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7087347 No.7087347 [Reply] [Original]

Second Fukushima reactor heats up, thousands flee


Things are still critical out in Japan, what are the latest updates on the facilities and informational links?

>> No.7087352

Blowout soon fellow ass pie.

>> No.7087362

Where is Kaguya?

Nightly NBC news was pretty well put together actually. Search and rescue teams in full operation

>> No.7087370
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>> No.7087374

Despite all the joking and whatnot it's a bit worrying.
All just hope for the best.

>> No.7087376


Help me niichan, take the medkit off the stiff!

>> No.7087383

Wondering the same. I'd like to see a serious thread about this situation. Getting sick of hiding new threads every 5 minutes that have shit to do with anything really.

>> No.7087389

What joking, this is all very serious stuff.
Just the thought of a Nuclear Meltdown out in Japan changes everything pretty dramatically.

>> No.7087401

I'd think you and the janitor would be able to tell between a legitimate news thread and the endless /b/ level shit trolling that's been going on all day

>> No.7087413

Sorry. There are so many /b/-kiddy-style threads about this on so many boards that I got used to it.

>> No.7087416

So just because a thread is made by some /cgl/ autist that makes it serious?

>> No.7087419

There's got to be a better place than /jp/ for this discussion.

>> No.7087425


>> No.7087430

I don't give a shit what board he came from. At least he provided information and news timely.

>> No.7087434

Considering the number of troll threads today I'd figure /jp/ could handle an actual thread about what is going on.

>> No.7087439

Two troll facebook threads on /jp/ all day basically,
I'd fire staff over such a blatant slap in the face

>> No.7087468
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>> No.7087475

Oh shit, a zombie. That woman is turning into a zombie as well.

>> No.7087482
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Have the aftershocks slowed down?

>> No.7087486

"Assuming meltdown occurred" at 1 reactor, chief Cabinet secy says (from CNN)

>> No.7087496

I think so. Compared to the 5 minute interval ones from last morning in JPN, anyway.

It's bad, but it's not that bad. Definitely not as bad as the tsunami.

>> No.7087497


>> No.7087498


Wow, CNN cleaned up their website too.

What I don't understand is why they can't bring in generators to keep those pumps flowing.

>> No.7087500

They handled double nukes. They'll handle this somehow.

>> No.7087505

>nuclear reactor is moderated by ocean water
>any overheating leading to a steam explosion will only being in more ocean water

Stop overreacting, nothing is going to happen with the nuclear reactor.

>> No.7087517

I believe 3 reactors are now at emergency level,
only one is running the ocean water through it if I recall correctly

>> No.7087537

jesus how long does it take for them to cooldown?

>> No.7087539

Someone who knows more about this than me - even assuming a core meltdown, these reactors have containment buildings that chernobyl, for example, didn't have, so assuming the containment works like it's supposed to, most of the radiation stays in and it's just shitty because the reactor / land is ruined for a period of time?

>> No.7087542

An official at Japan's Meteorological Agency says that wind direction over the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant will be monitored as it is a key factor in judging damage to the environment www.reuters.com

Oh fuck I was worried about this

>> No.7087543

Time to play STALKER

>> No.7087550

Short version:

-All reactors were shut down at both sites about twelve hours ago. Some of them are still experiencing pressure problems in the containment vessels due to cooling system issues, but the cores are only generating "decay heat" because their control rods are all in place.

-At Fukushima site one, the #1 reactor (the oldest) appeared to suffer some kind of explosion. It turns out that they had vented hydrogen from inside the containment vessel, which was accidentally ignited. This destroyed the cosmetic facade of the building and caused some minor injuries, but the reactor itself was undamaged and the vessel remains intact.

-TEPCO, the power company that runs the facility, is permanently shutting down the #1 reactor (and possibly others) by pumping in sea water. This is literally a permanent shutdown as it will irreparably damage the reactor(s), but the risks are considered too high to do anything else. This is apparently their pre-planned last resort in situations like this, where literally everything else has gone wrong due to something unpredictable like, well, a fuckhuge earthquake.

>> No.7087552

IIRC I read in a report it'd take them 10 ~ 24 hours max to cool them down.

But anyone else is free to correct me, I don't remember quite well.

>> No.7087554

-There has been minor releases of radioactive steam, which is why the surrounding areas have been evacuated. Radiation levels were never very high and are already dropping, although there have been some exposure cases due to bad luck. There is still some worry about the presence of trace radioactives like iodine.

-There have been no major core breaches and there will be no Chernobyl-esque fallout distribution problems. Any radioactive material released will is strictly local, within a few kilometers radius, and even that is likely to be on the level of Three Mile Island, which is to say almost unnoticeable once the initial incident has passed.

And apparently this has been rated by Japans atomic agency as a INES Level '4' on the incident scale in terms of effects. (Goes from 1-7; Chernobyl = 7, Three Mile Island = 5)

Situation is still fluid, but it's very unlikely to say the least that it will get any worse.

>> No.7087555

I'm taking that to mean they've got this shit under control, am I correct in assuming so?

>> No.7087562

>accidentally ignited
Bullshit. This ain't rocket science. You can't dick around.

>> No.7087565


>> No.7087567
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>> No.7087571

What is that exactly supposed to mean?

>> No.7087572

People in Japan don't trust TEPCO and they have a legitimate reason to doubt the conflicting stories that are continually streaming out of these sites.

That explosion at the Fukushima was huge too, it was caught live on video if you haven't seen it.

>> No.7087573

Pretty much. Unless they get another earthquake like that diretly under the NPP, there' s pretty much no chance for a Chernobyl-esque nightmare scenario. The current radiation releases are all local and on a scale that won't cause trouble except in the short term. And well, one reactor is gonna get its shit ruined by a seawater cooling, which is pretty much the hard way to shut it down, given that it ruins the reactor permanently.

Not bad for a clunker built 40 years ago.

>> No.7087575

That Yuuka is too rude

>> No.7087577

After-quakes still happening. Nature can't be controlled.

