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708725 No.708725 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think that Walfas is seriously losing it's touch? I mean Hamlet? what the fuck.

>> No.708729

The Elevens love him anyway.

>> No.708730




>> No.708733


WOOSH, right over his head.

>> No.708735
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I haven't been paying attention to Walfas in months, but you deserve a sage anyways for implying that Hamlet is anything but awesome.

>> No.708739


It's her little version of it, not the actual thing.

>> No.708736

I agree, Shakespeare is shit.

>> No.708741

There's something wrong with you, lad.

>> No.708743

The only fault I see is that you can do a mockery of any story so it's hardly original.

>> No.708746

I like idea with Hamlet. Srsly why not? This is not toho-only site.

>> No.708756

Yeah, it's called not being pretentious.

>> No.708758


Speak English first fucktard.

>> No.708774


>> No.708778

Hes overrated. Hes boring. It's easier to read VNs with ATLAS translations then read original Shakespeare.

>> No.708785

>It's easier to read VNs with ATLAS translations then read original Shakespeare.

oh you

>> No.708787


They forced you to read Shakespeare in school, didn't they?

>> No.708788

Obviously your English needs work.

>> No.708792


Annoying to read and overrated maybe, but awesome tragedies are awesome. I hate the fuck out of Early Modern English and prose, though.

>> No.708796

I can't speak for AoC but I feel the same way. why the fuck would you want to read that boring shit when you have Tolstoy and Hemmingway? What's the matter? Too deep for high school?

>> No.708800

Don't blame Shakespeare for your lack of an education. Anyway, even if don't understand any of the shit he's saying, his writing can still be appreciated for its lyricism. And no, don't you dare tell me "I HAZ EDUCACION BUD TAST IZ SUBJECTIVE" you fucking tasteless faggot.

>> No.708807

If you prefer Shakespeare above Tolstoy maybe you're the one with shit taste.

>> No.708809

Was I replying to you? No? Well shut the fuck up then.

>> No.708810

To get to know the classics better and later make the connection to modern dramas and see how they evolved over the ages. That would be one point.

>> No.708814
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Yes, it is too deep for high school. But still if i compare other stuff that i had to read in school with Shakespeare's books, then Hamlet and Makbeth were best one. Fuck you polish education system, fuck you.

>> No.708818

Yes. Except it was in Croatian. And fuck i didnt enjoy 1 second of that shit. Theres better plots in Games Animu Mango and VNs...
Like all artists that lived long ago hes overrated today. I read Shakespeare I'm so smart and intelligent and so culturally developed and what not...I'll leave reading about shitty century old kings and romances to faggots like you. Go read your OH SO GOOD book.

>> No.708819

walfas? yeah, he sucks

>> No.708820

Shakespeare is the equivalent of whatever popular series is on television right on.

>> No.708823


Code Geass?

>> No.708826

He's more like Naruto and Bleach. It's shonen for the culturally developed and educated.

>> No.708828

Comparing Shakespeare and Hemingway is analogous to comparing Chopin and the Ramones. If you want to talk about writers that are actually comparable, talk about Nabokov. Writers like Hemingway completely ignore half of what makes literature artistic, namely the lyricism of prose.

>> No.708829
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>> No.708830


oh wow

>> No.708834

>>708725 Walfas is seriously losing it's touch?
Walfas never had a "touch", it was always shit.

>> No.708837


oh wow

>> No.708844

Writing doesn't necessarily require lyricism. Hemingway, in fact, abhorred being overly elaborate and frilly, so he adopted an extremely concise style that told what was going on without a lot of adjectives.

>> No.708845

You lost me there. Do you mean 'was the equivalent'?

>> No.708846

Who the fuck trolls Shakespeare?

>> No.708851

...wow an intelligent response. I don't know how I should feel just now.

>> No.708854



>> No.708855

Which is why I love him.

>> No.708857


>> No.708867


Hemingway was a dick.

>> No.708869
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>> No.708873

>Which is why I love him.

>> No.708875
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>> No.708876

You're right. Writing doesn't require lyricism, just as the Ramones don't require harmony, rhythm, or variation to call their shit music. But it's still shit, and I can still say that Chopin is better.

>> No.708879

Doesn't keep his style from being any less awesome.

>> No.708887


I know, I just really dislike him as a person.

>> No.708890

Wait. I'm getting the feeling Anon does something else except play games and read mango/doujins/vn/animu. So Anon reads Books in his basement too...

>> No.708893
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>> No.708894


You bet your fucking ass I do. You should too, you cultureless fuck.

>> No.708901

You're on a losing side here. There are plenty of famous musicians who omit certain parts of those.

Mendelsson's "Song without Words" has no lyrical melody...but he was extremely famous in his time along with Chopin. Yes, Chopin. The guy you just mentioned.

>> No.708912

/jp/ - Walfas/English Literature

>> No.708915


I like it.

>> No.708917

I sometimes do, but refrain to talk about it. Its mostly due to the fact that talking about books/music always ends up being a flamewar among elitist pricks.


>> No.708920

But VNs are better than books, why would I do that?

>> No.708923

Even though I know you're trolling, my rage kicked up for a second because thats the way the kids I teach think

>> No.708924


Yes, that is why I hate this shit. I don't know how literary elitists manage to be so much worse than animu elitists, but holy shit they are like five tiers above them. Let's go back to talking about how shitty Type-Moon is compared to (something untranslated).

>> No.708928

Didnt say i dont read them... i just hate happen to hate Shakespeare.

>> No.708930

Gonna have to disagree with you there. I agree with the Hemingway critique, especially since he goes out of his way to eschew elements commonly used in classic lyrical prose that is considered art.

But now you're walking into a slippery slope of assigning values. Something that best be avoided unless you really want to listen to 100 Chopin clones.

>> No.708931

Didnt say i dont read them... i just happen to hate Shakespeare.

>> No.708933

That's what I was going to say. How is the "lyricism of prose" equal to melody in a song? They're totally different mediums.

>> No.708934

I raged a little, too.

>> No.708939
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>> No.708941
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>> No.708945
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>> No.708947

Serious discussion is serious.

>> No.708955

Its nice to have one every now and then. Too much toho will rot your brain.

>> No.708951
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>> No.708958

>Too much toho will rot your brain.



>> No.708965

I'm probably gonna give Hamlet another try now, thanks to this thread. It's been about 14 years but what the hell.

>> No.708969

I never read/watched/played this.

Whats up with the star thing anyway

>> No.708976


Good for you then.

>> No.708979

Long story short. Ghosts, memories and bawww. Also KeyAIDS.

>> No.708982

Star has diabetus it's a really sad story...

>> No.708989

some of his stuff is amusing. give him a break, it's not like he wants to be the most popular person in the touhou community or something stupid and pointless like that

>> No.708990


Like Hamlet lol.

>> No.708994

What's the matter? Too HARD to take seriously when it's sandwiched between a porn game thread and a thread full of ugly, cross-dressing cosplayers dressed as their favorite shootan' game character?

>> No.709002
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>> No.709013
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