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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7084670 No.7084670 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /jp/. Have you ever entertained the idea that this earthquake and tsunami might have been artificially created by HAARP? As everone knows, HAARP is a military structure in Alaska which was built by the US army with the specific purpose of manipulating weather and cause earthquakes at will.
Here's a graph of HAARP's activity in the last days. As you can see, there's a suspicious coincidences between the peaks of activity and the start of Japan's earthquake.

>> No.7084680

Back to >>>/int/, infidel.

>> No.7084679
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you mad jap?

>> No.7084684

Go back to /x/

>captcha: government alise

>> No.7084681

whats haarp

>> No.7084685

Revenge for Pearl harbor!

>> No.7084686

Who cares? this board isn't about japan, this board is about touhou and visual novels

>> No.7084687
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>> No.7084688


HAARP is a program which houses a facility in Alaska to measure some atmospheric data...something involving magnets.

Idiots like the OP believe that it's a weather control device.

>> No.7084693

I'd think if the United States was going to earthquake someone to death, it would be Ahmadinejad and not one of their allies.

>> No.7084695


If it's really true, WHY would they want to destroy a country and its people?

>> No.7084696
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OP, it looks like you would take a liking to aluminum foil crafts. I, for one, think that you should make an entire business suit out of aluminum foil so that you can wear it at all times. It suits you so well. It's your life goal to wear a masterfully crafted aluminum foil suit. Do it.

>> No.7084697


>> No.7084698

No, it was caused by Project DESTINI.

>> No.7084713

Good idea. The LAHZERZ Initiative can't track you if you are wearing tin foil.

>> No.7084715

:ets say OP may be on to something. Why would America target Japan? Doesn't the US have bigger fish to fry right now?

Are Americans still pissed over Pearl Harbor?

>> No.7084731 [SPOILER] 
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We all know what was really responsible for this disaster....

>> No.7084733

The words PEARL HARBOR ring a bell?

>> No.7084744


>Are Americans still pissed over Pearl Harbor?

If it's that, they are massive faggots.
It was war at that time.

>> No.7084741

>Pearl Harbor
Hmm, good point. Revenge is a dish best served cold, after all. A brilliant strategy, invest hundreds of billions of dollars into rebuilding them as a strategic ally and then, once they are on top of their game and suspect it the least, BLAST THEM WITH AN EARTHQUAKE MACHINE.

>> No.7084746

dude, we fucking nuked them twice. they attacked a military base, we nuked civilians.

>> No.7084748

>it was war at the time
I think what they would be angry about was that it WASNT war at the time.

>> No.7084750


We repaid that with two nukes, an occupation, and entertainment importing. We're responsible for anime, as awful as that is.

Also, the nukes weakened the Hakurei border...so yeah.

>> No.7084754


>Killing people who had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor

My, America has a wonderful strategy.

>> No.7084764

My biting satire seems to have been lost on you.

>> No.7084766


So? Most people alive today weren't even born then. Most of their parents and grandparents weren't even born then either. And even if you were indeed alive then and old enough to want revenge, well, guess what - maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but you kicked their asses like nobody has ever gotten their asses kicked before or since and won the war.

Long story made short, if you seriously bring up Pearl Harbor in connection with anything that happens today, you're just plain dumb.

>> No.7084769
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>Pearl Harbor December 7 1941
>WW2 September 1939~September 1945

>> No.7084772

US wasn't at war at the time.

>> No.7084781

The United States and Japan were not at war. It was a surprise attack by the Axis powers on a neutral nation. Lern2history.

>> No.7084784

Reminds me of a picture I've seen being posted here and there with some dumb hicks posting things on Facebook along the lines of:

"Why are people praying for Japan? Don't they remember Pearl Harbor?"

"Haha divine retribution Japan!"

"2 words Japan, Pearl Harbor!"

>> No.7084789

>world war
>america not part of world

>> No.7084794

This is so stupid my head is hurting.

>> No.7084796 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Madoka10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We figure it out.
Madoka became a witch and blew up off Japan's coast

>> No.7084797 [DELETED] 


SOME dumb hicks? A good 85% of FB status are like LOL JAPAN 2 BAD 4 U KEKEKEKKKE

WWIII comin' right up

>> No.7084800
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>> No.7084813

Refute it if you can.

>> No.7084828
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>> No.7084833
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>> No.7084837 [DELETED] 

Japan did 911 and killed 6 mil jews, God did this to them in return.