>> No.7087578

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7087580

Accidents happen, especially when people have just survived an earthquake, tsunami, and are attempting to prevent a pressure rupture at a nuclear reactor.

>> No.7087605

Huge release of highly flammable hydrogen. In a building that has just been hit by an earthquake. It's not exactly far-fetched for something to cause a spark and set it all off under these circumstances.

Ever seen a hydrogen explosion? Shit creates crazy large fireballs compared to the actual explosion yield. Can mess up facades pretty hard, but it's pretty much completely harmless against solid structures, let alone stuff as hardened as a reactor containment vessel.

>> No.7087610
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>> No.7087625

I heard reports of like 200 people being exposed to radiation, any more information on that?

>> No.7087627
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Nothing will happen you dumb fucks. Some irregularities in the cooling system does not pose a danger to the civilian population. The media is blowing this shit out of proportions by using BIG WORDS.

Pic related, you may start panicking when your reactor looks like this.

>> No.7087629

Is that the Nue socks book I see? Good taste.

>> No.7087631


>> No.7087641
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You guys see bill nye and his silly polka dot tie on CNN?

He made nuclear science sound so fun.

>> No.7087646

All reports are expecting meltdowns at this point.
It's simple to keep comparing it to the worst of the worst but what is happening there is still considered a nuclear catastrophe

Not only permanently rendering the reactors useless but preventing people from returning to those areas for a long time.

>> No.7087647


Not that many people were hit with radiation.

>> No.7087655

How the hell did you get TVtest to actually work?

>> No.7087664



>> No.7087672

The BBC's Chris Hogg in Tokyo says the reactor is fueled with uranium and plutonium, meaning the consequences of a meltdown are much more severe than at the other reactors

>> No.7087679

"Meltdown" is a big scare word. Worst that can happen is that they have to seawater a few more reactors. Even if you get a complete meltdown, the containment vessel means that you won't get a big radiation cloud and that even the local effects will be short-term only.

Chernobyl simply isn't possible with modern reactors. Hell, Chernobyl was an obsolete security nightmare even back in 1986 and it still took the reactor crew doing some bumfuck retarded experiments (and fuck up epically while doing them) to kick off the disaster.

>> No.7087683

>More on the specific dangers of Fukushima 1 plant's reactor 3:

Oops cut this off

Captcha: Massacre rayer

>> No.7087688

Japan confirms that a meltdown is underway at Fukushima

Google it if you don't believe me

>> No.7087696


They're still shocking away frequently. Strangely they do not list the 8.9 itself but they do have the 7.2 that was the day before.

>> No.7087700

Japan radiation leak evokes Three Mile Island

I know they are stirring up the doom and gloom a bit but the comparisons are fair and there aren't many points in history where we navigate similar terrains of history

>> No.7087702


True, but the Chernobyl reactor didn't get wrecked by a fucking earthquake. And if you've ever checked info about the nuclear reactors in Japan, you should already know that the company that owns them is corrupt as fuck and that they're not as safe as most assume they are.

Basically, though safety measures are better than they were at Chernobyl, the latter didn't get wrecked by a fucking earthquake. A meltdown and an explosion are very possible, which is why people are freaking the fuck out.

>> No.7087707

Whatever you do, don't watch CNN. This is basically all you're going to hear: "Okay, some other experts said it isn't an issue but what's the possibility of a huge meltdown occuring? What's the chance of another Chernobyl?" Meanwhile at the bottom of the screen it says things like "A CT scan is 100 times more radiation than is detected at the site."

>> No.7087711

What happens if another powerful quake hits it?

>> No.7087715

>0426: Japanese government spokesman Yukio Edano says radioactive meltdowns may have occurred in two reactors at the plant - AFP.


>> No.7087718
File: 77 KB, 775x334, sdfgsdfg345y346h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is in flames and the Americans only care about some stupid bus accident in New York

14 vs 1000000 americans don't care

fucking selfish Americans FUCK THEM


>> No.7087720


No idea. Nothing could happen, or it could get torn in half and explode. I don't know the situation well enough to tell you.

>> No.7087722

Anyone who mentions Chernobyl is a troll and/or doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Three Mile Island is a fair comparison. Chernobyl is nowhere near comparable to this.

>> No.7087731 [DELETED] 
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And this is why the rest of the world hate BRs and niggers.

>> No.7087728

>A meltdown and an explosion are very possible, which is why people are freaking the fuck out.
>Lightwater reactor

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.7087730

I can understand how this annoying some people here, especially when it isn't a sophisticated comparison.

But consider the fact that this sort of nuclear disaster has not been in the public eye in literally decades, of course they are going to stir up all the old demons

>> No.7087733

1. The media has no fucking clue what a meltdown even is.
2. Even if we get one, it's not gonna be the apocalypse. Three Mile Island was a meltdown, too and the consequences weren't exactly THAT bad.

>> No.7087734

CNN is fucking useless since Ted Turner sold the network.

Don't watch cable news it's bad for you, whichever one of the networks you choose.

>> No.7087738


>> No.7087739

I live in NY and heard of this. It sucks big time. Don't group us all in, because I care about Japan. Obviously.

>> No.7087740

Why isn't Japan offering aid?

>> No.7087741


>> No.7087747

I know you're trolling but I mean, google just groups news things. Who gives a shit.

>> No.7087748

go kill yourself

>> No.7087750

Jesus fucking Christ, are you so incredibility selfish and self-absorbed, that you think people don't care about you if they aren't giving you their undivided attention 24/7?

>> No.7087751


>> No.7087752

one too many zeros bro.

and it's not like the media can disregard all other stories and just have "JAPAN NUKE PLANT MELTDOWN ALERT ALERT" everywhere. there aren't many things happening right now that can rival an evacuation of 100k people

>> No.7087755

Japan confirmed for superpowers in 30 years.

>> No.7087756

BTW that happened this morning at 5 AM EST. You're late as fuck.

