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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 346x432, Bernkastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7070453 No.7070453 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ have this?

>> No.7070455

It was established many, many months ago /jp/ is gifted with such mental prowess.

>> No.7070459

cat is ballin'

>> No.7070461

/jp/ would be the strongest Newtype

>> No.7070460

The power of autism

>> No.7070465

How can I tell?

>> No.7070471

I believe that some people actually have it and some simply convinced themselves they don't like and don't want social interaction after failing at it because of some other unrelated issue.
Those people know it, but don't want to admit it.

>> No.7070477
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I have, like, ten self-diagnosed mental illnesses.

I'm a mess.

>> No.7070486




>> No.7070493
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>> No.7070512

Where the hell are these images even from? Someone on /a/ just decided to have fun with an illustration program?

>> No.7070524
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, Uraon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K-ON specials. KyoAni expended all of their budget on the main series so this is all they had left to work with.

>> No.7070529

KyoAni had a budget?

>> No.7070537

As much as people like to shit on KyoAni, the one thing they do have is a budget.

>> No.7070545


Disorganized schizophrenic reporting in!

>> No.7070589

Can you go to Gensokyo with this? If so, how do I get this?

>> No.7070617
File: 75 KB, 800x800, 1281728720176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here /jp/ have my whole diagnosis:

Schizoid Personality Disorder with Paranoid Features
Social Phobia
Social Isolation, Academic Problems, Discord with teachers and classmates, Death of biological father, Childhood history of physical and emotional abuse

>> No.7070623

of course.
99% replies in /jp/ are done by my other personalities.

>> No.7070626


Geez, dude. I feel sorry for you. I think the best thing you can probably do is get of /jp/ forever (or at least limit your time here severely), and join a martial arts school to build up your self-confidence and people skills.

>> No.7070630

Those like you are my personalities you piece of shit.

>> No.7070649
File: 38 KB, 440x439, ITCOCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a normalfriend or something? My mental health troubles are relatively tame compared to the average /jp/er... aren't they?

>> No.7070671

You make it sound like having mental problems is okay, as long as it's not that bad. You should strive to not have any mental problems at all.

>> No.7070675


Damn, that's a lot of stuff right there. I haven't been diagnosed with anything but depression.

>> No.7070693
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Here I am thinking that social isolation was typical, welcomed /jp/ behavior. I need to lurk more.

>> No.7070707

I believe he was sarcastic.

>> No.7070719

God damn it.

>> No.7070752


No, I wasn't.

>> No.7070763

I don't. I just like being alone. Everything doesn't have to be personality disorder or mental problem.

>> No.7070773

>You should strive to not have any mental problems at all.

That's debatable. Some mental disorders are welcome and somewhat comforting. Don't care to do much besides whatever keeps you entertained in your own little world? Blame a mental disorder. It lets you keep doing what you're doing and reassures your parents that yes, there is indeed something wrong with their child. I'm fine with my disorderly life like it is. If my parents had a problem with it I think they'd let me know. To them, the years of anti-social behavior, no girlfriend or really close friends and never really laughing or smiling all makes sense to them now. As far as I know I'm not hurting anybody.

>> No.7070791
File: 302 KB, 1440x810, is dis nigga serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not anti-social, i just like compleatly different things than 99% of the other people in amaerica, and

>pic related

is ussually what happens when bring up my hobbies.

>> No.7070840
File: 72 KB, 587x578, WAWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anti-social

>> No.7070855

Personality Disorders? You gotta be kidding me, these aren't even Mental Disorders.
Are you telling me, that by someone's personality, you can tell that someone has a disorder? That's so fucked. Never, Ever do those questionnaires that they give you at the doctor. They'll find a personality disorder you fit into, and lock you up, calling you crazy.

>> No.7070865

Can I access the internet?

>> No.7070869


Except under normal diagnostic procedure, social withdrawal is seen as a debilitating symptom so everyone here on /jp/ that likes to be alone with their animu is very much more likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness.

Also, all mental illnesses are not 100% biological in nature. If it were, then 100% of all identical twins would both be diagnosed psychotic when either was diagnosed (which is not to case); showing that hereditary factors are not very strong. Some of the changes in brain structure are a result of the cause, not the cause itself (and the cause itself is unknown, but likely a factor of environmental stresses and some biological influence), as can be seen when comparing the above identical twins.

