bare necessity nutrition, but tons of affection, and the other with bare necessity interaction and an abundance of food?

>> No.7143710

No plans for HRT/GRS, though I do enjoy my crossdressing a little too much and will likely try to actually go out one day. Recently came out to a friend I reconnected with via Facebook who has already started HRT and to my best-friend/ex-girlfriend. They've been very supportive and I now have a place I can get shit shipped without worrying about it being opened.

That said... I've been somewhat careless lately and my family might be catching on, though they haven't hinted at that... They already know I shave my legs+arms, but that I just pass off as being annoyed by my hairiness. My mother found my nail file recently (I keep mine a little too long for men, to a point where some women tell me they're jealous...), my brother found one of the magnetic earrings I lost, and last night my mother found a price tag for an item from Forever 21 (not sure if she noticed that part...). Gotta play it a little more cautiously...

I'm waiting for my wig and a gaff to arrive in the mail, but they're taking longer than they're supposed to. The shipping on the wig was 7-10 business days and it's now day 15. Gonna have to call them. Depending on how I think I look with the wig on, I may go out soon.

>> No.7143715


This femanon thinks you sound pretty cool. Pics?

>> No.7143914


>> No.7143996

I will post pics for you somewhere when I finish my shaving away my legs.

Waiting for the initial rash to subside first.

>> No.7143996,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are these threads still here? Do they not realize that /soc/ exists?

>> No.7143996,2 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - Dear gentleman, recently I have discovered that wearing pantyhose brings the most wonderful pleasure! Does anyone have any advice on how I can tell what size I should purchase in the future, as I have had to stretch out my current pair to fit them, and they no longer retain the beauty that they once held.

>> No.7143996,3 [INTERNAL] 

I've never seen a post like that on /jp/.

>> No.7143996,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same homo shit.

>> No.7143996,5 [INTERNAL] 

Keep this shit out of /jp/ unless it's about 2D traps.

>> No.7143996,6 [INTERNAL] 

This. It doesn't matter how eloquently you discuss it, it's still gay shit that doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.7143996,7 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

And you're saying /jp/ isn't full of bi or gay guys?

If you have a problem with 'gay shit' then get off /jp/. This board doesn't hold normalfag views. We're liberal.

>> No.7143996,8 [INTERNAL] 

And you're saying /jp/ isn't full of bi or gay guys?

If you have a problem with 'gay shit' then get off /jp/. This board doesn't hold normalfag views. We're liberal.

That's why this thread has so many replies. Way more than the Cirno threads.

If you want pure 2D shit then go to /a/. /jp/ also deals with dolls and kigurumi.

>> No.7143996,9 [INTERNAL] 

Nice trashcan.

>> No.7143996,10 [INTERNAL] 


Take your attentionwhore bullshit to /soc/.

>> No.7143996,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7143996,12 [INTERNAL] 


Those furfags are some of the worst and creepiest users on /jp/. Are you one of them?

>> No.7143996,13 [INTERNAL] 

I was actually kind of shocked at how talented this person is, I wonder if they VA professionally or something? The fluctuation between voices was pretty impressive.

>> No.7143996,14 [INTERNAL] 

Well why does this thread have so many responses if it isn't worth talking about on /jp/?

I'm sure if /jp/ hated it, there'd be only a few replies like those Cirno threads... which are apparently /jp/ related.

>> No.7143996,15 [INTERNAL] 

We get it you hate Cirno. But really you should get out of /jp/ and go back to /soc/.

>> No.7143996,16 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm sure if /jp/ hated it, there'd be only a few replies
So using your logic /jp/ loves threads like >>7146807.

>> No.7143996,17 [INTERNAL] 

Not reading you're super gay thread, but I like the Kuroneko OP pic.

>> No.7143996,18 [INTERNAL] 

>the Kuroneko OP pic.

>> No.7143996,19 [INTERNAL] 

So if there were a bunch of Bawson and Sion threads and they each got 100+ posts each, it would be /jp/ related?

>> No.7143996,20 [INTERNAL] 

That character is from Baby Princess.