>> No.7084842

Not done by HAARP because there is no reason to do so. The US can play the NK threat in order to get political support in Japan for the US which means prolonged military stations within the isles of Japan for the US.

That also means that the opposition can be 'get rid off' because the major japanese power houses won't even dear to double-play the US. The public is too stupid to understand the meta game, which is the reason for the constant 'regime' changes in Japanese politics

>> No.7084855

Is that supposed to be English you are speaking?
Your post is false PROVE ME WRONG

>> No.7084859

Japan had it coming for nuking Pearl Harbor.

>> No.7084860


Not done by HAARP because a fucking research installation designed to measure the ionosphere isn't equipped to manipulate such a chaotic system as Earth's tectonic or weather patterns. Nothing can possibly do that.

>> No.7084867
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Cool category error, bro

>> No.7084869

Not even going to bother. Enjoy stewing in ignorance about historical context.

>> No.7084874


There is no commonly accepted definition of what exactly is a "world war" - the closest definition is when a war is fought across multiple continents involving at least one country from each, but it's largely subjective. In either case it's a pointless argument since the term is applied after the conflict ceases and isn't even a universally accepted term everywhere.

The US was a "neutral" power at the time since they had not openly sided with either side, and openly expressed intentions to remain neutral. However at the time they were also providing harbours for allied warships in the Atlantic, so said "neutrality" was a bit of a sham.

>> No.7084875

HAARP does not cause the earthquakes, it only predicts them.

>> No.7084881


>> No.7084883

everyone knows the earthquake was created by ancient technology at the south pole

>> No.7084895
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Is that so, Sherlock?

>> No.7084901

Last Battalion, why you do this?

>> No.7084908
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Tell me more OP!

>> No.7084929

In fact it's not but I'm not gonna argue that. By the way, the US has already confirmed to be able to manipulate the weather for warfare. That's also the reason why international treaties have been signed several years ago to ban weather manipulation warfare [in 1997: "ban of military or other hostile useof environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects"].

>> No.7084948

If I chuck thousands of tons of ash into the atmosphere its going to disrupt the weather systems. That doesn't mean that that I can control it. And those treaties were mostly speculative.

>> No.7084956

Also HAARP has been a topic in the European Parliament in 1998 when the Swedish MEP Maj Britt Theorin concluded:

"Considers HAARP by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body...; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration... to give evidence to the public hearing into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program."

>> No.7084966

Not even a real country.

>> No.7084976


Here some tidbits, ordered by publication date

>> No.7084978

9/11 was done by UVB-76

>> No.7084981

Hurts, bro.

>> No.7084985

Except the stupidity of the European Parliament makes even the United Nations General Assembly look like an intellectual and respectful body in comparison.

>> No.7084994


Säg det där en gång till om du vå-

>Maj Britt Theorin

Nevermind, carry on.

>> No.7084997

So everybody is stupid because [...] does not exist which is based on the principle that [MY_TELEVISUN] has not reported on it.

Anyways, just to make stuff clear, I doubt they are as advanced to fucking trigger a quake nor do I believe this shit is related to Japan.

>> No.7085013


>> No.7085044
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>While serving on the Swedish parliament for the Social Democratic party, she proposed in the mid 80s that private ownership of satellite dishes be prohibited in Sweden.[2] The intention was to stop Swedish citizen from watching commercial television channels from abroad and thus preserve the Swedish state television media monopoly.
Huh. Thanks Wikipedia, I have learned something today.

>> No.7085074

>Social Democratic party
Usually that means she's right and everybody else is wrong. In Europe that is.

However, as an individual there's really nothing wrong regulating alien satellite feeds due to their propaganda and social re-programming capabilites

>> No.7085101

You know what the even bigger issue is for know? Monsanto and their family bastards. Remember when Hollywood made the whole world fear the bio-chemical industry? Even though that's like the old world and the current world is centered about bio-engineering aka the creation of new artificial biological life-forms 'to benefit humankind'. Shit is so advanced that even you should have heard about it on TV!

One fucking miscalculation and shit is out in the wild. Protip: There won't be any eraser software for your windoze systems.

>> No.7085167
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And as we all know, the explosions in the nuclear plant were actually caused by SUPER THERMITE PAINT.

>> No.7085169

This is gods punishment for Pearl Harbor

>> No.7085171
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Pseudoscience everywhere.