So very much a lot of it is based on beliefs. Unless you turned to otakuism as an escape mechanism to avoid social situations, then you've problably chosen to "be" otaku from enjoyal and, as a result of this choice, withdrawn yourself from the social.

Those of the latter case made a choice and should live it with it. The same goes for those of the former case (choosing these hobbies as an escape mechanism rather than dealing with the problems you have face on). Both can be treated with CBT so long as you're truthful about your hobbies and your current social status (ie. I have no real friends).

You're smart enough to discuss and debate things, you're intellectual enough to reflect on your actions, you'll benefit from therapy. The more severe sufferers of psychoses aren't able to reason or think intellectually. You guys have it good. You have the ability to be 'cured'. You just aint choosin' it (and I believe this is because you want sympathy from places such as these; eg. malingering).

>> No.7070872


> doesn't know what "disorder" means

>> No.7070882


What's CBT?

>> No.7070899
File: 1.18 MB, 200x147, 1299723717412.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental illness thread
I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.7070907

>Discord with teachers and classmates, Death of >biological father, Childhood history of physical >and emotional abuse.

Is that really in your diagnosis. I don't see it listed in any of the axes in the DSM text revision.

But anyway, child abuse is really quite common, some studies showing prevalence rates of 30% in America. It's around 10 - 15% in the UK.

Discord with teachers and classmates is even more prevalent and I wouldn't see why they would include it in a psychological diagnosis; half can be seen as symptoms and the other (child abuse) has not been significantly shown to result in psychoses (I was sent to a mental institution for a month because of quarrels with teachers, I was also abused as a child and have lived all my life with no friends or human contact; I was not diagnosed and I have never sought a diagnosis since then).

Social phobia and social anxiety is very much treatable; try asking for systematic desensitization at your next visit to the GP but, if your case is not serious and seeing as it is a result of your schizoid diagnosis, you are unlikely to be treated for it unless referred to a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist.

I must ask, who diagnosed you? Whoever did seems to have made a rather risky diagnosis (inexperienced?), possibly taking the DSM-IV or ICD-10 and running with it face value. Did whomever diagnosed you use a structured interview? Did you tell the truth?

And are you being treated?

>> No.7070913

Mental illnesses should never be used as an excuse. Nobody should want an illness just so they can say "ah I'm feeling sad today because of my depression" as opposed to "I'm feeling sad today because I'm completely alone and haven't spoken to anyone in five weeks". Don't use it as an excuse as I've seen so many times before.

"I don't have any friends because I'm schizoid, and I feel sad because I'm depressed". Or do you not have any friends because you want to indulge in otaku hobbies, and as a result of this you feel sad from the lack of human contact. To be a true sufferer and to be a true otaku is to live through it all silently. Don't publicise these facts to make excuses for yourself and don't seek a diagnosis to try and fit in or for sympathy (or to assert yourself as more 'worthy' in these obscure interests).

Suffer silently, /jp/.

>> No.7070917

Cognitive behavioral therapy.

>Is that really in your diagnosis. I don't see it listed in any of the axes in the DSM text revision.
Stuff like that is often listed under Axis IV.

>> No.7070926

Why do I want to indulge in otaku hobbies? I always thought it was because I'm trying to escape from reality where I have no friends. Also, there are plenty of people who indulge in "otaku" hobbies, but have social lives. Why am I so different from them, if it's not because of my mental illness?

>> No.7070941


>Suffer silently, /jp/.

Goddamn it, bro. You want us just to be like this, huh? Oh sure, mental illness should not be used as an excuse but what's this? Allow me to sperg out, because I didn't like this statement. My psychiatrist diagnosed me with a pouch of disorders and I'm taking a handful of pills everyday, I'm not bitching about my disorders in real life either. But goddamn it, "suffering in silence"?! That's implying something, bro. The first one is, it's like we're still making otakuism some sort of vampire social club or something, you get me? The second is like we are wanting this for ourselves. Nobody wants to suffer like this. The reason why we all headed for /jp/ is because we wanted to fit in, admit it or not.

Yes, I'm mad. Really mad.

>> No.7070945

So the DSM also includes history related factors that may not be a result or symptom of the supposed illness?

And they actually include Axis IV elements in a diagnosis?

As far as I've been told, clinicians don't regularly use the DSM-IV other than when patients want to claim insurance. It's viewed as being too broad and shallow with its categorical approach since new evidence supports the idea of a multi-dimensional approach to these illnesses.

