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7111258 No.7111258 [Reply] [Original]

If Agrias is Saber, does that make Ravness a Lancer?

>> No.7111261

it makes op a faggot

>> No.7111264
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It makes her dem thighs.

>> No.7111268
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Agrias is Caster, what are you talking about?

>> No.7111269
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>> No.7111275
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Denev was Caster before Medea even existed.

>> No.7111276
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Deneb fits Caster better.

>> No.7111280
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Goddamn you White Ren.

>> No.7111282
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FFT thread?

>> No.7111283
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Truly, we are blessed with supreme intellect.

>> No.7111288
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Same writer different name.

>> No.7111289

I, uh, don't know who that is.

Enlighten me?

>> No.7111298
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Just an "ordinary witch <3".

>> No.7111299
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And she's obsessed with pumpkins.

>> No.7111300

Denev Rhove. (Deneb Rhobe)

Beautiful and intelligent Witch♥. Conducts experiments on people. Decapitates people and fuses them with jack-o-lanterns. Makes pumpkin men. Is immortal.

Wears next to nothing, and wears it well.

>> No.7111304
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I don't visit /v/ so might as well ask here.
I've tried playing FFT two times, and both times I got stuck at various battles not far from the start, so I feel I'm doing something horribly wrong.
Is there some sort of common mistake one can make? How much characters should I normally create/take into battle? Or should I just grind more? I really want to play the game.
Picture barely related.

>> No.7111308
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What difficulties are you facing? Characters die too easily? Can't reach the enemy? Don't know how to set up a class properly?

There are many ways to screw yourself over in Tactics games but they are normally exploitable.

>> No.7111312
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/v/ here. Grinding more will help, but it's not the be all end all. Use terrain to your advantage, take out anything ranged first, and spread your units out to avoid AOE rape.

Also: Chemists are your best friend in the early game.

>> No.7111323

I die too easily, mostly. The last time I got stuck at the Gallows, and I did grind, so I felt maybe I have too many characters, so they are weak, or maybe not enough characters.
And never payed much attention to Chemists, thanks for the advice.

>> No.7111328
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Remember, Agrias' forte is mid range!

>> No.7111339


The most common mistake is simply beelining for all the red missions as soon as they appear. Enemies level faster than you possibly could just by playing the story battles alone. You should take a stop between story battles every now and then to grind.

But don't grind just for levels, obviously. That's boring as shit. Unlock classes and pick up abilities. The levels will come naturally. Just focus on building your generics into capable combatants with some decent abilities and you should be alright.

At the very least, if you can't think of anything else, turn some men into monks and some women into wizards. As long as your levels aren't garbage, you should be able to wing it with just that.

>> No.7111344

At the Gallows? Oh, you're a little farther than I thought you were (I thought you were stuck at Dorter Trade City, which is the first really fuck you battle).

Hmm. Refresh my memory as to what's going on in the story? Been a while since I've played.

>> No.7111349

First chapter:
Fight your way to castle, meet animals who have no god, fight Wiegraf at top of mountain. Algus is an ass and Delita's sister dies.

Second chapter:
Escort Princess. Get Mustadio, dick around a little bit and suddenly Princess got executed. Agrias joins, fight in the execution ground. Later you beat up some fatass demon.

>> No.7111357

I never really had a problem with FFT, it's pretty easy even without overpowered chars. You just need to invest in the right classes early on instead of dumb ones.

Grinding is a bit counter productive if you do it too much, so be careful. The best thing to do is to train on your own men for a bit in each battle before ending them.

>> No.7111362
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I'd advise not mixing magic and nonmagic in the same character. Knights with white magic or someshit sound good on paper, but physical classes tend to have low magic power/mana and magic classes tend to have low physical power. You won't be able to effectively use abilities for a class they weren't quite designed for.

Putting magic on a lancer makes about as much sense as putting punch art or jump on a wizard. Just don't do it.

