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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 141 KB, 640x480, fukushima_nuclear_plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7097370 No.7097370 [Reply] [Original]

Explosion in block 2

>> No.7097383

[citation needed]

>> No.7097386

I exploded my hydrogen gas all over your mom's reactor containment vessel. The force was so great it blew off her reinforced concrete roof.

>> No.7097387

gifs where?

>> No.7097390

shiver me ballsack, It just hit Reuters

>> No.7097395

Shep Smith on FOX is reporting from Tokyo

Just had a BREAKING NEWS and said people heard another explosion

>> No.7097403

NHK world has it too.


>> No.7097405


BREAKING NEWS: Suppression pool may have been damaged at No. 2 reactor: gov't agency
BREAKING NEWS: Blast heard at 6:10 a.m. at Fukushima's No.2 reactor: gov't

>> No.7097409

NHK commentator: radioactive material may have leaked.

>> No.7097422

when does this end?

explosion -> radioactivity -> oh it wasn't that bad -> explosion -> radioactivity -> ...

>> No.7097429

>when does this end?
Apparently the whole region has north winds at the moment.
Draw the conclusions yourself.

>> No.7097437


>> No.7097457

"A spokesperson from Tokyo Electric says said some staff have been evacuated from the site." (BBC)

>> No.7097460

do you really think that even half of the people on /jp/ would have a working knowledge of japanese geography

>> No.7097470

It will end when the next big thing for the news to squawk over happens. Nothing involving the plants will ever be "that bad", but the media wants people to think it will wipe everyone off the map

>> No.7097478

1,941 mSv per hour

That's about 125% of the yearly dose in one hour.

>> No.7097485

Which is still insignificant

>> No.7097486

True, as far as it goes, but Saudi Arabia just invaded Bahrain to prop up the government and it's barely meriting a mention.

>> No.7097499


Put on Al Jazeera or something, they're covering it very well.

They didn't "invade" as you say. The government in Bahrain requested help from neighbouring countries, and Saudia Arabia sent in a ton of army units.

That in itself is crazy considering 1) it's Saudia Arabia's army, and I can smell the bloodshed already 2) the US Navy 5th Fleet has a base there which is odd they would not protest to this announcement.

>> No.7097502

if anything this will mean nuclear energy industry in Japan is basically finished. how an isolated country can sustain its energy demand otherwise is unthinkable.

>> No.7097506

Because Saudi Arabia is America's "ally," so if it does anything wrong, it never happened.

>> No.7097507

>if anything this will mean nuclear energy industry in Japan is basically finished

Haha nope. That's like saying the BP oil spill would end the oil industry

>> No.7097510

Yeah, this is the only nuclear plant in Japan after all. They are finished.

>> No.7097512
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Oh boy

>> No.7097517


>> No.7097520

If you are going to behave like /b/, go back there

>> No.7097521

30% of Japan's energy is produced in their power plants. Where do you think the rest comes from?

>> No.7097522

They will never end nuclear dependency in Japan, at least not for a long long time.

The plant was from the 1960s for one, and they just had the biggest earthquake in their history. It's not like the plant just failed on its own, it was badly damaged. Germany however has already taken measures of its own in response to this disaster.

>> No.7097529

What it does mean is that the US will never go nuclear within the foreseeable future (thanks to fear mongering by the news agencies) so they will continue to rely on foreign oil

>> No.7097530
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>> No.7097531


>> No.7097537
File: 206 KB, 480x480, 3354725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war cries of every brave man in Japan.

>> No.7097542

It's funny because coal and oil production harm the environment more than nuclear plants. During the early stages of the leak it was giving off LESS radiation than a typical coal plant

>> No.7097544


>> No.7097546

Just airlift a sarcophagus over the whole facility.

>> No.7097548

Could be worse. Swedish papers declared this morning that "Japan is lying" and that the disaster is "worse than Chernobyl" according to "a former IAEA inspector".

It's kind of obvious why he's a *former* inspector.

>> No.7097549


Holy shit. It just keeps getting worse and worse for them.

