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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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713122 No.713122 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.713130

Because /a/ is just a bunch of uninformed Gaiafags, anyways.

>> No.713133

/a/ wouldn't die even if you killed it.

>> No.713138

>> No.713141

/a/ hates /jp/ more than we hate them.

>> No.713143

Because /a/ is /b/ now and no one likes /b/.

>> No.713142
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I never was on your side

>> No.713147

Now you got me thinking of Nevada-tan.

>> No.713154


constant reposts and no discussions.

>> No.713161

>Contains touhou and only touhou
Fixed for /jp/

>> No.713160
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Why is it left to right?

>> No.713156

Well obviously. /a/ hates the cancer, but the cancer itself doesn't have much room to complain.

>> No.713163

/a/ is shit, moot agreed

>> No.713164
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That can be fixed.

>> No.713170

/jp/ is shit, 4chan agreed. Don't bother them about it.

>> No.713174

/b/ was overflowing and thus /jp/ was created.

>> No.713176

, don't bother him about it...?

>> No.713180

Because regular /jp/ posters powerlevels are way too high for /a/.

>> No.713181

/jp/ is for the purest of losers. Why the superiority complex?

>> No.713182


Then where does netplay, VNs, meltyblood, F/SN, tsukihime, Morning musume, occasional learning japanese threads and midnight loli posts go to?

>> No.713187

In the trash, usually.

>> No.713194

Along with... YOUR MOM!!!1 LOLOLOLOLO)OL

>> No.713221

I wish morning musume threads went in the trash. That 3d shit doesn't belong here.

>> No.713232

One of my favorite aspects of /jp/ is that it will be here forever. Moot knows he can't delete it or else the huge, rampant Touhou horde on it will explode like a nail bomb into ever orifice of every board on 4chan, and the devastation of the boards will stay that way until /jp/ is re-instated. I love it.

>> No.713239


The more amusing fact is that as long as /jp/ is instated, the touhou fanbase has critical mass, and will only expand.

>> No.713243
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>> No.713260

Ran smirk, is there nothing you aren't appropriate for?

>> No.713261

I see some logic in this.

>> No.713265

Bringing Ed's mom back to life?

>> No.713268
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>> No.713270
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Let's do it.


>> No.713275
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>> No.713279

I had a feeling my image was wrong. *saves*

>> No.713284

poor poolshmer ;_;

I know how hateful Anon is towards ever paying for anything, but poolshmer has done A LOT for Touhou and most Anon on /jp/ imo. Personally I don't think a sticked donation drive on /jp/ for poolshmer would be a bad idea.

I know there haven't been any such drives for 4chan in a long time, but that is because of legal reasons, what with all the copyrighted stuff here on 4chan. I don't think these legality issues would be a problem if the drive was for someone else's site (ie poolshmer).

>> No.713289

>sticked donation drive on /jp/ for poolshmer

No, just no.

>> No.713291
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>>One of my favorite aspects of /n/ is that it will be here forever. Moot knows he can't delete it or else the huge, rampant nigger horde on it will explode like a nail bomb into ever orifice of every board on 4chan, and the devastation of the boards will stay that way until /n/ is re-instated. I love it.

>> No.713298



>> No.713300


Don't remind me, I had a dream about /n/, then I woke up and remembered it was gone. Pissed me off.

>> No.713301


super troll

>> No.713302

>>donation drive on /jp/ for poolshmer

You're a faggot.

pooshlmer has nothing but hate for /jp/

>> No.713307

Hate turn to love when it comes to money.

>> No.713309

/n/ sucked anyway

>> No.713311


>> No.713325


>> No.713326

Really? So Anon wouldn't care if Touhou Wiki suddenly went down today and never came back up? Seriously?

>> No.713331


Nobody said that

>> No.713351

Anon makes a new one.

>> No.713352

You guise realize Moot is like a fucking millionaire and doesn't have to work for the rest of his life due to the ads he put up right?


>> No.713346


I did.

>> No.713347

Well, thats whats going to fucking happen. Since /jp/ has been created waaaay more people have been to poolshmer's Touhou wiki and image board as a result. Because of this his badwitdh and server costs have been being raped. Recently both sites have been slow as fuck and now Touhou wiki is down.

>> No.713353


Someone would mirror it.
It's actually being worked on at the moment.

>> No.713355

I think it was probably because it was linked on SomethingAwful that the wiki went down.

>> No.713357

Just out of interest, what's would happen to be their image-heaviest page?

>> No.713362

pic is wrong.

it was more like /a/ taking a giant shit, and that shit was /jp/. And then after taking that shit, insertfailforumhere decided to shit on /a/.

it's all shit.

>> No.713374

moot a millionaire? yeah right, moot still live with his parents and by now means is rich. Running 4chan is massively expensive and he takes very little from it (>7k per year). If you don't believe me go ask in the irc. Snacks is in there all the time, and moot is now and then. I've had conversations with Snacks and other people who are close friends to moot and they've all said the same thing.

Moot has also been asked about it at panels before, and in one case showed a chart showing expenses and ad-revenue, and it was just as others have said...moot doesn't make shit from 4chan.

