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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 291 KB, 806x495, 2hoursinmspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7130278 No.7130278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to that fag?

>> No.7130281

He fucked off.

>> No.7130285

No he didn't.
Right, OP?

>> No.7130295

That doesn't sound like Currybutt at all.

>> No.7130301

Don't care.


>> No.7130302
File: 75 KB, 750x600, BOOFBanned3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you save that?.

>> No.7130313

They banned one of the most quality tripfags? Haha oh wow.

>> No.7130315

He moved onto greener pastures, chum.

>Good Trip. Best Friend.

>> No.7130316

I didn't, read the file name.

Currybutt's real ban image is locked away in a museum behind constant surveillance.

>> No.7130317

>quality poster

pick one

>> No.7130323


You're bluffing,

>> No.7130327

It's like a CurryButt circle jerk because it is a CurryButt circle jerk.

Fuck off you limp dick..

>> No.7130338


>> No.7130341

I'm not Currybutt.

Fuck it, I'm deleting this thread. You guys are fucking jerks.

>> No.7130343

He posts on /a/ as Fruits Punch Samurai and says /a/ is better than /jp/ now.

>> No.7130344


Please do.

>> No.7130348


>It's like a CurryButt circle jerk because it is a CurryButt circle jerk.

I believe one of you anons said that the CB circlejerks would stop if he was banned. I really must say that your cunning plan certainly was a cracking success, old bean.

>> No.7130349

I will.

You think I'm bluffing? You'll be sorry.

>> No.7130358

Alright guys, I'm gonna delete it.

Get ready.

>> No.7130357
File: 49 KB, 758x596, confession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7130362

My body is ready.

>> No.7130362,1 [INTERNAL] 

He really did it.

>> No.7130362,2 [INTERNAL] 

He still sucks dick.

>> No.7130362,3 [INTERNAL] 

Here's a fucking essay on why you need to shut the fuck up:

After checking the archive for /a/ with "currybutt" I found more than maybe the 3 hits I expected GIVEN THAT I'VE NEVER FUCKING POSTED ON /a/ AS CURRYBUTT. I didn't even think people on /a/ would know what a currybutt is aside a few people.

I had no idea people are trying to make me look bad on /a/ for no reason, and I don't see why you'd think I'd be the one behind threads shit-talking me either. I'm not so pathetic I'd demean myself.

It's just amazing how fucking pathetically low you pieces of shit can get though. You all blame me because I'm well known, because I say shit that's easily manipulated by people like you, you're like the media treating me as if I'm the goddamn president, trying to make anything I say some volatile world-changing endeavor instead of just bitching. If I said "lol i bet those berserk movies won't come out" and then they didn't, they'd fucking tell me it's my fault and blame me somehow simply because I said that and said I don't like Berserk. It's goddamn pathetic and I'm getting tired of it.

>> No.7130362,4 [INTERNAL] 

No, I had nothing to do with any thread relating to me and the ONLY time I've even mentioned "currybutt" on /a/ was in a thread about Uiharu the other day when I said some guy from /v/ saved "currybutt's images" and I know because they are all the exact same "i have" or something along those lines.

No, I do not post or lurk on /jp/ and have not since I left after that ban.

Yes, I hate Shizuka - I've made this clear. No, I do not have any issue with her due to her and Zawa being friends, why would I give a shit about her being friends with some cunt I don't even fucking know. No, I do not have any issue with her due to her and DEEPFAG and I don't see why there would be as nothing ever happened between them. No, I have nothing to do with her or anything going on, and I never trolled Jojo (i have posted my opinion on it, and especially on the fanbase, but I've never fucking trolled it) nor posted in any Jojo threads in any trolling way (actually, I don't think I've posted in any AT ALL but if I have it was never related to shizuka and was probably months ago). No, I did not encourage anyone to attack Jojo or Shizuka. Yes, I've said the fanbase is shit and blamed that on Shizuka, but what you're saying is somehow saying THAT made all this drama unrelated to me go on? That makes no sense, unless you're admitting - and if you are, thanks - that I control not only /jp/, but even /a/ now as well. If you're saying I'm THAT influential? Then goddamn, thank you. I'm glad to know I have THAT much power over people I don't even fucking know or care about, even on a board I barely post on and not even as Currybutt.

>> No.7130362,5 [INTERNAL] 

I also hate Hong, Hox, SHiN (but only really when he talks about subbing because no one gives a fuck), and so SO SOOOOO many others.