>> No.7097553

Despair of magical girls, obviously.

>> No.7097556

ist that micro or milli?
So... does anyone know how high radiation was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the Atom bombs?

>> No.7097567

Also: how much radiation do you get for flying with a plane?

>> No.7097574

The plant was build in the 1970's.
And germany is full of green retards. Seriously all Geiger counters are sold out AND some people started taking iodine pills against radiation.
That just rustled my jimmies.

>> No.7097577
File: 90 KB, 1000x667, Bruce-Nuclear-Szmurlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadafag here. We've been using nuclear power for decades now and it feels good.\

Pic related, it's a CANDU station.

>> No.7097578 [DELETED] 

About 0.004mSv/h.
Normal is 0.0001 mSv/h.

>> No.7097585



>> No.7097587

Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of the Japan Times, states that after a high-level government meeting, “Japanese agencies are no longer releasing independent reports without prior approval from the top,” and that censorship of what is really occurring at the plant is being overseen under the Article 15 Emergency Law.

>> No.7097594


>some people started taking iodine pills against radiation

Didn't they read the instructions printed on the box in bold black letters and in five languages right next to a big fookin' warning sign?

>> No.7097596

Frenchfag here. 80% of my country electricity comes from nuclear power.

But it's ok, even if shit happened we would surrender to the nuclear reactor.

>> No.7097603

Ok, that sounds horrible.
I guess it's mainly to prevent scary reports that might make people panic... anyway... it's time to brace for the impact...

>> No.7097607


Nobody cares about the achievements of your third world shithole.

>> No.7097608


I don't see why some people are afraid of nuclear power.


>> No.7097616

>Canada third world

Jealous much?

>> No.7097620

While I agree, some people are reacting in a stupid way. I think the greens have a valid point.

We can control atomic energy production, but only within certain limits, and within certain probabilities. These limits are decided on before the whole power plant is built, and they are often too optimistic.
I have a CS background and thus know that there can't be anything like a absolutely correctly working technical device. Even in highly QC'd software like NASA uses there is still a high amount of bugs. That's no different for atomic power plants.
It's not funny to see people claim that the technology is absolutely safe with a fail probability as low as 1:100,000 in a century, and then it fails almost regularly.

>> No.7097621

I am afraid that wind farms will cut up all the air and everyone will suffocate.

>> No.7097622
File: 33 KB, 640x640, 1281265657089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw in 10 years everyone will be doing what Germany is doing now
You're a retard.

>> No.7097626


Because of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and the obvious other consequences of a nuclear disaster. Do you know what would happen if one in America suddenly had a meltdown, and released radiation into the atmosphere and it floated around the planted? You wouldn't be able to eat anything.

>> No.7097629


That is literally what the news is saying 24/7. They get people who have no knowledge of how this shit works (like CNN's meteorologist) who spew garbage out of their mouth until the public shits themselves

>> No.7097633

NHK live feed broke away from live feed of press conference coverage cause the TEPCO rep couldn't answer a tricky question!!!

"If there is a leak in the container how can you cover the rods with water, it doesn't make sense!?"

>> No.7097635


>> No.7097645

Apparently it has risen to 8 mSv/h.

>> No.7097646


It's not the US.

>> No.7097656

what the hell...

>> No.7097657

those guys were getting their ass destroyed by the press, I felt bad.

>> No.7097658


Well those plants probably weren't built as good as ones built in other countries.

>> No.7097663
File: 17 KB, 400x298, foxnews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, nuclear power sounds like the most badass thing we have. Its fucking NUCLEAR POWER. Were living LIFE ON THE EDGE MOTHERFUCKER.

Cant let those pussy ass news networks tell us other wise. SHIT YO.

>> No.7097665
File: 4 KB, 210x229, 1294892802629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll book you a flight to Tokyo tomorrow.

>> No.7097666

Californian nuclear power plants are not save in case of an earthquake.

