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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 364x97, canvas-beta-logo-medium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7072613 No.7072613 [Reply] [Original]

moot's new site.


>> No.7072620

pastel colors

>> No.7072622

this is gonna be sooo epic

>> No.7072629

Proof that he's full of shitty ideas and that people should be physically stopped from investing money in the site.

>> No.7072631


>> No.7072627

moot confirmed for normalfag

>> No.7072634
File: 41 KB, 704x480, 1299485680960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072637


Fits the bill.

>> No.7072650

I signed up for beta (I was curious, I admit) and got invitation.
Then I realised I needed a facebook account to log in. But I had some facebook account that I used for free mousepads with toohoo.
So I used it to log in and all I can it's even worse shit than I thought it would be. Some kind of mutant between photobucket and those meme generator sites. Someone posts a meme image like "Why can't I hold all those limes?" and then people reply to it with variations of that image. You can post anonymously or with your username. Site was full of kids from /b/ and hipsters so I just spammed some toohoo porn (site is SFW) and never visited that site again.

>> No.7072666

oh man it's sad when I also made a facebook for the sole purpose of getting a mousepad too ;_;

>> No.7072672

*posts LOL sticker*

>> No.7072678
File: 24 KB, 221x314, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like moot has no idea he's popular because he runs a nsfw site for 13 year olds.

>> No.7072680

I got into the closed beta. Looking all-right, actually. You don't have to use facebook connect and you can post anonymously. Although you can be sure that it'll be facebookfag heaven once it opens for everybody.

>> No.7072686

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that shit.
You have some kind of rate system with stickers (LOL sticker, happy sticker, sad sticker, etc) Perfect for kids!

>> No.7072692

Old news?

It's already kind of dried up. 4chan is too much of a distinct culture of it's own for it collectively to migrate somewhere else. I'm sure a lot of faggots from /soc/, /b/, /r9k/ and other boards maybe went but over all the site actually has no use. 4chan creates discussion - often very intellectual despite how mundane the topics are - but Canv.as is just a shitty site for people to Photoshop shit.

>> No.7072695

>Flag hate speech for moderators.

I got banned because I posted that the site is shit in some random "canv.as is soo00o awesum11!111" thread.

Now they even have stickers so that cocksuckers can report that shit.

>> No.7072702

i think exactly the same, but /r9k/ is gone good sir.

>> No.7072705
File: 41 KB, 281x432, autism18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs Ura-On! stickers.

>> No.7072708
File: 872 KB, 776x2231, canv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like normalfag garbage. Perfect for moot

>> No.7072713

Pretty much. He can't even run this site competently anymore

>> No.7072720

> anymore
w w w

>> No.7072722

>w w w

>> No.7072729

So no new tools have been implemented since beta launch? Nothing new? Still one board of the image remixes?

>> No.7072732

Impossible! Moot is the king of originality and innovation!

>> No.7072743
File: 8 KB, 400x533, 17097210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't understand this website. Is there any room for discussion or is it just posting stupid pictures?"

>posted a message
>"Write something!" at the bottom of the page
>"Is there any room for discussion?"
>my face

>> No.7072747

In my opinion, Moot is too obsessed with Original Content. He got all buttravaged over /r9k/ not being an OC factory, then canvas, which is nothing but a half assed photoshop for retards. Personally, I place more value in the inane discussions of shit we overlook in our daily lives, and, of course, the things we wouldn't discuss if it weren't for anonymity than the precious OC that mootles keeps chasing.

>> No.7072749
File: 223 KB, 1277x723, three_girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan creates discussion - often very intellectual despite how mundane the topics are -
>often very intellectual
Are we even browsing the same site?

>> No.7072750

>my face

Hopefully you start posting there

>> No.7072752

Soon, the normalfags of 4chan will migrate to canv.as, and we who are left behind will be free once more!

>> No.7072754


>> No.7072756

A. No, that will never happen

B. It does happen, and moot gets rid of 4chan because normalfags are the only people he cares about anymore (/b/ is his favorite board after all)

>> No.7072757

Aside from the horrible layout and somehow worse userbase, isn't this just one of the Oekaki boards?

>> No.7072758

I doubt we'll have an exodus. A lot of the immature posters here are just here to troll, repost, and be INTERNET-COOL.

>> No.7072759

>/b/ is his favorite board after all
I thought that was /soc/

>> No.7072761
File: 183 KB, 400x400, 5642c4eb8669fe574b9f68529a68f7fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into canv.as and I even have an invite.

