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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 42 KB, 400x560, fukushima shelter sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7128735 No.7128735 [Reply] [Original]

what do weeaboos think of this?

>> No.7128739

too soon

>> No.7128743

i don't get it

>> No.7128746

bawwww. It's nucular and so a nucular sign is there to commemorate it.

>> No.7128750

I don't know, I'm not one. Also, this doesn't belong to /jp/.

I'll tell you one thing though, people who get angry about nuclear power plants are hilariously retarded. Sure, let's go back to burning coal, something that has caused more deaths and is generally more dangerous than NPPs will ever be.

>> No.7128752

Retarded people who know nothing about nuclear power blowing a relatively minor event way out of proportion as usual?

>> No.7128753
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the original sign was an American Civil Defense standard from the Cold War era.

>> No.7128765

cough cough cough cough cough cough cough

Sure, go ahead and burn coal. That'll just turn Japan into China.

Back to /int/ maybe?

>> No.7128767
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Would you mind elaborating, perhaps providing context?

>> No.7128770

1. People
2. Logical
3. Thinking
Choose 1.
Seriously, people half way round the world in Germany have been taking iodine tablets.

>> No.7128772

I was wondering if it was too soon to be poking fun at people's responses to the disaster.

>> No.7128784

Curious about something else. Have anime artists drawn any responses to the disaster?

>> No.7128788


>> No.7128789 [SPOILER] 
File: 530 KB, 1400x990, dd6eb6b2d3a3b99b7dfb73ec138937f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7128790
File: 282 KB, 640x812, STALKER Fukushima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already preordered the game.

>> No.7128797


>people half way round the world in Germany have been taking iodine tablets

Please tell me you're not serious. They do realize that taking in a thousand times the yearly dose of radiation in one day is still harmless, right? That iodine will cause them more harm than any "radiation" their silly heads imagine might get them.

>> No.7128809

LOL at Chinese salt rush, too. Are they aware that eating an overdose of salt was once a way to an hero in imperial China?

>> No.7128819


Not surprising. Have the news been fearmongering over there as well?

National news in Sweden have been alarmed over the "deadly atom-smoke" lately. Until some Norwegian skier insulted Björn Borg or something, at which point they conveniently forgot the ongoing nuclear apocalypse.

People surely haven't been getting smarter since Chernobyl.

>> No.7128820

Or drinking salt water, anyhow. Methinks the Japanese preferred the dignified approach of seppuku or hara kiri, in which case you'd leave a bloody mess.

>> No.7128830
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>> No.7128833

Talking about Chernobyl, the Portuguese reporters fled from Japan a few days ago just to film a sensationalist story right next to Chernobyl's reactor.

>> No.7128832

wasn't it Ümlaut Land that first alerted people to Chernobyl's radiation anyhow? Forsmark, Sweden. They thought their own plant was leaking radiation but it turned out it was a more widespread problem than just Forsmark or Sweden.

>> No.7128837

They were tired of covering Hirohito's sixtieth year on the throne, huh?

>> No.7128841

um, I think he's talking about 2011 Portugese reporters, not 1986 Portuguese reporters. Or is he?

>> No.7128842

You'd think they would have enough to report on the news with Libya without having to resort to sensationalize the Fukushima incident. Nevermind the earthquake and the tsunami!

>> No.7128846

there was an earthquake and tsunami? You mean Fukushima didn't spontaneously go kaboom?

>> No.7128849


Indeed. Was a long time ago, though. And apparently not long enough to change things for the better.
Here, like elsewhere, most people don't know how nuclear reactors work, even though the basic idea and layout is publicly available knowledge.

That, and bad news sell. Scared people buy newspapers. As >>7128833 said, the reporters have nothing to report now that they can't claim the reactor will explode anymore.

>> No.7128853
File: 141 KB, 640x298, apocalypse haneda airport okyogenso_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w00t for sendai

>> No.7128855

>a few days ago

I've personally heard some stupid stuff like: "Hiroshima and Nagasaki were NPPs that exploded just like Fukushima has". The media is bad, but not even they are that dumb.

>> No.7128856

You're trying to tell me that the reactor isn't on the verge of spewing out radioactive fragments that will melt their way down to the core of the Earth, form a black hole destroying the Earth than continuously grow until the entire universe is consumed?

>> No.7128860

I found it funny when the Swiss government said that they would refuse to build any new NPPs on their country when they have the LHC right under their feet with the entire EU's consent.

>> No.7128863


I really love how people think radioactive waste is some kind of miracle material that has the power to do anything they can think of. As soon as any accident concerning nuclear energy occurs, you start hearing stupid shit like that. I blame comics and cartoons.

>> No.7128864


So... how much electricity was produced by "Little Boy" before its very energetic meltdown?

>> No.7128866


>"Hiroshima and Nagasaki were NPPs that exploded just like Fukushima has".

You're joking, right?

>> No.7128868
File: 182 KB, 1278x727, cordelia_glauca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've personally heard some stupid stuff like: "Hiroshima and Nagasaki were NPPs that exploded just like Fukushima has". The media is bad, but not even they are that dumb.
My mind is having trouble coping with this, so in order to minimize damage I'm going to presume they were either trolling you or trying to make some sort of stupid joke.