Geomancy is good if you don't really know what you want to use as a secondary. It's a quick, easy way to poke at enemies who are out of range of your more powerful attacks, and its damage formula is based on a sort of average between magic and physical power, so most classes can use it relatively effectively. It's a decent backup if you can't think of anything else to use.

>> No.7111368

Thank you, that clears something up for me. As I recall I didn't really think my jobs through back then.

It's been a while since I played myself. But they were saving someone from the execution and it turned out to be a trap.

>> No.7111371


I think what he means is he wants more clarification as to where exactly the OP is. Most of us played the original PSX version and there's not really any memorable mention of a place called "The Gallows."

A lot of text changed in the PSP remake so some names might not be recognizable to us.

>> No.7111372
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Algus was right.

>> No.7111377

He's also dead. But then again, who isn't.

>> No.7111389
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Ah, okay. Saving princess Ovelia from the Golgorand Execution Site.

At this point you've most likely recruited Mustadio and Agrias just recently. However, at this point in the game, they've only just arrived, and with only a meager handful of abilities in their main class. At this point, depending on how you've been building your squad, your generics might be more effective than Agrias and Mustadio as they come out of the box.

And there's nowhere to grind but that one river map where you fought to save Agrias.

I recommend leaving Agrias and Mustadio on the bench until you finish chapter 2, so you can go build up their abilities on a more manageable battlefield like the Mandalia Plains. Sending them straight into battle against zodiac demons with their pitiful 3 movement range and one or two main class abilities makes them pretty much as useless as they were when they were guest characters.

>> No.7111401

Goddamn, Ramza looks badass.

>> No.7111410

Ah, right. It's called Golgollada Gallows in the PSP version. I see. I've always dragged Agrias along there, too.
Just one more question - normally, how many generics should one create at the start of the game?

>> No.7111426
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You don't need more than four generics for any reason, since you'll never be able to bring more than five characters into a single battle. Any more is a waste of party slots and it makes you have to spread battle experience around more.

Keep it lean. Most games I just use four generics until I start getting unique characters like Agrias, then once I get the new characters' abilities up to par, I bench or fire the generics.

But always keep unique and story characters around, even if you don't ever use them in battles. You never know what kind of events they'll trigger in the later game. Mustadio isn't that great of a combatant, for example, but if you don't have him in your party, you can't recruit some special characters in chapter 4, up to and including Cloud.

>> No.7111427

Helpful anons, spare me a piece of advice as well, since Deneb was mentioned in this thread. Should I play Ogre Battle:March of the Black Queen first or skip right to to Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together?

>> No.7111429

1 Healer, 2 Attackers, 1 Mage and 1 Chemist was what I went with. Attackers gradually go from Squire to Knights to Monks then Ninja/Dragoon/Samurai. Chemist goes support roles and ends up as Mediator.

>> No.7111435
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They're both completely different games. Tactics Ogre is a lot like the FFT:A games. Ogre Battle is worth playing just to experience its own form of gameplay.

>> No.7111442
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With Punch Art or White Magic as a secondary, every attacker can also be a healer!

>> No.7111444

I would say Ogre Battle was more like Bahamut Lagoon than Tactics game, while TO:LUCT resembles FFT series, being a precursor and all.

>> No.7111445
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I slowly swap their roles and replace them with unique characters. The only thing that didn't change was Knight/Ninja that dual wields Excalibur. And that Chantage.

>> No.7111451
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I'm obsessed with uniformity and versatility, so I never wound up getting into the crazy nidzilla type character builds.

Once I figured out that dropping Faith enough basically makes you immune to magic, every playthrough's been ALL MONKS ALL THE TIME ATATATATA

>> No.7111453

A calculator calculator is all you need. Oh and some characters to kill the remaining stragglers.

>> No.7111455
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I wish I knew how to have fun back then instead of relying on game breaking elements. Would replay it some day.