My main problem here is the misconceptions over what an illness is. It's not written in stone and most of the terms used are umbrellas that encompass a wide range of 'disorders' that are similar only in symptomology. The pathology of these disorders is very varied (which is why not everyone responds to treatment) and you could very well be diagnosed based on 'symptoms' that have no underlying aetiology.

Moreover, anything not seen as 'normal' in society is likely to be classed as a symptom or dysfunction. Most of the personality disorders aren't really illnesses in the traditional sense but categorisations to put people in that deviate from normal behaviour. Rather than saying it is a sociological problem the shrinks want to say it's psychological (and an illness; although they 'acknowledge' the influence of social factors) so they get the money to research and treat it. So they get more power.

>> No.7070949

I dunno.Maybe.
Whenever I ask my other self about this he keeps saying that he is probally just something I imagine to feel less lonely and to deal with my daily life in a awesome way.

>> No.7070957


Because there are many people like you that have not been diagnosed and do not seek diagnosis. Are they mentally ill when they have the exact same situation as yourself, and very similar life experiences? Or are they just better able to cope and handle it.

True (severe) schizoids don't stay on imageboards and respond to people. You won't see a schizoid go on a forum, use IRC, or even seek relationships with girls in visual novels. Modern psychologists have yet to take into account the fact that social gratification can be obtained from other means.

You say you resort to it as an escape. Does that mean if you had friends, you wouldn't resort to otaku hobbies?

Using it as an escape also implies that such activities alleviate your symptoms. Which either means alleviating depression, apathy, or anxiety and, if that is the case, this does imply that with no reason to escape you would not be here.

So why don't you go get yourself no reason to escape. Why don't you change your life circumstances instead of accepting/conforming to that which you have been diagnosed (assuming the stereotype and sticking to that role).

>> No.7070958

True schizoids don't care about talking to people on the internet! Or being in relationships with little girls!

That isn't /jp/.

>> No.7070965

Yeah but the pills need to be accompanied by an effort to change behaviour. If you go on /jp/ and talk about your illnesses to fit in with other psychotics then you aren't going to get better; the pills will reduce some of your sadness but overall, you aren't going to change or recover much.

So if you have social anxiety and you get scared when you talk to people or have a panic attack, then the pills are meant to reduce or prevent the attacks/anxiety from happening. Which means you should be able to talk to people in real life with no more anxiety; so you can make friends. But you aren't doing that you're on /jp/ continuing your avoidant behaviour even though you have the pills to treat your fears in the first place.

Needs therapy, man.

>> No.7070976

>So the DSM also includes history related factors that may not be a result or symptom of the supposed illness?
They list them as possible contributing factors to the person's diagnosis or overall current mental health state, because those are important to keep in mind during treatment. It's technically part of the diagnosis but not really considered part of it in the same way the first two axes are.

>As far as I've been told, clinicians don't regularly use the DSM-IV other than when patients want to claim insurance. It's viewed as being too broad and shallow with its categorical approach since new evidence supports the idea of a multi-dimensional approach to these illnesses.
That's mostly true. Where I work we don't really pay much attention to diagnoses and focus mostly on specific symptoms/behaviors and treatment goals.

>Moreover, anything not seen as 'normal' in society is likely to be classed as a symptom or dysfunction.
You seem to have some misconceptions about mental illness as well. The behaviors of someone who isn't normal may very likely align with the symptoms of different mental illnesses, but those behaviors have to reach a certain level of severity to be symptoms of an actual disorder. They have to prevent someone from living their daily life, cause them significant distress, pose a danger to others, etc. Simply being weird doesn't cut it.

Psychology has long recognized that it's normal to be abnormal. It's mostly people outside the field who misunderstand it and make claims that anything abnormal is considered a disorder.

>> No.7070986
File: 9 KB, 320x240, PEEEEEELZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7070987

If they able to handle it better, there should be reason for it. For example, I have social anxiety, but they don't. If you don't agree, suggest a better reason.
I don't consider myself a schizoid, avoidant personality disorder description fits me though. However, I can't go to clinic to be diagnosed, because I'm scared of going there.
I see no connection between having "otaku" hobbies and being social outcast, it's you who brought it up for some reason.
If I could change anything, I would do it already. I haven't. That's because my illness doesn't' allow me. There was never any choice. Free will is a lie.

>> No.7070989


You're half-wrong, half-right, man. You were right when you said this ain't gonna earn me friends. You were wrong when you said I take pills because I am afraid of people. I'm not too scared of people. In fact, I hate them. I hate their guts. I hate the shit they do. I hate their fucking acts. All the bullshit they have behind my back. And I want to change that. The pills are for suppressing my urges of rebellion. You guessed it right, I'm not on my pills right now.