Is it my fault Hox took his site down now too, which I've seen people saying happened? Are you going to claim I'm the one spamming that stupid fucking image about him saying he doesn't like one shitty show but likes another?

Hong? I openly talked shit about him plenty when I still cared (back when I was still on /jp/) because I still had to see him shitposting for attention. Did I do anything else? NO. From time to time I'd say "you're a faggot" and thats about it, and all this was done with my trip on as per the usual rules I follow.

>> No.7130362,6 [INTERNAL] 

And SHiN, I must be the guy spamming that LOL SHIN CHEATED image right? I joke about it and say WHY DONT YOU GO JERK OFF TO EVERY OTHER WAIFU YOU HAVE NIGGER from time to time but that's the most I do in regards to him - joke. If you want proof, I've openly said and always have been known to have more than one "waifu". I don't take it in the same way as others do, I couldn't give a fuck less if he "cheated" on her or not.

The funniest part is, almost half the posts in this one thread obsessing about me alone that I found, is clearly zawa, she doesn't even hide it - she thinks removing her trip does that I guess, but it doesn't. The other half aren't hard to guess either, but I don't feel like explaining to you who they are. Though I admit some are probably just retarded faggots from bun and /jp/ thinking they are saving the universe by blaming me for things out of nowhere.

>> No.7130362,7 [INTERNAL] 

As for Zawa, I'm getting tired of her still fawning over me and e-stalking me, while everyone claims I'M the one who can't move on when she clearly is latched on so tight she can't handle a life without drama involving me in it, stalking my formspring (I've known she's been doing this for quite awhile now), still following the posts I make on 4chan (this too), and probably asking me half the anonymous questions I get (also this). I want her to leave me alone, because I moved on like you're supposed to, but there's no way for me to remove someone who was such a great actress I stayed with her cheating sorry whore ass for 3 years straight, because she can just keep her act of "lol im not zawa im just a nice anon asking a random question XDDD" and I'll fall for it. She's getting dicked by all her friends still, I'm sure, but apparently her heart and mind are still stuck on me. Un-fucking -stick them, you piece of shit. Get out of my goddamn life.

>> No.7130362,8 [INTERNAL] 

Basically, it's like this.

I've never started, caused, or instigated any drama about or around me. Anonymous and other tripfags have. In most recent cases they include Zawa, a lot of bun and jp people, and some butthurt fags from my past that aren't zawa.

The problem is I'm DAMN popular, which as far as I personally am concerned - DOES NOT MATTER. This is 4chan we're talking about, this is the place anon isn't supposed to care about tripfags more than any other poster. Yet they treat me like a celebrity, like a fucking political figure, EVEN WHEN I STOP POSTING AS CURRYBUTT, where anything I say and do is some gigantic deal that needs to not only be discussed, but ridiculed and twisted into whatever fits their needs at the time - even if it's blatantly incorrect.

I'm not. I'm just another fucking person using 4chan. Stop using me in your stupid fucking kiddy e-drama. Some scanlator you like stopped posting with a trip? WOW, IT'S FUCKING NOTHING. How does that end up being OH IT WAS CURRYBUTT just because I've said I hate her?



Just because I hate or dislike something does not magically make ME the only one. I have a name, yeah, I'm extremely well known among you fucking pathetic lumps of shit who think 4chan is your goddamn place to relive highschool with the drama you missed out on, so it's easy to say "WELL HE OPENLY SAID THIS OR THAT SO IT MUUUUUST BE HIM!!!! HE'S THE CAUSE HE'S THE ONE DOING THIS!!!! but fucking grow up already.

You people treat me like you treated popular good looking sporty athletic who got all the girls he wanted without even trying and always got so much attention without doing anything for it, oh let me use your retarded term, "alpha" males, in highschool. You think I'm the source of all that is evil and bad and I'm the shittiest thing alive and the cause of every problem - why?



Fuck off.

Have fun copy pasting this and LOL HE MAD XDDD all you want, I don't really give a fuck. What I want most is zawa to go fuck herself and leave me be, never mentioning or looking at anything I write or do again, and the rest of you I want to fuck off and leave me alone about things I already said I have nothing to do with.

The truth is, to use another of your retarded shit memes "i ain't even mad", know why? I know you people. I've spent years with you guys, right alongside you. I know this is how it always is, and I know to most of you you hate me for the simple reason that I'm what you're not - even though you'll say LOL SO FULL OF YOURSELF ITS NOT LIKE THAT IDIOT YOU'RE A MORON U MAD XDDD. I don't care, it's the fucking truth.