>> No.7087757

>Three Mile Island was a meltdown, too and the consequences weren't exactly THAT bad.



I don't as well, the media thinks Meltdown = Core exploding all over eastern europe and a nuclear blast, when in reality the only think that will be fucked is the reactor as everything is already sealed in a huge underground containment chamber

>> No.7087761

>True, but the Chernobyl reactor didn't get wrecked by a fucking earthquake. And if you've ever checked info about the nuclear reactors in Japan, you should already know that the company that owns them is corrupt as fuck and that they're not as safe as most assume they are.

The build standards alone are complete overkill in temrs of security. For all the corruption and shit, there isn't exactly a way to fuck up your reactor that bad unless you do it on purpose.

Comparing it with Chernobyl is a freaking joke. Use of sodium and graphite in the primary circuit, no containment vessel etc. Chernobyl would have even in 1986 given every last western nuclear engineer a screaming fit.

They vented hydrogen. It went kablooey and ruined the facade of the building.

>> No.7087763

What annoys me is that practically every expert they've talked to (and there have been a lot in the last couple days) have said the same thing: "No, it should be fine. The containment is standing." And then they ask the next one the same question about a meltdown and are met with the same answer they got before.

Yeah, I've only been glancing at it whenever I finish a show on my DVR. Show ends, delete, see if anything else happened for a minute, nope, proceed to watch the next show.

>> No.7087765

I don't see Japan offering relief either.

>> No.7087768

>And apparently this has been rated by Japans atomic agency as a INES Level '4' on the incident scale in terms of effects. (Goes from 1-7; Chernobyl = 7, Three Mile Island = 5)
How does this scale work, if you don't mind me asking? 7 seems an odd number to stop at. Or is it more of a "we've never had anything worse than a 7 at this time" kind of deal?

>> No.7087769

So what I want to know is. Who do I go to in to get a free ticket to Japan as a volunteer helper?

>> No.7087774

How do I offer relief when I am on the receiving end?

>> No.7087775

>Chernobyl would have even in 1986 given every last western nuclear engineer a screaming fit.

As far as I know, the Soviet engineers manning it considered it a death trap, and most of them petitioned to be reassigned regularly.

>> No.7087779

they don't want you

they also use a 7 point scale for some earthquake thing

>> No.7087782

Oh man. I just got a call from the family of the Japanese girl I have been dating.

She passed away in the hospital a few hours ago, she had fairly minor injuries but due to the hospital being overwhelmed she did not get proper care fast enough. She was the closest friend I had.

Oh well, there are plenty more Japanese girls in the sea.

>> No.7087783

You don't. They aren't allowing it due to the shit that went on in Haiti.

>> No.7087786 [DELETED] 

>Japan not in yellow
>Japan not helping itself out of this mess

Wow, those assholes expect everyone else to do all the work for them.

>> No.7087785

I don't think Japan's gonna need it. But I'm curious to know this also.

>> No.7087788

Oh BOOF you so crazy

>> No.7087789

Red Cross. If you are not already a Red Cross volunteer who speaks Japanese and has logistics or other skills, forget it. The Peace Corps also requires training and a long-term commitment. If you are serious about helping in large disasters, become a local Red Cross volunteer now and get the training and experience you need in order to respond in the U.S. Later you may be eligible for international deployment, but only if you speak the right language for the disaster area and have skills and experience.

>> No.7087790

>is it more of a "we've never had anything worse than a 7 at this time" kind of deal?

Yeah, that really is it.

>> No.7087791


You don't. The only thing Japan wants is search and rescue teams with dogs and useful non-governmental relief/aid like the Red Cross. If you have no disaster relief skills or experience, medical skills, etc, you aren't going anywhere.

>> No.7087793

Pardon me asking, but what would a hypothetical "10th level" be?

>> No.7087794

That's horrible BOOF. You should feel ashamed.

>> No.7087797

NBC news expert had the Fukushima at 5 about 6 hours ago

>Authorities presuming meltdowns may be under way at 2 other reactors #quake

>> No.7087801

You join the red cross, but they use money to help people in Japan, not fly you out there. Though I guess they do occasionally run missionary type charter flights full of volunteers.

Also yeah CNN and co. are being stupid with their constant "So is this going to becoming a nuclear holocaust????"

/jp/ should start sending in Core Irradiation® stories to them via ireport and see if they ask an 'expert' about it.

>> No.7087805

You're an idiot. It doesn't count as relief when you send it to yourself.

>> No.7087810


I fucking know that. Chernobyl was fucking stupid, It was like a guy built a house out of cardboard with plastic explosives to get it to stick. But even though the Japanese reactors are much better built, they're DIRECTLY on top of a fault line. Saying that's much better is like going "Hah, you fool, building a house made of carboard and plastic explosives. You should do like me, build one made of concrete with plastic explosives!"

Yeah, it's tougher, but it's still fuck-stupid.

>> No.7087811


Level 4 = Accident with local consequences


A friend of mine is studying to become a nuclear engineer and he told me that if he ever saw a plant built like Chernobyl, his reaction would be to turn around and run away.He wouldn't scream because he'd need the oxygen to keep running.

>> No.7087814

>Abram, the Manchester professor, said it was unlikely it would develop into anything more serious, though this would depend on the integrity of the fuel. He believed it "pretty unlikely" that the fuel had been significantly damaged.

There wont be any additional unless the Fukushima is hit by another Magnitude 8.0 quake.

>> No.7087821

If it were remotely possible to predict earthquakes, cable news would definitely be asking that to everyone. "So, what's the chances of them getting hit by another super quake?"

>> No.7087823

I guess the one caveat is that they're saying there's a 70% chance of an aftershock reaching magnitude 7 within the next 3 days, if that were to happen near the power plant would that affect them even if they've been successfully cooled down?

>> No.7087829

What are the aftershocks clocking in at around that region right now?

>> No.7087832

/jp/ - Fear mongering/General

>> No.7087840

It is highly unlikely to have two magnitude 8.0+ earthquake in a week at about same place.

