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7091787 No.7091787 [Reply] [Original]

In the future, we'll probably have computer-chips integrated into our brains to make us smarter, faster, have better control over our thoughts, etc.. But that allows the possibility for brain mods, for example, what if you could create an alternative reality with the computer-chip, that you could escape to as a hobby.

Can you guys see the possibilities with this? In the future, we could have our very own real-as-life Gensokyo, that we could go to at any time.

>> No.7091792

That's called lucid dreaming.

>> No.7091790

It has an image of a touhou and mentions Gensokyo it must be /jp/ related!

>> No.7091794

I would discover a glitch which would kill everyone who uses a brain mod and then intentionally spread it.

>> No.7091793

Thank you, Shirow Masamune.

>> No.7091795

In the future we WILL all be in Gensokyo.

>> No.7091797

and get brainwashed by the gouvernment ?



>> No.7091798

This thread is about escaping reality into virtual Gensokyo, so yeah, it's /jp/ related.

>> No.7091804


well fuck

>> No.7091805

I just wouldn't do that to myself. Too risky.

>> No.7091806

I laughed at your post at first because I thought it was sarcasm, but then I started to think it wasn't

>> No.7091807

A lot of people are gonna die of starvation because they never turn it off and remain in that state for weeks on end.

>> No.7091814

People already do that with WOW and several other MMOs so I don't see the particular problem.

>> No.7091818

BCI of that scale would be difficult to do safely, not to mention the computing power that would be required.
If brain "uploading" (digitizing one's neuron and synapses and emulating them in a model, or if a certain branch of nanotechnology becomes feasible, slow replacement of neurons) ever becomes doable that would be a simpler route.

As for Gensokyo, you'd probably need a huge amount of computing power to emulate physics. If it would happen, it will probably happen in the far future, but certain developments could accelerate this. If you end up living to see strong AI and maybe brain uploading, you'll probably live to see this too. The real question is if we'll be able to prolong our lifes long enough to witness such a thing.

>> No.7091831
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you will never go to gensokyo, you were born too early


>> No.7091833

Well, if The Singularity holds water, we could possibly see it in our lifetimes.

>> No.7091834

> starvation
If you're talking about the limited form of BCI that OP is thinking about (not brain uploading, where there would be no starvation, as long as you had enough energy to run yourself), alternative solutions to keeping one alive could appear. Here's a SF story which develops this idea near its end: http://www.marshallbrain.com/manna1.htm

>> No.7091867
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I wanna nibble on Youmu's small breasts while caressing her petite buttocks. I'll then go onto finger her until she orgasms at least three times and after that I'll rub down her body with the best oil in Gensokyo then work myself to ejaculation by lightly dry humping her stomach.

I'll tell Yuyuko it's cream and masturbate to her licking Youmu's flat tummy.

>> No.7091902

Why are transhumanists all such pathetic losers? I've never seen one transhumanist who didn't hold that kind of belief just because it meant in the future they wouldn't have to deal with reality.

>> No.7091917

>brain uploading, you'll probably live to see this too

No you won't. Brain uploading isn't a route to immortality. A copy is not the original. You will die and your digital doppelgänger will live on in your place.

>> No.7091919

I am an anarcho-transhumanist and think virtual reality is for faggots.

I'm still a loser in many other ways, though.

>> No.7091935

For one, slow uploading is a route to immortality regardless of what you believe.
Second, I don't think continuity of consciousness exists beyond our memories. I don't believe in "immortal souls" either. The only half-irrational belief I have is that qualia is real, but I may be wrong about that.
If there's no continuity, you can't talk about what is "you" except merely as memories.

>> No.7091939

Oh, and if you do believe in continuity, you can't show that the "you" that went to sleep is the same "you" that woke up. Memories are the only thing that tell you so.

>> No.7091953


You have a child, the child is a copy of your DNA. Not a perfect copy but a copy.

Do you continue in your existence because you had a son? If the copy is perfect, do you endure?

>> No.7091966

>you were born too early

fuck, I'll never drive a F-zero nor I will travel to space.


>> No.7091972

I don't think that even if one had a perfect DNA copy of themselves they would have nearly the same brains. Brain development is hugely environmental, especially prenatal one.

Anyways, what I was talking about was if the "continuity of consciousness" even exists (that is the you from a moment ago is the same you now) - I don't think it does, but even if you assume that it does, you can't prove that you're not a different person each time you lose consciousness (deep sleep, anesthesia, etc) - the only thing that makes us think so are our memories (our synapses in our neocortex). If one makes a perfect digital upload of themselves, they will think continuity holds, just like I "think" that continuity holds when I wake up.

>> No.7092004

Not the one you're replying to, but yes, you sort of continue your existence by having offspring.

I've kind of concluded that I'll consider a mind upload 'me' and not a copy if we don't exist at the same time. For example it was done after I die.

>> No.7092003
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Wow. I just wondered to this place for the first time expecting retarded weeaboo circlejerks.

But you guys came to the same conclusions about consciousness in a few posts that took /sci/ 100+ posts.

Is this normal for this place or did I just happen to come here at the right time?

>> No.7092012

That's irrelevant to the argument.

Regardless if you believe in continuity or not, things like star trek transporters and digital mind transfers produce a copy of the original that is independent to the on going perception of the original.