>> No.7097669


>> No.7097672

You're right. I'm dissapointed in the news too, for exaggerating things that need not be exaggerated.
>Even in the worst case scenerio, it will not be the same situation as Chernobyl
He wasn't the only one saying that either.
Fuck the media. Just wait until it's over and see what happens. Nothing else we can do.

The media wants you to keep watching, and watching, and watching..
You really can't trust anyone's word right now.
ESPECIALLY not if it's a combination of fucking 4chan and the news media.
Just donate your money and be done with it.

>> No.7097677
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>> No.7097678
File: 116 KB, 600x600, Gudnam Palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep ragging that they won't build a nuclear reactor about 60 km from my place. Croatia is surounded by 16 nuclear reactors and own one, It's fucking safe all the EU states with nuclear reactors proved it and there a Hungarian one 100 km from my City. So who the fuck cares if we build another one?

I salute the French for being so advanced and independent.

I also bet you whatever you want, nothing is going to happen to the Japanese Reactors, they'll get fixed in a months and will operate at 100% again.

BY FUCKING GOD I HATE THIS BANNED URL SHIT. 3 times I had to change my IP now!

>> No.7097679

>Badmouthing GaoGaiGar


>> No.7097684


>Radioactive materials are feared to be leaking at Fukushima, Kyodo reports quoting a safety agency.

>> No.7097685



>> No.7097686

CANDU is a very much safer technology then standard pressure plants, plus produces less waste. Plus, they are almost self-sufficient when supplied with low-radioactive local uranium.

Fuck, why the rest of the world had not used this technology? (Eurofag here, surrounded by standard shitty nuclear plants)

>> No.7097687

assdevastated XD

>> No.7097688

This was posted on twitter. Allegedly the geiger counter is in Tokyo.

>> No.7097693


>> No.7097695

When they decided to use sea water to cool the power plant, the gave up on it.

>> No.7097700

What's the "normal" cpm again?

>> No.7097701

how much is 13.1cpm? doesn't it take a while until the radiation affects tokyo?

>> No.7097705

Since when the fuck do we own a nuclear reactor?Unless slovenia builds one on Sava

>> No.7097716
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The technology is up for sale I know that, because we've built a lot of them in China. I think European public opinion and bureaucracy holds back further nuclear development there.

Unfortunately thanks to our conservative government we've been pushing oil sands in Canada rather than nuclear recently. It's an awful way to get oil and destroys the environment.

>> No.7097721


I believe Croatia shares and co-operates a plant with Slovenia.

>> No.7097722

Oh man do I have a treat for you:

A german radio broadcast said the Fukushima plants are identical to Chernobyl.
German tv news asked Greenpeace about the situation of the japanese power plants.
That's just beyond bullshit...

>> No.7097724

>I think European public opinion holds back further nuclear development there.

That's a good thing. We are building facilities for renewables instead.

>> No.7097726


To clear up on what this anon said, by giving up it means that those reactors will never be used again. What sucks is that Japan is run on mostly Nuclear power so outages are gonna be happening everywhere.

As for the current situation on the reactors, from what the news reports say, both 1 and 3 seem to be somewhat stable and just require constant cooling. The 2nd reactor suffered an explosion that damaged the suppressant pool underneath the reactor. What is reported is that the pool is only important as the last emergency backup. The current problem is that the rods have been exposed to air so are partially melted at this point. SO all hope resides on the steel containment to hold up against the melted rods. Leaks have been possibly detected and the measurements of outside radiation have risen but fluctuated since then.

So at this point, we don't really know what is going to happen. Though bravo to those workers who are staying to get things under control. Balls of steel indeed.

Live NHK feed here:

>> No.7097727

It's because of the amount of money Alberta brings in. Stupid, nevertheless.

>> No.7097729

I feel great for laughing.

>> No.7097736
File: 41 KB, 281x432, 1290484990717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, why can't they just turn it off?

>> No.7097740

>A german radio broadcast said the Fukushima plants are identical to Chernobyl.
If you have heard the same program as I did, they only said it was "of the same type". That's something entirely different.
>German tv news asked Greenpeace about the situation of the japanese power plants.
They also (prominently) asked the energy industry.