>> No.7087844

high 4s/low 5s, a few low 6. a couple 6.8s and one 7.1 but two of those were right after the 8.9

>> No.7087847

There have been a couple 6.6

>> No.7087848

It will probably occur right under the reaction and release magma into the reactor core resulting in Earth's Core Irradiation. Someone tell CNN.

>> No.7087852



>> No.7087855
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>> No.7087856

I honestly can't say anything really professional because the most research I've ever done about radiation poisoning and nuclear related topics was for a big essay in college, but I imagine something at that level would directly effect everyone in a large area.

Like, if you read anything on Chernobyl there were workers in the plant who absorbed so much radiation within a time of about two minutes they died within a couple hours. Within at least twenty minutes of exposure most of them had severe burns and even skin that turned orange. I wouldn't think Level 10 would be something THAT bad, but something that would make people sick within hours of exposure occurring.

Plus like everyone else is saying, Chernobyl was pretty much a disaster waiting to happen in the first place. I feel that with this there is definitely more control of the situation, especially with the evacuations.

And for everyone who wants to help but probably won't be able to, it's likely that there will be a need of blood donors. So just watch out for Red Cross or local health groups setting anything up in your areas.

>> No.7087867

it's kind of funny how nice the people are dressed, usually when you see images of rubbles and shit you see people naked or dressed in rags, etc but people in japan are in nice coats and have designer bags.

>> No.7087874

>Or is it more of a "we've never had anything worse than a 7 at this time" kind of deal?

In a sense yes. Off course, Chernobyl was the only Level 7 event to ever happen and that was pretty much the worst thing you could possibly do with a reactor.

Hell, even Level 6 only had one event in history, the 1957 Kyshtym disaster. (A military reprocessing plant in the USSR blew up and scattered about 70 tons of radioactive material into the near vicinity. Damage is not fully known because Stalin kept the lid on it and most documents are gone.)

Basically, Level 6 and 7 were created specifically for two unique events worse than anything else, ever.

>> No.7087876

That is my fetish

>> No.7087878

Thats because the last few disasters were in 3rd world nations. Places so shitty you couldnt even tell that a earth quake hit, you just see how shitty the lazy poor people are and assume the earthquake did it to them.

>> No.7087882
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>Core Irradiation®

>> No.7087885

Could I please get an update on what happened the last 12 hours?
Last thing I knew was they were going to make use of ocean's water.

>> No.7087888


>Radiated steam

Asthma moe~

>> No.7087891

>TEPCO... just updated the site with the latest news on No.3 Reactor seems they failed to restart it.... www.tepco.co.jp

NHK now reporting initial earthquake was actually 9.0

>> No.7087933

God the facebook trollery is infuriating...

>> No.7087941

Actually a lot of places have been reporting this about an hour ago.

>> No.7087951
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>> No.7087957

The amount of fear mongering and hysteria surrounding this is sickening. The sensationalist media coverage isn't helping.

>> No.7087960

I know what you mean... and I know I shouldn't feel so angry because they're idiots but still..

Trolled hard.

>> No.7087964

How can they force you to freeze in the dark otherwise?

>> No.7087965

>NHK now reporting initial earthquake was actually 9.0

They've been saying that for like 12 hours

>> No.7087966

Just how much radiation is in the vented steam? Does the cooling water absorb a lot of it, and what kind of half-life does it have?

>> No.7087972

over 800 in miyagi.. that really sucks. if there's one thing that surprised me about this is the death tolls. I didn't think it'd end up nearly this high (and still rising?)

>> No.7087978
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>> No.7087983

Still rising. There's a city with 10k+ people not found, whereas the total amount who live there is about 20k/30k IIRC.

Uhh.. you sure about that? The number was only bumped up just recently. 2 hours ago at least.

>> No.7087992

nah i remember them talking about that yesterday
or this morning
whichever, but yeah they recently bumped it up to a 9.0

>> No.7087993

Maybe not 12, but I'm sure I saw it before I went to sleep.

>> No.7087995

There was one town with 9,500 people missing, expect that number to keep going up

>> No.7087996

Oh, really? Guess I must have skimmed it then.

>> No.7088000
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>> No.7088001

>I didn't think it'd end up nearly this high
I'm sort of surprised at how low they are.

>> No.7088013

Anyone else find it ironic that some people in Japan are trying to act all cool and calm as if nothing serious has happened?

Pretty cool to not talk about your problems huh Japan? You were just ripped open raw

>> No.7088022

I wish I was this tough ;_;

>> No.7088026

Because being in mass panic would help them in the long run.

If you were there, maybe you'd understand. But..

>> No.7088031

It's also about acting genuine and not being conceited and pride filled refusing relief efforts

>> No.7088034

That is how Japan is. They just want to live their lives, they like the stability, even if they don't like going to work they like going to work because they know what to expect. If you ever read swan song, that one scene with the man who lost his entire family and talks about it, that is a good example of how someone "broken" would act if his stability was gone.

>> No.7088039

Really BOOF? Holy fuck, my condolences.

You sound like you don't really care though but I'll just assume you are.

>> No.7088045

actually impressed that they have the civility to refrain from looting stores and shit. most stores in Tokyo are out of food/supplies and stuff, there would probably have been riots if this was the US or something.

>> No.7088048

But they're not refusing relief efforts, you fucking moron.

>> No.7088060


>> No.7088064

"It can't be helped."

>> No.7088072

Yeah. They understand they're all in the same situation and they need each other, which is very respectable.

>> No.7088104

Fucking bullshit man, tell me about all the padded civilians in Tokyo who just fucking stock loaded on food that they probably didn't need as badly and were capable of traveling distances to get.

>> No.7088118

I don't know anything about that. Source?

That is pretty dickish, by the way. But Tokyo wasn't hit that hard compared to the further north of Japan. Up there it's fucking terrible. I don't even know why they bothered when there's shelter's being put up left and right.