Yeah, yeah. Some of you here might say I'm acting like /jp/ is my blog, like I'm a wannabe edgy kid. And do you know what I feel with my pills in? All the anger and suspicion is gone. That's it. But guess what, I still can't interact with people. Why? Because that's the time I'm afraid of pissing them off.

Maybe this is the reason why I'm posting here right now at /jp/, because I'm hopeless either way.

BRB, I'm off to take >>7070986.

>> No.7071002

Free will may not exist (for obvious physical considerations), but that doesn't mean you can't do whatever you want, you just don't control what you want. Why are you scared of going to the clinic?

My own viewpoint regarding this subject is that I recognize neurological illnesses and to a lesser degree some chemical imbalances which are either caused by environmental factors or epigenetic ones.

I don't think "personality disorders" are illnesses at all, at least as long as they are not the result of some underlying neurological illness or underlying chemical imbalance, they're more like people choosing a different lifestyle for a variety of reasons (conscious decision or unconscious decision which is then later rationalized) and these other lifestyles/choices are not the most common ones in society. Labeling such things as disorders seems extreme to me and chances are most people would fit within some of them. Being perfectly normal is very unusual. Being averagely normal (most things being normal, while others not so much) is more common. I tend to think that such "diseases" can be solved by a person thinking harder about themselves and what they want to do next.

>> No.7071004

I was diagnosed with clinical depression and severe generalized anxiety disorder at 14. When I told my therapist I thought I had Schizoid personality disorder he basically said "everyone has some type of personality disorder on a bad day."

If enjoying being alone, having a rich inner life and not being real interest in sex outside of pleasuring myself is a disorder, I don't really give a shit. It seems slightly more sane to me than what the majority of people carry on with in their lives. That is being concerned with their worth to society and suppressing themselves so people don't hate them.

>> No.7071006

>reductio ad absurdum

>> No.7071083

/jp/, you guys seriously need help. Go outside and join some sort of social club or something. Your lack of socialization is the root cause of all your depression and social phobia.

>> No.7071089

>Your depression and social phobia is the root cause of your depression and social phobia.

I know, ain't it great?

>> No.7071091


/jp/ has this

>Hypersensitivity to criticism or rejection
>Self-imposed social isolation
>Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though feels a strong desire for close relationships
>Avoids physical contact because it has been associated with an unpleasant or painful stimulus
>Avoids interpersonal relationships
>Feelings of inadequacy
>Severe low self-esteem
>Mistrust of others
>Emotional distancing related to intimacy
>Highly self-conscious
>Self-critical about their problems relating to others
>Problems in occupational functioning
>Lonely self-perception, although others may find the relationship with them meaningful
>Feeling inferior to others
>In some more extreme cases — agoraphobia
>Utilizes fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts

>> No.7071096

>Utilizes fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts

oh dear

>> No.7071100

Haha, yeah.

All I want is to hug someone and be cute but I am far too terrified so willfully destroy my dreams all the time.

>> No.7071105

Do you really think /jp/sies are depressed or wouldn't be able to handle themselves in a social situation? I'd bet a lot of them choose their lifestyles out of their own will, not because they're depressed or can't handle social situations. It goes something along these lines:
Hikki ⊆ NEET ⊆ /jp/
Hikki ∩ NEET ≠ ∅
NEET ∩ /jp/ ≠ ∅
In simpeler terms, not all NEET's are Hikki's.

>> No.7071110

I've self-diagnosed myself with too much bullshit whenever I lurk Wikipedia. I think I should maybe talk to someone about it, but I fear just how correct I would be.

On the other hand, I noticed I feel better overall when I stay away from 4chan.

Here I am now, though. Shit.

>> No.7071113

>Hikki ⊆ NEET ⊆ /jp/

Because every hikikomori and NEET of planet Earth is definitely /jp/ poster.

>> No.7071114

Sorry about that, I meant our local NEETs and Hikkis.

>> No.7071118

>attempting to sound intelligent with set theory
>implying all Hikki and NEET are /jp/ participants in the first line

>> No.7071121

See >>7071114
I should have defined the sets better.

>> No.7071127

everything from schizoid and avoidant all apply to me

>> No.7071131

Well I presumed you were suffering from GAD like most of the other /jp/ers I've met.