The copy will carry on as you did. It will be you in every way. It will believe it is the same you that it was made from. However the original will not experience the continuation of existence the copy will, it doesn't matter if they die the moment the procedure is performed or if they outlive the copy. Your existence ends when it ends, this is unavoidable.

It's not like you're pouring one glass full of water into another identical glass. It's like you're scanning the glass of water then producing a new one that is the perfect match of the original, yet in an essential way it is not the original.

>> No.7092013

I imagine conciseness couldn't ever be copied, even the clone facing in a different direction would make it different.

>> No.7092024

Sometimes I think of things this way - you know, in a week I'll be dead, and somebody who is very much like me will be posting here on 4chan, with all my memories. But more often my position on the whole thing is "ehh, who really gives a fuck."

>> No.7092037

Why do you think you don't "die" and "be reborn" countless times in your life if you think continuity doesn't exist. In the end it's pointless to take this argument further if you think continuity doesn't exist (since the you from a moment ago "died", just like the you after the digital copy was made and the original died).

>> No.7092043


If you're dead you won't be able to consider anything "me".

Mind uploads make your ideas, personality and so on immortal perhaps. It immortalises some of the aspects that constitute "you". However when "you" come to your end that is it. No matter if you made a copy of yourself or not.

And what if you have multiple copies? You die and due to an error or something two uploads are made of your brain? Assuming people are right in thinking a brain upload means the continuation of "you", what happens when it has double the "you" around to continue in?

>> No.7092044

This place sucks. It's full of spam and CP and shit like that.
You wonder back to /sci/.

>> No.7092057

>Is this normal for this place or did I just happen to come here at the right time?

Just the right time.
When we aren't being overrun by kids from other boards we are usually bickering amongst ourselves trying to decide what touhou makes a better footjob.

>> No.7092066

>bickering amongst ourselves trying to decide what touhou makes a better footjob.
That's because Yuyuko is the obvious answer.

>> No.7092088


I'm not sure why you're getting so wound up.

It's up to the individual whether or not the continuation of themself is important in the face of a perfect copy, regardless if that copy is one that continually ends and is replaced every second or if it's a digital mind upload. If this does matter it's also up to the individual to decide by what degrees you can say they are continuous or not.

I don't know if the "me" from a moment ago just died and if my memories only make me think I'm him, so faced with an impossible question I am forced to ignore it. However when face to face with the problem, when I can pin point the moment I die and the moment I am replicated, when these are facts that can be known rather than theories, I believe that I cannot continue as the copy. If the copy and I can exist at the same time then I cannot continue as the copy.

>> No.7092092

Fuck no Reisen obviously is the best. Cirno being second.

>> No.7092098

>Mind uploads make your ideas, personality and so on immortal perhaps. It immortalises some of the aspects that constitute "you".

What aspects is it missing? I guess it depends whether you decide that those aspects are all you are or not.

My issue with my mind upload existing at the same time as me is that our experiences from that point on will be different, essentially creating two different versions of "me". I guess a similar issue arises with 2 uploads.

That aside though, if there is no such thing as continuity of your consciousness, I wouldn't want to continue existing anyway.

>> No.7092101

This argument reminds me of the movie "The prestige", you should watch it!

>> No.7092129

Or they could just listen to this song.


>> No.7092136

looks like most of you have played a certain vn.

but apart from that: you are trapped in a one-second time loop, there is no way to escape. because you'll never find out.

>> No.7092138

This will definitely be possible. However it will not be a computer chip, it will be nanomachines that will block nerve pathways into your brain and feed their own information into them. Thus creating the ultimate full immersion VR with total control over it.

>> No.7092275

Oh well hey there Fractale didn't know you were /jp/ related.

>> No.7092289

But Fractale kind of sucks, too much pseudoreligious bullshit, bad system maintenance and one of the worst possible outcomes that can come of transhumanism, oh and unrealistic hardware specs. It's entertaining, just fails at hard SF like the majority of SF shows out there.

>> No.7092380

>what if you could create an alternative reality with the computer-chip, that you could escape to as a hobby.

Won't happen for >1000 years. Yes, you can control mechanical stuff with your brain even now, but that is just intercepting nerve signals sent to your extremities.

Computer code and the neural-net pulse-firings are so completely different... don't even hope to be able to enter something like the "matrix" anytime soon or even remotely in your lifetime.

>> No.7092388

Read up on the singularity.

>> No.7092463

Well, I believe that the virtual consciousness is like what a timeline split would be, in the sense that there would be two concurrent versions of a single thing, like a clone. Nothing too shocking, if I may say so myself, except for the fact that they both believe that they are the only one living as such. This part kind of scares me, to be honest.

>> No.7092474


You are implying Gensokyo isn't real already.



>> No.7092542
File: 295 KB, 1030x1428, 1291005161270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with the whole "not being you" thing, but it's still not a route to immortality, just life spans that dwarf our current. Heat death of the universe presents an insurmountable obstacle, and even if you can deal with that with some sort of infinite free energy source, there will always be a non-zero chance of sudden catastrophic failure of whatever you live in. To have a chance of living forever, you have to reduce this at a sufficiently fast rate.
We'll all die, it's just a question of when.