>> No.7088121

This just in. The Fukushima meltdown has awakened Godzilla! He is stomping towards Iwaki as we speak!

>> No.7088135

Godzilla is now shooting out flames in the tsunami wreckage! People try to run but they can't! There's too much water around them left over from the tsunami. It's terrifying!

>> No.7088150
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Don't worry, I'll just wish em back with the Dragonballs. After scream for an hour on the toilet,I dye my hair blonde and put colored contacts on, I should be able to take Godzilla down no problem.

>> No.7088156


Kaiju are pretty dangerous animals... be careful....

>> No.7088161

Holy shit. I want those.

>> No.7088164

We have an update on the Godzilla situation. Two Godzillas were awakened, a male and a female. It is also my understanding that they are fond of mating in the vicinity of nuclear meltdowns. So the Godzillasauruses might return to the power plant and start copulating.

>> No.7088165

>More than 200 bodies found at Higashimatsushima, police say -

>> No.7088166
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You want balls? That's WEIRD.

>> No.7088167

God damnit, stop draggin' your balls all over the boards.
*badum tsshhh*

>> No.7088176

That was Godzilla's breakfast.

>> No.7088182


Collectible Dragon Balls. Balls that are not genitalia related.

>> No.7088184

hehehehehe balls

>> No.7088188

Reuters live tweet, first time the area has been reported

>> No.7088189

I could've sworn I was following them. Thanks.

>> No.7088191

We at Fukushima have been overdosed with radiation from the meltdown and Godzilla and are now fapping.... fap fap fap fap fap fap ack oh shi-

>> No.7088195
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>> No.7088197



are you dead yet?

>> No.7088198
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>> No.7088199

Yes. What else is new?

>> No.7088200

Shoop or what? I thought they weren't airing anything animu related today.

... still.. I am okay with this.

>> No.7088201

Is she shitting down her leg?
>opens picture
Oh, it's a map

>> No.7088207
File: 301 KB, 803x757, ep86701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was last night
lots of threads in the 2ch eq board raging at channels playing anime or unrelated crisis material

>> No.7088210


>> No.7088214

>last night

God damn what the fuck, a lot of shit must have happened while I was sleeping those 8 hours.

>> No.7088215
File: 231 KB, 830x974, 1296227165477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish /new/ were still around so you fags could take your shitty Japan news elsewhere.

How am I supposed to fap to the usual shitposts and buttrage when this crap keeps popping up?

>> No.7088219

By not being a newfriend and using a filter.

>> No.7088222

seppuku for Japan ad /jp/?

at least now we dont have to worry about /a/ and /jp/

someone go tell moot to delete these boards.

>> No.7088226
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>> No.7088229


epic 4 teh win lol xD

get the fuck out.

>> No.7088232

I can't fap and hide threads at the same time, genius.

>> No.7088236

Is this real?

>> No.7088237

tsunami warning maps right?

>> No.7088238

TV Tokyo.. MBS.. whichever one of you guys.

Really stupid.

>> No.7088249
File: 151 KB, 800x666, b2c0298064fc18f198e7096d55edd6b1be7c4e72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last night getting hit with 2 additional magnitude 6 earthquakes on land.

>> No.7088256
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>> No.7088260

>actually TBS

Pardon me for asking, but do you know what's up with that bottom left screenshot? What is that? A video from WWII or something?

>> No.7088261
File: 86 KB, 465x619, areyouapsychictype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading about nuclear meltdowns on Wikipedia (inorite?)
>Meltdowns that have occurred
>The only large-scale nuclear meltdowns at civilian nuclear power plants
> * the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., in 1979.
> * the Chernobyl disaster at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Ukraine, U.S.S.R., in 1986.
> * the Fukushima I disaster at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, Japan, in 2011.

>> No.7088264

Looks like infrared.

>> No.7088274

I believe they are up to a 20km evacuation radius,
no matter what happens with the condition further it will still go into the history books

>> No.7088279

Oh.. okay. Thanks.

>> No.7088280


HAARP did it! Manned by butthurt Republicans trying to impeach Obama!

>> No.7088287

Oh god, it looks like /sci/ is here

>> No.7088292

naw, it's just youtube trolls having fun on /jp/

>> No.7088299

>the Three Mile Island accident
>the Chernobyl disaster
>the Fukushima I disaster
Chernobyl was a disaster. This isn't even close.

>> No.7088321
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>> No.7088329

So... how is the reactos now?

I have my parents and a sister in japan, the internet it's very slow, so I can't make contact with them now...

>> No.7088334

so were these the readings?

13:44 1557.5 uSv
14:42 184 uSv

>> No.7088350

Japan’s chief cabinet secretary says there’s a risk of explosion at the building housing Fukushima Daiichi no.3 reactor

>> No.7088356

seconded please, how do you setup this tvtest program.

>> No.7088357

They just can't get a break, huh?

>> No.7088362

ReactOS is still in alpha stage.

>> No.7088365

It's only the casing, not the important stuff.

>> No.7088368

Oh, what the hell. They're running the fuck away from there. Another tsunami is incoming

>> No.7088370

lol tvtokyo

>> No.7088371

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says that even if Fukushima building explodes it is unlikely to affect reactor core container

>> No.7088372


Sorry for the errors, my main language its not english, and I don't trust in many places to get information.

Thanks for the help

>> No.7088380

Probably for the same reason as the explosion at Unit 1. It's suspected that a safety device that ignites hydrogen gas before it reaches unsafe levels has failed due to the lack of electricity.

>> No.7088384

@arclight what is underground meltdown?

@praccuglia I don't know. Do you mean if the core melts through the containment & building floor into the soil?

So close to some Core Irradiation talk.

>> No.7088395

My country has had a partial reactor meltdown and a few nuclear fuck ups, and nobody cared. Most people living here probably don't even know.

Video incredibly related.


>> No.7088400

Mother fucker. lol

>> No.7088403

This is extremely sad. Really is.


>> No.7088423

Man I wanted to play some mahjong so I booted up tenhou.