Speaking of FFT hacks, someone put together a patch for the PS1 version that inserts the script for the PSP version, so if you've never played it with a proper translation, go for it. It's called FFT:Complete.

>> No.7111458
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>A calculator calculator is all you need.

>> No.7111468
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Math Skill + Holy + Chameleon Robe (absorbs Holy damage)

Only downside is its effect on realtime.

>> No.7111478

Also, for anyone here that isn't aware, Tactics Ogre was made long before FFT. FFT is patterned on TO.

>> No.7111481
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Teleporting shenanigans are always a blast.

"Ramza, it's me you must fa-HEY, what the fuck man!? Get back here! You're supposed to open the gate! Aw, geez...it's so lonely over here..."

Or teleporting to the other side of a fortress/wall defender and hitting them with a rock or a dash, shoving them off the wall and to their doom. Falling damage is positively hilarious in FFT.

>> No.7111487

I wish they made an actual sequel to FFT, the hand held versions are so watered down and the stories suck too, the original's was a bit darker and had more depth.

>> No.7111491
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It's a pity Ravness didn't appear in the original and was modeled after Agrias. Just imagine the amount of fanart she could have.

>> No.7111492

It exists, under the name Vagrant Story.

>> No.7111511

We haven't even had one season since the re-release. Give it time.

Tactics Ogre never really got any doujin work, anyway. Ogre Battle as a whole genre is rather underrated.

>> No.7111516

If you want an easy time, this. You could beat probably any battle in the game with just Ramza and a Black Mage/Wizard with Calculator/Arithmetician's skills set to secondary. Just throw Excalibur or Chameleon Robe on characters, make sure your mage is female, and give her setiemsen, the auto-haste perfume. I forget which other gear you need to pull it off, perhaps thief hat, but it should put you at the point that you'll get to 100 CT after 6 ticks in, thereby almost guaranteeing that you hit everything on the battlefield with CT3 Holy. Only one monster type in the game that only shows up in a few story battles nullifies holy, and from what I remember, nothing at all resists or absorbs it.

Gamebreaking aside, until you're more familiar with the game, don't over-grind. If you over-grind in the early chapters, you'll screw yourself out of viable gear while the non-story fights get progressively tougher with your level. A good guide seems to be to follow what gear is available. For example, don't bother with Lancer until you have shops that will sell you spears.

>> No.7111563

ogre battle > tactics ogre

>> No.7111572

I love both, for different reasons, equally.

>> No.7111576

Just have Ramza use Chant for a few turns. Eventually he gets like 10 moves on a turn.

>> No.7111593
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2 braid > 1 braid

>> No.7111613
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Is that what they have him doing now? Pfft. Back in the day, there was no bullshitting around with Ramza. Motherfucker YELLED at your ass, and you got faster.

>> No.7111619
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>> No.7111624

Why isn't there a patch to put the old translation in the PSP game?

>> No.7111627
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>> No.7111632
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The PSP version has lag issues, and several broken but unnecessary characters. Lag issue being the main reason why PSP version was shunned.

>> No.7111652
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I think the main reason was because it was on the fucking PSP.

Imagine, if you will, a PC port.

>> No.7111663
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Well there's also the whole original game was poorly translated thing going on, making it harder for newer players to follow.

>> No.7111675
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Old translations will always have a place in our hearts.

>> No.7111689
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Them battle lines were removed in the PSP version. Made me very angery.

>> No.7111758

Who's this?

>> No.7111771


Ravness. New Tactics Ogre character.

>> No.7111787

>Is that what they have him doing now? Pfft. Back in the day, there was no bullshitting around with Ramza. Motherfucker YELLED at your ass, and you got faster.

We can only guess how Ramza got R. Lee Ermies' skillset.

>> No.7111788

No, it makes Ravness dies

>> No.7111790

God damn it, I don't have a PSP.
I was hoping the remake would suck so I wouldn't need to pick it up.
Welp, time to break the piggy bank.