It's basically /b/ thats sfw. It's all /b/ level humor and you see people saying epic lulz everywhere.

It's shit.

>> No.7072762
File: 335 KB, 870x400, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072768

Not really, I mean, he has expressed his distaste in shitposters and spammers before. And who can blame him for not giving a fuck about people being normalfags, it's not as if being a NEET is some sort of admirable social-status every SUPER-DEDICATED 4chan poster should strive for.

I don't understand why people are flaming him for that, it was pretty effective in getting all that shit cluttering up the other boards.

>> No.7072771


wow the last sentences of your post are an accuratte depiciton of what was 4chan!!!

>> No.7072772

Now I have to play Material Sniper again you dumb bastard

>> No.7072774
File: 370 KB, 750x1000, 22dc44920bbf0bd0820003245c571fe6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072776

To moot, a "shitposter" is someone who posts about anime and touhou. He's just fine (and encourages) with what we would call shitposting, as you can see here


>> No.7072778

But 4chan is the place where intelligent people come to act like retards! Or so it was.

Anyway, I can see the scheme behind the things:
-unknown third party made moot believe that this is going to work
-moot takes out loans.
-canv.as fails
-moot goes bankrupt
-4chan dies, now eternally
-unknown third party and JIDF wins

>> No.7072779
File: 118 KB, 491x600, 1299027770007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has expressed his distaste in shitposters and spammers before

And yet has advocated many a raid and trolling upon /jp/ with his puddi bullshit

moot is a titanic normalfag dickjuggling thunderfaggot who inhales cocks through the ass.

>> No.7072783
File: 590 KB, 600x800, 1293411473550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072786

People are flaming him because he didn't just ban them all.

Admittedly, giving them their own place to shit up is a good alternative, but then again, nobody outside of /b/ gave a shit about them in the first place because the normalfags never really posted that garbage outside of /b/ to begin with.

>> No.7072787

He also drove away our last janitor because he was doing his job of deleting raid shit and ruining moot's fun

>> No.7072795
File: 74 KB, 604x417, nothing of value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-4chan dies, now eternally

>> No.7072794


>> No.7072792

He created this board as a catch-all for things not-/a/. It's not as if he cares about us.

>> No.7072793

May Meido rest in peace.

>> No.7072798
File: 409 KB, 800x600, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meetups aren't all that bad!

>> No.7072802

Banning them all with the limited amount of moderators we have now would be impossible. And there was a considerable amount of that shit on /r9k/, /v/, and /a/. And even /b/ was starting to sagebomb those threads. And also think how much time they spared in moderation by quarantining the problem instead of individually banning each poster. And anyways, it won't spread nearly as fast if it's not in contact with /b/.

>> No.7072804
File: 47 KB, 511x383, ANOVWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the tears of /b/tards will be amusing.

>> No.7072815

Facebook will be flooded with tears

>> No.7072818

I can picture it, several hijacked fed-ex trucks filled with pizzas and hookers rolling up to moots house.

>> No.7072832

If 4chan died I would sort of miss /jp/, but it's been so filled with /b/ shit the last few months (THANKS MOOT!) that I wouldn't miss it too much

>> No.7072836

I always thought of /b/ as 4chan's quarantine, but /soc/ seems more deserving of it. HEY GUYS RATE MY DICK. Though, sometimes I wonder if /soc/ is proof of what 4chan has become.

>> No.7072842

Well, he could have always pulled off what he did with /fur/. Open /soc/, let it ferment for a couple of days, then permaban anyone who posted there. Sure, people can always reset their IP address, but I doubt the majority of people who go on /soc/ are even remotely computer literate, and thus wouldn't be able to pull it off.

>> No.7072847

Oh man, that's the first thing I thought when moot first announced /soc/. It would be kind of nice, although judging by the time it's been active I doubt it. But it would really be hilarious to see so many shitty posters wipped out in a single strike.

>> No.7072853

Today's moot is just as likely to do that to /jp/.

>> No.7072855

If he did he would kill my only reason for coming here anymore so whatever

>> No.7072859

Hmm, not today's /jp/ though maybe the pedo /jp/ from two years ago.

>> No.7072860

Seeing how he did that "everybody point and laugh at /jp/!" thing, I wouldn't be too surprised. But he's always been a bit too relaxed about banning people, so he'd probably never do that.

>> No.7072944
File: 389 KB, 1280x938, canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a normal screen on canvas.