Stop posting half-true shit.

>> No.7097744
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>> No.7097748

We do, we own the most shares of it so technically it's our plant. Also fucking Slavonia needs a Nuclear Plant.

>> No.7097751

>Though bravo to those workers who are staying to get things under control. Balls of steel indeed.
Not necessarily. If they abandoned their duties, there's no guarantee they wouldn't suffer just as much (or more) as a result.

>> No.7097752


It's already off, it's just the fuel is extremely fucking hot.

That's what a meltdown is; when the fuel isn't cooled by water, so it starts to fall and melt away until it breaches its container, where it risks contaminating the area and even entire continents of the planet.

>> No.7097753

Canadians usually keep to themselves and are poor salesmen.

Also our current government is messing the nuclear energy monitoring programs. Even with CANDU, I am not feeling very good. No amount of science can defeat human greed.

>> No.7097761

oh... and of course: they showed images of 'what happened' which showed the core vessel being ripped apart.

>> No.7097764



>> No.7097765

Ok China reports there are no radiation on Chinese soil.

Since China always lies, does that mean....?

>> No.7097772

Europe is simply leaning towards british or french license for power plants, due to political and economic (thus diplomatic) pressure. I guess it's also easier to manage public opinion, whilst the technology proved to be glitchless till now and comes from partners in EU.

Still, I personally think CANDU is the most prefferable technology for developing countries in EU and it should be spread more widely.

Oil sands are seriously awfull from environmental point of view. Poor Canada. :<

>> No.7097775


Soon enough the Liberals will whine and call an election, and hopefully Harper will get out.

He's very hard and authoritarian in regards to the internet especially.

>> No.7097777 [DELETED] 


Trolling or not I'll answer anyways.

The reactors are shutoff since the control rods were inserted to stop anymore nuclear reactions form occurring. HOWEVER, the problem is there still exists extreme amounts of heat inside. There is usually a system that pumps water in to help cool things off. But the floods damaged the generators that powered this. So now they are trying to cool shit with seawater. If there is no coolant, the fuel rods will be exposed and the extreme heat will melt them, leaving nuclear material falling to the bottom. The steel containment was built to hold against that, but you never know what the hell might happen right now.

>> No.7097778 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 800x390, radiation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one, also in Tokyo

>> No.7097779 [DELETED] 


That there probably is no radiation. You forget that China/Korea/Japan have a history of not liking each other much right?

>> No.7097782 [DELETED] 


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe these (rather old) plants were scheduled to be shut down by the end of the month anyways?
Really bad timing.

>> No.7097784 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 452x640, Japan Nuclear Warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /jp/ is mostly pro nuclear?

>> No.7097785 [DELETED] 

>Canada markets this power reactor abroad. In December 2009, the Canadian Federal Government announced that they would be seeking private investors for a partial sell-off of its CANDU division.

Don't worry EU maybe you'll get one some day.

>> No.7097789 [DELETED] 

It's 8217µSv/h atm.

1900mSv per hour would kill you in 2 hours. (3 Sv is LD50)

>> No.7097792 [DELETED] 

they were supposed to be put out of service 10 years ago but got a licence extension until this month.

Doubly bad timing.

>> No.7097793 [DELETED] 


That's what I heard, but someone else mentioned that they were just going to get more upgrades, so I'm not too sure.

>> No.7097794 [DELETED] 

[citation needed]
I want to hear about it from a nuclear physicist or read about it in a peer review scientific paper.

The media is a terrible source.

>> No.7097799 [DELETED] 

Ah, sorry, that was a punctuation mistake.

>> No.7097800 [DELETED] 

>CANDU-type reactors are designed to withstand higher seismic stresses. In the event of an earthquake, the CANDU reactor is capable of handling increased seismic loads at areas of high seismicity.

>> No.7097801 [DELETED] 

Sort of. Fusion needs to become viable.