There are about 70% less people playing then normal.

This made me really sad.

>> No.7088424
File: 260 KB, 800x600, 17317723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Tenshi-chan wants people to pray for Japan!

>> No.7088461

Japanese Officials says, that they expect the meltdown of reactor 3...news is from NHK

>> No.7088470

>mfw you think a meltdown is some scary video game event

>> No.7088471

Deaths from Japan quake, tsunami could top 10,000 – public broadcaster NHK

>> No.7088474

4 out of 10 zombie invasions start with a meltdown.

>> No.7088476

NHK says they expect over One Million to be Irradiated in the coming hours

>> No.7088477

The tsunami was one thing, and very destructive, but the radioactive meltdown is seriously unbelievable. I really really do pray that doesn't happen.

>> No.7088478
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>> No.7088483
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>> No.7088484

Wouldnt that be sweet irony after all the pearl harbor comments.

>> No.7088488
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>> No.7088489

Holy shit, nostalgia.

>> No.7088490

I just raped a few nips and hit 1900+.
Feels bad doing this when they are down.

>> No.7088492
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>> No.7088493
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>> No.7088498
File: 297 KB, 560x420, 1281466264278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got but rapped. I had had to pass up a ron because If I would have done it, I wouldn't have gotten out of last with the points. Then I dealt into a dealer baiman while in riichi.


>> No.7088501 [DELETED] 

>Deaths from #Japan quake, tsunami could top 10,000 - NHK 1 minute ago via web

>FLASH: #Japan chief cabinet secretary says risk of explosion at building housing #Fukushima Daiichi No. 3 reactor

Shit has his the fan. We might be seeing Fallout: New Nippon anytime now.

>> No.7088504

>Deaths from #Japan quake, tsunami could top 10,000 - NHK 1 minute ago via web

>FLASH: #Japan chief cabinet secretary says risk of explosion at building housing #Fukushima Daiichi No. 3 reactor

>Shit has hit the fan. We might be seeing Fallout: New Nippon anytime now.

>> No.7088517

CNN live, Prime minister just admitted to nuclear meltdown. Sort of, he said we shouldn't use that terminology because it's too severe but there is uncontrolled deformation in the core ... ie. meltdown.

>> No.7088520

Anyone have links for news streams I can play in MPC-HC?

NHK World in English would be pretty nice.

>> No.7088524


テレビ朝日 :http://www.ustream.tv/channel/annnews
NHK-G mirror URL:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jishinsokuhou
nhk-gtv NHK総合テレビ:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-gtv
nhk-gtv2 NHK総合テレビ:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk-gtv2
NHK総合・東京 ミラー :http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nhk%E7%B7%8F%E5%90%88%E3%83%9F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC

>> No.7088532

>streams I can play in MPC-HC

>> No.7088539

But a meltdown only means that the plant won't be reactivated. It isn't related to the release of radiation.

>> No.7088544


Try these when/if they come back up later. They worked for me but not as well as I'd like.. seemed to lag a lot. It could have just been my connection or computer, though.

>> No.7088545

So they have lose 2 or 3 nuke plants now? Either way, when the quakes and shit stop they are going to be really hurting for power. This is terrible. Well....I guess they a bit less they need to power atleast.

>> No.7088552

Just for clarity, the map with the radioactivity accross the pacific is fake.

>> No.7088558

Pretty sure everyone who isn't a retard knows this.

>> No.7088566

These nuclear plants are really getting a disproportionate amount of attention. The tsunami has already killed well over a dozen times more people than a projected worst-case meltdown would.

>> No.7088573

>29 sages

/jp/ is butthurt as fuck.

>> No.7088575

Where are our forex traders, waiting for markets to open in a day an half. What is the outlook on oil and yen?

All reports point to mass inflation and continued uncertainty

>> No.7088590

Japan auto and electronic industry are basically fucked.
They will need months to recover from this.
I am expecting all the world stock market to go down on Monday and price of raw materials to go up.
It isnt looking good for everyone.

I just hope that yen will depreciate.

>> No.7088591

>mass inflation

Come on bro, that is not what inflation means.

>> No.7088592

Permanent sage anons have no reason to remove it from the fields

>> No.7088598

>I just hope that yen will depreciate.

I think everyone whats that.

I would be happy with 100-$1 but 120-$1 I'd be ecstatic.

>> No.7088601

In some ways, this exact situation is the biggest disaster of all. Nuclear energy doesn't need the smear campaign this is going to instigate against its name.

>> No.7088605

Actually it does because what we have go through in the last three years has been tremendous deflation

>> No.7088608
File: 229 KB, 720x750, info_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex toy shipment delay

I was just thinking about getting some more gear too.

>> No.7088623

sorry, google-translate

"a free press as usual excelled. : - /
everything would be fine, but in the first power unit is boiling water reactor type BWR (_http: / / ru.wikipedia.org / wiki / BWR). intense evaporation in the core product when stopping the circulation in the loop leads first to a drop in power, and then - to a sharp jump in it. with external emergency emergency discharge of the central absorber can not achieve the goal because of the banal jamming it into the channel (due to seismic damage, or heat - is another question).
in the successful case of such a result is obtained here - _http: / / ru.wikipedia.org / wiki / File: Graphic_TMI-2_Core_End-State_Configuration.png. by pouring water to a relatively kosher state leads to emissions of the heap in the normal range of unprecedented nature of the substances.
recorded traces of cesium and iodine in the environment, talking about the beginning of the most interesting, and all the assurances about the explosion of hydrogen from the cooling circuit of the generator, from which swept the roof and walls - talk to soothe office homyachya. hydrogen is formed as a result of parotsirkonievoy redox reactions fuel cladding temperature above 2000 degrees Celsius, which is guaranteed fucked up the reactor core.
The IAEA is clearly hot, put the accident 4 points on a scale of INES. in the best case scenario, expect a repetition of the accident at TMI in 1979 in the worst - forget about the moon for a long time."

>> No.7088627

Oh god the humanity...