>> No.7128871

Unfortunately, no. Portuguese people are that dumb. There was another one who said that the problems on Fukushime happened because they activated the reactor after the tsunami hit them.

>> No.7128876
File: 156 KB, 703x462, Little_Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it was a nuclear power plant!

Just a very very small throw-away NPP.

>> No.7128881

good, something new to make fun of the Portuguese on /int/ about.

>> No.7128883


I trust you are telling the truth, but I seriously can't get my head around someone possibly being ignorant enough to believe that.

>> No.7128888
File: 245 KB, 1024x1024, Tonic_water_uv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do weeaboos think of this?
I think that nothing significant happened. There was no appreciable release of any radioactive contaminants, and the workers who went into the plant get to live with an extra one or two percent of developing cancer.
It happened exactly as I've been trying to tell you fags it would.

>> No.7128891


Um, and where were the control rods in that thing? Where's the generator? and wouldn't the thing vaporize the electrical wires upon going critical in the manner that it was designed to do?

>> No.7128900

This nuclear scare has been getting ridiculous. A local paper did a piece on the possible dangers of this tiny research reactor a local college runs. Even after mentioning that a report showed even the worst case scenario would only result in a completely harmless level of radiation the story transitioned with "but some people in the general public still find that to be an unacceptable risk" and went on to continue their fearmongering.

>> No.7128904

>Um, and where were the control rods in that thing? Where's the generator?
The japanese are very good at making electronics small.

>and wouldn't the thing vaporize the electrical wires upon going critical
Nuclear criticality != nuclear explosion

>> No.7128907

I don't remember that story. Are you talking about Portuguese from Portugal or from Brazil?

>> No.7128912


Hope at least they didn't claim the thing might explode?

>> No.7128914

what's the difference between a criticality and an explosion when it comes to a bomb? Isn't an atomic bomb's criticality supposed to lead to an explosion?

>> No.7128916

>local college
Where? Trying to diffuse people's dumb-assed irrational fears has actually made me want to research nuclear physics full-on.

>> No.7128918

>>They have been since the 1970s or 1980s, this was a 1945 NPP
>>American import.

>> No.7128922

Sure they were

they both work on fission, but one's controlled, other is not, its like comparing a combustion engine to a concussion grenade or something.

>> No.7128926

since when were Brazilians Portuguese? The Stone Ages?

>> No.7128932

I've seen a lot of people referring to the Brazilians as Portuguese. Specially Americans. But disregard that.

>> No.7128935

Criticality just means a fissile material is at proper mass and density to enable a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction.

A bomb occurs when you're using bomb-grade uranium with a dense neutron reflecting sphere around it and you strap a sphere of precisely-timed explosives around it to blow it inwards and create an extremely hot, high efficiency criticality event.

Bomb-grade uranium doesnt exist in a reactor setting, neither do the dense neutron reflectors nor the precisely timed explosives.

>> No.7128936

Your research would amount to nothing. Remember, these stupid people wouldn't change their minds even if every prominent nuclear physicist in the world came out and said they were full of shit. They'd resort to conspiracy theories saying governments are covering it up.

>> No.7128943

Like I actually would give a shit, I'd be working at an NPP somewhere.

>> No.7128941 [DELETED] 

There are no portuguese people in Brazil
You've been all lied to

>> No.7128948

There are no portuguese people in Brazil
You all have been lied to

>> No.7128949

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear meltdowns.... hmmmm...... oh yeah, and the Titanic was a battleship, the Hindenburg was a hot-air balloon, the fall of the Roman Empire was due to Adolf Hitler, and Cro-Magnon Man bonked dinosaurs on the head with his club. Tokugawa Ieyasu discovered the fishing village of London and turned it into a castle town called New York City, and the shoguns wrote all the Pokemon episodes. LOL

>> No.7128953

OSU, in Oregon (I'm getting comment not allowed when I type out the full name, for some reason). I'm not sure what kind of work they do with the reactor or what their nuclear program is like. I said local but it's like an hour away from where I live.

>> No.7128954

Disregard that, project HAARP did 9/11

>> No.7128959

The Illuminati Elders of Zion are manning HAARP as we speak! They are powering it with Obama's forged berth certificate.

in other words, they actually believe this shit?

>> No.7128963

Oregon State University?

>> No.7128966

I wouldn't call Brazilians Portuguese, and it was on TVI. I saw the announcement at lunch time.

>> No.7128973

harvey lee oswald did 9/11

>> No.7128975
File: 281 KB, 1680x1050, cod3_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More likely than you think

>> No.7128977
File: 51 KB, 389x292, 2168078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...what you're telling me is that everything i've ever known and learned is a flat out lie?

Are you saying Chernobyl was actually the start of a worldwide nuclear war and that my own existence is nothing more than a mirage created from my subconscious mind as i lay in fetal position in the ruins of a building staring at a red sky while my skin melts off my body and I drift towards my eternal rest?


>> No.7128985

Yeah. Not sure what 4chan's problem was.

>> No.7129003

probably a half-assed captcha problem. I dunno.

>> No.7129041
File: 5 KB, 165x160, japan please be alright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