Oh and I'm here because I also hate people, the things they do, they way they behave and present themselves. But I don't have feelings of rebellion or brooding anger. I choose these hobbies out of free will and not as a means to escape.

>> No.7071142

Yes, I probably do have misconceptions but I am aware of the requirements for something to be labelled as a disorder. All of these things exist on a continuum but where is the line drawn and how can one objectively determine whether the threshold has been passed. I was told that some may have the requirements to pass the threshold but have the coping strategies and will to maintain normal routines, but with great effort. These people are still suffering but because of their ability to handle or disguise it, they will not be diagnosed. I personally view that as unfair.

And the act of engaging in these eccentricities will result in the forced social isolation of the individual should engagement in the hobby be made public. Consequently, this would fulfil the notion of impaired social functioning, despite the fact that the individually may very well be perfectly versed in social communication and is only isolated on the basis of interests. So one may be diagnosed because of this, symptoms of sadness may arise because of this, and the continuing persecution may reinforce thoughts of anxiety. In my view, for the above case (and some others not represented here), it's not a psychological problem but a sociological issue based on how society treats those with deviant hobbies.

>> No.7071165

Coping strategies are learned resistances such as apathy or other measures such as roleplay (assuming the persona of another to disguise or mask and even alter how one is feeling). This goes for psychoses not related to a specific phobia or anxiety.

>However, I can't go to clinic to be diagnosed, because I'm scared of going there.

Hypochondria is a mental illness in itself. You should go to a clinic to confirm whether you simply believe you have an illness (and it is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, common to think you have one after reading some article on the internet; thinking you have one for a long time can bring about decisive change in behaviour despite no underlying cause) or are actually suffering from the illness itself.

>> No.7071168

>I can't go to clinic to be diagnosed

You mean you WON'T go to a clinic because you're scared. An illness is not a barrier that cannot be surpassed. It gives influence to your decisions but does not control them. Sometimes the influence is so strong, in the case of severe and serious psychoses, as to cause great mental distress and almost remove the will of the individual. In your case, you are able to talk coherently and to reason. You aren't being controlled like those permanently and forcibly hospitalised around the world.

>social anxiety

You say they don't have social anxiety. Well guess what a large number of 'social' people do, in fact, have social anxiety (and are diagnosed with it). Some take pills to overcome it, others are given therapy and trained to push past anxiety, yet more are desensitised to panic attacks entirely. Those that aren't diagnosed can cope through illegal chems, alcohol, or similar strategies taught to those treated (strategies that they came about by themselves).

Social anxiety, and anxiety itself, is the most common and most treatable of all mental illnesses. Well I suppose if you hold the delusion that you are controlled, then you truly are psychotic.

>> No.7071177

After I went through years of therapy I could see how much of my personal philosophy was entirely coping mechanisms. It is quite interesting really.

I had something of a traumatic experience that really pushed me beyond the worldview I held for years and years. It was crazy looking back and thinking "fuck, the source of my misery was really me all along." That may not sound fair I suppose, but it was like being able to take responsibility for my own happiness rather than being tied down in bondage. But the situation was far more complex than I care to go into here.

I still prefer to be alone the majority of the time and still probably too eccentric and not really caring about society and the norm, but I feel I am in a better position now than I was when I was 14-21.

Blog etc.

>> No.7071252

>You should go to a clinic to confirm whether you simply believe you have an illness

I need to get to clinic to treat social anxiety. I can't go to the clinic because social anxiety prevents me from going. How do I solve this?

> thinking you have one for a long time can bring about >decisive change in behaviour despite no underlying

My behavior is exactly the same as before. The only difference is, now I can pretend to know some psychological terms, before I just think of it as a "shyness". This, and I learned there actually were people I can relate to on the Internet.

>will of the individual

What exactly is the will? The factors I take into consideration before making a decision were already here. I just use my mind to map these factors onto decisions. The things that made my mind what it is today didn't really were already here too. How am I not controlled then?
I had the same panic attack regardless of how much I drank.

So it's perfectly common for people to be afraid of calling your parents, to hiding from acquaintances you see on the street etc? I'm still afraid of people I knew for years, even though some of them consider me to be their friend. If this is normal, I'm starting to hate myself even more from now on.

>> No.7071261

>*were already here too
>*to be hiding

>> No.7071301

/jp/ theme song

>> No.7071419

I kind of envy people who had some real traumatic experiences or whatever. I fucked everything up just by myself and I'm the only one to blame for all this.