>> No.7111796

Ravness Loxaerion. Absolute territory new hotness.

Why can't you get Vice in Chaos Route? It sucks. You should be able to get her or Vice depending on the route. I don't understand their decision making.

>> No.7111804


PSP has lots of frame rate issues too from what I've heard.

>> No.7111809
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Vice/Vyce was a semi-bro in Lawful but I was glad to see his desperate face in Chaos. Watching someone die has never been so joyful.

>> No.7111811
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>> No.7111815


Do what I did. Kill Vyce with himself, for an extra layer of satisfaction.

Law Route pretty much beats the other routes so hard.

>> No.7111821


Olan, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.7111824

Really? I thought Chaos Route was the best, at least on the old game. Law Route felt more like you had given up everything to get nothing. I also hated Ronway, though. Leonard was more enjoyable in Chaos Route, too, because he actually respects you.

>> No.7111825
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You mean Ozma and Ravness beats everything so hard. Literally.

>> No.7111827
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>> No.7111832

I started out taking the Chaos route.

I haven't finished it yet. I spent forever trying to get Cressida and now I don't have the will to grind the Necromancer class up to speed with my other classes.

>> No.7111833

>Why can't you get Vice in Chaos Route? It sucks.
Vice goes all proto-Algus in the Chaos Route.
You don't want that version of him anyways.

>> No.7111839
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Do you still commit genocide in the Law route?
I will admit, that put me in favor of Chaos.

>> No.7111843
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You do, but there's Ravness and Ozma to be had, both you weren't able to obtain in the original.

>> No.7111845

No, I mean Ravness in Chaos Route, and Vice in Law Route. That way, at least you get to keep someone. Kachua betrays your expectations regardless. The only thing that made early Chaos Route worth playing (aside from sticking it to Vice) was Canopus being such a bro.

>> No.7111848


Source on that image from?

>> No.7111849

It's a fake.

>> No.7111856
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Orlandu would still mop the floor with any of the characters from TO.

>> No.7111858

You can tell because you never see Meliadoul when Ramza is still in his chapter 3 uniform.

>> No.7111877

Lord Denam?

>> No.7111882

Haborym would Petrify the shit out of him. The only reason to have a Sword Master in the first place was to max Petrify's chance.

Denim as a Terror Knight with the Ogre equipment is basically unstoppable.

>> No.7111895

Cid would be all:
"Oh so you need that sword to petrify me?
too bad, it seems you lost your sword, helmet, armor, accessory and life

>> No.7111902

Petrify is a spell, and Haborym's Dex growth basically maxes its chance of working. He doesn't even need a weapon to use it.

>> No.7111923

>Dead or alive…slash magic power! Dark Sword!

>> No.7111929
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Ramza > Denam

When it comes to being Moe. I like them both equally overall, though.

>> No.7111942

Haborym was exceedingly fast, too. Pop an MP pot, and Cid won't even be in range to do anything to you before you turn him to stone.

Tactics Ogre created broken characters before FFT even existed. The things you could do... were horrifying.

>> No.7111956

Two swords - excalibur for perma haste and chaos blade because lolol attack power
Any gear that increases speed
And an oracle to berserk said character, making it computer controlled and gives it 100% teleport success

Congratulations, you just made Orlandu EVEN MORE broken.

>> No.7111963


oh god why does he look so good in a dress

>> No.7111968

Orlandu comes STOCK with auto haste.

>> No.7111969


The character that's going to remove that status? Haborym has already teleported in and petrified them, too. He also petrified your cat. And your mom.

He just hops around the battlefield, petrifying everything. And you can't stop him.

>> No.7111985


Unless, of course, you've equipped an accessory that prevents petrification. They're pretty common.

>> No.7111991


>implying Excalibur doesn't give you auto-haste.

>> No.7111992


There's also the reflect armor, while we're on the topic of spells.

Or just permanent 03 Faith.

