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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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709277 No.709277 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone tell me what it says in the bottom right? I need to circle one of these and I dont know which one...

>> No.709287

Use your gut instincts, it's the only way.

>> No.709292

Jesus christ Im going for a job. So, I cant.

>> No.709302

It's asking for your gender. Take a random guess.

>> No.709307

無 is the answer you seek.

>> No.709308

If you select the wrong one you have to live a lie.

>> No.709310

Something to do with if you're married or not married.

However I can't make out the Kanji on the right after the の too small/blurry and I'm too inexpierienced in reading.

the 有 means "yes i have" the 無 means "no sorry, I am ronery ;_;" (this is what you need to mark).

>> No.709311

Just like you are?

>> No.709318



>> No.709327

Yeah I circled that one as I see it circled on my other forms. Thank you anon.

>> No.709331

It's asking whether you have to common sense to take a decent picture of something before posting it on an imageboard site.

to which the answer is of course 無.

It's asking if you have to pay support your wife.

>> No.709332

Oh you.

>> No.709343

If you're filling out this form so you can go over there for some sort of reason, somehow I feel that may be a bad idea if you need /jp/'s help for simple things like this.

>> No.709352

Ahhh shut the fuck up you gulf war baby. I dont need to explain my self to you.

>> No.709357


>> No.709361

You're going... for a job...

and you can't read a simple question.

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.709363

Fuck you. I'm the OP.

>> No.709370

Fuck off. I'm the OP

>> No.709375

No, _I'm_ the OP. gb2/gaia/fgt

>> No.709405


>> No.709430

I'm Sparticus

>> No.709475

It's asking if your living off your wife.

>> No.709480

I slept with your wife

>> No.709481

No, it's asking if your wife is a dependant for tax exemption.

>> No.709577
File: 14 KB, 456x396, 1211974475922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watashi wa OP dess

>> No.709593


>> No.709643

Another know it all gulf war baby. Who was born in a test tube. TEST TUBE BABY!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.709649

Sorry good sirs but I made the original post. And I also invented the "I AM OP" meme.

>> No.709912


>> No.710019


>> No.710034



>> No.712164
File: 21 KB, 206x300, 1212007580965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sussman?

>> No.712172

In during the forced usage of /prog/ memes, thread over.

>> No.712467

I'm sorry. I f e e l k i n d o f b a d a b o u t i t :-(

>> No.713978

bampu pantsu ~

>> No.714014


l i t t l e m o n e y

>> No.714104

big cash?

>> No.714330