>> No.7130362,9 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a shitposter yet I'm also a great poster just as often, I'm ugly and overweight yet I get girlfriends as often as you remember what a pathetically shitty life you're living and they always look damn good to boot, I contribute nothing but silly comments and shitty ones yet I'm extremely popular both in love and hate - I get more attention than almost anybody else on 4chan on /jp/ and apparently somehow now /a/ which is way more than you'll ever get, and I could go on and on with this. But the fact is, I'm what you wish you could be. A jackass who doesn't give a fuck, who lives by his own rules, who can be the worst when he wants to be and who can be the best when he wants to be, who can - even according to yourselves - make HUGE groups of people follow his whim...yet who gets EVERYTHING you wish you had. Popularity, attention, girlfriends, power, and so on. All the things you always wanted and the things you stil can't grasp. You want that charisma, you want that attitude, you want that power. Because you were a pathetic little fuck all your life, getting bullied, kicked around, looked down on - while I was spending my days being a fucking main-character-kun and not giving one fucking shit about anything, yet having everything.

>> No.7130362,10 [INTERNAL] 

Funny, though I won't go into it, I guarantee my life is much harder than your pathetic little shitfests - mostly because I actually live my life, I actually have pride, I actually have self confidence, I actually stand back up when I'm down and smash whatever fucking issue is in my way into fucking nothing - not just lay there while i'm getting shat on like you fuckers do and blaming all my problems on everyone else.

Even now I'm a fucking loony hikkikomori, and you all know I don't use that lightly like the fucking retards on 4chan, and worse you know I have a dead end life. Yet even like this you fucking envy me so much you try to fuck things up for me constantly in hopes you can ruin something that shines so bright to you it's fucking blinding.

I'm the best, nobody and nothing can change that. I'm the one and only CurryButt. I'm the most amazing thing that will happen to you in your life and you're more blessed knowing me than some super religious guy would be for meeting Jesus.

Find your own way to live, your own existence, and stop obsessing over mine.

>> No.7130362,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,12 [INTERNAL] 

I will only say one thing.
Jesus fucking Christ. And I thought I had issues...

>> No.7130362,13 [INTERNAL] 

teal deer

>> No.7130362,14 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking moron. Also a lying piece if shit, DIAF Curry.

>> No.7130362,15 [INTERNAL] 

Haha, so good. CurryButt is the most delusional person I know. So crazy.

>> No.7130362,16 [INTERNAL] 

No, he truly believes in what he says. He lives in a fantasy where everyone is obsessed with him, all the girls love him, all the boys want to be like him and the people who told him off once are his sworn enemies who are just jealous of his alpha maleness.

CurryButt is the person on /jp/ that needs to see a shrink the most, and that's quite an achievement when you take into consideration the kind of people we have here.

>> No.7130362,17 [INTERNAL] 

how incredibly retarded

>> No.7130362,18 [INTERNAL] 

I feel bad for posting in here twice, because it will only fuel his demented ego, but this is just too accurate of a comparison to pass up:

CurryButt - 4chan's Charlie Sheen, only without the money and drugs, plus the fame and whores are only in his head.

I don't know who any of the people he's talking about are, yet I still laughed really hard through the whole thing. Crazy moe~

>> No.7130362,19 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up CB.

>> No.7130362,20 [INTERNAL] 

That little tantrum made you even more pathetic in my eyes than you already are.

>> No.7130362,21 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,22 [INTERNAL] 

Get over it already for fucks sake you pathetic fucking manchild. If all you can do is make up stories and make me the scapegoat when you have not even one single bit of proof or even anything that could IMPLICATE me being involved then its only further proof you're a pathetic piece of crybabby shit who can't get over your attentionwhore doing something good for jojo and it's fanbase for once and shutting her goddamn mouth.

>> No.7130362,23 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,24 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ tripfag drama is the worst. I'm going to have to check the Jojo Project blog from now on for new SBR releases.

>> No.7130362,25 [INTERNAL] 

mother of god

>> No.7130362,26 [INTERNAL] 

Did Curryass just write two thousand words about how mad he is at /a/ tripusers that only Suigin knows about?

>> No.7130362,27 [INTERNAL] 

just think of SHiN as the /a/ version of sion
Hox as the /a/ version of Remijam or Meiling
Shizuka uhhh I think she scans Jojo or something

>> No.7130362,28 [INTERNAL] 

It' just some anon copypasting Curry's posts from formspring.

>> No.7130362,29 [INTERNAL] 

I hate you. How does that make you feel?