>> No.7111997
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It must be his mother.

His half brothers were on the manlier side, but both Ramza and his sister are pretty goddamn moe.

>> No.7111999

Not in Valeria. Which was what made him so broken.

That, and Snapshot swords. Snapshot swords were the most broken part of the game, even though you had to rampage through Hell's Gate to get the spell.

Raise a generic, Snapshot them, receive broken stats.

Also, you could create characters that had effectively 0 WT. They could take an endless number of turns.

>> No.7112016

Except in FFT Petrify takes 3 turns to work, more than ample time for orlandu to rape him, his dog and his mom.

>> No.7112022
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>Except in FFT Petrify takes 3 turns to work


>> No.7112025

You have to play by one game's rules or the other, if you're going to start a powerlevel discussion. Since TO came first and is superior, I was going by it~

Haborym dual-wielding Snapshot swords is completely unstoppable. He cannot hold all his stats. Same with Lord Denim.

>> No.7112036

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.7112039

It does kind of make it useless in tactics, doesn't it?
I mean, why try and use an effect, which may not even work mind you, that you have to wait three turns for to even take effect?
Might as well just shove a sword or ten up their ass.

>> No.7112044

You cannot beat Snapshot swords or endless 0 WT. Nothing in FFT is as broken as them.

>> No.7112046
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People overexaggerate Orlandu a lot. It's just that, when you first get him, he has a ridiculously high attack power and a legendary sword.

He's lacking for abilities when you get him, and swordskill abilities are pretty expensive, especially on Orlandu who can't farm points up quickly because of his high attack power. He ends battles with a very small number of actions, so he's very inefficient for grinding quickly.

When you first get him, your generics and Agrias can easily be running around with Move+2 and Punch Art or Elemental skills, low faith, high brave, blade grasp, and crazy shit like two swords or the more reliable concentrate. Orlandu will still hit harder than them, but he's comparatively a lumbering tank, outpaced by your personally-trained and much more versatile fighters.

I found Orlandu to be an annoying addition to my party. Having to grind a new character to achieve the effectiveness of my generics so late in the game left a bit of a bitter taste. Usually I'm so lazy I just shelf Orlandu right away.

>> No.7112053
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I don't recall three-turn slow-petrify spells. Must be a remake thing.

Sure, Oracles had to charge up the spell like normal, but once the cast was launched, it was a done deal.

>> No.7112060
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Hey now, at least he had it better than Meliadoul.

That said, I liked Meliadoul anyway, even though she was outclassed by Agrias and Orlandu.

Still always kept her in my party, though.

>> No.7112062

I must be the only person who thoroughly hated all the named unique characters in Tactics. Upon getting them, I shelved them immediately, in favor of my generics. Surely I'm not the only one who did this?

>> No.7112075
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I did and still do on occasional playthroughs.

Mainly because I train up my generics at the beginning of the game.

And I'm addicted to monks with 97 brave, 03 faith, blade grasp, concentrate, move+2 (or +3 if I'm feeling frisky, or possibly teleport), and Elemental.

Basically once you set up your generics well enough, it's just a hassle to get new characters, because you have to find a way to retrain them so they'll be up to par with the rest of your team. And that means you have to bench one or more of your carefully-trained generics.

>> No.7112078

Oh, yeah, Necro/Retissue! You can turn any generic into a godmode character. Necro them to make them undead, and then Retissue to make them human again.

They return to level 1 with all their stats intact. So you can level them up again.

>> No.7112079


I didn't hate them, but usually I didn't use them. I also gave pretty much everyone Dual Wield.

>> No.7112087
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Holy shit, get out.

>> No.7112099

Which reminds me. What idiot thought changing the leveling system for the remake in such a way as to make it take even more hours of grinding to make new classes usable was a good idea? The game basically punishes you for not using the basic classes exclusively.

