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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7117320 No.7117320 [Reply] [Original]

Do /jp/ have a "must play" list or something? I've been lurking here for awhile without barely having any idea what you're talking about.

If you don't have a list, please recommend me a VN and/or game I could begin with!

>> No.7117324

>Please recommend me

I suggest you kill yourself. Very good for the soul, I've heard. A worthless piece of shit like you can easily figure out some good methods.

>> No.7117332
File: 75 KB, 600x438, chandlermad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow.

>> No.7117334

OP was just dicksnorted out the WAZOO

>> No.7117339
File: 464 KB, 1096x1400, VN Recommendation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the third time I've posted this today, and both those threads are on page 8 and 10.

Please lurk at least a little.

>> No.7117344

That's.. A lot. Isn't there anything more precise you could recommend for a beginner? Or am I asking for too much?

>> No.7117350

>Isn't there anything more precise you could recommend for a beginner?
Sengoku Rance
Violent Semen Inferno
Gore Screaming Show
Reika Bitch Training
Cross Channel
Play! Play! Play!

>> No.7117353

>"That's.. A lot. Could you just spoonfeed me and tell me what to play? Afterwards I'll make another thread asking for a second, third, and fourth recommendation."


>> No.7117361

God, what a fucking whiner.

You ask for good games, I give you a list to pick and choose from, and now you complain about it being too much? You're a fucking homeless guy begging for food, and I offer you meals from Tunisian sandwiches to Eskimo stews, and you complain about it being too much to choose from? Pick one, you piece of shit.

>> No.7117370

>Comparing visual novels to something you need to not die

>> No.7117377

You should know better. Every poster who makes threads like this are all the same. They are all just trash. I suppose this will teach you not to try and help them.

>> No.7117378

You mean you don't need VNs to stave off death?

Get out Normal.

>> No.7117381

And this is why we shouldn't help new people. They just keep complaining.

>> No.7117387
File: 5 KB, 118x127, 1289049269697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you should rethink about going into this hobby. Please get out after finish reading this.
FSN - All the heroines are sluts!
Tsukihime - Twilight lite
Umineko - Newfags first Sound Novel.
PW - FSN ripoff.
ignanock - furry disney shit
Saya no Uta - really really average
Kazoku Keikaku - "The powerlevel is over 9000", CENSORSHIP
Phantom - DVD FORMAT
Sharin no Kuni - Overrated and pretentious shit hurr durr I purposely act as if I hurt my legs, I smoke drugs NO I DONT just trolling
Kikokugai - Kill Bill the VN
Hanachirasu - Kill Bill the VN except you are playing on the side that is being hunted by the revenger
Ever17 - Archimedes and physics class
Cross Channel - pantsu jokes everywhere
YMK - hipster drug is so cool vn
Swan Song - autism the vn
kira kira - k-on the vn
wanko - furry shit
Muramasa - Mecha shit ver. A
Gekkou - furry shit
3days - Higurashi meets Naruto
11eyes - lol Bleach lol slut
Baldr Sky - Mecha shit ver. B
Little Busters, Air, Kanon - KEY AIDS
Planetarian - chobits the vn
G-senjou no Maou - lol retarded coincidence plot twist with 75% shitty heroines and fake incest
Clannad - lol lets collect dragonballs and revive my waifu
Stein's;Gate - pretentious sci-fi mumbojumbo shit
Sharnoth - copypasta shit is copypasta is copypasta
YU-NO - shit art
Sumaga - meta shit with shit protagonist
999 - Saw the VN
Muv Luv - I rather watch ESPN for real lacross or Iron chef
Sengoku Rance - glorified rape

>> No.7117389

It's like you people never read "If you give a mouse a cookie" when you were kids.

>> No.7117416

Wasn't it a moose and a muffin?

>> No.7117502

So what is OP's source? It reminds me of that Corspe Maid thing or whatever it was.