>> No.7130362,30 [INTERNAL] 


/a/ tripfag drama is confusing, I don't know any of these people. I prefer /jp/ tripfag drama.

>> No.7130362,31 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't read lol.jpg

>> No.7130362,32 [INTERNAL] 

Reading this makes me miss Lanced Jack

>> No.7130362,33 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing interesting about any of the /a/ tripfriends. They're all underage and and/or blatant trolls that think they're some sort of notorious internet celebrity. The ones on /jp/ are at least semi-decent people outside of their shitposting. Well, excluding Sion and company.

>> No.7130362,34 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop talking about yourself, faggot.

>> No.7130362,35 [INTERNAL] 

he actually ended up more crazy than currybutt

>> No.7130362,36 [INTERNAL] 

crazier* ughhh

>> No.7130362,37 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone summarize what happened.
I dont lurk /a/ since the split and I am currently out of the loop. How did all these edorama come to /jp/ ghost side in the first place? I lurk /jp/ and easymodo lately but I still have no fucking idea who shizuka and these /a/ faggots are?

>> No.7130362,38 [INTERNAL] 

you must be retarded

>> No.7130362,39 [INTERNAL] 

Curry has level 5 Hinamizawa syndrome

>> No.7130362,40 [INTERNAL] 

Oh well, it's not the first time people think I'm him.

I haven't talked to him since he started that gluu~ thing on msn. In fact, I assumed he quit his act shortly after that.

>> No.7130362,41 [INTERNAL] 


I don't know who you thought I were, but I never spoke to you nor any of the people you spoke about in your rant. Just a /jp/er and ghost board lurker. I haven't gone to /a/ in years.

CurryButt, paranoid moe~

>> No.7130362,42 [INTERNAL] 

On a second thought, maybe someone is just copypasting CurryButt's posts from somewhere else and posting them here, this is just too inane to be an actual reply. Oh well.

>> No.7130362,43 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.7130362,44 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, only saw that after replying.

You'd think that after the whole thing with the bee girl, he'd stop ranting on formspring, since he only makes a fool of himself whenever he does that.

>> No.7130362,45 [INTERNAL] 

He went missing for a long time and his /v/ chat thought he was dead.
When he came back he went full autism and kicked every single member out his chat, blocked every single one of his contacts and secluded himself in his chat all alone.

>> No.7130362,46 [INTERNAL] 

How (and perhaps more importantly, why) do you keep track of all this bullshit? From what you say it covers at least 3 boards and 2+ sites. Seems like a lot of work just for the sick amusement that comes from tracking drama.

>> No.7130362,47 [INTERNAL] 

People have different interests, man.

>> No.7130362,48 [INTERNAL] 

>>There's nothing interesting about any of the /a/ tripfriends. They're all underage and and/or blatant trolls that think they're some sort of notorious internet celebrity. The ones on /jp/ are at least semi-decent people outside of their shitposting.

You hear that, /jp/ tripbros. We're the best and coolest trip users on 4chan.

Pat yourself on the back.

>> No.7130362,49 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, he just said better than /a/. You still have all those other boards.

>> No.7130362,50 [INTERNAL] 

The only boards with better tripfags that I can think of off the top of my head reside in /h/ and /e/, but those are pretty one-dimensional boards.

>> No.7130362,51 [INTERNAL] 

Honest question.
Do boards like /h/ and /e/ actually have any kind of coherent board culture?

I think that within all of my 7 years on 4chan, I have clicked on those two boards a total of like 10 or so times.

>> No.7130362,52 [INTERNAL] 

There was popcorn mariachi who ruled over /r/, I believe. That's about it?

>> No.7130362,53 [INTERNAL] 

No, no. You are shit.

>> No.7130362,54 [INTERNAL] 

Of course they do. It's thin by comparison, but they have their memes and such, usually their versions of canned responses to annoyingly common requests (akin to "pleasure of being cummed inside"). Although like with almost all boards, the quality of /e/ and /h/ has crumbled to shadows of what it used to be, so I rarely venture there anymore and am not familiar with their current fads. It's mostly Naruto threads and /b/tards posting/asking for Western shit and getting overly defensive when they're asked to fuck off.

Their better known tripfags are still held in relatively high regard, like they always have, due to them being basically modern day Popcorn Mariachis. People obviously like tripfags who are simply quiet and deliver. Personally I can't help but think of how dull that is, but I guess I'm biased.