Its trash.

>> No.7072961

I've always wondered why we attract so much attention from other boards. The only "foreign activity" of /jp/ that I can think of is the occasional touhou being posted at /tg/ and they don't hate us for it (though many dislike anything japanese).

>> No.7072965
File: 168 KB, 600x600, 1298100912390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7072971
File: 50 KB, 627x620, 1298430934880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy that i'm not the type that likes shit like this

>> No.7072976

Wow, even though this game is a flash game, it is surprisingly good
Anyone knows when the full version is coming out?

>> No.7072978

The chick in the middle is kinda hot.

>> No.7072981

>I've always wondered why we attract so much attention from other boards.
One of the few times I went to /a/ one visual novel thread was full of people saying they regularly come here to check VNTL status threads.
/v/ guys have also managed to shoehorn MMO threads here.

>> No.7073024

I understand he wants to make a profitable 4chan but what's with the stickers?

>> No.7073030

You can rate peoples comments or pictures. The only good thing about it is that you can downrate threads so you can make people feel bad but I don't think it does anything.

>> No.7073048

Oh my god. The face/b/ook crowd (moot's people) is going to love the fuck out of it

>> No.7073052

What is up with the cookies?

>> No.7073057

soooo random xD

>> No.7073058

It's randum XDDDDDD

>> No.7073061

I expect a monkey sticker and a cheese sticker soon

>> No.7073065
File: 10 KB, 100x48, lol wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7073123

That's pretty horribl-
>scissors mspaint comic
I am easily amused.

>> No.7073129
File: 207 KB, 600x848, 1298522452770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot's a shameless opportunist, just like any other "web developer"

I mean, just consider that term "web" "developer" for a sec.

- The "web" site and "web" browser : something made up by two britshits, that the british-led eurocentric powers-that-be just arbitrarily decided was going to be the primary model for all future internet use.
- A "developer" for the "web" : some guy trying to be a Donald Trump for "cyber" (make-pretend) real-estate.

So a wanna-be Donald Trump for a "place" that only exists as a really dense kind of social confabulation. Go figure we get folks like our own moot, kimmo (who is exactly like moot except that he's also really really REALLY dumb and swedish), as well as the gaia creep and the facebook creep.

>> No.7073154

In a way canvas is a streamlined logical evolution of 4chan's /b/ style of mass repetition of memes is.
It's not the improved 4chan I expected but at least it'll indirectly help us.

>> No.7073158

I thought scissors comic was pretty funny

>> No.7073217

I liked the scissors comic.

>> No.7073252


You might also enjoy: /b/

>> No.7073260

Yeah when it was first announced I thought it was going to be a "web 2.0" version of 4chan. I'm just kind of surprised by the result, I wasn't expecting this.

>> No.7073270

Great. Another shitty social network to avoid.

... I want that sweater, though.

>> No.7073295

i run a dildo store and a children's bookstore on the same server.

i doubt the userbase of either have anything to do with each other.

>> No.7073302

>so he'd probably never do that.
He made a sticky on /jp/ that had absolutely no purpose and did a thread ban.

>> No.7073308

Didn't mean to bump, sorry guys.

>> No.7073321

Until you accidentally add a webpage in the wrong directory.

>> No.7073325

I liked the comic with the scissors too.
Sure, most of it seems to be blatant attention whoring for stickers but that doesn't mean there can't something funny in there from time to time.
In fact I'm sure /b/ has a few gems from time to time, too. It's just not worth it wading through all the terrible crap. Sadly, I'm starting to feel the same way about /jp/.

>> No.7073334

I don't know why you're bitching so hard about /soc/, it's exactly what it says on the tin. Camwhores and shit. I once stumbled across a thread of girls reenacting bad sex scripts on Vocaroo, the voice of this one Canadian girl was amazing. Worth checking it out just for that.

I'd lurk it more often if it wasn't for all the dick pics.

>> No.7073337

Somehow I doubt that, for several reasons. You being on /jp/, for one.

>> No.7073341

What's the time frame on the launch date?
What sort of moderation does occur there?

>> No.7073345

That's precisely the sort of stuff we don't want around here.

>> No.7073354

Wow, that sounds pretty awesome. I'm jealous.

>> No.7073355

What's the difference between a Canadian girl acting out a shitty porn script and an Onichan CD, really?

I wouldn't want those people posting here, but I don't see anything wrong with giving them their own space. Every community can be at least a little interesting if viewed from the right angle.