>> No.7088630


"There's still radiolizny hydrogen is formed, so that if it exploded - it may not yet be lost. And if parotsirkonievaya reaction - then agree, really fucked up."

"remains to hope that the reactor Tama small. only 460 MW.
Sausage is a very small thickness compared with the surrounding structure."

"reactor on the submarine K-320 in the shop candle factory "Red Sormovo accidentally running without coolant vaporized itself in 15 seconds.
yopnulo with hydrogen and special effects for the lovely soul."

>> No.7088646

All those poiples, all those onaholes...

>> No.7088649
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>> No.7088661

BREAKING CNN: New Tsunami warning for Sendai

>> No.7088696
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>> No.7088702

what's the guy sayin on nhk?

>> No.7088709
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>> No.7088721 [DELETED] 

What the fuck, 10k deaths in Miyabi prefecture alone?

>> No.7088725

no kore wa zombie desu ka this week or....?

>> No.7088727

flat ground near the shore plus gigantic tsunami plus people equals people being overwhelmed and swept away

>> No.7088729

I see nothing on CNN

>> No.7088730

Ahh daylights saving hour, getting me back in tune with JTV

>> No.7088734

Guy with short hair just said it.

>> No.7088766

Probably no anime whatsoever this week.

>> No.7088771
File: 266 KB, 640x480, 2ca9951f5a2db3a37e3d5d18b6553d534dab5b54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAARP? Tsunamis? Earthquakes?

Everything that's happened is caused by one thing. Your fear has made it real.

Watch warmly as the radiation begins sucking your blood.

>> No.7088799

Looks like somebody cut back on funding.

>> No.7088804

But they were finally about to express their true feelings on kimi ni todoke...what will I do now...

>> No.7088809

>>Shit has hit the fan. We might be seeing Fallout: New Nippon anytime now.

Translation: I am a flaming idiot and should shut the hell up

>> No.7088833

the situation at the plant is dire. that fucking explosion - well those who live near reactor should run away for smth like 10-500km away as fast as they can

>> No.7088850


>> No.7088876

As of 6 PM today, they said meltdowns could be occurring at two plants.


Reactor 1's radiation level is rising again, and they've declared a "Specific Event" (特定事象) under the Act of Special Measures.

Also, the Earthquake called "Big One" has been upgraded to a 9.0, 9.1 at the highest. Right now there is a lot of buzz about it, but it was anywhere from 8.0 to 9.1.

You're mostly repeating yesterday's information. The situation is still very, very serious. No, Japan is not going to become a game of STALKER, but it is still a bad time.

>> No.7088896


-They are fighting to cool THREE plants
-There may in fact be meltdowns occurring at TWO plants
-An explosion risk still does exist
-When cooling ceased at reactor 6, the water lowered and the rods were exposed.

This coming from Yukio Edano, the chief spokesperson.

>> No.7088903
File: 281 KB, 405x600, endstate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go listen to your CNN or whatever, hamster.

Ok so hear the real situatuion:
Reactor type : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_water_reactor
Found Caesium - thats where funny things begin, this means evrything up to 12 in picrelated are fucked up. Thats where fun begins.

"Hydrogen explosion" is just for TV to keep situation cool on public.

hydrogen is formed as a result of zirconium-steam redox reactions of fuel rods cladding at temperature above 2000 degrees Celsius, which is guaranteed fucked up the reactor core.

>> No.7088908

if they run out of water at reactor 6, evrything will be finished at 15 seconds. puffff and reactor have vaporiezd

>> No.7088913

Don't be an asshole, nobody is saying that's what will happen. Cooling was a large contributor to the problems at the other two plants, which might in fact be melting down right now. The worst case scenario is that more people have to get evacuated and Japan is sent through even more dire economical straits.

>> No.7088927
File: 26 KB, 318x322, oku1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three Mile Island is still functioning (partially) even to this day right? It's all about containment and how Japan can contain the meltdown, if it is delaying the inevitable...

>> No.7088942

No, after a "meltdown" the plant is unusable. I don't know much about three mile island, but I do know that if Japan is going though with their "Just let unlimited sea water in" plan, Those plants will not be useable again, ever.

>> No.7088946

No... the plant will be plenty usable. The reactor core will not, because it will be corroded from the seawater.

>> No.7088950

Well ok fine but you are splitting hairs here.

>> No.7088961
File: 78 KB, 493x344, oku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMI Reactor 2 was the one melted down, but Reactor 1 remains open

in Fukushima's case, they might still use the other cores, assuming those said cores won't decided to join in the meltdown party

>> No.7088967

Three Mile Island had two reactors. Unit 1 is still operating, Unit 2 melted down and was permanently closed.

>> No.7088969

I hate German media so fucking much right now. Everyone is in Chernobyl panic mode.

>> No.7088979

remove German from your sentence and you'll be correct. mass media lives for this shit. there's recovery going on all across the rest of the country and the only thing the media cares about is the power plant. You'd think they could look at something else in the country for a few hours instead of asking experts if the plant is going to explode every five minutes.

>> No.7088986

>0948: Authorities say they think that there wasn't a meltdown at the no 3 reactor - as previously thought - only at the no 1 reactor. See an explainer of meltdown here. In any case, officials are insisting that there is no significant risk to human health at present.

At least the authorities are still in full denial mode.

>> No.7088992
File: 433 KB, 1500x1060, utsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was imagining the guy reading at the press conference glowing green

>> No.7088995

Yeah but Germany is pretty much the most irrational first world nation when it comes to nuclear issues. We added abstination from nuclear energy to our fucking constitution.

>> No.7089003

What does that mean?

>> No.7089007

>At least the authorities are still in full denial mode.

Yeah they are.
radiation levels around the power plant are fucking 1000 times normal


1000 times normal background radiation is like eating a banana every couple hours.
Oh, I guess you're a faggot.

>> No.7089008

Here's basically where things stand (based on the "official" stories), for the 10 total reactors at both "Fukushima" nuclear plants ...