>> No.7097804 [DELETED] 


I think most are science minded and so logically nuclear makes a lot of sense.

>> No.7097805 [DELETED] 


Here ya go, its written by a professor with knowledge on the subject. Transferred to MIT's nuclear division site and partially updated by them. I'll try and find the original blog.


>> No.7097806 [DELETED] 

Which they did well.

The tsunami is what caused all of these problems.

>> No.7097808 [DELETED] 

>read about it in a peer review scientific paper.

Yeah, they're going to put out an entire peer reviewed paper that takes months when the plant could explode at any moment.

>> No.7097809 [DELETED] 

>If you have heard the same program as I did, they only said it was "of the same type". That's something entirely different.
SWR3. Anyway it's still a bold lie. Chernobly was had a graphite based design, Fukushima is a pressurized water based design.
>They also (prominently) asked the energy industry.
They had an expert that told them that the radiation (1.015mSv back then) was not significant. I liked that guy, he didn't give in to OHSHITWENEEDMASSHYSTERIAORELSENOONEWILLWATCHUSOHFUCK bs from the news anchors.
Anyway: what I am talking about they asked some Greenpeace guy stuff about the power plant and this guy said at least 2m of the fuels rods wouldn't be covered by water. That was friday afternoon. Information of that matter was not made available until... Yesterday? I dunno. Anyway they asked some bugridden hippy about stuff he basically had no clue and went 'OH FUCK THAT'S SOME SERIOUS SHIT, DUDE!'

>> No.7097810 [DELETED] 

>>German tv news asked Greenpeace about the situation of the japanese power plants.
>They also (prominently) asked the energy industry.

Let's ask an organization that has absolutely no information about said power plant about this? And then they just come up with pure speculation of what could be and what could happen if something is the case based on the few information they get from the japanese?

Also, why must every newspaper put that picture of the man with a geiger counter and a little boy on their front page? To gain sympathy?

>> No.7097815 [DELETED] 

Is Japan being assisted by some any other country to control this shit? can they handle this with their own tecnhology?

>> No.7097816 [DELETED] 

Apart from the flaw in some pressure valves, that were sensitive to seismic stress from '97, that almost caused a compleate core meltdown in Quebec. Yet that was fixed and upgraded throughout all available plants on the license, from what I know.

>> No.7097818 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 730x260, ITER-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it has French and UK tech plus the most advanced fusion fuel research ever, ITER. EU is the most advanced when it comes to fission/fusion fuel energy.

>> No.7097821 [DELETED] 

>Fukushima is a pressurized water based design.

Okay, you are an uninformed idiot. I won't reply to you anymore.

>> No.7097823 [DELETED] 

>Also, why must every newspaper put that picture of the man with a geiger counter and a little boy on their front page? To gain sympathy?

Don't worry, tomorrow it will be the reactor exploding at the frame in which it most resembles a mushroom cloud.

>> No.7097825 [DELETED] 



Also, here is another post by a former Nuclear Engineer and his opinions on it as well as a few Q&A.

>> No.7097828 [DELETED] 

>(1.015mSv back then) was not significant.

Be careful with punctuation here. 1000mSv/h kills you in 3 hours. 1mSv/h is mostly a cancer risk.

>> No.7097832 [DELETED] 

Japan is better equipped to handle the situation than almost any other nation on Earth.
But yeah, they are receiving some help, primarily from America

>> No.7097834 [DELETED] 

Don't watch CNN or Fox or MS, unless you want people giggling about Godzilla jokes or laughing about the falling gas prices in the US or just getting shit wrong.


>> No.7097837 [DELETED] 

Are the people trying to keep these reactors from exploding or melting down or whatever working right next to them? Christ, that would take some guts.

>> No.7097840 [DELETED] 


Better advice is to NEVER watch those networks at all. They are a goddamn laughing stock. Watch either those links or BBC news or even Al jazeera.


Yup. Only about 50(?) workers are left trying to contain it all. Everyone else has been evacuated.

>> No.7097841 [DELETED] 

possible meltdown (again)
