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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7126655 No.7126655 [Reply] [Original]


Firefox 4.0 FINAL

>> No.7126659

Bring back lolifox.

>> No.7126666

>using crashfox
Nope, I like stability and not have to deal with so many third party extensions.

>> No.7126691
File: 127 KB, 470x450, fireran2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7126700

If Firefox is crashing you're an idiot. Quit opening 100+ tabs, stop using shitty extensions, or buy a better CPU.

>> No.7126710

Considering 4chan scripts glitch up and the add-on won't be compatible, I'll stick with 3.6.

>> No.7126714 [DELETED] 

looks ugly and gimmicky as shit, almost like a nigger with aids. also 4chan addon broken. uninstalled

>> No.7126717

4chan x and the filter are working fine for me on 4.

>> No.7126724
File: 22 KB, 739x109, 4chan filter fuckup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said, any of the scripts (4chan X, 4chan filter, etc) glitch up on my PC. I've yet to find out why. Picture related. With each click on a linked post, it locks up for 10~ seconds and then adds another set of buttons.

>> No.7126726

That's bizarre and unfortunate.
I've had no such issues, but I don't really know what you should do about that.

>> No.7126728
File: 2 KB, 219x22, WHATAREYOUDOINGFIREFOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefox? More like Memory Hog: The Internet Browser.

>> No.7126732

With the previous version I was having crashing and memory leak issues, but 4 fixed all of it magically. So far, at least.

>> No.7126740
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>> No.7126754

There's an unofficial fix of the 4chan addon for 4.0.
4chan grab works for me using Mozilla's compatibility reporter addon.
4chan X, filter, backwash, and youtube replace are working for me.
I haven't tested if 4chan sounds still works.

Image Toolbar doesn't work even with the compatibility checking off.

>> No.7126755

Addons and scripts. All of them.

>> No.7126763

Firefox actually uses less memory than Chrome, memory leaks are mainly due to poorly programmed addons. Only real downside is it starts slowly and tab open & close is sluggish.

>> No.7126766
File: 40 KB, 384x448, 1300281458835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread was posted on /a/ as well

not quite sure why somebody's spamming it on all the boards here, maybe that's honestly what some aspie spam-era newfag thinks you're supposed to do on 4chan or some shit

>> No.7126771

I actually like the add ons. I don't see why people are hating them. It makes surfing the web much more convinient.

>> No.7126773

About time, interface doesn't lag as much as with 3.6 and I was able to find replacements for all incompatible plugins.
I hope my moms body can take it.

>> No.7126784

Does anyone know which script allows for Youtube links to be converted into links that display the title?

I'm not looking for the embedding script. Just want to see the title.

>> No.7126801

My only problem with it is this ugly ass interface, my preferred theme didn't carry over. These fucking rounded edges, man.
Anyone got a decent theme?

>> No.7126805

4chan shit works, I'm more consirned about the text and hardware acceleration, RC made text unreadable.

>> No.7126810

Seems to me that Hardware acceleration sill makes text look weird and shitty....

>> No.7126819

I tried disabling all my addons and 3.6 was still only giving me half my memory back when I closed a tab. Maybe a fresh install would have fixed it, I don't know.

>> No.7126824

You can try creating a new profile. It should be same as a new install without traces of existing extensions.

>> No.7126838
File: 81 KB, 473x780, 1186897553488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 4 RC I can tell you. It starts pretty fast, opens tabs really fast, also who the fuck closes their browser? Mine is open like the whole goddamn day when I turn on my PC it's open and when I turn it off it's open too.

I hope you use CTRL + T/W/Shift+T

>> No.7126842

Netscape master race!

>> No.7126851

I was actually talking about 3.6.*. I haven't extensively tested FF4 beta much but yeah tab open&close was noticably smoother.

>> No.7126858

That sound like a good idea. Maybe someone here on /prog/ can help.
For now I will try to make one, I'm no programmer though.


>> No.7126868

the quality is spot on if ZUN were to make that

>> No.7127526
File: 458 KB, 761x530, boards.4chan.org 2011-3-22 0-1-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done it: pastebin/bJSM128R

It's an edited version of userscripts/77506
Adds a click-able title preview above the embedded code.
If you only want the title, remove the // on line 63 then delete line 64.

No guarantees. Works for me on FF4, at least.

>> No.7127539

FF4 went from 400K to 900K from doing nothing. I had taken a shower and when I came back, it was eating all my memory.

>> No.7127542


>> No.7127546

It would seem you're using the 4chan addon.

>> No.7127549 [DELETED] 


>> No.7127555

Doesn't seem to work on Chrome btw.

>> No.7127570

>tab open & close is sluggish
set browser.tabs.animate to false

>> No.7127596

What's wrong with it.

It uses GM_xmlhttpRequest for retrieving youtube info. Maybe you can replace it to something that works on chrome. I don't know what though. This is my first time coding something.

>> No.7127644

Pretty damn nice so far. Really smooth.

>> No.7129688
File: 6 KB, 570x122, boards.4chan.org 2011-3-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've updated the code. It can into multiple links now.
Can still enable embed by un/commenting some lines in the code.
Still doesn't work on chrome because of GM_xmlhttpRequest
Try searching "Blank Canvas Script Handler chrome extension" on google and see if that helps.