Fukushima Daiichi (aka Fukushima I):
6 Reactors at this site.

* Reactor #1: TEPCO is trying to kill it with Seawater and Boric Acid. <-- This is the one that experienced the "explosion" earlier.
* Reactor #2: "Current reactor water level is lower than normal level".
* Reactor #3: TEPCO is "injecting water containing boric acid" into this one too. <-- This is the one people are talking about also possibly building to an "explosion" like Reactor #1 (above) did.
* Reactor #4: Was shut-down prior to quake, for maintenance/inspections. No reported issues.
* Reactor #5: Was shut-down prior to quake, for maintenance/inspections. No reported issues.
* Reactor #6: Was shut-down prior to quake, for maintenance/inspections. No reported issues.

Fukushima Daini (aka Fukushima II):
4 Reactors at this site.

* Reactor #1: "partial discharge of air containing radioactive materials" being considered to help relieve pressure.
* Reactor #2: "partial discharge of air containing radioactive materials" being considered to help relieve pressure.
* Reactor #3: "partial discharge of air containing radioactive materials" being considered to help relieve pressure.
* Reactor #4: Was shut-down because of quake. No reported issues.

>> No.7089025

So basically a billion dollar cleanup mess at Daiichi #1 and maybe #3 while everything else is fine?

Fucking hysteria.

>> No.7089038

you get more radiation visiting the doctor

>> No.7089056


Because there is a risk of a meltdown explosion at plant one, whose radiation levels are rising again as of 2 PM on Sunday.

>> No.7089069


You were building your case and then discredited yourself in two consecutive words of the same sentence.


>> No.7089071

A meltdown is not the catastrophic disaster you think it is. The radiation leak is negligible.

>> No.7089073

all I know about meltdowns is from playing stalker. it's only bad if the plant catches on fire or starts leaking into the water right?

>> No.7089075
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, 1300009737321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is unsafe.

>> No.7089080

Yes. Both things are virtually impossible with light water reactor designs such as these.

>> No.7089123

Chernobyl was an entirely different beast due to it having a horribly flawed soviet design and poorly trained staff doing a poorly planned experiment they shouldn't have.

Short version: One of the big problems was soviets use graphite as a mediator. US and Japanese reactors use water. Graphite burns, which is what spread radioactive ash over a massive area. It is very hard to burn water. They also had a coolant tank beneath the reactor. When molten uranium burned through the reactor housing and hit the coolant, it cause a huge steam explosion that blasted open the containment building and further scattered material.

With fukushima we're looking at more of a three mile island scenario. Reactor partially or fully melts, possibility of some barely radioactive steam being vented at a place where the prevailing winds carry it out to sea. The reactor will have to be scrapped, with cleanup at the site being a bitch, at a time when Japan could really use all the working plants it can get. But the surrounding area will catch substantially less radiation than a trip to the dentist, and it's not like property values could get any lower considering the tsunami that just came through.

>> No.7089135

New thread?

>> No.7089142

what is the half life of radioactive water?

>> No.7089154

Water doesn't become radioactive in a nuclear plant.

>> No.7089160

What's the autosage limit anyway?

>> No.7089168


>> No.7089171

i am going to need a trustworthy source to confirm what you are saying. otherwise, i either believe your are trolling or are just plain stupid.

>> No.7089181

You could read the wikipedia articles for Chernobyl and Light Water Reactors to start with.

>> No.7089182

You are an idiot. Real life is not a video game or the news.

>> No.7089187

what's this about radioactive steam then?

>> No.7089188

Man, I really feel like playing fallout 3 now. In before fallout: New Tokyo.

>> No.7089205

That's water with small quantities of radioactive substances solved in it. The water itself is not radioactive.

And the quantity of radioactive things released so far is negligible.

>> No.7089227

Fact is: If there is a meltdown, you don't know what will happen. The radioactive substance could spread miles and miles over the inland, and the radiation levels could be life-threatening. What you are doing is just a reactionary backlash on the western media that you hate so much.

>> No.7089233
File: 84 KB, 600x551, Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tons of fallout references already, although it amusing to see japan making pipboys

pic related, it's a delicious radioactive fruit

>> No.7089241

That's the thing though, even if there is was complete meltdown (there won't because of the sea water injection) nothing will happen other than making cleanup of the containment vessel a billion dollar project. What happened at Chernobyl is simply impossible with LWR designs.

>> No.7089246

keep deluding yourself

>> No.7089250

You are very ignorant about how these plants are constructed, go back to growing your organic beans, fucking hippy.

>> No.7089256

The funny part is that I'm reading different stories (not media) where the premise is that the media is in full spinning mode and a full-blown catastrophe is indeed possible.

To tell you truth, I'm inclined to rather not believe some random 4chan brah.

>> No.7089260

haha, oh wow. they are so well constructed, their cores melt, the cooling fails, the fuel pipes burst and the roof explodes!

are you being paid by TEPCO for your posts here?

>> No.7089270

Thanks for pointing out how well they are constructed. Its pretty cool that the cooling systems can completely fail with out turning everyone in to zombies.

>> No.7089482


>> No.7089537

God, this retard here should read up on modern nuclear reactors.

-The containment vessels of the reactors are intact.
-A relatively small amount of radioactive steam was vented in a CONTROLLED release and has already dissipated. Radiation levels around the plant are heightened, but less than what you're subject to inside a coal mine.
-They've given up on #1 and go full seawater on it. This will permanently ruin the reactor (not a big loss, the thing was scheduled for retirement next month).
-The absolute worst case scenario possible here is a repeat of Three Mile Island, a Level 5 event. TMI did not have major radiation releases. It's mostly clean-up at the site itself that's gonna be a bitch.

>> No.7089871


It's a person on all fours. Take a good look. the "o" is the head, the "r" is arms, and the "z" is legs.

Usually used when someone is in depression or they have given up on something.

>> No.7089871,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Nuclear energy doesn't need the smear campaign this is going to instigate against its name.