>> No.7112103
File: 163 KB, 700x584, 1236284536493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, sorry your touhos got kicked out of /a/ bro

>> No.7112109

Obvious samefag trying to derail the thread. Ignore.

Anyway, I might resume Tactics Ogre when I finish Ar tonelico Qoga. Should be here whenever the mail finally arrives today. Once I finish the Chaos route, should I go for Neutral or Law next?

>> No.7112110

/jp/ - Video Games

>> No.7112125


If Touhou, VNs, and Ar Tonelico are allowed, why shouldn't FFT?

>> No.7112129

FFT has always been /jp/ related.

>> No.7112134
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Don't bother. Threadshitters can't be reasoned with.

>> No.7112143

Ar Tonelico shouldn't even be allowed.

>> No.7112155


It's called "board culture." It's the same reason you can post about X-Com on /tg/ and you can post about VNs on /a/ as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

If you don't get it, lurk more.

If you can't handle it, get the fuck out.

>> No.7112157
File: 44 KB, 300x540, fft143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I grind up Blade Grasp, that evil tree is going down.

>> No.7112276

I thought the leveling system was just fine in the original. It was the classes that had the problem, as some classes (Berserker/Siren/Archer) were infinitely better than other classes (Knight/Wizard/DragonTamer). Honestly, you had very few reasonable choices for your generics. Everyone I had ended up going Dragoon/Terror Knight for melee, Siren/Lich/Priestess for magic, Sword Master/Archer for ranged. Throw in the Zenobians, Kachua/Vice, and maybe a Warlock for status/buff, and you're basically set for any level you go into.

Using Charge and Paradigm/Quick made battles go by very fast. Starion was basically end game: just keep using Charge and Paradigm to buff Kachua, and she goes to town.

>> No.7112284

Nobody talks about VN's on >>>/a/

>> No.7112293

Nobody cares about the opinions of secure tripfriends on /jp/.

>> No.7112298
File: 115 KB, 924x518, 1295795331019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.7112302


>> No.7112307
File: 478 KB, 1110x1600, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Ramza so girly?

>> No.7112308

I was saying nobody talks about VN's on >>>/a/

>> No.7112311

That was posted on /a/.

>> No.7112319

They are nobodies. No one cares about them and they are the only people to have ever posted anything about a VN on that board. Please take the time to make a more detailed inspection of that picture so that you can realize that it is not current. Those select few, minorities, nobodies, posted that thread/posted in that thread on that day only and no one will ever talk about VN's there ever again.

>> No.7112326
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Ah, that doujin.

You know, I always thought that the first incest related FFT doujin would be between Ramza and Alma.

>> No.7112327

Are you delusional or just stupid?

>> No.7112333
File: 375 KB, 700x1500, 16714656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Kachua stop being a fucking bitch, stop complaining, and just stay by Denim's side?

The world may never know.

>> No.7112350

I do not think that I am stupid so I must be delusional. I do believe that I am correct and that no one talks about VNs on /a/ and they never will. You could say that you are not gay and that you never will be gay but maybe you sucked your best friend's dick once, does that make you gay? No. You sucked his dick one time, that does not make you gay at all because you were just having a good time and it is inconsequential to your sexual orientation. On >>>/a/ they have posted about VN's once. Just one time. Does that mean that they talk about VN's all of the time? No. Does that mean that they like VN's? No. They do not. I know them better than you know them so I think I have the right to inform you of how absolutely wrong you are. Please don't get upset because you will just look childish, also please stop posting now because you are embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7112381

If you know /a/ that well, then you don't belong here.

>> No.7112398

That's an /a/ tripfriend that showed up last week to start cutting threads. Of course it doesn't belong.

>> No.7112404

Hey! I've started many other threads on this board too! Why don't those get any recognition?

>> No.7112405

Sorry, I should have just ignored the troll.

>> No.7112444

I actually did mean to say shout.

>> No.7112458
File: 656 KB, 600x576, 15981100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to thank whoever started this thread for being awesome.