>> No.713379

And thats how it should be.

>> No.713383

moot a millionaire? yeah right, moot still lives with his parents and by no means is rich. Running 4chan is massively expensive and he takes very little from it (less than 7k per year).

If you don't believe me go ask in the irc. Snacks is in there all the time, and moot is now and then. I've had conversations with Snacks and other people who are close friends to moot about it and they've all said the same thing.

Moot has also been asked about it at panels before, and in one case showed a chart showing expenses and ad-revenue, and it was just as others have said...moot doesn't make shit from 4chan.

>> No.713392

And thats how it should be.

>> No.713400

>>Running 4chan is massively expensiveand he takes very little from it (less than 7k per year

>> No.713408

moot's parents are rich though. where else could he have gotten those thousands of dollars to keep 4chan running back in 2003-2005, when the site kept on crashing? I remember an old SA post he made saying how he'd already sunk thousands of dollars to keep the site alive, and how he was determined to make sure 4chan survives no matter the cost.

>> No.713411

He makes 7k a year from one of the biggest forums out there. Quite Pathetic.

>> No.713424

yeah, but those thousands of dollars were from meager ad revenues and his "donate or die" campaign that he had on 4chan for a while.

It is not a lot really. I make that much working minimum wage part time in a year.

>> No.713434


>> No.713439

If they spun off Touhouwiki separately I'd be happy to donate for that. But they haven't, and the site as a whole isn't something I can support.

>> No.713443

Not to mention /jp/ itself.

>> No.713447

oh jesus yes, much better then all that non-free porn we got currently ...

>> No.713462

Its not like /a/ cares about /jp/ anyway...

Only thing i've noticed different about /a/ are the lack of touhou image dumps and Visual Novels.

>> No.713465

7k/year isn't very much, but it's more than enough to support a weeaboo lifestyle, especially when the job mostly requires just sitting on your ass. I mean, if I had 7k/year coming in I'd upgrade my internet connection and never leave the house, I could play touhou and watch anime all day for the rest of my life.
Don't get me wrong though, moot deserves it. This site is something special.

>> No.713470

How about the increase of naruto and bleach?

>> No.713476


Oh yeah, I noticed YOU'RE NOT THERE EITHER.

>> No.713487

Thank god for that. I think we both agree.

>> No.713488

Don't forget about moot's college. I doubt he hasn't taken away any debt from it.

>> No.713489





>> No.713498


And I still remember when you were all over furry economics though.

>> No.713510

Also to they guy who was talking about moot parent's being rich and helping him pay for 4chan back in the day:

At his panel in roflcon moot was asked how his family has reacted to him being 4chan's creator. Moot said they didn't even know for nearly four years and when they found out and went on 4chan was they were pretty shocked. Moot says that now his parents know about it, and don't have a problem with it, but is treated kind of like sex, as it is never really mentioned or talked about in his family. They know of it, accept it, but certainly don't want to have a big conversation about it.

>> No.713512
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Ah yes...

>> No.713516

>but is treated kind of like sex
More like it's treated as if he was GAY.

>> No.713532

>as if he was GAY.

Yes, "as if he was gay," because surely moot's not gay already, right? RIGHT!?

>> No.713545

he just wishes to be the little girl.

not gay.

>> No.713548

Trivia time: where was the famous, "I wish to be a little girl," pic originally taken?

>> No.713568

I've been going to 4chan since 2004 and even I don't care enough to remember that. And if it was sometime in 2003 I still don't really care. Stop trying to sound like an oldfag.

>> No.713570

From a little girl?

>> No.713580
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>> No.713592

Enough. Stop posting that. I'd expect shit in /a/, but this is my refuge.

>> No.713595

Answer: Outside moot's room at the Hyatt at ACen '06.

>> No.713601
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>> No.713602


I've been around since 2001 so shut up newf*g

>> No.713608

Oh you.

>> No.713609

raging so hard i may have a heart attack

>> No.713615


Time traveler

>> No.713634
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>> No.713635

>>713568 here
Well now I just feel retarded for not being able to remember something from 2006. I mean I know the picture but I never really followed cons.

>> No.713648

i've been here since 1987

>> No.713652

Well its not like it was widely known or anything. I only knew because he has the Acen badge on and I noticed it.

>> No.713661


/jp/ is not a mere image board.
It is a state of mind. The sinking feeling in your heart.

>> No.713662

Internet? I liked it better when it was called Darpanet.

>> No.713668

i sometimes dream that /jp/ was never created, and the shounen parasites were killed off by the touhou radiation.

>> No.713671


I remember seeing this right after the split, I actually shed a tear.

>> No.713758

At the beginning there was nothing.
And from nothing came God.
And God said: "If I can't find porn, then porn shall find me".
And the skies tear and the earth torn apart.
And then from nothing 4chan was born.

On its barren lands and filthy skies a new race arise.
A race of warriors. A race of heroes.
But the lands were continuously invaded by unlimited foes.
So the heroes fought constantly against the invading mobs.
God, watching his children in their endless fight, decided to award them.
And God said: "Here's your board, keep all your shit there".
And then /jp/ was born.
And then God saw that everything was shit and gone to rest.