>> No.7130362,55 [INTERNAL] 

Since I run the SECRET /A/ TRIPFAG MSN CHATROOM (Aka /a/'s #/jp/meetup) I tend to hear a lot about /v/chat drama and stuff like that since part of the userbase overlaps.

>> No.7130362,56 [INTERNAL] 

>The ones on /jp/ are at least semi-decent people outside of their shitposting.
We only know how they act based on their posting and their posting is complete garbage save for maybe one or two people. /jp/'s tripfags are some of the worst. Possibly worse than /a/

>> No.7130362,57 [INTERNAL] 


Did I miss anyone?

>> No.7130362,58 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,59 [INTERNAL] 

My god, tripfagging is one hell of a drug.

>> No.7130362,60 [INTERNAL] 

>You hear that, /jp/ tripbros. We're the best and coolest trip users on 4chan.
Yeah, maybe. But that isn't really saying a whole lot.
>/jp/'s tripfags are some of the worst. Possibly worse than /a/
You clearly haven't been on /a/ in the past few years. That board has worse tripfags than every other board combined. It's like if Sion embodied every single tripfag and had chronic diarrhea, dropping behind a festering pile of shit with every thread he glances at.

>> No.7130362,61 [INTERNAL] 

So CurryButt, when are you coming back?
This board is unusable anyway and /jp/ isn't /jp/ without you.

>> No.7130362,62 [INTERNAL] 

More /jp/ tripfags


>> No.7130362,63 [INTERNAL] 

You need your head examined.

>> No.7130362,64 [INTERNAL] 

What on earth did #bun do to Curry that made him hate them so much?

>> No.7130362,65 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,66 [INTERNAL] 

Some people sent Currybutt questions anonymously on his formspring claiming that people of #bun (including Suigin) talked bad about him behind his back, and he took their word for it. In other words, all his info about #bun was fabricated by questionable sources, but he took it at face value.

Well, it's not really much different from the preconceptions many /jp/ers have of #bun and /bun/--believing what random people say rather than seeing things for themselves.

>> No.7130362,67 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,68 [INTERNAL] 

tonberryking would make a good /jp/er

>> No.7130362,69 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to that guy? I haven't seen him since 2007.

>> No.7130362,70 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,71 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't his tripcode get hacked, though? I'm having trouble believing those posts are legit.

>> No.7130362,72 [INTERNAL] 

Why do bad things like me? I became sad, and want it on your computer monitor when I hurt my eyes my desk. Are you always the only media I can do you love right? I have children, you want to be with. You make me happy and I can not help you so then, but you can please yourself in your photo for the person.

Oh my God, my baby, please please do not screw me in the soda you love so fuck it. Your hair is visible and see like a gleam sun.

>> No.7130362,73 [INTERNAL] 

He posted his own tripcode somewhere before leaving, I believe. I don't think it's on the archive, though.

>> No.7130362,74 [INTERNAL] 

Why would anyone pretend to be him? Nobody remembers that fag anymore.

>> No.7130362,75 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know who anybody but that first person is.

>> No.7130362,76 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,77 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.7130362,78 [INTERNAL] 

I don't believe Komugichan nor HALOOWNMASTER are /jp/ tripfriends (the latter may be the Kinectimals guy though).

>> No.7130362,79 [INTERNAL] 

Komugichan is Anonwnymous/Daigo/Alicia Melchiott #panda/Derek Jones

>> No.7130362,80 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, I see. Pretty certain Anonwnymous had a different formspring before, but I didn't keep track of that stuff.

>> No.7130362,81 [INTERNAL] 

ADETKOWN86E, Komugichan, and HALOOWNMASTER are probably all him. I think he had some others, but he doesn't use them any more.

>> No.7130362,82 [INTERNAL] 

OP here.

What the fuck?

>> No.7130362,83 [INTERNAL] 

curry butthurt as fuck, lol

>> No.7130362,84 [INTERNAL] 

What did he do this time?

>> No.7130362,85 [INTERNAL] 

http://currybuttisbananas.tumblr.com/ is sort of relevant to this, I guess

>> No.7130362,86 [INTERNAL] 

why is everyone saging

>> No.7130362,87 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, a time when /jp/ was even worse than it is now

>> No.7130362,88 [INTERNAL] 

but everyone on warosu is from 2011

>> No.7130362,89 [INTERNAL] 

it wasn't that bad

>> No.7130362,90 [INTERNAL] 

Go away middle-aged oldfag.

>> No.7130362,91 [INTERNAL] 

Well that is wrong since I came during the pudding spam late 2010. Remember that? Good times.