Tactics Ogre is awesome, and now, so are you.

Guildus and Mildain are bros, too.

>> No.7112469

This thread rekindled my passion for SRPGs and now I'm starting to play Radiant Historia. Any word on that game?

>> No.7112473


Try asking /v/.

>> No.7112475

Well for one, it's not a SRPG. It's pretty good but they could have handled the time traveling aspect a little better.

>> No.7112481

>Why can't Kachua stop being a fucking bitch, stop complaining, and just stay by Denim's side?
Because everyone who she loves was killed in the war, except her brother, and her brother is more concerned with continuing the war to notice her.

>> No.7112517

I never recruited any generics. I just used rad and the two girl knights. also


>> No.7112529
File: 188 KB, 681x684, 16146055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catiua wanted to fuck, but Denam would have none of that

>> No.7112530


May I kindly request the source?

>> No.7112540

Seeing this really makes me want to break out FFT again. The PS1 version for old times sake.

>> No.7112605

Excuse me, but it seems to me like you haven't actually played tactics.
Orlandu, aside from his high atk, comes with high speed suplemented by haste, and also comes with 3 skills that allow him to kill anythin in the playing field 6 squares away.

>> No.7112619

So what's the best way to play this game nowadays? I've heard a lot of good things about it since its posted so often.

>> No.7112624

Oh, and Tactics Ogre has and always will be the best out of all of them. FFT has always been an unbalanced (although fantastic) game.

>> No.7112630

he's good but by the time I got him ramza and beowulf were already killing machines so it's not like he's super overpowered

>> No.7112641

you get Orlandu well before you get Beowulf I'm pretty sure

>> No.7112646
File: 67 KB, 646x542, ogrebattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I've been stuck here forever because I can't decide where to go. vert plateau or tremos mountain? also is there a way to take magnus out of the legion? it makes my organize screen all ugly.

>> No.7112659

Tactics Ogre is the unbalanced of the two.
Archers are far too powerful, Canopus is basically a flying Orlandu and you get him at the start of the game.
At least with FFT you usually won't break the game on your first playthrough

>> No.7112664
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2 Braids > 1 Braid.

>> No.7112666
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Haste comes from the sword, not Orlandu. It is actually possible to remove a character's equipment and give it to another. With this knowledge in hand, you can make the Zirekile Falls story battle much easier than it rightfully should be.

"Six spaces away" is a misleading way to say he has to move three of those spaces and can then strike out to a tile three spaces away from where he can move to. In FFT, 3+3 is a rather short range. When you compare that to the 5+3 which your Monks should easily already have, or the even further range achieved by Agrias or using Earth Slash or Elemental, Orlandu is comparatively short-ranged. And in many of the game's story maps and late-game green maps, terrain will fuck any piddly 3-move character with no special movement abilities into almost complete inaction.

I imagine a lot of the fuss over Orlandu comes from players whose generics and Agrias were underdeveloped when they finally reached him.

>> No.7112669

Both games are exceedingly easy to break if you choose to do so.

but yeah archers are nuts in TO. If you ever have problems with a fight just throw more archers at it.

>> No.7112670
File: 281 KB, 774x1000, dancer_agrias2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only faggots play anything but the original PSX version

>> No.7112676

I've been playing FFT 1.3, you can get it at http://www.ffhacktics.com/..

Its fuckhard, rebalances the jobs, enemies, and items quite heavily.

>> No.7112694

Why is it that girls always seem to want to fuck?

>> No.7112700


What else are they good at?

>> No.7112702

lightning stab has 4 range and holy explosion has infinite range in a straight line

>> No.7112709

[ - ] Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)20:55 No.7112540 ▲ ▼ [ ! ]
Seeing this really makes me want to break out FFT again. The PS1 version for old times sake.
[ - ] Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)21:02 No.7112605>>7112630 ▲ ▼ [ ! ]
Excuse me, but it seems to me like you haven't actually played tactics.
Orlandu, aside from his high atk, comes with high speed suplemented by haste, and also comes with 3 skills that allow him to kill anythin in the playing field 6 squares away.
[ - ] Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)21:04 No.7112619 ▲ ▼ [ ! ]
So what's the best way to play this game nowadays? I've heard a lot of good things about it since its posted so often.

Very well. I don't agree with you but I understand that people have different tastes, though I hope you enjoyed the game.

>> No.7112715



>> No.7112729

What is this I dont even

Anyway, as for Orlandu, fuck him. I always strip his gear and kick him out as soon as I get him.
I like a semblance of challenge in my games.

>> No.7112755
File: 73 KB, 449x640, 1290624165511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy Explosion's range is not unlimited, and Orlandu doesn't start with lightning stab. Just like how he doesn't start with Move+2.

And those are skills which Agrias would already have by the time Orlandu joins.

Orlandu has great potential, but by the time you get him, you probably already have a full team of characters who have met their potentials, and he comparatively is like a fucking brick. Or a bulldozer. He hits hard, but he just can't leg it with the rest of the group and that limits his options.

Remember MegaMan X3? Remember how awesome it felt to play as Zero at first, but then after you got enough upgrades and weapons as X, Zero got a lot less cool? It's like that. Getting Orlandu is like being able to play as Zero after you've already got all of the armor upgrades for X. Sure, Zero has that kickass instagib saber, but that's pretty much it. Meanwhile X is double air dashing all over the place and raping waves of enemies with charged up fullscreen fuck-yous.

The difference of course is that you can train Orlandu to get the abilities he's missing. But the way you get him when you get him, he has range and versatility problems. He's only really good out-of-the-box if the rest of your team is also poorly trained and doesn't have any decent mobility or versatile abilities.

>> No.7112756
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>> No.7112763

Guys guys guys. You know what's awesome?

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

>> No.7112776
File: 154 KB, 377x1023, 1217295531872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7112789

This gaijin 4-koma expresses my views on the matter perfectly.

>> No.7112814



>> No.7112821

I have to admit, it was nice to be able to play as the villain for a change.

>> No.7112827

I fucking love Mega Man X3

>> No.7112834

Problem is that you're a pansy villain.

>> No.7112843


>> No.7112864
File: 35 KB, 400x350, frimelda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I enjoyed the portable versions of FFT more than the play-station version.

Even playing it emulated on my PSP was more satisfying than on the console.

>> No.7112961

>lightning stab has 4 range and holy explosion has infinite range in a straight line
Holy Explosion has 5 range, not infinite.

>> No.7113041

Well excuse us peasant gamer who prefer to enjoy a game rather than waste time grinding lvling and making bladegrasping/teleporting/dualwielding knights and/or holy exploiting calculators.

>> No.7113063
File: 150 KB, 480x640, FFTA Prologue51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like an interactive Death Note!

>> No.7113072

Why is Marche such a dick?

>> No.7113106

After his mum neglected him in favor of his brother, I can only assume that Marche decided to get his jollies by any means necessary.

>> No.7113646
File: 83 KB, 514x946, Frimelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle Maiden thread?

>> No.7113663

Naive Zombie Paladin.


god, ffa2 was harem mode the game.

>> No.7113676
File: 103 KB, 737x821, 1187548616295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for you, but this Battle Maiden has more of my fetishes.

>> No.7113688

what game is she from?

>> No.7113692
File: 146 KB, 600x720, 1196229875696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yggdra Union: You'll always fight alone

>> No.7113697

i c wut u did thar.

>> No.7113703
File: 20 KB, 240x240, cf19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is... interesting

>> No.7113708
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Posting superior Dept. Heaven battle maiden.

>> No.7113710

fucking mermaids

>> No.7113729
File: 659 KB, 1280x720, b083d68e69dbf8ec200bfc69fc771d5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, namefriend?
